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"The View": Week of 1/25/2021

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48 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I really think they are all given a script with their part, just like a movie. Whoopi doesn't need to listen she has the script also.

They all know what each other is going to say. Joy and Sunny are much better at their part sounding natural because it is clear they know what they want to say.

Sara just reads her script and Meghan is on such a mission to exhaust us that she is a conservative republican and that world revolves around her.

They've mentioned their production meetings they have pre-show.  That's when I think they go over the "script" or at least talk about what each person is going to say.   They've all already heard some version of MM's rants so they all basically tune out during the show.  

I've been liking Sarah more here lately.   While she does come across a little wooden on the serious topics, she does now seem to have an actual POV and not just trying to straddle the fence.  

MM was just full of contradictions today.   She's for impeachment and thinks Trump incited the mob, but Katie Couric is wrong for criticizing those who support the mob.   It's so hard coming on the show everyday because she's a conservative but little Liberty loves being on TV just like her mom......LOL

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Did anyone else notice Joy laughing and shaking her head at someone off camera (Hillary is her name and she was with her today as Steve was elsewhere) after MeAgain's endless rant this morning?  I laughed out loud. 

Joy's facial expressions are so telling.  It's obvious to me she's had her fill, much like I have, of the MeAgain and Sunny love fests, which now occur on an almost daily basis. Today's ass kissing took place during the prenup conversation.  I would have loved to know what Joy was thinking as she watched the two of them gushing over each other.  It was nauseating.

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That audible dot com link is really, really worth reading. The lipstick on a pig adage comes to mind.

I would like to be a fly on the wall when someone who reads that blurb tunes in to see MM for the first time. 

What a shame there isn't an e-book version. It would be entertaining to search the word "father" and laugh at the number of results. 

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55 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

It seems like everyday has now become a therapy session for Megan to tell us how hard it is to be a Republican in America. It is off-putting and offensive on so many levels.  At this point I am just embarrassed for her...

How long before she requests being a Republican puts you in a protected class?  For her to act like she is a victim simply because of her political beliefs is beyond the pale.  Nobody is persecuting or discriminating against her because of her beliefs.  Up until very recently her party was in control of the White House, the Senate and had sat the majority of justices on SCOTUS.  What is that old saying?  I'm paraphrasing but it is something like when you are used to being in power people being equal to you makes you feel like you are oppressed.  That is Meghan.

32 minutes ago, suomi said:

What a shame there isn't an e-book version.

The fact it is audio only tells me it is not expected to sell well. Do we know who the publisher is? Is it self published?

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MeAgain must be very happy she got the headlines again today, except for the fact that she makes no sense when you contrast it to what she said yesterday.


I like Sara being the one to throw a little shade at MeAgain by referencing Katie Couric. And then MeAgain suggested that Couric wasn't being clear? Just read the articles posted yesterday calling you out.

So MeAgain has a gangster prenup? Nice.

MeAgain completely misrepresents the Lincoln Project just like she says everyone else generalizes about Repubs.

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17 minutes ago, bannana said:

MeAgain completely misrepresents the Lincoln Project just like she says everyone else generalizes about Repubs.

It would be funny if her mother went to work for the Lincoln Project.  So many Republicans who feel they no longer have a home in the party are aligning themselves  with them more and more..  

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2 hours ago, deirdra said:

I think she is talking the book. Audible with no hard copy was what she said a couple of years ago.

One less thing for all of us and Katie Couric to have to buy!

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7 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

It would be funny if her mother went to work for the Lincoln Project.  So many Republicans who feel they no longer have a home in the party are aligning themselves  with them more and more..  

What she says she's for, small government, strong military, fiscal responsibility is exactly what the Lincoln project advocates.   They were traditional conservatives turned off by Trump.    But I think they have a beef with her husband, so she feels the need to lie about who they are.

During that same rant she also blamed "old" people in the republican party supporting Trump.  But in reality many of the older republican senators have retired or keep a relatively low profile.   It's the 40s-50s crew of Republicans that are the most vocal Trump supporters.   

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2 hours ago, After7Only said:

They've mentioned their production meetings they have pre-show.  That's when I think they go over the "script" or at least talk about what each person is going to say.   They've all already heard some version of MM's rants so they all basically tune out during the show.  

They always had their "morning meeting" when they were in the studio because Sunny would talk about it too much on the show.

Now that they are virtual, the show seems so much more scripted especially Sara.

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I noticed Meghan doesn't get the last word anymore.  Whoopi goes to her before Joy now.  That way Meghan doesn't get to spend her rant calling out what Joy just said.  I suspect Meghan is not happy about that.

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45 minutes ago, After7Only said:

During that same rant she also blamed "old" people in the republican party supporting Trump.  But in reality many of the older republican senators have retired or keep a relatively low profile.   It's the 40s-50s crew of Republicans that are the most vocal Trump supporters.   

I think she was talking about The Base skewing older rather than elected officials. Yeah, the older Rep senators want no part of this, as they said re Portman. 

Edited by Haleth
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Cementhead, you have the best memes!  I love the Veruca Salt one.  She is the perfect representation of Meghan.  I can just envision John McCain saying to his daughter: "*We* are the music makers... and *we* are the dreamers of dreams" and Meghan's run with that ever since!

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6 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Question: The only possible scenario where Wendy effing Williams isn't the #1 absolute worst piece of garbage person on my tv?

Answer:  When she is on The View with ol' Jaundice Eyes McCain.

I think upthread I referred to the negative energy likely to happen on this episode. This is specifically what I meant. Two of the most narcissistic, nasty, unpleasant people currently on TV on at the same time.  

1 hour ago, LakeGal said:

I noticed Meghan doesn't get the last word anymore.  Whoopi goes to her before Joy now.  That way Meghan doesn't get to spend her rant calling out what Joy just said.  I suspect Meghan is not happy about that.

Doesn't this just lead to her going long instead?  If she can't be last, she can eat up the time, leaving Joy less.

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3 hours ago, Badbea99 said:

Joy's facial expressions are so telling.  It's obvious to me she's had her fill, much like I have, of the MeAgain and Sunny love fests, which now occur on an almost daily basis. Today's ass kissing took place during the prenup conversation.  I would have loved to know what Joy was thinking as she watched the two of them gushing over each other.  It was nauseating.

I'll admit I don't get it.  As I've said in previous weeks Joy is actually the only progressive person there and all three of the others besides her and Meghan have parts of their belief systems that lean conservative, but Meghan is such a rhymes-with-witch that I don't get the apparent relationship Sunny has with her.  Is it transactional?  Does Meghan actually have something Sunny wants from this relationship?  Some access to something or someone?  I more understand why Meghan works it from her side.  It reinforces her feelings of being woke and righteous, I think. Her illusion of being a "compassionate conservative".  

Whoopi, with her own centrist and occasionally even Conservative views, still does the minimum necessary to play nice with MeAgain, with the exception of occasionally slathering praise on John McCain, but gets away with it because I don't think Meghan thinks she can really get under he skin.  Sara, as otherwise discussed, is just Meghan's punching bag, even though her belief system isn't always that far away from Meghan's.  But Sunny?  What would Sunny even have in common with Meghan?

2 hours ago, bannana said:

MeAgain replying to tweets about her yellow eyes:

Meghan McCain on Twitter: "Can a bitch experiment with her makeup?! I liked it! 😜" / Twitter

Gee, too bad we can't get away with calling her what she calls herself....

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11 hours ago, Kromm said:

I'll admit I don't get it.  As I've said in previous weeks Joy is actually the only progressive person there and all three of the others besides her and Meghan have parts of their belief systems that lean conservative, but Meghan is such a rhymes-with-witch that I don't get the apparent relationship Sunny has with her.  Is it transactional?  Does Meghan actually have something Sunny wants from this relationship?  Some access to something or someone?  I more understand why Meghan works it from her side.  It reinforces her feelings of being woke and righteous, I think. Her illusion of being a "compassionate conservative".  

Whoopi, with her own centrist and occasionally even Conservative views, still does the minimum necessary to play nice with MeAgain, with the exception of occasionally slathering praise on John McCain, but gets away with it because I don't think Meghan thinks she can really get under he skin.  Sara, as otherwise discussed, is just Meghan's punching bag, even though her belief system isn't always that far away from Meghan's.  But Sunny?  What would Sunny even have in common with Meghan?

Gee, too bad we can't get away with calling her what she calls herself....

Joy is hardly progressive, she's a centrist through and through. She does have left leanings here and there, but she's pretty much a centrist.

As for Sunny, she's conservative for her private life, but a centrist democrat for politics. She's said so as much during a discussion when Meghan first joined. Sunny is against abortion for herself, but agrees with separation of church and state and will fight for it for something else. I think her own personal leanings might make her have things in common with Meghan, plus they are both Christians so that helps too. I don't know how practicing Meghan is, but Sunny seems like the type to go to church every Sunday.

Outside of politics, I can definitely see Meghan and Sunny getting along. Sara just tries to keep the peace and Joy is over it. Whoopi isn't awake, but will smile if you mention one of her movies.

Edited by MeThinkMeNot
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7 hours ago, After7Only said:

I've been liking Sarah more here lately.   While she does come across a little wooden on the serious topics, she does now seem to have an actual POV and not just trying to straddle the fence.  

I thought she had the best point today when she said unity does not mean agreement in response to Republicans who think Biden should be doing what *they* want otherwise he's being "divisive." Her comments were pretty much a smackdown of everything McCain said yesterday.

5 hours ago, LakeGal said:

I noticed Meghan doesn't get the last word anymore.  Whoopi goes to her before Joy now.  That way Meghan doesn't get to spend her rant calling out what Joy just said.  I suspect Meghan is not happy about that.

I noticed that, too. It was probably because of last week when Joy said it would be nice to actually have the final word for once.

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3 hours ago, After7Only said:

What she says she's for, small government, strong military, fiscal responsibility is exactly what the Lincoln project advocates.   They were traditional conservatives turned off by Trump.    But I think they have a beef with her husband, so she feels the need to lie about who they are.

I find it interesting that Tara Setmayer, who’s an outspoken member of the LP, was a guest co-host on the show several times last year and Meghan never trashed the LP to her face. 

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On 1/25/2021 at 12:39 PM, Pearson80 said:

I loved how nobody took the bait after Nutmeg's nonsensical rant and Whoopie's reaction was priceless. 

I love how she has confirmed that she is part of the 74 million people.

I will never understand her loyalty to a party that has censured her mother for thinking for herself.

Megan lies all the time and gets away with it so why would she get in trouble this time.  Do you guys remember when she lied about something Sunny said when she was not there.  Sunny addressed her lies the next day when she came back.. It was one of the few times she got called out.  

Dang, I don't remember this at all. Sunny has been playing extra nice and friendly with her lately on the show.

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7 hours ago, Kromm said:

I'll admit I don't get it.  As I've said in previous weeks Joy is actually the only progressive person there and all three of the others besides her and Meghan have parts of their belief systems that lean conservative, but Meghan is such a rhymes-with-witch that I don't get the apparent relationship Sunny has with her.  Is it transactional?  Does Meghan actually have something Sunny wants from this relationship?  Some access to something or someone?  I more understand why Meghan works it from her side.  It reinforces her feelings of being woke and righteous, I think. Her illusion of being a "compassionate conservative".  

Whoopi, with her own centrist and occasionally even Conservative views, still does the minimum necessary to play nice with MeAgain, with the exception of occasionally slathering praise on John McCain, but gets away with it because I don't think Meghan thinks she can really get under he skin.  Sara, as otherwise discussed, is just Meghan's punching bag, even though her belief system isn't always that far away from Meghan's.  But Sunny?  What would Sunny even have in common with Meghan?

Gee, too bad we can't get away with calling her what she calls herself....

Sunny is playing the game. She knows that MeAgain went after her in the media and tried to get her fired. For a while, she iced her out on the show. I think someone who is politically astute told her that that is not the way to play the game.

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3 hours ago, bannana said:

Sunny is playing the game. She knows that MeAgain went after her in the media and tried to get her fired. For a while, she iced her out on the show. I think someone who is politically astute told her that that is not the way to play the game.

Lol, I completely forgot about that. Meghan already got Sherri, Tara and others iced from the show. She made Abby quit and she made Sara quit the first time. She got Ana to appear less frequently too. She tried with Sunny, but it didn't work and for a while Sunny didn't even look at her during panel. Kind of amazing how this all happened due to one person.

I feels like after the death of her in-laws, Sunny and Meghan have gotten closer so I do sense a genuine bond between them. 

Edited by MeThinkMeNot
Sherri isn't Sunny and Sunny isn't Sherri
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2 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

I feels like after the death of her in-laws, Sunny and Meghan have gotten closer so I do sense a genuine bond between them. 

Nah. Seems more like Meghan senses wounded prey is near.

1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Sara has been surprisingly insightful with her political comments lately.  Maybe she's gained enough confidence that she's not afraid of Meghan anymore, not afraid to say something to offend her.  Loved that little dig about Katie Couric.

If I'm not mistaken Sara has a contract with ABC which means if things don't work out on the View she will land somewhere else.  Meghan on the other hand......If things don't work out on the View she might land back on radio.

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4 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

Lol, I completely forgot about that. Meghan already got Sherri, Tara and others iced from the show. She made Abby quit and she made Sara quit the first time. She got Ana to appear less frequently too. She tried with Sunny, but it didn't work and for a while Sunny didn't even look at her during panel. Kind of amazing how this all happened due to one person.

I feels like after the death of her in-laws, Sunny and Meghan have gotten closer so I do sense a genuine bond between them. 

I doubt this very much. I think you're all giving MeAgain way too much credit to what power she has over the show. These rumors make great headlines to drive traffic to certain websites, but I doubt if there's much truth to them.

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2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

If I'm not mistaken Sara has a contract with ABC which means if things don't work out on the View she will land somewhere else.  Meghan on the other hand......If things don't work out on the View she might land back on radio.

Yes, I explained Sara's contract at the beginning of the season when she returned to the show. Her contract is not with 'The View' but with the network, and ABC can move her anywhere at any time - just like when they pulled her from the show a few seasons back and put her on GMA3. I believe Michael Strahan has the same contract with the network.

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5 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

I doubt this very much. I think you're all giving MeAgain way too much credit to what power she has over the show. These rumors make great headlines to drive traffic to certain websites, but I doubt if there's much truth to them.

Totally agree.  She has as much power as Sarah, which is none.  I do agree production is fanning the flames of all this drama and planting insider info on gossip sites to garner buzz.  I don't see her "driving" anyone away either.  No one with an ounce of confidence would be driven away by this ignorant, lying asshole.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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1 minute ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Yes, I explained Sara's contract at the beginning of the season when she returned to the show. Her contract is not with 'The View' but with the network, and ABC can move her anywhere at any time - just like when they pulled her from the show a few seasons back and put her on GMA3. I believe Michael Strahan has the same contract with the network.

Exhibit A: The Chase. For the record, I think she's doing a good job there - as well as on The View.

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9 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Totally agree.  She has as much power as Sarah, which is none.  I do agree production is fanning the flames of all this drama and planting insider info on gossip sites to garner buzz.  I don't see her "driving" anyone away either.  No one with an ounce of confidence would be driven away by this ignorant, lying asshole.

Bingo! If anyone has any 'power' it would be Whoopi and Joy, due to their longevity. Don't forget - when Rosie returned in 2014, rumors were flying that she was going to take over the show and run things her way. It made good headlines for websites, it proved good gossip before the season aired, but it never happened. MeAgain is a ratings draw, no doubt. She's proven that in the past few weeks. She knows how to make 'headlines' and 'get free publicity' for the show in the media, and ABC loves every second of that. But the producers are running the show.

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7 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

What one person calls driving away another person calls removing yourself from a toxic environment.  I can see people not wanting to be on the View with Meghan.

Respectfully disagree, while I wholeheartedly understand not wanting to watch The View because of Meghan.  I can't see anyone, male or female, who is intimidated by this person.  She was only hired because of her name.  Her lack of intellect is stunning and her propensity for lying is unbelievable.  I wouldn't consider her toxic, she's not that formidable, I would consider her to be annoying, like a gnat.  I can see removing oneself from the situation because of Meghan and the culture in production that encourages conflict and misinformation, but not Meghan alone.

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Whoopi’s sweater yesterday?  Anyone know the issue?  I noticed it had a Masonic symbol, was that it?

Nikki Hailey?  “Give the man a break”?  Seriously?  Joy is right, save your sympathy for the cop that was murdered.

Whoo, Sunny is ripping on the R party.  I’m surprised Meg didn’t disagree  have a hissy fit over all Rs being painted with the same brush.

Oh, for goodness sake. Meg’s Navalny sweater, glitter eyeshadow, and Rapunsel hair look ridiculous. 🙄


Edited by Haleth
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4 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I can see removing oneself from the situation because of Meghan and the culture in production that encourages conflict and misinformation, but not Meghan alone.

I think TPTB letting Meghan be, well,  Meghan has definitely contributed to the toxic environment that seems to be the View.


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25 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Whoopi’s sweater yesterday?  Anyone know the issue?  I noticed it had a Masonic symbol, was that it?

Nikki Hailey?  “Give the man a break”?  Seriously?  Joy is right, save your sympathy for the cop that was murdered.

Whoo, Sunny is ripping on the R party.  I’m surprised Meg didn’t disagree  have a hissy fit over all Rs being painted with the same brush.

Oh, for goodness sake. Meg’s Navalny sweater, glitter eyeshadow, and Rapunsel hair look ridiculous. 🙄


I completely missed the sweater yesterday, I was focusing on her purple eyeshadow.  Anyone know what was up with the sweater? 

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27 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Whoopi’s sweater yesterday?  Anyone know the issue?  I noticed it had a Masonic symbol, was that it?

Nikki Hailey?  “Give the man a break”?  Seriously?  Joy is right, save your sympathy for the cop that was murdered.

Whoo, Sunny is ripping on the R party.  I’m surprised Meg didn’t disagree  have a hissy fit over all Rs being painted with the same brush.

Oh, for goodness sake. Meg’s Navalny sweater, glitter eyeshadow, and Rapunsel hair look ridiculous. 🙄


Yes, Whoopi had a sweater on with Masonic symbol, apparently the man who sells them doesnt know how she got it...maybe from a friend?  And the sweater has some connection with Omega Psi Phi Fraternity(an Historic Black Fraternity)

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7 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Whoopi was wearing purple eye shadow??

I would go out on a limb and say the poster was referring to MM.  Only because I cannot picture WG wearing purple eye shadow.

Nevermind I was so wrong!

Edited by sugarbaker design
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3 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

What one person calls driving away another person calls removing yourself from a toxic environment.  I can see people not wanting to be on the View with Meghan.

This was the case with both Abby and Sara (the first time she left). Neither needed this show and didn't have to put up with it, so jumped ship. Sara came back after ABC's attempt to extend GMA a third hour failed. She's going nowhere because she's a long-term ABC employee. It's not a surprise to me Abby and Sara would not enjoy that level of hostility, they have pretty tame, easygoing personalities. Joy, on the other hand, was a teacher and is used to dealing with bratty children. Sunny is a prosecutor and gives no f***s. Whoopi was a huge movie star which means she has a huge ego, so she's not going to be intimidated by anything enough to give up easy money like this...

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Meghan wants to start a commune.

No one is that desperate for this to happen, chickie.

11 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I completely missed the sweater yesterday, I was focusing on her purple eyeshadow.  Anyone know what was up with the sweater? 

She's wearing glasses with a blue light filtering on the lens.  I just got a pair as well.  It's for when you're spending long days in front of the computer screen. 

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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

Seriously, I haven't watched the show, but someone should call her out on her support of a xenophobic, right-wing racist.

Why? When she's sticking to pattern?

45 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Whoopi was a huge movie star which means she has a huge ego, so she's not going to be intimidated by anything enough to give up easy money like this...

Well, according to Meghan, Whoopi had a hand in hiring Her Twatness.

I loved Joy's don't give a fuck expression and not participating in the end of the topic about prenups. I mean, I won't lie--I laughed when Whoopi was doing the chicken sounds.

And Meghan is toxic. And a brat. A narcissist. Those aren't mutually exclusive. She is ALL those things plus more.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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