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40 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

Darcey's daughters, I was amazed by how much they seem to love, admire and respect their mother, as well as how they seemingly want to protect her. 

I think it says a LOT about her as a mom that this comes across so well....I too find it sad that she has chosen to put her insecurities on display for the world to see. It is easy for outsiders though to sit back and say, "you should just be happy with your amazing life you have and focus on those two beautiful daughters." It isn't a bad thing for her to want to find a soulmate and be married----what I find sad is how she seems to have no self worth beyond how much bling she can pile on and how "hot" her man is (in quotes because I personally have not been attracted to any of them, least of all georgi). 


28 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

I can't exactly put my finger on why, but my gut is telling me that he's not in it with her for honorable reasons

For me it was the sudden proposal, honestly. As messed up as Tom and Jesse were, at least she knew them or had been talking to them for a while. I think she said she met Georgi at some publicity event in Miami? Guessing related to the show or somehow H11---when someone is professing undying love and talking marriage within days of meeting or weeks, THAT is a huge red flag. And surprise surprise he no longer wants to work as a massage therapist. Um, ok so what exactly are you trained to do?? 

Also, guessing Georgi's sock money was pilfered out of Darcey's purse when she passes out wine drunk....cause how is a massage therapist raking in cash during Covid? I think Stacey and the crew knew that too (that it was her own money he was hiding from her) and that was part of the discomfort. It is true, good idea to have some cash on hand. 

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23 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

It was on TLC and I think it Is OnDemand.   Join the party @bichonblitz !

It IS on OnDemand.  That's how I watched it last night.  I think it airs on Monday nights, though.  I've been checking in OnDemand almost every day for the past two weeks, because somehow I had found the wrong season 2 airing date online and so I started checking for this sh** show for more than 2 weeks now and was SO HAPPY to have finally found it available yesterday in OnDemand.

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21 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I was born in the United States (I am an AMURRICAN!) and i keep $100 in a zipped compartment in my purse.  Especially when traveling.  I do not like surprises.

I too am an Amurrican, and I always keep a $100 bill tucked inside the zippered section of my wallet, "in case of emergency", as well as a money pouch at home filled with at least $1,000 to $2,000.  My husband not only knows about it, but also where it's stashed so that he too, in case of emergency, can have access to it.  Sometimes you just need cash on hand for things.  I love to do garage sales, so part of the stash is my garage sale monies (needless to say for garage sale purpose the bill sizes I only bring with me are singles and fives, so the stash at home is fairly thick, LOL, though it mostly is comprised of 100s).

The only condemnation I have about Georgi's monetary stash is that it was hidden without Darcey's knowledge.  That does seem devious to me.  Something similar in my past with an ex-fiancee happened.  I had added that fiancee to all of my credit cards and bank accounts, and was the primary breadwinner, not only housing him but paying for his clothes, and sometimes even his child support for his 10-year-old daughter who lived with his ex.  I didn't mind about the daughter because I loved her as if she was my own, and she was always likewise demonstrative in her love for me whenever we were together, calling me "Mommy", which meant everything to me.  Well anyway, one day after opening a bank envelope that had arrived in the mail, I noticed that the name on the account was only my ex-fiancee's, and it didn't show our joint back account names.  That's when I realized that this wasn't OUR account but HIS only, and that at some point he had gone behind my back and opened up an account and deposited quite a decent sum of money into it, and mind you, he was not working at the time.  As it turns out his mother was sending him money.  Needless to say, I totally lost my sh** over that duplicitousness, and that was the demise of our three-year relationship.  That was not the only reason I broke up with him, but it was definitely the straw that broke this camel's back.  He was a lead singer musician, and I'd already put up with enough of the crap that goes along with being in a dysfunctional relationship with a musician - the drug use, other women, barely making enough money to survive.  I was D-O-N-E by that fiasco.

Which brings me to saying that Darcey, who seems to be very generous and a giver, has totally been very good to Georgi, so for him to have a hidden stash of cash, I can't possibly imagine what reason he would have that on hand and secreted to boot from Darcey.  Any normal person, if it's to pay credit card bills, would have the cash in a bank account.

And another BS thing that he's doing is maintaining his other apartment in Washington while he's in Connecticut and living off of Darcey.  His saying something about because he's going through a divorce he needs to be a resident is utter BS.  People move all the time during and after their divorces.  There's no requirement that I've ever heard of about having to physically remain in the city/state where the divorce was filed.

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5 hours ago, essexjan said:

I confess that when the "48 Hours After The Engagement" caption came up, I fist-pumped and hissed "Yesssss!" with glee.

Trainwreck TV at its finest. I have to stream this via various portals, so I didn't get the season preview, but I'm looking forward to Jesse's appearance. Also, did anyone else pick up on Georgi referring to him and Darcey as "twin flames" during one of their THs? I swear he was trolling her.

Ditto about the "48 Hours After The Engagement" caption.  48 hours after having just become engaged, one should still be basking in the after-glow of it, especially if that someone is Darcey, who has been on a how many years mission to become engaged just like her sister Stacey has been with Florian.  Which just goes to prove that even if Jesse had given her an engagement ring instead of a "promise" ring, or if Tom had given her an engagement ring instead of a house key, that she STILL WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN SATISFIED OR CONFIDENT in her relationships with them, because she's a never-ending suck of life in every room she's in.  And I mean that in the nicest way, because I do actually like her.  It's just that that is a fact of life in her world, that she cannot be happy for any prolonged amount of time in any relationship that we've seen her in.

Yes, I too heard Georgi say something to Darcey about their "twinning" (I'm unsure of what word or phrase he used).  It sounded to me like he was a** kissing her when he said that. What does trolling her mean?

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37 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

Such a brilliant analogy.  It's totally an SNL skit.  If anyone here also watches the other 90 Day shows, SNL and Will Ferrell actually DID do a skit about Caesar and his being stood up in Mexico by his non-existent Ukrainian girlfriend.

It would be so awesome if SNL would really do a skit about these two hobbits.  That would give me life!

I'm thankful for D&S's sake that Amy Schumer is no longer doing her sketch show, because can you imagine how she'd destroy them? (That said, I adore Amy Schumer, I think she's funny as hell, but I definitely wouldn't want to be one of her targets.)

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On 7/20/2021 at 10:04 AM, Real Housewife LI said:

Did anyone see Darcy Instagram post today....she has a new face and she should get a refund

Yes, she is looking like Chrissy Teigen with those over plumped cheekbones which is not a good thing. 

Do Darcey and Stacey's parents realize how insane their daughters are? 

On 7/20/2021 at 2:13 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

It was on TLC and I think it Is OnDemand.   Join the party @bichonblitz !

I found it, watched this first ep and set it up to record weekly. Thank you!


Edited by bichonblitz
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16 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:


Yes, I too heard Georgi say something to Darcey about their "twinning" (I'm unsure of what word or phrase he used).  It sounded to me like he was a** kissing her when he said that. What does trolling her mean?

Darcey and Jesse used to tag all their Instagram photos as 'Twin Flame', as if their love was a burning twin flame. Georgi definitely used that phrase in his TH. Trolling is where someone is deliberately baiting someone but trying to look as if they're not, usually on social media but it can be f2f too.

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46 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

I think it says a LOT about her as a mom that this comes across so well....I too find it sad that she has chosen to put her insecurities on display for the world to see. It is easy for outsiders though to sit back and say, "you should just be happy with your amazing life you have and focus on those two beautiful daughters." It isn't a bad thing for her to want to find a soulmate and be married----what I find sad is how she seems to have no self worth beyond how much bling she can pile on and how "hot" her man is (in quotes because I personally have not been attracted to any of them, least of all georgi). 


For me it was the sudden proposal, honestly. As messed up as Tom and Jesse were, at least she knew them or had been talking to them for a while. I think she said she met Georgi at some publicity event in Miami? Guessing related to the show or somehow H11---when someone is professing undying love and talking marriage within days of meeting or weeks, THAT is a huge red flag. And surprise surprise he no longer wants to work as a massage therapist. Um, ok so what exactly are you trained to do?? 

Also, guessing Georgi's sock money was pilfered out of Darcey's purse when she passes out wine drunk....cause how is a massage therapist raking in cash during Covid? I think Stacey and the crew knew that too (that it was her own money he was hiding from her) and that was part of the discomfort. It is true, good idea to have some cash on hand. 

So astute of you.  To Tom and Jesse's credit, not only had she been talking to them for quite a while, but also when each respectively gave her a gift, be it the promise ring from Jesse or Tom's house key, they were being honest and did not disingenuously propose to her just for the sake of proposing on the show.  Each demonstrated that they cared about her enough to want her to have those tokens of affection from them without caving in to her relentless and always less-than-subtle hints and intimations about engagement/marriage.  Georgi's proposal on that boat was definitely too premature and pat for purposes of satisfying her while the show was being filmed.

It never even occurred to me that he may have been pilfering cash from Darcey's purses while living with her.  You just set off a light bulb in my head about why then he's hiding it from her, because he knows that she will wonder where that money is coming from if he has not been working all during COVID times and living off of her.  If Stacey does suspect, as you do, that is the case, I would hope that as her sister she would mention it to Darcey as a possibility, even though she must know that Darcey will "go off on her" if she does so.  But it would be the proper sister/twin thing to do, to open Darcey's eyes as fully as possible to any and all potential negatives and detriments concerning Georgi BEFORE she marries him, IF she ever does marry him.

The fact that he supposedly never wants to discuss anything from his past is also a HUGE red flag.  What is he hiding? 

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6 minutes ago, essexjan said:

Darcey and Jesse used to tag all their Instagram photos as 'Twin Flame', as if their love was a burning twin flame. Georgi definitely used that phrase in his TH. Trolling is where someone is deliberately baiting someone but trying to look as if they're not, usually on social media but it can be f2f too.

Thank you, Essexjan!  I previously only knew trolls were those people that like to be disruptive and argumentative in online forums.  I never associated that term with someone who's supposed to be in your corner/on your side, in love with you as Georgi is "supposed" to be with Darcey.

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The House of 11 website has had a CZ ring called “Darcey’s Engagement Ring” for a while. It looks nothing like the brief glimpse of the ring that she showed her mother. I have noticed both twins prominently wearing a disk necklace in scenes this season. I believe it is this one and it can be yours, too, for only $35. My point is, the twins don’t seem to be concerned about wearing “fine” jewelry and prefer what they wear (and try to sell) to be big and bling-y rather than authentic. Their diamonds and gold are as fake as their hair, nails, teeth and boobs. 


Edited by magemaud
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1 hour ago, Xebug67 said:

I can't possibly imagine what reason he would have that on hand and secreted to boot from Darcey. 

Yes...why hide it? I  mean, let her know, I have this secret stash in case we need to pay cash or whatever.....or hey babe these are leftover tips from when I was actually working as a massage therapist. $1400 is not nothing....

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2 hours ago, Gobi said:

your description of them as hobbits is spot on! That explains why they’re obsessed with getting a ring.

And it must kill Darcy that Stacey GOT her ring and actually tied the knot.....

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2 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

When Darcey is showing off her engagement ring, though I've yet to see a close-up view of it, all I can think of is how an immigrant who is working as a massage therapist can afford a seemingly fancy engagement ring, which is what leads me to believe that it's fake, fake, fake.

I do believe it comes straight from the House of 11 website for $49...The ring is actually called "Darcey's Engagement Ring" 😂 (Probably where the "appreciation ring" Jesse gave her came from as well). 



Edited by Persnickety1
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5 minutes ago, magemaud said:

^That's the ring I was referring to, but I think the one that she showed her mother from Georgi was a "halo" style ring with small stones surrounding a larger center stone. 

Oh, I'll have to watch it again and get a better look.  Maybe it's the "Stacey's Engagement Ring" or the "Square Engagement Ring by the Silva Twins"  🤔

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Found this info from last October about the ring (BTW, The Promise Ring is no longer on the Hof11 website which really makes me suspicious)

"When Silva began to show off her ring, fans were quick to notice that it was identical to one on her and her sister’s online store, House of Eleven, called The Promise Ring. The cubic zirconia ring is selling for just $70.

Rusev told People that it was really hard to find a ring for Silva. So, did he give up and just buy a ring from her site? Are they using the ring as a stand-in until they find a permanent one or is Silva using her engagement as a way to promote her products?

Neither Silva nor Rusev has commented on where the ring came from."

photo of Darcey's ring and Hof11 ring (although the mounting of the ring she's wearing appears to be round instead of square) image.thumb.png.69c9096c7f04f02e1764c787ccbacb53.png

Edited by magemaud
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On 7/20/2021 at 8:11 AM, magemaud said:

Neither one of them has the brains to figure out how to set the time 

Ok, I'm showing my age again after my previous UniBomber comment, but... like the VCR clocks! It use to drive me nuts when people had the clocks blinking on their VCR's. I would say "set you clock!", they'd say "We can't figure out how to set it", "Give me your remote, I'll set it for you", impressed a lot of people with that knowledge! 

Why was it a big deal Georgie had a $1800.00 stuffed in a sock? I have more than that in all of my piggy banks.  Their friend said "ohhh! That's a red flag". Does he have a full accounting of all of Darcy's finances? 

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48 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Found this info from last October about the ring (BTW, The Promise Ring is no longer on the Hof11 website which really makes me suspicious)

"When Silva began to show off her ring, fans were quick to notice that it was identical to one on her and her sister’s online store, House of Eleven, called The Promise Ring. The cubic zirconia ring is selling for just $70.

Rusev told People that it was really hard to find a ring for Silva. So, did he give up and just buy a ring from her site? Are they using the ring as a stand-in until they find a permanent one or is Silva using her engagement as a way to promote her products?

Neither Silva nor Rusev has commented on where the ring came from."

photo of Darcey's ring and Hof11 ring: image.thumb.png.69c9096c7f04f02e1764c787ccbacb53.png

$70!?!?! That's too much to pay for that fake glass diamond set in stainless steel.  I guess Darcey is okay with the cheap, fake ring, everything on her is fake, hair, lips, teeth, boobs, tans, etc...

Will we see an engagement party?

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6 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Will we see an engagement party?

only if there's some manufactured drama like Georgi's ex shows up with his baby, they have a huge fight or he's a no-show for the party. Cue Darcey's ugly crying! 

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4 hours ago, magemaud said:

No doubt he will also be reaching out to famewhore Tom at some time this season. 

I had the same thought, but I didn't want to actually put it out in the universe!

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12 minutes ago, TazDevil said:
4 hours ago, magemaud said:

No doubt he will also be reaching out to famewhore Tom at some time this season. 

I had the same thought, but I didn't want to actually put it out in the universe!

Sadly, it's inevitable. 

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

If Darcey confronts Georgi about the sock money, he should say that's what he was saving for her ring. 

I don't think he's bright enough to think on his feet in such a manner 😂

None of these people seem to be the brightest bulbs in the proverbial chandelier (which is another reason I find it so entertaining).

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I did find it humorous when darcey was tugging at her daughters hemline because her dress was short. 

This from the woman who dresses where you are always worried about her having a nip slip or accidental cooch shot!

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I am watching the season one recap and I forgot what comedy gold this show is:

-Stacey almost falling in heels

-Red-faced Darcey sitting in a too-hot tub

-Florians side-piece

the Bulgarian rose oil 

the terrible looking massage that Darcey said felt like Magic

-the House of Eleven revival attempt.

Georgi laughing when Darcey storms off while accusing him of having a child with fire emoji girl

This is glorious and I am here for it!

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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I thought of Darcey today when I saw an ad in my local paper for a jeweler who sells CZ and colored metal replicas of his wedding jewelry line to wear while traveling. Um, can't I just leave the good stuff home? 

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On 7/21/2021 at 3:15 PM, Stuckathome said:

Yes...why hide it? I  mean, let her know, I have this secret stash in case we need to pay cash or whatever.....or hey babe these are leftover tips from when I was actually working as a massage therapist. $1400 is not nothing....

I think the point is that Darcey has been paying for everything, he has not offered up any money towards rent, food, gas, fake engagement rings, etc...and my bet is that the money she found might be her change from a supermarket runs or other money she has given him for various things that he should have paid for in cash but opted to run up his credit card bill but I am only speculating.  Also, I do not believe the situation is real and if so Georgi will tell her he was saving up for their honeymoon or some such bull shit love bombing crap, she will then proudly tell everyone how wonderful Georgi is for wanting to surprise her.

What Georgi really should have is a "go bag."

Where ever the money came from does not matter, a slush fund is not a big deal, every one has one, my husband and I have individual slush funds, I use mine for horse back riding lessons, new riding pants, new paddock boots, travel, lunch out with the girls, and he uses his for buying me things, lol...we never ask how much each other has.

The problem is with Darcey, she creates these trust issues because of some insecurities that cannot be fixed by a surgeon but will not go to therapy because that is not an instant fix and she needs instant gratification, constantly.  


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On 7/20/2021 at 12:26 AM, LEILANI2 said:

The was so much cringe I couldn't make it through after 5 minutes. Might wait and binge this should I one day run out of things to watch.

I decided just to watch it via Pillow Talk. 

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I do not want to see anyone popping anyone’s pimples.  Not even Dr Pimple Popper.  🤢 

I will add that I know several married guys that stashed away money in their sock drawer.  My brother-in-law always did it and then would surprise my sister with a ring or something.  Of course the guys I’m speaking of were working.

The twins are 46, any talk of having a child has to be b/s!  Unless they have eggs on ice I can’t see this happening.  

Edited by Emmeline
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I snarked hard on DArcey and her daughters but I am being swayed by the daughters common sense and their love and concern for their mother.  I don’t think she is a bad person, just a person with many issues. I am living for Florian not wanting to be sneetchy 



Edited by sainte-chapelle
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I laughed at the smudging of the previously used hair extensions. Ladies, they were washed and sanitized. And why are you buying formerly owned ones?

Why did they both move in to the same apartment complex?

Is Georgi sponging off Darcey, is she willingly paying his way? He may want to keep his DC place for a few months. Nothing wrong with that or the cash he is keeping. If he is stealing from Darcey, there is an issue.

Darcey’s kids were cute. And smart.

Stacey, it is not easy having a kid at 46. Florian doesn’t deserve one just because he is married to you. You may have to pay for expensive treatments. Do you have that kind of cash? Florian isn’t a great model either. And we don’t need to see his back pimples.

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I don’t get Florian and his God argument. No IVF….ok in that vain I guess no cancer treatment or even man made cold medicine either. Florian would change his mind right quick if it was a choice of living or dying.  This is using God as an excuse to not permit women to have control over their fertility…heavy for this forum but true IMO.

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25 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I don’t get Florian and his God argument. No IVF….ok in that vain I guess no cancer treatment or even man made cold medicine either. Florian would change his mind right quick if it was a choice of living or dying.  This is using God as an excuse to not permit women to have control over their fertility…heavy for this forum but true IMO.

He doesn’t want kids and he knows that without medical intervention it won’t happen.  If he is so religious he wouldn’t have been in bed with that other woman.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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3 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

He doesn’t want kids and he knows that without medical intervention it won’t happen.  If he is so religious hw wouldn’t have been in bed with that other woman.

Oh 100% ….Lord Jesus is an excuse….let him pray that the confessional rules hold and the priest is no sneetchy

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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So the parents divorced when the twits were around 12yrs old? Interesting. (Forgive me if this fact was already known as I'm a little late to the Darcey shitshow & still catching up). 

We wondered why both Darcey & Stacey seem to have the mental maturity of a 13yr old girl, reaching for the stars, chasing their dreams & obsessed w/romance novel type worldwind romances. Mentally they're still in middle school. Actually, Darcey makes middle schoolers look mature by comparison.


Edited by lulu69
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8 minutes ago, lulu69 said:

So the parents divorced when the twits were around 12yrs old? Interesting. (Forgive me if this fact was already known as I am a little late to the Darcey shitshow & am still catching up). 

We wondered why both Darcey & Stacey seem to have the mental maturity of a 13yr old girl, reaching for the stars, chasing their dreams & obsessed w/romance novel type worldwind romances. Mentally they're still in middle school. Actually, Darcey makes middle schoolers look mature by comparison.


I think they were fairly young when their brother died as well.  Lots of family trauma.  Then they both got married around the same time and both got divorced around the same time.

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

I laughed at the smudging of the previously used hair extensions. Ladies, they were washed and sanitized. And why are you buying formerly owned ones?




I don't think they bought used but they were once on someone's head because it's real hair. So I guess you could believe the hair might still have energy from the host.


Not a spoiler but read further at your peril:

The smudging might actually be good idea. (evil smile here) It reminded me of an episode of something that I can't remember where people were getting a very unusual infestation on their heads. It was discovered that the wigs they were wearing had hair sourced from cadavers. 


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I still think it is totally wrong that once again, Darcey chooses a man over her delightful and beautiful daughters. She dumped them to live with dad while she goes off to live with Georgi, whom I find completely unattractive. It breaks my heart for her girls who clearly love her. Even their natural hair was fried, if they weren't so vain, get a short cut and let it grow in. They both need some good therapy, especially Darcey. Pretty pathetic that daddy has to confront Georgi, FFS Darcey you are 46 years old  

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

She dumped them to live with dad while she goes off to live with Georgi,

Yes....or she left them with her father to care for while she earns those TLC $$$$ for all this fakery BS. So, it is sort of like she left them with family while she went off to work for a bit, like Jovi in HEA hahaha

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13 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

He doesn’t want kids and he knows that without medical intervention it won’t happen.  If he is so religious he wouldn’t have been in bed with that other woman.

If he was so religious he would have not had sex with Stacey prior to marriage.

Has even been to church since he arrived in the US?

14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

And we don’t need to see his back pimples.

I want to call Florian and Georgi back pimples.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
typing faster than my brain
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What's bugging me is that they are all on Georgie's ass but all is forgiven with Florian for cheating and having a video of him doing some chick. That's all good now but Georgie's sock money is outrageously offensive. Granted Georgies no prize but I haven't seen evidence that he is so sketchy, either). If the guy only has $1,400 to his name then he should hold on to it especially since he's involved with a nutcase like Darcey. He never knows when that relationship is going to go up in flames and will need money to get back to DC. So, for now I'm team Georgie.

Also, what is Florian doing for income? Surely he's not getting paid for his modeling photo's, right? Again, he gets a pass.  

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