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"The View": Week of 9/8/2020

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3 minutes ago, merriebreeze said:

Neither Joy nor Meghan seem thrilled with having Sara back. I agree that 5 is too many. Meghan, please go ahead and take your maternity leave now. 

I hope her maternity leave is at least as long as her grief leave was.

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2 minutes ago, Axie said:

I hope her maternity leave is at least as long as her grief leave was.

I read this as "at least as long as her grief was" (omitting the work "leave"), and couldn't agree more - that way, Meghan would never come back!!  

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4 hours ago, debbie311 said:

Whoopi is not a good moderator in a format like this. 

Whoopi is not a good moderator PERIOD!

3 hours ago, geekburger said:

I think Sara is encouraged to play the middle more than she normally would for the sake of balance. It’s more interesting that way and MM can’t claim she’s outnumbered and play the victim.

i think Sara is more middle than not. She has mentioned that her parents are Republicans, so I'm sure she has not rid herself of all her Republican ways.


TBH, I like it. Whoopi, Joy, and Sunny are too far left. MM is too far right. I enjoy Sara in the Middle.

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17 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Sarah is just so wishy washy and I do like her but she is not right for this show.  Nutmeg loathes her for some bizarre reason. 


11 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

Neither Joy nor Meghan seem thrilled with having Sara back. I agree that 5 is too many.

Sara continues to add nothing and can't pick a side even on the first hour back.

Good grief, is she really unsure about what Trump said? I don't even think she could agree if the sky is blue. She finds a way to see how someone could think it was yellow. Sara just fades into the background. I guess "View Your Deal" will give her something to do.

Five on the screen is too many and having a guest is a complete overload. It is going to be a long season!!

Edited by OnTime
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4 hours ago, geekburger said:

I think Sara is encouraged to play the middle more than she normally would for the sake of balance. It’s more interesting that way and MM can’t claim she’s outnumbered and play the victim.

Maybe you're right.  However Meghan loves being the only conservative voice. Hell, when Abby (her friend) was still there, Meghan constantly referred to herself as the lone conservative voice on the show. 

ETA ah, I just thought about your comment. This probably why Meghan seems to dislike Sara, Meghan loves to play the victim 😄

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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Why were people surprised with "the timing" regarding the mention of President Donald Trump's canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris where he blamed rain, lied, and made disparaging comments about veterans?  It happened in November 2018 and was reported in the news in Canada, France & Britain when it happened.  

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46 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

TBH, I like it. Whoopi, Joy, and Sunny are too far left. MM is too far right. I enjoy Sara in the Middle.

Whoopie, Joy and Sunny are far from far left... In Europe and Canada, they would be considered moderates..  Sara is wishy washy and today was a perfect example of that,, All 4 ladies were in agreement that he said those remarks about the veterans but Sara had to attack the anonymous sources and called their integrity into question.  I am just not feeling Sarah, she actually annoyed me more than Megan..

Edited by Pearson80
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I guess what the producers wanted out of their season 24 kick-off was for fireworks, and that's what they got with SHS and the ladies. It's been picked up by many news outlets - and I'm guessing that's one way to bring in the ratings. 

Sara Haynes - Yawn. All she did today was make me miss Abby even more. This show is too 'over her head' when it comes to politics. She's better talking fluff - like she did at GMA3. Let her talk about sunglasses, suntan lotion, making lemonade with her kids - but don't let her talk about anything political. It's way over her head. 

MeAgain - What the hell was going on with her lips? It was so distracting with the lip fuller and the gloss. I was expecting her to be more furious today with the comments by Trump this weekend, but she was rather laid back. Maybe she had a talking to ?

Joy - I don't think one month was enough for her. She needs the season off. Seemed like she didn't know who to fire her anger off to today.

Whoopi - I actually felt for her today. She was run over by everyone else who wouldn't shut up, and she was exasperated by the end of the show. I'm sure heads rolled after the show.

Sunny - I expected more from her today, too. She seemed like something was distracting her, and her attention wasn't all there.

Overall, it looked like the show itself worked out the technical kinks they suffered through from March - July, but they still haven't resolved the 'talking over'. That's easier to control at the table, not easy to control via Zoom.

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Sigh. The show was a real disappointment today.

Gotta admit - I am more like Joy and so outraged with what is happening at this point in history. Loved when she told filibustering SHS the show was one hour.

MM filibusters as well and then throws in crap to deflect.......like Pelosi and her hair.

Meanwhile MM is getting her hair done and not social distancing.




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2 hours ago, jkspeaks said:

Haven't typed here in a while but I just want to say I loved Meghan's look today.

Co-sign....and that's the only positive thing I'll say about her!

I'm sure Sara is a lovely woman but gotdamn, she's annoying on this show! If I want sweetness and light, I'll fucking watch the Brady Bunch!!!

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2 hours ago, Axie said:

I hope her maternity leave is at least as long as her grief leave was.

LOL! Most people I know take a day or so off when they lose a loved one. I've never known anyone take longer than a week. I actually don't blame Meghan for taking longer because of the nature of her job. If I lost one of my parents, I'd be a mess having to be on TV and talk politics every day. Quietly working a desk job by yourself is vastly different. I acknowledge this even though I don't care for her. 

That said, I thoroughly agree with you! New moms are usually on maternity leave for a lot longer than people in mourning are gone from work. I think with Meghan it is the reverse though, unless she really changes once the baby is here. It's just hard to picture her maternal and nurturing and not political and arguing. 

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23 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Sara Haynes - Yawn. All she did today was make me miss Abby even more. This show is too 'over her head' when it comes to politics. She's better talking fluff - like she did at GMA3. Let her talk about sunglasses, suntan lotion, making lemonade with her kids - but don't let her talk about anything political. It's way over her head. 

All she did today was make me miss having four on the screen!  Would we notice if she wasn't there?

14 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

I'm sure Sara is a lovely woman but gotdamn, she's annoying on this show! If I want sweetness and light, I'll fucking watch the Brady Bunch!!!

The whole concept of this show is for the co-hosts to give their own "view". If she can't do that, why is she there? Especially now, being remote, when they don't need five of them.

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3 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

LOL! Most people I know take a day or so off when they lose a loved one. I've never known anyone take longer than a week. I actually don't blame Meghan for taking longer because of the nature of her job. If I lost one of my parents, I'd be a mess having to be on TV and talk politics every day. Quietly working a desk job by yourself is vastly different. I acknowledge this even though I don't care for her. 

That said, I thoroughly agree with you! New moms are usually on maternity leave for a lot longer than people in mourning are gone from work. I think with Meghan it is the reverse though, unless she really changes once the baby is here. It's just hard to picture her maternal and nurturing and not political and arguing. 

Yep.  With our luck, she'll have the baby Friday afternoon and be back to work Monday.

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10 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Yep.  With our luck, she'll have the baby Friday afternoon and be back to work Monday.

I had a teaching assistant that did that.  On Monday she was in class acting like nothing was different but we noticed she was no longer 9 months pregnant & finally someone asked, did you have a girl or a boy?  MM wouldn't be that closed mouthed.

Edited by deirdra
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Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a truly awful human being.  I'm sure she wasn't wearing pants during her rants praising the Idiot in Chief b/c they would have been on fire during this segment.   Maybe one day she'll find her soul, but I doubt she misses it.  Kudos to Sunny for not allowing her to dance around the Jacob Blake question.  And her facial expressions during Sarah's tap dancing gave me life.

This Zoom format is a nightmare.    

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1 hour ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Sara Haynes - Yawn. All she did today was make me miss Abby even more. This show is too 'over her head' when it comes to politics. She's better talking fluff - like she did at GMA3. Let her talk about sunglasses, suntan lotion, making lemonade with her kids - but don't let her talk about anything political. It's way over her head. 

I know Sara isn't as into political talk as the other ladies, but I think she's more intelligent than Abby tbh. My impassion is Sara is a depressive who doesn't like to argue or offend, so closely following and debating politics just doesn't feel good to her. Abby on the other hand, is kind of the reverse. She came from a political family and works jobs that involve politics, and she still couldn't hold her own. She's also the type who'd say the sky is blue as if it were a revelation. Sara doesn't pretend to be a pundit. 

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meghan started the show with the longest run-on sentence ever on this show. 

Sara Haines was all "Law and Order, well, yeah, people like law and order, (is she talking about the tv show?) so, yeah, that will make a lot of people vote for him, sure."    and then,  "Oh, gee anonymous sources?   I heard sometimes tat means made up, right?   I suddenly I remembered how wishy-washy and devoid of substance she can be. 

I LOVED SUnny reading that quote from Captain Sully.   AND reminding us that the Watergate  scandal was based on anonymous sources.  

Joy was getting pissed at sarah haines for not understanding that investigative journalism wouldn't exist if sources couldn't remain anonymous.

Meghan saying that the timing of the atlantic article was because "Joe Biden was having a bad week, Nancy pelosi was having a bad week after not wearing a face mask."  WHAT????  and  publications have to give her a heads up in any article that mentiones her father?   

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and then in the NEXT segment - Meghan starts off with ANOTHER record-breaking run-on sentence, where she summarizes to SHS what she might have missed in the last segment - goes on for about a paragraph that may have started as a question, but the question was unclear.     Doesn't matter, SHS answers, "Absolutely,  then says the opposite of what Meghan just said.  

And huckabee-sanders doesn't realize that just because SHE didn't hear the president say something, that doens't mean he didn't say it TO SOMEONE ELSE.  

Mercifully, I got a SPECIAL REPORT interruption, so I missed some. 

Sara asks SHS about the challenges of being a working mom in politics.  When I say "SHUT UP SARA!"  I'm talking to both of you!  

Good for Joy, bringing up the hypocrisy of SHS saying she's against personal attacks, when she worked for the king of personal attacks. 

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52 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Joy was getting pissed at sarah haines for not understanding that investigative journalism wouldn't exist if sources couldn't remain anonymous.

Or that reputable investigative journalists don't depend on one anonymous source - they need corroborating sources & evidence before they publish.   Did Joy keep referring to Woodward as Woodstein because she thought it was cute?  Woodward and Bernstein would prefer their actual names to be used.

"Moderator" Whoopi needs to look at her monitor and not talk if she can see someone else's lips moving and not talk out loud in response to the producer in her ear.

Edited by deirdra
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6 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

meghan started the show with the longest run-on sentence ever on this show. 

Sara Haines was all "Law and Order, well, yeah, people like law and order, (is she talking about the tv show?) so, yeah, that will make a lot of people vote for him, sure."    and then,  "Oh, gee anonymous sources?   I heard sometimes tat means made up, right?   I suddenly I remembered how wishy-washy and devoid of substance she can be. 

I LOVED SUnny reading that quote from Captain Sully.   AND reminding us that the Watergate  scandal was based on anonymous sources.  

Joy was getting pissed at sarah haines for not understanding that investigative journalism wouldn't exist if sources couldn't remain anonymous.

Meghan saying that the timing of the atlantic article was because "Joe Biden was having a bad week, Nancy pelosi was having a bad week after not wearing a face mask."  WHAT????  and  publications have to give her a heads up in any article that mentiones her father?   

Thank you for reminding me of this. What was she talking about? I know the right are fake outraged about Nancy's hair/mask BS. But I really don't know what she's was talking about, bad week for Biden and Pelosi? I must have missed it. 

I just knew she would bring up Nancy.  Wasn't it Meghan that constantly used say people have to stop being outraged by small things in regards to trump 🙄.


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I've never really cared about Sara one way or the other. But yesterday it seemed she was being deliberately annoying.  For someone who isn't a Trump supporter (publicly at least) it's interesting to me that she can't believe he said what he said without more proof.  Doesn't his past remarks give the story credibility with her?  And considering she has worked in the media for quite a few years now she should know anonymous sources aren't just people who make up things.  Maybe she is used to getting her news from online sites that are less strenuous with fact checking but there is no way a publication like the  Atlantic would print a story that didn't have sources who offered up verified information. And for this particular story there were multiple sources. This was not someone calling into a tip line.

And her saying people like Law & Order and this will help Trump is laughable.  Correct me if I'm wrong but I always thought the person in office is the one who is blamed for all the problems that happen during their term. I know 2020 is a crazy time but most people are going to blame the person holding the match when they see a fire.  And those that don't have already made up their minds.

Maybe Sara doesn't subscribe to any particular political platform or maybe she just doesn't want to piss off one side or other.

And I might be in the minority but I didn't like Meghan's hair.

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17 hours ago, chitowngirl said:



For some context-there were only 11 Coneheads sketches, 21 Wayne’s World sketches, Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood 10x, and 6 Olympia Cafe (cheeburger, cheeburger, no Pepsi, Coke!).

Hmm so it does fall in the middle there.  Thanks for the research Chi!

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23 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

11:04 and the bitch has already done a mini slam at Sara that she knows she doesn't have as much time  because they have 5 hosts now. Quit and the show will be down to 4 again, bitch.

Right!  That pissed me right the F* off!  Yes please subtract the time for Sara from your frign motormouth blatherings!  Grrrrrrrrr....  also Joy had said the same thing about being back up to 5, but she didn't have any malice in it.  What did they think?  The hadn't done anything to replace Abby's spot, but knew it was coming.  God Forbid they did anything to cut into your precious time.  Bitch.  Also i keep waiting for someone to make the joke about having to go remote to keep Sara from punching her arm heheh 

Edited by ForumLou
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12 hours ago, cathaireverywhere said:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a truly awful human being.  I'm sure she wasn't wearing pants during her rants praising the Idiot in Chief b/c they would have been on fire during this segment.   Maybe one day she'll find her soul, but I doubt she misses it.  Kudos to Sunny for not allowing her to dance around the Jacob Blake question.  And her facial expressions during Sarah's tap dancing gave me life.

This Zoom format is a nightmare.    

I can see her taking Nicki Haleys job.  

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About schools and Covid, our local HS and MS had to close for 2 weeks after being open for 4 days because of all the sick kids.  Plus we’re in a college town so it’s a hot spot again.  (A friend who teaches at the college has 30% of her students in quarantine.)

Good luck to all the teachers, staff, and families!

Dear Meg, it’s ok to secretly record your “friend” when she’s making you commit a crime. Read the book before you start virtue signaling. (I knew the very first thing she said would be a sneer about not reading tell all books.  Well, aren’t you full of morality, Missy.)

Edited by Haleth
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10 hours ago, deirdra said:

Or that reputable investigative journalists don't depend on one anonymous source - they need corroborating sources & evidence before they publish.   Did Joy keep referring to Woodward as Woodstein because she thought it was cute?  Woodward and Bernstein would prefer their actual names to be used.

"Moderator" Whoopi needs to look at her monitor and not talk if she can see someone else's lips moving and not talk out loud in response to the producer in her ear.

How do you know that Woodward and Bernstein would prefer their actual names be used? They are so historically iconic that everyone knows exactly who she’s referring to and I would think Joy is coming from a place of admiration. She was probably trying to get her point out and just trying to be brief about it due to their current format - not being cute. I didn’t have a problem with it. 

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I don’t mind MM asking questions like that, as she did with Mary Trump, but, does she have to be so damn snotty when asking.  And, was that the beginning of tears after that little set to with Whoopie?  I’m the only one that doesn’t have children, crap, again?  Boohoo!

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I am feeling sorry for Stephanie Wolkoff.    My understanding from the first mention of the missing funds from the Inauguration a couple years back is that someone would take the fall.  This woman had experience with the Vogue Met Gala so she was not a rookie.  She was a woman though and was asking questions and now she is being grilled in three investigations as told to Maddow.   Stephanie should have left after the celebration like Keith Schiller did 😉 

I had a visceral reaction to Megmouth when she started hammering Stephanie.  Her superiority complex just balloons whenever she meets a perceived enemy of her beliefs.  The full on face view just exacerbates her arrogance.   I hadn't watched in a while but was curious to watch Stephanie today.  Not feeling Sara I hope the cast gets better once MM goes on maternity leave.

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Monday: Megan, check your messages... Nicolle, Anderson, Don, Chris, Wolf, Joy, Jake and a host of others are trying to give you a "heads up" that they will likely be mentioning your sainted father in their broadcasts. BTW, like the new hair.Watching for "pivot" to be the new word de jour.

Joy, take your prevogin. "John Lindseay", "Woodstein"... not a good sign.

Sara, welcome back and continue being just who you are!

Sonny, ditch that 80's cinqo de mayo dress.

Whoopi, "you know who" is getting more than tired.


Edited by pachebo
to add the "pivot" thing.
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1 hour ago, Triviatrish2 said:

I don’t mind MM asking questions like that, as she did with Mary Trump, but, does she have to be so damn snotty when asking.  And, was that the beginning of tears after that little set to with Whoopie?  I’m the only one that doesn’t have children, crap, again?  Boohoo!

The answer to your first question. Yes, she knows no other way. Snotty is her superpower. 

I noticed she was almost in tears, after she mumbled about not having kids to move on, wth? what was that about? They were getting to her. She really is the most fragile sensitive bad ass I've ever seen.


Edited by Coffeewinewater
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13 minutes ago, Chele said:

MM has serious resting bitch face this morning. Not even a little smile at the beginning of the show.

She had nothing to add when Whoopie was talking about a series that she is enjoying on netflix, Whoopie was trying to talk about something that was not political and she just looked so annoyed. Her maternity leave cannot come fast enough for me.

Can somebody explain to me what was up with that weird vibe between Nutmeg and Whoopie. I have noticed a change in their dynamic, Whoopie no longer fawns over her like before..

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1 hour ago, pachebo said:

Woodstein"... not a good sign.

Back in the day that’s what they were called. I remember that from the movie.

I wish they had talked more about the missing inaugural funds instead of Melania gossip. There’s something like $80million unaccounted for.  Serious stuff, Meg, not a tell all to make money. 

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2 hours ago, pachebo said:

Sonny, ditch that 80's cinqo de mayo dress.

I knew I was forgetting something. Sunny's hair and makeup looked good, but why ring in the new season with puffy sleeves that would make Anne of Green Gables proud?!

You wouldn't believe Meghan was coming off a six-week break. I only caught the tail end of the Kids discussion. I know Whoopi was asking the mom's of school-aged kids (Sunny and Sara) how comfortable they felt sending their kids back and I returned when Meghan was sulking. What happened in between?

I wanted to hear more from SWW, but her strained appearance made me glad when the interview was over. I kind of agree with Meghan that these Trump acolyte tell-alls are getting tiresome, but this sounded like something different. I don't care about the relationship between Ivanka and Melania but I DO want to hear about the irregularities for the inauguration.

Edited by Vanderboom
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I’ve enjoyed the past two days. Being remote and everyone having a time limit for their comments is the only way the show can work with McCain being one of the participants. She gets her turn to spew poison and then it’s over, because they don’t have time for screaming and interruptions with Sara there now. Because, tbh, that’s the only thing that’s really changed with Sara back: McCain speaks less. Everyone else speaks about the same amount as they were before because McCain always made sure she got more speaking time. And McCain speaking less is an improvement. Thank you, Sara!

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2 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I’ve enjoyed the past two days. Being remote and everyone having a time limit for their comments is the only way the show can work with McCain being one of the participants. She gets her turn to spew poison and then it’s over, because they don’t have time for screaming and interruptions with Sara there now. Because, tbh, that’s the only thing that’s really changed with Sara back: McCain speaks less. Everyone else speaks about the same amount as they were before because McCain always made sure she got more speaking time. And McCain speaking less is an improvement. Thank you, Sara!

Good point - maybe they should get another host to cut down even more on MM's time

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25 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

I knew I was forgetting something. Sunny's hair and makeup looked good, but why ring in the new season with puffy sleeves that would make Anne of Green Gables proud?!

You wouldn't believe Meghan was coming off a six-week break. I only caught the tail end of the Kids discussion. I know Whoopi was asking the mom's of school-aged kids (Sunny and Sara) how comfortable they felt sending their kids back and I returned when Meghan was sulking. What happened in between?

I wanted to hear more from SWW, but her strained appearance made me glad when the interview was over. I kind of agree with Meghan that these Trump acolyte tell-alls are getting tiresome, but this sounded like something different. I don't care about the relationship between Ivanka and Melania but I DO want to hear about the irregularities for the inauguration.

Nothing happened. Literally nothing.  Whoopi was finishing up with Sunny or was it Joy (?), and moving on to Meghan and then Meghan freaked 😄 #just moveonidonthavechildren😥. I think they just didnt get to her fast enough 🤷🏽‍♀️.

I also don't care about the Melania, Ivanka gossip. I wish they hadn't even talked about that. The money is the important part and the Trumps throwing SWW under the bus is why she wrote the book, focus on that.

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Just an fyi, come Monday you might want to check your programmables as a lot of them have changed. New ones added, a least one has disappeared, turning up now on streaming.  Which i think is going to suck, i dont think you can record it.  Anyway, check your hookups. .... Yeah might as well check on those too *g*

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19 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Good point - maybe they should get another host to cut down even more on MM's time

Maybe we can find out how much is too much and she'll decide being home is funner...bigly. LOL heh

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40 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

I knew I was forgetting something. Sunny's hair and makeup looked good, but why ring in the new season with puffy sleeves that would make Anne of Green Gables proud?!

You wouldn't believe Meghan was coming off a six-week break. I only caught the tail end of the Kids discussion. I know Whoopi was asking the mom's of school-aged kids (Sunny and Sara) how comfortable they felt sending their kids back and I returned when Meghan was sulking. What happened in between?

I wanted to hear more from SWW, but her strained appearance made me glad when the interview was over. I kind of agree with Meghan that these Trump acolyte tell-alls are getting tiresome, but this sounded like something different. I don't care about the relationship between Ivanka and Melania but I DO want to hear about the irregularities for the inauguration.

I forgot about yesterday's dress.  It was very pretty, i loved the color.  But it was too much of either Victorian, or Little House on the Prairie.  Probably the latter with the chix and such

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40 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

I wanted to hear more from SWW, but her strained appearance made me glad when the interview was over. I kind of agree with Meghan that these Trump acolyte tell-alls are getting tiresome, but this sounded like something different. I don't care about the relationship between Ivanka and Melania but I DO want to hear about the irregularities for the inauguration.

It may be tiresome but it says a lot that everybody who has worked there writes a book and/or secretly records people.. Has that ever happened before? 

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1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

Can somebody explain to me what was up with that weird vibe between Nutmeg and Whoopie. I have noticed a change in their dynamic, Whoopie no longer fawns over her like before..

I'd like a show where Whoopi "forgets" to call on Nutmeg for an entire show.

Edited by deirdra
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