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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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46 minutes ago, Lamima said:

So why wasn't Enzo a possible re-nom? He isn't in the Committee alliance. It's Cody, Tyler, Dani. Nicole, Xmas and Memphis. 

Enzo is in the other alliance that’s him/Cody/Dani/Nicole. I think it’s called Core 4.

How do people believe Enzo. He is actively terrible in every convo he has lol.

The audacity for all these people to act like they weren’t gonna just nom 2 black people next week anyway. Like they know we’ve been watching them the whole time, right?

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I know that Kevin doesn't talk game with anyone, but does he at least try to have small talk with people. He's came outside to eat his lunch and isn't even trying to chat with Cody and Presidents Day. It's so awkward.

Day doesn't even look happy. I wonder if there was a blow-up after the ceremony or if she's feeling bad. I hope she doesn't. 


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39 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I like Enzo's way of communicating with Dani: he lets her go on and on and on and at the end of the sentence, he repeats the last word she says. 

Dani: "So they proved that they can win HoH."
Enzo: "HoH, yo. That's right."
Dani: "And it would be so stupid to put Memphis up. He's broken and no one likes him."
Enzo: "No one, yo. No one. Yeeeah."

Actually... Enzo does this a LOT - and he always comes off like a doofus when he does - but in a sense that’s actually kinda perfect BB gameplay. It casts the illusion that you and Enzo are on the same wavelength; that either you’re both in sync, or that Enzo is easily manipulated. And isn’t that EXACTLY the way you want every opposing HG to view you in at least the first half of this game?

And I don’t even LIKE Enzo.

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I must have missed when Dani decided not to evict Tyler anymore. I'd guess she was manipulated by Cody/Tyler/Enzo. And I'm sure CBS isn't going to air the mocking of Ian, but a good amount of people have seen it on the feeds to do some damage. Like Nicole losing some sponsors. So I'm looking forward to seeing what voting out Ian will do to Memphis/Nicole/Christmas/Dani's job prospects outside BB. 


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17 minutes ago, Shorty186 said:

I must have missed when Dani decided not to evict Tyler anymore. I'd guess she was manipulated by Cody/Tyler/Enzo.

It was Cody, her master, of course. She is gonna be so embarrassed when she gets out. A married woman acting like this over Cody again is just like amazing.

Ratcole just admitted that she wants to keep Ian because voting him out will make her look bad. Sweetie, you already lost all your sponsors so!

Nicole and Cody started to talk about the Tyler situation form last week and they cut to stars. Like seriously why are they protecting his bitch ass so much?

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I will die if Franzel tells Dani she'll vote out Ian but actually votes to evict Tyler and Enzo, knowing that Dani will be pissed if Franzel votes to keep Ian, throws a hinky vote to pin on Franzel and Tyler ends up evicted 5-3. 

Come eviction night, we'll probably hear "By a vote of 8 to 0, Ian... you are evicted from the Big Brother house" so whatever. 

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What would Nicole have done differently?  I'm sure her noms would still be David/Kevin and David takes himself off.  Would she then put up Day? If that's the case it's even more ludicrous that she's pissy at Day.  But let's say she doesn't because they're "alligned" (major eye roll), Day wins veto and still takes off Kevin, then what does she do?  

Although your sentence should just read "Nicole is bitching".  And it should be a pinned post at the top of the thread.  

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21 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Dom's hoh letter makes me sad: 

It makes me sad, too. The misspellings, the places where a comma would have come in handy, "best still" instead of "be still", and he calls her his "baby mama" which is a pet peeve of mine and has racist connotations (it's used as a weapon against black women). Actually it sounds like Dani wrote it before she left and Dom just added his name to the bottom. Oh and that "Lol" in a letter is just cringe IMO. 

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15 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

From what I’ve been reading it seems like everybody wants to keep Tyler and work with him going forward.  How did we go from being on the verge of him leaving to him being in the best position in the house along with Enzo?  Ugh!  So aggravating, I want his fake ass gone!

Because King Cody wants him to stay.  

Hey Grodner, here’s a twist.  Make America HOH.  We pick the nominees.  Give us something. 

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I don't mind Tyler staying. I am happy with Ian going if that is actually what happens. At this point, I'd rather Cody gets what he wants because I cannot stand Dani and Nicole. Nicole especially has not impressed me the last 2 days. Her incessant whining about her 'bad spot' is almost intolerable. She's so mad at Davonne for having the audacity to use the veto. Really? And for gods sake. You can be nice and kind to Ian but you don't need to baby and coddle him. She doesn't seem to know the difference. He's a grown up man. Don't laugh at autism but let him play his game.

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5 hours ago, Michichick said:

Christmas can fuck off. What’s wrong with Da’Vonne being selfish? Big Brother isn’t a team sport, there’s only one winner!

Even if it is a team sport in Xmas's mind, Da'Vonne isn't even on her team.  But of course, when Xmas does what's in her best interest, it's GAME, when Da'Vonne does, it's SELFISH.   It's especially irritating that they're all just mad that Day didn't fall for their BS that Kevin was staying and didn't need to be saved.  I mean, I'm not excited that Kevin is staying, other than he's a (possible) number against the boring group of entitleds.

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Do these people realize how ridiculous they sound.  Other players who aren’t in your alliance don’t have to make moves that benefit you, smh.  But I guess there are people who actually swallow that bull.  I went on another BB message board and someone was posting that Day tanked her game because the others were going to take her to F5.  Jeez louise, maybe Day would like something better than F5,  maybe she actually (gasp) would like to win the game.

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36 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Xmas: "I want to chainsaw that hammock in half." She's such a lovely person. Even Boogie wouldn't have said that.

What's sad about that is that's rather tame for Christmas, she of the "He's a veteran, let's try to make him flashback and go on a PTSD rage so he gets removed from the house" social game. 

This is growth. 

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11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

What's sad about that is that's rather tame for Christmas, she of the "He's a veteran, let's try to make him flashback and go on a PTSD rage so he gets removed from the house" social game. 

This is growth. 

Also Christmas of the "let's dump out his food WHILE HE'S EATING." And Christmas of the "let's talk bad about someone's daughter on camera so he'll self-evict." Sigh.

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5 minutes ago, Christina said:

There is a new coupon code for another month off. Go to your account, or if you are creating a new account, type KICKOFF into the coupon box. 

Thank you for this; I had redeemed a code three months ago for the commercial free tier at the price I was already paying for limited commercials and it was set to run out in a week. I had *just* changed the plan back when I saw your code. I was able to cancel the pending change and use the code to get a free month of commercial free, so now I have 5 more weeks of it instead of one.

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I honestly think this is Cody attempting to assuage the frustration of the two girls.

Ian going is good for his game. Nicole and Dani being distanced from Day eliminates basically any chances of a female alliance.

He is basically the center of every alliance now. Most of the side piece alliances are gone.

Honestly, if Cody was removed, I think this game would become pretty open, pretty quickly. Too bad it won't happen.

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On 8/23/2020 at 10:48 PM, Callaphera said:

Hands down, that is the absolute worst punishment I can remember. Sure, the chum baths were uncomfortable but those 2400 goals in 24 hours were painful and she knew she was going home anyway but still did it. Wasn't it Donny that stayed with her when everyone else went to bed? I wonder if her feet ever recovered. 

I only read the Feeds thread in retrospect, and you can see by the date how far back I am, but since Brittany's 2400 goals came up, I just had to remind people (or inform those who didn't know) that while Brittany was suffering through this, someone (guess who?) was less than sympathetic.

Yes, our lovely Nicole Franzel was complaining that her Germantard punishment was wayyyyy worse, you guyzzzzz!  Because Brittany would be finished in a day, but she had to wear that costume all week and it didn't fit!  And she had to carry around the stein and the weiner and it was sooooo unfair!

(She's always been a sweetie, hasn't she?)

Also, lest we forget, the HoH who nominated Brittany even though she was completely loyal to him?  One Cody "I'm Actually the Better Brother, Though" Califiore.   Who then wanted to backdoor Caleb instead, but Derrick yanked Cody's leash talked him out of it, and Brittany went home after all.

Sorry for the nostalgia post.  Keep up the good work and I'll catch up eventually.

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