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S11.E00: A New Life

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7 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I've yet to watch the episode on TV, but I'm commenting on the poor quality of filming and lighting seen in the clip and YouTube video.

This was likely filmed in January because Brooklyn was born 2/19. Sister Wives explains before each episode, due to the pandemic, the Brown's are filming themselves and the THs are done remotely. I'm thinking the Duggars did the same thing, but the Duggars being Duggars dragged out their old film equipment, where the Browns used their iPhones. The iPhones do a better job.

Also, we've had a lot of discussions on here about if the Duggars have been hiding their faith all these years. While they're usually more subtle than this, maybe this episode is a fuck you internet moment.

At the end, Figure 8 Productions' crew was acknowledged. So, not a Duggar production. 

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1 hour ago, Pingaponga said:

Kendra handled that so, so well. I was really impressed. And there really should have been an adult present to supervise all those kids. Two-year-olds can get into a lot of trouble really quickly.

Anna looked pregnant when they were decorating the hats. The lost girls all did a nice job decorating the hats, and I think Josie looked really pretty with her hat on. She may be a very beautiful girl in a couple more years.


I think Kendra is probably one of the smartest in the bunch or has the most common sense, at least when it comes to things like this. She would have made such a great elementary school teacher maybe K-2!

Of course Anna is pregnant! 

Edited by libgirl2
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1 hour ago, emmawoodhouse said:

At the end, Figure 8 Productions' crew was acknowledged. So, not a Duggar production. 

I would guess they would be. All the footage would be sent to them for editing and they did the THs. So I think it could be both.

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10 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I would guess they would be. All the footage would be sent to them for editing and they did the THs. So I think it could be both.

That would make sense to me. There has been some talk on the board about various events (like weddings and births) not being filmed. It may be that TLC is unwilling to send camera crews to these super-spreader events and the Duggars are filming them and sending the tapes to the production company.

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19 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I would guess they would be. All the footage would be sent to them for editing and they did the THs. So I think it could be both.

I dunno. They were thanking camera and boom people. This was just family, so I could see Figure 8 coming in to film them for the first time since the pandemic. They acknowledged when the Duggars filmed footage last year.

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Kendra looks exhausted. She's going to put herself in an early grave if she keeps up this breeding pace.

Maybe not.  Her mother is still popping out babies like a Pez dispenser.


I wonder why none of the other older kids were in the episode? No So and Lauren, no Jed, Jer, Jackson or James. 

Lauren was part of the text messages group that was monitoring Kendra's labor.

I thought the hat decorating was adorable.  

I'm dying to know what Michelle did in her youth that was so sinful.  I know that she was considered the devil's daughter for mowing the lawn in her bikini in front of the neighbor.  But she was acting like she'd done some real naughties.  Gasp, could this mean that JB was the only virgin on their wedding night?  And never mind about the Easter story, I already know that one.  But I'd pull up a chair to hear what Michelle did behind the barn.

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3 hours ago, Adeejay said:

In all fairness, I believe that Jana being the oldest girl had a lot on her plate.  She was probably not only running the household but was also responsible for keeping her siblings in line. That is a lot of pressure.  She most likely didn’t have time for Jessa and her b.s.  Jessa admitted that she wasn’t easy to deal with, so I can definitely understand why they clashed.   

Joe seems to be a reasonable guy.  Surely, he can see that his wife is exhausted.  I hope they hold it a three for a while. 

I can totally see Jessa not wanting to listen to Jana and resenting any position of authority Jana had as an older sibling, no matter how well Jana wielded her authority over Jessa or not.  

IMO Joe seems fully indoctrinated into the idea that if babies keep coming along it's God's will so it must be all right.

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If this was filmed right after Brooklyn's birth Joe is probably greasy from eating fast food, since we know Gothard male's are incapable of doing women's work. I think Kendra is going to have her laundry room episode sooner rather than later if she doesn't stop having a baby every 13-15 months.

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40 minutes ago, Tikichick said:

 IMO Joe seems fully indoctrinated into the idea that if babies keep coming along it's God's will so it must be all right.

This is the saddest part. Because I'm sure that Kendra probably feels the same way. And, tired as I'm sure they both are, they are still young enough to have all those insistent hormones coursing through them - and they are obviously still very attracted to each other....so...given that birth control is against God's will, they likely just honestly not see a choice. God will continue to bless them with  babies, and they won't have the capacity to wonder whether He actually thinks it's for the best for them to continue down that path. If He continues to "bless" them, then obviously that plan must be perfect.

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1 hour ago, Angeltoes said:

Maybe not.  Her mother is still popping out babies like a Pez dispenser.

Except her mom did not set nearly Kendra's pace... it took her five and a half years to reach three kids, and she "only" has (almost) nine kids in over twenty years. Just luck? Side effect of the physical injuries from a car crash she was in while pregnant with Kendra? Intentional spacing? If it's the latter you'd think she could have a little talk with Kendra, but maybe Kendra's so deep in the Duggar Kool-Aid she's not listening...

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5 hours ago, Adeejay said:

In all fairness, I believe that Jana being the oldest girl had a lot on her plate.  She was probably not only running the household but was also responsible for keeping her siblings in line. That is a lot of pressure.  She most likely didn’t have time for Jessa and her b.s.  Jessa admitted that she wasn’t easy to deal with, so I can definitely understand why they clashed.   

Joe seems to be a reasonable guy.  Surely, he can see that his wife is exhausted.  I hope they hold it a three for a while. 

Sure, she sounded like a pain in the ass as a child, and lots of siblings clash for various reasons. My main issue with the whole Jessa/Jana narrative is that, if the story they all put out is true (and it's totally likely that it's not), most of the clashing ended with Jana giving Jessa the music box. When Jessa was 5. FIVE. It's the same issue as all those twits going about how horrible they were before Jesus saved them at 7 or 4. Even if they really were just the worst of children, they were still children, and no adult should be feeling horribly guilty over any prepubescent actions that didn't result in permanent injury.

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1 hour ago, lascuba said:

Sure, she sounded like a pain in the ass as a child, and lots of siblings clash for various reasons. My main issue with the whole Jessa/Jana narrative is that, if the story they all put out is true (and it's totally likely that it's not), most of the clashing ended with Jana giving Jessa the music box. When Jessa was 5. FIVE. It's the same issue as all those twits going about how horrible they were before Jesus saved them at 7 or 4. Even if they really were just the worst of children, they were still children, and no adult should be feeling horribly guilty over any prepubescent actions that didn't result in permanent injury.

I don't blame Jessa or Jana either for what went on between them. They were children. And children raised in a warped-as-heck household, to boot. 

I blame Bill Gothard and their parents for pushing this absurd and damaging idiocy that when somebody does something that upsets or hurts you, it's your duty to give them something of yours or do some other kind and generous thing for them.....Because the burden is always on the victim to make amends with the perpetrator so that the victim doesn't find herself warped by the sin of bitterness. Having somebody warped by the sin of bitterness is the worst thing that could possibly happen, according to Bill G. 

That's the stupidest thing ever, in my opinion. And it's all over Gothard's "Wisdom"' crap. Notably, it's most often and most vigorously applied in his writings to situations in which an older male imposes on a younger female in some way (which is never really his fault in any way, of course) ..... So we know exactly why BG came up with and repeatedly pushed this sick "principle." He knew what he wanted to do and what he was doing and intended to keep on doing. And he didn't want anybody to come back after him for it because they became "bitter."  (They came after him anyway, of course, but the disgusting old fart was saved by the statute of limitations, apparently...) 

Actually, though...I take back what I said about this "idea" being the stupidest thing ever. Even stupider is the fact that parents "trained" in the Gothard way actually bought this crapola (literally -- many paid this jerkwad con artist for his "advice" for decades) and imposed this and other completely loony and damaging notions on their kids. Who were then guaranteed to grow up very very confused in numerous ways by the idiocy they were carefully taught by good old godly mom and dad. I expect we see the fruits of these confusions all over Jessa, Jana and the rest of the kids to this day. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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22 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Michelle said that Jinger, John and Joe were her easiest kids. They didn’t give her any trouble.

That seems like a really telling statement, doesn't it. So three of her first seven kids were "easy," and then none of the last twelve were? Why is that, Michelle?

Of course we know that she actually had to parent the first seven (or so) and saw them, at least somewhat, as individuals with personalities. The rest, not so much. I'm sure Jana or Jill could identify some "easy" children amongst the Howlers and Lost Girls.

I wonder if Michelle is self-aware enough to realize she barely knows her younger children, or if it's all just an apathetic haze.

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It’s already bad when the highest compliment you can give your kid is “so-and-so was compliant.” 

Jessa was probably a bratty 12 year old, but who wasn’t? And who says sisters have to all like each other. News flash, it’s ok if siblings don’t also want to be BFFs. And where “god” comes into it, I don’t know.

I don’t mind the religiosity being front and center on the show, because these are religious nuts and that at least makes the show a tiny bit more documentary-like. But the religiosity they showed was super bland and awkward and I actually don’t think represents their religiosity anyhow.

It was also very stale, especially the “testimonies” that Michelle straight up said they had all heard a million times before and that were fundamentally nonsensical. Michelle said something again about how much baggage she had and how finding Jesus truly brought her “from the darkness into the light” or something, and it’s just such clear BS! All of what they were saying was pure BS. Jessa praying for the patience of her mother 🙄 Even Michelle laughed awkwardly and uncomfortably at that, it was so fake and weird. The only believable one was Kendra, who was basically like, “yeah, I was brought up in this religion” 🤷🏻‍♀️ Although even she had to tack on some vague “doubts” that she even more vaguely felt evaporate for some unknown reason and still at a very young age. 

Kendra really did seem completely exhausted and like she didn’t know how she was going to keep keeping up with the baby train. But Kendra is queen of keeping sweet, so I’m sure she’ll give it her all. That girl is like watching a lamb be led to slaughter, it’s so depressing.

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9 hours ago, lascuba said:

As it was a birth special as well, they likely decided to take advantage of the higher ratings and go hard with the Jesus sales pitch.

In that they failed.  The episode was low in the ratings.  Cancellation level low.  

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1 minute ago, Absolom said:

In that they failed.  The episode was low in the ratings.  Cancellation level low.  

That's encouraging. If the ratings were really that bad, then I'm all for the all Jeezus, all the time programming. 😂

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I've said this before, but I don't think any of the Duggars are actually religious in any sense that I would recognize. A couple of people have pointed out that only Kendra seemed to actually understand the concepts they were all yammering about.

I just don't think that any of the Duggars has the sort of introspection or self-awareness that it would take to have any real religious conviction.

I think that JB and J'chelle really liked all the rules, and that's why they ended up in the Gothard fold. I think that they are the type of people who feel more comfortable -- safer -- if they have specific rules to follow. Their conformity to the rules gives them some status within their church and allows them to believe that they're good people.

Haranguing and browbeating their children about the rules allows them to keep the kids continually on guard and insecure about their status. They are all competitive and I think JB and J'chelle pitted their kids against each other as to who knows the rules the best, who follows the rules the best, along with the compulsory tattling on any infractions. I'm not surprised that their children don't like each other -- it's by design. Gothard very specifically wanted to make sure that the children wouldn't band together against the parents.

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14 minutes ago, Absolom said:

In that they failed.  The episode was low in the ratings.  Cancellation level low.  

Can you post the data? I'd love to see it saved here for posterity's sake. 😁

Edited by emmawoodhouse
Autocorrect strikes again!
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4 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Can you post the data? I'd love to see it saved here for posterity's sake. 😁

I did about three hours up.  No worries, I've been having trouble with the site skipping posts when I change pages today.  


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1 minute ago, Absolom said:

I did about three hours up.  No worries, I've been having trouble with the site skipping posts when I change pages today.  


Thanks! I don't know how I missed that. Those are indeed really shitty numbers for the Duggars. As Jill would say, YAY!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, emmawoodhouse said:

Thanks! I don't know how I missed that. Those are indeed really shitty numbers for the Duggars. As Jill would say, YAY!!!!!

“Are you excited?!”

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9 hours ago, Pingaponga said:


It was really weird that there was no mention of Jessa's pregnancy or Justin's wedding at all. I know that the focus of this episode was supposed to be the birth of Kendra & Joe's third child, followed by a lot of stuff about faith and Easter, but if you are going to broadcast this BEFORE Easter, why not at least acknowledge the other stuff that's been announced?


Michelle did say something about upcoming relationships and babies.  So maybe Justin & Jed’s stuff will be this season?  But the only baby we know about is Jessa’s (although not on the show yet).  I still think Anna is pregnant too (as opposed to gained weight) but if babies are such a blessing and gift from God, why hasn’t she announced (if true)?  

5 hours ago, Angeltoes said:


Lauren was part of the text messages group that was monitoring Kendra's labor.


That text chain was in the tiniest font ever. We have a huge tv and I could barely read it or even see who was sending them. 

Edited by Tdoc72
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9 hours ago, BitterApple said:

The scene I found most interesting was at the beginning when Garrett and Gideon got into a squabble. I thought Kendra handled it beautifully, by being firm with her son and making him apologize, while making sure Gideon was okay. Meanwhile, Joy just stands there and tells her son to "be tough" and Jessa blows it off as "age." I know the Duggars' childhood was Fundie "Lord of the Flies," but the disparity in parenting style was jarring. I also thought it was ridiculous how Jessa expected 5 year-old Spurgeon to babysit three toddlers. I'm hoping an adult was there off-camera.

Toxic parenting by Joy. 🥵

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12 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

Michelle did say something about upcoming relationships and babies.  So maybe Justin & Jed’s stuff will be this season?  But the only baby we know about is Jessa’s (although not on the show yet).  I still think Anna is pregnant too (as opposed to gained weight) but if babies are such a blessing and gift from God, why hasn’t she announced (if true)?  

That text chain was in the tiniest font ever. We have a huge tv and I could barely read it or even see who was sending them. 

I couldn't read the senders. All I could read was PRAYING!!!! over and over. 

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12 hours ago, Absolom said:

Lousy ratings to go with what sounds like a lousy production.  I haven't watched it.

671,000 viewers, .12 rating, and 56th cable show of the day.

Meanwhile, Jessa's at home pitching a fit because she already showed her ultrasound picture and can't claim twins and she's scheming for ways to increase viewership.

  • Telling Ben to reach out to his congregation to find a child to adopt
  • Telling JB & Derick to make up (while being filmed) and bring the Dillards back on the show
  • Telling her sisters and SsIL to get pregnant - with triplets
  • Telling Jana to announce a courtship - with Laura
  • Telling JB & M to move into the laundry suite and Jessa and Ben take over the TTH




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33 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Meanwhile, Jessa's at home pitching a fit because she already showed her ultrasound picture and can't claim twins and she's scheming for ways to increase viewership.

  • Telling Ben to reach out to his congregation to find a child to adopt
  • Telling JB & Derick to make up (while being filmed) and bring the Dillards back on the show
  • Telling her sisters and SsIL to get pregnant - with triplets
  • Telling Jana to announce a courtship - with Laura
  • Telling JB & M to move into the laundry suite and Jessa and Ben take over the TTH




You forgot "Begging the Breakout Stars to bring their whole family back onto the show every episode and stay on camera at least 80% of the time."

Surely the absence  of The Duggars of LA (and Their Fancy Shoes) is what tanked the ratings, right? 

Edited by Churchhoney
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Michelle the wicked teen and Jim Bob loving on her!  Wonder what really happened to those two teens?

For some reason the Dugger family home seems very  germy with all those parties there.  I could see Jim Bob building a banquet hall property and having parties there!I

Michelle looked terrible.  Greasy hair and face.  I wonder if the Jill and Derek fallout bothers her more than they let on!  Or she's lost weight or she had work done!  Another sin heaped on .Michelle's shoulders.  I'm pretty sure a face lift would anger their God!

Jessa did seem off!  I wondered why Abbie and John didn't bear witness to their conversion from sinner to Christian?

I'm thinking with the smaller group working less money to divide!

I think we'll see more religion from the Duggers....trouble is a coming!

Joy your bangs and dark hair are a terrible look for you!

Edited by Jeanne222
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23 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Michelle the wicked teen and Jim Bob loving on her!  Wonder what really happened to those two teens?

For some reason the Dugger family home seems very  germy with all those parties there.  I could see Jim Bob building a banquet hall property and having parties there!I

Michelle looked terrible.  Greasy hair and face.  I wonder if the Jill and Derek fallout bothers her more than they let on!  Or she's lost weight or she had work done!  Another sin heaped on .Michelle's shoulders.  I'm pretty sure a face lift would anger their God!

Jessa did seem off!  I wondered why Abbie and John didn't bear witness to their conversion from sinner to Christian?

I'm thinking with the smaller group working less money to divide!

I think we'll see more religion from the Duggers....trouble is a coming!

Joy your bangs and dark hair are a terrible look for you!

Don't forget JB & M's scandalous shorts!   I was surprised the photo wasn't strategically cropped before being shown.  

The TTH looks like it reeks to me.   Thankful smell-o-vision isn't a thing.

Abbie and John both looked on the grim side of solemn sitting there, and then they were never shown uttering a single word.   Hope they collected full pay for the appearance anyway.

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55 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Michelle the wicked teen and Jim Bob loving on her!  Wonder what really happened to those two teens?

For some reason the Dugger family home seems very  germy with all those parties there.  I could see Jim Bob building a banquet hall property and having parties there!I

Michelle looked terrible.  Greasy hair and face.  I wonder if the Jill and Derek fallout bothers her more than they let on!  Or she's lost weight or she had work done!  Another sin heaped on .Michelle's shoulders.  I'm pretty sure a face lift would anger their God!

Jessa did seem off!  I wondered why Abbie and John didn't bear witness to their conversion from sinner to Christian?

I'm thinking with the smaller group working less money to divide!

I think we'll see more religion from the Duggers....trouble is a coming!

Joy your bangs and dark hair are a terrible look for you!

 Heck, Jon David waited till he was damn near 30 years old to get laid!! I don't blame him for not joining in on the "Oh, how I have sinned!"-fest. HE DID HIS TIME!

  Oddly, on IG (yeah, I follow Jinger, Joy, and "God" help me, Lauren on there) I have been thinking the bangs and darker hair look good on Joy. Maybe she was using filters?

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59 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

For some reason the Dugger family home seems very  germy with all those parties there.  I could see Jim Bob building a banquet hall property and having parties there!I

All he has to do is give Anna & the kids a real house to live in and he could use the building they're living in as a banquet hall.

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Maybe JD and Abbie did give testimonies and then they were edited out. But also notice that they kept Kendra's testimony in but did not include Joe's, so there's that. I honestly do not understand at all why JD and Abbie were there in that scene in the first place. I get why Joe and Kendra were there, as well as Jessa and Ben (because Jessa has to be in every scene).

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3 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:

Maybe JD and Abbie did give testimonies and then they were edited out. But also notice that they kept Kendra's testimony in but did not include Joe's, so there's that. I honestly do not understand at all why JD and Abbie were there in that scene in the first place. I get why Joe and Kendra were there, as well as Jessa and Ben (because Jessa has to be in every scene).

I wondered if possibly it was Ben's church they were filming in?

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On 3/30/2021 at 7:17 PM, MaryAnneSpier said:

Per Jessa: “I knew that I was a difficult person to be around. I was contentious, I was selfish and self-centered.” Looks like somebody got a Word-of-the-Day calendar. And I really don't think she was self-aware to know that she was a terror because her mother made it obvious that Jessa was her favorite daughter. 

Something else that stuck out to me though was that Jessa mentioned that around age 12, she started thinking about the after life and other spiritual concerns. Correlation is not necessarily causation, but I do wonder if that cme about because of what happened to her from Josh. As has been discussed before, their culture is very much about blaming the female victim of assault, and therefore worrying about the eternal consequences for tempting a male to sin. 

My first thought was someone close passed .. When did GrandFather Dugger (JB Dad)  pass  and how old was she then? I would admit that particular episode made me a little on edge too, so I can only image if you lived it live, real time and had to deal with JB 24/7, during his grieving process

Edited by sATL
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On 3/31/2021 at 1:47 PM, Jeeves said:

Man, we really need a "LOVE" reaction button. This whole post is spot on, IMO. If TLC quits adding fluff and filler and phony "activities" to make the Duggars palatable - I am HERE for it.

Yes, let 'em just keep parroting the same short list of stuff.

Let them tell us all about how Jed! and Katey were biblically betrothed. Not that they have the courage to stand up for their own convictions vs. soft-sell that arranged marriage deal when they talk about it in public - with the TLC editors collaborating so as to put out a product acceptable to their general viewership. 

I hope they soon air more episodes like this one. Let the world see who they are and hear what they say. 

There’s a part of me that would love the Duggar’s too show their real beliefs that’s a guarantee to get them kicked off tv! However from this episode I think this is honestly the most amount of religion we’d get from these people and gosh is it boring (maybe boring enough to get them cancelled going on the viewership of this episode). Also for a group of people sitting around talking about how they were saved they all looked miserable (even Kendra). Plus how can you get saved at four? I don’t even remember being four. What bad things could Kendra have done at four years old? Shout at a sibling, hit them, take their toy, these people are idiots🙄 I wish people wouldn’t push their beliefs on their children but that’s another  topic altogether.

I’m sure from the leghumpers I’ve seen on Facebook commenting how lovely it was of them to share Christ and their beliefs there is a market out there for them, I just don’t think it’s gonna save this show. I think the time has come to cancel the Duggar’s now, none of these people are gonna change it’s the same BS every year, courtship,wedding, babies and repeat.

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On 3/31/2021 at 8:11 AM, Jynnan tonnix said:

I make great deviled eggs as well (at least, I think they are great). My secret ingredient is a bit of curry powder...it really brings out the essential eggy-ness. Am I the only one who always thinks "deviled" should have an extra "l"? It always looks as though it should rhyme with reviled. I always want to put extra consonants in words before -ed or -ing endings. I think maybe that's the way they are spelled in England, where I first learned to read and write, and those spelling lessons never quite wore off.

oh, noes,  I have been misspelling it all my life.   Well, not that I have needed to write it out very often, but I  always wrote "devilled."   I am so embarrassed.   I also put curry powder in mine.

I only watch this show sporadically, and I didn't realize it was back.  I was channel surfing and came upon Mechelle praying over someone--I think it was Kendra-- so I kept on surfing.  When I surfed back, she was still praying.  I went looking for Dr Kirk Honda's recent youtube videos on Plathville and one of the ones on the side was the no-crystal-bal woman who had a video about the show  so I saw the clips of some of the ones in a church talking about their sins or something and I turned it off.   I was confused about where they were;  it was a church but wasn't a church??

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I never really ate or made deviled eggs until I started having holidays with my friend’s family.  Her husband comes from a family of 6 boys and 1 girl, and his mom made the eggs as an inexpensive way to feed hungry boys.

I started to make them to bring as my contribution to holiday celebrations.  I add mustard, mayo, a bit of sour cream, a dash of cayenne and pickle juice to the mashed egg yolks in a bowl.  I put the mixture into a small plastic bag, twist the top and cut off the tip of the bag.  That makes it much easier to fill the eggs.  I sprinkle a bit of paprika on the top.  Yum!
Ive also made deviled egg salad by mixing the yolk mixture first, and then adding finely chopped egg whites.  An interesting twist on egg salad.


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2 hours ago, FizzyPuff said:

Plus how can you get saved at four? I don’t even remember being four. What bad things could Kendra have done at four years old? Shout at a sibling, hit them, take their toy, these people are idiots🙄 I wish people wouldn’t push their beliefs on their children but that’s another  topic altogether.

These people believe, and teach their children, that people are sinners at birth. Then the children listen to adult sermons on how everyone is a sinner and the only way to keep from burning in hell for all eternity is to ask Jesus to come into your heart. So eventually the dots connect and the poor little child is convinced they are going to hell for pushing their brother or accidentally spilling their milk and fearfully get saved so they won't get punished by god.

ETA: The children who are sweet people-pleasers will get saved because it makes mommy and daddy so happy.

Edited by Nysha
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33 minutes ago, Nysha said:

These people believe, and teach their children, that people are sinners at birth. Then the children listen to adult sermons on how everyone is a sinner and the only way to keep from burning in hell for all eternity is to ask Jesus to come into your heart. So eventually the dots connect and the poor little child is convinced they are going to hell for pushing their brother or accidentally spilling their milk and fearfully get saved so they won't get punished by god.

ETA: The children who are sweet people-pleasers will get saved because it makes mommy and daddy so happy.

That's so sad. As I've mentioned before, we're not a religious family. We did have a series of things we said every night as we put the kids to bed, one of which was "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it... yet". So I guess you could say we practiced Anne of Green Gables. Lol

Again, its so sad to think any child goes to bed at night thinking they're a sinner.

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43 minutes ago, Nysha said:

These people believe, and teach their children, that people are sinners at birth. Then the children listen to adult sermons on how everyone is a sinner and the only way to keep from burning in hell for all eternity is to ask Jesus to come into your heart. So eventually the dots connect and the poor little child is convinced they are going to hell for pushing their brother or accidentally spilling their milk and fearfully get saved so they won't get punished by god.

ETA: The children who are sweet people-pleasers will get saved because it makes mommy and daddy so happy.

I have a feeling that there will be more than a few people who thought they were saved at age 3 or 4, but they won’t go to Heaven when they die.

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5 hours ago, sATL said:

My first thought was someone close passed .. When did GrandFather Dugger (JB Dad)  pass  and how old was she then? I would admit that particular episode made me a little on edge too, so I can only image if you lived it live, real time and had to deal with JB 24/7, during his grieving process

Plausible hypothesis! 

Grandpa Duggar died in 2009, though. Jessa was 16 or 17 at that point. 

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On 3/31/2021 at 11:13 AM, seasons said:

The grandkids call Michelle "Lolly"? 

I saw that on a Duggar site on Facebook. Michelle is Lolly. Jim Boob is Pops. Get it? Lollypops. That's just so precious. Bless their hearts.

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This may be a sick thing to say. BUT IF Kendra had to choose to have only 1 person in the room , I would have chosen her mom. I like how her mom handles the situation - tailored to Kendra's needs. Joe seems like his job is done once he drives and holds her hand.

I'm kinda surprised that she didn't consider an alternative site (like a birthing center) to have the baby since she wanted to go natural and this was #3. She might would have been allowed to have the traditional Duggar crowd.

Kendra made a comment "it hurts down there right after she pushed out... what happened - did she tear ?


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4 minutes ago, sATL said:

This may be a sick thing to say. BUT IF Kendra had to choose to have only 1 person in the room , I would have chosen her mom. I like how her mom handles the situation - tailored to Kendra's needs. Joe seems like his job is done once he drives and holds her hand.

I'm kinda surprised that she didn't consider an alternative site (like a birthing center) to have the baby since she wanted to go natural and this was #3. She might would have been allowed to have the traditional Duggar crowd.

Kendra made a comment "it hurts down there right after she pushed out... what happened - did she tear ?


It hurts down there right after the baby is pushed out even if you don't tear.  Try putting a cantaloupe into your vagina and using your pelvic muscles to push it out of there.  I guarantee you will 'feel the burn' for quite a while afterwards.

Edited by doodlebug
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25 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

It hurts down there right after the baby is pushed out even if you don't tear.  Try putting a cantaloupe into your vagina and using your pelvic muscles to push it out of there.  I guarantee you will 'feel the burn' for quite a while afterwards.

I took her cry out to mean as if it didn't happen before... or worse than before..

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