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"The View": Week of 9/21/2020

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Sara continues to trigger McCain, lol. As far as I know, nearly everyone on this show is Christian or grew up in the Church, so what is McCain even talking about? Oh, that’s right, how dare Sara think we live in a country where there is or should be a separation of church and state. McCain thinks she should have the right to inflict her warped personal beliefs onto everyone in this country and Sara does not.

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There’s a post attributed to the NYT that says Amy Barrett is a member of an ultra right wing religion that sounds like something out of Handmaid’s Tale. I don’t know why Meg claims she’s simply a Catholic. 

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6 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Sara continues to trigger McCain, lol. As far as I know, nearly everyone on this show is Christian or grew up in the Church, so what is McCain even talking about? Oh, that’s right, how dare Sara think we live in a country where there is or should be a separation of church and state. McCain thinks she should have the right to inflict her warped personal beliefs onto everyone in this country and Sara does not.

Since Meghan "has been in politics her whole life" you would think Meghan would know this. I mean it's in the Constitution. Which Meghan said she keeps a copy of that on her nightstand right? Guess she needs to read it again.


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11 minutes ago, Haleth said:

There’s a post attributed to the NYT that says Amy Barrett is a member of an ultra right wing religion that sounds like something out of Handmaid’s Tale. I don’t know why Meg claims she’s simply a Catholic. 

The sect is called People of Praise. Men carry the title of Head and until a few years ago the title for women was Handmaid. The Head rules the family, everyone defers to him. Speaking in tongues, divine healing (by the laying on of hands) and ongoing prophecy are some of the tenets. 

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36 minutes ago, suomi said:

The sect is called People of Praise. Men carry the title of Head and until a few years ago the title for women was Handmaid. The Head rules the family, everyone defers to him. Speaking in tongues, divine healing (by the laying on of hands) and ongoing prophecy are some of the tenets. 

At the risk of going off-topic, none of these things are part of Catholicism.

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4 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

At the risk of going off-topic, none of these things are part of Catholicism.

I am aware of that.

I thought Sara mentioned separation of church and state in relation to a SCOTUS nominee's beliefs. Is the mention of beliefs that don't originate with Catholocism off the table?  

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17 hours ago, Mldyold said:

I would enjoy having Abby Huntsman return to the panel.  Ana Navarro is listed as a Republican who is not a Trump follower.  Whoopie has often talked as if she is a Libertarian when she talks about her money/taxes.  It is possible to have Republican or Libertarians on the show without being rude and sarcastic.  Abby and Nicole Wallace were excellent examples of sitting at the table with members with different views.


Agree on all of those though my hope is that after the election there won't be as much to talk about politically as there has been for the past 4 years.  I'd like them to return to the show that talked about other things with a segment on politics instead of an almost completely political topic show.  I can get political shows lots of places and I don't go to The View for that. 

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

At the risk of being Kavanaughed, I have to say that the only place I've heard that Amy Coney Barrett is Catholic and has seven kids is from Megaphone herself.

And I appreciated Whoopi saying exactly that.   She pointed out that she hasn't heard anything about Amy Coney Barrett's religion on children.  And basically MM needs to be careful about bringing it up because the show can make it a story, where it wouldn't have been.   

Both Whoopi and Joy were good today.   Sounds like they are resolved that the nomination is going to happen and have chosen not to fight MM on the topic.   

I actually also liked that MM said that the nomination is going through but republicans need to be prepared for the consequences of this action.   I hope that she remembers this herself when and if those consequences occur.      

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

At the risk of being Kavanaughed, I have to say that the only place I've heard that Amy Coney Barrett is Catholic and has seven kids is from Megaphone herself.

WHY is Meghan so stuck on that? Gosh are we going to hear this everyday until Oct 7?

P.S. Oct 7 is hopefully the day Meghan leaves!! I calculated it myself based on what she put in one of her tweets.  I know should have better things to do.

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29 minutes ago, suomi said:

I am aware of that.

I thought Sara mentioned separation of church and state in relation to a SCOTUS nominee's beliefs. Is the mention of beliefs that don't originate with Catholocism off the table?  

No? I wasn't criticizing your post, just pointing out that attempts by the media to characterize her religious beliefs as Catholic aren't accurate.

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2 hours ago, cinsays said:

yeah, but i think whoopie was doing it to be funny, this spoiled snowflake thinks she's a beautiful princess with the ridiculous thing on her head

Where do you even get things like that and who told her it was a good look?  Maybe someone could pull it off for a super formal event but definitely not for morning TV.  Who's doing her looks this season cause they aren't very good (or they don't like her).  And yes, Whoopie can pull of that kind of thing as being funny as she clearly wasn't taking herself seriously but playful.  MM couldn't do that even if she tried.

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18 minutes ago, suomi said:

I thought Sara mentioned separation of church and state in relation to a SCOTUS nominee's beliefs. Is the mention of beliefs that don't originate with Catholocism off the table?  

Meghan doesn't want anything bad said about anyone she considers a teammate. Especially if it's true.

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Just now, Rainyhawk said:

Where do you even get things like that and who told her it was a good look?  Maybe someone could pull it off for a super formal event but definitely not for morning TV.  Who's doing her looks this season cause they aren't very good (or they don't like her).  And yes, Whoopie can pull of that kind of thing as being funny as she clearly wasn't taking herself seriously but playful.  MM couldn't do that even if she tried.

where do i get things like what? i said i think she feels she looks beautiful in this. my opinion, didn't get it anywhere.


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Meghan brought up 'what if the judge was Muslim or Jewish" forgetting that when Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar won their seats in congress, Republicans were angry that they were sworn in using a Qur'an instead of the Bible. They are also attacked constantly by the right due to their skin colour and religion.

She doesn't understand that it would be her side that would have attacked the nomination if they were Jewish or Muslim.

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26 minutes ago, OnTime said:

WHY is Meghan so stuck on that? Gosh are we going to hear this everyday until Oct 7?

P.S. Oct 7 is hopefully the day Meghan leaves!! I calculated it myself based on what she put in one of her tweets.  I know should have better things to do.

Because as she said, going after Barrettes religion and her 7 children will make a section of this country "think" Democrats want to get rid of religion and children, even though it a big fat lie🙄. So, if they are on the fence about Trump it will make them jump to vote for him. Those dang liberals hate god and babies. Meghan knows how stupid some people are and if she repeats this enough  some people will believe it. She's fighting for Trump and her team.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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As Sara pointed out, this is what the vetting process is for. Amy Coney Barrett needs to explain her position on whether her faith compromises her professional judgment. It's a valid question, and if a Muslim or Jewish candidate waxed eloquent about "the kingdom of God," I would hope that they'd also be questioned about how that plays out in their professional decision-making. Meghan keeps implying that having questions about Coney Barrett's approach is anti-Catholicism, but it really isn't.  Who are these Phantom Liberals that Meghan is fighting? Is it Diane Feinstein of 2017, who talked of Coney Barrett being dogmatic? 

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2 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

So, if they are on the fence about Trump it will make them jump to vote for him vote for him because those dang liberals hate god and babies.

They already think that. And Meghan is part of the reason why. She never mentions a chance to call abortion infanticide.  

3 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

As Sara pointed out, this is what the vetting process is for. Amy Coney Barrett needs to explain her position on whether her faith compromises her professional judgment

As Whoopi mentioned yesterday JFK had to assure voters he wouldn't govern by his Catholic faith. So yes any potential SCOTUS nominee should have to assure people he/she won't rule by her Catholic faith.

4 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

Who are these Phantom Liberals that Meghan is fighting? 

As Meghan has said many times it's all about optics.  As long as she can offer up a boogeyman to fight she will.  When you have nothing of substance of offer you make it up.

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1 hour ago, Vanderboom said:

As Sara pointed out, this is what the vetting process is for. Amy Coney Barrett needs to explain her position on whether her faith compromises her professional judgment. It's a valid question, and if a Muslim or Jewish candidate waxed eloquent about "the kingdom of God," I would hope that they'd also be questioned about how that plays out in their professional decision-making. Meghan keeps implying that having questions about Coney Barrett's approach is anti-Catholicism, but it really isn't.  Who are these Phantom Liberals that Meghan is fighting? Is it Diane Feinstein of 2017, who talked of Coney Barrett being dogmatic? 

The scary thing about 'Kingdom of God' their followers are in 1000%. Theres been more than a few airline pilots who brought their planes down for their faith.  No question about their faith.  Imho

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1 hour ago, After7Only said:

Both Whoopi and Joy were good today.   Sounds like they are resolved that the nomination is going to happen and have chosen not to fight MM on the topic.       

I have been so down the past few days, and for them to say, it's going to happen, helped me somehow.  I need to let it go. I'm trying.

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1 hour ago, OnTime said:

WHY is Meghan so stuck on that? Gosh are we going to hear this everyday until Oct 7?

P.S. Oct 7 is hopefully the day Meghan leaves!! I calculated it myself based on what she put in one of her tweets.  I know should have better things to do.

oh no. No.no.no.no.no.  that's coming a lil close.  While i don't mind the child being a Libra, she can be one of the other 30 days in the cycle.  Just not the 11th.  Black your calendar now MM.  Hands off!

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5 minutes ago, debbie311 said:

I have been so down the past few days, and for them to say, it's going to happen, helped me somehow.  I need to let it go. I'm trying.

Hang in there Deb.  I'm just looking at it as one more distraction.   A BIG one. If they drag it out enough, voters by mail might miss the deadline to send them in.  Maybe double voting by distraction.  Stuff like that.  Gotta stay laser focused on Nov.  Even though it skips through my favorite month ever, October. And you cant have 11!  Lol stupid but selfish lololol

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5 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

She is playing the name game again.  Amy B. can't possibly be disliked because of her own words and actions. Nope it has to be because she is Catholic.  Meghan sees discrimination where there isn't any but ignores the discrimination that is real but doesn't affect her.

This annoys me to no end. I was like, have I missed a ton of news lately? Christian moms are under attack in America? Wtf is Meghan talking about?

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3 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

What does Megan even know about Catholicism? She is trying to make the discussion about Sara being anti-Catholic so that they don't discuss Amy's background. What is she so scared of?  What the hell does being Kavanaughed mean? Megan thinks she is so clever.  This woman is being offered a seat on the supreme court, a lifetime appointment and she is 48 years old. Ruth Bader Ginsberg died at 87, and of course people are going to dig into her past.  So she should be given the job without a vetting process..

I loved what Joy said as a privileged woman she is fighting for those who are not.  This is why I love Joy, Am I my brother's keeper? Yes! I know her detractors say she is angry and bitter but I get her frustration about a lot of things.  

This is why I love Joy too. When she comes off angry and strong, it's because she cares so much about fellow human beings, no matter how different they are from her. She's not whining just to whine or pretend she's a victim, like the blonde toddler on the show. 

4 minutes ago, davey3932 said:

I think it is funny that everyone can openly say the Republicans want to strip away everyone's civil rights and Meghan can't even say anything because she knows it is true.  But then the burden is on the Democrats to play nice and then like invite a Republican over for dinner because it's just no big deal they consider everyone subhuman besides themselves.

I think Meghan like a lot of people I've seen are just dying to know what it feels like to be repressed.  I'm sure she is a fish out of water in New York, but it is not the same thing.  A Christian friend of mine on FB told a story that was wearing a cross necklace at the airport and a person approached her and said "Are you a Christian?  Shame on you!  You people are separating families at the border!" like in no way did that ever happen, she just wants to feel discriminated against.

After 9/11 every single Muslim was considered a terrorist, but the Catholics can rape children for a century and in 2020 be openly bigoted against gay people but in general there isn't a huge backlash against them so Meghan should be happy it isn't even MORE of an issue.

Yes! Pretty soon Meghan will say people hate her because she's blonde. 

I remember that too. That's why I was never put off by the infamous Joy and Whoopi walkout during Bill O'Reilly. They knew people like him were part of the problem. 

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2 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

Where do you even get things like that and who told her it was a good look?  Maybe someone could pull it off for a super formal event but definitely not for morning TV.  Who's doing her looks this season cause they aren't very good (or they don't like her).  And yes, Whoopie can pull of that kind of thing as being funny as she clearly wasn't taking herself seriously but playful.  MM couldn't do that even if she tried.


2 hours ago, cinsays said:

where do i get things like what? i said i think she feels she looks beautiful in this. my opinion, didn't get it anywhere.


OUCH, cinsays...I think you read Rainyhawk's post way too personally.  Her question, slightly restated, was "Where would one buy a tiara like that?" and NOT "Where do YOU, cinsays, get an idea like that??"  She wasn't attacking your comment, just asking a simple question.

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36 minutes ago, Tunia said:


OUCH, cinsays...I think you read Rainyhawk's post way too personally.  Her question, slightly restated, was "Where would one buy a tiara like that?" and NOT "Where do YOU, cinsays, get an idea like that??"  She wasn't attacking your comment, just asking a simple question.

i wasn't offended, just thought she misunderstood me

sorry rainyhawk!


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1 hour ago, ForumLou said:

oh no. No.no.no.no.no.  that's coming a lil close.  While i don't mind the child being a Libra, she can be one of the other 30 days in the cycle.  Just not the 11th.  Black your calendar now MM.  Hands off!

Not the 3rd either.   Among  all our outstanding traits being selfish in this case is o.k.  
Debbie311 , I too have felt very down thinking this insanity will continue so will do my best to change my outlook. 
What a class act Chelsea is a pleasure to listen to.   She probably doesn’t get the blow black  MeeAgain does because she doesn’t post crap / again/ patt talking points from her husband. 
Sunny’s book sounds very good , unfortunately I am having trouble reading anything longer than the back of a cereal box. So I just signed up for audio. 
The last couple of days there was a single white shiny circle on her cheek now there seems to be a slight similar one on other cheek.  I’m remembering myself in the first months with a colicky baby where I sat in a rocking chair with uncombed hair sleep deprived so will be interesting to see how she rallies. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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6 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

The last couple of days there was a single white shiny circle on her cheek now there seems to be a slight similar one on other cheek. 

Looks like her new love affair with eye shadow has now moved on to highlighter.  And clearly thinks more is more.  Put down the trowel, McCain.  If we can see it, you're doing it wrong.  My niece does the same thing.  She's 12. 

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33 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Looks like her new love affair with eye shadow has now moved on to highlighter.  And clearly thinks more is more.  Put down the trowel, McCain.  If we can see it, you're doing it wrong.  My niece does the same thing.  She's 12. 

Speaking of her eyeshadow,  did anyone else notice a design on her eyelids? Everytime she blinked it looked like two painted eyes looking at us....ok I exaggerate,  but if MM can lie about fake attacks on a white Christian fertile female I can exaggerate too.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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6 hours ago, LakeGal said:

It is a more relaxing show when you mute Meghan every time she talks.  And boy does she talk a lot.  

And she seems to think she is due rebuttal time after each of her cohosts speak.  I like how Whoopi went to break and didn't let Meghan repeat her comments about Amy a third time when they came back.

Edited by deirdra
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3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

This annoys me to no end. I was like, have I missed a ton of news lately? Christian moms are under attack in America? Wtf is Meghan talking about?

Quite frankly I only know about her kids because of MM, so not sure that’s been a big deal. Not even sure why it would be an issues.   And it’s not that she’s a Roman Catholic, it’s that she’s part of an odd offshoot sect of RC that has some ‘interesting’ tenets...some of which I’m guess would bother even MM unless she’s a submissive wife. (I kind of see it as similar to the mainstream Mormon church and the sects that still follow polygamy.). And MM, stop saying ‘kavanaughed’...he was questioned on actual events and allegations.  They didn’t just make it up because of his religion or something.  It’s just not relevant to the discussion and not a real thing.  She’s making a mountain out of a possible molehill.  Everyone else on the panel is right.  This is a lifetime appointment to one of the most important jobs in the country so serious vetting is needed...especially given the fact that many lower court appointees recently have been deemed unqualified.

2 hours ago, cinsays said:

i wasn't offended, just thought she misunderstood me

sorry rainyhawk!


No worries!  I can see how it could have been read that way!

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5 hours ago, OnTime said:

WHY is Meghan so stuck on that? Gosh are we going to hear this everyday until Oct 7?

P.S. Oct 7 is hopefully the day Meghan leaves!! I calculated it myself based on what she put in one of her tweets.  I know should have better things to do.

I calculated it too and since Oct 7th is my birthday, it would make a good present for her to be GONE by then!  Missy often talks about people in middle America being up in arms about something or other, though she is the only one talking about it.  Glad Whoopi shut that down.

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4 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

Meghan brought up 'what if the judge was Muslim or Jewish" forgetting that when Rashida Talib and Ilhan Omar won their seats in congress, Republicans were angry that they were sworn in using a Qur'an instead of the Bible. They are also attacked constantly by the right due to their skin colour and religion.

She doesn't understand that it would be her side that would have attacked the nomination if they were Jewish or Muslim.

According to Wiki  there are Jewish judges on the bench, 2 in fact.  The majority are/had a Catholic identity and I don't remember that being a problem in their confirmations.  Since MM brought up the subject I am surprised that she didn't have the SC religious identities in her notes prior to making the accusation, just kidding that would be too much to expect from a shoot from the lip panelist.:)

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JOY!  💕💕 she really brought it home with her Supreme Court and privilege comments.  And thanks Whoopie for clarifying the kavanaugh situation.  Would have liked to see MMs face during both her and joys comments.  

I thought Sunny looked good today.  MM needs to throw away that sparkly eye shadow...does anyone over the age of 16 wear that during the day?  I sort of felt sorry for her with her parent question to Chelsea...but she makes that hard.  Chelsea’s answer was, not surprisingly, very good.  I’m guessing that Chelsea’s kids might hear more nasty comments about parents and grandparents than will MMs kid.  


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WOW! Another crazy classroom today!

Ms. Whoopi , the teacher, is probably rethinking her schedule these days. Maybe she can renegotiate her contract and take Monday through Thursday off, and just host Fridays while MeAgain is still there ? Whoopi is now certain the instigator in the class is MeAgain, and damn if she's not going to cut MeAgain down when she becomes unruly. She'll keep throwing the class out to recess every time MeAgain 'acts out' in class. Picking on poor little Sara (while the other two sit this one out) ? No way, MeAgain - off to a commercial.

When they came back from recess, it was time to focus on Sunny, the smartest girl in the class. At almost 52 years of age, Sunny is under the impression that her life is one to inspire others - and has written a memoir rattling all the skeletons in her own closet, hoping her book will catch some buzz (could the publisher release it as a worst time, as 'tell all books' about The Trumps are all the RAGE right now - pun intended?)  According to her classmates, they all read her book this past weekend, and tried way too hard to convince us that her life 'amazing', and Sunny's writing the book 'brave'. Sunny had an ear to ear grin on her face as each of her classmates kissed her rump.  No studio audience to throw her book at, no book tour to sell her books, and as far as I can see : no other interviews on her dance card. It's going to be a tough sell, and I predict a huge loss for the publisher. By the way - has Sunny been visiting the Macy's make-up counter with MeAgain before class ? She looks like she's ready to take the stage under spotlights on Broadway.

Next up was Chelsea Clinton, and MeAgain made America choke on their beverage of choice when she claimed she's never talked about her pregnancy on the show, and keeping her pregnancy private.  SAY WHAAAAT?  I feel like we've known about her pregnancy since the moment of conception, and she has reminded us every single day.  Private???

Up next is show and tell - Sara is in the spotlight, and she's going to hawk some cosmetics from their sponsor Olay to the audience with the help of some big-wig beauty director at 'Good Housekeeping'. This, on top of all the cosmetics Adam Glassman from "Oprah Magazine" hawked yesterday on the show - so viewers can have their own 'make-up challenge' and see what they like best, as they go broke. Goes with the territory , as this show is slowly turning into a QVC infomercial.

ONWARD - to tomorrow's show.

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5 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Speaking of her eyeshadow,  did anyone else notice a design on her eyelids? Everytime she blinked it looked like two painted eyes looking at us....ok I exaggerate,  but if MM can lie about fake attacks on a white Christian fertile female I can exaggerate too.

YES, I noticed that!!!

It looked like glued on sequins.

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Whoopi did a masterful job decimating MeAgain's points re being Kavanaughed and the Catholic contestant being persecuted.

It was very entertaining that MeAgain repeated what she said yesterday, then said that she said this yesterday, then repeated that she this yesterday.

Sara came well prepared and made MeAgain look like an idiot.

But the best was when Whoopi rightly pointed out that she had not heard, nor had anyone else, that there was a smear job on a Catholic woman contender; and, that by merely pointing that out, it was creating the opportunity for social media to pick it up and make it a thing. Whoopi is so right. MeAgain reads something on Twitter or watches it on Fox and turns it into a thing. Then Whoopi pointed out that Catholic female SC contender couldn't be Kavanaughed. Cause Kavanaugh was scrutinized because of alleged rape charges, and as far as she knows, Catholic female SC contender is not being accused of rape. MeAgain wanted to rebut but Whoopi just did a flourish with her hands and went to break.



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13 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

Since Meghan "has been in politics her whole life" you would think Meghan would know this. I mean it's in the Constitution. Which Meghan said she keeps a copy of that on her nightstand right? Guess she needs to read it again.


Right! Isn't it next to her Dolly Parton photo?

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4 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

MeAgain made America choke on their beverage of choice when she claimed she's never talked about her pregnancy on the show, and keeping her pregnancy private.  SAY WHAAAAT?  I feel like we've known about her pregnancy since the moment of conception, and she has reminded us every single day.  Private???

I think MM meant private in the sense that she's not posting naked belly pictures on social media, as well as not talking about it on social media. 

As for not talking about it on the show, she probably means in-depth conversation and/or sharing ultrasound photos, etc.

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Seeing that pic of Sunny giving birth, with Manny right there beside her, makes me think I really don't believe that she wears make-up to bed to ensure that he never sees what she looks like. (Which is extremely ridiculous if you are in a relationship longer than three weeks.)

I really liked the segment with Sunny when she talked about her book. I thought for maybe the first time that Whoopi does in fact respect her. Everyone was effusive about the book.

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10 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

Lol, just like Christmas is under attack every year🙄😄

LMAO! Everyone in my life celebrates Christmas as a cultural holiday, if they don't celebrate it as a religious holiday. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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