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S18.E05: Meet You At The Drive-In

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The chefs are tasked to create a dish featuring roses or rose products inspired by the mother figure in their lives; the chefs will go head-to-head at the first-ever Top Chef Drive-In, where each team must create dishes based on popular movie genres.


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If Chris hadn’t had immunity, I think he would have gone home. 

As soon as it came down to Gabriel and Shota (both of whom the judges, rightfully, love) and Jaime, I knew Jaime was done for, even though I don’t think she had the worst dish. Bye Jamie! *sad slide-whistle sound effect*

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Cauliflower tots totally should have been PYKAG'd.  After tonight I will never believe that it is the worst dish of the night that sends a chef home.


Delighted that Tom thought Avishar's dish was the best of the night.  Richard seemed to like him too.


I have to admit, and don't throw things at me, that Richard looked hot in the first half when he was wearing a short sleeved t-shirt.  He looks like he has been working out and he has a buff set of biceps.  Muscular biceps always turn me on in a man.

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Two bad chicken dishes in a row.  Maybe I should go on Top Chef.  I can nail chicken every time.  Though, to be fair, I have all the time in the world, being retired and not needing to work.

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I heard a lot of Spanish this week (I don't need the subtitles) and was hoping that Maria would win since she got so much air time. Glad she got some positive feedback since her food really does seem to be good. My Middle-Eastern parts loved the rose quickfire challenge.

Dawn is a badass being confident in her popcorn.

Jamie grew on me, but she was the right one to go.

Edited by The Solution
Her FOOD seems to be good. Maybe I shouldn't drink wine as I watch this.
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I swear I watch this show for the food, but now that I've picked Sarah as Andie from Dawson's Creek, tonight Gabriel reminded me of Tim Tebow.  

So, while Tater Tot Tebow should have gone home with that dish IMO, I'm glad Jamie is headed to LCK.  I don't watch it, so if she's over there winning away, I'm not listening to her vocals.  As someone who also tends to speak in "sounds", she even bugs me a little bit.  Maybe it's a nervous thing with her and she doesn't always realize the degree to which she does it.  Either way, once an epi is enough and as long as we got a reaction shot from Tom or Padma, I was good with it.  Now she can "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" all epi long over on LCK.  

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That was fun.  It's too bad it rained on a clever and well-organized challenge.  I'm not a big fan of Padma but I thought she did a good job with her genre introductions.  

I'm sure Jamie cooked her chicken in some way but it looked raw and flabby.  Yuck.  Even Shota's black whatever it was looked more appetizing.  Jamie seems like a nice gal but I won't miss the giggling and sound effects.  I had a hard time taking her seriously.

There was a very quick glimpse of Douggie Adams but it went by so fast that I couldn't see who was in the driver's seat.  I was hoping they'd pan past him again because I'd like to see him again but they didn't.  

Cauliflower tots and dip are actually good IMO but they were an insipid choice for the challenge.  


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10 minutes ago, Lassus said:

Maria's drama is just overwhelming and tiresome.

Along with that, everyone whining about "I'm not cooking my food" and the judges "Cook YOUR food" is starting to grate on me a bit.  I think part of being a good chef would be the ability to make SOMEONE ELSE's food, and stop concentrating on your damn self so much.

Well, at least in this competition it certainly helps!

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Jamie should have gone with her first instinct not to make chicken wings again. She let douchey Gabriel talk her into making them. I wish he had gone but there’s always next week. That being said, her wings looked unappetizingly rubbery. Dawn was smart to make gourmet popcorn. I didn’t catch what was in it, though. 

Byron has been under my radar until now. His chicken looked delicious. Shota has to step it up. Whatever that monstrosity he made was, it looked inedible. And the dead dog story didn’t help.

I would totally watch a show with Gregory, Kwame and Melissa. They are fun, interesting judges.   Pretty sure Tom was stoned during the drive in challenge.






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I'm not sure they really planned this one well.  Someone was going to win quick and the episode was going to be 45 minutes long?  So when the other team keeps coming back, it seems REALLY scripted.

Also, Padma was actually.... not entertaining.  

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4 minutes ago, avecsans said:

Jamie should have gone with her first instinct not to make chicken wings again. She let douchey Gabriel talk her into making them.

And then let others talk her into cooking them differently than she normally does (and the resulting texture was specifically cited by the judges as one of the knocks against her dish).  To her credit, she owned her mistake in not asserting ownership over the dish after the fact, and I get that it can be difficult - especially for a woman - to take that stand in the moment.  I just really wish she'd done so, because then fucking Gabriel would be off my screen.

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Jamie’s chicken looked gross, plus it was too messy to eat in the car. At least Gabriel’s fit the occasion. Not too sad to Jamie go, her noises were really starting to get excessively annoying. I don’t know how much Gabriel really forced her to do anything, it seemed like she said something about wanting to do a “white castle” because it would be funny (why would that be funny? I don’t get it. What’s a “white castle” other than the burger chain?) and Gabriel said, “how about chicken? There’s a lot of comedy with chicken,” and Jamie said OK. She didn’t push back or anything so that’s all on her. He just gave a suggestion and she went with it.

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36 minutes ago, susannot said:

Are cauliflower tots and caulflower rice and cauliflower everything really that much lower in calories than their more carby counterparts?  Asking for a friend.

They are lower in carbs, but not necessarily lower in calories. I’m not a huge cauliflower fan, but I have had them in tot form and they were quite good.  

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1 hour ago, Cotypubby said:

Jamie’s chicken looked gross, plus it was too messy to eat in the car. At least Gabriel’s fit the occasion. Not too sad to Jamie go, her noises were really starting to get excessively annoying. I don’t know how much Gabriel really forced her to do anything, it seemed like she said something about wanting to do a “white castle” because it would be funny (why would that be funny? I don’t get it. What’s a “white castle” other than the burger chain?) and Gabriel said, “how about chicken? There’s a lot of comedy with chicken,” and Jamie said OK. She didn’t push back or anything so that’s all on her. He just gave a suggestion and she went with it.

Harold and Kumar?

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1 hour ago, Cotypubby said:

Gabriel said, “how about chicken? There’s a lot of comedy with chicken,” and Jamie said OK. She didn’t push back or anything so that’s all on her. He just gave a suggestion and she went with it.

And when they told her to cook the chicken less, she just went along with it even though she disagreed. 

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Never listen to Gabriel’s meddling. He’s afraid of flavor, which works for his refined style but not for others. Dawn had to fight him to use pepper on hearty ribs. We saw that wimpy ribs can get panned in this episode. And Jamie got railroaded into making a dish she couldn’t stand behind. White castle style sliders would’ve been perfect as it referenced a specific comedy  

The horror genre could’ve used a better showing, how about grilled chicken hearts and livers on a stick?




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She made the classic mistake on a team challenge, letting the team dictate what and how she made her dish while forgetting she will still be judged individually. Everyone seemed to hate the cauliflower tots and that should have sent him home. Curious if Jamie will add anything to her menu after this experience. Clark County will allow 80% occupancy on Saturday and if positivity rates stay low 100% on June 1.

I swear during the Quickfire one of the chefs tasted his dish then put that spoon back into it.

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2 hours ago, avecsans said:

Dawn was smart to make gourmet popcorn. I didn’t catch what was in it, though. 

I rewound to catch the description: duck skin furikake popcorn, and spiced caramel popcorn

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Wow at the popcorn beating the ribs.  I get that Dawn made good popcorn...but really?  Chris really must have screwed up the ribs, because I'm pretty sure people would pick good ribs over good popcorn any day.  Its like the same thing picking a hot dog over cauliflower tater tots.

Padma's intros were hilariously cringey.  Along with all the chef's intros.  Majority of them should not try to do stand up comedy.  I did love Tom sinking down in his seat getting second hand embarrassment watching Padma's intros. 

Yeah the movie themes, never really liked them, because of the ridiculously loose interpretation.  Like I kind of understood Shota, for going so literal, and almost getting screwed up for it.  Like how is Korean Fried Chicken comedy?  Chris talking about people fighting over a rib that's drama...um, okay that's a ridiculous stretch.  At least Gabriel dipping tater tots was loosely action, even though it was lame.  

Funny like in Richard Blais' season Chicago they had a movie theme as well.  And some of the chefs really took liberties (Spike made vietnamese spring rolls and decided to go with good morning Vietnam.  lol)

Edited by seltzer3
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3 hours ago, seltzer3 said:

Padma's intros were hilariously cringey.  Along with all the chef's intros.  Majority of them should not try to do stand up comedy.  I did love Tom sinking down in his seat getting second hand embarrassment watching Padma's intros. 

It made me wonder if they had asked Tom to do them (or at least half of them) and he claimed to be too busy or something, and was so relieved he hadn't done them once he saw what they put Padma up to.

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Jaime or Gabriel...for me it is a toss up who should have gone. Screwing up something as well known as wings vs boring with subjective texture issues. They probably made the right decision.

Maria is annoying. Doesn’t seem like a standout in the group and too much self pity

Strange someone would tell Tom they want “ to beat that Italian boy...”

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I grok the complaints about this challenge, but honestly, I didn't mind it.  It was a specific thing, make good car food to snack on.  I get that trying to force it into a theme setting was annoying, but I've seen worse.  Specifically, this gives me a chance to complain about what I consider my personal nadir of Top Chef challenges, making the chefs ski and shoot for advantages while in CO.  That was, in my mind, the absolute stupidest thing ever.  Granted I'm sure I'm missing something worse.

I was kind of disappointed that this theater/movie challenge didn't include some bit of a shoutout to McMenamins. I assume they are still a thing out there?  Seemed an odd missed opportunity to show some Portland bona fides.

Edited by Lassus
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When two men and a women were at the bottom, I knew the woman was going to go. I thought the tots seemed worse and hoped Gabriel would go. Is Roscoe the only man eliminated so far?

 @Lassus: "Specifically, this gives me a chance to complain about what I consider my personal nadir of Top Chef challenges, making the chefs ski and shoot for advantages while in CO."

I remember them doing stuff like that in Canada when it was Paul, Sarah and Jean, having to hack things out of the ice.

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Coincidentally I am making a pistachio and rose water cake today. Hope it comes out as well as their rose dishes seemed to.

They seem to be doing a better job of NOT telegraphing who is going home. Maria got the pack-your-knives edit, but then did really well. Of course that happened a couple of weeks ago with Kiki, and she just went home the NEXT week. So we'll see.

Did anyone else think they were awfully hard on the losing team critiques? I mean 3 of them won the side-by-side! And did I miss it or did they skip over saying anything about the churro-with-chicken-liver monstrosity?

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12 hours ago, susannot said:

Are cauliflower tots and caulflower rice and cauliflower everything really that much lower in calories than their more carby counterparts?  Asking for a friend

I choose to believe so because it makes me feel better about eating tots, lol (but I just checked the bag of Green Giant cauliflower tots in my freezer and they don't even try to lie -- it just says "one whole serving of vegetables!"...so, technically, no -- but still, super tasty in the air fryer!). Not surprised they were gummy in the middle, most of the faux-cauliflower stuff is like that.

12 hours ago, ALittleShelfish said:

Gabriel reminded me of Tim Tebow

Yeah, I caught a whiff of Tebow from him last week and it was back in full force again (the "look at me" quality is also contributing).

9 hours ago, Fukui San said:

The horror genre could’ve used a better showing, how about grilled chicken hearts and livers on a stick?

Remember the ridiculously awesome challenge for that Charlize Theron Snow White thing? Now that was 'horror' food done well. I really like Shota and most of the food he's done so far, but his description kinda made it sound like he was serving something inspired by a dead dog and that's not what anyone wants to hear before digging into a charred, black corn dog. Feh.

9 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

She made the classic mistake on a team challenge, letting the team dictate what and how she made her dish while forgetting she will still be judged individually.

Yep -- I knew Jamie was in trouble when she let herself be pigeon-holed into wings when she clearly didn't want to do them, and I knew she was gone the minute she said she changed how she was preparing the chicken because of someone else's take when she "knew" her way was better. The talking-heads telegraphed this one early on (not only from her comments, but the sad little non-committal shrugs).

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I thought it was a fun challenge, and really, they were still being judged on how good the food was, not necessarily if it completely fit the them. The winning dish didn't seem to be all that related to comedy, but it tasted really good, so... The movie theme thing was just a place to start. 

I didn't like the contrived scoring, especially when you knew the one team was going to "come back" and tie things up, but overall I think the correct team won. 

Not bothered by the auf this week, though I think I would have been okay with any of the bottom going home. 


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35 minutes ago, roctavia said:

I thought it was a fun challenge, and really, they were still being judged on how good the food was, not necessarily if it completely fit the them. The winning dish didn't seem to be all that related to comedy, but it tasted really good, so... The movie theme thing was just a place to start. 

I didn't like the contrived scoring, especially when you knew the one team was going to "come back" and tie things up, but overall I think the correct team won. 

Not bothered by the auf this week, though I think I would have been okay with any of the bottom going home. 


Thought I was watching Hell's Kitchen! The losing team makes a dramatic comeback, then there's a tie, then "We'll tell you who's won at Judges' Table." All that was missing was the voiceover and dramatic music. 

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21 minutes ago, JBurg58 said:

Thought I was watching Hell's Kitchen! The losing team makes a dramatic comeback, then there's a tie, then "We'll tell you who's won at Judges' Table." All that was missing was the voiceover and dramatic music. 

Tom also did not call anyone a "#%(*^! Donkey!".

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46 minutes ago, JBurg58 said:

Thought I was watching Hell's Kitchen! The losing team makes a dramatic comeback, then there's a tie, then "We'll tell you who's won at Judges' Table."

Do you think they fudged that? It sure seemed "suspiciously dramatic."

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3 hours ago, JLaw said:

Loosely (and I mean loosely) tied to the Oscars this week?

Back in the fall when this was filmed I don't know if the Oscars even had a date set yet. As I understand it, this challenge was sort of invented to make up for not having Restaurant Wars ( due to the impossibility of social distancing ) . 

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In the past they haven't bothered fudging it like they've been alleged to have done this time. The Tennis challenge in All-Stars ended early. The Finale between Kristin and Brooke ended early with an insurmountable lead. So, not sure why they'd change now.

I like that there was actually surprise sometimes when Tom and Padma talked to the other cars. Tom and Padma came to their conclusion and were shocked that other people thought differently, including the ultimate sci-fi vote. 

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