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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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6 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I wonder if today is Covid testing day - bumped a day later (like my garbage service) because of Labor Day.

Bugtussle needs to shave. This isn't Survivor, there's a mirror and shaver/razor is OK to have in the house.

They had it yesterday. Dani said the stick reached her eyeball lol. 

1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

I disagree. I’m about half way through a rewatch, and so far it’s been a lot of fun. You have Jace storming out in a huff, James turning on his alliance yet again, Janelle and Kaysar being terrible strategists but still generally awesome, Danielle R being hilarious and reminding me why I love her so much, Boogie being a douche but what do you want— it’s Boogie, Will being brilliant yet awful... there’s a lot to love, or at least be entertained by, there. And best of all, nobody talking about their fans or their girlfriend’s cookbook. Everyone is just there to play their heats out.

I hated the original All-Stars when it aired near the end cus of Boogie. The feeds also sucked near the end cus Will/Janelle would spend the whole time whispering or in the DR doing who knows what. On a rewatch though it has aged really well. 

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I think the rolls of toilet paper everywhere are stand-ins for boxes of tissue. Bayleigh and Cody both have sinus... issues - Bayleigh especially can blow your eardrums out with the force of her blowing her nose. It's still allergy season. And I've heard that the Brain Tickler COVID test can cause watery eyes and a lot of snot production. 

I still have scars from the Great Shit Ticket Panic earlier this year so it's weird to see it all over the place now. I'll never forget watching one of my reality shows after days of news stories about toilet paper... and they were TPing a buddy's house. It was like a horror movie instead of lighthearted comedy. 

Also I side eye anyone that goes of the TP instead of 3 ply Kleenex with aloe.

Signed, a year round allergy sufferer

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I was in a meeting for an hour and it looks  like everyone is in the same place they were an hour ago.

Christmas on peanut butter - use plain, not honey, peanut butter, take a dollop, a little bite, this is how you do peanut butter with eggs. You can eat bits of peanut butter with your eggs w/each forkfull or you can scramble the pb in with your eggs.

Bugtussle - says no one does that. Christmas says people who've tried it love it! Bugtussle says they're eating it out of fear.

Bugtussle says we should have teatime in the afternoons. Christmas says David make excellent biscuits. Dani says by accident, they were meant to be cookies.

Christmas says I guess this is just pick on Christmas day.  So is Pick on Christmas Day an official "day". like Peanut Butter with Eggs day?

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I think the rolls of toilet paper everywhere are stand-ins for boxes of tissue. Bayleigh and Cody both have sinus... issues - Bayleigh especially can blow your eardrums out with the force of her blowing her nose. It's still allergy season. And I've heard that the Brain Tickler COVID test can cause watery eyes and a lot of snot production. 

There could be ashes in the air from the fires, too, that are irritating.

I remember flying home from Texas shortly after the Mt. St. Helens irruption in Washington and ash was hitting the airplane windows.

Edited by Lamb18
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7 hours ago, Eyeland Baby said:

I know people like this in real life (they are very difficult to relate to) and I wonder if believing their own narrative is a commitment on their parts or just really how they perceive reality. It’s like they’re unable to understand the thoughts and perceptions of those around them, and can’t imagine any viewpoint outside of their own. They’re maybe not “choosing” to commit to their own perception- they literally have no alternative. 

Personally I think it’s a lot simpler than that; National Talk Like A Pirate Day is displaying a pattern of behavior which has been gaining a disturbing degree of traction over the past 20 years or so - the belief that an untruth repeated often enough and loudly enough for long enough will somehow magically transform from untruth to truth.
Such a belief probably grants its practitioners a huge degree of personal freedom ; why worry about feeling consequences for your actions when you can always rewrite history to obliviate the bad ones?

13 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Someone else already said this in this thread, but I hate when people say, "That's my truth."  What does that even mean?  The truth is the truth, there is no your truth or my truth.  As Joe Friday used to say, "Just the facts."

Nothing.  It means nothing.  You can have your opinion, your belief, your experience, etc.; all these may be open to subjective interpretation.  Real truth is objective, however - NOT subjective - and for anyone to claim otherwise is little more than a self-adopted display of personal dishonesty.

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29 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

There could be ashes in the air from the fires, too, that are irritating.

The ashes aren't super bad near the BB house. There's some, but we've certainly had it worse. Obviously, I am not them, but I'm (and most friends and neighbors around me) are suffering from the opposite. With temps well +100 for the last few days and the fires, the air is so dry that dry eyes, mouths and bloody noses seem to be more common. But like I said, everyone is different.

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I feel bad for Ian he considers Nicole a friend. I hope his girlfriend gives him the rundown. I love how his girlfriend liked Bay from The Challenge lol. 


Ian-"My girlfriend watched the Challenge"

Bay-"Oh god..."

Ian-"She was a fan of yours she was super impressed that you went to the final"

Bay-"I'm glad she liked me!"



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9 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Dani is on her time of the month. She wonders how it will work during endurance. (Apologizes to the guys out there). She says what if she needs to change her tampon. 
dani must not have watched any seasons lately otherwise she’d know they only last maybe an hour. Not all night like they used to. 

I haven't watched the last few seasons particularly close. How they don't last longer? I remember in season 18 the endurance compeition went into the morning. 

Edited by choclatechip45
1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Christmas on peanut butter - use plain, not honey, peanut butter, take a dollop, a little bite, this is how you do peanut butter with eggs. You can eat bits of peanut butter with your eggs w/each forkfull or you can scramble the pb in with your eggs.

This sounds so horrible. I remember a friend once made me chicken satay. Chicken in a peanut sauce. I'm a pretty adventurous eater, and I know satay is a popular thing, but yuck. It was like meat smeared with peanut butter. Nope! 

I agree with whoever said that people were eating the eggs and pb out of fear. Or a death wish. 😁


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37 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I haven't watched the last few seasons particularly close. How they don't last longer? I remember in season 18 the endurance compeition went into the morning. 

I think that one was a fluke.  Was that the one where their contraction broke so they basically just had to stand there?

Usually they do so much stuff too make it so they can't hang out very long.  The wall makes them lean over and use their arm muscles, or they slip and fall. And the one where they swing around makes everyone dizzy and sick.  2 seasons ago the slip and slide endurance comp lasted 20 min because they made the lanes shorter. 

8 minutes ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Has Christmas approached either Bay or Day to clear the air or have they been avoiding each other? I might actually tune in tomorrow for the live eviction, if only for their speeches lol.

Only thing I've heard today is that Dani told Nicole that Christmas told Day that she would make sure she got her the votes. 


Memphis just said that the doctor told him he needs to be on his feet more.  memphis said then give him a treadmill lol 

Bay talking to Enzo. says Day has 4 votes. no one is lying to her about their vote but David wants her to go beg Tyler for his vote. Bay can't do that because Tyler has set her up before and she thinks he will tell her he has her vote and vote her out. 

Bay doesn't want David and Enzo to be on the outs if they vote for her and the votes aren't there. Enzo is her best friend in the house (other than Day)

enzo says if he wins the next HOh he's flipping the house upside down... 

i think we heard that before enzo......

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Enzo says Kevin needs to stop playing the weak damsel in distress; he needs to grow a pair. Enzo and Bayleigh are discussing strategy scenarios - Bayleigh seems to be assuming she is going home, so she wants Enzo to work with Day. Now they are talking about Christmas's power trip as HOH this past week. The robe - I guess Christmas said "This is MY house!", etc.

Bayleigh said she is enjoying this experience so much more than the last time. She's OK with going home pre-jury.

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1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

This sounds so horrible. I remember a friend once made me chicken satay. Chicken in a peanut sauce. I'm a pretty adventurous eater, and I know satay is a popular thing, but yuck. It was like meat smeared with peanut butter. Nope! 

I agree with whoever said that people were eating the eggs and pb out of fear. Or a death wish. 😁


RE: eggs and pb. I often eat a sandwich of fried egg and peanut butter on toast. Delicious. If I'm feeling adventurous I add bacon. But eggs and peanut butter is delicious.

Be right back, going to the kitchen for a bit.

PS - I do intensely dislike Christmas though, with or without pb.


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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Bayleigh especially can blow your eardrums out with the force of her blowing her nose.

This is no lie. I listen to the feeds at night through my earpods and when she lets loose, I jump like a cat on a wet trampoline. Then I have to brace myself for the second blow. It’s serious business.

3 hours ago, Nashville said:

National Talk Like A Pirate Day

This may be my favorite one. 😄

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By the way, it's a minor point, but I take issue with the idea that Bayleigh "got" FOUTTE to all vote against Tyler. The idea that Fessy was all, "Man, I am all in on Tyler!" until Bayleigh told him otherwise is just foolish. Or that Bayleigh had any sway over Sam's vote. 

There clearly WAS an agreement to vote against Tyler with the FOUTTE members, but it was evident in them to start with (Rockstar, for instance, was adamantly anti-Tyler), so for Bay to claim it as some badge of honor for her now is ridiculous.

In addition, I love the idea that Angela "had to sell her Range Rover." You must be in some very particular financial problems when the way out is to sell your Range Rover.

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18 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Dani's probably pissed at Ian cus last night he wanted details on a story she told the night before about why she was mad when a woman from the Amazing Race asked Dom to sit on her lap at a reality event. She said because it was disrespectful and Ian kept asking why. It was super weird tbh. I still have no idea if this happened when they were married or dating or before they got serious.

I don’t necessarily have an issue with Dani’s cuddling/flirting with Cody—I am going to give both Dani and Cody the benefit of the doubt and say that they know what their partners are comfortable with and wouldn’t cross a line that they believe would be disrespectful to their respective relationships. They might have even discussed it before coming into the house, since it can relate to strategy. However, Dani seems to have a lot of problems with women for being “disrespectful” by flirting with Dominic in various ways—this is the second story she’s told about disliking a woman for what she perceives as making advances toward Dom. If this situation were reversed and Dom was in the house laying in bed with a woman and rubbing her arms, even as comfort, and Dani was at home with Tennessee hearing about it/watching it would Dani be cool with that? I’m going to say no. And that does bother me a little, because while I can totally see people being comfortable and trusting enough in their relationships to not care about their partner doing some cuddling or innocent flirting with a person who is also in a relationship in an alliance based game to win money, I also think there shouldn’t be a double standard there. If you wouldn’t like the behavior if it were your partner doing it and not you, that’s maybe a problem. 

11 hours ago, Eyeland Baby said:

I know people like this in real life (they are very difficult to relate to) and I wonder if believing their own narrative is a commitment on their parts or just really how they perceive reality. It’s like they’re unable to understand the thoughts and perceptions of those around them, and can’t imagine any viewpoint outside of their own. They’re maybe not “choosing” to commit to their own perception- they literally have no alternative. 

Christmas’ widely publicized (and self-reported) difficulty with relationships as well as her apparent disconnect from any friendships (all her BB19 friends, which she took so seriously, did not seem to take her nearly as seriously, and remember that she thought Paul might be in love with her?) illustrate this... mental illness? Vaguely autistic trait? Perception deficit? I don’t know what to call it. Another example is her convo with Memphis about her relationships with her fitness clients being “so serious” (Memphis: “it’s not that serious”).



I agree with Growsonwalls’ assessment—it’s narcissism. People with NPD are completely unable to perspective-take accurately or relate to others in any sort of genuinely empathetic way, and can become extremely involved in relationships like trainer to trainee because they see the outcome of those relationships as reflecting on them. And the rage at her partner for leaving her/cheating on her/whatever it was could absolutely be triggered by narcissistic injury.


Edited by Jillibean
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Well Dani from what she's said seems extremely possessive of Dom and has cut people out of her life for "flirting" with Dom. So if she's that sensitive then she should be sensitive back to her husband who is taking care of their kid. Which Dani admitted would be difficult for Dom because Dani's so obsessed with Tennessee that she never leaves Tennessee's side for more than an hour. 

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5 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Well Dani from what she's said seems extremely possessive of Dom and has cut people out of her life for "flirting" with Dom. So if she's that sensitive then she should be sensitive back to her husband who is taking care of their kid. Which Dani admitted would be difficult for Dom because Dani's so obsessed with Tennessee that she never leaves Tennessee's side for more than an hour. 

It's beginning to sound like Dani has no identity outside of her husband and child. That's... fun.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's beginning to sound like Dani has no identity outside of her husband and child. That's... fun.

Definitely. She also mentioned that she's not close to her brother and obviously she doesn;'t talk to ED. She's also as of now financially dependent on Dom as he's the one that works. She quit her job as an art teacher once she had Tennessee. 

Which is fine -- it's natural that mothers want to spend time with their kids. I just find it weird that she's so flirty with Cody but she admits she's cut off friends for being "flirty" with Dom.

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I don't think Dani has much of an identity outside of Big Brother. Maybe it's because she was on the show at age 20, but she has dated 3 guys from the show in the real world. At least she went to college and did have a job outside of Big Brother for awhile. Most of her friends seem to be connected to Big Brother. Her dad definitley does not have an identity outside of the show which is pretty sad. 

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2 hours ago, zibnchy said:

But eggs and peanut butter is delicious.

I'll have to take your word for it. We all like different things, and probably taste different things. For example, being born in England, I love Marmite, which makes most people over here gag.

Speaking of gagging, the show is on soon. I can't wait to see how much of all the feeds stuff actually shows up. 

So in conclusion, I guess I'll give egg and pb lovers the benefit of the doubt, even when they're named after holidays. 

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Ha, ha, Cody is talking about he when he first went to school, he would start crying in class and his mom would have to come and pick him up. 

One day when Paulie was going to school, he got into the bus and his mom followed the bus to school. Paulie sat in the back of the bus and looked out the window, crying, looking at the car. His mom took a video of this.

I didn't realize Paulie is older then Cody; I thought Cody was the older brother.

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

So looks like production called Dani in for a talk. And let's not forget, she's an art teacher. 


Dani's After School Special Moment. Also, I'm sure she's wording it awkwardly, but Down's Syndrome? Where did that come from? 

Was Memphis given the same talk? Or has been Dani saying more about Ian?

Why isn't Nic wearing her costume? Too hard to shake with laughter at Ian with it on?

I hate all these people, lol.  I'm grumpy today. 

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1 hour ago, choclatechip45 said:

I don't think Dani has much of an identity outside of Big Brother. Maybe it's because she was on the show at age 20, but she has dated 3 guys from the show in the real world. At least she went to college and did have a job outside of Big Brother for awhile. Most of her friends seem to be connected to Big Brother. Her dad definitley does not have an identity outside of the show which is pretty sad. 

She dated Nick, married Dom, who was the third? James Rhine? 

2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

By the way, it's a minor point, but I take issue with the idea that Bayleigh "got" FOUTTE to all vote against Tyler. The idea that Fessy was all, "Man, I am all in on Tyler!" until Bayleigh told him otherwise is just foolish. Or that Bayleigh had any sway over Sam's vote. 

There clearly WAS an agreement to vote against Tyler with the FOUTTE members, but it was evident in them to start with (Rockstar, for instance, was adamantly anti-Tyler), so for Bay to claim it as some badge of honor for her now is ridiculous.

In addition, I love the idea that Angela "had to sell her Range Rover." You must be in some very particular financial problems when the way out is to sell your Range Rover.

Yeah I'm just gonna buy whatever Bay says about a Woman she called a fucking whore during BB20 when her hypocrite ass fucked Swaggy day 2 and Angela didn't fuck Tyler. The woman had's an irrational hatred for both of them. 

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