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S10.E13: There's No Place Like Rome

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3 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

I think the only person that cares if Denise got it on with Brandi is Aaron. They may have a kinky sex life, but I bet Denise cheated with Brandi after lying to her about having an open marriage. Denise got caught, and now her marriage is rocky. I like Denise but she is terrible liar. 

Did Sutton actually cry because a dress didn’t fit her?! 

Garcelle calling out Rinna for flaunting her body on Instagram ( when she has a daughter with an eating disorder) was the absolute best. Garcelle is my new favorite HW!! 

It wouldn't surprise me - I've also cried because of that. 

Sutton is at "that age" when menopause/perimenopause starts to do weird things to your body.  You may be the same weight you always were, but somehow, things sort of shift....you're heavier in areas where you never had a problem before or your carrying your weight differently.  

I thought it was brave of her to discuss this at dinner with all these vain women who are all going to face this same challenge soon!!  

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23 minutes ago, blixie said:

She was clearly kidding. JFC there are lots of really good dog dumping reasons to hate Dorit, but I'm finding her overall pretty funny and self aware this year including the overdone Italian. 

Being aware that you are pretentious doesn't actually make you any less pretentious nor does it make that pretentiousness more palatable to me, as the viewer. I mean, I did have a moment of liking Dorit last night because of that self-awareness, but she's still pretentious and that still bugs, no matter how much she winks at it. 

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3 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Dorit tends to wear the most obvious designer duds, the stuff dripping with logos.  I also think she gets these items gratis or loaned for her to wear and post on Instagram.  It does look like she is becoming an influencer, which is work.  Successful influencers put in a lot of behind the scenes work in order to get that perfect shot or video.  Kyle is flat out jealous of Dorit probably because no designer is asking her to model for them.  

Also, the whole "late" think with the housewives shows always rankles me.  It is so obvious that each lady is given a different time to be ready by production to manufacture drama.  It happens on each franchise.

I think Kyle is jealous that despite being a 40-somethng mom of two, Dorit has the looks to hold her own with the influencers/IG models in their 20's and 30's. I fully believe if Instagram were a thing when Kyle was younger, she would have been the most thirsty Insta thottie of all time. 

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15 hours ago, Happy Camper said:

Kyle the truth teller about Brandi.



Such a great find, HappyCamper!

This needs to find its way to the show. And maybe to Denise, Brandi and Kyle too. And the doubting “and the rest-ers”. I mean it really says it all, doesn’t it!

Edited by Jel
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5 minutes ago, Jel said:

Such a great find, HappyCamper!

This needs to find its way to the show. And maybe to Denise, Brandi and Kyle too. And the doubting “and the rest-ers”. I mean it really says it all, doesn’t it!

I wish someone tweeted Andy this before the reunion!

@Straycat80, apparently terms of the settlement are confidential. I'm glad Joanna sued Brandi though, and I'm not a sue-happy person. 


Edited by RealHousewife
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3 hours ago, dmeets said:

My personal issue with it, aside from the fact that she's insufferable in general, is she's over the top about it and clearly sees it an opportunity to prove she's more cultured than the others. More so in the talking heads. Granted I don't speak Italian but I haven't heard it so over-exaggerated before. Like she's an imitation of someone saying "it's a spicy-a meat-a-ball." And shit like looking down on someone ordering a margarita when in Italy, but it's okay to order a vodka tonic since she orders it in Italian. It's not as bad when she speaks it in restaurants but her attitude about it ("I lived in Italy, look at me I'm so cultured! Not like Kyle!") is grating. I don't recall her making any sort of effort to learn and speak the language in France, or Hong Kong, likely because she wouldn't be fluent enough to impress.

Honestly, it is kind of uncultured to order a margarita and sushi while in Italy.  Especially for someone as rich as Kyle.  I found it mind-boggling.

But then Dorit made a huge deal of covering herself in Chanel, which is from Paris, so that seemed pretty stupid too.  I was shocked she actually mentioned Italian designers this episode (Fendi, Versace).  Also, vodka is Russian.  Shouldn't they be trying the Italian wines?!  

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17 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I don't believe that anything Denise is saying about Brandi claiming to have slept with another woman (or multiple women) at the table because its seems too much like a strategy that Denise cooked up over the prior day.... she lied about you so believe that she lied about me. 

But I did find it interesting that I didn't catch any reason to think that Denise would be talking about Rinna specifically until Kyle swung her head right over to Rinna and then Rinna started acting like Denise was accusing her specifically.  That seemed odd.  But maybe I missed something like where Denise was looking as she said it or something.

So Sutton confirms that she heard the rumor two years ago.  Does that line up with what Brandi saying they hooked up when they first met.  That would predate Denise being on the show, right?  It definitely doesn't line up with Brandi's story about the night she learned Aaron wouldn't be ok with it.



We can't know what has gone on between Denise and Brandi, but Denise is definitely trying to hide something. She has already been caught in inconsistencies with her explanations/story. She said she didn't talk to Brandi, then lets slip that she DID talk to Brandi? Why the lies if Denise has nothing to hide? 

Edited by TurtlePower
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I think it's understandable that Denise at first denied talking to Brandi.  I mean, I'd be embarrassed to admit it. She's a very caustic and trashy person.  Who would openly admit to that? Plus, I think Denise was suspicious.  Like, is this a trick question?  lol  Later, she figured why not just admit it.  Once she knew the full extent.  Many people lie when they are pushed and in a difficult situation.  So, I don't fault Denise for that.  Is she lying about the rest?  IDK and I don't care.  It's her business and I think it's quite understandable to not admit being close to Brandi.  I mean.......it is kinda crazy. That woman ain't right.........if it is true, Denise needs to get her priorities straight, because, associating with Brandi is a very risky and irresponsible thing to do.  It's not just about her and Aaron, but, the kids too.  

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I do not understand. What am I missing?? WHY is this a bomb? WHY is this “torturing” people??? WHY do they even care???? If they really cared, they would have just called her off-camera and told Denise what was said on-camera. WHY DO THEY CARE??? WHY IS THIS ALL WE ARE HEARING ABOUT??? WHY does ANYONE need to talk about it??

”Had boots made” = Dedazzled Hunters Boots? 

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1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Oh and Teddi, STFU. Why the eff would Denise like you? "I don't know who to believe." I'd buy that a lot more had you not presented Brandi's vile accusations as facts, but you did. Not because you have any proof, but because it suits your narrow confirmation bias. And in your head, destroying someone's marriage is a fit way to hold a woman accountable for calling you out as a shit-stirrer. 


Of all the people whose actions I completely understand, it's Teddi's. 

1. She doesn't know Denise all that well and in recent weeks, the interactions with her consisted of Denise's asshole husband being an asshole and Denise claiming she's stirring the pot because she asked a pretty reasonable question.

2. She also doesn't really know Brandi that well but probably knows enough to know that Brandi has some kind of agenda.

3. She is OBVIOUSLY aware that this is all going to come out anyway because it is on camera, and she'd rather have it all out in the open, including giving Denise a chance to deny it. 

4. She didn't present Brandi's accusation as "fact." She asked questions as to whether or not Denise did say these things and then told Denise what Brandi said when pushed to reveal those accusations, even though she didn't immediately put them out there.

I don't think that Teddi has some anti-Denise agenda - I don't think she particularly likes Denise or anything but I don't think she has any idea of destroying Denise. But she heard things that she found hurtful and she wanted to get them out in the open.

I do think that others have an anti-Denise agenda but (and I know I sound like a broken record) I still think production has the biggest anti-Denise agenda of all. And Rinna clearly has some longstanding, deep-seated anger towards her "old friend." I can't quite figure out Kyle's deal - I do think she set up the whole Brandi/Teddi/Kim/Kyle conversation but I'm not sure to what end. 

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2 minutes ago, Crankybroad said:

I do not understand. What am I missing?? WHY is this a bomb? WHY is this “torturing” people??? WHY do they even care???? If they really cared, they would have just called her off-camera and told Denise what was said on-camera. WHY DO THEY CARE??? WHY IS THIS ALL WE ARE HEARING ABOUT??? WHY does ANYONE need to talk about it??

”Had boots made” = Dedazzled Hunters Boots? 

My hypothesis is that with this tidbit of info is something they consider scandalous, because, Denise acted all moral like when she asked the ladies to keep their sex talk away from ear shot of her daughters.  So.....this means that Denise has no right to tell them how to talk around her daughters. This makes her wrong and them right.  lol  So bizarre.  

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This is so weird lol but I’m oddly liking Dorit this season lol. She cracked me up when she joked about Kyle telling Mauricio 

Rinna is so annoying. Let’s get into her life with her joke of a marriage. Why is she acting so confused? Brandi is saying all this to get back on the show. Rinna is such a shit friend.

Kind of liking Sutton.

Teddi is such a loser shit stirrer. She is living in her washed up fathers shadow.

Lmao Kyle is all of a sudden loving Brandi. What a joke.

Brandi is trash. Again tho even if it is true who the fuck cares and it’s none of their business.

Also again Teddi sucks lol.

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Like many of you, based on this season's storyline, I'm really ready to wrap it up and I hope they continue to shake up the cast.  Teddi can stay if they get rid of Rinna and Kyle.   We never need to see Kyle, Kim or Brandi ever again.  Same with Rinna and her homely children.

Waiting in the lobby for Dorit was ridiculous.  How about this?  Gang, we're going to restaurant x and we're leaving at 7:30 PM.  If you aren't in the lobby, we'll meet you there.  Then go to the restaurant and enjoy your meal.  The end. 

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

We can't know what has gone on between Denise and Brandi, but Denise is definitely trying to hide something. She has already been caught in inconsistencies with her explanations/story. She said she didn't talk to Brandi, then lets slip that she DID talk to Brandi? Why the lies if Denise has nothing to hide? 

I have an inside baseball theory of production shenanigans which might explain the inconsistency.

The show allegedly gave Denise a contract.  But unless it's guaranteed, they can fire her whenever they want and save money from that contract.  Denise was pretty low key last season.  She didn't really get into scuffles or drive the drama.  That's fine for a first year housewife, especially with with the notoriety surrounding her marriage to Sheen.  

But housewives are expected to bring drama and get involved in scuffles.  And there are times I think she's almost laughing when talking about the Brandi thing.  Could she have invented this with Brandi to help juice up what she brings to the show this season? It'd explain some of the inconsistencies, it'd explain why I sometimes think she's laughing and why I sometimes think she's acting. 

I remember Rinna, about a season or so ago, being rather low key after some heated seasons.  But it's like the show let her take a breather but if she wanted to keep her diamond, she needed to dial it back up and off we go.

It'll be interesting to see what happens with Garcelle next season.    

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At first I was put off by this storyline, but the more I think about it, the more I realize something.  I watch this show to see how rich women from BH live their lives.  What effect do fame, money, status and even cameras have on women.  I really don't give a crap whether Brandi and Denise hooked up.  But what is interesting is how a woman goes from talking without a care about happy endings and hookers at Thanksgiving to sheer panic over discussions of threesomes. 


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It's not that I believe Brandi.  I think Brandi is desperate and would do anything for attention and money.  I absolutely think it's within her capability to make something like this up, and I give her almost no credibility in any given situation.  I think she COULD lie about something like this, but for me, the question still remains DID she lie about this?

And my ruling is based on Denise, and I think something certainly happened.  Denise is just being too weird about it.  When she was talking to Rinna, she said something about Brandi's trip to do the podcast, "She was there for like a day, I think she might have stayed over..."  C'mon.  There's just no way she doesn't remember if Brandi stayed in her hotel room.  I just don't believe that Denise has random female acquaintances stay over in her hotel rooms, with her daughters there, that she can't remember this time from all the others.  And then when she was talking to the group, she glossed over the overnight part even more, and said something like, "She flew to do the podcast, we did the podcast, she flew back to LA, that was that."  Then you add on the part where she is changing her story on whether or not she talked to Brandi before Kyle's party, and then the sudden remembering that she did talk to Brandi, and Brandi told her she had sex with Kyle or Rinna.  Again, c'mon.  To me, there is just no question Denise is hiding something.

So it's not that I believe Brandi, it's that I DON'T believe Denise.

That said, I'm not mad about Denise lying.  I definitely think this is a hit job, and while if you are on reality tv, you have to worry about skeletons in your closet, that doesn't mean if someone drags a skeleton out, you immediately have to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  I think Kyle, Brandi, Kim, and likely Teddi are far worse assholes for purposely bringing this in front of the cameras.  So, I'm fine with Denise lying to her heart's content, but it is annoying she's so bad at it.

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2 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

I vote Rinna with you.  She has proven what a shitty friend she is, letting Denise take the hits, and instead of giving her a heads up, as a friend would do, passes it off because it wasn't said to her directly.  She's trying to keep those dirty hands looking clean, but it's not working.  As long as the heat isn't on her, she doesn't care about who it's on, even her "friend".  If I had my way, Kyle, Teddi and Rinna would get the Bravo boot, but if I had to choose one, it would be Rinna.  I am sick of her even more than the other two, and that's saying a whole lot.


And she lied to Denise about it too saying she couldn’t give her a heads up because she only learned of it in the car on the way over. Cut to scene of Lesser hearing about it two days earlier.

What happened to the importance of *the truth* there I wonder. Funny how it’s only important for others to tell it.

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3 minutes ago, Jel said:

And she lied to Denise about it too saying she couldn’t give her a heads up because she only learned of it in the car on the way over. Cut to scene of Lesser hearing about it two days earlier.

What happened to the importance of *the truth* there I wonder. Funny how it’s only important for others to tell it.

Yup, and while there appear to be inconsistencies with Denise, weren’t there some with Brandi too? She didn’t seem to feel hurt or betrayed by Denise the way she was behaving at the party, asking to be part of a threesome with Aaron or whatever. 

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21 hours ago, Choco9 said:

Fuck yea Garcelle went in on Rinna with the dancing bullshit THANK YOU QUEEN!

After being lukewarm to her all season, I decided I love her when she said that.

21 hours ago, chick binewski said:



Gee, I thought it was to fill her insatiable need for attention and adoration

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22 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

This glam squad shit is annoying AF!

Right??  I don't know if anyone besides Erika and Dorit have glam squads there - or, are the women sharing some of the hair and makeup stylists?  It seems like Kyle is mostly doing her own hair and makeup (and not always successful at it, LOL!), looks like Rinna is, too.  Teddi just never looks glammed, whether she has someone else doing it or she's doing it herself, and we know the Denise F*cking Richards is just too cool and laid back to be bothered with glam.

That leaves Sutton, whom I'm not sure about.

I thought that I read or heard somewhere in the past that Erika paid for her glam squad's airfare and accommodations when they accompanied her on a Housewives trip.  I just cannot imagine that Dorit would pay, let alone be able to afford to pay for that.  And, I think that Dorit is really just trying to one-up Erika with all this glam squad shit and the excessive costumes clothes.  

Edited by njbchlover
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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

My hypothesis is that with this tidbit of info is something they consider scandalous, because, Denise acted all moral like when she asked the ladies to keep their sex talk away from ear shot of her daughters.  So.....this means that Denise has no right to tell them how to talk around her daughters. This makes her wrong and them right.  lol  So bizarre.  

It’s almost like “we’ll show YOU who is slutty mcslutsville” fucking asinine. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Sutton brings boots, really heavy boots for the ladies...I would not be thrilled to have to pack them for the flight home.  Those women are not going to wear wellies if it rains, they would clash with their Dior!

Sutton should’ve slapped a Chanel logo on the boots, then these   brainless lemmings would have salivated all over them.

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6 hours ago, njbchlover said:

It wouldn't surprise me - I've also cried because of that. 

Sutton is at "that age" when menopause/perimenopause starts to do weird things to your body.  You may be the same weight you always were, but somehow, things sort of shift....you're heavier in areas where you never had a problem before or your carrying your weight differently.  

I thought it was brave of her to discuss this at dinner with all these vain women who are all going to face this same challenge soon!!  


5 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I just don't like Sutton. All she has to share is her wealth - no storyline, no actual taste, nothing - so don't bleat when someone wants to talk about it. That's all you're bringing to the table. Dorit is right - she's buying her way in. And I'm against that the same way I'm against someone like Brandi coming with bombshell bullshit to put themselves back on camera. 

Without Garcelle, this season would be unwatchable. But she's not even around enough. Her statement that Rinna's IG is bad for a kid with body issues was perhaps the most astute statement made on reality TV this whole year.

And fucking Rinner, you HATED Brandi Glanville a few years ago. Wake up! You're selling out your good friend for a viper. Who could take you seriously?? I once defended your glass breaking because I felt Brandi and Kim had it coming, but now I feel like a fucking fool. That glass break was a story arc - nothing to do with Harry Hamlin or your ardent need to defend your man. UGH. 

This is the same BS as last year with LVP - an orchestrated pile-on they think will entertain viewers. It failed last year and it's just as boring in Rona times. Please give me more Rome and not from a designer shop - for chrissakes I can walk across the street to the Forum Shoppes at Caesars here in Vegas and buy D&G if I feel like it. How bout the Forum, the Colosseum, a fucking walk along a river?? THE VATICAN. Step it up and stop playing like rubes.

I’m with Garcelle - where does Sutton get her money??  Spending $2k or even $8k like Kyle at a boutique of that caliber doesn’t get you a personal invite from Domenico (was it Dolce or Gabbana?) and a private salon to do your shopping. Sutton’s AmEx  bill probably makes Dorit’s (supposed) $30k look like an amateur. 

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28 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:


4. And finally, how does the Denise/Brandi relationship affect these women’s lives? Seriously, these women suck.

One more thing, I’ve had my share of bad friends in my life, but Lisa Rinna blows them all away.

Lisa Rinna seems like someone that knows a ton of people, but doesn't really have any friends. I think her relationships are pretty shallow, which is typical of histronics. 


patients often dress and act in inappropriately seductive and provocative ways. They want to impress others with their appearance and so are often preoccupied with how they look.

Expression of emotion may be shallow (turned off and on too quickly) and exaggerated. They speak dramatically, expressing strong opinions, but with few facts or details to support their opinions.

Patients with histrionic personality disorder are easily influenced by others and by current trends. They tend to be too trusting, especially of authority figures who, they think, may be able to solve all their problems. They often think relationships are closer than they are. They crave novelty and tend to bore easily. Thus, they may change jobs and friends frequently. Delayed gratification is very frustrating to them, so their actions are often motivated by obtaining immediate satisfaction.

Achieving emotional or sexual intimacy may be difficult. Patients may, often without being aware of it, play a role (eg, victim). They may try to control their partner using seductiveness or emotional manipulations while becoming very dependent on the partner.

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Why can't you order sushi in Rome? It was on the menu, so clearly Kyle isn't the only person who would do it.

You can do whatever you like.  If I were to go to Rome for only a few days, I would be ordering Italian food.  Or, "Food" as it's known there.

I come from a city with a huge Asian population.  I think our sushi is pretty okay here.  I don't think Italy is known for the same.  I have never had the pleasure of going to Italy.  To me, it would be a dream, a fantasy.  So for Kyle to go there and order sushi, well I personally can't get over it.  It doesn't make sense to me.  YMMV.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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