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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)


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10 hours ago, peeayebee said:

TSs I got were 78, The Marvelous Mrs Maisel, and Sylvia Plath.

I got Mrs. Maisel and I've never even seen a single episode (I know just enough about the show's premise that it made sense for the one episode title). I just had to look at the archive because I couldn't even remember what the 78 clue was (I suck at Roman Numerals so I did not get that one; though I would have figured it out if I had more than a few seconds) but I also got Sylvia Plath.

10 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I don't think they're ruling on this as a "misspelling" issue. I think it's considered incorrect because it's a different name. If the correct response were supposed to be "Hank Aaron" and someone wrote "Hank Erin", I'd expect that to be wrong too, even though I realize some regional dialects do pronounce those the same.

That's exactly what I was thinking but I couldn't quite articulate it for some reason. (I also don't pronounce Barry/Berry, or Mary/Marry/Merry the same.)

9 hours ago, Bastet said:

The genre + remembering reading about her death is how I got that one; I don't know her by title or face.

I worked in bookstores for years so I should have gotten Mary Higgins Clark just by the book title, but I blanked on her name. I thought of Sue Grafton but I knew that was wrong.

7 hours ago, 853fisher said:

 I am warming up to the new look of the podiums, although I might have preferred something connecting them visually. 

Agreed. When the camera is pulled back showing everyone, it's fine, but whenever they zoomed in on one contestant I would get slightly thrown off by the empty space next to them. 

23 minutes ago, rubaco said:

Do we still have a Clue Crew? Maybe I'm wrong, but I assume their travels have been paused for at least a while. 

I saw an article that just said "for now" the Clue Crew "is grounded." I assume they will use them when conditions allow them to travel again.

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I knew it was Gordy and BErry went through my mind, but I'm sure I would've written BArry and call shenanigans on the show ruling it incorrect because the spelling did not change the pronunciation. If they're going to pull that shit, they should stay away from questions where it's going to be a problem. I recall the same stupidity in one of the homophones categories. There are many differences in pronunciation--don't get me started on aunt--but they are identifiable and can be avoided.

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13 hours ago, peeayebee said:

BTW, what was the significance of the "come full circle" quote?


I guess it's because he's back in Detroit, where he started.

I'm one who pronounces Don, dawn, Mary, merry, marry, berry, and Barry all differently.  I've been told I have a Philadelphia accent tempered by living in Georgia most of my life.

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3 hours ago, rubaco said:

Also thought Ken did a good job with his clues. Try reading a clue or two out loud in the privacy of your own home, and give it some inflection, try to infuse some personality, don't stumble over any words... it's not easy. I think he will improve, but I gave him a thumbs-up. (Full disclosure: I love Ken in general.)

I'll agree with you about how it's harder than you think, and I won't judge his hosting yet. I got a lot better at public speaking over time. Some people are naturals and some of us have to work at it.

I caught up with the archives, but I'll watch later this afternoon.  Assuming my DVR recorded last night's episode.

To paraphrase Mr. Data from Star Trek, "Berry is his name, Barry is not."  It wasn't a matter of pronunciation, it was a matter of the actual name.   Either way, I didn't get it -- another Quincy Jones here.

TS I got were Civil Rights Act, 78, insect, and Krakatoa.  I was sad that Civil Rights Act was a TS, and just a little surprised that Krakatoa was.

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3 hours ago, rubaco said:

Unpopular opinion, I guess, but I like the spaced-out podiums a lot and thought, gee, they should've done that long ago. 

Also thought Ken did a good job with his clues.

I don't mind the podiums, wondered why there wasn't a shield between them even with the distance but...

I also thought Ken did well, much much better than some celebrity readers and I'm sure he'll get better, and this is speaking as one who never liked him much.

Did not get FJ today ( I did get yesterdays) I think my brain was weakly trying to come up with Don King which I know is promoting not producing and boxing not music 😒

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I peeked at Betsy!'s social media, perhaps hoping for a whimsical photo of her 20-year-old flower girl.  She had this remark about Final.  It does square with what I've always thought to be the case.  In the "Emanciptation Proclamation" case I brought up earlier, I seem to recall they ruled against him specifically because that would be pronounced differently than "Emancipation."  Perhaps all the contestants need to practice saying their answers in Alex's accent? 🙂  Otherwise, she was quite circumspect and grateful to have had the chance.

Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 9.59.06 AM.png

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10 minutes ago, bad things are bad said:

I have to think there's some example in history where a name was written phonetically and accepted as correct. 

Found these on fikklefame.com

9-29-16 – MYTHOLOGY: Banished from Athens, this inventor found trouble on Crete too, but escaped.
ACCEPTED: Daedelus and Deadalus (Daedalus)

9-28-16 – HISTORIC HOMES: Also known as the “House of His Majesty”, Fairfield House in England was the home of this African leader from 1936 to 1941.
ACCEPTED: Salassie (Selassie)

11/05/2014 – ARTISTS: Illustrations by this man show why his name has become the standard for children’s book artistry.
ACCEPTED: Caldicot (Caldecott)

1-20-2005 – AMERICAN BUSINESSMEN: This man who died in 1984 remarked, “We’re not in the hamburger business, we’re in show business”
ACCEPTED: Ray Kroch (Kroc)


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14 hours ago, theatremouse said:

I don't think they're ruling on this as a "misspelling" issue. I think it's considered incorrect because it's a different name. If the correct response were supposed to be "Hank Aaron" and someone wrote "Hank Erin", I'd expect that to be wrong too, even though I realize some regional dialects do pronounce those the same.

I guess maybe I can accept that logic - that it's actually a different name.  But to be consistent, they'd have to rule someone incorrect if they confused Stephen/Steven, or Philip/Phillip.  (Another reason to go with just the last name!)  So I wonder if "Bery" or "Berrie" would have been accepted, since (as far as I know) they aren't real (or at least common) names, and would be pronounced the same as "Berry".

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I actually don't think they would? Stephen/Steven are widely considered alternate spellings of the same name. Same with Cathy/Kathy. On this train of logic if she'd written Berrie or Bery I think they'd accept it, but not Barry. Reusing my earlier example, I'd expect "Hank Aron" to be accepted for "Hank Aaron", but not "Hank Erin". Alternately, I'd expect "Carey Elwes" to be accepted if they wanted "Cary Elwes", but "Kerry Elwes" would be wrong.

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16 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Seriously I am glad Jeopardy is back even modified as it is.  I wasn't really able to enjoy the second half of last season- Mother Grundoon passed away in January and she loved it so.  I think being able to watch and enjoy it now is healthy progress.  

I am so very sorry to hear this, it breaks my heart. I enjoyed your posts here about Mother Grundoon's thoughts on the show. I am glad you are back watching, and I hope it can bring you some happy memories. Sending you a virtual hug. <hugs>

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Watching last night's episode now.  Not a fan of Cory's top or Betsy!'s hair -- it's just a skosh too long on the long side for my taste.  Also not a fan of her exclamation point or random vocalizations.

Wow -- I didn't realize that there were so many photos!  No wonder there weren't very many TS!  

I like Ken, and think he did a pretty good job, but I also think he would be more comfortable not just standing out in front of a green screen.  

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3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Okay, Kelly needs to calm down a tad.

I have never been so glad to see someone crash and burn.

I got FJ, and I was surprised that I did. I think I based my guess on the old TV show with Fess Parker

I also got Portland as I am wearing my souvenir T-shirt from Portland today. Sadly I could not bring forth Winslow Homer from my brain even though I knew it was an artist whose work I had seen at a museum there and that it was a seascape.

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12 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

I have never been so glad to see someone crash and burn.

She reminded me of Judy Greer. (Except I like Judy Greer.)

Damn, I got all the summarized novels except the last one. (Even Hemingway, which was a total guess!) 😞 Do I have to give back my Lit degree?

But I got FJ! Yay! (I always associated Daniel Boone with Kentucky. Did not know he was a colonel.)

Kinda sad that it was a runaway with only $9800...

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43 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

I have never been so glad to see someone crash and burn.

I got FJ, and I was surprised that I did. I think I based my guess on the old TV show with Fess Parker

I also got Portland as I am wearing my souvenir T-shirt from Portland today. Sadly I could not bring forth Winslow Homer from my brain even though I knew it was an artist whose work I had seen at a museum there and that it was a seascape.

Fess Parker played both Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett, but Crockett was killed at the Alamo in 1836 and was from Tennessee. However, I am from Tennessee so it’s something you know from the time you’re a kid, especially if you were a boomer kid when both shows were on tv.

Here in my town we get back to back episodes so yesterday we got the new season followed by the first show of last season. Yesterday both show had a question about Ataturk and today both shows had a question about Catch 22. Weird. When I was on the show in 1998 I missed my final Jeopardy and it took about 20 years before I noticed it asked again, phrased slightly differently, in Double Jeopardy. 

Edited by HelenBaby
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Returning (but not continuing) champ reminded me of the girl from Napoleon Dynamite, grown up. I could see her with a side ponytail. Middle lady was way too enthusiastic, but for some reason I didn’t hate her. New champ, I’m pretty sure was on Quantum Leap a couple decades ago. Nobody really bugged me though. I guess I’m mellowing?

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I guessed right on FJ.

I got the TS of witches, Portland, Red River, The Sun Also Rises, code talkers and soemthing that looks like Winghath rue.

Nice to see some enthusiasm, but I think she would have gotten old fast.  I always feel bad for anyone who doesn't make it to final.

35 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I got all the summarized novels except the last one. (Even Hemingway, which was a total guess!)

Me, too.

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47 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

I have never been so glad to see someone crash and burn.

I am right there with you.  She annoyed me right from the start.

FJ was an instaget for me tonight, which was a nice change of pace from having no clue at all for the past two shows. I grew up near Kentucky (and Tennessee, too, for that matter), and every other thing in Kentucky is named after Daniel Boone.  

So many of TS tonight!  Ones I got include Red River, The Sun Also Rises, Old Dominion (I'd be kicked out of Virginia if I didn't know that one!), litmus, Window Rock, Code Talkers, hogans, and Winslow Homer.

Edited by Browncoat
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I thought it was Davy Crockett - though when Alex said there was a choice of 2, I did think of Daniel Boone. Heh I admit -  I could not get Colonel Sanders out of my head. 

Aw, no one knew Discovery of Witches. I really like the books.  The tv show - eh. The female lead is kind of boring. 

I’m sorry Cory lost - but I’m not unhappy David won.  My nerves can’t handle Kelly. 

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Just now, Browncoat said:

So many of TS tonight!  Ones I got include red, The Sun Also Rises, Old Dominion (I'd be kicked out of Virginia if I didn't know that one!), litmus, Window Rock, Code Talkers, hogans, and Winslow Homer.

Winslow Homer, that was my other one.  I was out of room.  I said Old Old, Old something aargh!  I would have gotten it if they would give you 5 minutes. The old brain doesn't work as fast as it used ot.

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Kelly was way, way too over the top for my taste. Excitement for her first ever correct question on Jeopardy? Okay, maybe. The rest was so annoying, and she hasn't earned the status to whisper-talk to another contestant  as though she were a long-time champion.

As for Berry/Barry, I don't pronounce them the same at all, nor do I pronounce any version of merry/Mary the same. Would anyone say "Marv Griffin," like  "Marv Albert," and consider that correct? Barry is a commonly used name, whereas Berry is a unique moniker. I think it would be accepted as "Bery" for a misspelling, but not an entirely different name.

I used to love Ken, but I have had enough. On Jeopardy Reddit, where I read but have never commented, I saw Ken write very harsh comments to anyone who said James should have won, or in any way did not worship at the Ken altar. Completely tarnished image of him now. 

ETA: one other example and then I'll stop...would Alex Trebek accept Alec Trebek as his name? Or Alec Baldwin be ok with people calling him Alex?  It's clearly different. I saw, was it here or Reddit? where the woman who lost was complaining that the judges weren't kind. 



Edited by Arkay
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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

Okay, Kelly needs to calm down a tad.

(lol...I realized after she told her TSA dinosaur story that she's wearing a dinosaur shirt.)

If I was Dave I would've told her to please keep her virus-laden respiratory droplets to herself after she turned to face me and yelled. "BET IT ALL DAVE!"

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7 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I guess maybe I can accept that logic - that it's actually a different name.  But to be consistent, they'd have to rule someone incorrect if they confused Stephen/Steven, or Philip/Phillip.  (Another reason to go with just the last name!)  So I wonder if "Bery" or "Berrie" would have been accepted, since (as far as I know) they aren't real (or at least common) names, and would be pronounced the same as "Berry".

On a similar note, either yesterday or Monday, one of the contestants answered “Dead Sea Scrolls” while appearing to use “Dead” as an adjective. This immediately shifted the meaning to sea scrolls which were dead, rather than scrolls which were named for the Dead Sea. It’s a subtle difference in pronunciation, but it wouldn’t have bothered me if he’d been ruled incorrect (or at least had his error pointed out).

I knew Kelly would elicit some great comments here tonight.  While I can admit anyone who makes it on the show has accomplished something I probably never will, she seemed more like she was "playing" a contestant rather than being one.  For me she was nails on a chalkboard (should I ever make it on the show, she is free to say the same about me).  

I too got to FJ through Fess Parker and the tv show - the theme song is now stuck in my head - but it did help with solidifying the answer since it put him closer to the American Revolution than the Alamo.  

I got several TSs with my favorites relating to many happy trips to Maine (Portland and Winslow Homer)  and my time at William and Mary (Old Dominion).  

Finally thanks for the condolences about Mother Grundoon- I miss her desperately but she had a wonderfully long life (95 and three quarters), she wasn't ill long and I was there with her at the end.  This year that ranks as a blessing.

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31 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

I guessed Green River.  

There's one of those near me. It's also a delicious soda-fountain drink.

I easily got Red River since it puts Fargo, N.D. under water more often than not. And since I live in a flood plain, I pay attention to such things.

A Navajo category ... first time for that on this show, and it's about time. I could smoke an entire board on Navajo clues, being an honorary member of the diné.

So many TSs, I didn't keep track. Just said them to my tv, which said back it did not care.

I was all about Kelly. I could use about 10 more Kellys in my life. Everyone is so hateful and spiteful and nasty and cranky and grouchy IRL and online, she was a blowing gale of fresh air. Sorry to see her go.

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1 hour ago, M. Darcy said:

I could not get Colonel Sanders out of my head. 

That could have been The Best Answer EVAH.

1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

I grew up near Kentucky (and Tennessee, too, for that matter), and every other thing in Kentucky is named after Daniel Boone.  

I've visited Mr. Boone's grave site in Frankfort, Kentucky. The New York Times says, however, that it might not be him in there! Still, a nice marker and good view of the city from the hill. So important to the deceased.

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I got Daniel Boone.   

I got all the books including The Sun Also Rises and the Discovery of Witches which I was a bit suprised nobody got because I feel like I keep seeing that book everywhere.  I've never read it nor seen the show but the book pops up like a bad penny in my life, so I assumed it did in the wider world, as well.

I also got Litmus and Code Talkers.   

Mom of Brandy got Red River and Hogans.   I think she got Portland, too but she didn't do a happy dance so that is just a guess based on  smug look.... but I only noted the happy dance answers.  


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I hate Kelly's ... whatever the hell that was ... the way Lou Grant hated spunk.  But good for her enjoying herself.

I wonder whether all these contestants that we'll be seeing for a while were all going to appear anyway, and they just took everyone who's within driving distance, or if some of these folks wouldn't have been included this season if not for the need to avoid air travel.

I was doing so well in the TV shows category, even though I didn't watch any of them, but then I didn't have any idea on the last two.  I missed something else in the first round, too, that I've already forgotten.  In DJ, I missed three of the ACM clues and all three of the painting clues they got to.  Plus a few others scattered across categories.  But I rebounded to get FJ on a lucky guess.

The Portland and Red River TS surprised me a bit, but that was about it.

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2 hours ago, Arkay said:

As for Berry/Barry, I don't pronounce them the same at all, nor do I pronounce any version of merry/Mary the same. Would anyone say "Marv Griffin," like  "Marv Albert," and consider that correct?

Well now, Merv and Marv are clearly different. Er and Ah. But I say Berry and Barry the same. It took me a while reading posts here to finally come up with a way to say them differently. It's interesting that even if Person 1 says, "They're different. Listen: Berry. Barry," Person 2 might respond, "They sound the same to me."

As for tonight's show, I'm on a roll. Yet again, I didn't get FJ. I couldn't think of a Kentucky colonel other than Sanders. Then for some reason Colonel Kurtz popped into my mind, and then the Kentucky HeadHunters.

I did get litmus (after much brain strain), Homer, and The Sun Also Rises. I didn't understand what Alex said was the novel re 'Utopia -- Not!" It sounded like ArrowWhat. 

Edited by peeayebee
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31 minutes ago, nokat said:

Yes, it's definitely Californians.

I know - that's who we're going to be seeing for awhile.  What I'm wondering is if they'll all be people who'd already been selected for this season, and just got moved up in the rotation, or if some of them wouldn't have been selected this time around if not for needing only contestants who are within driving distance.  I figure geographic diversity is one of the many things they cast for, so how many contestants are normally within driving distance and thus how long would it take them to run out if this is just a typical pool?

Edited by Bastet
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2 hours ago, SyracuseMug said:

On a similar note, either yesterday or Monday, one of the contestants answered “Dead Sea Scrolls” while appearing to use “Dead” as an adjective. This immediately shifted the meaning to sea scrolls which were dead, rather than scrolls which were named for the Dead Sea. It’s a subtle difference in pronunciation, but it wouldn’t have bothered me if he’d been ruled incorrect (or at least had his error pointed out).

I thought I was pedantic.

34 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

Well now, Merv and Marv are clearly different. Er and Ah. But I say Berry and Barry the same. It took me a while reading posts here to finally come up with a way to say them differently. It's interesting that even if Person 1 says, "They're different. Listen: Berry. Barry," Person 2 might respond, "They sound the same to me."


I have a friend (from Kentucky, if that's at all relevant) who pronounces Mary, marry, and merry the same way.

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