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S10.E08: Mind Your P's and BBQ's

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46 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

If they had him on the show and someone like Rinna questioned him about that it would be gaslighting. Or asking PK about his many lawsuits. Or Tom Giradi and his multiple lawsuits with creditors. Let’s call them on the carpet and see how articulate they are in explaining away these things.

Instead these things are covered up and unmentionable. Aaron was stupid. He should never have shared his beliefs or business on the show. He needed to remain the supportive spouse in the background and let Denise handle the attacks on her own.

This is not the definition of gaslighting.  Opening his mouth, saying dumb things on camera, and then having Bravo play those dumb things on camera does not fit the definition of "gaslighting."  It's just being stupid.

If Aaron said something on camera, and then Bravo insisted that he never recorded said something and in fact, he's crazy for suggesting he ever said such thing on camera, THAT fits the definition of gaslighting. Gaslighting isn't defined by "illustrating one's looniness by using one's own loony words." It's defined by "making someone feel crazy by making them question their own judgment and sanity." And it's clear that for all of Aaron's looniness, he doesn't think he's crazy. He thinks he's the only sane one. 

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
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39 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

He stole a lot of things.

He stole a bunch of listings and brokers when he left the Hilton real estate agency and set up his own shop.

He stole money from his client when he was part of a group that bought and flipped the property that he was sued and he didn’t disclose he had a major financial interest in it. That is a major ethical lapse.


I feel like his break with Hilton is par for the course of high end real estate.  There is no loyalty because every broker is out for themselves.  And I don't even want to get into the ethical implications of developers and buyers and where their money actually comes from.  Then the property in question was purchased with stolen money before getting seized.  

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I define gaslighting as selective editing and highlighting words or actions that serve to turn the audience against you. The selective editing of the stupid things Aaron says is in contrast to the equally unacceptable behavior of other spouses. They have done this before going all the way back to Paul Nassif in Season One. All of the house husbands say and do remarkably stupid things. By choosing to replay and highlight certain things Bravo is picking winners and losers.

For example you just get a glimpse of Maugreasios bad behavior in being high and ignoring his wife while socializing with young women who work with him. You don’t get to see PK in action anymore because if you did you would see what a lowlife grifter he really is in real life. Tom Giradi’s controlling and overbearing behavior just shows up once a season. Harry Hamlin only makes one cameo appearance a year so he can go off and have sex with bears in Canada.

It looks like the plan is to go after Denise, her husband, her marriage and her children. She is a strong and accomplished woman and she can beat them at their own game while revealing how morally and ethically corrupt Bravo and its minions Vyle, Brandi and Rinna have proven to be time and again.

She just needs to protect her spouse and not bring him to events or limit his exposure to the cameras as if he was Harry Hamlin or Tom Giradi.

That’s how you play the “Game Of Housewives.”

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15 hours ago, Anne Thrax said:

We don't know Mauricio, or have any direct knowledge of his integrity with regard to how he conducts business.  The existence of a legal dispute over a real estate transaction doesn't just automatically equate to shady behavior on Mo's part.  That would be like saying if someone gets arrested by the police or investigated by the FBI they must have committed a crime.  It's simply not so.

I've seen plenty of frivolous/meritless lawsuits come down the pike, and if Mo was that shady his business wouldn't be as big as it is for the years it has been around.  This is not to say people don't lie or make mistakes, but so far Mauricio has managed to settle whatever legal battles he's had with his reputation intact.  That indicates to me that the guy probably conducts his business honorably.


I'm not saying a legal dispute over real estate means Mauricio MUST have been shady. While the allegations were pretty bad, I don't want to believe them and hope we eventually get an explanation. IRC Kyle played it down at the reunion and imo tried to confused viewers by saying Mauricio never made that much money on a sale when that wasn't even the question. Mauricio said he'd explain his side, but I haven't come across anything that explained the pretty damning articles. 

I'm one of the few who doesn't think Mauricio stole Kim's house but has supported her for many years, is a wonderful dad and stepdad, and I don't think he's cheated on Kyle either. Much as Kyle's annoyed me this season, my post wasn't coming from a hater place, just that I don't think you can have the show both ways. If Mauricio rarely appeared and never promoted his company on the show, I'd agree with Kyle that he didn't sign up for the intense scrutiny. But that's not the case. That's all I'm saying and why I think he's not appearing as much this season. 


Edited by RealHousewife
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3 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

I define gaslighting as selective editing and highlighting words or actions that serve to turn the audience against you. The selective editing of the stupid things Aaron says is in contrast to the equally unacceptable behavior of other spouses. They have done this before going all the way back to Paul Nassif in Season One. All of the house husbands say and do remarkably stupid things. By choosing to replay and highlight certain things Bravo is picking winners and losers.

For example you just get a glimpse of Maugreasios bad behavior in being high and ignoring his wife while socializing with young women who work with him. You don’t get to see PK in action anymore because if you did you would see what a lowlife grifter he really is in real life. Tom Giradi’s controlling and overbearing behavior just shows up once a season. Harry Hamlin only makes one cameo appearance a year so he can go off and have sex with bears in Canada.

It looks like the plan is to go after Denise, her husband, her marriage and her children. She is a strong and accomplished woman and she can beat them at their own game while revealing how morally and ethically corrupt Bravo and its minions Vyle, Brandi and Rinna have proven to be time and again.

She just needs to protect her spouse and not bring him to events or limit his exposure to the cameras as if he was Harry Hamlin or Tom Giradi.

That’s how you play the “Game Of Housewives.”

But words have meaning, and you can't just define them the way you want. Gaslighting has a generally accepted meaning and it isn't "selective editing to make someone look bad."  I mean, the term comes from a movie called Gaslight, in which a husband played by Charles Boyer tries to make his wife - played by Ingrid Bergman - believe she's crazy by doing things like turning down the lights, and telling her she's mistaken in her belief that the lights were turned down. 

You can certainly believe that the producers are using selective editing to make Aaron look like an incoherent loon. I would disagree with that but that's a reasonable contention. But Bravo isn't making Aaron think he's crazy - as I noted above, it's clear he doesn't think he's crazy.  And that is what "gaslighting" actually means. 

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
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2 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

You can certainly believe that the producers are using selective editing to make Aaron look like an incoherent loon. I would disagree with that but that's a reasonable contention. But Bravo isn't making Aaron think he's crazy - as I noted above, it's clear he doesn't think he's crazy.  And that is what "gaslighting" actually means. 

They are not trying to make Aaron think he is crazy. The are trying to get the audience to think he is crazy.

Take the Crystals for instance. Is what he is saying out of the mainstream? Sure but millions of people put their beliefs into the spirituality and effectiveness of crystal healing.  They deserve no less deference than other groups with holy plates and magic underwear. Vyle pulled the same crap with Carltons Wiccan lifestyle. Anything beyond their very limited experience is ripe for ridicule. 

Of course when Vyle saw a pentagram she asked if it was a “Jewish Star.” That shows her intellectual depth.

Maybe gaslighting is the wrong term. How about bigotry or intolerance?

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24 minutes ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

Maybe gaslighting is the wrong term. How about bigotry or intolerance?

I think "reality TV" is probably what I'd call it.  Selective editing to create storylines is just what happens on reality TV.  Whether we love or hate someone is based on that.

But I think calling cancer "your best friend" is pretty out there even for those that are "out there." 

1 hour ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

For example you just get a glimpse of Maugreasios bad behavior in being high and ignoring his wife while socializing with young women who work with him. You don’t get to see PK in action anymore because if you did you would see what a lowlife grifter he really is in real life. Tom Giradi’s controlling and overbearing behavior just shows up once a season. Harry Hamlin only makes one cameo appearance a year so he can go off and have sex with bears in Canada.

They can't film what they're not given permission to film.  So if we see less of the other husbands and how they operate, it's probably because they've chosen to film less.  Aaron might make the same choice. 

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2 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

They are not trying to make Aaron think he is crazy. The are trying to get the audience to think he is crazy.

Take the Crystals for instance. Is what he is saying out of the mainstream? Sure but millions of people put their beliefs into the spirituality and effectiveness of crystal healing.  They deserve no less deference than other groups with holy plates and magic underwear. Vyle pulled the same crap with Carltons Wiccan lifestyle. Anything beyond their very limited experience is ripe for ridicule. 

Of course when Vyle saw a pentagram she asked if it was a “Jewish Star.” That shows her intellectual depth.

Maybe gaslighting is the wrong term. How about bigotry or intolerance?

Gaslighting is the wrong term, by definition. In my view, so is bigotry and intolerance.  I don't see Aaron - a conventionally good-looking straight white male - really facing the kind of oppression for his beliefs that would rise to the level of "bigotry" and "intolerance."  Last time I checked, believing "cancer is your friend" and handing out crystals hasn't led to him being beaten, imprisoned, or having his life threatened, so I am going to say that while he may object to the fact that Kyle finds his beliefs quirky, he isn't facing "bigotry or intolerance."

Anyway, he's a condescending asshole who thought that he could talk over a bunch of women and assert his masculinity to get them to shut up.  Denise seems to have a type - it's not my type, but maybe it works for her.  I don't think he's crazy - his beliefs may be loony, because I don't know how to characterize a belief that "cancer is your friend" as anything other than loony - but I don't think he's crazy. I do think he's an asshole, though, and it's too bad he decided to let that be shown on TV. But that's his fault, not Bravo's. 

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
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On 6/3/2020 at 8:22 PM, Neurochick said:

I think Garcelle had it right about Denise, she just wanted to protect her kids from what the adults were saying.  They see it as Denise not being "real" because she talked to them openly about sex, but Denise was talking about children.  I think most people have different conversations with their friends than they have with their minor children.

100% correct , this is such bullshit.. Adult conversations are just that .. for ADULTS ! 

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On 6/3/2020 at 8:41 PM, LibertarianSlut said:

I thought that was a really obnoxious way to open the show—basically to tease us with what’s coming up this hour to induce us to watch.  It’s desperate, like “Coming up on Dance Moms.”

Teddi’s closet looks like shit, I’m sorry.  To have that much space and to just have t-shirts and jeans in messy piles is a shame.  

It was funny to see Lisa try to stir Garcelle up about Denise not saying something to Kyle’s face and almost realizing midstream that Garcelle isn’t a Kyle fan, and Lisa switches right over to talking about Kyle.  The more things, change, the more they stay the same.  

I thought it was obnoxious of Garcelle to throw food repeatedly at a formal event.  If it was supposed to be endearing, it missed the mark.  She is making up for her diminished presence on the season though by bringing us to a black tie dinner and showing us her children and ex-husband more than we see half the husbands on this show.  

I think Kyle and Garcelle might be somewhat similar.  That passive-aggressive dig during her speech was Kyle-esque to me.  It was immature for the audience at large.  I am predicting it now—if Garcelle comes back next season, she and Kyle will be friends.  

If Denise can’t stay for this “shit show” because she is so busy shooting another show, they should dock her pay.  They should have docked Erika’s pay last season, and Garcelle’s and Kyle’s pay for the beginning of this season, and give it to Sutton, who is working overtime.  Same with Rinna filming 24/7 and Teddi doing this at like 11 months pregnant without complaint, because this is their job. 

Oh my God, Garcelle is lecturing Kyle because there was someone in Nashville with whom she connected with better than Kyle???  This is the dumbest argument since “glam.”  She is really just like Kyle.  Reeking of desperation if she senses someone doesn’t approve of her.  And I was so glad Kyle didn’t take the bait, because there was nothing to take.  

Lol at Sutton with the package deal.  I’m really liking her.  

I am just not clear on what Garcelle needs from Kyle ?

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On 6/3/2020 at 9:46 PM, Silver Bells said:

They were pure silk .. probably ten grand.  She had to show them off.

Kyle's outfit looked like some crap from her clothing line..

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A few seasons back they built the entire season around pantygate when Erika went without panties and showed the goods. Then last season it was puppygate. The entire season that's all they talked about and after they succeeded in driving away LVP they continued to go after her. So this year it is pizzapartygate. Don't these women have anything else going on in their lives anything other than discussing what was said at the pizza party?

Threesomes and lesbian talk seemed to get Denise hot under the collar and she is terrified that Aaron is going to drop a bombshell while on camera. If she had any sense she would keep him away from this group because he is a loose cannon. Rinna will continue to pick away and demand that they just get it out in the open so that they can put it to bed. But we all know she means lets keep it going. 

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15 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Mo works in high-end LA real estate.  There is an implicit level of shadiness in his business.  

My mom worked in real estate in OC/Riverside. My mom wasn't slimy - she went into mortgage banking,but I came to the conclusion in my mid teens watching everything that happened that agents were the most dirty low down people I'd met. And 30 years later my opinion hasn't changed. Charming backstabbers 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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On 6/4/2020 at 1:21 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

Rinna’s eye makeup in the white leopard outfit TH is the worst thing I have ever seen on her. It’s like they completely ignored her natural eye contours. She looks deranged.

Omg her eyes look so big lol like a Bratz doll. Luanne and her have similar TH looks,Luanne’s eyes didn’t look like that though haha. 

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14 hours ago, 65mickey said:

A few seasons back they built the entire season around pantygate when Erika went without panties and showed the goods. Then last season it was puppygate. The entire season that's all they talked about and after they succeeded in driving away LVP they continued to go after her. So this year it is pizzapartygate. Don't these women have anything else going on in their lives anything other than discussing what was said at the pizza party?

Threesomes and lesbian talk seemed to get Denise hot under the collar and she is terrified that Aaron is going to drop a bombshell while on camera. If she had any sense she would keep him away from this group because he is a loose cannon. Rinna will continue to pick away and demand that they just get it out in the open so that they can put it to bed. But we all know she means lets keep it going. 

About Aaron .. did he really say to Denise “I’ll break your hand” or something to that affect?  Is that guy nuts or what?  I would fear for my life before he breaks somebodies head.  That guy is a lunatic.  Does he have that much control over her?  Anger issues.  She’ll be divorced in a few years with a guy like that.











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On 6/6/2020 at 11:35 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

Would you walk into a lions den without someone there in your corner tho? every time she has gone around these ladies they have attacked her... I sure has hell would bring someone with me (even for just the moral support) if I knew 5 other ladies were gonna be there and attack me over and over and over and it would just be me alone in that onslaught .... And she is contractually obligated to attend some of these things by Bravo so just skipping it I'm sure she couldn't do

You never win by having your husband defend you. Look at the abuse poor Ken used to take. Even Maugreasio got slapped around when he went after Brandy when she outed Adriennes surrogacy.

These woman have to defend themselves or else leave if beIng n the show isn’t worth it to them.

I still think the best defense is a good offense. She needs to go right at their soft spots. There are plenty of them to exploit.

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6 hours ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

I still think the best defense is a good offense. She needs to go right at their soft spots. There are plenty of them to exploit.

I don't think exploiting soft spots is as easy as it would seem because so many of them share the same ones.  They tend to band together to shout down anyone that tries that.  That is what happened to Camille last year when she brought up Dorit and PK's legal issues.

The good offense that Denise needs is to find a way to divert the anger to someone else in a way that its not obvious that Denise is the one who did it.


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On 6/8/2020 at 9:43 AM, Ohiopirate02 said:

Mo works in high-end LA real estate.  There is an implicit level of shadiness in his business.  

I don't get ya.  What are you basing that statement on? 

Because I know for certain that there are lots of laws and DRE rules in California keeping everything honest and above board.  If some people choose to skirt the rules and make shady deals, it gets around soon enough. 

And here's why:  in real estate transactions, it's not that hard to prove things in a court of law because of the extensive level of documentation involved in the buying, selling and financing of California real estate, high end or not.  And if you get whacked a few times in court for shady dealings, it becomes known.  Something I'm pretty sure Mauricio keeps in mind.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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On 6/8/2020 at 12:18 PM, RealHousewife said:

I'm not saying a legal dispute over real estate means Mauricio MUST have been shady. While the allegations were pretty bad, I don't want to believe them and hope we eventually get an explanation. IRC Kyle played it down at the reunion and imo tried to confused viewers by saying Mauricio never made that much money on a sale when that wasn't even the question. Mauricio said he'd explain his side, but I haven't come across anything that explained the pretty damning articles. 

I'm one of the few who doesn't think Mauricio stole Kim's house but has supported her for many years, is a wonderful dad and stepdad, and I don't think he's cheated on Kyle either. Much as Kyle's annoyed me this season, my post wasn't coming from a hater place, just that I don't think you can have the show both ways. If Mauricio rarely appeared and never promoted his company on the show, I'd agree with Kyle that he didn't sign up for the intense scrutiny. But that's not the case. That's all I'm saying and why I think he's not appearing as much this season. 


I'm confused about what real estate deal you're referring to above.  I've seen almost every episode multiple times and I never heard Mo or Kyle say anything about real estate transactions he was being sued over, much less that an explanation to the viewers would be offered at some point. 

Nevertheless, I made my point and I don't believe Mauricio owes anyone any explanations.  If we're talking lawsuits, he'll have to answer for his conduct in court, and we'll have definitive results in due time.

On 6/8/2020 at 10:30 AM, The Ringo Kidd said:

He stole a lot of things.

He stole a bunch of listings and brokers when he left the Hilton real estate agency and set up his own shop.

He stole money from his client when he was part of a group that bought and flipped the property that he was sued and he didn’t disclose he had a major financial interest in it. That is a major ethical lapse.

If they had him on the show and someone like Rinna questioned him about that it would be gaslighting. Or asking PK about his many lawsuits. Or Tom Giradi and his multiple lawsuits with creditors. Let’s call them on the carpet and see how articulate they are in explaining away these things.

Instead these things are covered up and unmentionable. Aaron was stupid. He should never have shared his beliefs or business on the show. He needed to remain the supportive spouse in the background and let Denise handle the attacks on her own.

Just remember, allegations are NOT proof of anything.

Edited by Anne Thrax
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Talking about gaslighting! There is a lot of gaslighting on this show. We saw it when Lisa Rinna asked Teddi "What would you have done?" When Kyle stormed off. Teddi told her, and then Dorit says, "The world according to Teddi!" and then Lisa Rinna glared at Teddi. LISA RINNA ASKED HER THE QUESTION. They made it seem that Teddi was being an ass for giving her opinion when Lisa Rinna directly asked for it.

That's IMO gaslighting. Making someone feel like the did something wrong when they did exactly what was asked. Or supporting someone's ideas and beliefs, and then, later, admonishing that person for them. That's gaslighting.

I don't think any of these ladies are purposely doing it. They are just screeching here and there for camera time.

I don't think Bravo is gaslighting Aaron, because gaslighting involves direct communication. Bravo may be guilty of making Aaron look stupid via editing.

Kyle MIGHT have been gaslighting Aaron when she said, "OH! Your job is SOO interesting! Tell us about it!" for the sole purpose of rolling the eyes and gossiping about how wacky he was. But that's really more setting someone up-- being a bully, being mean. Kyle purposely asked Aaron to talk about his job, after which most of the table talked about how wonky he was. That was a calculated move via Kyle. But, not sure if it's gaslighting.


Edited by bravofan27
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IMO the gaslighting that is currently going on is how they are all acting like the issues between Denise and them would be solved if Denise would just sit down and discuss them, but since Denise just refuses to do so - 🤷‍♀️

When in reality Denise has done that; they're just mad that she won't agree that she's wrong and they're right

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Just now, princelina said:

IMO the gaslighting that is currently going on is how they are all acting like the issues between Denise and them would be solved if Denise would just sit down and discuss them, but since Denise just refuses to do so - 🤷‍♀️

When in reality Denise has done that; they're just mad that she won't agree that she's wrong and they're right

That’s exactly what they did to LVP last season. They demanded that she say that she was wrong and they were right.

I have already seen this.

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That’s good that Aaron defends Denise. But it was really inappropriate the way he did it and handled the situation imo. Denise and him came in there ready to check them. That’s why she didn’t bring her kids. Aaron talked rudely to the women as if he were like a coach or teacher or something lol. I’m not sure he would have acted that and talked to the women like that if Mauricio was there. I’m still a Teddi and Kyle fan lol. Garcelle seems nice. I wish she were in more scenes. 

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On 6/8/2020 at 3:41 PM, The Ringo Kidd said:

They are not trying to make Aaron think he is crazy. The are trying to get the audience to think he is crazy.

Take the Crystals for instance. Is what he is saying out of the mainstream? Sure but millions of people put their beliefs into the spirituality and effectiveness of crystal healing.  They deserve no less deference than other groups with holy plates and magic underwear. Vyle pulled the same crap with Carltons Wiccan lifestyle. Anything beyond their very limited experience is ripe for ridicule. 

Of course when Vyle saw a pentagram she asked if it was a “Jewish Star.” That shows her intellectual depth.

Maybe gaslighting is the wrong term. How about bigotry or intolerance?

Thank you for posting this. I was thinking just today about Vyle's intolerance and stupidity regarding Carlton after reading about the VPR's firings. I am not saying that Vyle's words rose anywhere near the level of what the Vanderpump fools did, so please everyone spare me any backlash. But, as a Wiccan woman I was very offended by  her. So where does Bravo draw the line. Is it ok to ridicule a religion or one's spiritual beliefs? Would it have been ok if she was spewing her venom about Catholics, Mormons or Jews?

I happen to like Aaron. I may not buy into  all of his beliefs, but who am I to judge? I think he was spot on in pointing out how ridiculous they were all being. Most of these women are so busy defending their words or actions all the time that they don't even consider another viewpoint.

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I find it hard to like a man who is condescending and obnoxious. And after his wife had to drag him away from the table before he said something that she definitely did not want on camera, he said to her " Don't tell me what to say, I'll crush your f...... hand." Nope he is not a nice guy in my opinion.

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9 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Don’t know where to ask this but is there a new episode tonight? 
edited: nope. Dorito and Garcelle are commenting on watching episode 6. 

No new RHBH shows until July 8th. I wonder if they are tryting to stretch out the current shows through the summer as no filming it being done at this time. This situation may spell the end of the reality shows. 

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11 hours ago, ErikaOnline said:

That’s good that Aaron defends Denise. But it was really inappropriate the way he did it and handled the situation imo. Denise and him came in there ready to check them. That’s why she didn’t bring her kids. Aaron talked rudely to the women as if he were like a coach or teacher or something lol. I’m not sure he would have acted that and talked to the women like that if Mauricio was there. I’m still a Teddi and Kyle fan lol. Garcelle seems nice. I wish she were in more scenes. 

Oh, I think she didn't bring the kids to mess with the other women. And I'm 110 percent behind that. The other women told her not to bring the kids around adult situations and those b*tches have shown they don't know how to be kid friendly, so safety and a dig. I'min for that.

And yes, if Aaron came in hot to defend her I'm 100 percrnt behind - the thought of this. It's never worked out well for a husband though. It always backfires. The look creepy or threatening and it always does more harm than good. 

33 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

No new RHBH shows until July 8th. I wonder if they are tryting to stretch out the current shows through the summer as no filming it being done at this time. This situation may spell the end of the reality shows. 

My cynical side wonders if they've caught on that this storyline isnt working and they're re editing the narrative.

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1 hour ago, ShawnaLanne said:

My cynical side wonders if they've caught on that this storyline isnt working and they're re editing the narrative.

That would not surprise me one bit.  I have no desire to see some of what was shown in the second half preview, and I know I am not alone in this.  

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I know this is a little late now that we are on to "gaslighting"

Mansplaining - when my husband tries to explain to me how I am sweeping the floor the wrong way. "What's wrong with that?" You might say...but I am a 40 years hairdresser ...I may actually qualify as a professional floor sweaper..lol ...men!


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Argh no new episodes until July?!!!  Cue tears.  I need my junk TV to mentally survive during the pandemic... 

Aaron - I think he's hot.  And I think the "hand crushing" thing was that he was so mad, he was holding on to Denise's hand really hard, and he wanted her to let go, so that he wouldn't inadvertently hurt her hand.  Not that he was crushing her hand on purpose.


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He was saying it through clinched teeth. He was pissed at her. He appeared to want to stay at the table and continue to argue and have his point of view taken seriously and no one was paying him any attention except to think OK keep making a fool of yourself. Denise was dragging him away. He could no longer pontificate and act all important and he didn't like that one little bit.  I have had many an argument with my husband and never once did her threaten to physically harm me.  

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I think Aaron was a little high and felt he needed to tell the ladies how they should be acting when they got into an argument.  Kyle and a couple of the others were 'following the script' and in my opinion were looking at him like,'' Dummy, would you shut up and let us get on with the show?" He's too dumb to realize it really IS just a show.  They couldn't care less about each other in real life, probably.  But there has to be a show so they can make money.  And just sitting there calmly chatting for 40 minutes in a backyard would be dull for viewers.  Denise should have left him home with the other kids while she went to work.

I NEED my reality tv shows!  If this is signaling an end to them I'll be crushed.  😞 

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On 6/8/2020 at 1:49 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

This is not the definition of gaslighting.  Opening his mouth, saying dumb things on camera, and then having Bravo play those dumb things on camera does not fit the definition of "gaslighting."  It's just being stupid.

If Aaron said something on camera, and then Bravo insisted that he never recorded said something and in fact, he's crazy for suggesting he ever said such thing on camera, THAT fits the definition of gaslighting. Gaslighting isn't defined by "illustrating one's looniness by using one's own loony words." It's defined by "making someone feel crazy by making them question their own judgment and sanity." And it's clear that for all of Aaron's looniness, he doesn't think he's crazy. He thinks he's the only sane one. 

Bingo.  People are using gaslighting incorrectly these days.

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On 6/3/2020 at 9:22 PM, Neurochick said:

I think Garcelle had it right about Denise, she just wanted to protect her kids from what the adults were saying.  They see it as Denise not being "real" because she talked to them openly about sex, but Denise was talking about children.  I think most people have different conversations with their friends than they have with their minor children.

It's so ridiculous. I have some well, vulgar friends.  I would not be upset at them if I were being bawdy within earshot of the kids and they asked me to cool it.  

This whole storyline is stupiid. I  think the only reason it's a storyline right now is there is no storyline other than Kyle's horrible bangs and her terrible taste in clothing.

I'm just disappointed that Denise apparently also has terrible taste in women if she was with Brandi.  

Aaron gets dumber and more strange every time he opens his mouth.  They'll be divorced in 2 years.   

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On 6/3/2020 at 10:47 PM, Callaphera said:

Nah, those were from the clothing line that Kyle personally designed and sweated and slaved over took pictures of random things that "inspired her" and emailed them to the actual designer who slapped Kyle's name on the brand for (hopefully) a little more recognition and some play in the press.

She has the WORST taste ever.  The hair is too dark, too long, the bangs are awful  but the atrocities she wears.  Who told this woman she should have a fashion line?  Or be involved in a 67660702be1e555213b00e216dd8499c0c-Getty

It's either a really loud frumpy print pajama looking thing or a super tight bandage dress that highlights her stumpiness.

If she had someone cut her hair, stop dying it jet black, and wear figure flattering clothing, she would look gorgeous.

Meanwhile, you know that husband Fabio (yes I know that's not his name) probably has a couple of side chicks.   

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On 6/4/2020 at 12:47 PM, Mar said:

😂😂 with half of her butt cheeks hanging out in her CHANEL 🙄🙄 outfit

Her body is INSANE.  Best body out of all franchises.   She can't be long with her grifter husband right?

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On 6/4/2020 at 3:55 PM, Cosmocrush said:

I don't disagree but you know, I don't think that really is Erika's home. 

I mean sure she lives there because Tom lives there (and probably has for 50 years by the looks of it) but nothing in that house looks like her at all.   She rarely if ever is filmed at home and I remember one time last year when she was and the pool/garden area really needed some repairs.  She asked Tom about getting it done rather than just doing it.  Anyway, I've always had the feeling that was Tom's house and she defers to him on all domestic matters - which while strange to me - clearly works for them.  

Totally agree.  That house just screams "old guy lives here and hasn't updated it in 80 years and won't update it."  The house is just big.  That's it.  It's ugly.

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On 6/4/2020 at 10:50 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

It doesn't matter if her kid thinks its whatever (because she is still the kid not the adult) its the fact that adult woman saw no problem with talking about fucking around someone else's Children when they themselves would blow a fuse if it was their kids and they asked for it not to be talked about...... she is still the adult to her child ... and yes they are all still children .... CPS has taken kids from parents for less... and ANYTHING that her ex husband can do to get at her when it comes  to money he will do its a proven fact .... lets be honest here .. If underage kids are supposed to be off limits then you should respect what the parent of that child wants And its not like Denise called any of their underage kids sluts or anything ( who thinks that is acceptable I want you to ask yourself would you like someone insinuating those things about your children? how would you react to that? ) just saying... Erika flipped out for less Teddi would blow a fuse if someone did it around her kids ... Kyle would hunt you down .... but Denise shouldn't have the same right?


These women are trying to muddy the water and turn this around on Denise (pure gaslighting) .....

Well Denise should say that she doesn't approve or condone the conversation not lie about her daughter saying it


On 6/4/2020 at 10:50 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

It doesn't matter if her kid thinks its whatever (because she is still the kid not the adult) its the fact that adult woman saw no problem with talking about fucking around someone else's Children when they themselves would blow a fuse if it was their kids and they asked for it not to be talked about...... she is still the adult to her child ... and yes they are all still children .... CPS has taken kids from parents for less... and ANYTHING that her ex husband can do to get at her when it comes  to money he will do its a proven fact .... lets be honest here .. If underage kids are supposed to be off limits then you should respect what the parent of that child wants And its not like Denise called any of their underage kids sluts or anything ( who thinks that is acceptable I want you to ask yourself would you like someone insinuating those things about your children? how would you react to that? ) just saying... Erika flipped out for less Teddi would blow a fuse if someone did it around her kids ... Kyle would hunt you down .... but Denise shouldn't have the same right?


These women are trying to muddy the water and turn this around on Denise (pure gaslighting) .....


Edited by Pooky
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So embarrassing that Teddi resorted to " big scaaawwy man being mean and taking down women" when Aaron called them all out. Get out of the kitchen Teddi.  He was right, it was a non issue stop talking about it, we are all bored to death. MOOOOOVE ON. 

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3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

She has the WORST taste ever.  The hair is too dark, too long, the bangs are awful  but the atrocities she wears.  Who told this woman she should have a fashion line?  67660702be1e555213b00e216dd8499c0c-Getty

This photo is a perfect example of someone in the public eye who doesn't judge her outfit from at least ten feet away. Does she not have access to a dressing room big enough for that? The view from three feet is nothing like the view from ten feet. 

The photo shows two women of similar height, build and coloring. The one on the left is wearing a solid color from top to bottom that flatters her shape (or what we imagine it to be). We can't actually see her shape or her proportions but they appear to be pleasantly balanced, because of what she chose to wear. And, her inseam is a flattering length.

The contrasting colors at Kyle's waistline do her no favors because they emphasize the width there. Her legs are short in proportion to her torso and starkly defining where her waist is makes her legs look even shorter than they are. The patterns and color placement (and WTF shoulder pads or bunched up excess fabric) define the distance from shoulder to crotch and emphasize the short distance from crotch to ankle. Her inseam is much too long.

Kyle dresses like she thinks "This looks good on the hanger so it will look great on me" and she is wrong seven out of ten times. 

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Not on board with the notion that all of Denise's dissembling shows she is just "protecting her children." She talked repeatedly about her husband's equipment and sex acts she herself paid for by the hour on a TV series that her children easily can, likely will and probably do see.  If she wanted to protect her children from sex talk, she would have kept her mouth shut about her own sex life, which I think most kids would feel more uncomfortable about than hearing talk from some of Mom's random "friends"....but that wouldn't help Denise.  Being the dirty talk/ uninhibited one gave her a perch from which to judge others AND got her a second season, just like being the enemy of the current queen always does (looking at you, too Garcelle.)  Plus, her daughter made clear she and her friends all laughed about it, so the entirety of  Denise's indignation --"Oh, The Children Will Hear!!!!" is so totally phony.  Also, Aaron may have some tremendous asset, but he alternates between pompous/condescending to sci-fi level bizarre to downright dumb.

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