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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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2 hours ago, DaphJin said:

You do realize it’s Maddie’s hair with Madeline M.’s face and vice versa, right? I don’t see much change in Maddie’s face to be honest. 

Yes. Maddies face looks sooooo different bc she’s another one who’s had a lot of subtle treatments. Same as when they glammed up Jenn K, Kashara, Heather and Lacey (those two actually did have rhinoplasty), even Bridget was fooling with the botox and fillers the last season. That is not just contouring and filters. 

1 hour ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

If she's not holding her stomach in and there's absolutely no photoshop... I must admit... she looks damn good. 


Amber looks hotttt. VK does look in shape. I feel like if she hadn’t been shoved down our throats and presented as perfect, if they’d given her a struggle bus story, I’d actually like her.

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2 hours ago, Uk-Eve said:


Sorry to be off topic. What happened to Dorie? Damn I thought it was former DCC Dorie as director. Did she get fired or resigned in the last year after that lawsuit over the virgin thing? Someone correct me I thought Dorie was the only one of that staff to have "stayed" with the rest like Brooke either resigning or fired or something. I remember when Lauren tried out and Kelli was like "wow I like the dolphin's cheerleaders technic" and I just thought well are you surprised Kelli? They got several former DCC on staff with their director, Dorie cheering around Shelly's era and then Brooke went on to be their choreographer so had 2 who was able to tell Lauren some tips etc  

Surprised Mandy kind of "wiped" DCC off her linkedin, but then again not surprised. But damn I thought she still owned her dance company. Wonder who owns it now because it was quite successful before she joined DCC. This is the other reason why I like Mandy she's likeable and seems to have learnt somethings from what not to do from DCC.

How many Rangerettes made it as a DCC. The only Rangettes I know who tried out was Lauren Gibler but Dementia Kelli didn't like her tho (if I remembered correctly)

The kind of facebook that is probably runned by Dementia Kelli and Charlotte under an alias name just that she can troll us, is my guess rofl.


As for Taylor, oh Taylor ignore them or just troll them back, but smart move calling them out. I'd have done that too.

According to this 2004 Texas Monthly article, six of that years DCCs were former Rangerettes. https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/alive-and-kicking/


Some former DCCs who were Rangerettes:

Meredith Oden

Robin Richardson

Megan Holder

Kristin Gauthier

Etc, etc, etc.

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6 minutes ago, Muckypup61 said:

According to this 2004 Texas Monthly article, six of that years DCCs were former Rangerettes. https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/alive-and-kicking/


Some former DCCs who were Rangerettes:

Meredith Oden

Robin Richardson

Megan Holder

Kristin Gauthier

Etc, etc, etc.

Meghan M, Rachel L, Emma D, Cassie K, Amelia B

Edited by scorpio1031
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1 hour ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Maddies face looks sooooo different bc she’s another one who’s had a lot of subtle treatments. Same as when they glammed up Jenn K, Kashara, Heather and Lacey (those two actually did have rhinoplasty), even Bridget was fooling with the botox and fillers the last season.

omg what? really? maddie, kashara, and jenn k (amburn?) have had work done?

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20 hours ago, perrie97 said:

Wow, Taylor J posted this on her instagram story 😞



20 hours ago, Jesiklyn said:

Wow thats vile.

I know we can be critical but I would never send something like this to someone, stranger or not. That's disgusting and I hope she reports that person.

I am critical of the girls' dance and performance skills, but I try to limit my comments to that (anything they post publicly is also fair game for discussion). I would never say that someone deserved to have their family member DIE. What kind of a sick person would say something that mean, let alone to someone who is a professional dancer? It's not like she's making policy decisions that affect millions of people. She dances once a week at a football game, man. If you're that worked up about someone you've never met that you're wishing cancer on them, you probably need some serious therapy.

11 hours ago, mizzhyer said:

I detest the over the head armpit shots...I wish they would do away with them.  They had SO many of those poses last season.  I thought Kelli didn't like that  "derrrrr I'm a cheerleader" pose...I know she made some fun of it one season.  Also...this was not a flattering figure photo for Kristin.

I worked with a photographer who was known for HATING armpit shots. Every time someone raised their arm, she would yell, "ARMPIT! ARMPIT!" and make them lower their arm.

2 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Honestly, that made me think... how are leaders calling out the dances now? Since they are in the center of the line, it’s not like the girls can look at them to see what choreo they’ve picked and the girls at the end certainly can’t hear them. So how does it work this season?

I wondered about that too. When my sister was a cheerleader, the entire squad stood in a single straight line at the football games and they were each about 5-6 feet apart. The captain was in the middle and would decide which cheer or dance to do. She would tell each girl on her right and left and then everyone would pass it down. If it was a dance, the captain would then put her pom up on the 1 and the 5 to let everyone know when they were about to start. I don't know how much louder it is up on the decks though, so that might not be possible.

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5 hours ago, kalibean said:

I love the straight hair on Maddie too, but I’m so thankful she’s able to work with her natural curl. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be told the hair texture that comes out of your head isn’t good enough. Hair color or extensions don’t seem nearly as invasive. And I can’t imagine how long it would take to blow out, even if she could get away with doing it once or twice a week. 

Seems like special occasion hair to me, not do this for all official appearances hair.  I would straight up get a wig like Kat! 

I have hair similar to Maddie’s. I can blow dry & flat iron it in 20 minutes. BUT the least little bit of sweat or humidity will make it curl back up.

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6 hours ago, kalibean said:

I love the straight hair on Maddie too, but I’m so thankful she’s able to work with her natural curl. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be told the hair texture that comes out of your head isn’t good enough. Hair color or extensions don’t seem nearly as invasive. And I can’t imagine how long it would take to blow out, even if she could get away with doing it once or twice a week. 

Seems like special occasion hair to me, not do this for all official appearances hair.  I would straight up get a wig like Kat! 

Maddie straightened her hair before DCC -- Kelli took her back to her natural curls.


Edited by hannahbanana

So I'm going through all 100 pages and wow...on or around page 40 something...

1) Stunned Hannah was cut

2) Not stunned Meredith was cut. Not to sound cruel...she's awesome, always liked her....but she was like 28 or 29 years old I believe, not the strongest DCC style dancer and barely made the squad last year. Maybe not the right fit in 2020.

3) Brennan's cut....wow she had Covid19 twice already??? Yikes...I wonder if DCC got a little gun shy to have her on the squad. I know that sounds unfair but who knows. I'm not trying to throw her under the bus either for having Covid19 twice, it happens. 

4) So Hannah, Meredith and Brennan were all in Victoria's group last year. Whoa....my parents always expressed not to believe in coincidences. Makes you wonder. I'm neutral on VK, I think she's been a fine DCC, but if just some of the insider information we are getting has any truth to it, then that might not be a coincidence. 

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5 hours ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

If she's not holding her stomach in and there's absolutely no photoshop... I must admit... she looks damn good. 


She does look like she's sucking it in a little -- but nothing like she was last year. Like last year, she really doesn't look she needs to.

But . . . Did she borrow those tights from Kat? Cuz they are way too dark, honey . . .

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14 hours ago, AYTOfan said:

Are we really gonna act like DCC is special for not wearing masks 24/7? So many companies do that, it is all for show so it is interesting that DCC gets called out for it

Yep, gonna call them out for it 24/7 -- especially after Cassie's claims that they have a "covid coach" and are doing all they can to follow protocols/keep the girls safe. SMH 😩

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1 hour ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:

OHYMGOSH YES!!!!! I confused the two at the beginning. They could be sisters.

They really do look similar. However I think Kelcey's face is a lot more memorable/prettier

Actually I take that back, Amber looks really gorgeous in that recent Twitter pic lol 

Edited by vanillagum
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1 hour ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

She's been hanging out with Tess... so should we really be surprised?

So what’s the tea on Tess? All I have read is the recent news about the lake trip...

1 hour ago, vanillagum said:

Actually I take that back, Amber looks really gorgeous in that recent Twitter pic lol 

I’ve never had a strong opinion on Amber, but I agree she is a knockout in that photo. 

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3 hours ago, Pau84 said:

Oh yeah. #TeamKat here also. From day 1.

Whatever she has done until now doesn't make me dislike her.

Same, it is her life, not mine. Don't see tbe point of disliking someone that I don't even know personally, especially based on some rumours. Nowadays people tend to find something negative purely to havw a reason to dislike someone. Like with Tess for example. I still like her and nothing will change that unless she commits a murder or something 😂

However I am not #TeamKat, just neutral. I do find her personality a breath of fresh air, especially seeing the 2019 season talking heads, mediatraining and etc. My fave rookie of last year remains Kelcey

Edited by AYTOfan
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13 hours ago, Lexusprincess said:

It’s offensive. And an ambassador risk 

I'm from the deep south.  Comments about my accent don't bother me.  People up north most of the time genuinely enjoy it.  But I'm not easily offended.  I have a frenemy that's easily offended and I swear it is exhausting keeping up with all she is offended by.  Years ago we were on a cruise and at the supper table (10 people who didn't know each other) someone said something about my accent.  My frenemy actually got up and left the table without her supper because she was so offended.  Never went anywhere with her again.

(Deleted sentences because I thought Kat put the "WTF" comment on the filter photo.  Apologies to Kat and thanks to the person who let me know.)

Edited by parrotfeathers
Fixed my mistake.
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10 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

I'm from the deep south.  Comments about my accent don't bother me.  People up north most of the time genuinely enjoy it.  But I'm not easily offended.  I have a frenemy that's easily offended and I swear it is exhausting keeping up with all she is offended by.  Years ago we were on a cruise and at the supper table (10 people who didn't know each other) someone said something about my accent.  My frenemy actually got up and left the table without her supper because she was so offended.  Never went anywhere with her again.

What I find off putting about the ridiculous photo (for a "world class" member of DCC) is the "WTF" comment.  If there is one thing girls brought up in the south know, it's what it means to be a lady.  And that photo in no way represents being a lady or world class.  If I were Kelli or Charlotte I would be livid over it and rake her over the coals.   She is a DCC and her focus should be on representing the brand to the best of her ability.  Hopefully that isn't the best she can do.

Kat didn't put that WTF on the photo....the person who took the screen shot and posted it did. 

Edited by mizzhyer
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18 hours ago, MsTBGal said:

I think that Kat was trying to be cute, but she didn't realize how this could come off as offensive.  I'm Southern by birth and place of residence, have family all over the south (Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina - and in 3 metropolitan cities in Texas - Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.  I get so sick and tired of Southerners being disparaged on TV, in movies, in politics, etc., for our accents (as if Northerners or Midwesterners have no accent of any kind...) for our appearance or especially for our intelligence.  This is totally uncalled for and has really affected my opinion of this girl.  Youth is no excuse for ignorance.  I was shocked to see this. 

Oh, BTW, many counties in many states suggest making an appointment at the motor vehicle departments so that long waits can be avoided...

Try being Australian 😂 we have so many stereotypes about us portrayed everywhere. It’s not a big deal to me tbh, I don’t find it offensive. It’s just a bit of fun. In Aus the 8 states make fun of each other, like the mainland jokes about people from Tasmania being inbred. It sounds offensive but it’s just a historical joke here, no harm meant by it. I don’t know many Tasmanians who would take it to heart. Every state has something that everyone else will bag them for. I know I can’t speak for Americans but I assumed it’s the same over there and different regions make fun each other, I thought Kat was just having an innocent  laugh 🤷🏼‍♀️

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13 hours ago, Muckypup61 said:

According to this 2004 Texas Monthly article, six of that years DCCs were former Rangerettes. https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/alive-and-kicking/


Some former DCCs who were Rangerettes:

Meredith Oden

Robin Richardson

Megan Holder

Kristin Gauthier

Etc, etc, etc.


13 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Meghan M, Rachel L, Emma D, Cassie K, Amelia B

Yea thanks guys, I don't really know too much on who most of the girls cheered for before trying/and becoming a DCC, etc

11 hours ago, Lexusprincess said:

It’s offensive. And an ambassador risk 

How is this country themed?  What am I missing?  I see no stereotypical cowboy hat and boots.  No daisy dukes.  No yeehaw type reference.  It looks like she made herself look like a kid while announcing she got her Texas state ID or license.  Typical Kat being silly.  That's all I see.

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37 minutes ago, Weeklydcc said:

How is this country themed?  What am I missing?  I see no stereotypical cowboy hat and boots.  No daisy dukes.  No yeehaw type reference.  It looks like she made herself look like a kid while announcing she got her Texas state ID or license.  Typical Kat being silly.  That's all I see.

I think it was mostly the missing teeth stereotype that some might find offensive 

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2 hours ago, mizzhyer said:

Kat didn't put that WTF on the photo....the person who took the screen shot and posted it did. 

Oh thank you so very much for correcting me.  Gosh my post was way overboard then.   But it was definitely an unattractive filter to use.  I think I'll go back and take out that part that wasn't correct.

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38 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

Oh thank you so very much for correcting me.  Gosh my post was way overboard then.   But it was definitely an unattractive filter to use.  I think I'll go back and take out that part that wasn't correct.

🙂  I just didn't want people to get upset with Kat for something she didn't do (as far as the WTF mark up that was put on the screen shot). 

Edited by mizzhyer
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Kat herself said she was trying to look like a goofy little kid. This is one instance where she’s getting called out for nothing and she also explained it. Bad choice, but not like she put on blackface and went to a party (hello Whitney and Rachel W). Yeah I get Kat’s already black. 

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30 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Kat herself said she was trying to look like a goofy little kid. This is one instance where she’s getting called out for nothing and she also explained it. Bad choice, but not like she put on blackface and went to a party (hello Whitney and Rachel W). Yeah I get Kat’s already black. 

I think part of the problem was Kat responding to comments about it - in how the post was approved, how she represents something bigger and that's God's kingdom.

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Guys! Major news!! The DCC new website is out, and I was doing some digging and I found out who the new group leaders are!!!

On the photo area, there were the links for first leaders and second leaders.

From looking at the pics first leaders are

Maddie Tess Lexie and Gina https://dallascowboyscheerleaders.com/gallery/group-leaders/

Second group leaders Rachel W Caroline Ashlee and Amber https://dallascowboyscheerleaders.com/gallery/2nd-group-leaders/

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On 9/23/2020 at 9:44 PM, Jesiklyn said:

Oh God Kat right up front 🙄

While a very pretty girl after her behavior this seems like rewarding rule breaking

I am just confused as to how the lake girls weren’t aware they were breaking the rules. Semi-related since she used to be a DCC, Brennan seems to be doing a lot of traveling lately. If I had allegedly gotten COVID twice, I’d only be traveling between the rooms in my house. Just saying. 

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7 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I didn't do this, I swear!  Talk about a screw-up!


Probably not the best thing to happen to Briana but she handled it like a pro. 

Also I choose to believe that someone up in the tech department knew the tea about Brennan’s dismissal and did this intentionally and so I have to stan 😂

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1 minute ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

Squad photos are now under the "History" tab in a scrolling feature. I'm also missing the older galleries and higher res images. 

Am I missing a way to pick a particular year, if not I am glad the pictures are there but still find it odd they are only available as a scroll function. 

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1 hour ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Kat herself said she was trying to look like a goofy little kid. This is one instance where she’s getting called out for nothing and she also explained it. Bad choice, but not like she put on blackface and went to a party (hello Whitney and Rachel W). Yeah I get Kat’s already black. 

That’s my point. Black face is offensive but  stereotyping Texans as white redneck toothless  Hicks is offensive. And I’m not from Texas Children don’t get drivers license so her explanation is full of it. 

Edited by Lexusprincess
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1 minute ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

I don't think there is one. It starts in 1961 and you can go backwards for easy access to the newer squads. That's about it.

I know I am picky, but I wish it would stop scrolling while I am looking at the picture. I don't want to have to open the image in a new tab to keep it from moving. 

As I said I know it is being nitpicky. 

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10 minutes ago, meg.r said:

A couple of quick thoughts regarding the new website. There are no squad photos, or any past photos of any kind, other than calendar. Missing multiple solo DCC in motions, which oddly enough are all dated July 28, 2020. AND why would you announce Group Leaders yet still not announce your team. REALLY WEIRD.

Probably because it’s not a big spoiler when it comes to Group Leaders, we had them figured out for the most part before the first game. It would be very big to spoil the entire squad before the show starts. We might know the squad but the portion of fans that’s aren’t on here dont. Not to mention they just took cameos earlier this week. 

Edited by Monique
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