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S16.E10: Power Of Veto Competition #3

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God I love Donny so much!  He is way too nice and too smart to be playing this game with a bunch of idiots. I loved the way everybody was cheering for him when he won.


I'm guessing Devin feels like an idiot that he broke his alliance with Donny now.  Double D indeed.


Still...I wouldn't put it past them if they voted out Caleb tomorrow.

  • Love 7

Really loved that POV competition (physical as well as mental).  Derrick doing the robot thing was hilarious.  Donny is an incredible person.  I'm with Frankie when he said "he's dehydrated too," so he could get the Cody shake - LOL. 


Caleb's obsession with Amber is really disturbing and I hope they target him next week if he doesn't win the HoH.

  • Love 2

When I saw on the feeds that Donny won veto, I thought for sure it must have been something like a guess the quantity of something game. But that looked to be fairly physical, and Donny beat the two biggest muscleheads in the house. Donny rules.


Christine is useless, as usual. And I'm glad they're actually airing some of Amber's and others' reactions to the Caleb obessiveness, and Grodner isn't trying to protect her alpha male pet this time. I actually wouldn't mind Caleb going, going home for some counseling, and maybe coming back on another returnee season. Because you know there will be one. Unlike last season, where actual bad, vile people abounded, I don't think anyone this season is a bad person. Most have issues, some more than others, but I don't think anyone is irredeemable in the way that Aaryn and Andy and GinaMarie were.


Not a fan of TA's missions being something that actually affects noms. That can totally blow someone's game. Stick to the harmless crap, Grodner, or drop it altogether.

Edited by Ananayel
  • Love 9

Well done Donny!  Knocked off Caleb too.  Then he seals the deal by saving Jacosta.


I don't care which one goes, just happy it's one of them.


The time may be ripe to "blindside" Caleb.  Once he's gone, everybody will still hate Devin, and Amber will be oh so relieved.


Oh, Devin.  Spare us the lame melodrama.  Your daughter is 2 years old.  The superhero concept is a little beyond her right now. The only "memories" she will have of your appearance is when people make fun of you for it for the rest of your life.  YouTube may be forever.


The frog suit is cute.  What will Victoria be wearing when she reappears?

  • Love 7

Donny's popularity will probably skyrocket after this episode.  The whole theme seemed like it was "Donny is awesome".


As much as I loved seeing him win the veto, I think I liked him holding his ground with Derrick even more.   "He's not sharing his game with me, so I'm not going to share mine with him."   Right on.   He's pretty savvy.

Oh, I thought Cody's little "the quickest route back" videos were quite funny given his line readings and expressions.  I'm not sure they were necessary, though.

Edited by vb68
  • Love 4

I'm calling it right now. If they follow through with getting Devin out the show will become very much less interesting without him and his upredictability. Also all the A-holes cheering when he lost the Veto competition made me not like any of them-even the lovely Victoria. Kicking a man when he's down is not cool in any book.


Well actually there might be one thing of interest after Devin leaves and that is Caleb's implosion. The rest of the houseguests are going to rally around Amber like white knights and get rid of him because he makes her umcomfortable. Props to the editors for showing the bunny slippers as a call back to FATAL ATTRACTION's ill fated bunny during the segment where it was clear he truly is fatally attracted. Not sure why he doesn't notice Victoria...she's just as good looking as Amber and maybe she'd be open to his attentions?


It seemed unfair they didn't postpone the Veto competition until Jocasta was well enough to play. At very least she should have had a proxy player.

 "I'm so used to giving and now I get to receive".   Yeah, that's what Zach said when he met Frankie.


 I loved the veto comp.  Suspense, humor and a decent game design that doesn't favor any one type of player.  More please.  Also more please:  Chippendale's Cody (Double C!)


 I missed it, why was Nicole in the frog costume?


 "If I get voted out, I'm gonna feel stupid"   Ya think, Cra-Crayola??  I will laugh my ass off if he gets booted.


 Kudos to Zach for running with Amanda rumor.  Devin would have called a house meeting (of course he'd call one if the Sprite lost it's fizz) where he would have ranted about how dishonest people, accused Donny of being a Mossad agent, declared all alliances he made null and void, speculated Donny invented the internet, whined about his daughter made a pass at Brittney and called everyone bro.  Zach on the other hand just laughs and eggs it on.  I should hate him but he amuses me.


 Damn Jacosta, you need a chill pill chaser with that laxative.  It's all well and good to be thankful for being pulled from the block but show a little backbone if you want to make it to jury.

  • Love 10
It seemed unfair they didn't postpone the Veto competition until Jocasta was well enough to play. At very least she should have had a proxy player.


That would be a bad idea, because then everyone on the block would suddenly "become ill" -- people would abuse it, especially if they could name their replacement/proxy.


When Jocasta came off the block and collapsed crying on Derrick she was saying "Praise Jesus" repeatedly -- I realize she's a minister and all, but I'm pretty sure that was all Donny that saved her butt and took her off the block.

  • Love 3
Damn Jacosta, you need a chill pill chaser with that laxative.  It's all well and good to be thankful for being pulled from the block but show a little backbone if you want to make it to jury.



That quickly went from "Aww, look how touched she is that Donny is gonna save her..." to "Ok...starting to get awkward..." to "Ok, now this is just frickin hilarious!"  I was giggling my ass off at her full body sobbing over getting taken off the block...something that happens to people all the time in this game. 

  • Love 7

Because it can't be said enough... Caleb is one creepy dude. Here's a hint for ya Caleb, if you're trying to chat up a girl and/or claim that she "owes" you something for and she's more interested in reading the Bible at the time? She just not that into you, bro. The stalkerish creepster vibe he's emitting is oh so attractive I wonder why oh why Amber hasn't fallen for his myriad charms... I think Caleb is more comfortable hunting things down to kill them than actually trying to build a relationship with someone.  They really are not overlapping skill sets.


Oh I also loved that Devin has already gone revisionist history on his demise in the game... "Since everyone turned on me" oh reeeeealllllly? Is that what happened? Oh poor Devin shunned for no reason. *eyeroll* You were the one that blew everything up and declared yourself out of all alliances, taking your ball and going home, well now he really will go home.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 5

That quickly went from "Aww, look how touched she is that Donny is gonna save her..." to "Ok...starting to get awkward..." to "Ok, now this is just frickin hilarious!"  I was giggling my ass off at her full body sobbing over getting taken off the block...something that happens to people all the time in this game. 

I chalked it up to her being sick.

  • Love 4


I missed it, why was Nicole in the frog costume?


They didn't really explain it, but it was (I guess) that she was turned into a frog when she got wizard-zapped for being the loser HoH.


Re: Derrick "doing the robot" in his cube I instantly thought of Daffy Duck as Robin Hood going through why his attack style wasn't working:



Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 3


Oh I also loved that Devin has already gone revisionist history on his demise in the game... "Since everyone turned on me" oh reeeeealllllly? Is that what happened? Oh poor Devin shunned for no reason. *eyeroll*


That and I caught his confessional during the veto comp saying he still doesn't think Donny is who he says he is.  That  got a big eyeroll from me after he made such a spectacle over coming clean about that at his house meeting.  

Edited by vb68
  • Love 1

The best shot of the night for me was the camera showing Derrick in his cube in the foreground, contemplating his hand, while you see Devin in the background running around in his cube like a crazy person. That was awesome.

I enjoyed the hell out of Donny not giving anything to Derrick, and his calm DR talking about his thought process. I enjoy Donny a bit less when he lays on his country hick gosh golly persona in the DR talking about a friend in need is a friend indeed. I'm fine with that making me a terrible person, but I want to see more Donny playing the game and less Donny being the bestest person ever.

Caleb is going to ruin Amber's game, if he hasn't already, through no fault of her own. That pisses me off more than anything. I'm not really worried about her safety in the house, and I assume once they're out of the house, his friends/family will talk him down. Still, so very, very creepy.

Finally, loved Zach just running with the lie he was Amanda's cousin. He's weird, and not a great player, but he amuses me.

  • Love 1

As dumb as it is for Team America to be able to actually impact game play, I almost think it is worse to have it be vague like that. If you're going to do it, just do it. Because I assure you, if the fans vote for "Put a floater up on the block," it'll be "Brittany's a floater!" and if it is "Put a physical threat up on the block," it'll be "Brittany's a physical threat!"


But I guess with four nominees still, it is awfully easy to succeed with this particular challenge. One of the four is bound to fit the criteria either way.

  • Love 1


Because I assure you, if the fans vote for "Put a floater up on the block," it'll be "Brittany's a floater!" and if it is "Put a physical threat up on the block," it'll be "Brittany's a physical threat!"


Exactly.  I thought that was an asinine challenge because with four people going up, it's covered regardless.  That's a complete waste of a mission.

  • Love 1

I'm going to give Jocasta a pass because it has to be nerve wracking to be sick and with a house full of strangers while being very sick.   She wasn't expecting the hamsters to rally around her and she was touched by that. 


Cody is hawt and he is also in danger.  He'd better sleep with one eye open.  As much as I dislike Devin, I'd rather the hamsters vote Caleb out.

  • Love 3

I'm giving Jocasta a pass too. I get super emotional when I'm tired or sick. I cried when the nurse gave me a popsicle when I was in labor with my son and I had a beautiful epidural and my husband and mom with me haha. I'm pretty sure if I was alone in the big brother house, at risk of getting kicked out because I was sick and country Santa came down the chimney and said he'd be saving me I'd cry too :)

  • Love 7

Jocasta was really, really sick so she gets a pass from me. Caleb was almost dragging her to the bathroom, she was trying to walk with him but she couldn't pull it off. I am a baby when I am mildly sick. I regularly think it would be nice to have my Mother with me when I have a cold and want to be babied. I cannot imagine being that sick in a house that is as gross as the BB house with a group of strangers who I have little to nothing in common with. She had to be physically and mentally beat.


It was nice to see how the house rallied around her. They all seemed genuinely concerned when she was in the bathroom. They were discussing how they could help her (yes it was a vomit bucket and how to get her back to bed but it was a discussion). When Donny won the Veto comp there was a gathering in her room and they were happy for her. Cody's dance was awesome and she laughed but I have to think that it is a pretty strong reminder of how different the house guests are compared to her real life. I would imagine that most people trying to cheer her up are not going to do a modified strip tease and butt jiggle in her face.


In many ways, her illness would be the perfect excuse to get her out of the house without getting any blood on their hands, "She was really sick and the house thought it would be easier for her to get better at home then here".


That said, the sobbing was a bit over the top although I do think it was real and not an act.

  • Love 2

Everyone cheering when Devin got eliminated was hilarious. It wasn't even Donny winning, but an elimination for crying out loud! Donny FTW, so far.

What was the bandage that Devin had on his arm?


Testosterone patch?  I don't think he is above it.  And it might explain...some things

Caleb is going to ruin Amber's game, if he hasn't already, through no fault of her own. That pisses me off more than anything. I'm not really worried about her safety in the house, and I assume once they're out of the house, his friends/family will talk him down. Still, so very, very creepy.

Finally, loved Zach just running with the lie he was Amanda's cousin. He's weird, and not a great player, but he amuses me.


Yep, he sure is, and sadly she is going to let him.  I think if she was smart she would be campaigning fierce to get Caleb out of the house this week.  And I don't even think she has to do it directly, she could work with Devin who is desperate.  Or even just casually mention how much stronger Caleb is, how Devin is much weaker now, much less of a threat.  It might appear in bad form because he did throw the competition, but if she really never asked him, if she never gave him any indication or encouragement, if she told him not to do it and he did it anyways, thats not on her, thats on him.  He can be upset with her all he wants, but I think once he saw her goodbye tape, he might get the hint that she has zero interest, and he wouldn't be in a position to vote for her in the jury house.


Exactly.  I thought that was an asinine challenge because with four people going up, it's covered regardless.  That's a complete waste of a mission.


Well, I mean first, team america has to agree on who a "floater" or a "physical threat" is.  Of course as you've all pointed out, for each person that "floater" or "physical threat" will be the person that each member wants out of the house.  Thats interesting in that it lets each member of team america know something about the other persons game, or their thinking.  Then, once the three of them decide then they have to convince the rest of the house.  I don't think its a great challenge, but it might get interesting.

Every time Devin uses his daughter for sympathy, I get a little nauseated.  Not only is she too young to watch him on TV or know what a superhero is, I doubt if she'll recognize him the next time she sees him. I hate jerky baby daddies who think they're doing something noble just by being "in her life,"  when all that means is showing up to collect a present on Father's Day.

So  I'll be rooting for Devin to go home over Caleb, but just barely.

Other than those two, I kind of like everyone this year and that's a first.

  • Love 4

Caleb is SUPER creepy and stalkerish.  Kudo to the editors for splicing Creepy-Caleb giving Cody the death-stare from his bed while he was talking to Amber.


Also more please:  Chippendale's Cody (Double C!)


The more I see of Cody, the more I like him, which is surprsing; pre-show, I thought he'd be one of the douchier/toolier hansters. But he seems remarkably sweet and down-to-earth, and composed even when Caleb is death-staring him. (And count me in for Chippendales-Cody as well.)


I'd be OK with either Devin or Caleb leaving the house. I think both have played ther hands way too quick this season; BB is a marathon, not a sprint. But Devil will be harder to get out later, I think. (And the "Hamster Fitness" thing would only weigh in his favor if he stays, I would imagine.) 


As an aside? Can people people saying they're gonna "Beast-Mode" or "Animal through" these challenges? It just sounds silly.

Edited by ShadowDenizen
  • Love 2

Yes, Caleb, there is nothing else you can do to try and win Amber over. You went on the block for her, you threw a comp for her. She STILL isn't into you. She will NEVER be into you. How obtuse can you be? I would say "take a hint and move on", but the girl has basically hit you ever the head with a sledgehammer and you still don't get it. So my only hope is that you leave this house soon after Devin, so the poor girl can get some peace. 


Also, were you wearing knee socks and shorts at the Veto comp? What was that shit? Between the fashion choices and stalker-level crazy, you give cute rednecks a bad name. 


Donny is the man! I love me some Donny. He is proving to be quite a challenge monster. I thought it was so sweet of him to play for Jacosta and take her off the block, since she was laid up in the bed. And it didn't hurt his game either. It enamored him to Jacosta and the other "quiet" side of the house, and won him points with the former bomb squad because it still allowed them to put Devin up on the block. I think Donny is a smart player, he's just not overt about it. I do like Derrick, but I appreciated Donny not wanting to divulge everything he was thinking to him, since Derrick hasn't exactly returned the favor. 


I really hate Team America's newest task. I don't think America should be involved what-so-ever in nominations and voting. It's going to force alliances instead of allowing people to team up and work together organically. I just really really hate it. Stick with silly tasks like spreading dumb rumors. 

The time may be ripe to "blindside" Caleb.  Once he's gone, everybody will still hate Devin, and Amber will be oh so relieved.


I don't know. On the one hand, Caleb is pretty good at challenges and having him on the block now might be a rare, golden opportunity. On the other hand, I'm not entirely sure everyone will still hate Devin. He seems to have been pretty quiet since he lost his HOH plan last week. I don't watch the feeds, but from what we've seen on the show, he seems to have faded into the background. People tend to have short memories on this show. What if he slowly starts buttering people up and getting back in some good graces? He's also pretty darn good at challenges - I would say probably better than Caleb. I always think it's kind of dangerous to continue leaving a target in the house because you're certain they'll always be a target and you'll have another chance to get them out. 


But really, either way, I'll be happy with whoever goes home. 



"If I get voted out, I'm gonna feel stupid"   Ya think, Cra-Crayola??  I will laugh my ass off if he gets booted.


This. While I kind of want Devin out more, it would be so delicious to see Caleb's little "Captain Save-a-Hoe" adventure come back to bite him in the ass.

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 3

Bahah! Wouldn't it have been funny if Donny had said, "No. No honey, I'm DONNY, not Jesus."

I'm sure Donny and Jacosta both know he is Donny and the one who physically won the challenge, but God/Jesus allowed it to happen. And I suppose technically, Jacosta is in an alliance of 4- her and the Holy Trinity (God the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit).

I feel like I read somewhere that the bandage on Devin's arm was to cover his sobriety tattoo. Of course, I can't find a link now. Maybe I dreamed it?

I am also glad they showed creepy Caleb. I wonder if it was kind of a preemptive strike to avoid something like last year with social media/fandom blowing up a problem and then production having to react.

Jacosta's sobbing was way too much for me, especially at the veto meeting. I can kind of see the initial point when she found out, what with sickness and exhaustion, but damn, she already knew Donny would use it on her. Her bow tie on the chair was cute though.

Barring any crazy events, Donny is getting to be a shoo-in for Fan Favorite. No doubt, Frankie will be devastated, so that will be a treat to see his face. Do they have to make jury for that or can anyone win it?

Maybe Donny really IS some kind of secret genius!


I think my favorite part, though, was when he showed Jocasta the Veto medal and said he was going to take her off the block. The combination of her hysterical sobbing and the over-the-top background music had me falling off the couch with laughter!


I've also wondered whether Devin really HAS been playing it safe this past week or if the editors are trying to see if they can make a show without his drama in case he gets booted. I guess when they have Caleb's craziness to focus on, that helps. Because I have worried that without Devin's insanity, the house would be a much duller place.


I'm looking forward to Thursday's show to see how the editors try to create some drama as though it's not a complete given that Devin is going to be walking out that door. (And I'm hoping that Julie really does ask him what the hell he was thinking going back and forth and overplaying his game, but she'll probably just lob him a couple softballs and call it a day…)

I think if Devin actually does get saved tonight, it will only be a matter of time before the insanity comes roaring back. All it will take would be winning one competition, be that HOH, BOB, or veto, and the "power" would go straight to his head again. He might try a different way of imposing it, but it will be back. Looking through the stories linked in his thread, it seems clear that delusions of his own grandeur aren't a phenomenon that's a result of the particular stressors of the BB game.

From the recap "Until now, the losing Head of Household at the end of each week's Battle of the Block merely got slimed or pushed in the pool, but Nicole's humiliation is to have to wear a frog costume all week. Perhaps this is a message to the houseguests from the producers regarding the BotB: quit throwing it!"

I don't understand this logic at all. Nicole didn't play in the competition- how would her having to wear a frog costume in anyway effect Caleb's decision to throw the competition?


After years and years of Big Brother contestants using "backdoor" as a synonym for "replacement nominee" (despite the HoH's intent in the nomination), I can't actually believe someone on Big Brother used the term properly! The execution of a successful backdoor nomination alone practically qualifies this year's Big Brother contestants for MENSA.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 1

Is it just me, or did Cody seem a little too good at the stripping routine? It would not surprise me at all to find out he's had some experience as an exotic male dancer. Maybe not Chippendales, but perhaps a lower-rent version of that group. He's definitely got the look with the gym rat body and the tats. What is it that he supposedly does for a living (that he can take three months off from)? I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's done some modeling and/or stripping (those two careers often overlap).


For the most part, initially anyway, I cut Jocasta some slack for her over the top wailing over Donny telling her he'd use the Veto on her. I understand how emotions can get the best of you when you're sick. But the repeat performance at the ceremony itself coupled with the DR statements about usually being the giver not the receiver made her look a little delusional. Also, it really bothered me not to hear her thank Donny, but rather Jesus. I understand she is a religious person, but would it kill her to thank Jesus and Donny?


I think if there had ever been a chance the house would flip and vote out Caleb instead, it was dashed by Devin's killer performance in the Veto competition. All he did was remind them was a competition threat he is. He may have been knocked out but he won twice, whereas Caleb didn't even win once.


Not a fan of TA's missions being something that actually affects noms. That can totally blow someone's game. Stick to the harmless crap, Grodner, or drop it altogether.

As dumb as it is for Team America to be able to actually impact game play, I almost think it is worse to have it be vague like that. If you're going to do it, just do it. Because I assure you, if the fans vote for "Put a floater up on the block," it'll be "Brittany's a floater!" and if it is "Put a physical threat up on the block," it'll be "Brittany's a physical threat!"


But I guess with four nominees still, it is awfully easy to succeed with this particular challenge. One of the four is bound to fit the criteria either way.


My initial thought, while watching the episode, was like the first point; "Not cool, man."  But upon reflection, unless the instructions dictate that the three of them agree ahead of time who their target is (Derrick: Brittany, above,) it is a really easy challenge with four slots available for nomination.  Perhaps AG (who plays favorites, but doesn't have Burnett/Probst's affinity for he-men,) is going to try and get her most popular hamster as much extra cash as she can before he's tossed out.


Next weeks challenge:  One of TA(FY,) must say' "Goll-ee," at least 25 times.

Edited by Way Wes Jr
My initial thought, while watching the episode, was like the first point; "Not cool, man."  But upon reflection, unless the instructions dictate that the three of them agree ahead of time who their target is (Derrick: Brittany, above,) it is a really easy challenge with four slots available for nomination.


This is true, and I agree it's preferable to them having to target a certain person. But I still don't like the fact that is forces Team America to work together as far as actual game strategy goes, and not just silly house shenanigans. Donny may not want to work with those guys and vice versa.

Is it just me, or did Cody seem a little too good at the stripping routine? It would not surprise me at all to find out he's had some experience as an exotic male dancer. Maybe not Chippendales, but perhaps a lower-rent version of that group.


You say that like it's a bad thing!  (Ha Ha.)  :)


I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's done some modeling and/or stripping (those two careers often overlap).


And you would not be wrong. He was inded a former underwear model; a quick google searh will *AHEM* reveal *AHEM* the [semi-NSFW] photos.


But I still don't like the fact that is forces Team America to work together as far as actual game strategy goes, and not just silly house shenanigans. Donny may not want to work with those guys and vice versa.


Well, they don't have to do it.  They can decide if $5,000 a week is worth it to them to possibly mess up their own game.

So there is absolutely choice involved. If Donny, for instance, doesn't want to work with Frankie and Derrick he shouldn't.  (I do think there is some pressure in that "America is asking us to do this"- but if they've ever seen the show before they know how stupid all the America's votes are.)


I don't know how America's Player worked- did that person have to do what America said, or just got rewarded for doing it?

Is it just me, or did Cody seem a little too good at the stripping routine? It would not surprise me at all to find out he's had some experience as an exotic male dancer. Maybe not Chippendales, but perhaps a lower-rent version of that group. He's definitely got the look with the gym rat body and the tats. What is it that he supposedly does for a living (that he can take three months off from)? I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's done some modeling and/or stripping (those two careers often overlap).


Hey, whatever pays the rent....

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