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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)


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6 minutes ago, TaraS1 said:

Savannah's "You got it!" was mildly annoying, but otherwise I thought she did a nice job. 

I think I'm in the minority, but I absolutely loved Mayim's turn as host. I thought she was fun and personable and did a great job reading the clues. (But she's an anti-vaxxer??  Ugh, I wish I hadn't heard that.)

I enjoyed mayim too, more than I thought I would.  


And she isn't anti- vaccine.  She just followed a different schedule for her kids



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14 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

Why? I didn't find anything particularly annoying about her, though sooner or later her low FJ wagers will probably cause her to lose.

Something about her bugs the crap out of me, so I'll be glad when she's gone.  What bothers one person doesn't necessarily bother others.  Hell, there are people who love Austin.

15 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I was so pleased to see the Mobituaries category! I’ve listened to several of the podcasts, and I’m currently reading the book. And I knew some of the answers because of that!

It was an interesting category but he took too long with his clues.  Fortunately they still managed to clear the board.

I guessed laissez faire for FJ even though I didn't think it was right.  And I was correct about that, lol.

14 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

I got vodka, masks, Plymouth, Omar Khayyam, the Walrus, Dag Hammarsjkold, and Beau Brummel. The latter name is embedded in my brain thanks to Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me:"

I got all those, although I was reluctant to say Dag Hammarsjkold out loud since that was my incorrect answer to a clue about UN Secretaries General in my game back in 2008 (the correct answer was Trygve Lie) and I always figure Hammarsjkold is wrong if I think of him.

Funnily enough, Beau Brummel came up yesterday morning in comments on a Slate article about workplace dress codes, and then there he is in a Jeopardy clue.

I also got gin, International Criminal Court and aircraft carrier.

Edited by proserpina65
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14 hours ago, Leeds said:

(Anyone else have to Google her?)

She's the co-host of The Today Show, along with Hoda Kotb, which I watch every weekday morning while eating breakfast.  To be fair, I tend to switch between the 3 morning shows, depending on what story is being featured at any given time.

3 hours ago, MrAtoz said:

No, I'm the same way.  I keep hearing people complain about it.  I keep listening to clips that supposedly feature horrible, annoying, unbearable examples of it.  And I keep failing to hear anything unusual.

Even when people describe it, I can't quite conceptualize what it's supposed to be.

This is me, too.  I've tried to hear it, but I just don't.

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2 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

And she isn't anti- vaccine.  She just followed a different schedule for her kids



I'd read that, and seriously disagree with her position.  I'd have killed for some of the vaccines which are standard now.  (Looking at you, chicken pox.)  Delayed vaccine schedules aren't much better than no vaccines at all.

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51 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Something about her bugs the crap out of me, so I'll be glad when she's gone.  What bothers one person doesn't necessarily bother others.  Hell, there are people who love Austin.

II got all those, although I was reluctant to say Dag Hammarsjkold out loud since that was my incorrect answer to a clue about UN Secretaries General in my game back in 2008 (the correct answer was Trygve Lie) and I always figure Hammarsjkold is wrong if I think of him.

True, but people are generally specific about what bugs them about contestants: they have annoying voices, try too hard to be "characters," are sore winners/losers (hey, Ryan!), sway too much, torture the buzzer, abandon puppies...

As for the Secretaries General, if you hear of one killed in a plane crash, the answer is always Dag Hammarsjkold. Harvard Lampoon years ago did a spoof of airplane magazines. There was a trivia quiz where you didn't see the questions, just the answers, and they were "Rocky Marciano, Amelia Earhart, Dag Hammarsjkold..." Guess what all those folks had in common!😮

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I thought that was a strong debut from Savannah.  I've seldom seen her anywhere, so the slate was mostly blank with me.  The only thing that ever left an impression before now was when Ann Curry was forced out on "Today" and Savannah replaced her.  Some people decided Savannah was a real viper, never mind that it was Matt Lauer agitating for Ann to go and Savannah was just "in the right place at the right time."  Pitting women against each other, what else is new?  I did notice that her voice was not as resonant as some others', but I didn't really mind it.

I cleared Musical Sequels, and loved seeing "Of Thee I Sing," which has a really cute little number.  Mo Rocca went on and on and on, even longer than other video clue readers, I thought.  I was pleased they cleared the boards anyway.  I wonder whether they wouldn't have if he hadn't been saved for last.  It seems we always finish guest categories.

I got Omar Khayyam because of this fascinating unsolved case in which the body of a man was found on an Australian beach with few clues to his identity but two words torn from a rare edition of the Rubaiyat and placed in his pocket.  The body was exhumed only a month ago in light of new evidence, so perhaps an answer will come after all these years.

I guess it is more widely known than I thought that the UN was founded in San Francisco, since it was in the top box.  There is a UN Plaza near civic buildings downtown with some commemorative art, but the neighborhood is not one to linger in.  The Alcazar, a downtown theater where some meetings were held, renamed itself too, but has been gone 60 years.


9 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I laughed when the first musical clue in the next round was about Annie (never knew it had a sequel!).

By all accounts I've read from people who have seen it, we're better off not knowing. ;)

Edited by 853fisher
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6 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

Savannah's "You got it!" was mildly annoying, but otherwise I thought she did a nice job.

I never even noticed "you got it." I had some trouble with her voice, but not enough to dim my enjoyment.

4 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

Hell, there are people who love Austin.

Love might be a bit strong, but I did like him. 😉

I got Omar Khayyam because of Bill Clinton. I've always been wary of guys who give poetry as presents. LOL

  • LOL 2

My cable went out again…but I found J! on the optimum app just in time (couldn't find it last time this happened; I think it was one of Anderson Cooper's games I missed). And then it froze just after coming back from the first commercial. Unfroze again just in time to get back to the game. Then the picture kept freezing but I could hear the audio. Finally settled down and played properly for DJ. F#@& cablevision. 

Let's see…the only category I ran was 5 Nights; I anti-ran Pop Culture Tidbits. Got all three DDs and the TSes of grace period, 1870s (Bell invented the telephone), craven, and prognosticate. And I got FJ.

Scores 63% / 50% / 57%



Edited by ams1001
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Another way to get to Omar:  Mrs. Eulalie McKecknie Shinn talking to Marian the Librarian... "The Ruby Hat of Omar Khayayayaya I am appalled!"

When Katie was first introduced and she did that little salute thing, I said to the cats, "Oh, look, Pee-wee Herman is on Jeopardy!"  She's really done nothing to dispel that first impression.

One of my vets has a dog named Jackie O.  I think people who resisted Mrs. Kennedy's second marriage still refer to her as Jackie Kennedy. 

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10 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

FJ was even an instaget for me. Aren't FJs usually harder? Or does the difficulty of the clue vary to give more weight to the wagering? 

Of TSs I got: Pursuit, Agents of Shield, Tyrap door spider, and heresy

They vary. I thought last night's was really tough; some here have even called it unfair. They generally try to write FJ's as something you can deduce, rather than a "you either know or you don't" type of fact.

Tonight I knew grace period, the 1890's, chicken run (also the name of a cartoon movie starring Mel Gibson, or his voice), American Buffalo, craven, and prognosticate.

Nice to see Katie bet big for a change!

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The (hot) pursuit TS surprised me a bit, as did grace period.  Those were back to back early in the game, so I thought it might be another game like last night, with a number of puzzling TS.  Thankfully, no.

I was off to a good start, too - I ran nautical, jumble, credit, and altitude, and only missed three among the other two first round categories.  In DJ, though, the wheels came off the wagon.  I didn't run a single category.  And in some of them, I was just plain awful -- I missed all but one in pop culture and three each in Freddy's and animal homes.  I missed one each in the rest.  Ouch.  At least FJ was an instaget, but that was a disappointing performance after being on fire last night. 

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5 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Another way to get to Omar:  Mrs. Eulalie McKecknie Shinn talking to Marian the Librarian... "The Ruby Hat of Omar Khayayayaya I am appalled!"

That was my first thought too! ("It's a smutty book!") I always forget how to correctly pronounce his name because of this. I love Mrs. Shinn.

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"Inferno" was such nasty negbait.  Shame on me, and Erin, for not realizing that Dante wouldn't be described as a "novelist." ;)

Having confused her with Kelly Hu, I said "Martial Law" for the show Ming-Na Wen appeared in.  There's a show that hasn't been brought up in a while!

I did like seeing Kathryn Hahn mentioned for her role in "Parks & Rec."  That's a show I wish had stayed "in the zeitgeist" a little longer.

Good for Katie for earning a win that seemed less "by default."  I also thought FJ was relatively easy.  Quan wrote on Reddit that the name he crossed out was Liz Taylor's.

I love this song about Lindy from '27.  I'm sure I would have known the '20s were right anyway, but I pegged it to this song rather than the flight directly.  Hey, whatever it takes!

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Bastet said:

The (hot) pursuit TS surprised me a bit, as did grace period.  Those were back to back early in the game, so I thought it might be another game like last night, with a number of puzzling TS.  Thankfully, no.

I didn't think of "hot pursuit" because it didn't strike me as a nautical saying. I suspect the contestants may have been thinking the same way.


3 hours ago, 853fisher said:

"Inferno" was such nasty negbait.  Shame on me, and Erin, for not realizing that Dante wouldn't be described as a "novelist." ;)

No, he wasn't, but you never know how someone will describe a literary work. I own translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey that describe them on the back cover as "the world's greatest war novel" and "the world's greatest adventure novel." I'd never heard of the Dan Brown Inferno, but then, I'm not a fan of his.

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14 hours ago, HC87 said:

Was curious if others here were stumped by FJ. I too went with laissez faire.....teaching U.S. history I was particularly ashamed in not getting it. I just found the question oddly phrased. I always think of the Monroe Doctrine more as a document than a "term."

That was part of my problem - I said laissez faire because that's a term, which seemed to fit. Apparently it is used within the doctrine (my husband read the entire doctrine afterwards).

I did pretty well in some categories, almost ran The Stage and Decades (American Buffalo stumped me, and Bell was earlier than I thought).

FJ was easy, especially for someone my age. Though I did have a quibble about accepting Jackie Kennedy, but have come to accept it, thinking it's not unlike entertainers who are known by one name. Common usage, in other words.

I liked learning the origin of "cut and run."



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1 minute ago, Clanstarling said:

FJ was easy, especially for someone my age. Though I did have a quibble about accepting Jackie Kennedy, but have come to accept it, thinking it's not unlike entertainers who are known by one name. Common usage, in other words.

I think I may have immediately blurted "Jackie O," but I'm not sure what I would have written if I'd been there. 
The contestants wrote:

  • Quan    
    Who is Elizabeth Taylor Jackie Kennedy Onassis

  • Erin    
    Who is Jacqueline Kennedy?

  • Katie    
    Who is Jackie Kennedy?

It is possible that Erin and Katie didn't recall the name of Onassis. Or maybe they didn't want to misspell in on national TV.
But I don't think Jackie or Jacqueline Kennedy is any less complete than Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis.

I still use my ex's last name after 30 years because my 3 children use it, including one who wasn't his, but whenever asked to give my name for documentation, I long to just say "Cher." LOL

So, for the purposes of yesterday's FJ, I think their answers are fine, and neither wrote just "Jackie" or "Jacqueline" because, as you mentioned, @Clanstarling, "common usage." 🙂

  • Love 7

I am liking our current champion and Savannah as host.

It was a decent game for me.  I got the ts's or missed DDs of 1890s (it was already in my mind because I used it for Bell's invention), heresy, Prince of Wales, and prognosticate.

FJ was an instaget.  I said Jackie Kennedy since that's how I knew her best.  I don't think any version of her name is any more correct than another, at least for Jeopardy! purposes.

Edited by Trey
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On 6/14/2021 at 7:33 PM, ProudMary said:

As a lifelong baseball fan, it broke my heart that no one knew that the old "neighborhood" play involved second base. It's sad to me that baseball clues in general on Jeopardy! have gone unanswered lately. So much for "America's Pastime."

During my high-school years, we had season tickets to the White Sox. In college, we went to Reds games. After college we went to Wrigley Field. I listened to every Cubs game on WGN and watch every game on tv. I saw Steve Bartman catch that fly ball. The 2016 World Series was one of the happiest times in my life. I regularly attend minor-league games. And there's more. But I have never heard of a "neighborhood" play.

More players have answered baseball clues than the infamous Football category though.

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8 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

The 2016 World Series was one of the happiest times in my life.

Aww, I know! Right before the world went to hell in a handbasket. 


On 6/15/2021 at 10:49 AM, TaraS1 said:

Savannah's "You got it!" was mildly annoying, but otherwise I thought she did a nice job. 

I'm pretty sure I heard Alex say the same or similar today on the rerun. Long-time watchers may be able to correct or clarify.

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I know, right? I went from the highest high to the depths of the deepest darkest depression ever. Still not fully recovered.

I've called it the "bizarre" times... because so many bizarre things happened in such a short period of time... going from memory: the Cubs win (a good "bizarre"), tRump (!!!!), Super Bowl upset, and in my own little corner of the world, I went through the absolute worst family upset (will never fully recover - but hopefully am almost healed from the trauma). I actually had one day in Oct/16 when my computer died, my dishwasher died, my freezer died, my stove started beeping for no reason (it died shortly after), my car died... seriously! All in one day! It was my own little armageddon here... and then shortly afterwards, my two cats disappeared. Hell in a handbasket sounds almost too kind to describe the chaos. Hang in there, Saber!

I think there was even some 'bizarre'ness going on at J! ;-)

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49 minutes ago, Bliss said:

I've called it the "bizarre" times... because so many bizarre things happened in such a short period of time... going from memory: the Cubs win (a good "bizarre"), tRump (!!!!), Super Bowl upset, and in my own little corner of the world, I went through the absolute worst family upset (will never fully recover - but hopefully am almost healed from the trauma). I actually had one day in Oct/16 when my computer died, my dishwasher died, my freezer died, my stove started beeping for no reason (it died shortly after), my car died... seriously! All in one day! It was my own little armageddon here... and then shortly afterwards, my two cats disappeared. Hell in a handbasket sounds almost too kind to describe the chaos. Hang in there, Saber!

I think there was even some 'bizarre'ness going on at J! ;-)

Awww....goodness, the Universe was out to get you....always seems like one thing goes wrong in the house & everything starts to go wrong.  I hope your Kitties came back home?  Hang in there, wishing you 'smooth sailing" going forward

  • Love 5
On 6/15/2021 at 1:35 PM, GreekGeek said:

True, but people are generally specific about what bugs them about contestants: they have annoying voices, try too hard to be "characters," are sore winners/losers (hey, Ryan!), sway too much, torture the buzzer, abandon puppies...

And sometimes you can't put a finger on what it is that bugs.  I will say she bothered me less yesterday than previously.  Maybe it was not wearing the stupid bolo tie (I hate those things) or maybe it was just standing next to a contestant with so many tics at once that whatever it was about Katie paled in comparison.


Man, that was one ridiculously easy FJ.

19 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

chicken run (also the name of a cartoon movie starring Mel Gibson, or his voice)

That's how I got that one.  Very funny movie.

  • Love 2


20 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Wasn’t Final Jeopardy very, very, very easy by normal standards? I mean I even got it without thinking about it and I ain’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. 

I was just listening so didn't see the clue, but as soon as I heard, 'after her second marriage,' I guessed Jackie Kennedy Onassis.  The Greece and yacht part of the clue was just a gift in my mind, though I guess she has been dead almost 30 years so maybe anyone under 40 wouldn't be so sure.

I have no idea who the host is, I have never seen her before but the 'you got it' is really bugging me as is her voice in general.  I don't know if she's a two week host or if we've moved to the one week group, but I will not be sorry to see her go.

18 minutes ago, bankerchick said:


I was just listening so didn't see the clue, but as soon as I heard, 'after her second marriage,' I guessed Jackie Kennedy Onassis.  The Greece and yacht part of the clue was just a gift in my mind, though I guess she has been dead almost 30 years so maybe anyone under 40 wouldn't be so sure.

I have no idea who the host is, I have never seen her before but the 'you got it' is really bugging me as is her voice in general.  I don't know if she's a two week host or if we've moved to the one week group, but I will not be sorry to see her go.

The host is Savannah Guthrie of the Today show. You must not be familiar with morning TV. Truthfully I just fast forward to the end. I’m not really into the hosts auditioning. Maybe, when they announce a permanent replacement I might watch more. 

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1 hour ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Awww....goodness, the Universe was out to get you....always seems like one thing goes wrong in the house & everything starts to go wrong.  I hope your Kitties came back home?  Hang in there, wishing you 'smooth sailing" going forward

I apologize for going off the J! rails... just want to respond to @BuckeyeLou's kind post.

Unfortunately, my fur babies never returned. It was one of the most challenging times of my life. My faith was tested to the max, and I had a few screaming sessions with You-Know-Who. There was a realization that this was the first (and I trust, last) time in my life when I had not a single other beating heart in my home (not counting spiders) - that only lasted a month, but it was a stretch for me.

I still miss them... they were very sweet, loving, smart souls. If there really is a Rainbow Bridge, and if I make it there, it's going to be one heck of a reunion. I've several hundred fur babies waiting for me... I grew up on a farm... made friends with all the four-leggeds. ;-)

Thank you for your concern!

  • Love 8

I went to see "In The Heights" last night instead of watching Jeopardy, so I've only just caught up.  FJ was an instaget for me, as it seems to have been for many people.  I wrote down "Jackie Kennedy Onassis", since I wasn't sure what would be acceptable.

I also got the TS of pursuit, grace, Discover Card, and trapdoor spider.

Savannah seemed slightly less annoying to me last night.  We'll see how it goes tonight.


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Looks like I'm actually going to have to call customer service; my cable box has rebooted itself multiple times today (and I rebooted it twice) and it still isn't working. Listened to most of the first segment with a still picture of Evan at $400 on the optimum app on my tablet, the rest of the round was basically a slide show of random images. During the second commercial I downloaded it on my phone and watched the rest on an even smaller screen (iPhone XR vs 10.1-inch tablet vs 42-inch TV). Have I mentioned F#@& cablevision?

Not a great game. 53% / 63% / 57%. Only ran Twins & Triplets and apparently I know nothing about Guy Fawkes. (Only missed one each in Comics, Dear Diary, Vocabulary, and Pop Music.) Got the missed clues of nitroglycerin, Mutts, Nicaragua, largesse, and Samuel Pepys. Did not get FJ and then I felt dumb cuz it seemed really obvious once I knew the correct answer. (Though to be fair a few of my missed clues were partly due to the fact that I was distracted by frustration.)

I was rooting for Evan, because he was the only guy and he looks like Harry Potter, but I'm good with the new champ.

Now back to the Planet Money podcast which just reran their Jeopardy episode: How Uncle Jamie Broke Jeopardy (Update). (The episode's host's sister is married to James's brother; they have a little competition as to which of them is the coolest uncle. Also features Ken Jennings and Roger Craig.)

Edited by ams1001
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I got FJ, but I definitely 100% would not have had I been on the show because I really had to think about it and ended up changing my answer from Luke Skywalker.

I got the missed clues of nitrogylcerine (sp?), Samuel Pepys and Black Stallion.


I got the entire categories of middle, stupid answers, and twins right.

Two good nights in a row.

  • Love 2

Instaget FJ for me tonight.

TS I got tonight included Mutts, nitroglycerin, Anais Nin, and The Black Stallion.

That "You got it!" is starting to wear really thin.  Do you think the guest hosts decide in advance what words or phrases they'll use in response to the contestants?  I'd prefer just a simple, "Correct." and "Ooooh, sorry, that's incorrect."  or slight variations of those.

I am at least getting accustomed to Savannah's voice. 


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3 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

And sometimes you can't put a finger on what it is that bugs.  I will say she bothered me less yesterday than previously.  Maybe it was not wearing the stupid bolo tie (I hate those things) or maybe it was just standing next to a contestant with so many tics at once that whatever it was about Katie paled in comparison.

I’d no idea what it was called but I hate them too.  I thought Katie looked nicer without it.  On the subject of clothing I am loving Savannah Guthrie’s wardrobe!  

Buzz Lightyear was another easy one for me, and Samuel Pepys was obvious too.

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