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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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46 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

I’ve stopped watching the shows except for the Thursday eviction ones because I now experience glee when they are evicted.  
If Memphis is the one to leave Thursday I hope they show the minute David sees Memphis and I hope David just laughs and laughs

They won't show it because we all want it. Memphis wasted 3 HOH's on David. LOL.

To be honest, I want them all evicted. Can America vote for that?

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8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Why does Nicole (and, Enzo) feel the need to hide or not share alcohol? Is Nicole really that mean and petty? I just can’t with her. I know they all hate Christmas (with a passion) but is it really that big of a deal for everyone to get their share?!

This season has had more than its share of hijinks with the House alcohol, hasn’t it?

  1. Dani (and I believe somebody else - Nicole? Xmas?) stealing and hoarding alcohol from a booze drop when they were HNs, so as to be guaranteed some when their HN tour was complete.
  2. On another occasion, Dani and another HG (I’m pretty sure Nicole) killing at least one bottle of wine in a House alcohol delivery before informing the other HGs of the booze drop.
  3. Several HGs voluntarily setting aside a portion of their share of a booze drop (something like 3 beers and 1/2 a bottle of wine IIRC) for the HGs coming off HN status the next day, only to have another (noncontributing) HG raid the stash and drink it all before the ex-HNs got any (thinking that’un may have been Christmas).


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35 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Not even so much about the show but what it has done to the forums. 

It's funny. At the start of the season, we were posting so fast and furious because we were so excited (mainly about Janelle and Kaysar and Keesha) and I remember thinking "Wow! If we keep this up, I could see us breaking the season average for pages in the Live Feed thread." And then around week 4 when Kaysar was evicted or week 5 when Bayleigh got the boot, it just kinda... grinded to a halt. There isn't much to work with. I think a lot of people just outright cancelled their feeds. When I log on at first after I wake up (and it's a non-HoH night), if I have to actually click over to another page to read more posts, my flabber is ghasted. I'd almost rather have had another BB21 because as fucking offensive and racist and sexist as Jackson could be, at least he inspired emotion in us? Not the one he would have preferred but we were moved to post. Now it's just "Christmas was a dick, next". 

I know this place always starts dragging in the ass end of the game but this is just... ugh. Here's hoping it's another 14 years before we get another All Stars. 

(side note: I had to Google to see what year BB7 was played to do the math on my fingers and toes and they still haven't fixed the cast listing from the pre-season rumours. So this is what you see.

Yup, sounds about right. I guess you could argue that this is in order of most mentioned this season in a descending order (in the fandom, maybe even in the house). Also I'm sorry if I ruined anyone's breakfast with that picture of Derrick. I know it put me off my feed.)

Edited by Callaphera
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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Yup, sounds about right. I guess you could argue that this is in order of most mentioned this season in a descending order (in the fandom, maybe even in the house). Also I'm sorry if I ruined anyone's breakfast with that picture of Derrick. I know it put me off my feed.)

That giant face filling the entire square next to the more "usual" head and shoulders shots reminded me of the cardboard cutouts this year in the Phillies stands, where you'd see mostly normal proportioned ones and then suddenly a giant head of a baby or something.  Jarring!

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6 hours ago, Ellee said:

I read where Xmas had an extra pumpkin.  Don’t know how they ‘knew’ or if it is even true.  Was it BS?

Oh man.  There was a lot of action and pandemonium going on during that comp.  Wouldn't it have been delicious if one of Nicole's pumpkins hopped the curb and got mixed in with Christmas's pumpkins?  Or even better.....could Nicole be that smart and that sneaky to have popped one of hers into Christmas's basket?  If so*, that would be awesome!

*OK, I don't believe that really happened.  Someone would have noticed.  Maybe........  No, CHRISTMAS would have noticed, and then they would have to lock up all the knives, plastic bags, and pillows in the house since she doesn't have access to a motorized vehicle.  This is where you need a wall yeller to scream that Nicole gave Christmas an extra pumpkin, Christmas would go cra-cra-craaaaaazy.  Then we might get some action in the house.


Eh.  Probably not.


Thing is, if Christmas had won the comp, this would have been a more interesting week with Nicole and Cody on the block.  Not that I like Christmas at all.  Geeze, I don't like any of these people at all anymore.  I thought I liked Enzo the most out of this group, just because he's kind of goofy and not too chuffed about his "place" in the BB world, and is the least egregiously obnoxious person.  But then last night....  Yeah, we heard about his foot stalker before, but ew.   And then there's the bathroom shenanigans.  It was quick, but one of the hamsters mentioned in passing that Enzo never tells anyone he's in the loo and he never responds to their knocks. That's disgusting.

When can this show be over? 

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So....Cody hasn't been crowned yet? They're really going to drag this out for what, a couple more weeks? Yikes.

Not sure if there has been news about the finale, because frankly, I haven't been paying attention, but it will be such a fitting end for this dismal season to see the winner emerge to confetti in an empty studio, while Julie pelts them with masks from 12 feet away.

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5 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Not sure if there has been news about the finale, because frankly, I haven't been paying attention, but it will be such a fitting end for this dismal season to see the winner emerge to confetti in an empty studio, while Julie pelts them with masks from 12 feet away.

I don't know how many people here watched the South Park Pandemic Special but I can totally see Julie standing there with Cartman's six foot distancing pole with kicky orange flag attached to it, pushing the HGs away from her. SIX FEET!


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Yeah, I haven’t watched a full show in over a month. Cancelled my feeds last week. But most disappointing is logging on and seeing the thread has barely moved because let’s face it, there’s nothing new to say. I think I’m now rooting for a Christmas/Enzo final two, because why the fuck not. But we all know it’s going to be Cody/Nicole at the end, because it’s 2020. 

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In a way, this is the perfect way to end this season...with a whimper.  Imagine the final five completing the season and going online to find out that no one cared after they evicted everyone interesting.  Granted, one of them will have $500,000 pieces of paper to dry their tears, but I think they'd rather be hated than ignored.

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10 minutes ago, leocadia said:

In a way, this is the perfect way to end this season...with a whimper.  Imagine the final five completing the season and going online to find out that no one cared after they evicted everyone interesting.  Granted, one of them will have $500,000 pieces of paper to dry their tears, but I think they'd rather be hated than ignored.

Apathy is way worse to these social media attention whores than hatred.

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Anyone watch Tosh.0? (I am clearly a connoisseur of the very finest that tv has to offer.) Tonight's ep led with a clip of a child being dragged away down the street by a small monkey, and damned if it didn't make me think of Victoria being carried off by a crow. And I laughed... and felt so much more emotion than anything I've felt during the past few weeks of this season. I can barely watch the episodes and almost feel sorry for these players who still ham it up in the DR when no one in the real world gives a flying shit.

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Having burned through my savings account in a Prime Day frenzy, I decided to see what was happening on feeds. I found Memphis and Christmas eulogizing their season.

They talked a lot about the early stage of the game, and how Kaysar blew his opportunity (in their eyes). He came in so aggressive at a time when he should have been hanging back and observing. He wanted to divide the house old-school style, naming targets right away, instead of adapting to the new school method of building relationships and waiting for the right time to make a move. Memphis said he would have liked to work with Janelle and Kaysar, but he knew it wouldn’t be possible because of how they were playing. He and Christmas agreed that they both really liked Kaysar, and conceded that things would have been much different if he and the other early evictees had caught a break. If they had been able to win a comp or two, the entire game would have changed.

They both said they came in to this season with things to prove. Memphis said a lot of people think he was carried along on his first season, and he wanted to show that he was better than that. (He doesn’t agree that he was carried, though.) Christmas had an similar goal, since she was sidelined by her broken foot last time and didn’t have a chance to play her game the way she wanted. So she came in wanting to prove she could really do it.

Memphis said nobody should come in thinking they’re going to win. You just play your best game and hope for some luck along the way. There’s a lot of luck involved. He said he actually got further than he expected. They both said they had a really great time this summer. Christmas wants to tackle The Challenge next and tried to convince Memphis to join her. He’d love to do it, but only if he’s in 100% physical shape.  First, he has to deal with his foot. 

Overall, it was actually a very nice, respectful conversation with no pettiness or gloating. It was a pleasant surprise to see Christmas acting like a grownup. As for their evaluation of the early part of the season, I can’t say I disagree.  Kaysar and Janelle’s strategy was not wrong, but it was never going to work with this group. I wish they had held back just a couple of weeks. I also wish they could have caught a lucky break or two. For that, I blame production. They’ve never been reluctant to nudge the game in one direction or another before; why start now? This season could have, and should have been so much better. 

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Oh are they pretending their alliances formed organically this season? I thought per Derricks instructions The Committee targeted Janelle and Kaysar immediately? (But how DARE Kaysar start targeting players right away? Didn't he know the HOH makes all the calls?) With that plus, IMO, several of the group being envious of their popularity, the two never stood a chance with this crowd regardless of how they played.

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It's cute that they think "new style" game play doesn't build groups that oppose each other.  That's only because new style puts together a "popular kids" clique alliance inevitably made from the bros and compliant pretty girls and maybe some athletic type girls, and rest of the house are the outcasts.  The bro alliance may include a token weirdo or two, but it is clear to the core bros those weirdos aren't really a part of the alliance and will be the first to go when it comes to eating their own.

This style of game play just reflects a total return to high school dynamics, and I hate what it says about the psycho-sociological makeup of humanity.

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16 hours ago, leocadia said:

In a way, this is the perfect way to end this season...with a whimper.  Imagine the final five completing the season and going online to find out that no one cared after they evicted everyone interesting.  Granted, one of them will have $500,000 pieces of paper to dry their tears, but I think they'd rather be hated than ignored.

I have come around and now I don't blame them. The casting was terrible, but eh, COVID likely reduced their options a LOT. So I honestly don't blame the show too much. All Star seasons just suck. It's like an inherent rule. 

I think next season will go back to normal levels of sucking, so it will have a lot more interesting stuff going on. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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35 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wait, tonight is the eviction? I stopped watching the eps so I’m out of the loop lol. Are they doing an eviction again tomorrow or no?

Tonight is POV - BB Comics

29 minutes ago, Biosynth said:

I stopped watching when Kaysar left.  I just come here to check what's happening.  My husband still watches, but more out of curiosity.  I'm glad I hadn't wasted hours watching this dismal season.

Kaysar started a YouTube channel.

When the houseguests get out and see Janelle and Kaysar are more popular and Janelle has gained the most IG followers since the premiere their heads will explode!

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think the person who said that elsewhere was just thinking it would be because they usually do a surprise eviction at F5.

Remember when Austin got evicted in the taped F5 eviction wearing no shoes, begging Vanessa to change her vote, and rumoured (but never confirmed) to have pitched a fit and said he wasn't going to leave at first? That was entertainment. This is brain-numbing boredom. 

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I feel like there's still too many eps left though.

Thurs 15: 5 to 4
Mon 19: HOH, noms
Weds 21: Veto
Thurs 22: 4 to 3
Fri 23: Recap maybe?
Mon 26: ??
Weds 28: Finale

There's an extra ep in there and I don't understand why lol. Also, they normally show the F4 veto and eviction in one ep, so there's actually 2 extra eps.

20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

There's an extra ep in there and I don't understand why lol. Also, they normally show the F4 veto and eviction in one ep, so there's actually 2 extra eps.

Oh gawd.  Can you imagine how stultifyingly boring a BB22 clip show would be?  They've already used up their "best" material with Enzo's foot stalker and bathroom shenanigans. 

If I can hope, then they're going to feature more of the jury house, and that's why they've been rumored to have received extra compensation?

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7 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

After all this time I'm still baffled by Nicole. How on earth does she do so well? Is it that she seems harmless and nonthreatening? Is it because she excels at appearing to agree with everyone? 

I know BB has various archetypes. I'd love to know which one she is. 

I think she excels at one thing -- never being THE biggest threat. She slips by week after week because she is always never THE biggest threat that week.

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Great post, @Callaphera. Another thing about her: she's incredibly businesslike. This is a long game and people start to get way too attached to each other. We saw that happen with Dani about Cody -- she seemed to crave his companionship more than anything. I don't necessarily think she had a physical crush on him. She just needed to attach herself emotionally to someone in the game and chose Cody. She was devastated when Cody evicted her. 

Nicole doesn't do that. She doesn't get sad if people leave. I feel like if Cody is evicted at the F4 because he lost the veto she won't be sad. She wasn't sad when Dani left. She wasn't sad when Ian left. The HG's see a tiny blond girl who cries at the drop of a hat. She's very good at hiding her personality, if that makes sense. She can create a lot of smoke and mirrors. 

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20 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Christmas wants to tackle The Challenge next and tried to convince Memphis to join her. He’d love to do it, but only if he’s in 100% physical shape.  First, he has to deal with his foot. 


Memphis is around my age or a little younger, I highly doubt they would cast him to be on The Challenge.  Pretty much CT and Aneesa are the only two who are regularly cast who are in my age range.  Basically what I am saying is, he is probably too old to be cast on The Challenge.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

In that time, Franzel clocked the physical position of everyone in the house, took note of who was talking to who, and kept absolutely all suspicion off of her. No one thought anything of it. And she was dressed like a giant traffic cone orange and royal blue box of Sloppies cereal the whole time

I love this. I agree this was a great post. 

1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

Those are really good observations...it is hard to think of that nasally, squeaky, whiny voice being so subtle, but there it is.

Lots of good posts here. Weirdly, I think her annoying voice helps her. I've often thought that if she had a pleasant or even a sexy voice, she'd be seen as way smarter and more threatening. Remember Gomer Pyle? He could have been a member of Mensa and people would have assumed he wasn't too bright purely based on his weird accent. I think people discount Nicole because she has a silly voice, and she probably plays into this quite a bit. 

Honestly, the more I watch BB, the more I wonder how many times in my life I've read people 100% wrong and never knew. 

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