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Kody Brown: Part-Time Father

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On 1/29/2023 at 8:47 PM, Ms.Lulu said:

I think Kody would support any of the kids going in as officers only. When Garrison joined the national guard his big concern was that Garrison could be deployed and see action. I think Kody would support the academies or ROTC for all of the kids. (Remember, the only things he is afraid of are poverty and student loans)

My husband went to a military academy and is an officer; they do deploy! And definitely the junior officers (such as lieutenants and captains) can expect real frontline duties too. 
Kody seemed supportive of his sons’ choices, albeit with some parental concern which is perfectly understandable. Yet I suspect that Kody will not support any of his daughters if they were to choose this! He still has some pretty fundamentalist/conservative ideas, particularly when it comes to women. And in their culture, a woman is first and foremost a homemaker. A career within certain areas such as care, education, (mlm) sales, is acceptable but they generally disapprove of women in traditional male professions such as the military or construction. 

And yes, years back he didn’t seem totally against Leon’s ideas about going to Westpoint, but I suspect this was only because he knew it wasn’t a serious option for Leon anyway, so why bother talking it out of their heads? 

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On 2/1/2023 at 4:51 AM, LilyD said:

And yes, years back he didn’t seem totally against Leon’s ideas about going to Westpoint, but I suspect this was only because he knew it wasn’t a serious option for Leon anyway, so why bother talking it out of their heads? 

Back then his point to Leon was that to apply and qualify as a candidate to a military academy (their reference was to the Naval Academy in Annapolis) was that they would have to attend an accredited school and not the homeschool church based school that they chose to stay in when the rest of the siblings went to public school. I think it was Kodys attempt to push them towards public school.

Edited by Roslyn
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At the beginning of the season kootie said he thought Christine would want to go to therapy. And Robyn also mentioned therapy.   Kootie may have been in therapy sessions, but he didn’t do the work. He took no accountability.  He loves to use that word for others, but not himself.  Christine had him go on that Texas trip to work on them and he made it all about the family. He bulldozed and didn’t care he wasn’t doing the exercise. And Nancy didn’t step in to stop him.  

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38 minutes ago, dariafan said:

At the beginning of the season kootie said he thought Christine would want to go to therapy. And Robyn also mentioned therapy.   Kootie may have been in therapy sessions, but he didn’t do the work. He took no accountability.  He loves to use that word for others, but not himself.  Christine had him go on that Texas trip to work on them and he made it all about the family. He bulldozed and didn’t care he wasn’t doing the exercise. And Nancy didn’t step in to stop him.  

the often misguided notion that someone can go to therapy to get "fixed" so that the referring person doesn't have to take responsibility or do any work.  Fix her to Kody's liking.  Ha!

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On 2/2/2023 at 1:36 PM, Roslyn said:

Back then his point to Leon was that to apply and qualify as a candidate to a military academy (their reference was to the Naval Academy in Annapolis) was that they would have to attend an accredited school and not the homeschool church based school that they chose to stay in when the rest of the siblings went to public school. I think it was Kodys attempt to push them towards public school.

I remember that. It seems like they were in the kitchen and Leon announced that they planned on being a doctor. But they didn't want to quit the private church school. Kody was tring to convince them that they needed to graduate from an accredited school to get into a military academy. As usual Leon would not listen to reason and said that they were not going to go to a public school as they didn't want to to picked on or somoething like that. Even back then Leon showed them self as an entitlted know it all brat who was somehow special. 

As far as believing that Leon has an MSW I would have to see a diploma from an accredited school of social work showing that they had earned the MSW. I don't care what Meri says about Leon finishing graduate school. Meri did not say that Leon earned a MSW. She could be saying that Leon was finished as in quit graduate school. Has Leon ever said that they had an MSW? 

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I'm still 100% that Kody knew that Leon would never give up on that private church school. Shortly after the family moved to LV and Leon did everything possible to stay in Lehi and said school+community, which was ultimately blocked by Kody and Meri.  I just do not see Kody as the type of dad to be supportive of his daughters going to the military. Leon's devotion to religion and that school as the easy way out for Kody to stop that career path.

And no, I don't see Leon being qualified for whatever it was they were doing. It would have been all over the internet either by Leon or by Meri. The thundering silence regarding this says it all. 

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A while back I went through and checked the Loyola commencement programs for Leon's old name, and didn't find it.  Granted, I didn't know they were Leon at the time (this was probably, what, a year before that change became public), so it's possible that I missed it ("Brown" is a common last name).  I tried to find the programs again a few days ago, but didn't succeed.  

Did they blast them graduating from Westminster all over social media? I seem to recall pictures and such of them in the graduation gown with Audrey, but I might be making it up.  I can't imagine that they wouldn't blast earning a Masters Degree everywhere as well, even if they weren't at the graduation due to COVID.

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8 hours ago, Fosca said:

A while back I went through and checked the Loyola commencement programs for Leon's old name, and didn't find it.  Granted, I didn't know they were Leon at the time (this was probably, what, a year before that change became public), so it's possible that I missed it ("Brown" is a common last name).  I tried to find the programs again a few days ago, but didn't succeed.  

Did they blast them graduating from Westminster all over social media? I seem to recall pictures and such of them in the graduation gown with Audrey, but I might be making it up.  I can't imagine that they wouldn't blast earning a Masters Degree everywhere as well, even if they weren't at the graduation due to COVID.

When they announced they were moving to SLC from Chicago Leon said they were transferring their masters SW credits to 'The U.' I assumed it was the University of Utah.

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Leon may have completed the coursework but not the capstone, internship or thesis. My friend has been dragging on her thesis completion and I understand that completely.  I would wash my floor or toilet to put off working on that.


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9 hours ago, sheshark said:

Leon may have completed the coursework but not the capstone, internship or thesis.

I would put money on that.  Leon posted pix of avocado toast, fancy brunches and coffee shops with books artfully arranged nearby.  That seemed to be the bulk of Leon's college experience.

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13 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

When they announced they were moving to SLC from Chicago Leon said they were transferring their masters SW credits to 'The U.' I assumed it was the University of Utah.

I missed that--thank you!

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Leon may have completed the coursework but not the capstone, internship or thesis. My friend has been dragging on her thesis completion and I understand that completely.  I would wash my floor or toilet to put off working on that.

Masters programs in social work don't usually require a thesis or a capstone project though some may have a final exam covering the entire curriculum (two years full time). They usually require two internships however - foundation (or first year) at about 16 hours a week and advanced year (second year) at about 20 hours per week. These "field placements" also have a corresponding class - and all that together gets you six credits (three in fall semester and three in spring semester). The timelines are adjusted for part-time students (I went part time and it took me four full years to complete my master's) and of course, COVID totally threw a wrench in everything as many places that traditionally hosted field placements either moved to a virtual environment or closed altogether.

You could, in theory I suppose, complete all your classroom credits and then complete the field placements consecutively but I've never known anyone to actually do that. I imagine that universities really look askance at anyone taking too many advanced courses without being concurrently enrolled in an advanced field placement. I guess it's possible but I don't think it's likely.

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On 1/4/2023 at 12:49 PM, WhatsUpDummy said:

It's not nothing.  Robyn slurs almost everything she says and it drives me crazy.  Even in the old opening segment she said "It feels like dessiny", completely leaving out the T.  And have you ever noticed how she never pronounces "-ing" completely?  It's always "sittin", "standin", "hopin", "prayin".  Once you hear it you can't unhear it.  Same with "dill", "rill", "fill"...aside from Janelle  they could all use an elocution coach.  

Don't forget "pitcher" instead of piCture. 

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On 2/7/2023 at 6:54 PM, Elizzikra said:

Masters programs in social work don't usually require a thesis or a capstone project though some may have a final exam covering the entire curriculum (two years full time). They usually require two internships however - foundation (or first year) at about 16 hours a week and advanced year (second year) at about 20 hours per week. These "field placements" also have a corresponding class - and all that together gets you six credits (three in fall semester and three in spring semester). The timelines are adjusted for part-time students (I went part time and it took me four full years to complete my master's) and of course, COVID totally threw a wrench in everything as many places that traditionally hosted field placements either moved to a virtual environment or closed altogether.

You could, in theory I suppose, complete all your classroom credits and then complete the field placements consecutively but I've never known anyone to actually do that. I imagine that universities really look askance at anyone taking too many advanced courses without being concurrently enrolled in an advanced field placement. I guess it's possible but I don't think it's likely.

At one point Leon posted a picture of a calendar with their classes/assignments and I recall there were blocks marked out for work and I'm pretty sure an internship as well.

Just now, Teafortwo said:



Edited by Teafortwo
wrong pronoun
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I can't wait to see Kody's reaction to Christine's new relationship.

He went crazy because Janelle stayed friends with Christine.

I think we are going to see Kody go absolutely insane when he hears about Christine and David.

He wanted Christine to be alone and miserable for having the audacity to leave him. The exact opposite is happening.

I love this whole thing.

Also, at first I thought he was going to visit with Truley for filming purposes. Now I think he's going to guard his turf. I don't think he can stand the thought of David in Utah, taking his place.

He doesn't want Christine or her kids, but I bet he doesn't want anyone else to have them either.

Too bad for Kody.

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I'm thinking Kody will be an asshole and take the fun out of it for us by being all fake magnanimous about David, greeting him like a brother and apppearing to "sanction" their relationship as if his approval means something.

But we all will know that deep down inside, he's wounded and whimpering !  He is!

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I don't think Kootie is gonna behave too badly towards David.  First, I think David could kick Ramen Noodle's hieny quite  easily, and Kootie knows it.  Second, if Kootie goes too far it will be bad for business, meaning putting those critical TLC checks in jeopardy.  This is an old, threadbare show that's not worth too much trouble to TLC at this point. Kootie is all about the business, and he's not gonna jeopardize those checks for Christine, out of all of his wives.

Now, will he puff up and beat his chest and attempt to throw his poo around for those ratings? You bet!  But that's about it for the old Kodester.  😁

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I doubt if Sobbin would let him move to Utah for any length of time, even for the show! You know those "babies" of hers can't go more than a day or two without the Kodster... And I seriously doubt she would leave her McMansion to go with him, (with kids in tow of course). I just don't see that happening, she'll make up some kind of twisted lie about why he shouldn't go for too long and then squeeze out some dry tears. Poor her... 

Edited by Gramto6
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Kody must have stocked up on new gloves and visors. I'm sure he wears his gun shirts under his open flannels when he goes to UT. And he is likely thinking buying his brother's big, big, big truck was the best move he made last year. I'm guessing he hits the car wash when he crosses the border.

I can actually see him - when he stands, he'll lean against something with one leg crossed at the ankle. When he sits, he'll manspread. He'll interject conversations with laughs and with swipes to his noodles while saying, Yes!, followed by more nervous laughter. He'll make sure to pay attention to his grandbabies as if he always has been doting on them. And he'll talk about all the builders he met with in Flagstaff and act like a sheetrock expert. 

I will watch the shit out this.

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This is an excerpt from an All About The Tea article...

"A source tells All About The Tea exclusively, “Kody is fuming that Christine has brought her new man around the family so fast … especially his grandkids.” The family insider added, “Kody feels they’re moving too fast and Christine is wet behind the ears when it comes to men.” 

According to the family snitch, “Kody feels her new boyfriend might be using Christine for fame.”

Kody really is a disgusting jackass.

1. He refuses to believe that a person would fall for Christine because she's pretty and nice. Before Christine was even gone, he was saying that another man would "use" her for money. I think that the thing that's so funny is that Robyn did use Kody for money and fame, while it seems that David does honestly care for Christine and has no ulterior motives.

2. If he has a problem with David being around his grandchildren, he should take it up with Mykelti. She's the one who decides who's around her kids. She obviously doesn't have a problem with it.

3. I'm sure that many members of Kody's family felt that he moved too quickly with Robyn and her kids. Kody didn't seem to mind when he was the one bringing strangers into the family too quickly.


Edited by Libby
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I actually agree that it's the grandkids that are making him crazier than anything. He seems to always have loved little kids (when they're at the Dad is Superman stage) and by everybody's account was pretty involved with them. 

In his MIND he's still that guy. Pictures of Christine and Janelle with the grandkids make him go "awww - I need to get over there and have some grandpa time." Which he may or may not get around to in person. But he probably fires up the face time and gushes and talks about how much they look like him. 

But seeing another man in the inner circle holding those babies? Having an ongoing relationship with those babies? That's one step away from making a painting showing Christine's New Guy in Kody's place. Because that's what divorced people DO, as he knows very well.


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Those little kids are going to be much closer to whoever they are around the most ... it won't matter to them at all if David was a recent addition to the family.  If he's there from the beginning of their lives and around them all the time, he's gonna be just as much a grandfather to them as Kody - maybe more so! 

That must be eating Ramen Head up!  I hope Kody can't contain himself and makes a big deal on the show complaining about it.  I want to see him pay the price for being such a selfish, neglectful POS

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4 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Those little kids are going to be much closer to whoever they are around the most ... it won't matter to them at all if David was a recent addition to the family.  If he's there from the beginning of their lives and around them all the time, he's gonna be just as much a grandfather to them as Kody - maybe more so! 

That must be eating Ramen Head up!  I hope Kody can't contain himself and makes a big deal on the show complaining about it.  I want to see him pay the price for being such a selfish, neglectful POS

I do, too!  Just desserts for the big jackass.  

Sobyn, you are stuck with the shit sandwich.  Yum!  😝

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Deep inside I don't think Kody gives a shit. His feelings about the grandkids are likely closer to his feelings about Christine - she and the grandkids are out of sight out of mind, until David's in the room.

I wonder how Robyn feels when she sees David holding "her baby's" babies.

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11 hours ago, Libby said:

According to the family snitch, “Kody feels her new boyfriend might be using Christine for fame.”

Hmmm, a guy using Christine to get attention for himself ... that just sounds so familiar.  Where have I heard of that happening before???   Let me think...

Oh right, it was on this show!  When Kody admitted that he wasn't actually attracted to Christine and he only married her to gain status in their church because she was "plyg royalty."   Now I remember. 


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18 hours ago, kassa said:

I actually agree that it's the grandkids that are making him crazier than anything. He seems to always have loved little kids (when they're at the Dad is Superman stage) and by everybody's account was pretty involved with them. 

In his MIND he's still that guy. Pictures of Christine and Janelle with the grandkids make him go "awww - I need to get over there and have some grandpa time." Which he may or may not get around to in person. But he probably fires up the face time and gushes and talks about how much they look like him. 

But seeing another man in the inner circle holding those babies? Having an ongoing relationship with those babies? That's one step away from making a painting showing Christine's New Guy in Kody's place. Because that's what divorced people DO, as he knows very well.


Probably because little kids aren’t mature enough to figure out he’s actually a giant douche canoe. 

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19 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Well if Janelle  and Robyn can be the babies’ bonus Geandmothers,Then David can be their bonus Grandfather 

I can totally see Kody exploding over this, just because he’s Kody. And trust me, some divorced parents can act foolishly over the right to be the one and only grandparent! My dad decided that his new wife was entitled to be  “gran” to my kids, but he got seriously mad when I told him that my mom’s partner would have similar rights then. His reply: “he is not the actual grandfather! That’s me!” (Needless to say I won, so my kids ended up with 6 grandparents😉)


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Any normal person would want the grands to be loved by as many people as possible. Mr lookeyloo isn't the bio grandpa for ours, but, he is all in and they know it and love him back. Ex Dr. lookeyloo was a half in bio grandfather.  The kids knew that too.  I guess the Kodster maybe is still trying to figure out if he is going to be angry, sad, okay, etc.  whatever plays best on the show.

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Kody is such a piece of crap. I was watching Gwen's latest reaction video on Youtube and Christine was on the couch talking about how she brings Truly to Flagstaff to see Kody, but he won't make an effort to see her. Then in his couch scene, he responds by saying that it's not because he doesn't want to see Truly, it's because he doesn't have room for her at his house and he doesn't want to go to Christine's house to see her because he doesn't like being around Christine. I was incensed all over again listening to that asshole making excuses for himself. I thought that the "tender aged" kids were his priority. Didn't he have at least two kids over 18 living in the mansion at that time?

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25 minutes ago, endure said:

This video is interesting to watch Gwendlyn give her play by play thoughts about a recent episode of Sister Wives.


Actions speak louder than words.  How thick is Meri that she didn't read his message? 

His actions told her there was no hope and if she took heart in the comment "here's to new beginnings" she misinterpreted, he no doubt meant new beginnings individually, not as a couple.

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47 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Actions speak louder than words.  How thick is Meri that she didn't read his message? 

His actions told her there was no hope and if she took heart in the comment "here's to new beginnings" she misinterpreted, he no doubt meant new beginnings individually, not as a couple.

I'm going to guess two things were happening. One was Meri wanted to believe a reconciliation was possible and second, I think Robyn was leading her to believe if she hung on, Kody would take her back.

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1 hour ago, Sandy W said:

Actions speak louder than words.  How thick is Meri that she didn't read his message? 

His actions told her there was no hope and if she took heart in the comment "here's to new beginnings" she misinterpreted, he no doubt meant new beginnings individually, not as a couple.

Totally agree there has been several instances where it has been made clear that she has no chance with him, maybe Gwendlyn is unaware but I'm not buying that Meri being led on by Kody at this point in time. And why on earth would she even want to be with him lol.

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4 minutes ago, endure said:

Totally agree there has been several instances where it has been made clear that she has no chance with him, maybe Gwendlyn is unaware but I'm not buying that Meri being led on by Kody at this point in time. And why on earth would she even want to be with him lol.

Agree.  I think Meri has been done with Kody for some time.  She admitted that they kept that they were no longer a couple secret.  So that he wouldn't get negative treatment from viewers or the general public.  I think she only with the rest of the family if filming is being done.  I think she was saying what they wanted her to say on camera, to keep the show going so they keep getting a paycheck and exposure for their various side jobs.

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18 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

Agree.  I think Meri has been done with Kody for some time.  She admitted that they kept that they were no longer a couple secret.  So that he wouldn't get negative treatment from viewers or the general public.  I think she only with the rest of the family if filming is being done.  I think she was saying what they wanted her to say on camera, to keep the show going so they keep getting a paycheck and exposure for their various side jobs.

A secret? She thinks they kept it a secret. We could see FOR YEARS that they were a pretend couple, that he was repulsed by Meri. They didn’t do a very good job.


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20 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm going to guess two things were happening. One was Meri wanted to believe a reconciliation was possible and second, I think Robyn was leading her to believe if she hung on, Kody would take her back.

100%.  I can absolutely see the scenario where Robyn sensed that Meri was ready to abandon all hope, so Robyn would say something like "yesterday, Kody mentioned your name without gagging, Meri!  See?  There's still hope!"  Robyn only needed Meri to "hang on with her" to keep the TLC money rolling in, because no one wants to watch a show called "Former Sister Wife and Kody."

I just adore the irony here.  Robyn wanted to be HBIC in this family, and she got that.  And in doing so, she erased a substantial source of their income - the show.  Well played, Dark Queen.  

Edited by laurakaye
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This man is such a complete douche.  

Re-watching the episode where they're on a road trip and Christine didn't want to see Ken unless he apologized for his rude comments and Kody's reaction to Christine's feeling towards Ken vs. Kody's recent tantrums over his own kids not apologizing to Favourite Wife are night and day.  He was so dismissive and belittling of Christine, even mocking her.

Yet the asshat seemed to have less than zero understanding of why Christine would be leaving.  Why she'd been so unhappy for so many years.

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In one of Gwen’s latest videos she mentioned Kody saying that Dayton, Aurora, Breanna, Paedon and Leon don’t fit in well with the rest of the family.

I “get” what he is trying to say, yet it totally rubs me the wrong way. It’s hard to explain really. I’m sure he meant it as a fact but to me  it does feel a bit like there’s my family, all normal and good with each other, and then there’s those five….

Maybe I’m reading too much into it and am I guilty in turning everything Kody-related into something negative, but it just feels wrong to me…

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24 minutes ago, LilyD said:

In one of Gwen’s latest videos she mentioned Kody saying that Dayton, Aurora, Breanna, Paedon and Leon don’t fit in well with the rest of the family.

I “get” what he is trying to say, yet it totally rubs me the wrong way. It’s hard to explain really. I’m sure he meant it as a fact but to me  it does feel a bit like there’s my family, all normal and good with each other, and then there’s those five….

Maybe I’m reading too much into it and am I guilty in turning everything Kody-related into something negative, but it just feels wrong to me…

I don't see it this way as Dayton, Aurora and Brianna would be part of what he considers "my family".  

When he said that he was attempting to dispute that the kids are all close-knit, the kids from the OG3.  But he couldn't even get that right as only 2 of those are from the OG3.

Edited by BnJJTwop
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On 2/18/2023 at 2:00 PM, lookeyloo said:

Any normal person would want the grands to be loved by as many people as possible. Mr lookeyloo isn't the bio grandpa for ours, but, he is all in and they know it and love him back. Ex Dr. lookeyloo was a half in bio grandfather.  The kids knew that too.  I guess the Kodster maybe is still trying to figure out if he is going to be angry, sad, okay, etc.  whatever plays best on the show.

Thing is with Kody, he isn't even half in with his kids or his grandkids yet he's way over 100% in with Robyn's kids, it's no wonder his kids have no use for him and then to see how he treats their mothers.  Yet Kody feels THEY betrayed HIM, his narcissism has no bounds.... he is a horrid parent, husband and person.


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14 hours ago, LilyD said:

In one of Gwen’s latest videos she mentioned Kody saying that Dayton, Aurora, Breanna, Paedon and Leon don’t fit in well with the rest of the family.

I “get” what he is trying to say, yet it totally rubs me the wrong way. It’s hard to explain really. I’m sure he meant it as a fact but to me  it does feel a bit like there’s my family, all normal and good with each other, and then there’s those five….

Maybe I’m reading too much into it and am I guilty in turning everything Kody-related into something negative, but it just feels wrong to me…

Doofus and Sobbyn are to blame if Sobbyn's three oldest don't "fit in," IMO.  They are coddled and Sobbyn wouldn't let her "sister wives" take care of them, hence the nanny she has always had, other than when Mykelti and Aspyn filled in.  

The original thirteen kids can all see how Sobbyn is the favorite, and so are her kids.  I'd resent the hell out of seeing that, and feeling like I didn't matter, in their shoes.

The only way to matter to Kootie, is to have come out of Sobbyn's golden vagina.  The others are pretty much SOL and JWF.

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