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"The View": Week of 7/13/2020

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3 hours ago, falltime said:

Dr. Fauci posed for a magazine like someone in a Brad Pitt movie.

Considering Brad Pitt played Fauci on SNL, I'd be lounging poolside like that too! 

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I'll have friendly debates with people I'm comfortable with. It's a great way to learn other views. If I notice someone gets worked up easily, I tread softly, and perhaps limit discussions to topics that won't get political. I think it's great to find common ground, but I don't enjoy yelling and fighting. If someone talked down to me, always snappy, constantly rolled her eyes, no way would we be friends. I like good old-fashioned kindness and manners. Any coworker who is rude and obnoxious will never be anything more than a coworker to me. 

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Joy was a teacher and a stand up comic.  She can handle childish behavior and rude comments.

When Meghan has been getting snippy with her this week (and let's be clear it is Meghan who is snippy not Joy) she has been laughing.  I think Meghan wants to provoke Joy into an argument (a la Rosie/Elisabeth) and have it go viral.  Then Meghan can be the poor little pregnant victim. Just as Elisabeth was.  Joy is too smart to fall for that.



Edited by blondiec0332
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Dr. Fauci can make recommendations, but he can't mandate. Guess who can, Meg? That whole conversation was stupid. Ben must get tired from standing there for 60 minutes, holding cue cards.

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On Tuesday's show, while "introducing/stumbling over" a topic, Miss Whoopi pronounces the CA gov's last name as "Newscom".  Really???? Not only has he been a freaking guest on the show, he is at this point almost a household word. Heavy is the head who wears the crown (which thankfully she has ditched).

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14 minutes ago, pachebo said:

On Tuesday's show, while "introducing/stumbling over" a topic, Miss Whoopi pronounces the CA gov's last name as "Newscom".  Really???? Not only has he been a freaking guest on the show, he is at this point almost a household word. Heavy is the head who wears the crown (which thankfully she has ditched).

yeah, the crown is gone and instead we get the ugly little glasses

and what the hell happened with Sunny's makeup - I usually think she looks lovely but this was distractingly awful

maybe her buddy Megzy could give her some pointers

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2 hours ago, lusinia said:

"This huge story my friend Bari Weiss quitting the New York Times".  Meghan, honey, this is nowhere near a "huge story".  It's way, way, way, way, way down the list.  Besides, I doubt most people in the country even know who she is.

Bari Weiss was trending on Twitter, so to MeAgain, that makes it a huge story.  But you're right, no one knows who she is, and her resignation letter is her attempt to make herself more important than she actually is.

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12 hours ago, UpTooLate said:

I've been having a few political "discussions" with one of my uncles whose politics confound and frustrate me. I've held back, but I tell him when I think he's wrong, and he tries to provoke me into swinging back. We always end each conversation by telling each other we love each other, because we do.

So I think of this dynamic when I watch Meghan and Joy. Meghan, as the younger combatant, is far nastier to Joy than I am to my uncle. But afterwards, they kiss and make up on Twitter.

I would NOT put up with anyone speaking to me the way Meghan speaks to Joy. But I can understand a battle of opposing viewpoints. Neither of them will change the other's mind, but it's kind of fun to play. And I do think, after tempers have cooled, they respect one another, at least a little.

When Meghan pissed off Sunny last season, and Sunny gave her the cold shoulder for MONTHS, that was entertaining, but you could tell it was uncomfortable for Meghan. She doesn't have that "I will freeze you forever" relationship with Joy, who gives back as well as anyone.

Megan really likes Joy but she has to hate her cause of her team.  I remember 2 years ago, the ladies went out to lunch minus Whoopie and they all took a picture with Joy outside of the restaurant and Megan was draped all over Joy with a smile on her face..  You don't do that to someone you hate.  Joy is a saint to put up with Megan's nastiness. Megan does not know how to disagree respectfully with people who do not see her perspective, look at how she treated Abby, Elizabeth, Tara Setmayer and Anna who are all conservative women like her. 

Edited by Pearson80
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*I didn't get to see all of the show today, I know it was probably taped yesterday because of the news conference topic (yesterday's conference was even more bizarre!) were based on what "the guy in the White House" (TM Whoopie) said on Wednesday.  It's just difficult to watch MM trying to sound informed/aware/smart.  

*I had to have a phone appointment with my doctor.  I am currently taking care of someone who tested positive.  I wanted info from my doctor about possible testing, any new precautions, and progress of the disease in my person.

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3 hours ago, lusinia said:

"This huge story my friend Bari Weiss quitting the New York Times".  Meghan, honey, this is nowhere near a "huge story".  It's way, way, way, way, way down the list.  Besides, I doubt most people in the country even know who she is.

I'm glad you cleared that up. I wondered how I missed this "huge story."

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Oh what a past few days to end this awful week of 'The Feud' - I mean, 'The View'.

Random Thoughts:

Note to Joy, the self-proclaimed Atheist on the panel - You said yesterday "I thank God every day for people like Dr. Fauci, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi,..." Why? Why do you thank a God you have no belief in ?  You can say 'I thank my maple tree in my backyard everyday' or 'I thank my gold watch I bought from Nordstroms' and it would have the same meaning.  I just don't get it...and I guess I never will.

Note to Meghan - Bari Weiss is not important to anyone this week, except Bari Weiss (and apparently you). If you're truly best friends with this woman, why don't you invite her on the show, and interview her so you can get the 'scoop' on this non-story ? Please stop shoving this non-issue down the throats of others, since no one gives a shit ! Have her on the show, ask her your questions, treat her to a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, and move on. It's as simple as that.

Note to Sunny -  What in the world are you doing to your face? You look like your doing your makeup in crayons. Earlier this week, there was a woman who owned a company which made cosmetics for darker skinned women like yourself - she was hawking it for 50% off on your show. If you didn't buy it, maybe you should. If you did buy it, maybe you shouldn't have.

Note to Whoopi - Wearing orange eyeglasses that look like you made them from Legos is not your best look at all. I know you want to look as 'hip' and 'anti-establishment' as you thought you did 35 years ago, but you have to draw the line somewhere. This is a good place to start.

Note to the Producers - A whole new season is coming up in September. Can you please ditch the theme song after 6 seasons? "Ima go change the View / World's gone crazy" is tired now. Time for a change - and I'm sure you can find a new song from a new musician at 50% off! Just check out 'View Your Deal'. Time for new opening credits, too. This one is very dated (goes back to Candace and Paula) - and Meghan looks like a moron coming out and flapping her two hands like she's trying to grab someone by their breasts. (I hate to say this, but 'The Talk' always had better opening sequence and a catchier theme song).


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53 minutes ago, pinguina said:

had to have a phone appointment with my doctor.  I am currently taking care of someone who tested positive.  I wanted info from my doctor about possible testing, any new precautions, and progress of the disease in my person.

Stay safe, Ping. Hope your person is ok. 

14 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Note to Joy, the self-proclaimed Atheist

Is she?  I thought she still considers herself a Catholic.  I agree about the theme song. Love Mary J but it’s time for a new one that maybe doesn’t use the word crazy. I think we’re all done with crazy. 

Edited by Haleth
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14 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Note to the Producers - A whole new season is coming up in September. Can you please ditch the theme song after 6 seasons? "Ima go change the View / World's gone crazy" is tired now. Time for a change - and I'm sure you can find a new song from a new musician at 50% off! Just check out 'View Your Deal'. Time for new opening credits, too. This one is very dated (goes back to Candace and Paula) - and Meghan looks like a moron coming out and flapping her two hands like she's trying to grab someone by their breasts. (I hate to say this, but 'The Talk' always had better opening sequence and a catchier theme song).


Hey - How about they use the theme for The Real. I would love to see Meghan dancing her way out to the table (if I have to see her at all).

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15 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Is she?  I thought she still considers herself a Catholic.

I didn't recall Joy ever saying she was an atheist, so I did a google search, and a list comes up of various conservative and/or religious sites that say Joy is an atheist, but Joy herself said on the show in 2018 (during an apology to the vp for that dust-up that happened) that she is a Christian.   

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1 hour ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Note to Meghan - Bari Weiss is not important to anyone this week, except Bari Weiss (and apparently you). If you're truly best friends with this woman, why don't you invite her on the show, and interview her so you can get the 'scoop' on this non-story ? Please stop shoving this non-issue down the throats of others, since no one gives a shit ! Have her on the show, ask her your questions, treat her to a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, and move on. It's as simple as that.

I, for one, would hate this. Meghan is ignorant, but Bari is worst because she makes herself look like a victim while acting pleasant. If she comes to the show, I fear we won't be able to get rid of her.

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4 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

It’s right underneath Costco not selling 1/2 sheet cakes any longer. 

I’m much more upset about the 1/2 sheet cakes.

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7 hours ago, lusinia said:

"This huge story my friend Bari Weiss quitting the New York Times".  Meghan, honey, this is nowhere near a "huge story".  It's way, way, way, way, way down the list.  Besides, I doubt most people in the country even know who she is.

This is the third time Meghan has mentioned this "huge story" this week.  If it is so huge, why is nobody else covering it? Meghan probably has spent all week tweeting and retweeting to make it go viral.

Bill Maher is still on vacation ... Bari should have waited a couple of weeks to resign so she could be on his first show back.  Like Meghan, she seems to think of herself as a kick-ass woman, but they are both thin-skinned snowflakes.

Edited by deirdra
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4 hours ago, fishsanwitt said:

Yes, but why should she have to?

Right, and from a grown woman at that. Meghan’s too old to behave like a toddler, but also much younger than Joy, which makes her rudeness that much more disrespectful imo. 

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14 hours ago, cinsays said:

yeah, the crown is gone...

This week I saw a Facebook post in which the person was talking about coronavirus, but instead of typing out the word, he inserted a crown emoji 👑 in its place.

It got me thinking 🤔, is that what Whoopi was representing with the crown?

As the kids say...Weird flex, but ok.

Edited by Blissfool
corona = crown
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20 minutes ago, UpTooLate said:

I ordered a tiara as my Covid Crazy item.... just because I got a bunch of Facebook ads for crowns. I was bored, and I fell for it. I wear it during Zoom meetings because it's the only time I get prolonged interaction with people during the Safe-At-Home orders. Maybe Whoopi got the same Facebook ads. 😉


Possibly! Lol....

(I guess I should have added that corona is Spanish for crown. I'm bilingual and just assumed everyone else is too.😉)

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The thing I find most infuriating about this show is Whoopi taking up precious time with her incoherent ramblings. Every minute she takes up speaking, Sunny or Joy could have said something consequential to refute Meghan's ridiculous statements. 

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