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S05.E10: Drawing The Line

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On 8/16/2020 at 4:34 PM, Neurochick said:

Angela is a racist piece of shit garbage. 

She doesn't want a husband, she wants a slave.

Angela knows that Michael is a young man and she can't have children with him.  BUT Angela doesn't want him to go with another woman to have a child, she doesn't want to do anything for him (cook, clean, anything, she wants him to do it all).  She wants him to watch her grandchildren.  She keeps saying "I'm NOT a Nigerian woman."  Heifer, please from what I've seen, Nigerian woman are head and shoulders above Angela Trashbag.

I agree she doesn't want to do anything for him. I don't agree about the child though. If he wants to have his own child he needs to break up with Angela and find someone new. But if I were Angela I wouldn't want my husband to be with another woman just to have a baby if I couldn't. To me that is just wrong. We can't have another child because of infertility. I wouldn't want my husband to go with another woman to have a child because he wants another one. That is something you should discuss before you get engaged. 

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20 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Back in the day when I worked in a car insurance company, it was not uncommon for people who couldn't afford their car payments to take the car out in the desert, set fire to it, then call the insurance company and say the car was stolen to collect the insurance money (hopefully more than they owed the finance company, who got first dibs).  Maybe that's the case.  I don't know details.

A friend of mine who's a trial lawyer in East Texas once told me that there, insurance is known as what you buy before you burn down your trailer.


23 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Angela is a racist piece of shit garbage. 

She doesn't want a husband, she wants a slave.

I'm not sure I agree with the racist tag, because I think she'd be fine with a white man being her slave if the opportunity presented itself.


17 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Asuelu's family is greedy and bat shit crazy.  I am starting to understand why Low didn't want Kalani to marry a Samoan man.  He knows his people.

I've been wondering if any of the Family Asuelu money issues are cultural.  Does anyone know?  Is it possible that this is a "Samoan" thing and not just money grubbing by his mother?  Like he, as a son, or an eldest son, or youngest son, or eldest child, or I don't know what, is expected to contribute to his parents' livelihood?  That's certainly not unheard of in the world.  And maybe because of that obligation, he's expected not to get himself into a situation where he can't do it?  Or, as he says, Kalani's money is his money too, so he is expected to be able to use it to meet his obligation?


17 hours ago, LaLaLaLa said:

I've gotta say...I dig Syngin's friends. They may be a bit of a mess, but they could be the most likeable (and good TV) amongst any of the main cast members' friends in this show's history.

I think that one friend needs to re-think the particular hairdo and mustache combination--looks a lot like Hitler.


15 hours ago, Splithair said:

Oh, and Libby's brother can shut all the way up. 

That would be nice, but I'd settle for him not calling Andrrrei an asshole and then looking all puzzled and innocent when one of Andrrrei's friends accuses him of provoking him. 


1 hour ago, politichick said:

Assuelo's family is gross. Even if they are faking it for TV they are disgusting for doing it.

That's kind of how I feel about a lot of people on the show.  Libby's family, for example.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure Debbie is faking anything.

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I’m going to drink every time Elizabeth says “it’s not okay”. She’s so basic and dumb. Her brother has the most punchable face I’ve ever seen and I’m on team Andrei because I loathe Chuck and Charlie for being so uppity about being middle class suburban Floridians. 

Love that Paul runs for like 10 seconds then has to stop. I should also drink every time he says “mood swing”. It looks like it’s hot as balls in that house and the baby’s sleeping with a heavy fleece blanket. I hope Karine’s able to google her mental health symptoms and find herself some counseling because Paul will never be of any help. He’s utterly useless. 

I loved Syngin’s brus. They were hilarious and the one with glasses asked some very good questions. Yeah, they were a bit extra with their yelling and cheering but they seemed like they genuinely cared about their friend. It’s quite clear Syngin is regretting the quickie courtship and marriage and I hope they divorce before an oopsie pregnancy. 

Lol at the look of jealousy and revulsion on Debbie’s face when she saw Jess again. Motherwife Debbie also had to say “you hurt Colt” in the same way I explain to my 3 year old that he’s hurt his infant brother. Her son may be three and a half decades out of the womb but she’ll leave that umbilical cord intact. Ah the turmoils of a love triangle. 

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I am not defending Tammy because honestly, she is very punchable in the way she interacts with Asuelu and Kalani. I just think that ever since Asuelu came to the States, she along with the other sister have had to pick up the slack of supporting their mother .  I get the feeling that the deaf sister contributes but not much since all the kids we saw at the house belong to her, I believe. Now, that leaves Tammy to pick the slack which  would explain some of Tammy's ire toward Kalani because if she hadn't gotten pregnant, Asuelu would still be providing the bulk of support to their mother.  Mom is probably bleeding Tammy dry  with not only her upkeep but also the money that has to be sent back for the "church" and she is fed the fuck up! 

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34 minutes ago, alotmorestupider said:

I’m going to drink every time Elizabeth says “it’s not okay”

Add to that:

Syngin playing/flicking with his hair, Tania trying to tell people how to live their lives

Angela yelling, yelling "I'm DONE!", yelling at Michael. announcing she is not Nigerian, announcing she is American or smoking.

Asuelo crying, Mother Asuelo asking for money, Sister Asuelo being rude, Sister Asuelo mocking Kalani, either child still in pj's when they should be clothed, Kennedy crying.

Andrei saying disrespect, respect, "You are my wife"

Family of Libby saying projects, "We don't do that in America" or anything douchebaggy but that is every word from their mouths, so.......Father Chuck saying "He is hiding something" or Charlie saying something threatening then wondering why Andrei is pissed.  Libby playing Damsel in distress, and now the Breastfeeding Coven is arriving......

Colt thinking he is the shit, Mother Debbie projecting herself into her son's life, Larissa saying "Eric-ee" or "Colt-ee" or Eric pretending to be straight.

But our livers could not take it, so......

As much as I loathe Angela, Michael can leave anytime.  I wish he would, actually, just to show up Big Angela.  "That is it!  We're done!"  "Okay, fine.  BYE!"  From what is seen, his family seems very nice, his friends are cool and people seem happy.  Why trade that in to be an unpaid babysitter to a woman who will demand sex all the time and threaten you with deportation in a tiny hosue in the backwoods of Georgia?  You think she is letting you DRIVE, Michael?  Think again!

It makes me borderline uncomfortable:  White woman goes to Nigeria for an underprivledged (to her, at least) man of color to bring back to be, by most people, a slave?   And verbally berates him?  Throws cake in his face?

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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39 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm not sure I agree with the racist tag, because I think she'd be fine with a white man being her slave if the opportunity presented itself.

Don’t you know it’s the new American pass time to call everyone a racist.  

I agree with you completely. She is just plain abusive.  

Only someone desperate to get here, either white or black, would put up with her bullshit. He is a very nice person and really doesn’t deserve what she dishes out to him. But then again, for whatever reason, he has chosen to tolerate it. He should listen to his aunt - a woman with common sense and class.  She is the only one talking any sense. He seems to have a perfectly lovely family and he wants to hook up with Angela.  She is abusive and she’s infertile and he wants a family.  And I think his wanting a family is cultural and more than that - he appears to truly want kids for reasons beyond cultural expectations.  So , I don’t get it.

I do have to give Angela one point, however. When the aunt is not around he agrees to everything Angela says and when the aunt  is there, he grows a pair.

Edited by Kid
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13 minutes ago, Kid said:

I agree with you completely. Only someone desperate to get here, either white or black, would put up with her bullshit. He is a very nice person and really doesn’t deserve what she dishes out to him. But then again, for whatever reason, he has chosen to tolerate it. He should listen to his aunt.  She is the only one talking any sense. He seems to have a perfectly lovely family and he wants to hook up with Angela.  She is abusive and she’s in fertile and he wants a family. And I think his wanting a family is cultural and more than that - he appears to truly want kids.  So , I don’t get it

I don’t get it either. Michael is a grown man, he’s choosing to participate in this. Why I don’t know but I do know competent adults are allowed to make bad decisions. 

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I too have had some dating experiences with men from the motherland (Nigeria and Ghana), they were decent men who were always kind and respectful, and the concept of “no house, no wife” was something I appreciated, but I knew I couldn’t be serious about either of them because of my personality type. 

Maybe Michael WANTS a woman who lead the relationship and that’s why he’s attracted to an older American woman. Statistically he would have a harder time finding a woman in his peer group who would be into those relationship dynamics. 

For the record I too am appalled by Angela’s behavior but Michael isn’t being held hostage here. He may get off on it who know. 

Maybe he does like women who can take lead and that’s fine. If Angela’s disrespectful behavior is a turn on for him then they deserve each other. He strikes me as a people pleaser who will do anything to make others happy.

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I think the more important point that Aunt Lydia  made is that she was “scared” for Michael. She was probably going along with the shit show until she witnessed first hand the true behavior of the lovely American patriot sitting before her. Cameras or no cameras, I think that night, Lydia was genuinely concerned for Michael’s safety and free will. And rightly so.

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4 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I've always known it to be a man caring for another man's child. So yeah that doesn't fit.

I always just thought it was like henpecked, but my Google search says the term arose from cuckoo birds laying their eggs in other birds' nests and originally meant the "husband of an adulterous wife." 

3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Larissa needs to be deported, maybe she can get someone to fix her bad plastic surgery.

Next she'll be auditioning for "Botched." 

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5 hours ago, itsadryheat said:

Idiot tough guy brother has four kids? 

I can just picture Charlie as being the type who causes a big scene at his kids' sporting events when he doesn't like the coaches', refs' or umpires' decisions. And he probably doesn't support the school teachers, either. I'm not sure if his wife is the bitchy little blonde nursemaid Megan, or if she's married to another brother that we've seen, Michael. Don't forget, Libby is the youngest of ten so we dodged a bullet with all of them showing up for the wedding. 

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1 hour ago, alotmorestupider said:

It looks like it’s hot as balls in that house and the baby’s sleeping with a heavy fleece blanket.

Did the baby even have a crib or at least a Pack n' Play to sleep in? (I'm a new grandmother of five months and I'm learning about the new "gear" babies use.) You can pick up that kind of stuff pretty cheaply at thrift stores and probably even for free from charities. 

1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Breastfeeding Coven

Only Jenn, the one lone non-breastfeeding sister is making the trip. But she's enough of a shit-stirrer for all of them. 

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Eric-ee is hilarious.  Because he's gay and trying to portray what he thinks a straight man acts like, he probably took some acting lessons (in Las Vegas!).  Now he gestures-gestures-gestures...usually both hands match.  How long will we have to watch his pathetic attempts? 

8 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Right? I was dying. It reminded me of Robin Williams in "The Birdcage". "How about those Dolphins?"


😄 I had the same thought, Nathan Lane's character in "The Birdcage" being coached by Robin Williams how to use his hands in a manly way: don't raise the pinky finger when holding the tea cup, and "You don't butter the toast, you SCHMEAR it." 


Edited by Suzee2
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On 8/11/2020 at 3:44 PM, Leilani said:

Still can't grasp the twisted logic that Andrei is the one at fault for the craziness at the dinner table.

What's wrong with Karine? The footage where she's wandering away and doesn't want to talk to anyone?  I think at the tell all the doctor diagnosed it as pregnancy psychosis.

I think she is suffering from postPoleUm depression.

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4 hours ago, pdlinda said:

I believe the underlying issue in all of the family squabbling is the "elephant in the room."  Andreiiiiii refuses to work to support his young family and Libby's father is stuck assuming that responsibility.  Because of that fact, Andreiiiii has lost the respect of Libby's family so whatever behavior they display toward Anreiiiii is their passive-aggressive response to him refusing to work.  Families like that express their dominance in these disrespectful ways and it's not healthy.  HOWEVER, it's also not healthy for Andreiiiii to continue to rely on Chuck to pay his bills.  

Does Andreiiiii's family KNOW that he doesn't work to support his young family??? 

Also, I know Libby works for her dad; however, my hunch is that he dad pays her far more for her work than an outside employer would for a similar job AND the issue has already been discussed that the baby is now old enough to have grandma babysit her while Andreiiiii goes to work.

My question is and was:  I believe there's some issue that caused Andreiiii to leave Moldova and go to Ireland.  I believe he was a "bouncer' in Ireland and then he got into the show after he met Libby online.  I understand he wouldn't have received a visa to come into the U.S. if he had a criminal record.

HOWEVER, there are MANY types of situations he may have been involved in prior to going to Ireland (and may have also engaged in while in Ireland) that have never been charged as "crimes" but are questionable nonetheless. 

I believe his work "history" is what he doesn't wish to have explored by future employers.  Even if Andreiii is employed by Chuck (as was offered to him) he would be required to reveal prior work history to fill out the required documents for Chuck's company to issue paychecks to him.

I dont think Libbys father is stuck. He is an ass to pay their way but is doing it by choice. Apparently Andrei is willing to sacrifice his manhood and allow Chuck to support them so he can loaf but at the same time, Libby needs to do as he says because he is the man of the house. Bleh .

I think Andreis troubles started in Moldova and he had to leave there for some reason. He mentioned how so much bribery goes on so there are prob a lot of undocumented things as well as documented things that are bogus so,as long as no one talks... he comes off as the family troublemaker whose family hoped he would straighten out and were kinda glad to see him go. 

Typing from a hospital bed on an ipad. Sorry for typos

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Wow, Syngin sure spilled the beans and they were quite telling!  Tania moved in with him uninvited-he was for it as he referenced amazing sex, but she till imposed herself on the roommates.  Basically, she then falls into the 'married her vacation fling and then expects him to change' category along with so many other notable participants of this show.  She knew who he was and yet is insisting on trying to change him anyway.

I agree with so many other posters that Karine and Paul should not be filmed and she should go home so that she can be helped and supported by her family.  Paul so tries to be a victim yet he ignores Karine's pleas to just be left alone.  I think Paul's mother is in a very difficult situation in which she knows what he is capable of (arson, stalking, etc.) but wants to try to help Karine and Pierre in some way.  She also knows that if she lets them in her home they will never leave.  I do not envy the decisions she has to make.  

Asuelo's family is just horrible.  I think that everyone in his life (including Kalani) know that he is easily emotionally manipulated and try their best to control him.  I think some of the issues he seems to have may be due to how those around him try to manipulate him.  He really seemed to believe that his children would die if he sent money to his mother.

I just can't stand Angela.  I have never liked her.  However, I do agree with others that Michael could leave if he really wanted to do so.  So, he does bear responsibility for this relationship disaster as much as Angela.  Loved his aunt though.

I fast forward Family Libby.  However, I did catch the "projects" comment.  Please.  Family Andrei has been nothing but kind and welcoming.  Family Libby's ignorance is so blatant and they seem to bask in it.

Larissa needs to be deported.  There's no reason for her to be on this season.  And, if Eric could be deported with her that would be even better.

Debbie is far too invested in Colt's romantic life.  Colt is far too invested in his smothered relationship.  Look, it's good and important to love one's parents and be involved in their lives.  But, there are boundaries...

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3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

A friend of mine who's a trial lawyer in East Texas once told me that there, insurance is known as what you buy before you burn down your trailer.

Not to dispute your trial lawyer friend's remark; however, I believe Pole already served a prison stint for the crime of arson so that would indicate to me that he pled guilty to a felony.  Am certainly not privy to the details of his case(s); however, from my experience, if his criminal behavior consisted of what you mentioned that seems quite benign, and he was a first-time offender, I believe he would have been sentenced to probation and a fine unless he had a really incompetent lawyer (it happens regardless of whether you have a public defender or a paid criminal defense lawyer), in which case, anything's possible.  However, unless he signed a plea agreement that allowed the crime to be considered a misdemeanor after he completed his probation term, he would still have a felony on his record.

I seem to recall there was more to his criminal history than one offense but understand that he got a passport and was admitted to Brazil.  There are MANY countries in the world that do NOT admit convicted felons so I presume Brazil is not one of them.  

In any event, again, with my background, the collateral consequences of criminal convictions are far ranging and severe.  I believe a person can function productively after ONE felony conviction if he/she completes his/her sentence and turns the page on any sort of further criminal behavior AND has family support and a source of funds until he/she can re-establish him/herself.  After more than one criminal conviction, chances of resuming a "normal" life with income-earning potential and proper housing diminishes significantly.  OF COURSE, there are ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS (Michael Douglas, the famed actor's son, is that exception; however, we all know that $$$ and "connections" may have greased the skids of his "rehabilitation" after he was released from prison several years ago.  I don't think Pole is in that category.

Karine....take Pierre and RUN!!!

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

I can just picture Charlie as being the type who causes a big scene at his kids' sporting events when he doesn't like the coaches', refs' or umpires' decisions. And he probably doesn't support the school teachers, either. I'm not sure if his wife is the bitchy little blonde nursemaid Megan, or if she's married to another brother that we've seen, Michael. Don't forget, Libby is the youngest of ten so we dodged a bullet with all of them showing up for the wedding. 

As a sped teacher I have seen many many dads like him, and as a former soccer/baseball mom, saw many of him on the sidelines, too.


2 hours ago, magemaud said:

What's next, hobbling? 

Don't give Angela any ideas!!!  I looked up Hazelhurst, GA, not a huge city, it looked about halfway between Atlanta and Jacksonville to me.  I am open to a correction from a Southerner!!

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7 hours ago, KateHearts said:
17 hours ago, Kayz Opinion said:

What is your definition of "cuckholding"?   I'm 80 so perhaps something has changed.

I've always known it to be a man caring for another man's child. So yeah that doesn't fit.

I didn't want mislead anyone, so here's the Merriam-Webster definition (and mine)  

                  cuck·old | \ ˈkə-kəld  , -(ˌ)kōld \  Definition of cuckold: a man whose wife is unfaithful.

I wonder if the behavior of the cuckoo has inspired your definition.  Cuckoo: a largely grayish-brown European bird that is   given to laying its eggs in the nests of other birds which hatch them and rear the offspring.

Sorry to be so Sister Mary Perfectionata.

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Just now, bichonblitz said:

Yes, and attractive. What is wrong with Mykull that he can't find a lovely Nigerian woman to marry?

I think he was inexperienced until he got on the 'net with that Great American Beauty, Angela.  When she came to visit, he got an experience of a lifetime.

1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

Does he really want to come to America that badly?  

He used to.

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3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t get it either. Michael is a grown man, he’s choosing to participate in this. Why I don’t know but I do know competent adults are allowed to make bad decisions. 

The same thing could be said for Karine.... I don’t get it. Is she under 18?...I heard her behind was pregnant again smh

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

You can pick up that kind of stuff pretty cheaply at thrift stores and probably even for free from charities. 

I'd bet that everyone in town knows POLE and he's UNWELCOME in most stores.  Charities have posted his mugshot on their bulletin boards.  He's a troublemaker; he has no funds.  That's probably why he was allowed in the pet store; his mother was his constable and his checkbook.

3 hours ago, magemaud said:
6 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Larissa needs to be deported, maybe she can get someone to fix her bad plastic surgery.

Next she'll be auditioning for "Botched." 

Yep, Dr. Dubrow is such a famewhore he's probably champing* at the bit.

*Champing is correct, but chomping has become more widely used.

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On 8/15/2020 at 2:00 PM, AZChristian said:

Bottom line . . . Paul appears to have problems that DO require professional intervention, but he doesn't seem to have the comprehension needed to address those problems or seek the intervention.

Paul's psychological problems are tough and certainly interfere with his ability to function, and it would be marvelous if somehow he could get connected to a skilled therapist.  I think a more important connection, though, would be with a social services agency (and if his mother is connected with a main-line church, she should have no trouble in finding one) who could introduce him to an entry-level employment situation--maybe with a "job coach"--where his criminal record would not be an impediment to his getting a job.  I know these exist--I used to work with the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation in PA--and given what we've seen of him and his situation he would have no difficulty being assigned a social worker.  Once he had a job history, even a supported job history, he would be in a better place to find a real job.

This resource is probably not available to him because of his association with the show--he is being paid, and no legitimate agency would take part in such a show.  So here's the question, Paul--do you want to continue to earn whatever TLC is paying you and embrace your emotional problems and the destruction of your marriage, or do you want to take the risk of giving up the TLC money and do the hard work you need to do?

I have a feeling that if he were to quit the show and go for help at a social-services agency, his mother (and perhaps Father) would be willing to help him.

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7 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Yes, and attractive. What is wrong with Mykull that he can't find a lovely Nigerian woman to marry? Does he really want to come to America that badly?  

I recall when we all first met Michael (which feels like 10 years ago at this point) his dream was to go to America and meet his idol, Donald Trump.  Remember how happy he was when Angela pulled some sort of Trump merch out of her luggage for him?  Those were the good old days before baby toting and varying degrees of wife submission became the main story lines concerns for these two star crossed lovers. 



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5 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Once he had a job history, even a supported job history, he would be in a better place to find a real job.

I love everything you wrote.  Sadly, Paul might be one of those people who "knows better," who's "smarter than the boss," so won't last long in any training or employment situations.  I wonder where he or his parents went wrong...how early in his life.

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13 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Paul's psychological problems are tough and certainly interfere with his ability to function, and it would be marvelous if somehow he could get connected to a skilled therapist.  I think a more important connection, though, would be with a social services agency (and if his mother is connected with a main-line church, she should have no trouble in finding one) who could introduce him to an entry-level employment situation--maybe with a "job coach"--where his criminal record would not be an impediment to his getting a job.  I know these exist--I used to work with the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation in PA--and given what we've seen of him and his situation he would have no difficulty being assigned a social worker.  Once he had a job history, even a supported job history, he would be in a better place to find a real job.

This resource is probably not available to him because of his association with the show--he is being paid, and no legitimate agency would take part in such a show.  So here's the question, Paul--do you want to continue to earn whatever TLC is paying you and embrace your emotional problems and the destruction of your marriage, or do you want to take the risk of giving up the TLC money and do the hard work you need to do?

I have a feeling that if he were to quit the show and go for help at a social-services agency, his mother (and perhaps Father) would be willing to help him.

Apparently he is addicted to social media and his presence on the show feeds that addiction.  If he were sweeping floors he would not get the constant attention he craves.

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8 minutes ago, Kayz Opinion said:

I love everything you wrote.  Sadly, Paul might be one of those people who "knows better," who's "smarter than the boss," so won't last long in any training or employment situations.  I wonder where he or his parents went wrong...how early in his life.

My brother is like that.  He barely graduated high school but always had the attitude that he should not have to work his way up in an organization, that they should recognize his natural talent and make him CEO, and that it is better not to work than earn chump change.  He has been sponging off my parents for 30 years and apparently has no Plan B for when they are gone.

1 minute ago, Cementhead said:

Penis warmers.  What the what???

Maybe they are needed when your woman is frigid.

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6 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Maybe they are needed when your woman is frigid.

Hee!  Good call.  But here's frigid ........................................................................................................................................................................


...............................................................................................................................  and here's our gal, Ang. 


Maybe poor Michael wears it afterwards to self soothe. 

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I think Angela is as much of a sex tourist as Big Egg is, which could or could not mean that Michael is a sex worker. But even if he is, he does not deserve to be abused, screamed at nor belittled. No one does. He doesn’t enjoy being humiliated anymore than Rose did. He should take lessons from Rose on how to tell a dirty, sweaty American Krampus to hit the bricks.

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15 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I've been wondering if any of the Family Asuelu money issues are cultural.  Does anyone know?  Is it possible that this is a "Samoan" thing and not just money grubbing by his mother?  Like he, as a son, or an eldest son, or youngest son, or eldest child, or I don't know what, is expected to contribute to his parents' livelihood?  That's certainly not unheard of in the world.  And maybe because of that obligation, he's expected not to get himself into a situation where he can't do it?  Or, as he says, Kalani's money is his money too, so he is expected to be able to use it to meet his obligation?

It's very much a part of Samoan cultural expectations.

I found a really neat resource; the Cultural Atlas entry for Samoan Culture .

The entry is quite long, so I'm not going to copy it all here. But under the "Family" heading, it states:

"Samoans abroad may live in smaller households. They will maintain family ties with family in Samoa in various ways, such as remittances."

Remittances: A transfer of money by a foreign worker to an individual in their home country.

Also under the "Family" heading, I found this little gem:

"[M]any Samoans believe that a person should place their kin before all else."

Kin: blood relatives.

Despite it's length, the Samoan culture entry is fascinating and really opened my eyes as to why Asuelu and his family think the way they do. (It's too bad Kalani hasn't read it).

We can say "But that's wrong! They shouldn't think that way!" But how many of us, if we were to marry a Samoan, and then move to Samoa to live - would be able to abandon American culture and integrate successfully (and happily) into Samoan culture? I'll bet many of us would react similarly to Angela* ("I'm not a Nigerian woman!") or Brittany from 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way ("I'm not an Arabic person!").

I wish Kalani would consider this every time she berates Asuelu for his beliefs, and remember Samoans feel just as strongly the way they do things is the "right" way to do them just as we Americans believe they way we do things is the "right" way.


*Except we'd carry our belongings in a purse or fanny pack, like normal people; not stuff them in our bra.

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13 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

It's very much a part of Samoan cultural expectations.

I found a really neat resource; the Cultural Atlas entry for Samoan Culture .

The entry is quite long, so I'm not going to copy it all here. But under the "Family" heading, it states:

"Samoans abroad may live in smaller households. They will maintain family ties with family in Samoa in various ways, such as remittances."

Remittances: A transfer of money by a foreign worker to an individual in their home country.

Also under the "Family" heading, I found this little gem:

"[M]any Samoans believe that a person should place their kin before all else."

Kin: blood relatives.

Despite it's length, the Samoan culture entry is fascinating and really opened my eyes as to why Asuelu and his family think the way they do. (It's too bad Kalani hasn't read it).

We can say "But that's wrong! They shouldn't think that way!" But how many of us, if we were to marry a Samoan, and then move to Samoa to live - would be able to abandon American culture and integrate successfully (and happily) into Samoan culture? I'll bet many of us would react similarly to Angela* ("I'm not a Nigerian woman!") or Brittany from 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way ("I'm not an Arabic person!").

I wish Kalani would consider this every time she berates Asuelu for his beliefs, and remember Samoans feel just as strongly the way they do things is the "right" way to do them just as we Americans believe they way we do things is the "right" way.


*Except we'd carry our belongings in a purse or fanny pack, like normal people; not stuff them in our bra.

Although his kids are his blood relatives.

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40 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

Although his kids are his blood relatives.

True. However, everything I've read seems to indicate caring for one's elders takes priority over anyone else. 

As a matter of fact, in the resource I linked to previously, it states:

"From the age of five, children are expected to play an active role in the family."

Unfortunately, it doesn't explain exactly what those expectations are.

But wait! I found this at Every Culture The Culture of Samoa

"After around age five, children are expected to take an active, if limited, part in the family economy."

I also found this:

Samoan Sense of Entitlement Explained

Quite enlightening.

Note: my posting these sources should not be interpreted as my agreeing with Samoan cultural norms.

I post them to make the point when two vastly different cultures come together in marriage, it's naïve to think one spouse will readily abandon the norms with which they - and every other person they've known their entire lives - have been raised by just because their spouse was raised, and they now live in, a country with a completely different culture. 

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