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S06.E03: Trash Talking

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I was LMAO when Joe Gorga said his truck was for shredding govt documents thinking how helpful that would have been for the Guidices had he bought it earlier. They could have asked Al Manzo to have one of his connections "retrieve" the Guidice's govt docs and JoeGo could have shredded them. No evidence, only dust.


Not buying that Joe spent "millions and millions" on that truck. He claims this is why the holdup on the construction of their new not small and disgusting house. LIES!!! This is the cover story. At the close of last years reunion the Gorgas claimed they sold their house and got every penny of their overinflated (according to the realtors) price. They DID NOT sell that house they RENTED it with an option to buy - totally different animal. Now the Gorgas don't have the cash to begin construction, though I doubt they ever did have that kind of cash, house sale or not. More fronting, more posing. No better than his sister in that aspect.


WTF with Milania! How can Tre and Joe let her act like that? DIscipline her or get her on meds, but do something about that kid! She grabbed the photographers pricey camera, then called him a butthole and told him to shut up? Unbelievable. Tre always says they are old school Italian. If you allow that kind of behavior you're not! I was raised old school Italian and I can tell you with NO doubt if us kids had ever ever disrespected an adult like that we would have been beaten or at the very least had our mouths washed out with soap. Real old school Italians do not allow their kids - especially girls - to act that way. I know it's no longer acceptable to beat kids or wash their mouths out but Tre and Joe should have used other methods to get her under control when she first started acting out. What I saw was not cute or funny. I wonder if she's feeling the tension in the Guidice household and that's making her even more out of control than usual.


Amber talking about her cancer AGAIN is getting old. She mentioned it twice just in the First Look. Is this her storyline, an illness she had several years ago? I feel bad she had to suffer through that but using it as a "hook" for a reality tv show to garner fans and sympathy is sick and disrespectful to cancer survivors.


Tres desserts looked sooo good but don't know that will translate well to a frozen product line if that's her plan. Mass produced is never like homemade.

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I was also raised by an old school Italian father and believe me Malinia's behavior would not fly. I would get the "look" and that would stop me dead in my tracks.


Theresa did not say one word to her and let her do and say whatever she wanted to. I was appalled and felt bad for the guys there just trying to get through the photo shoot.

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Joe Gorga's busines is highly suspect … first of all, there's no way he got the contract to "smoosh" government documents.  Most of those contracts go to government agencies that work with the disadvantaged -- say, veterans or the developmentally disabled.  Second, why was his truck "unmarked"?  Third, that work is usually done on-site.  He wouldn't be going around town with a truck full of paper "dust."  Fourth, no company or agency would  trust sensitive documents to a company started an episode ago.


Most likely, his "garbage" truck got the contract to pick up road kill.  

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Killer Tofu -- So agree -- The drama is desperate and contrived.  Amber in particular is over-acting in every single scene.  


Teresa pretending not to know how this happened to her family is one for the ages.  You'd think all this heartache just fell from the sky, at random, to hear her tell it. 


Dina's daughter is beautiful.  Good to see Kathy and Rosie.  For the rest, a whole lot of cringing going on. And some folks having to deal with houses on the reality scale.


Let's hope that little dog survives Milania and her various moods and whims. 

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Jim you, Amber and the rest of the world knew about the Guidice's legal issues before you signed onto this show.  If it was such a conflict for you you should have bowed out.  I guess your need to promote your "acting" careers trumped all of your "concerns".  Very suspicious behavior to me.

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Did anyone else catch the "look" Melissa gave to Amber when Amber mentioned that she has been doing some acting? It was subtle, but wow.

Interesting that the psychic asked about Joe's dad and if he has "passed over," who then did pass on recently.

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I appreciate the lesbian going to a "guys night out."  Because, apparently, lesbians are just like men, and that was a totally organic way to make sure "fan favorite" Rosie gets a little bit of screentime.  Just...fan-tastic.


Melania's a charmer.  I hope that photographer gets a ton of gigs from this, though.  If he can work through that, he can work just about anything. 


I got nothin' else from this, but I tuned out after that guy talked about an event to raise awareness for first responders.  No disrespect to first responders, I can't see needing to raise awareness about them.  So maybe the interesting stuff was in the second half of the show?

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Every time I watch any of the RH shows, I think of the 30 Rock episode "Queen of Jordan 2: The Mystery of the Phantom Pooper," where Angie Jordan's reality show has a forgotten cast member who's fired because she confesses, "I handle conflict appropriately, and I’m up to date on my mortgage payments.”  I know these women are on a TV show and stir it up for ratings, but clearly Bravo casts people for their willingness and ability to act like Regina George.  God knows none of them are good enough actresses to pretend anything.  In what world is it considered a good personal move to do the beneficent "informing" the women do on each other all the time?  Like, if someone said to ME, "Your best friend says you're a homewrecker," my response would be, "Why are you telling me this?"  Why would they not be the least bit suspicious of Melissa an her motivation?

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Did anyone else catch the "look" Melissa gave to Amber when Amber mentioned that she has been doing some acting? It was subtle, but wow.

Interesting that the psychic asked about Joe's dad and if he has "passed over," who then did pass on recently.

I did, and I said "hypocrite" when it happened...Melissa's "singing career" would NEVER had gotten any attention without this show. So if Melissa can play that game, so can Amber. I am not a fan of Amber in general from what I can see, but Melissa needs to have several seats IMO>

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I was also raised by an old school Italian father and believe me Malinia's behavior would not fly. I would get the "look" and that would stop me dead in my tracks.


Theresa did not say one word to her and let her do and say whatever she wanted to. I was appalled and felt bad for the guys there just trying to get through the photo shoot.


Yeah, and I noticed on a previous episode that every time Audriana does not get her way she immediately starts screaming and tantruming at the top of her lungs.  Yeah, that BS would have lasted about one second with me.  I would have sent Audriana to her room and told her to come back and join the rest of the family when she calmed down.  Of course not only did Teresa not address the meltdown she rewarded the bad behavior (sigh).

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I know it's mostly just drama for the show, and he shouldn't actually be on a show with these people anyway. It's total BS, and I'm aware.

Having said that...I kinda love that Amber's husband wouldn't hang out with Joe. The guy's a freaking criminal. It WOULD look bad for a guy in the mortgage business to hang out with a guy accused of mortgage fraud. Like, potentially lose his livelihood bad. I also liked that he wasn't too keen on both Joe's being known fighters.

You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. At least it's more interesting than the regular sycophantic bullshit we usually get treated to on this show. I'm not even a huge T & J hater, but c'mon! They're in really big trouble AND they're guilty of it. I think the whole, "Juicy is funny and Tre is a good mommy" is pretty played out.

Whole things weird. Bottom line: my brother and my husband are NUTS about each other. They love each other and are truly family. But, if my husband did the crap Joe did and put my children in harm's way, EVER? My brother would kill him. It's all so phony. (Why am I still watching??? Oh yeah, I'm Bravo's bitch.)

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Although I roll my eyes at Amber mentioning her cancer every few minutes, I can accept that it is a huge part of her life and I can deal with it. Hearing Theresa whine every few minutes that her family is being victimized in some way and that they are wonderful parents and people who do not deserve to be facing jail time makes me all rage-y. First off, judging by how her children act in front of strangers (that poor photographer! if that nasty brat manhandled my camera like that I would "accidentally" drive over all of her toys) she is not a good mom. Good moms set boundaries for their children and don't let them act like animals. And as far as "Why is this happening to her family?" that she utters every ten seconds... the answer is "Because you are a criminal". And if she says she just wants to go back to the way things were before one more time I will scream. She means before when they were fleecing all of their creditors, tormenting their renters and breaking laws? Oh yeah, the good ole days. Please let Tre and her husband ROT in prison for a very long time and let someone that cares about those kids correct that horrendous behavior. 

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Oh my goodness, that Milania! She was so disrespectful to that photographer! Who allows their child to treat people that way? She called him a "butthole!" And all she got was a high pitched, "Milania?!" Clearly that's not working. In fact, it's just encouraging her to up the ante with her outrageous behavior - to see how shocking she can be. That little girl needs to have every extra taken away - toys, gadgets, playdates, etc. until she can get herself under control. And she needs to be sent to her room if she cannot be around other people and act appropriately. FTR, I think these elaborate photo shoots Tre wants to make the kids take part in are a bit ridiculous. Young children are not meant to sit and pose for hours. But the other kids don't act like she does. Being cranky is one thing, being a disrespectful snot is another. Somewhere along the way someone thought Milania was cute and fed into this crap and now it's going to be that much harder to reign her in. If they ever even try. 


I can already tell Amber is going to bring up her cancer story every five minutes, look for ways to relate to any and every situation she hears about from other people. She's going to get old real fast. And something about her husband just bugs. I should be thinking, "good on him for not wanting to hang around with crooks and criminals and act like everything is all hunky dory".....but I just can't. I have not yet been able to put my finger on why he bothers me so much, but it's there. Also, their dog's name is "Suri" - please tell me they didn't name it after Tom Cruise's daughter. 


I was laughing SO hard when the twins rushed off in a fury to confront Amber, couldn't even be bothered to change back into their own clothes - it was THAT important - but then realized they had to stop for gas. That was awesome. I'm glad they realized that it was not wise to confront Amber in front of her kids, in her home. We need to see more of that on these shows. 


I just have on question - are lobster bibs equivalent to oxygen masks and life vests? You make sure others' have theirs secured before you don your own? 

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take a shot -

when Amber mentions the "cancer"

when Dina mentions Lexi going to college

when Teresa worries about what will happen to the girls

 I was going to post the exact same thing, haha!


I can already tell Amber is going to bring up her cancer story every five minutes, look for ways to relate to any and every situation she hears about from other people. She's going to get old real fast. And something about her husband just bugs. I should be thinking, "good on him for not wanting to hang around with crooks and criminals and act like everything is all hunky dory".....but I just can't. I have not yet been able to put my finger on why he bothers me so much, but it's there.

 I don't like him either. To me he seems to have an arrogance about him, thinks he's better than everybody else. If he's so concerned about hanging with the Guidices he shouldn't even be on this show. He knew they were part of the cast. That in itself will tarnish his business. I do not understand why people who have their own business go on these shows knowing no one ever comes out looking good. If I lived in NJ his commercials alone, with the Amber "hair flip", would cause me to NOT do business with him.


I still haven't watched the second half of the episode. It was so boring that once they got to the bowling scene I turned it off, esp once I saw Richie was there.

Edited by happykitteh
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Wait, someone correct me if I'm wrong but mortgage bankers are above hanging out with criminals?? I just wanted to get that straight. I seem to remember a few mortgage bankers AND banks having some criminal issues of their own. He just wanted drawma.


ETA- not alleged, forgot about the timeline.

Edited by Chicklet
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Wait, someone correct me if I'm wrong but mortgage bankers are above hanging out with criminals?? I just wanted to get that straight. I seem to remember a few mortgage bankers AND banks having some criminal issues of their own. He just wanted drawma.


Aaaaaaand there we have it. That's why his faux snobbery bugged me so much. 

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Every time I watch any of the RH shows, I think of the 30 Rock episode "Queen of Jordan 2: The Mystery of the Phantom Pooper," where Angie Jordan's reality show has a forgotten cast member who's fired because she confesses, "I handle conflict appropriately, and I’m up to date on my mortgage payments.”  I know these women are on a TV show and stir it up for ratings, but clearly Bravo casts people for their willingness and ability to act like Regina George.  God knows none of them are good enough actresses to pretend anything.  In what world is it considered a good personal move to do the beneficent "informing" the women do on each other all the time?  Like, if someone said to ME, "Your best friend says you're a homewrecker," my response would be, "Why are you telling me this?"  Why would they not be the least bit suspicious of Melissa an her motivation?

And mothafuckin' WORD to the clerk behind the counter with that classic WTF/Awwwwwshit look towards Mel when she started runnin' that mouth. See? Even teenish/young women know better.

Maybe I made too much of it but I loved the psychic. The look he gave Tre when she said something to the effect of, "Moving? WHERE? I'm in, I'm in shock right now!" The way he popped his eyes at her was hilarious. You know you are going to jail or dooooooowwwwwnnsizing, girl. It's reality tv after all-have a reality check Tre!!

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The twins running out of the store in the clothes they were trying on (but hadn't actually paid for yet), but having to stop for gas on the way? LOL. Ridiculous!

And then to puss out when they get there!! Oh, you are so HAM twins!!!

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Wait, someone correct me if I'm wrong but mortgage bankers are above hanging out with criminals?? I just wanted to get that straight. I seem to remember a few mortgage bankers AND banks having some criminal issues of their own.



All the more reason for him to want to distance himself if he's legit, isn't it?  


He hasn't given me enough to hate him yet, certainly not for that.  I raised an eyebrow at their etiquette-lessons-at-dinner performance we usually get from new cast members with children.  On the other hand, at least it shows they care how their kids behave, and they  seem like nice kids, and they have a boxer, and IT is well behaved.  All good in my book.  "The cancer" is annoying, but what's housewife without something to mock?


James van Pragh - talk about a lazy cold reading - he didn't even google the stuff he could have found out easily ahead of time.  "His father's dead? No? He's in Italy? No?  Oh, he feels like he wants his father's respect."  I don't think even Teresa was buying it.


Melissa can go have a seat with "how dare they judge my brother- and sister-in-law just because they're got 40-something federal indictments!  Who do they think they are?"  Presumably people without federal indictments (current or looming.)

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Joe Gorga's busines is highly suspect … first of all, there's no way he got the contract to "smoosh" government documents.  Most of those contracts go to government agencies that work with the disadvantaged -- say, veterans or the developmentally disabled.  

Well, he may qualify under the latter.  


Maybe they are are only taking in work from connected cronies, not actual government agencies?  Who knows.  The whole thing was stupid.  I did enjoy how Joe totally spilled the beans that the new house isn't really happening.


Amber's husband - I don't know how Bravo does this to me, but I would rather hang out with a convicted Joe Guidice than that SOB.  First laughing when the dead pig freaked his daughter out, then the stupid family-casted commercials, and now he's too good to hang out with people who were already cast on the reality show he joined.  Whatever.  Go away.

Edited by TexasGal
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I was over Amber at etiquacy and wine through a straw.   She can officially get the the hell off my tv screen now.   Oh and Amber?  What cancels out any sympathy I might have had for you as a cancer survivor was the fact that you need to remind us of it about every 9 minutes and I probably just don't like you at all.  The fact that you've muttered some of the most passive aggressive remarks about your own children I've ever heard any mom make don't really help.  I get it, your life's not the same and you hate it, I'd probably respect you tons more if you just said so. 


While we're talking about the results of wonderful mothering.....Milania.   I'm embarrassed to admit that I want someone to mace that kid.   I'm not a fan of corporal punishment but she needed her ass beat early and often.  That ship sailed though.  Maybe she and her father can talk about it in adjoining cells when she's a teenager.


I promise I giggled at Tre's: let the haters hate.   No Teresa, haters are people who are envious of your situation.     James telling her I see you moving - you can't even see the lightbulb flicker or spark or anything, it just never came on.   Yes babe, he sees you moving to a bigger house, the big house if we're gonna be specific.  Hope you love love love it.  

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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I usually like Milania but this episode found me wanting to scream at her.  She was not amusing in the least. I think she's been told how "cute" she is over and over again and she's overreaching.  Not everything is cute or even acceptable.


I wished Amber had given Melissa a chance to respond when she asked about her signing "career" because it seems to have died on the vine.  Along with her "book".


Amber's husband grates - I started liking Rino a bit more tonight, especially during the restaurant scene when his wife was going on and on about the Guidices, and he cut in and simply said "We just met you but we're here for you".  To the point, and done with the conversation.


What is very appealing to me is how Richie has to stand in the background and hardly talk. It's almost like a cameo appearance. If he has to be on my screen at all, this will work for me.  Thank You Bravo. 

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But what's wrong with drinking through a straw? 


Regular stuff?  nothing I can think of.  At this very moment I'm enjoying a medium iced tea, orange straw included.    Miss Emily Post would frown upon drinking wine through a straw because it's all kinds of an etiquacy breach.   Girl please, I'm a fan of the red solo cup but pinkies in the air and straws in your glass = me asking you to drop the bullshit or read more books on actual etiquette.

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I was over Amber at etiquacy and wine through a straw.   She can officially get the the hell off my tv screen now.   Oh and Amber?  What cancels out any sympathy I might have had for you as a cancer survivor was the fact that you need to remind us of it about every 9 minutes and I probably just don't like you at all.  The fact that you've muttered some of the most passive aggressive remarks about your own children I've ever heard any mom make don't really help.  I get it, your life's not the same and you hate it, I'd probably respect you tons more if you just said so.


While we're talking about the results of wonderful mothering.....Milania.   I'm embarrassed to admit that I want someone to mace that kid.   I'm not a fan of corporal punishment but she needed her ass beat early and often.  That ship sailed though.  Maybe she and her father can talk about it in adjoining cells when she's a teenager.


I promise I giggled at Tre's: let the haters hate.   No Teresa, haters are people who are envious of your situation.     James telling her I see you moving - you can't even see the lightbulb flicker or spark or anything, it just never came on.   Yes babe, he sees you moving to a bigger house, the big house if we're gonna be specific.  Hope you love love love it.


Love, love, love every word of this post!

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If you google Mortgage Now, ironically is was found deficient in a recent HUD investigation in terms of their loan practices - rolled eyes.


And I don't understand why someone who chose to be on a reality show knowing who the cast members were, can with a straight face, claim they can't go bowling with a cast member because of facts known to the public at large.


And I just can't with this ridiculous feuds over idle gossip. Everyone gossips and yet these shrews acts as if it is a cardinal sin. Now I agree that there is really evil gossip in which the intent is to deliberately and maliciously cause problems for the person being gossiped about. But stating that you had heard that a divorced person had an affair is the kind of thing that most people engage in when discussing why someone might have gotten a divorce. 

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And I just can't with this ridiculous feuds over idle gossip. Everyone gossips and yet these shrews acts as if it is a cardinal sin. Now I agree that there is really evil gossip in which the intent is to deliberately and maliciously cause problems for the person being gossiped about. But stating that you had heard that a divorced person had an affair is the kind of thing that most people engage in when discussing why someone might have gotten a divorce.


I wasn't quite sure what Amber was saying, but it came across to me like Nicole had had an affair with a married man and broke up HIS family. I don't know if this was supposed to have taken place while SHE was married as well, or if this was a relationship that happened after her divorce. But either way, I wouldn't exactly call that "idle gossip". I do think that being painted as a homewrecker could cause problems for someone. If it was just stupid people I didn't know talking about me, I wouldn't be as bothered. But I thought Amber and the twins were supposed to be pretty close? It would bother me if a close friend was telling other people that I broke up a family, especially if it wasn't true. Melissa comes across as a shit-stirrer quite often, but Nicole would have seen what Amber said on tv anyway.

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I do think I love Rino and Bobby a bit...yes I know they are over the top...but compared to the men over the last seasons...these guys are fun and it is nice to see some new personalities, albeit over the top. I am born and raised in Brooklyn so I have many relatives who are like this...so it doesn't bother me in a way it might bother others.....fyi.

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Where did Joe Go get millions and millions?? I will never believe that little moron had that kind of money. If he does have that kind of loot, he's either a thief or a hitman, IMO.

Melissa sits there and Joe tells her that he invested all of their money and could possibly end up with nothing and she just smiles. I don't know too many wives who would be okay with a husband making those kinds of decisions without her knowledge. Apparently Teresa is that kind of wife, *cough cough*. So maybe Melissa really does copy Teresa.

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I thought the kicker to the Nicole rumor was that she'd slept with Dina's ex-husband and Dina hadn't known the details until now.   Like considering the stuff that this crowd doesn't take seriously, infidelity gossip doesn't seem like it would be such a big deal, unlesssssss..........lol.


thanks 'kitteh ;)

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I do think I love Rino and Bobby a bit...yes I know they are over the top...but compared to the men over the last seasons...these guys are fun and it is nice to see some new personalities, albeit over the top. I am born and raised in Brooklyn so I have many relatives who are like this...so it doesn't bother me in a way it might bother others.....fyi.

They are an improvement over Al Manzo sitting there with his quiet stare while he presents his ring to be kissed. Joe Giudice with all his faults at least made for good tv. I hope the new guys, especially Rino can bring it.

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Just got through this episode.  Those noxious twins are just too much for me.  Their squeaky voices and uber enthusiasm about being in front of the cameras has me rolling my eyes every time they are on my screen.  ''She said WHAT about me?!!  I'm gonna get in my car and go confront her RIGHT NOW, no time to even change clothes! Come on sis and Bravo Cameras-- follow me!  I've got a STORY LINE and this is gonna be great!"  ugh, no. 


I agree with everyone about Amber and her Story.  Sorry she had cancer, but seriously why is she on this show? 


Milania is a sad case.  Teresa obviously thinks her actions are cute and bring more attention to her family in a good way as in,'' Oh that little character, Milania!!  Teresa has a cutie there, wonder what she'll say next?!"  again, ugh,no.


I don't need to see Rosie or Richie on my screen AT ALL.  No thanks, Bravo.  Not interesting.  (but it IS fun to see a newly humbled Richie having to let the other guys get center stage, heh) 


Lastly, Melissa's 'character' has evolved from the backstabbing sister in law who wants to get in on the successful tv show,too! to the Gracious and Sexy sister in law who has a Career and is above it all.  I just cant with her,either.  You know the real schemer is there behind the façade and gleeful that her competition in the show and in the family is going down.    


PS--- James Van Praugh seems a little...... how do I say...  maybe alcoholic or something?  He just seemed kinda run down at the heels to me.  I remember him in earlier years on tv, all confident and polished and here he is in Dina's house shooting blanks Teresa's way, not seeming to care if he's anywhere near right.  (seriously, like a poster upthread said, why on earth didn't he google what Teresa's storyline was and be SURE about her father in law.  I could have done what he did from my couch sippin diet pepsi through a straw...)

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