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S11.E04: Redo and Rewind

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I’m confused about Lexi’s accent. She specifically talked about being unfamiliar with American wild animals, as they don’t have them in England.  Yet she talks like she’s been in Jersey for decades. Maybe she thinks her England days make her glamorous? Plus, most English people I know refer to their home as the UK, not England. 

Personally, I don’t see Jackie as being condescending or patronizing to her brother. I’m a nurse. I’ve seen how some people treat the intellectually challenged. Jackie has raised her children to be loving and respectful of their uncle. Jackie spoke to him like a man, not like a small child. She confided in him, and acknowledged he gave good advice with a positive attitude.  She doesn’t talk down to or baby talk him.  I see a natural, close and loving relationship.  

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16 hours ago, escape said:

If Evan’s name and reputation are so important, why sign up for a reality TV show called Real Housewives?  I know Jackie needs a story line, but I am done hearing about the cheating rumor.

It does seem ridiculous. If you know anything about the Real Housewives franchises, one thing you would know is that going on these shows can create real life problems for significant others in their work places. I remember many years ago when Bethenny Frankel was first on the show and was dating a guy that worked on Wall Street. Bethenny's antics and their relationship was one of the running storylines and he got the word from corporate to leave the show or he would be let go. They did not like what they were seeing and did not like him being on it at all. So knowing this, why would Evan agree to be on this show? 

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13 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Melissa is acting brand new about this money owing rumor, and pretending it’s a low blow?  Might I remind her that this is exactly how she came on the show?  A big part of her S3 storyline was her nasally-voiced brother in law crying to everyone who would listen that Joe Giudice owes him “mun-ney” and I can’t seem to remember Mel shutting that down in an act of sister in law alliance.  If I believed in karma, I’d say it’s a stealth bitch.  Dolores was all over that shit and I am living for it.  

What was especially beautiful about this takedown was that Jen just stated her case with hashtag facts, and Mel had no room to maneuver.  When Jackie is not there to prop her up and gang up on Jen, Melissa is completely outmanned and she knows it.  I would say in the instance of someone having third party info on you, Jen quite possibly may be “the wrong fucking girl.”  There was no denial by Melissa, just fixation on a number, in an attempt to divert from the fact that she couldn’t deny Joe owes this dude money and shady shit is going on in the House of Gorga.  

If someone told me that there was a rumor that my husband owed thousands and thousands of dollars, I’d be like, “yeah, ok, did you hear about my debt?  Check me out, because I have deals in the works that are in the six and seven figures.”  But Melissa is reacting like the broke-ass bitch she is.  On the phone, Joe sounded like a guilty man.  His story sounded like a little boy who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, with weak denials and hollow protestations.

Teresa is not interested in backing Joe on something that very well may be true, Melissa’s attempt at emotional blackmail notwithstanding.  Teresa’s husband went to jail for something similar, and the schadenfreude is real.  Now that their parents are not here anymore, Joe is not Teresa’s Achilles Heel, and Melissa played the wrong card.  She and her buddy Jackie cannot read a room.  For the rest of the episode, Melissa looked like the wind was taken out of her sails.  It sucks for this shit that you sowed to come back onto you.  Remember Melissa’s season three “we pay our bills” coupled with a “bitch what” shrug?  😁

Why does Jackie feel the need to wear all of her clothes so damned tight?  No one is interested in her tiny muffin top sitting atop a designer belt.  Has she been acquainted with a three-way mirror in any of her many homes yet?  Jackie is using her brother in a sordid way, as @ichbin pointed out.  I did like how her told her to get over it, much like Gia told Teresa last episode.  Getting over it would not fit Jackie’s narrative, so the only thing she will let go is what her brother told her.  I wonder why Jackie won’t produce her sister, now that she is filming through a phone.  They really should have taken out her solo scenes and taken her out of the opening last episode like they did to Aviva in RHNYC season six, when she refused to go to Montana.  Hopefully she’ll go the way of Aviva...

Two things no one on the cast were here for were Marge’s sex stories and Jackie.  What is Margaret’s book about—being a latchkey kid who slept her way to the middle, and then cheated with the slouchy contractor?  My only questions are whether it will be thinner than that book Joe Gorga “wrote” and if that’s even possible.  Maybe Margaret is writing a book about her vagina, as Gina Liano speculated about Lydia’s book in S1 of RH of Melbourne.  

Jackie was not missed, and, to go all Marge, “by the way” that Lake George house was nicer and more inviting than Jackie’s tall, skinny, less than 2,000 square feet Westhampton Beach property from last season.  

Jackie is getting more and more desperate.  I guess they didn’t teach how to apologize or analogize at Fordham Law (which, I’m sure is a lovely school, but for every rule there is an exception).  Nor did they teach how to promote yourself without appearing shameless.  When Jackie screeched at Melissa through the phone, my china shook.  She is hanging onto her sanity by a thread.  Everyone is reading the tea leaves, and, for all different and self-serving reasons, they’re all backing Teresa. I’m just going to do a running count, because it’s actually amazing what will happen if someone doesn’t stand up for themselves.  Number one was Jackie’s aforementioned brother.  

Number two was Margaret at the coffee shop telling Jackie that she would have wanted to know about the cheating rumors.  Jackie, with the rat’s nest head of hair from hell (at least The Marge had the good sense to wear a hat in the Jersey humidity) reacted in such a mature way.  She reached over, took Margaret’s hand, said, “I can understand and sympathize, but I feel differently.”  Oh, wait, no, Jackie desperately reminded Margaret that Teresa orchestrated the “assault” of Danielle on Margaret, and sarcastically jeered “I know you’re smarter than that” whilst violently rolling her head back in contempt.  If Jackie would have paused for one moment, she could have looked into Margaret’s eyes and seen the dollar signs that had long ago replaced her pupils and realized that, at the end of the day, Margaret doesn’t give a shit what Teresa does, because Teresa keeps this show going, which allows Margaret to climb out of her bankruptcy.  I guess they don’t teach how to know your ally/know your opponent at Fordham Law.  

Teresa is playing this game on a fairly high level, regardless of her IQ.  She told Melissa she would talk to Michelle, the real estate agent, so she literally brought it up and blinked and nodded, all the while letting Michelle get her side out there to bolster Jennifer’s.  That is cunning.  What has anyone else done this episode—hell, this season—to show that they are game for this show, other than Jennifer giving Melissa a mildly scathing dress-down when Melissa’s foot soldier was too far away and emotionally devastated to answer for Melissa?  

Melissa in the Balmain shirt made me pause for thought about two things—can Melissa pronounce “Balmain”?  And how is wearing a shirt that simply says “Balmain” anything but basic bitch 101?  Wearing Balmain like that is not the same as wearing CHANEL, because Karl Lagerfeld, God rest his soul, made that his shtick, so I can low-key appreciate people who are in on it.  This is just wearing a designer’s name to wear a designer’s name because she is creatively bankrupt.  And this ho “owns” a clothing boutique that is named after one of the seven deadly sins.  Go figure.  

The honeymoon is over in the Gorga marriage.  Joe seems pretty happy-go-lucky and able to find joy in pantomiming Evan muff-diving on another lady at Evan’s second merry unbirthday party to Evan and his wife’s face, but Melissa has a puss on (no pun intended).  Gee, who could have predicted that marriage would sour when the money officially ran dry? 🤔

Speaking of not knowing your opponent, did Jackie actually think Teresa was going to give a shit if she wasn’t invited to Evan’s second very merry un-birthday?  Jackie, girl, I know you watched the show.  When the twins invited Dina, but not Tre and Amber to their event in season six, Teresa fell onto Amber laughing at how obvious and boring their game was.  Last season, Margaret tried to play hardball against Teresa by not inviting her to drag queen bingo (gee, who would want to miss that?!?) and all Teresa did was say one swear word to a trembling Margaret in the Hamptons.  

Jackie is still salty that she was not invited to the obstacle course last season, so she decided to enact her revenge by inviting everyone but Teresa to a restaurant that had corn hole.  Shot taken, shot missed.  Yet again.

Ok, so when it comes to JoeGo, and Jackie has to face him, the Gia thing was “SUCH an analogy.”  Interesting.  I guess they didn’t teach superlatives at FL either.  But what was great was that the stars fell from the eyes of two more cast members—Melissa and Joe Gorga—as cast members three and four who failed to back Jackie.  It is too bad Jackie felt “so low,” but why, if it is was not just an analogy, but “such” an analogy?  What happened to Teresa leaving Margaret’s house and Jackie saying to Margaret, “if she can’t see that was an analogy then I can’t help her” (paraphrasing, but not making up shit that wasn’t said, so sort of like Jackie, but not really).  😶 She needs to pick a lane. 

I’m so glad to learn that Evan is a big guy in finance.  Is he like Big in Sex and the City where no one will explicitly say on the show what he does for some reason?  Or maybe there is a pretty good reason.  Maybe he’s not such a big deal on Wall Street after all.  Oh well, that prenup will keep Jackie warm at night I guess.  

I will never not enjoy the irony that Joe is trying to stick up for his sister by telling Jackie and Evan that Teresa did this to “look out for” Jackie, all the while that Teresa feels no loyalty to Joe.  But that is not the full story—all of the men on this cast, as I documented at length last week, seem to have a vested interest in outing Evan, so Joe said that for himself, not Teresa IMO.  Good luck calling the dumb Joe Go “dumb” to his face, Evan.  Check out how that worked out for Jim Marchese.  Evan might remind himself that Joe Go is a pet of Andy’s, unlike Teresa, whom Andy hates.  

Excuse me while I gag at Jackie trying to kiss Dolores’s ass by telling her she looks so skinny at the Evan event.  Jackie is taking this play right out of Melissa’s pathetic book in season three when Melissa was trying to cozy up to Jacqueline and Caroline to spite Teresa (history repeating itself) and Melissa told Jacqueline at the Posche Fashion Show that Jacq looked like “a stick!”  It was bullshit then and it’s bullshit now.  Neither Dolores nor Jacqueline were skinny sticks, though they have perfectly good figures, and no one is buying the ass kissing.  

Aw, poor Jackie!  She is salty that Jennifer is cozying up to Teresa (though she phrased it in a way much more crass than that).  Gee Jackie, maybe if you hadn’t spent all of last season trying to punish Jennifer and trying to extract apology after apology from her with a pair of tweezers, she would have remained your friend and stuck up for you the way she did in season nine.  Jennifer is a good friend to have, but Jackie chose to alienate her because of her shortsighted self-righteousness and now it is coming back to firmly bite her in the ass.  And Jennifer went against Jackie re Evan-gate, which makes the count of people who are not backing Jackie in this episode alone at a whopping five people, which is 83% the size of the full-time cast.  Jackie, it might be time to start looking for a job.  You’re not cut out for this.  Just sayin. 

Ok, so the gauntlet has been thrown:  Jackie has, once again, vowed on camera that she will never acknowledge Tre.  Let’s see how that turns out...

Those were ma’ deep thoughts.  😇

Two things I learned from your post...you hate Melissa and really dislike Jackie.

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How do those women constantly ignore Tre's inability to pronounce words? 

I think that correcting every language error that one's friends make would probably result in said friends getting annoyed. I correct language for a living and I ignore it unless someone asks for help (and then I tell them that they have to give me $45 an hour, haha!).

ETA: I don't really! But I do sometimes wish they would ask for help!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I'm on Jackie's side on the whole rumor issue but I do think she needs to let it go a this point. She doesn't believe it's true, her and Evan are standing together on it. Teresa is dense and a hypocrite and will never admit she did anything wrong, no matter how many times or how many ways people explain to her that she was wrong. She still doesn't believe she actually spread the rumor. The whole redo party and then telling people when they arrived to tell Evan that they don't believe it, it was just getting weird. Jackie spent that whole party talking about it.

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8 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

I've never understood the whole 'you can't have family photos' in pictures of a house for sale. Are people really that swayed? Seeing a photo means you don't think you could live there? It's just weird. 

 I think it might be a privacy thing.  When we sold our home we left pictures up but when we saw the finished products the actual pictures in the frames, along with anything with our name on it had been blurred out.  I’m from NJ and this realtor is very well known.  I 100% think Joe owes the money.

I want Frank and Dolores to have their own show.  Jennifer and Bill can be there too.  It was funny that Bill was on his way to an emergency surgery and Jennifer was talking his ear off about stupid shit.  He was probably just in the car driving there but it still made me laugh.

Jesus, how needy is Evan that he needed a make up birthday party??  I was so embarrassed for him.  Doesn’t he have any friends of his own?  Plus, and this is not to disparage anyone in finance but financial guys do have a reputation for cheating on their wives, doing drugs, etc.  I know that is a stereotype and not everyone is like that obviously, but I’m only saying that because I don’t think this rumor would hurt Evan in any way.  I don’t care if my finance guys are doing their wives, their girlfriends, or each other.  Just take care of my money and keep it all on the up and up.  And I feel like I say it constantly but Jackie always looks a mess.  Her hair is horrid and she dresses like a twelve year old.  Pitiful.

Why was everyone so shocked at Margaret’s revelation about sleeping with her boss??  Again, this is NOT OK but unfortunately happens a lot, especially in the 80’s.  Again, that does not make it ok but it’s not exactly shocking.


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8 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

Yes her extensions are so, so bad.You’ve gotta blend them in Jackie! 

Yup. Just like Melissa, Tre, Dolores, Jennifer. At least they have their stylists blend!

Also, Jackie stop messing with your face. New lips and teeth which also don't look too well done, boob job, now the hair. What next? Butt lifts, tummy tucks like Dolores? I think they all look pretty terrible this season except Jennifer. And I hate they way they all dress. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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So Jackie does a redo on hubby's bday party because the original was marred by the cheating rumors...yet all they talk about during the redo is the rumor?  

The logic, or lack thereof, fascinates me.

So what are everyone's instincts saying...did he or didn't he?


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Jackie and her desperate shenanigans of a party do-over  and bad hair extensions are both just making her look bad. Evans bday party was filled with his normal friends, not just a bunch of housewives and their husbands. He was not aware of Teresa's actions, and had a great time. Nothing can fix what happened, especially not another party where it is brought up ad nauseaum.

7 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

 Gee Jackie, maybe if you hadn’t spent all of last season trying to punish Jennifer and trying to extract apology after apology from her with a pair of tweezers, she would have remained your friend and stuck up for you the way she did in season nine.  Jennifer is a good friend to have, but Jackie chose to alienate her because of her shortsighted self-righteousness and now it is coming back to firmly bite her in the ass.

Exactly. Last season Jackie was a dog with a bone, and could not let an issue go. She was short sighted alienating Jennifer, who could have been an ally. I am really invested in seeing this house wife wanna be  fan girl get the kybosh and not return.

Edited by Crazydoxielady
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32 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

So Jackie does a redo on hubby's bday party because the original was marred by the cheating rumors...yet all they talk about during the redo is the rumor?  

The logic, or lack thereof, fascinates me.

So what are everyone's instincts saying...did he or didn't he?


At least she did not know that the rumor was circulating at the first party but the second...she did that! 

I sort of loved JoeGo (I never really say I love anything about him, ever) asking Evan why he did not come to the boys night because he was hoping he'd bring the girls, lol.

I do not believe that Evan cheated, that is why Tre got the reaction she got from the the others, she put it on the most unlikely suspect. 

Please for the love of all that is good someone have an intervention with Jackie and her wardrobe of denim outfits and dresses.

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7 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

So Jackie does a redo on hubby's bday party because the original was marred by the cheating rumors...yet all they talk about during the redo is the rumor?  

The logic, or lack thereof, fascinates me.

So what are everyone's instincts saying...did he or didn't he?


I'm going to go with he didn't.  I don't know why, I just don't see it.  He seems like a pretty committed family guy.  But he also seems like he really just wanted to be along for the ride on this show, every time the group gets together he seems like he doesn't quite fit in or want to be there.  Don't really blame him either.  Of all the husbands, he's the least famewhory.  Followed by Bill. 

Here's the thing about the hair extensions.  They are everywhere!  Walk down the UES and everybody from the 15 year old to the 70 year old grandmother all have the same damn hair.  It's one thing to be on trend.  But eventually trendy becomes basic and boring. Eventually the hair extensions trend is going to go, or maybe it has, and we'll see something different.  Or maybe it already has gone and I've been in my house for the past year and have no idea.  I'd also love to see people embrace natural styles again.  Melissa and Teresa have curly hair, bring it back!  I suspect Jackie's hair is naturally wavy or curly.  I'm so tired of mermaid hair, OR slicked down hair.  What's wrong with natural wave and curl if you have it?  All of these women think they are so unique and such individuals. They are a dime a dozen.  Especially in northern NJ.  Throw a stick and you'll hit a botoxed, lip filled, mermaid haired 40 year old squeezing into her 15 year old's ripped jeans - as if that's a mentally healthy thing to aspire for.  I often worry that this generation of women is going to hit 70 and the mental health aspect of this is going to rear its ugly head when they see what they've done to themselves.

Sometimes I love Jackie's style.  Other times, when I see things like denim bows, I cringe.  She often goes the 80s route and not in a good way.  Not to mention, this was the summer.  Summer in NJ can be MISERABLE.  Who wears skin tight jeans and a tank top when it's 92 and humid outside?  

WHAT has Marge done to herself?  Just before watching this episode, I watched the episode in Milan where Siggy gives her half-assed apology for calling Margaret an anti-semite because she said Hitler's name.  That was OG pigtailed Marge in those seasons and the difference in her appearance is jarring.  



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6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I always look forward to debating with you .. you stick to your guns I respect that

I’m just going to stick my pretty little nose in here for a second and say I respect both you and @hiyo for keeping the discourse fun, light and civil 💋

3 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Two things I learned from your post...you hate Melissa and really dislike Jackie.

Stick with me kid—you’ll learn that and a whole host of other things.  👍

1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

Exactly. Per season Jackie is a dog with a bone, and can't let an issue go. She was short sighted alienating Jennifer, who could have been an ally. I am really invested in seeing this house wife wanna be  fan girl get the kybosh and not return.

 @Crazydoxielady, I just wanted to give you the heads up that the post you quoted as not from @BrownBear2012.  There must be a glitch in the system or something, but I wrote that long post that you upvoted.  The crown is heavy and I don’t want it to get misplaced and crush anyone.  ❤️

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For the record (not that anyone gives a rat's ass) I don't think Evan cheated.  I think production put the idea in Teresa's little pea brain and she's like, SURE, why not?  If he isn't guilty it won't be a big deal, and Jackie dissed me last season-stupid bitch-and it's pay back time...muahahahha!

Jennifer saying that Teresa wasn't malicious had to be the most ignorant thing that ever came out of her mouth.  Teresa is the epitome of maliciousness.  She's calculating and filing every little slight away for annellation at a later date.  I'd say it's pretty malicious to start a very messy rumor (imo) then spread the rumor, and then not owning any of it.  That dumb bitch will not admit to even spreading the rumor, which she clearly did.  She is so self deluded that she doesn't even remember how she reacted to the rumors about Joe.  She went ape shit.

I think JoeB was just starting shit to feel like a big man.  He had no receipts, just hearsay like everybody else.  Margaret needs to reign his meddling self in some...that's her job and she's better at it.  

Whether I like it or not, I have to accept that this really is The Teresa Show.  It is. The whole cast (save Jackie and she's losing steam) is afraid of Teresa, and so she has carte blanche to be a neanderthal.  Her brother is a neanderthal and so is she, it's just some latent chromosome or something.   I really don't understand why anyone likes her, I do understand why people love to hate her though.  



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6 hours ago, AryasMum said:

It would be an insulting low blow to an ethnic group if Jackie has your experience, but I don’t think she does.

Of course you are entitled to your own opinion.  Mine is that she's been in New Jersey for decades.  I doubt she isn't aware.  It's pretty common in the tri-state area. When I add this to the way she was shown joking about "The Italians" in an episode earlier this season I can only do the math...  


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12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Jackie must have a closet full of acid wash denim dresses she saved from the 80's and 90's, her fashion sense is painful to watch. 


What??  I loved her denim look!  I bought a similar dress after watching the show.  I also loved the pink shoes... am I way out of style?

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9 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

What??  I loved her denim look!  I bought a similar dress after watching the show.  I also loved the pink shoes... am I way out of style?

Enjoy your new dress, what do I know about fashion.  I am sure you will look fab.

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5 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I’m just going to stick my pretty little nose in here for a second and say I respect both you and @hiyo for keeping the discourse fun, light and civil 💋

Stick with me kid—you’ll learn that and a whole host of other things.  👍

 @Crazydoxielady, I just wanted to give you the heads up that the post you quoted as not from @BrownBear2012.  There must be a glitch in the system or something, but I wrote that long post that you upvoted.  The crown is heavy and I don’t want it to get misplaced and crush anyone.  ❤️

Thanks for clarifying...

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Eh, wear what you want—who cares? It’s just clothes. I’m these ladies’ age and you can pry the ripped jeans (that I’ve had since college, hahahhaa!) out of my old gnarled hands. I do not love the style of most of them, but they’re grown women who can wear what they like. What good is aging if you can’t do what you want?

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What is this crap? Jackie telling her special needs brother about someone being mean to her meanwhile she’s been plenty gossipy and mean in the past. What a user. I’d like to see the sister that doesn’t like her, wonder what happened there. 
I used to think Evan was nice looking but last night I thought not so much. He seems like a whiny bitch . 
I agree with the person that said Melissa is getting some karma. Her initial season they made so many cracks about Juicy owing money and she made a point to say “ We pay our bills.” Not so sure you do.
I loved Jen sticking up for Tre and Joe and Margaret in a way too. At least they let duck lips know that they want her to shut up. The redo idea was stupid.


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Regarding Evan’s arguable overreaction to the rumors of alleged cheating and why he would care about it affecting his reputation whether it is true or not, I had the impression— this was never stated— just my impression, that perhaps Evan may have aspirations beyond his current job in finance and that is how any rumors about his ethics and morality could adversely affect him and that is why he was so upset. My impression is that Evan was so offended because he actually is so far from that type of person that he resents being lumped in with a category of men who cheat like some of the other husbands who also have a history and reputation of loose business ethics (both Joe’s, Frank, Margaret’s Joe had an affair with her). Evan said (paraphrasing) that he is young and has a lot of things he wants to still do and this affects him. Maybe he has aspirations in local politics or starting a non-profit or somehow launching his business success in his company in to a private company or starting his own hedge fund? I have no idea about his life goals and agree with many that the best way to handle the rumor would be to laugh and not give it any life beyond to make it simply look bad for Teresa’s character to do such a thing as a guest at their party. Evan and Jackie definitely made it worse by being so upset and not letting it die for several weeks. That said, I don’t blame Evan for being upset about criminal Teresa, of all people, maligning his character on TV out of nowhere because she felt like starting petty drama. However, Jackie and Evan dragging this on for weeks about how this is so devastating and launching a counterattack on Teresa is not productive and leaves everyone helpless in supporting them, in the manner they request, because Jackie won’t listen to any of the women that “two wrongs do not make a right.” It would serve Evan best to keep his upset feelings private with Jackie and for him to help her roll with the BS more so that they can then both say “you are bananas” and “consider the source who is a shitty person who has a history of doing shitty things when not thinking about consequences.” Evan may have strong moral character, however his wife is on a TV show that involves socializing with Teresa Guidice, a lying criminal with a cheating ex-husband and a history of violence and holding grudges forever and making dirty digs for revenge. If you don’t want to fight with Teresa, then... don’t. fight. with. Teresa! That’s what she does! If you lie with dogs, you get up with fleas!

Also... Evan may want to evaluate what he and Jackie share on TV as Jackie opened the door on talking about their sex life and speculation about it in her declaring on multiple occasions about sex acts that she will not engage in with her husband! That is private information and gets people wondering about the health of your sexual relationship and people start speculating based on their own marriage! People like Teresa start automatically thinking about what her husband might do, as we witnessed in that being her immediate verbal reaction in the moment, no less given time to think about it. Jackie, don’t open the door for people to talk about your sex life by talking about not giving your husband blow jobs in his “happy birthday, I love you so much baby” speech and then be shocked that people are talking about your sex life and if Evan might get sex elsewhere. Teresa is a brain dead idiot for repeating a rumor to every face she saw, however you are the one who keeps reminding her of the fact that you don’t give blowjobs. Teresa thinks that is weird and is going to voice it every time that you do! Stop talking about it and maybe everyone else will too! Sheesh! 

Edited by Luckylondon
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32 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

Regarding Evan’s arguable overreaction to the rumors of alleged cheating and why he would care about it affecting his reputation whether it is true or not, I had the impression— this was never stated— just my impression, that perhaps Evan may have aspirations beyond his current job in finance and that is how any rumors about his ethics and morality could adversely affect him and that is why he was so upset. My impression is that Evan was so offended because he actually is so far from that type of person that he resents being lumped in with a category of men who cheat like some of the other husbands who also have a history and reputation of loose business ethics (both Joe’s, Frank, Margaret’s Joe had an affair with her). Evan said (paraphrasing) that he is young and has a lot of things he wants to still do and this affects him. Maybe he has aspirations in local politics or starting a non-profit or somehow launching his business success in his company in to a private company or starting his own hedge fund? I have no idea about his life goals and agree with many that the best way to handle the rumor would be to laugh and not give it any life beyond to make it simply look bad for Teresa’s character to do such a thing as a guest at their party. Evan and Jackie definitely made it worse by being so upset and not letting it die for several weeks. That said, I don’t blame Evan for being upset about criminal Teresa, of all people, maligning his character on TV out of nowhere because she felt like starting petty drama. Dragging this on for weeks about how this is so devastating and launching a counterattack on Teresa is not productive and leaves everyone helpless in supporting them as they are requesting because Jackie won’t listen to them that “two wrongs do not make a right.” It would serve him best to keep his upset feelings private with Jackie and for him to help her roll with the BS more so that they can then both say “you are bananas” and “consider the source who is a shitty person who has a history of doing shitty things when not thinking about consequences.” Evan may have strong moral character, however his wife is on a TV show that involves socializing with Teresa Guidice, a lying criminal with a cheating ex-husband and a history of violence and holding grudges forever and making dirty digs for revenge. If you don’t want to fight with Teresa, don’t fight with Teresa! If you lie with dogs, you get up with fleas!

Evan may want to evaluate what he and Jackie share on TV as Jackie opened the door on talking about their sex life and speculation about it in her declaring on multiple occasions about sex acts that she will not engage in with her husband! That is private information and gets people wondering about the health of your sexual relationship and people start speculating based on their own marriage! People like Teresa start automatically thinking about what her husband might do, as we witnessed in that being her immediate verbal reaction in the moment, no less given time to think about it. Jackie, don’t open the door for people to talk about your sex life by talking about not giving your husband blow jobs in his “happy birthday, I love you so much baby” speech and then be shocked that people are talking about your sex life and if Evan might get sex elsewhere. Sheesh! Teresa is a brain dead idiot for repeating a rumor to every face she saw, however you are the one who keeps reminding her of the fact that you don’t give blowjobs. Teresa thinks that is weird and is going to voice it every time that you do! Stop talking about it and maybe everyone else will too! Sheesh! 

I don’t think Housewives does much for the husbands. Being on the show would be risky for someone wanting to advance their career. Plus the divorce rate seems to skyrocket. 
What was the point of the redo if all they were going to do was talk about Teresa and the rumor? 

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8 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I don’t think Housewives does much for the husbands. Being on the show would be risky for someone wanting to advance their career. Plus the divorce rate seems to skyrocket. 
What was the point of the redo if all they were going to do was talk about Teresa and the rumor? 

I totally agree! I am always amazed that people think that they will be different and come across well on these shows and then are surprised when they do not!

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2 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

Regarding Evan’s arguable overreaction to the rumors of alleged cheating and why he would care about it affecting his reputation whether it is true or not, I had the impression— this was never stated— just my impression, that perhaps Evan may have aspirations beyond his current job in finance and that is how any rumors about his ethics and morality could adversely affect him and that is why he was so upset. My impression is that Evan was so offended because he actually is so far from that type of person that he resents being lumped in with a category of men who cheat like some of the other husbands who also have a history and reputation of loose business ethics (both Joe’s, Frank, Margaret’s Joe had an affair with her). Evan said (paraphrasing) that he is young and has a lot of things he wants to still do and this affects him. Maybe he has aspirations in local politics or starting a non-profit or somehow launching his business success in his company in to a private company or starting his own hedge fund? I have no idea about his life goals and agree with many that the best way to handle the rumor would be to laugh and not give it any life beyond to make it simply look bad for Teresa’s character to do such a thing as a guest at their party. Evan and Jackie definitely made it worse by being so upset and not letting it die for several weeks. That said, I don’t blame Evan for being upset about criminal Teresa, of all people, maligning his character on TV out of nowhere because she felt like starting petty drama. Dragging this on for weeks about how this is so devastating and launching a counterattack on Teresa is not productive and leaves everyone helpless in supporting them as they are requesting because Jackie won’t listen to them that “two wrongs do not make a right.” It would serve him best to keep his upset feelings private with Jackie and for him to help her roll with the BS more so that they can then both say “you are bananas” and “consider the source who is a shitty person who has a history of doing shitty things when not thinking about consequences.” Evan may have strong moral character, however his wife is on a TV show that involves socializing with Teresa Guidice, a lying criminal with a cheating ex-husband and a history of violence and holding grudges forever and making dirty digs for revenge. If you don’t want to fight with Teresa, don’t fight with Teresa! If you lie with dogs, you get up with fleas!

Evan may want to evaluate what he and Jackie share on TV as Jackie opened the door on talking about their sex life and speculation about it in her declaring on multiple occasions about sex acts that she will not engage in with her husband! That is private information and gets people wondering about the health of your sexual relationship and people start speculating based on their own marriage! People like Teresa start automatically thinking about what her husband might do, as we witnessed in that being her immediate verbal reaction in the moment, no less given time to think about it. Jackie, don’t open the door for people to talk about your sex life by talking about not giving your husband blow jobs in his “happy birthday, I love you so much baby” speech and then be shocked that people are talking about your sex life and if Evan might get sex elsewhere. Sheesh! Teresa is a brain dead idiot for repeating a rumor to every face she saw, however you are the one who keeps reminding her of the fact that you don’t give blowjobs. Teresa thinks that is weird and is going to voice it every time that you do! Stop talking about it and maybe everyone else will too! Sheesh! 


Tre did a masterful thing, she can be front and center without even having to film, endless conversations about her, her name on their lips, the rumor being grist for the mill and she can sit back and collect her check, the lazy way.

I don't think Evan cheated but the more Jackie talks about the rumor the little cracks begin to show so what does Jackie do, continues that narrative making it worse, not Tre, it is Jackie and her inability to let it go.  Well played Tre, well played.

My husband is leary when the BJ's increase, it means we usually wind up a car dealership, lol, seriously I am just joking, really, I am.

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36 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

she can sit back and collect her check, the lazy way.

This statement actually applies to Jackie and describes her entire tenure on the show. She does and brings nothing to the table, and the ONLY reason we are talking about her is because Tre took a rumor (likely producer-driven) and ran with it. Otherwise we'd hear more about Jackie's old eating disorder and she'd just be kissing Melissa's ass.

One thing you can't say about Tre is that she's lazy. She puts it all out there - even the wrong, bad stuff - and lets people judge her. For cripe's sake, she kept the franchise going while in the pen!! And that's been RHNJ for a decade.

Jackie, hiding in her house and crying all the time, staying on the show through text message, isn't "cut from that cloth." No one has given Tre a pass on her bad behavior at the party - not even Jen - and she's being forced to at least her why she's wrong. 

We'd be off to an OC type of season if it wasn't for this pathetic run-of-the-mill rumor. What is ACTUALLY happening this season?? Nothing so far. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:


My husband is leary when the BJ's increase, it means we usually wind up a car dealership, lol, seriously I am just joking, really, I am.

Trust me, it works 😉

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Not that we need more proof of Teresa being stupid, but I love how she confronted Michelle about what was said at the party. She said to Michelle that she and Joe were at the party together, why didn't she bring up the the money situation to him then, instead of bringing it up to Jen? You know, just like how she brought up the rumor to Jackie at the party. Oh wait....

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2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I don’t think Housewives does much for the husbands. Being on the show would be risky for someone wanting to advance their career. Plus the divorce rate seems to skyrocket. 
What was the point of the redo if all they were going to do was talk about Teresa and the rumor? 

The title of this episode should have been "Redo, Rewind and REPLAY", because that is all that happened at Evan's b'day party, part deux.  

And, of course, this is going to be the on-going issue for the entire season, because Jackie will not let it go and neither will Teresa, so the other ladies will also be dragged into it.

If Teresa had gone around talking about it at Evan's first party, and if everyone there, including Jackie, decided to give it no merit, there would be no story.  Would Teresa have taken it a few steps further at a different point in time?  Probably, because I think that this is the way the producers wanted this season to go, and we all know that Teresa is good at following producers' instructions.   

If Jackie had basically shut it down right away, there would have been no reason for being so upset.  If Jackie had decided to not discuss it again, there would be no conversation about it.  Right now, Jackie is the one who is constantly reminding viewers and anyone else that Teresa is a crappy friend who is spreading cheating rumors about her husband.  Right now, Jackie is the one is continuing to give this story airtime.  

I'm already over this.  


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The funniest part of this episode to me was when Joe Gorga tried to say Teresa told Jackie the cheating rumor because of an "all women stick together" thing. I loved it when everyone was like, um, no. Then Joe just kind of shrugged it off properly chagrined and said he had to try, because he was defending his sister. 

I also thought it was funny when Jackie started talking about how Teresa was being mean to her to her brother. He got this, "oh crap, we're really doing this?" look on his face. You could tell he didn't care and it was something they would never usually talk about, but he was playing along because he knows they did it for the cameras. 


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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

My husband is leary when the BJ's increase, it means we usually wind up a car dealership, lol, seriously I am just joking, really, I am

This was so funny!  Good one.


37 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

And yay, we get to see more of Tre's asscheeks next episode. We're in for another treat!

Now that you mentioned it, I couldn't help but notice (okay, okay I was looking as close as I could without rewinding) that Melissa has the better asscheeks.  Teresa's are pretty good, but Melissa's are better.

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27 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

Now that you mentioned it, I couldn't help but notice (okay, okay I was looking as close as I could without rewinding) that Melissa has the better asscheeks.  Teresa's are pretty good, but Melissa's are better.

Tre's outfit made her butt look like a trussed up ham.

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Not an expert but I think Marge's weird lips are a result of her face lift. When the skin is pulled to the sides too much you get these weirdly elongated lips. It used to be easier to spot before everyone deformed their lips with fillers but Marge's lips have that unnaturally stretched to the side look.

I don't think Evan cheated and the whole aftermath is just people doing what they have to do to earn their paycheck. 

I think Tre must have have some kind of learning disorder of some kind - I don't mean that in a hyperbolic manner but literally as she seems to not be able to actually comprehend what is said to her and gets a very confused look on her face. This has nothing to do with "book learning" as Joe Gorga came from the same background and while he may not be a Shakespearean scholar, he seems to have normal verbal and comprehension skills. Tre's issues aren't just that she mangles the English language - I suspect that she can not process information, words or data. As I said, most of the Jersey housewives aren't particularly "book smart" but Tre I suspect truly has a below average IQ as well as other processing disorders. And obviously she is shamelessly hypocritical but that delusional behavior appears without regard for class or education 🙂 

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37 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:



Now that you mentioned it, I couldn't help but notice (okay, okay I was looking as close as I could without rewinding) that Melissa has the better asscheeks.  Teresa's are pretty good, but Melissa's are better.

Melissa has a different body type as her body is slim - her legs are leaner. She is slim but not skinny and I would say that she is more of an ectomorph.

Tre's natural body type is much squatter. Her legs are thicker even though she is not overweight. She is just naturally not a slim person - she is at best a mesomorph but I suspect that if she didn't diet and exercise rigorously she would morph into a larger person. I watched the version of the show that has the captioned insights from production and one of the captions stated that Tre and Jackie are the housewives who continue their food and exercise regimes most faithfully even on the trips. Not surprising at all since Jackie has an eating disorder which she handles with very restricted eating and exercise regime and I imagine Tre does the same ever since she did the body building thing and ate only white meat chicken and salad greens.

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I, for one, love Jackies brother. Simple minded or not, he's the smartest one of the bunch. Be nice, blow it off, it's not all that important if you know it's not true, move on and you're life will be happier and healthier by doing that. But....Jackie's a pit bull and will do none of that. 

2 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

Now that you mentioned it, I couldn't help but notice (okay, okay I was looking as close as I could without rewinding) that Melissa has the better asscheeks.  Teresa's are pretty good, but Melissa's are better.

Melissa is about 10 years younger so she has an advantage. Gravity has not befallen her yet!

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On 3/11/2021 at 9:13 AM, BrindaWalsh said:

Then Jennifer says "omg you keep that stuff private!!!"  No honey, you don't, especially if you don't want to.  You scream about that shit from the rooftops so that the 16 year old working in the ice cream shop this summer to save money for college because her family can't afford to send her doesn't feel like she has to sleep with her 21 year old boss or risk losing her job.  That is why these conversations are so important.

Exactly. Well said!

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On 3/11/2021 at 1:43 PM, AryasMum said:

I’m confused about Lexi’s accent. She specifically talked about being unfamiliar with American wild animals, as they don’t have them in England.  Yet she talks like she’s been in Jersey for decades. Maybe she thinks her England days make her glamorous? Plus, most English people I know refer to their home as the UK, not England. 

Lexi is the only transplant I know who injects two dialects into a single sentence. Not just a word in one here or there, but I distinctly heard her begin a sentence in what sounded almost like Estuary English and then roll into a high Jersey accent literally halfway through for a big, awkward finish. Lex, dial it back a bit.

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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Tre's outfit made her butt look like a trussed up ham.

Say what you will but Melissa has a great body...she actually works hard at and it shows.

11 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

Lexi is the only transplant I know who injects two dialects into a single sentence. Not just a word in one here or there, but I distinctly heard her begin a sentence in what sounded almost like Estuary English and then roll into a high Jersey accent literally halfway through for a big, awkward finish. Lex, dial it back a bit.

What happened to her other assistant..the older, funnier one.

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There was an interesting short mention by Jennifer the other night that she was using Michele, the realtor, in her search for a beach property. I wonder whether we will see this play out. 
Will Jennifer and Bill buy a second home or will they buy an investment property a la Jackie? One hopes we can get off the current narrative. 

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17 minutes ago, janiema said:

Will Jennifer and Bill buy a second home or will they buy an investment property a la Jackie? One hopes we can get off the current narrative. 

Yes lord please, but I am not gonna hold my breath.  Bravo will milk this for every teeny tiny drop, like they always do when they set the narrative for the season.  The good news is, we still have Jennifer's face-plant to look forward to 🤗😁

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9 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

This statement actually applies to Jackie and describes her entire tenure on the show. She does and brings nothing to the table, and the ONLY reason we are talking about her is because Tre took a rumor (likely producer-driven) and ran with it. Otherwise we'd hear more about Jackie's old eating disorder and she'd just be kissing Melissa's ass.

One thing you can't say about Tre is that she's lazy. She puts it all out there - even the wrong, bad stuff - and lets people judge her. For cripe's sake, she kept the franchise going while in the pen!! And that's been RHNJ for a decade.

Jackie, hiding in her house and crying all the time, staying on the show through text message, isn't "cut from that cloth." No one has given Tre a pass on her bad behavior at the party - not even Jen - and she's being forced to at least her why she's wrong. 

We'd be off to an OC type of season if it wasn't for this pathetic run-of-the-mill rumor. What is ACTUALLY happening this season?? Nothing so far. 

This.  Is.  Everything.  Now I know why you are the Supreme Diva!  I hope to see you in the Jackie thread—there are some highly acclaimed posts over there!  😁

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It's possible that Evan's redo party was just a way for Jackie to get herself more screen time after she bailed on the Lake George trip. Plus, it would show them as a united front and that things between them were fine. I get her being upset about the rumor but like others have said, enough already. Tre isn't going to apologize and if Jackie believes Evan isn't cheating, then she needs to let it go.

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On 3/10/2021 at 9:53 PM, Kdawg82 said:

Jackie's janky extensions!!!! NOOO! MAKE IT STOP! The hair was better in the talking heads right at shoulder length.  I don't understand why people do these looong (single-length) extensions when the natural hair is cut in a bob. Additionally, I thought extensions were left with pop culture icons circa 2003. Are we still doing these?

Her extensions are TERRIBLE. 
ETA: Tres are terrible too 

Edited by Erh3d
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I had to re-watch, because I knew I didn’t catch nearly all of the stupidity, sloth, lying and deception the first time around, and also to mix up the topics a bit (a bit—I can only work with what the show is giving me):

What is up with Margaret calling Joe and asking him if he worked on the house and him saying no because he went out the night before, and, no, they didn’t talk about Evan?  This is Margaret’s fourth season of trying to get Joe to work on his own damned house, which makes it the fourth consecutive season that Margaret is living in a construction zone.  How lovely and aspirational.  And Joe B is lying.  Again. 

I guess those of us who thought that Jackie could turn the table on Teresa by telling her to talk to Evan were wrong.  Teresa has no interest in talking to Evan, and at this point, I cannot blame her.  

I noticed this since Melissa joined the show:  when it comes time to vacation, Teresa is always game to be active while Melissa is trying to be sexy.  Season four comes to mind, when they went to California.  Teresa got into a bodysuit and went surfing, while Melissa wore a bikini top and refused to get in the water, because she wanted to “keep it sexy.”  🤮 Season three, when they went to the DR and Teresa was going from street vendor to street vendor, trying to get inspiration for her cookbook, while Melissa complained she was getting blood on her Guccis.  I don’t think Teresa is a particularly attractive woman, but she is organically sexy, unlike Melissa who tries way too damned hard. 

Ok, I am just going to parse the financial shenanigans that went on, because there is a lot of unmined gold there!  When Melissa found out Jennifer wanted to talk to her and Jen was leading into the story of the owed money, but hadn’t said anything bad yet, Melissa was already breathing with her mouth open, like literally panting, and yanking on her earring.  These are not the actions of someone with nothing to hide.  Then she asked Jen, “why would my husband ever split Grow With Gorga with someone else?”  So this bitch doesn’t even seem to grasp the concept of a partnership, even though that is allegedly the agreement she had at her store with Jackie (a third Jackie, not the crazy one or...the other crazy one).  Ok, so that’s Melissa’s party line—Joe doesn’t owe, because it is unfathomable that he would partner up.  Got it.  

But then when Melissa called Joe on the phone to, I guess, get his side, Joe had a completely different story and said that he already paid Michelle’s husband for the work he did, which implies a partnership of some sort, so I guess they really cleared that up and showed everyone they were wrong.  Good work, Dumb and Dumber.  👍

I have said it before that I really don’t like the emotional blackmail that Teresa and Melissa used to do with each other over JoeGo, but I just don’t see Teresa engaging in it now, so I simply can’t call her out for what’s not there. But Melissa really went low when she told Teresa to take Joe’s side because he is “your only living family member.”  Does Melissa know about families and how they work and how there are these four young ladies named Gia, Gabriella, Milania and Audriana who are Teresa’s living family members?  And I thought...I could have sworn...that Melissa came on the show and retained the party line that she wanted the chance to be sisterly with Teresa, but Teresa was blocking her.  So isn’t Melissa a “living family member” of Teresa’s too?  

Melissa doesn’t care; she just wants Teresa to fall in line and, ironically, go rage on someone’s ass, because she is apparently better at it than Melissa, and Melissa has no compunction about trying to get Teresa enraged through rhetoric about her dead parents in order to get her dirty work done.  This naked attempt at manipulation of Teresa is not just gross, it’s disgusting.  I can’t seem to remember the last time Teresa dangled Melissa’s dead dad in front of her in order to make a point.  🤔

So Jackie’s learning disabled brother had the coronavirus and got stuck on a cruise in Chile, but let’s put all that aside in order to discuss how Teresa was “very, very mean” to Jackie and spread a “very mean rumor.”  Priorities are firmly in order.  Jackie doesn’t know if she can be as big of a person as her brother is?  I’m here to tell her that she can’t, or at least she is on the very wrong track toward getting that way.  Teresa’s family in black-and-white flashbacks was far more entertaining than this.  

Melissa seems strangely invested in Teresa getting a new man, and I have a hunch it has absolutely zero to do with Teresa’s happiness and all about a way for Melissa to try to needle Teresa.  Melissa feels bad for people who are single during this pandemic?  I feel bad for people who are quarantined with husbands they cannot stand, such as when a husband suggests sex, and his wife tells him “you got issues.”

Teresa won’t list her house with Michelle until Michelle’s husband clears it up with Joe Gorga?  The way to clear up lack of payment is to render payment.  If Teresa was suggesting that Michelle’s husband forgo payment for services rendered in order for Michelle to get/keep the listing, she has no leg to stand on, and if she even knows what she’s saying, I highly doubt she means it.  That was the definition of lip service. 

Listening very closely to Margaret’s story about her life in the city, this was not a situation that needed to be shouted from the rooftops—it just wasn’t that interesting.  She said it was in the eighties “everybody was sleeping together,” she was 22 years old, living in the city and at her first job she was shopping with her really good looking older boss and they went back to his apartment and slept together and it was awkward.  I’m simply not getting upset that this happened—it sounds like the story of every single woman who has moved to a big city and galavanted with men (which is often a big attraction to city life for single women)—and it’s not book worthy.  This woman is writing a book about being raised by wolves (Bethenny Frankel already been there, done that) and sleeping with her boss.  Is there a single person going online to preorder this?  Anyone who wants to hear about this shit can just go spend the money that they were going to spend on the book to get a spa pedicure at the salon.  They would hear far more hair-raising stories and come out with cute toes, to boot. 

Jackie...Teresa was not concerned about your well-being and your marriage.  If Teresa says otherwise at another point in the season, I will call that out as bullshit too.  Jackie is older than me and has better credentials.  Why do I need to figure this out for her?  

Someone pointed this out up thread and I just have to second it—Jackie is getting “everybody that they care about” back together to celebrate Evan’s birthday again?  I thought Jackie had so many friends, none of whom would ever treat her this way.  Where were those friends at the corn hole restaurant?  This was strictly for TV.  At home, Evan can’t get in a word edgewise with Jackie.  The only time he was allowed to speak was when she was taking a breath.  Often a man will cheat when he feels emasculated.  

Teresa can’t stop talking about Jackie and Jackie can’t stop talking about Teresa.  My prediction is that this will eventually get sorted out in the wash and one of their names will no longer be uttered in the mid-near future.  When this season ends, Jackie will have three seasons under her belt.  You know who else had three seasons?  Kathy.  Remember her?  Yeah, me neither.  

I can’t believe that, at Evan’s event, which was supposed to be a light, fun do-over, Jackie cornered Jennifer and said that Teresa “clearly” can hurt her family, but Jackie can’t say anything ot hurt Teresa’s family.  I thought Jackie no longer cared about that shit.  Isn’t that her party line?  

For someone who really doesn’t want this discussed and is so mad his name is being dragged through the mud, Evan sure had a thing or six to say about it.  If I’m not cheating and some stupid woman says I am and I am a really big, smart person in finance, why do I entertain such, as Evan said, “bullshit”?  Evan says, “even if it’s baseless, you can’t fully erase it.”  First of all, that was not the first time in this episode that Evan referred to his fidelity or lack thereof as a hypothetical.  He never once says anything even approximating, “Jackie, I have never and would never cheat on you.”  That’s telling to me.  Second of all, ok Evan, if it can’t fully be erased, then why are you still bitching about it?  Just let it die already if it’s nothing.  There’s either something there, which is what is causing all of this belaboring, or Evan is trying to bolster his wife’s screen time by keeping it alive.  I would hazard a guess that both are true.  Evan may very well be giving Jackie a poor man’s version of the Camille Grammer treatment. 

On first watch, I missed the huge bear hug Jackie enveloped Jennifer in when she arrived.  At last season’s reunion, Jackie was treating Jennifer like she was beneath contempt, like she was the scum of the earth, while Jackie snickered on the other side of the couch with her buddy Melissa.  What’s changed since then, other than the fact that back then Jackie was getting along with Teresa and now she’s not?  This bitch can’t fight a two-front war??  Season four, Teresa fought a four-front war if one is only counting full-time cast members, and an eight front war if one wants to add Lauren Manzo, Joe Go, Richie and Rosie into the mix.  And she still walked away victor, not the victim.  

Melissa showed everyone the bracelet Joe bought her for their sixteen year anniversary, and I swear I heard Margaret’s response to be “that’s for sixteen years of the same banking,” but then it said on closed caption that it was for “sixteen years of the same banging” and I realized that made a whole lot more sense.  Though I don’t really believe that Melissa bangs her husband anymore, it is far more likely that she’s tossing him one every so often when she’s drunk than the idea that the Gorgas would have worked with the same bank for 16 years, or even 16 months.  These two have scams up the wazoo, and I’d bet they have a bankruptcy petition all filled out just waiting to be filed.  

Jackie is going to feel like such a fool when she sees last episode, now that she asked the guys to tell Evan that it’s “fucking bullshit nonsense please.”  First of all, bitch, read a room.  They all think he’s cheating, down to a man.  They said so in a myriad of ways to Evan’s face as soon as Jackie walked away (and Evan laughed).  Second of all, why does everyone on the planet earth have to report to Evan that Evan is not cheating?  That’s not how any of this works.  I feel like I am in the upside-down.  To begin to dispel rumors about cheating, it is Evan who would do the talking.  But Evan has been strangely silent and when he is not silent, he is ambiguous.  

Jackie feels “nothing” for Teresa.  Right.  As if she’s not seething with rage, not just below the surface, but on the surface.  She was so bothered by Jen mentioning that Teresa may have heard something that she went from not wanting to make a toast, to making a toast to all the women Evan are fucking, ha ha ha.  That toast may have been slightly amusing if someone who was at ease and actually trying to make a joke did it, but when a hysterical woman gives it, it’s just sad.  This bitch don’t know if she’s coming or going and she really needs to get it together.  Last season Margaret suggested that Danielle needed to be checked into Bellevue.  May I suggest two for the price of one?  

I’ll probably have more to say later!


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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 When this season ends, Jackie will have three seasons under her belt.  You know who else had three seasons?  Kathy.  Remember her?  Yeah, me neither.  

🤣 When I read this I thought "Has she really been/were they really on the show for that long?

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

 Evan may very well be giving Jackie a poor man’s version of the Camille Grammer treatment.

This made me LOL!

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

why does everyone on the planet earth have to report to Evan that Evan is not cheating?  That’s not how any of this works.

Right? I don't get it either. Did she make him some unrealistic promise when she joined the show, that the husbands never get dragged into anything, and now he's po'd? Is Evan controlling and abusive, making Jackie so afraid to upset him and desperate to prove that no one believes it? I don't get that vibe from him, but you never know.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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Popping back in because I picked up on something else that bears discussion: Jackie is, once again, using "intelligence" as a cudgel - I didn't like it when she did back in season 9 to Tre and I'm frankly even more tired of it this year. 

Her need to try to degrade her friend Marge over coffee (of course Jackie couldn't stomach the possibility of eating Nutella balls) really rubbed me the wrong way. You're playing poorly against your enemies so now you want to come for your buddies too? Marge offered you safe haven in her home, has gone to bat for you at every turn, and is trying to help you out, and your response is to question her intelligence? 

Intelligence has different levels - Jackie is book-smart I'm sure but she's wholly unaware of herself and cannot read a room to save her life. It's also a lot like class and money - if you're constantly going on about how much you have, you likely don't have much at all. And if you're always the smartest one in the room, you're in the wrong room. Go forge relationships with people on your intellect level. Or maybe that's too difficult because she just enjoys feeling superior and lording over people. 

I think Jackie has no idea what show she's on. OF COURSE Marge doesn't believe the treacly BS about Teresa - you're on a reality show and you just skipped an important group trip. Your friend is throwing you a bone, giving you scene to film, and trying to show you a way to keep your job alongside a woman neither of you like that much. Being on this show is a (relatively easy) JOB - and to keep it, just like at an office, you have to show up to work. Marge sees her friend losing perspective and is trying, without breaking the fourth wall, to show her a way to move past Teresa's bad behavior so she can save face, respect her marriage, and still keep her spot on the show. Jackie just can't see that - she really thinks that "never talking to Teresa again" is possible and everyone is going to line up behind her. I don't know what planet she's on, or if she doesn't want to be on the show anymore (could we get that lucky?), but biting off Marge's head and threatening to take your toys and go home isn't a great look. 

Jackie took a totally different tactic once in front of Joe Gorga - she's really spineless and will talk down to other females but not males. 

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1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Intelligence has different levels - Jackie is book-smart I'm sure but she's wholly unaware of herself and cannot read a room to save her life. It's also a lot like class and money - if you're constantly going on about how much you have, you likely don't have much at all. And if you're always the smartest one in the room, you're in the wrong room. Go forge relationships with people on your intellect level. Or maybe that's too difficult because she just enjoys feeling superior and lording over people. 

This!  Not long ago I mentioned that I thought she would aim primarily for the low hanging fruit, possibly knowing or fearing that aiming higher will reveal her as being less than.

3 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

So Jackie’s learning disabled brother had the coronavirus and got stuck on a cruise in Chile, but let’s put all that aside in order to discuss how Teresa was “very, very mean” to Jackie and spread a “very mean rumor.”  Priorities are firmly in order.  Jackie doesn’t know if she can be as big of a person as her brother is?  I’m here to tell her that she can’t, or at least she is on the very wrong track toward getting that way.  Teresa’s family in black-and-white flashbacks was far more entertaining than this.

I can't be the only one who was disappointed we did not hear more details about that cruise situation.  That would actually have been interesting.  

1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I think Jackie has no idea what show she's on.

I suspect she entered this fancying herself to be the RHoNJ answer to Bethenny Frankel. She's not. In this franchise she is an example of "one of these things is not like the other", but not in an intriguing way. The rest of the ladies know how to play the game.  All she's got is her willingness to take on T.  She can't be HBIC while at the same time wallowing in victimhood. Unfortunately she and her family are boring by RH standards, she reeks of a superiority complex and a far too obvious thirst for the limelight.

Some interesting gossip on the net this week.  One I read claimed that production wanted the estranged sister on the show that Jackie absolutely refused, and production was not pleased. Another is that she refused to go on the lake trip and pissed off production for that.  What I have noticed for sure is a marked increase in negative posts regarding her.  Makes me wonder if there is some truth to the gossip and if production decided to give her enough rope this season. 

2 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

...but biting off Marge's head and threatening to take your toys and go home isn't a great look. 

Of course she is going to wind up getting together with T at some point, but I have to say the less she is on the screen the better.  Even better if the others would not mention her.  

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Jack's desperation for everyone to tell Evan they don't believe he cheated was so very odd. If the big concern is his business reputation, what does that have to do with this crowd? Do the hohusbands have some influence on the " finance" community I missed? Do all the influential finance types work out at Frank's gym? Are Joe2 and joe3 rubbing elbows with executives over brunch? Is Jen's husband the Wallstreet go to tummy tuck guy? 

Demanding a hollow apology from tre, stating exactly what she must say...seems more like control than caring if she actually has any remorse. I'm sorry is easy to say, but only words when its not felt.

Marge felt like she had to sleep with her boss. Didnt sound like he threatened her job, pursued her relentlessly, or did anything harassing, other than to express an interest in her (can't date the boss today, but no biggie 30 years ago). It sucks she was young and afraid to say no, but its not really a harrowing enough experience to be book worthy. I found her mention that he was good looking interesting. I suspect the flirting went both ways, the doing of the deed didn't live up to the anticipation, and then things were awkward between them at work. Just my take based on what we heard on the show...maybe the book tells more.




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