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S25.E02: Week 2


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As someone who watched their sister's husband take his last breath due to ALS, this episode was tough. I hope she leaves soon or at least does not mention it again. 

Matt I was looking forward to him but I agree with the others that he is dull. He's just missing a spark. 

And Matt combined with Victoria is making me want to tune out. If I am completely bored next week, then I'll watch maybe. 

10 hours ago, Rainsong said:

The early introduction of a hate figure, a lightning rod, is a 'tell' that the producers don't have heaps of confidence in their casting choice(s) or in the outcome where things haven't gone to plan for numerous seasons now no matter how stirring the music or how loud the cymbals hiss. Diverting early onto Drama Drive and adding filler is a sign of cynicism and desperation.  If it works out for TB the they'll leave most of Vic on the cutting room floor.  But there she is front and center.


Good point!

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On 1/11/2021 at 8:31 PM, rebel2u said:

Matt's inexperience with this franchise is showing.  I had forgotten what it is like to have a bachelor far removed from the Bachelor Nation.  

On 1/11/2021 at 8:22 PM, saber5055 said:

Matt to Bri: "I love that."

Watch for that line on the next SNL parody of this show. It's their favorite.

Never ever ever thought I'd be saying this, but watching Matt actually makes me appreciate the re-cycling of contestants that has been the pattern for so many years.  Matt simply doesn't have the charisma for this, and his lack of comfort really really highlights the SNL-ness of what both he and the ladies are saying.  

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On 1/11/2021 at 10:46 PM, sauce62 said:

Matt's tongue seems to be a bit large for his mouth and i had to look away at the kissing.

His mouth is a huge turnoff for me. I can't stand to see him talk, kiss, or anything! 

On 1/12/2021 at 12:49 AM, chocolatine said:

In other news, I still think Matt is dull, and, at the risk of sounding intolerant, the faith thing is getting really old. It seems like a cop-out, every time things get hard he turns to his faith ... and then what? Does faith help him figure out solutions, or just make him more willing to rationalize/accept/endure things?

I respectfully disagree. As a Christian myself, I don't see it as a cop out. Yes, we are taught to turn to our faith for EVERYTHING, especially for guidance on decisions, etc. 

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22 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Sarah quit a broadcast job to be home, because her dad needed a care taker.  

Then she LEFT to be on the Bachelor?  I don't get it.   If her dad is able to get along without her while she's on the Bachelor, why did she have to quit her job? 

I was thinking that too ! Something doesn’t add up . She probably got fired and didn’t want to say that . 

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On 1/11/2021 at 9:01 PM, DEL901 said:

He is definitely a chauvinist, maybe related to he religious beliefs.  He is hot, but...  I’d pass.  

How is he a chauvinist? I like him, and I like that he wants to be protective of his wife and family. What lady doesn't want that?

On 1/11/2021 at 9:10 PM, Katie111 said:

I  actually really liked Bree.  I thought she seemed really well spoken and well put together, esp for someone who was born to a 13 year old mother.    I also liked that they don’t have “perfect” families like most people on this show try to portray.  

I think MJ is really beautiful, esp when she had her hair up after the paint war.  

OMG....he so did not want to kiss Victoria and he actually ended their time before someone else even interrupted them. 

I don't know if it's just editing, but she cut him off once or twice, and seemed to talk over him. Didn't seem like a good listener. I write contestants like that off in my head. Other than that, I did like her.

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On 1/11/2021 at 9:31 PM, tennisgurl said:

Sarah seems sweet and as much as I have grown to roll my eyes at the sob stories, that one really was quite sad. I think Matt has more chemistry with Bri so far though. She is the one from North Carolina right? They seemed to really clique. 

She kinda talked over him. I felt he had really good chemistry with Lauren so far.

On 1/11/2021 at 9:36 PM, saber5055 said:

Now The Queen is also an empath. Can't wait to see Matt shut her down when she dishes on the other women.

There is now way in hell that woman is an empath. I would bet big money on that.


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On 1/11/2021 at 11:44 PM, tinkerbell said:

Victoria is the least attractive of all the women. The prettiest, by far, is the one with the blond curls. (MJ?) She reminds me of an actress, I just can't figure out who.

Some women don't get a chance, they go on a group date, don't get a photoshoot,  don't get to go on the date part of the evening. I think the producers want some of them to be frustrated and crying, they think it makes for better tv.

Hillary Burton, maybe?

10 hours ago, AllyCat7 said:

I like that he wants to be protective of his wife and family.

Maybe, but he sure tried to kill his girlfriend by tipping that ATV over on her. If that's his best behavior, I don't want to see what he's like when he's not trying to impress a woman. Or when he's tired of his wife "nagging" him to take out the garbage when he'd rather be swiping on Tinder.

10 hours ago, AllyCat7 said:

There is now way in hell that woman is an empath. I would bet big money on that.

Sometimes sarcasm doesn't come over well in writing. Plus Matt didn't shut down QV, adding to my disappointment in him.

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I might be one of few or only people to feel this way, but I think that looks/body wise Victoria is very pretty and actually laughed out loud and found it refreshing when Victoria stated that she wasn't happy about not getting the individual date.  Most of these girls put on pageant style smiles and answers feigning happiness for others in this competition, when I bet they all were secretly unhappy that they weren't picked.  Although Victoria is coming off as a bitch, it is probably scripted by production and encouraged.  This is televised Stockholm Syndrome during a pandemic, there will be more drama between other women in the following weeks, Victoria is just the first person to fit into the villain narrative.  Every season has a "villain" to create drama or entertainment in a season that would otherwise be somewhat boring.  Frankly, Matt is a nice guy, but he doesn't have enough charisma, whit or depth to carry a season.  I'd choose unconventional attractiveness with edgy, dark humor and captivating conversation over a six pack and one size fits all personality any day.  

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On 1/11/2021 at 6:38 PM, JenE4 said:

They have the same “wedding photographer” that they did on Tayshia’s season. Is Franco the new Jorge?

Cut/Pasted from the Internet (explaining the ALL CAPS):  Franco LaCosta  (Bolding is mine)



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Victoria is either a straight up actress that´s getting paid by the show to play a certain part or she´s really mentally ill, as in crazy, delusional and in need of help. If she´s the first then this actress is not playing the right part, she´s definitely not a threat in any way, every other woman there considers her very sad and pathetic and I think they do genuinely feel sorry for her. If she´s the latter then the show probably thought it would heat things up to have such a crazy character or they forgot to evaluate her mental health. I´m scared for her, she seems totally unhinged.

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For a guy who is good looking, Matt just doesn't have the charisma. He sucks at flirting or creating chemistry with the ladies, like he has no game. I'm not saying all the other Bachelor leads have game or are particularly charming but we sort of know of their mess already, so that's part of the entertainment. I don’t get the sense that Bri was really into him. And I'm not on board with the open eyes while kissing. 

Edited by waving feather
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9 minutes ago, waving feather said:

For a guy who is good looking, Matt just doesn't have the charisma. He sucks at flirting or creating chemistry with the ladies, like he has no game.

I'm old now...but I learned (luckily) as a teenager that CUTE doesn't always equal personality...or brains.  It's so disappointing to see it on television.  Matt doesn't have much to offer besides his good looks, but probably expects ONLY THE BEST in his womenfolk.

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On 1/11/2021 at 8:20 PM, tennisgurl said:

I get that in this dating pressure cooker you have to move through your relationship quickly, but I am really getting sick of this whole "show me your vulnerabilities" type dates and the Bachelor/ette getting rid of anyone who doesn't throw all their deepest darkest secrets and most tragic family stories out as soon as they get any time together to show "authenticity". Just wait a little bit before you guilt people into sharing their baggage with the whole country. 

1000x this. I find it so strange when people want to know your deepest, darkest secrets soon in the dating process. No you shouldn’t lie or pretend you’re perfect, but jumping to your problems and tears from the jump isn’t romantic or sexy to me. If something comes up organically, open up if you’re comfortable. But I detest when folks I’m not close to want to know immediately everything. Once there’s already a relationship established, that’s when we all feel more comfortable vulnerable and when we care deeply about what others have gone through. People who are essentially strangers having a therapy session is weird. 

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8 hours ago, halkatla said:

Victoria is either a straight up actress that´s getting paid by the show to play a certain part or she´s really mentally ill, as in crazy, delusional and in need of help. If she´s the first then this actress is not playing the right part, she´s definitely not a threat in any way, every other woman there considers her very sad and pathetic and I think they do genuinely feel sorry for her. If she´s the latter then the show probably thought it would heat things up to have such a crazy character or they forgot to evaluate her mental health. I´m scared for her, she seems totally unhinged.

I think producers overplayed their hand with her. Successful villains on this show need to have a plausible connection with the lead, even if it's only superficial/physical (e.g. Corinne, Courtney Robertson, Luke P.). That's why they go far in the season and make the other contestants jealous. With Victoria, it's painfully obvious that Matt is not attracted to her, and the other women aren't jealous of her. I'm sure most of them know that the show needs a designated villain, but they're puzzled (just like the viewers are) why Victoria was chosen for the part.

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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

I think producers overplayed their hand with her. Successful villains on this show need to have a plausible connection with the lead, even if it's only superficial/physical (e.g. Corinne, Courtney Robertson, Luke P.). That's why they go far in the season and make the other contestants jealous. With Victoria, it's painfully obvious that Matt is not attracted to her, and the other women aren't jealous of her. I'm sure most of them know that the show needs a designated villain, but they're puzzled (just like the viewers are) why Victoria was chosen for the part.

And the villain has to be actually perceived as a threat/competition for the “heart” of the bachelor or the bachelorette. Non Queen Victoria is lame, fake, no real charm, and no chemistry with the bachelor.

What I enjoyed about Tayshia’s season was the real conversations and friendships between the contestants and we learned so much about them. We had our villains, but they were organic, not manufactured. Tayshia also was really good at listening and asking questions.

This is just so lame and the producers focusing on Victoria instead of other things is sad. She isn’t a train wreck like others before her, she is more of a fly that you keep swatting.

It’s been an awful 10 months of quarantine, and this is what you give me?? 

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On 1/11/2021 at 10:29 PM, tinkerbell said:

Yes. In my 20's, I worked, lived on my own, and saw my parents once a month at most. My parents didn't meet most of the guys I dated, and I didn't involve them in decisions I made. Being that involved with family is a foreign concept to me.

This franchise is weird in that it’s very old-fashioned and traditional with all the family talk, emphasis on its importance and interactions, but then the lead dates and kisses multiple people at once and then ultimately sleeps with multiple people back to back. So strange. It’s good for the family to like the person you marry and wonderful if everyone becomes super close, but I don’t think there’s this rule that you must spend tons of time with in laws. If I were to get in laws who weren’t nice and didn’t like me, I wouldn’t be that daughter in law hanging with them every weekend and having them help raise my kids. So long as my husband had my back with them, I wouldn’t care too much. And while I’d love for someone to fit in great with my family, the reason I would marry someone isn’t who’d fit in best at Thanksgiving. It’s who I personally think is kindest, I personally have the most fun with, etc. I am not marrying someone to give my parents the son they always wanted. 

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Someone has decided that insisting that if the lead is from a "close" family, it means the lead spends a lot of time with them and values what they think of the person the lead is thinking of marrying.  The show is ignoring people who come from a more independent family structure, or those who are more more distant or even estranged from their family.  It ignores the reasons why someone might fall into another category, which is silly.  People who become a long term couple have to navigate their interactions with family members.  If both people are really invested in spending as much time as possible with their own family, think of the problems that will arise when they both want to spend every holiday with their own family, or get their family's feedback on every major decision.

The compromise that most couples have to go through to incorporate their families into their married lives is a real thing.  Not something that a TV show wants to deal with when the people are given small amounts of time together with cameras rolling while producers are just off screen dictating every moment.  They have an overall script in hand and don't generally tolerate variations from it.

If they wanted a show that truly showed what it was like for the lead to figure out who he or she liked best when given a number of possible options, they'd put the lot of them on an island with cameras everywhere and let it play out.  As soon as the lead decided that he or she knew that someone wasn't for them, the rejected person would be quietly removed from the game and sent to another location with counselors available to deal with them and then send them to a nice resort to keep them off the internet until the show was over.

No need to hear people's sad life histories, those would come up naturally over time.  No need to put in obviously unstable people for the production value, everyday people can melt down all on their own.

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You know what always strikes me about the Bachelor and Bachelorette franchises? When the leads or their dates say, "I have never felt this strongly about anyone until I met you" or "I've never been in love or anything close to THIS in my relationships before".  It is kind of a backhanded compliment to elevate their love interest while disparaging an ex.  I can just imagine their exes on the couch watching the show and looking confused and angry.  

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On 1/14/2021 at 6:06 AM, Koalagirl said:

It irks me to no end when contestants say what they gave up to be on a tv show. No one twisted your arm, honey. There’s such a thing as free will.

Yes! No one dragged your away from your child, your parent, your job. You made this decision for money, attention, opportunities, whatever. You didn’t decide to do the show out of the goodness of your heart. Also, it’s one thing when the contestants are at least pleasant. I hate it when they become nasty and use why they left as an excuse, like Yosef did with Clare. 

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On 1/16/2021 at 8:31 AM, halkatla said:

Victoria is either a straight up actress that´s getting paid by the show to play a certain part or she´s really mentally ill, as in crazy, delusional and in need of help. If she´s the first then this actress is not playing the right part, she´s definitely not a threat in any way, every other woman there considers her very sad and pathetic and I think they do genuinely feel sorry for her. If she´s the latter then the show probably thought it would heat things up to have such a crazy character or they forgot to evaluate her mental health. I´m scared for her, she seems totally unhinged.

Agree with you. If she's playing a part, okay. But if she's not, I genuinely feel sorry for her too.  

On 1/16/2021 at 12:32 PM, waving feather said:

For a guy who is good looking, Matt just doesn't have the charisma. He sucks at flirting or creating chemistry with the ladies, like he has no game. I'm not saying all the other Bachelor leads have game or are particularly charming but we sort of know of their mess already, so that's part of the entertainment. I don’t get the sense that Bri was really into him. And I'm not on board with the open eyes while kissing. 

I need a good flirt and a little game too. In my experience it can go either way with men like Matt. Some good-looking guys can be more smooth and charming because they know they're hot, have more experience with women, and are more confident as a result. They're the sexy ones who are hard to resist. Some good-looking guys seem like their looks have always been enough to get women so they don't bother to develop personalities. Even when they're nice and gentelmanly, these guys bore me personally. I like men who can make me laugh, tease me without hurting my feelings, make me think, make me feel special. Men who aren't pretty boys oftentimes have more game because they haven't been able to rely on their looks. We all know those guys who are far from Ken dolls but get lots of beautiful women. Flirting skills and knowing how to create sexual tension goes a long way. And obviously there are those physically unattractive men who aren't the most intelligent, charming or funny. They're the ones who often think being nice should be enough to get laid and women are all superficial and expect doctors with abs. Not true.  

Longtime watchers of the show, when was the last time there was a bachelor who was particularly charismatic? I've only watched a few seasons, and they've all been bland pretty boys imo. 

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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Longtime watchers of the show, when was the last time there was a bachelor who was particularly charismatic? I've only watched a few seasons, and they've all been bland pretty boys imo. 

Arie had been charismatic as a contestant on Emily's season, but on his own season five years later seemed a little tired (there were lots of "grandpa" jokes on this board during his season).

The last Bachelor I personally found attractive is Brad Womack. Maybe charismatic isn't quite the word I'd use to describe him, but he seemed genuine, treated all of the women with respect, carried himself with confidence, and didn't entertain any drama or producer shenanigans.

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Arie seemed boring in his season but I still thought he was quite charming and lived an interesting life. Better tham Ben H, Colton or Peter for sure in my mind.

Matt seems half-cooked to me. He has no banter. A witty banter is always the key to my heart. I would say some of the Bachelors on the Australian franchise are quite charismatic. Matty J, Sam Wood, Matt Agnew... watching them I could see why the women would fall for them.

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I think that if Matt had appeared on the Clare/Tyisha season (as originally planned) that the producers would never have moved forward with him as the Bachelor due to his boringness (new word).  Or maybe they would have if they felt he would do as instructed by them.  

I know that the Bachelors are becoming less and less 'accomplished' in their professions, wealth, etc., but if my understanding is correct-Matt is the first unemployed Bachelor.  Is this right?  

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So the whole "commercial real estate agent" thing is fake? Or is it the job he hopes to get after his Bachelor stint? Also, I find his story that he's too poor to date in NYC a bit suspect. There are much fewer single men than single women in NYC, so a handsome, college educated man with no criminal record would have no problem finding female companionship even if he's broke. There are plenty of broke young people in NYC who manage to date and have relationships. Dating doesn't have to mean going to trendy bars and restaurants all the time, regardless of what pop culture would have you believe.

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18 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

Dating doesn't have to mean going to trendy bars and restaurants all the time, regardless of what pop culture would have you believe.

Exactly.  If you're truly interested in each other, there's no need to go out to trendy bars and restaurants all the time.  There are other, less expensive ways to enjoy each other and have fun. 

I didn't hear Matt's story about being too broke to date in NYC, but I'm guessing he was just joking?   

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52 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Money and to increase his earning potential would be my guess and he doesn’t have to pay for the dates at least. Of course, who knows what “broke” means, especially if you’re able to afford to live in NYC. 

Broke in NYC usually means that you spend most of your income on rent, bills, and groceries, with very little disposable income left over. Still, there are many people who are in the same situation and manage to date without a problem. 

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9 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I think that if Matt had appeared on the Clare/Tyisha season (as originally planned) that the producers would never have moved forward with him as the Bachelor due to his boringness (new word).  Or maybe they would have if they felt he would do as instructed by them.  

I know that the Bachelors are becoming less and less 'accomplished' in their professions, wealth, etc., but if my understanding is correct-Matt is the first unemployed Bachelor.  Is this right?  

I thought he had a job in real estate? I think I saw pics on his IG from his office (several months ago). Him being unemployed is news to me.

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