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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp

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1 hour ago, GaveIn said:

Yeah, I don't get it either. I recently rewatched that season and it still puzzles me, because like Kelli said, it seemed like the former Mav vets loved her (when she was announced for TC I believe it was Lexie you see get super excited and greet her when she ran up to to the TC group) and she ranked pretty high.  If I remember correctly, the speculation was the cut was more to appease either Julia or Lisa (I'm leaning more towards it was Lisa....probably around the time she was BFFing with VK 🤣) bc it was very odd that it seemed like Kelli just turned on her.  I know her kicks were kinda low, but to cut her so early for it seemed absurd compared to other girls in her situation in past seasons that did end up making the team.

Ashley was in Lexie's wedding just a couple of weeks before auditions, they were really close (maybe not anymore, but at least at the time of training camp).  She and Julia seemed close as well, I followed them on Insta and they were together a lot both before and after training camp.

Edited to add: I believe that was also the year that Lexie moved up a lot in the triangle and was a 2GL, so I'm not sure why Judy and Kelli would side with Lisa (a rookie candidate) over Lexie.

Edited by aeroluv327
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4 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

I know I just said it was way more then Ashley julia lift rift Someone else asked for it to be elaborated 

I fixed my post and added the right post I was reacting on and which I should have included!

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30 minutes ago, lemonbus230 said:

There was no rift that caused Ashley’s cut. Ashley tanked her test during auditions. The day they got groups which was also the day she got cut, they gave her a chance to retake it prior to practice. She bombed it again. We are talking not knowing how many stripes are on the flag. They realized how ridiculous it would look to have her in training camp considering how big a deal they claim to make the test, so they pivoted and made her cut about kicks. That’s why the cut seemed so awkward and abrupt on the show. She was responding to questions about why she didn’t know anything vs statements about kicks. Welcome to the magic of cmt edits.

I forgot they had an actual test. They never mention it. What kind of test is it lol

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43 minutes ago, Jesiklyn said:

Wow so not keen on all the rolling on the floor. Some parts seem good, overall quite a bit of booty shaking but not the worst.

Interesting how these girls had to get creative on where they filmed their auditions. Seen a few of inside and outside of garages. It's not just the DCC some of the those auditioning for the Dallas Sidekicks did the same things.

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2 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

Interesting how these girls had to get creative on where they filmed their auditions. Seen a few of inside and outside of garages. It's not just the DCC some of the those auditioning for the Dallas Sidekicks did the same things.

I'm looking forward to how they handling the taping. The same was true for things like the professional team drafts. Some players were able to get the HS/college to open privately, some were able to call pvt gym owners, some turned places like storage garages into practice areas (getting the closed gyms to donate/loan equipment),  some traveled to non-hot spot towns, some weather permitting -alot were outside.

Just find a way to work with the rules, as each municipality had varying degrees of shutdown. and shutdown to who/when. I think we (metro ATL)  opened back up late May/June - when were the audition tapes due to K&J ?

There is a commercial (for amazon) where the ballet dancer recital was cancelled due to COVID.  I think it was a sibling who arranged her recital on the roof area of the apt complex. Viewers watched from their windows. Her dance and costume was truly something


Edited by sATL
found commercial - the dance/the show must go on
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"I am also surprised that Maddie is so low in the rankings considering she shared the point position with Amy last year."

[Not sure why the above isn't in a quote box, but it's from another poster a few pages back and I guess I copied wrong and now I can't find the original. Sorry to the original poster! I'm not trying to quote without proper credit!] I wasn't surprised that Maddie was so low in the rankings last year, because I am not a fan and I can see how judges would like her less than most of the other vets for appearance and dance reasons. What surprised me is that they chose 3 leaders last year who were among the lowest ranking vets: Maddie, Alexis and Miranda (both 2nd leaders). It also surprises me that they would blatantly pick a point who is not overwhelmingly loved by the judges. They have so many who get perfect scores, why pick one of the least favorite vets at auditions to be a point? I found it strange and telling that they make choices that go against the judges' grain and it just highlighted for me that K&J are gonna do what they want no matter what. Of course, I understand that they have different insight into the kind of team members and leaders the vets are than the judges would have. I felt rather gratified, actually, that Maddie was ranked so low, and it just verifies for me that I'm not alone in thinking she's not top DCC at all.

Regarding the first-round videos: I love that they are posting them so we can "meet" the TCCs before the show (finally) begins, and I think maybe they went with these videos because they have the girls introducing themselves at the start. I don't think these are really freestyle performances; I think they all are choreographed, but some are just really bad choreography that doesn't look...choreographed. Annabelle's definitely was a hot mess hodgepodge of every style she's ever done. That back humping on the ground move was so 1980s jazzercise. What impressed me was her scissors leap. I, like others, am pretty underwhelmed by the majority of these videos (but I'm eager to see the rest!). I agree it is the crappy music, as some have suggested, and I also agree with other posters that the filming environment matters. I begrudge no one for having access to less than studio or backyard-tastic dance and filming locations, but I couldn't help but notice how nice (and large!) some of the houses are where they filmed. It reminds me of the old conversations on here about elitism and privilege and that who makes it onto the DCC are the ones who've had access to expensive dance classes much of their lives. 

Edited by M1977G
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17 hours ago, Amandared said:


Oh and a little ass kissing (Brenda's nose is so far up Kelly's ass it is RIDICULOUS) and judge intimidation (Scott, who was our hero the season before suddenly thought she was awesome? ridiculous).

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11 hours ago, BunnyHop96 said:

I've been trying to figure out the best way to articulate this but all I'm coming up with is how in the name of sweet baby Jesus is VK THAT HIGH IN THE RANKINGS

I liked the leaderboard because it gives us a visual representation of how the judges see the girls (with a healthy dose of Kelli thrown in).  However, even if I had not seen her first audition and trip through Training Camp, I would have thought the same thing based on the Preliminary round.  How could a girl who falls out of turns get through to the next round?  We've seen MANY a girl who was downright gorgeous but did the same thing or had amazing kicks and danced just fine, but needed a little help in the makeover department or were just overall BETTER, get sent home for who knows what reasons yet Victoria who has technique issues gets passed through.

10 hours ago, Amandared said:


In a nutshell, yes.  Any girl who did even just ONE of the things she did her first year in Training Camp would have been sent packing and, depending on the issue, would never have been considered again, especially if they lied to Kelli's face.

9 hours ago, TUOwl84 said:

I am also surprised that Maddie is so low in the rankings considering she shared the point position with Amy last year.

To see her that low in the rankings is shocking, but she might have had a poor performance in other areas.  However, she's been there more then long enough to know exactly what Kelli and Charlotte wants so it makes me think that Maddie has an issue with her interview, especially given how poorly she performed when she was with Kelli.  It could also be that she doesn't do well when she's under a lot of pressure or the boss's eye.  If so, she REALLY needs to work on that.

8 hours ago, DCCOracle said:

Also, Brennan is ranked higher than Maddie.

Only 1 year ago, one of the people who was told that she wasn't good enough this year ranked higher than one of the two current 5 year veterans.

Brennan is a solid dancer and a great example of a blender in the good sense.  She doesn't stand out for mistakes or for being too extra, but she is a solid performer who does exactly what she needs to do and brings maturity and something extra off the field.  Granted, she isn't the most beautiful girl on the squad, but she fit every criteria needed until Kelli decided she didn't.

5 hours ago, jlc said:

She's Kelli's second daughter, so she doesn't need to be a really good dancer like the other girls in order to move up. She just has to make sure those horse teeth stay nice and white!!

Yup, but also keep the long legs and blonde hair looking good.

3 hours ago, DCCEuphoric said:

The only reason Maddie and Amy got split point was because there were not solo point girls left to go with (altho Heather was right there) If for example Maggie stayed a 3rd and 4th year she would defo be point without having to share it

I think there were a LOT of girls they could have gone with at the time who could not only dance, but were photogenic and had that spark (Bridget, Caroline, Jalyn, Heather etc.), but they were second or third year vets.  That SHOULDN'T stop Kelli from putting them at point, but she chose Maddie and Amy, both of whom either don't stand out or stands out for looking ridiculously young.   While Amy is good at public speaking, Maddie isn't and there are probably other issues.  I wouldn't be surprised if they were on the list of Kelli's favorites and THAT'S why they got point.

1 hour ago, aeroluv327 said:

And Christina was ranked SO low!  She was smart to retire after that year, she could have easily been a veteran cut.

I still can't get over how high Ashley and Julia ranked and didn't make the team.  And Ashley was such an early cut.  

I think that Christina shouldn't have even made the squad, especially over Brennan that year (I think it was the year they went to Canton) as Brennan was overall a stronger performer, stronger dancer, and a locker room favorite while Christina, well, wasn't (she might have been a locker room favorite, but I don't know about that).  Christina was an easy cut EVERY year since she went to Training Camp, due to her VERY weak solo, poor flexibility, and weak dancing.  There were several rumors about Ashley (which have already been addressed) and Kelli had to come up with SOME reason to cut her because she couldn't very well admit that took a rookie to Training Camp that had the issues Ashley did.  I don't buy Julia's cut either.  She may have been a little rawer, a little less filtered, and a little sexier then Kelli wanted and wasn't getting the polish quite quick enough.  There was probably other reasons that we haven't heard about (but the swear word shouldn't have been one of them).

32 minutes ago, kalibean said:

I tend to be on the Christy Scales side of things where a vet needs to super F up to not make it back, but I can acknowledge issues. I don’t even mind VK getting all yes scores, because the judges saw major improvement in figure from the prior year, big blonde hair and long legs show well on the big screen and also they know where their bread is buttered. 

Problem is, that there have been veterans HAVE super F'd up who made it back while others have one bad day and they're gone.  It all depends on if Kelli likes them or not (among other things).


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7 minutes ago, Opine said:

Oh and a little ass kissing (Brenda's nose is so far up Kelly's ass it is RIDICULOUS) and judge intimidation (Scott, who was our hero the season before suddenly thought she was awesome? ridiculous).

Brenda is whose child/relative ?

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6 minutes ago, sATL said:

Brenda is whose child/relative ?

I don't think she is related.  I think she was a local TV broadcaster and met Kelly in the early days and got on the panel.  I think she loves being on the panel and will do anything to stay - including getting teary-eyed over VK.  

And just to clarify, I don't think VK deserved to make the team either year.  But I do think that pile of blonde hair, big teeth and long American thigh (as Kelly says) are HD worthy.  Honestly, if they had not put her in TC in year 2 and brought her in a 3rd time (and she didn't gain 11 pounds or fall out of turns) many of us would have been ok with her.

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9 minutes ago, Opine said:

I don't think she is related.  I think she was a local TV broadcaster and met Kelly in the early days and got on the panel.  I think she loves being on the panel and will do anything to stay - including getting teary-eyed over VK.  

And just to clarify, I don't think VK deserved to make the team either year.  But I do think that pile of blonde hair, big teeth and long American thigh (as Kelly says) are HD worthy.  Honestly, if they had not put her in TC in year 2 and brought her in a 3rd time (and she didn't gain 11 pounds or fall out of turns) many of us would have been ok with her.

oh that Brenda...🙂

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4 hours ago, lemonbus230 said:

There was no rift that caused Ashley’s cut. Ashley tanked her test during auditions. The day they got groups which was also the day she got cut, they gave her a chance to retake it prior to practice. She bombed it again. We are talking not knowing how many stripes are on the flag. They realized how ridiculous it would look to have her in training camp considering how big a deal they claim to make the test, so they pivoted and made her cut about kicks. That’s why the cut seemed so awkward and abrupt on the show. She was responding to questions about why she didn’t know anything vs statements about kicks. Welcome to the magic of cmt edits.

Thank you! And if there were other issues, the cut really makes sense.

3 hours ago, vanillagum said:

I forgot they had an actual test. They never mention it. What kind of test is it lol

Yeah, I almost did too!  I remember when Nicole H did really bad and she was called out on the show.  As her star grew, I always thought (well hoped) they regretted putting it out there that she wasn't 'knowledgeable' of football, current events, whatever.  I always assumed they stopped showing it because there were probably more girls who didn't do too hot and got a pass for whatever reasons, but no shocker the treatment might not be the same 🤣  But for Ashley, she most have really bombed.    

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31 minutes ago, GaveIn said:

Yeah, I almost did too!  I remember when Nicole H did really bad and she was called out on the show.  As her star grew, I always thought (well hoped) they regretted putting it out there that she wasn't 'knowledgeable' of football, current events, whatever.  I always assumed they stopped showing it because there were probably more girls who didn't do too hot and got a pass for whatever reasons, but no shocker the treatment might not be the same 🤣    

But with 5 vets cut at auditions, Erica's weight gain/attitude, and a strong rookie class, Nicole and Dara flunking their written test fit well into that year's storyline of "veterans are eligible for being cut this year, and that's just the bottom line"

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6 hours ago, DCCEuphoric said:

Next TCC is Elli!


Not gonna lie, these audition videos are disappointing af. But here's my ranking so far based on the audition videos. 

1. Claire W.
2. Dani
3. Claire D.
4. Ashlinn
5. Elli
6. Cassie
7. Armani
8. Darian
9. Alora-Rose
10. Annabelle
11. Amelia 

Edited by TheGenuineBeauty
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On 11/13/2020 at 1:49 AM, DallasCeramicPot said:


This MLM crap is disgusting, predatory, and shouldn’t be allowed if you’re on the team in my opinion (don’t @ me, ok?). All of my friends who have fallen for it have experienced hair loss and extreme hair damage. It has taken forever to recover from the damage that this product has inflicted, so I don’t know why she’s electing to advertise such a controversial product if there are so many lawsuits against the company. 

I’d at least try to find products that I am personally interested in/love/use every day, not something I got looped into by a, “Hey gurrrrll! Long time no talk! Let me tell you about...” 

Plus, tbh, Monat reminds me of the word Monostat. This is the most I’ve ever written on this forum, and will ever write. I hate MLMs. 

Exits stage left.

Okay Alora, I see that tiny Monat tag at the bottom right-hand side. 

smh.. "helping others" with hair loss 😒



Edited by DallasCeramicPot
I had more stuffs
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I wish they'd show more of the interviews and written tests. They were interesting and sometimes quite funny. I highly doubt they'll have the lengthy interesting conversations with sponsors etc as Kelli claims but I do get that you do not want to have people on the squad who could embarrass the Cowboys with ridiculous answers about random facts that are common knowledge (either in football or life or America in general). The notorious 50-yards in a football field comes to mind and president "O'Biden" (can't remember who said that).  If Ashlee couldn't even explain the US-flag... well... even I can do that and am not even American!

They're there to dance, true, but a lot of these questions are elementary school level at best!

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2 hours ago, LilyDutch said:

I wish they'd show more of the interviews and written tests. They were interesting and sometimes quite funny. I highly doubt they'll have the lengthy interesting conversations with sponsors etc as Kelli claims but I do get that you do not want to have people on the squad who could embarrass the Cowboys with ridiculous answers about random facts that are common knowledge (either in football or life or America in general). The notorious 50-yards in a football field comes to mind and president "O'Biden" (can't remember who said that).  If Ashlee couldn't even explain the US-flag... well... even I can do that and am not even American!

They're there to dance, true, but a lot of these questions are elementary school level at best!

Yes, I always like seeing the interviews during finals!  It's always interesting to see who bombs what should be easy questions (like the girl who didn't know what a political party was... oof) and who really shines.  I wish we knew more about how everyone scored on their tests!  

Edit: I just remembered that in addition to the test, we also saw the girls being quizzed about football/Cowboys in the early seasons.  I remember one girl being asked who the current head coach was and (confidently!) answering that it was Tom Landry...to which, Judy and Kelli were so outraged that I'm surprised they didn't cut her on the spot.  They did at least call her into the office to do so.

Edited by aeroluv327
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3 hours ago, LilyDutch said:

I wish they'd show more of the interviews and written tests. They were interesting and sometimes quite funny. I highly doubt they'll have the lengthy interesting conversations with sponsors etc as Kelli claims but I do get that you do not want to have people on the squad who could embarrass the Cowboys with ridiculous answers about random facts that are common knowledge (either in football or life or America in general). The notorious 50-yards in a football field comes to mind and president "O'Biden" (can't remember who said that).  If Ashlee couldn't even explain the US-flag... well... even I can do that and am not even American!

They're there to dance, true, but a lot of these questions are elementary school level at best!

They could integrate it with finals deliberations when reviewing each candidate, show clips of good and bad interviews and discuss any who had dubious test scores. 

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2 hours ago, Cj1 said:

I almost died when she answerd Tom Landry. (No pun intended). 

You can at least study up on the basics. 

I think that was Zoey from season 4 who ended up getting cut.

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Some potential here. There are certainly moments when she looks almost dcc, just needing some more omph, so would rate her reasonably high. Very long legs which they will love for the kicks.

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12 minutes ago, Tulip86 said:

Gotta say... most of these video's have been very disappointing. Quite a few that I would describe as kids. Quite a few who have limited dance technique. All pretty of course. 

So far, in my opinion, only one was semi awesome. Most of these look like what they are, high school cheerleaders with some dance ability. This looks to be a team of Verucas.

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I am feeling kinda weird about this group of 14 year olds.  Most of them can't dance well but have some potential (with the exception of Claire who was pretty good).  But I feel like I have been asked to a dance recital for early high schoolers.  I kind of hope they explain this.......  Are they thinking they bring them in younger and they stay longer?  Because all of these girls will have weight issues when they finally hit puberty.  Or are they trying to attract a certain type of man?  The kind of spends a lot of time surfing the internet in a dark basement?  Or did they decide that this year was gonna suck so they would bring in some babies that they could bring up the DCC way?

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1 hour ago, Tulip86 said:

Gotta say... most of these video's have been very disappointing. Quite a few that I would describe as kids. Quite a few who have limited dance technique. All pretty of course. 

I’m not gonna lie; any enjoyment I would’ve had by watching these and then waiting for S15 to begin has been completely overshadowed and ruined by the Hannah and Brennan cuts that are coming. Killed most of the fun and excitement for me. 🙁

Anyone else fill this way? 

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4 minutes ago, Lona said:

I’m not gonna lie; any enjoyment I would’ve had by watching these and then waiting for S15 to begin has been completely overshadowed and ruined by the Hannah and Brennan cuts that are coming. Killed most of the fun and excitement for me. 🙁

Anyone else fill this way? 

I hate to say I'm looking forward to it, but I'm extremely curious how they will address/handle the cuts on the show.  I feel like they already kinda know which vets they are cutting at finals a lot of the times.  I'm assuming they invited all vets to the bubble, but I almost feel like some girls would have rather not even been invited, than to get there and get cut at the end (which I believe that is pretty much when the 4 vets got cut).  I'm referring mostly to Meredith & hate to say it, Lily.  I assume they were crossed off the final squad before they ever got to the bubble.  Brennan I see as the token TC cut bc she lost her stamina (with or without covid mentioned), BUT Hannah?!?!?!  They know pretty much everyone who watches the show knows why she said she was cut....they can't hide from it!!  Not that I like how it played out, but I was actually shocked/surprised they actual (somewhat) addressed the whole Holly situation on the show.  I guess they threw us a bone cause they knew they would skip right over Jenna's alleged indiscretions and that Erica ever existed that season 🤣  

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I’m also not enjoying these videos, which leads me to believe that it’s more the videos than the candidates. It’s probably difficult to showcase a dancer’s abilities in a non-professional video/environment.

And yes, these ladies are definitely young.

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I'm also not a fan of getting lots of younger girls in the squad rather than women. Most of the TCCs have been 18-20 so far I think. I'm not opposed to younger people trying out but I prefer a mix. They've got rid of Brennan (30/31) and Meredith (29) as well as Hannah and Lily, who must've been 24ish?, but who both seem mature. 

Most of the current vets auditioned after college, I mean Savannah is now 29 and Briana 30 (or will be by the end of the season). They're the oldest on the squad now!


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May be in the minority here, but power to the 18-21 year old TCCs. I agree there should be some maturity, but these girls are chasing a time-sensitive dream. The younger ones are in that awesome time in life where you get to make your own decisions but still have heavy support from your loved ones, and don’t have things that life usually brings (getting into your career, grad school, slowing down dance-wise, marriage and/or kid commitments, etc.). I’m only 35 but my 20s feel so far away! I look at these girls going after this (fleeting) dream and I’m like good for you sis! The other side of DCC will last way longer than what they may have put off for a year or two in exchange for the lifetime of memories.

Verdict is out on this year‘s rookie class but with the pandemic, racial sensitivities, and pressure to produce a TV show, I’m  interested to see how the show plays out. MTT is (and has been) at that point most long running reality TV shows get to - they say they are casting for the premise of the show when they are actually just trying to make good TV. If anyone watches The Bachelor, there’s a guy who spoils the show and makes his whole living off it. Some fans get upset to have the show spoiled for them, which used to piss ABC off but when they realized the vast majority of the show’s watchers don’t know he exists, they left him to do his thing. I suspect this is the same. We know what’s going on but the powers that be are producing a show for the ones that show up every October to be mindlessly entertained an hour a week for two or three months.

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1 hour ago, Lona said:

I’m not gonna lie; any enjoyment I would’ve had by watching these and then waiting for S15 to begin has been completely overshadowed and ruined by the Hannah and Brennan cuts that are coming. Killed most of the fun and excitement for me. 🙁

Anyone else fill this way? 

Well, we will have some new words/phrases to add to our MTT bingo cards - kick the pandemic in it's a**, adjustments, stamina, bubble, for the first time....., virtual auditions, Victoria has matured as a rookie, as a veteran, etc

And of course, every time we see someone spit into a cup, we can take a drink - if we aren't gagging, that is

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Wow Jadas legs! 😱 I would kill for legs like that instead of the stumps I was graced with. She seems like an OK dancer but doesn't seem to have a lot of oomph or power. 

I am actually looking forward to this season. It will be interesting to see how some of these dancers who don't seem like they would fit the DCC style actually make the team. 

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5 hours ago, Jesiklyn said:

Some potential here. There are certainly moments when she looks almost dcc, just needing some more omph, so would rate her reasonably high. Very long legs which they will love for the kicks.

1. Claire W.
2. Dani
3. Claire D.
4. Ashlinn
5. Elli
6. Jada
7. Cassie
8. Armani
9. Darian
10. Alora-Rose
11. Annabelle
12. Amelia

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1 hour ago, TheGenuineBeauty said:


6 hours ago, Jesiklyn said:

Some potential here. There are certainly moments when she looks almost dcc, just needing some more omph, so would rate her reasonably high. Very long legs which they will love for the kicks.

1. Claire W.
2. Dani
3. Claire D.
4. Ashlinn
5. Elli
6. Jada
7. Cassie
8. Armani
9. Darian
10. Alora-Rose
11. Annabelle
12. Amelia


As a dancer myself, I would personally rank them as: 

1. Claire W

2. Armani 

3. Elli

4. Ashlinn 

5. Dani 

6. Cassie 

7. Claire D 

8. Amelia 

9. Darian 

10. Annabelle 

11. Alora-Rose 

12. Jada

But that’s just me.. dance is so opinion based. I could love watching a particular performer and you hate watching them or vice versa. In my opinion, the only true “wow” worthy audition has been Claire W.. but Armani had great technical skills and was a cutie and Elli was cute and spunky so that’s why I put them top 3.

Some of the girls that made the team have absolutely zero ballet technique.. but they might be great at “power Pom” for game day. 

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Ok this might be a controversial opinion, but maybe this is the caliber of girls they always get? Like we never get to see full auditions/routines and when we do I know I'm always slightly disappointed. The show is highly edited, and maybe most of the team is just ok, but the editing makes it seem like they are much better than they are. We've also seen some fairly mediocre girls make the team and stay on it so their standards can't be that much higher. Maybe these were actually the best auditions they got, and maybe they're just as good as the rest of the DCC (although some girls on the team are certainly better) 

Also, there is only one TCC younger than 20. A few of the TCC are still in college (and Marissa is just out of High school), but the majority have completed college and some have been to grad school. They do not seem to be much younger than the majority of the team/people trying out in the past. Here is a list of the ages of the TCC:

Alora-Rose: 24

Amelia: 20

Annabelle: 22

Armani: 22

Ashlinn: 21

Cassie: 24

Claire D: 22

Claire W: 21

Dani: 22

Darian: 24

Elli: 23

Jada: 20

Jaycie: 22

Jessica: 22

Kelly: 20

Marissa: 18

McKenzie: 24

Shannan: 22

Sheridan: 26

Sydney: 27

Tori: 25

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4 hours ago, MonaMechelle said:

May be in the minority here, but power to the 18-21 year old TCCs. I agree there should be some maturity, but these girls are chasing a time-sensitive dream. The younger ones are in that awesome time in life where you get to make your own decisions but still have heavy support from your loved ones, and don’t have things that life usually brings (getting into your career, grad school, slowing down dance-wise, marriage and/or kid commitments, etc.)

power to them for having the privilege of having no real responsibilities and parents who are able to bankroll their jobless new life in a city they may not even need to be in for more than two weeks? lol 

i mean there's not really anything impressive there. personally since these are women dancing for people watching a football game, i think 'mature' women fit the bill more. seeing baby-faced and tiny women under, like, 22 shaking it for middle aged men is less cute to me

Edited by vanillagum
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28 minutes ago, Kitkatkitty said:

Also, there is only one TCC younger than 20. A few of the TCC are still in college (and Marissa is just out of High school), but the majority have completed college and some have been to grad school. They do not seem to be much younger than the majority of the team/people trying out in the past. Here is a list of the ages of the TCC:

Alora-Rose: 24

Amelia: 20

Annabelle: 22

Armani: 22

Ashlinn: 21

Cassie: 24

Claire 😧 22

Claire W: 21

Dani: 22

Darian: 24

Elli: 23

Jada: 20

Jaycie: 22

Jessica: 22

Kelly: 20

Marissa: 18

McKenzie: 24

Shannan: 22

Sheridan: 26

Sydney: 27

Tori: 25

I agree, I think we tend to have short term memory about the ages of the typical rookie class. Found this article from the 2014 squad and as you can see the majority are 18-22. https://www.dallascowboys.com/news/2014-dcc-squad-announced-370731


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16 hours ago, aeroluv327 said:

Yes, I always like seeing the interviews during finals!  It's always interesting to see who bombs what should be easy questions (like the girl who didn't know what a political party was... oof) and who really shines.  I wish we knew more about how everyone scored on their tests!  

Edit: I just remembered that in addition to the test, we also saw the girls being quizzed about football/Cowboys in the early seasons.  I remember one girl being asked who the current head coach was and (confidently!) answering that it was Tom Landry...to which, Judy and Kelli were so outraged that I'm surprised they didn't cut her on the spot.  They did at least call her into the office to do so.

This a little random but speaking of the interviews, I felt bad for the girl who was asked if the girl makes the uniform or the uniform makes the girl (can’t remember if she made the squad) She said she would make the uniform and Judy HATED that answer. 

I think with a little further explanation she would have had a good answer. 

If anyone could just put on the uniform and represent dcc then their entire audition and interview process would be pointless. The uniform isn’t the one talking to “the general of the army”, the uniform isn’t lifting the spirits of Vets and soldiers overseas. 

The uniform has a history and sets the expectation, but the girl brings it to life and has to live up to it. 

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Earlier today I found myself going all conspiracy theorist and thinking about how (if I remember correctly) Caroline, Daphne, Kat and Tess got in trouble for going out of state and partying, and how people thought most of those women weren't likely to be troublemakers.  But at least half of them get some pretty good airtime, and now I'm beginning to wonder whether they were allowed to go so that they could be punished.  You know, to add drama to the last episode of DCC:MTT.  I know it's unlikely, but I'm throwing it out there as a theory.

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7 minutes ago, Allison Lynn said:

Earlier today I found myself going all conspiracy theorist and thinking about how (if I remember correctly) Caroline, Daphne, Kat and Tess got in trouble for going out of state and partying, and how people thought most of those women weren't likely to be troublemakers.  But at least half of them get some pretty good airtime, and now I'm beginning to wonder whether they were allowed to go so that they could be punished.  You know, to add drama to the last episode of DCC:MTT.  I know it's unlikely, but I'm throwing it out there as a theory.

lol as I rewatch seasons I start thinking that too. 
like the ep when the rookie girl missed the bus for the stadium for their very first game. Idk what made me think “this seems hella fake”. Maybe it’s because they never explained her reason for missing the bus. 

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9 hours ago, DCC-UK said:

Most of the current vets auditioned after college, I mean Savannah is now 29 and Briana 30 (or will be by the end of the season). They're the oldest on the squad now!

Savannah being one of the oldest on the squad, as well as one of the more senior vets, just blows my mind lol.

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