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10 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Those comedians weren’t funny. But “Money Can’t Buy You Cla-ass” always makes me laugh. 

I have actually heard the comic that was talking about her hair plucking disorder on one of Sirius's comedy stations...she was meh. That charity did not have household names on their line up (and it was a confusing cause or causes), but more confusing was having Jacques doing stand up was really out of left field, is he known for his stand up? 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, coops said:

I like seeing this side of Ramona more too. She can be quite motherly and give really good advice when she wants to. She can also be a real pain but I imagine that a lot of the shenanigans happen only because she is on TV. Like when she constantly brings up John up to no good to Dorinda, I see that clearly as trying to create a storyline. In real life I doubt she would do that to her friend. I think that's where Dorinda's anger with Tinsley 'not being honest' comes from. She's trying to get her to admit being a paid girlfriend or whatever on camera to create drama for the show and is annoyed maybe Tinsley is keeping some of her life off camera and sees it as 'well, you're getting paid to air your dirty laundry like the rest of us honey, so spill.'

Look who’s talking.  Dorinda is using John for free cleaning, gowns, an escort, and a free meal.  Ifshedoesnt love him by now, set him free.  I’m sure there are lots of women who would go for him.  She’s not being fair.  That is selfish ... she doesn’t want him, and doesn’t want anyone else to have him.

  • Love 15
31 minutes ago, snarts said:

This. He's also been gone now longer than they were married.  Deep down Dorinda is incredibly unhappy and she has such a bitterness about her. Her quick temper is intimidating.  I still don't understand what Tinsley's done to warrant such a reaction.

I think it's a combination of Dorinda seeing Tinsley as an "easy" target because even when Tinsley gets angry and tries to push back, she never comes close to going full harridan the way the other women do,  Dorinda being jealous of Tinsley being younger and prettier (though that's in the eye of the beholder, of course), and Dorinda just being an unhappy person who has to spread unhappiness around so that she doesn't have to be alone with it.

  • Love 13
54 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

That charity did not have household names on their line up (and it was a confusing cause or causes), but more confusing was having Jacques doing stand up was really out of left field, is he known for his stand up? 

I thought LuAnn said that this is something he recently got into.  I could've heard that wrong, but yeah, him doing stand-up comedy was a head-scratcher for me too!  Best of luck to him!   I always thought he was a nice guy.  

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Steph J said:

think it's a combination of Dorinda seeing Tinsley as an "easy" target because even when Tinsley gets angry and tries to push back, she never comes close to going full harridan the way the other women do

Which is why Dorinda is a perfect example of a bully. And she knows she is ,deep down. If believes that Tinsley is "of course" intimidated by her because she's intimidated by a butterfly why not just leave her alone? If she were going up against a Bethenny Frankel, yes, by all means you better go all in or get crushed into dust but for Tinsley? 

  • Love 21

I like Jacques, too. He knows LuAnn very well. At lunch when she was talking about drinking again, Jacques said one glass of wine at dinner, maybe. She got all cutesy and said well, maybe 2? He firmly said no, one. I loved that ! Also made me believe that Jacques knows Lu has a drinking problem and she can easily go off the rails. She can not have just one drink. There is no one or two glass of anything with her.  She's kidding herself. She said in the past when she starts she can't stop. She admitted that.  If that's not an alcoholic talking I don't know what is. I know some disagree (especially Dorinda) but I see Lu as an alcoholic. She will start slowly for a while then will be back at it full blown before long. She may hide and drink at home or off camera but trust me she will be out of control soon enough. 

  • Love 22
16 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I just can't with Dorinda defending Luanne. I guess Dorinda really doesn't want to confront her own issues with alcohol. I think Dorinda and Luanne drink in very similar ways.

Yep. She wants her drinking buddy back. 

I don't know what Luann was thinking with those white pants. Yikes. 

If Dorinda is a six, vanity sizing is even more distorted than I realized. 

Sonja, who are you kidding? I think it's more like 15-20 pounds. 

Ramona's advice to Leah was spot on. Leah, stop texting and either call or go see your mother!

BrownBear2012, agree with your assessment of Tinsley's mother. She strikes me as the smothering narcissistic-type mother. 



Edited by Sweet-tea
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, lgprimes said:

I would not lump LuAnn in with the others here. She is very independent, which may have contributed to the end of her marriage. Her cabaret show, love it or hate it, has been a success. She might prefer to have a man provide for her, but she doesn’t seem lost without one.

I agree with the idea of Luann being independent socially, but I also think since the divorce from Not About Tom she seems to have her tail between her legs in the man department. She was always super smug about her relationships with the Count and Tom, not so much Jacques, but I swear you could see the glimmer of hope in her eyes when she met up with Jacques at the cafe and at the comedy show. I think given the chance she'd take him back in a New York minute. Also neither one of the divorces were her choice. But to your point, I don't think her immediate past bothers her one bit socially, but that could also be lack of self-awareness. This season I think we've seen her trying too hard.

  • Love 10

Is it me or does anyone else think LuAnne was a little buzzed when she got to the venue for the fundraiser? She was flying around in a manic mode and laughing like a lunatic. Dorinda is desperate for LuAnne to return to drinking...it's almost impossible to be a part of this crew if you don't drink...there's always someone who will be enabling you to return to your old addictions for purely selfish reasons of their own. Next time LuAnne has an episode that involves the police or the psych ward, let Dorinda deal with it.

Speaking of Dorinda...What a bitter bully she is. She keeps complaining that Tinsley isn't transparent and she doesn't know her and wants her to be more open THEN she will turn around and call Tinsley a prostitute who only is with a man for their money or insult her with comments that insult her and are mean spirited and beyond. She has become an obnoxious loudmouth asshole...and her drinking makes her even worse then this when she's in full drunk mode. Tinsley shouldn't engage with her...even when she's goaded into it by Dorinda..don't bite the bait. Walk away and give her the finger. She's not worth it. It's almost becoming pathological with Dorinda to go after Tinsley when it isn't being provoked by Tinsley.

Sonja...please stop trying to act like a fashion maven...you have zero business acumen and your behavior behind the scenes at your fashion show was beyond deplorable. Yelling and berating interns and assistants smacks of someone who lacks leadership skills or any kind of sense of what it takes to be a successful boss. Quite simply put...you suck.




Edited by BrownBear2012
  • Love 18
3 hours ago, lgprimes said:

I would not lump LuAnn in with the others here. She is very independent, which may have contributed to the end of her marriage. Her cabaret show, love it or hate it, has been a success. She might prefer to have a man provide for her, but she doesn’t seem lost without one.

Luann was Alex’s fourth wife, and he left her for a woman from Ethiopia, kind of abruptly.  She was running around with other men, but she revealed in season eight that she was forced into an open marriage, and she didn’t want that for herself (whether anything she said is true is anybody’s guess, as her answers change like the weather), but she didn’t want to divorce.  I just finished watching season two, and The Count simply just stopped showing up.  In season four, Luann was staying in the city with Jacques, and her kids had to fend for themselves living alone in the Hamptons (the eldest being 15) with nothing but a “mother’s helper” (if one wants to believe that.  I think she just left them alone with maybe a neighbor checking in every so often).  But The Count just disappeared and stopped parenting his children.  I think he was living in Europe.  She didn’t want the divorce.  She said at the spa with Jill, Cindy and Kelly that “when they don’t love you anymore, they don’t love you anymore” and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. 

So I think with Luann, this was more of a making lemons out of lemonade situation than anything else.  I also don’t think she divorced that well, nowhere near as good as Ramona.  She went from the fabulous house in Bridgehampton to a small house in Sag Harbor, where her son was living in the garage.  And who the hell knows where she’s living in Manhattan, if at all?  One of the reasons she was so excited to get with Tom was because he had that tiny New York penthouse.  

Just an example of Luann not having a lot of money, other than the maniacal drunken stories about wanting to borrow six million dollars for a house,  was in season four when she and Ramona were throwing competing Sweet Sixteens for their daughters, and Ramona rented out a five thousand square foot loft with a snow machine, and Luann said that Sweet Sixteens were ostentatious and while she *could* spend $100,000 on Victoria’s, she doesn’t want to raise a kid like that, and then they had it in a sort of dank looking club in Midtown.  The suggestion that Luann had the option to drop $100,000 for a party made me laugh out loud.  She doesn’t have a lot of money.  She’s good at hiding it.  She’s not as dumb as Sonja, but her balance sheet likely doesn’t look very different. 

While I’m talking about Luann, I don’t think it’s indicative of being an alcoholic at all that she “can’t” stop at one drink.  I think it’s that she “won’t” stop at one drink, and why should she stop at one if she wants three or four?  I’ll never understand that.  There are times when only one drink is appropriate, and there are times that people are dancing and drinking all night, where people might consume a dozen drinks and not be out of control.  It’s entirely situational.

 I think people often forget how much alcohol they consume, and there are social stigmas on the weirdest things.  If a woman drinks a bottle of wine alone, it looks like she has a problem.  If a woman has three and a half glasses of wine, that’s fine though.  Meanwhile, a standard bottle of wine only holds three and a half glasses.  There’s this cynical spin on it that I don’t love.  I’ve heard people say, half kidding, that if you only drink the best white wines and vodka, you’re not an alcoholic, and it’s true that there are a Byzantine set of rules around what’s allowed and what’s not.  Like, why is it ok to order a Bloody Mary at brunch, but not a screwdriver?  The perfect example is Dorinda holding up that wine glass the size of her body in the previews and saying, “we’re each only going to have one glass.”  That’s pretty funny, because it’s true.  I saw a glass of wine on another Housewives show that fit almost literally an entire bottle into it, just a few sips shy.  Is that “one drink”?  

Since there are so many contradictions and rules in society that don’t make sense to me, I think people should do whatever they want, and only when they realize, “oh, I don’t want to do this anymore, I don’t want to feel this way anymore” should they seek to do something about it.  If Luann likes to have three drinks when other people are satiated with one, that doesn’t say anything to me about her.  Maybe the other people have a harder time of metabolizing alcohol and one drink knocks them off their ass and Luann can hold hers.  

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I see some parallels between Tinsley and John, Dorinda’s boyfriend.  Some people view them as victims, like Tinsley can’t be free because of Dale, or Dorinda is holding John back, when she’s not over Richard, which is really unfair. 

I only realized this last year, but adults have agency.  They can walk away from any situation that’s not suiting them.  That’s a very powerful realization, and in a way it’s very freeing, but it also holds the person responsible for their situation.  I don’t feel sorry for Tinsley or John if they have the choice to walk away from the person, or draw boundaries, but they don’t.  That’s their problem, not someone else’s. 

Can we get Leah’s mom on this show, instead of Dale?  She seems to be the only one who understands boundaries. 

  • Useful 2
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7 hours ago, MadMiniaturist said:

I think that's at least a size 10 ass.

I saw a piece of bread in Sonja's hand too! Doesn't fasting slow your metabolism and pretty much set you up for a colossal binge in the end!?

No, not if you're doing in conjunction with a keto diet AND its water with electrolytes only -- no broth, no veg, no nothing other than water with electrolytes.  

IF you're doing keto, a 2-3  day fast actually accelerates the fat burning. I can attest that this does work.

But keto means no alcohol, so in Sonja's case, if she's doing broths and juices and other "liquids," AND sneaking carbs, then yes it will absolutely work against her. 

  • Love 2

I mean, I do kind of think Tinsley is with Scott Kluth because he spends buckets of money on her. I can't imagine why she'd be with him otherwise. He's not old money, he's new fast money. I don't think he's anywhere near as cultured and polished as the men in her circles, Topper especially. I would say the bottom line is it's nobody's business but Tinsley's, but there is that gray area that is her employment and story line on a reality show.

  • Love 4
48 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Is it me or does anyone else think LuAnne was a little buzzed when she got to the venue for the fundraiser? She was flying around in a manic mode and laughing like a lunatic.

It's hard to say.  I think she might've entered the room with the attitude of "Look, the star of the show has arrived!"  She does that sometimes!

  • LOL 3
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I am not going to diagnose or label anyone an alcoholic, but based on my own personal experiences, I see that Luanne demonstrates many traits of one, as well as having a family history. I don't think she can have just one drink - whether she wants to or not is irrelevant. Her behaviour and attitude say something different.

Now, having said that, as a non-drinker in recovery for 18 years, I would never subject myself to any of these events. I long ago lost any urge or craving to drink, but it is not the least bit entertaining to be around a bunch of drunk people when you are the only sober person. Because I value my life today over everything else as a sober person, I can only find it entertaining/mortifying at a safe distance through the screen. Lu has every justification and excuse in the book ready to lay out. She is in complete denial that she may have a problem, and until/if she herself admits it, she is not an alcoholic.

To some degree, much of this can be said about Dorinda and Sonja as well. And I do worry for Leah as I think she is walking toward a landmine.

Edited by lizajane
Fixed something
  • Love 12

Ya know...about Lu's drinking.   Is she an alcoholic? Well i guess that's her claim to make or deny.  But whether she's an "alcoholic" or not, the girl has an issue with alcohol.  She got arrested for disorderly and attacking a police officer while drunk. THAT'S definitely a problem.

It's pretty common in the addiction world that an "alcoholic" is someone who's lost control over alcohol.  Quite often that means  someone who can't stop drinking once they start.  They might be able to control it 9 times out of 10, but it's like playing Russian roulette 'cause you never know which time it's gonna get out of control.  Ya know the "one is way too many 'cause two is never enough".

I don't think any of us really think she's not drinking, right?  I assume she is off camera.  But even if she wasn't...she sure the HELL couldn't manage to not drink on camera could she? She lunged for that vodka the moment the topic of drinking came up.  

And Dorinda...come on...Dorinda drinks quite a bit.  She was strangely defensive of Lu's RIGHT to drink.  That's not a normal reaction to a friend who is exploring healthy, sober choices.  She is the reason people working on addiction issues are told to replace their friend set.  Drinking buddies aren't friends...they are just drunks.

I'm not trying to be judgemental.  If Lu wants to drink, fine.  Her business.  She clearly exhibits behavior that others would consider a problem, but if she doesn't that's her call (as long as she isn't drinking and driving or something). I don't believe she's being honest with the viewers though and that kinda sucks.

Same for Dorinda.  She acknowledges she's a fan of the drink.  If all she is hurting is herself, then whatev.  Her call.  But i don't think she should be veering into Lu's lane and INSISTING that Lu should also drink...INSISTING Lu doesn't have a problem.

Edited to add: I'm also struck by Lu's interpretation of what Jacques said about her drinking.  She was emphatic that Jacques said she wasn't an alcoholic.  That's not what he said on camera though.  In fact he seemed a bit concerned about her need to limit her drinking to ONE glass if wine.  And he's French and in the wine business!  Perhaps it's possible he said off camera he doesn't believe she's an alcoholic, but on camera he seemed concerned for her.

I do think people in denial hear what they WANT to hear...not what is actually said.

Edited by ezzy4
  • Love 10

I actually think the real alcoholic in the group is Sonja. I think Lu and Dorinda can really put it down but for the most part can keep it together when they need to, that is, when they're not acting out a story line for RHONY. Sonja I think just immediately goes off the rails once she starts. 

I think there are many different degrees of alcoholism.  There are the people who don't start until a respectable time in the day, but are unable to stop at one or two. Then there are the people who drink steadily around the clock and are in a perpetual state of inebriation, and then there are the explosive alcoholics who just go beserk and drink everything and do outlandish things. I'm sure there are a couple of other types that we can identify, and at the end of the day, some people can keep their lives in check, and others just cannot. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Well... how tall is Sonja? Because it certainly does for me. I'm 5'2. Three pounds is maximum margin for error if I want to properly fit in my clothes. 

Just googled and she's 5'7, so no, Sonja probably has about 10 pounds to gamble with in terms of her clothes fitting properly. She looks puffy but I chalked that up to extra surgeries. 

I typically love Dorinda and have no issue with her walks down Medley Memory Lane, but the need to attack Tinsley at every turn is making her totally unlikable. She's downright vicious to a girl who's never done a mean thing to any of the women. Geez. Dorinda, can you back off for a second?

I don't know why Elaine is there. 

Ramona being motherly to Leah reminded me of how Ramona used to try to comfort Bethenny. I hope Leah is kinder in repaying Ramona than B was. 

Jacques will always be a fav of mine. I love that Lu is still close with him. Nice to see that all relationships don't have to crash and burn. Lu and Jacques, Ramona and Mario, Leah and her baby daddy... nice to see compassion between exes. I've never been lucky in that department. 

Tins and Dale used to get under my skin, but I lost my mother 4 weeks ago and now I can't even get through their scenes. I'd give anything for my mother to nag me and take a few digs at my poor choices again. Tins seems to know how lucky she is, which does my heart good. Still, I wish Dale would just let her daughter be her own person. 

So sorry for your loss...sending prayers.  

  • Love 7

Dorinda was so gleeful at the idea that she might intimidate Tinsley even though that isn’t what Leah said and Leah even tried to correct Dorinda about what she said and Dorinda refused to listen. I am enjoying that Dorinda is getting dragged on SM for her behavior towards Tinsley because it’s completely ridiculous. I mean when she corrected how Tinsley responded to her saying that her lunch idea was great was unhinged!

  • Love 17

Alcoholism is the only disease I know that is self diagnosed, so I can't claim to know if anyone is an alcoholic or not, but the only person on RHoNY currently who hasn't done something drunk on camera that could adversely effect them is Ramona. Even Tinsley, who usually holds it together better stripped and jumped in the pool. Something she would never do on camera sober.

I'm not saying any of the women are drunks, how can I? It's self diagnosed. I am saying however that Leah (mom problems slash weird Lord of the Flies tiki shit,) Luanne (snatching that vodka and her history,) Sonja (sloppy nasty drunken mess,) Dorinda (rage rants,) and Tinsley (public nudity/passing out with food in bed,) have all already acted in ways that they wouldn't want to or do (except maybe Dorinda) if they were sober. It's caused problems, either internal or external that are directly related to their alcohol consumption.

I dont know if all or some of them are drunks, but I do know this: It's not fun to watch. They, for the most part don't come across as being gay and carefree when they drink, they come across as small and sad. It's not enjoyable to me, to watch. 

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Even Tinsley, who usually holds it together better stripped and jumped in the pool. Something she would never do on camera sober.

I was having major panic when they were diving in the pool, drunk. Did no one read “Joni” when they were a teenager?? Probably just me. But still I was also thinking of that girl who got pushed into the pool at her bachelorette a few years ago and wound up paralyzed. Horrible.

2 hours ago, lizajane said:

I am not going to diagnose or label anyone an alcoholic, but based on my own personal experiences, I see that Luanne demonstrates many traits of one, as well as having a family history. I don't think she can have just one drink - whether she wants to or not is irrelevant. Her behaviour and attitude say something different.

Now, having said that, as a non-drinker in recovery for 18 years, I would never subject myself to any of these events. I long ago lost any urge or craving to drink, but it is not the least bit entertaining to be around a bunch of drunk people when you are the only sober person. Because I value my life today over everything else as a sober person, I can only find it entertaining/mortifying at a safe distance through the screen. Lu has every justification and excuse in the book ready to lay out. She is in complete denial that she may have a problem, and until/if she herself admits it, she is not an alcoholic.

To some degree, much of this can be said about Dorinda and Sonja as well. And I do worry for Leah as I think she is walking toward a landmine.

I've been sober five years and I agree. Overall, the Housewives shows are not good for anyone who has a drinking problem or even the propensity for having one. I don't care how much they pay. I wouldn't want to be around the rampant drinking. However, I do think someone can be an alcoholic without admitting it to themselves. I've met many who are in denial and I was myself too for quite awhile. 

One thing I've heard in AA is people who aren't alcoholics don't tend to spend a lot of time debating whether they have a drinking problem and justifying their drinking. Just a thought...

Having said that, Dorinda's and Sonja's drinking are as much of a red flag to me as Luann's. Leah is new but not starting off well either. And in past seasons, I've been troubling behavior from Ramona while drinking too. 

The comedy show didn't look like much fun. Dorinda didn't make things much better when she started going after Tinsley. I'm glad she left as she she was starting to slur and gesture, which are her angry drunk signs. Not attractive!



Edited by Sweet-tea
  • Love 8

Dorinda is such a bitch this year. I dont get her constantly going after Tinsley. She really is a bully.


Ramona in the car with Leah was the nicest or most maternal I have seen her. and then they showed the her bullying montage LOL. I love edits like that.


I am so over Lu and her drinking storyline. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


What an odd charity combo. Bullying and prison. 


  • Love 9

If Luanne isn't an alcoholic she's walking a thin line between sobriety and alcoholism and she better watch herself. I grew up with a drunk, she's still a drunk and Luanne should know that alcohol changes your DNA eventually and then there is little hope of change for a lot of people. Then there is the fatty liver disease that can kill you, or heart disease, driving drunk where you kill yourself or someone else, or falling and smacking your head and never waking up.

She may not self-diagnose but she's already been in trouble with the law due to drinking and if that wasn't a huge wake up call, she might be unable to see  self-destructive behavior.

Edited by Chicklet
  • Useful 1
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8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I don't think any of them experienced financial loss except Sonja and that's only because she pissed all of her divorce money away on bad investments. The rest of them seem to be doing just fine financially, especially Ramona.  They don't have to work, they all have several homes and living in NYC and the Hamptons (Berkshires for Doro) is mega expensive. They also get paid very nicely for doing this trainwreck of a show.  As for social standing, oh yes! That's where it really hurts with these ladies. A real punch in the gut especially for Lady of the Manor Morgan. She still can't cope with being a nobody so she continues to lives in her delusional world. 

Their children must be mortified the way they act, especially Sonja and Dorinda when she’s drunk.  They all must tell the kids they only act like that for the camera, but I don’t think so.  I think LuAnn says the least to be ashamed of, but she’s had her days also.  What man in New York will marry these women, much less have a relationship with them.  Time is running out, and they have exhausted all the available men.  Their names are mud at this point.  They’ll have to resort to Match.com in another state where nobody knows them. Lol.   At least Dorinda has a Mother and Sister to talk with.  I don’t know if Sonja has any close relatives besides her daughter.  It always helps.  Seems like all the kids are hunkered down with their Mothers, which is good during this crazy crisis.

Edited by Silver Bells
  • Love 2
7 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Tins and Dale used to get under my skin, but I lost my mother 4 weeks ago and now I can't even get through their scenes. I'd give anything for my mother to nag me and take a few digs at my poor choices again. Tins seems to know how lucky she is, which does my heart good. Still, I wish Dale would just let her daughter be her own person. 

I’m so sorry for you loss. And with the coronavirus you probably couldn’t properly mourn and be with others

  • Useful 1
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1 hour ago, Sweet-tea said:

I've been sober five years and I agree. Overall, the Housewives shows are not good for anyone who has a drinking problem or even the propensity for having one. I don't care how much they pay. I wouldn't want to be around the rampant drinking. However, I do think someone can be an alcoholic without admitting it to themselves. I've met many who are in denial and I was myself too for quite awhile. 

One thing I've heard in AA is people who aren't alcoholics don't tend to spend a lot of time debating whether they have a drinking problem and justifying their drinking. Just a thought...

Having said that, Dorinda's and Sonja's drinking are as much of a red flag to me as Luann's. Leah is new but not starting off well either. And in past seasons, I've been troubling behavior from Ramona while drinking too. 

The comedy show didn't look like much fun. Dorinda didn't make things much better when she started going after Tinsley. I'm glad she left as she she was starting to slur and gesture, which are her angry drunk signs. Not attractive!



Bless all of you that have been in AA and have recovered, and to all who are now attending.  It’s wonderful to hear. 👏 💕😍

  • Love 8

It's pretty rich of Dorinda to chastise Sonja and Tinsley for not moving on (ie. keeping their married names), when she has dragged Richard's ghost into every season that she has been on the show so far. 

Unhappy, mean, angry Dorinda is really going to lose her shit when she sees the developments in Tinsley's life over the next couple of months. BTW, WTF was Dale rambling on about men not wanting Tinsley because she has no children and has never been married?  As someone who was never previously married or had children, you would not believe how many men told my hubby how lucky he was not to have to deal with an ex, children with the ex,  and all the drama that can go along with that. Plenty is how many. Dale is an idiot. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 16

Tinsley (much like Kandi on RHOA) has an overbearing mother who it may be too late to get in line. It can be done calmly and respectfully -- but you have to get them together when you're in your 20s, or else it will probably never happen.

I love my mother. She is a fierce lady who raised me to be so. But when I was about 23 I talked to her about my boundaries. We had a few passive aggressive moments since that time, but now at 44, I can honestly say my mom is respectful and loving, even when she doesn't understand or agree with my decisions/choices.

I always get the impression that what Tinsley truly desires is a wealthy man to dote on her and provide her with a high-end lifestyle. Period. The baby rabies is coming full blast from Dale, however, and I just don't believe Tinsley is all that pressed about motherhood. Tinsley's best match, in my opinion, would be a 50ish guy who grew up in her world, whose kids are already adults. She could still travel, dress well, and live a fabulous life, without the family life I suspect would overwhelm her after a while.

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Ramona seems to have successfully parented her daughter so she must have high emotional intelligence when it suits her or at least she and Mario were a successful team. Vicki from OC is loathsome and her kids turned out seemingly normal although they appear to have fled as soon as possible whereas Ramona and her daughter seem to have a good mother daughter bond.

When compared to other franchises, the NY housewives seem to have been successful in raising their kids - they went to college and while there might have been a few youthful flings along the way, nothing that is completely out of the ordinary. There aren't any porn movies or arrests for attempted murder or complete failures to launch 

On 5/7/2020 at 6:14 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Not sure what pisses me off more, Dorinda claiming to be a size 6, or Dorinda calling herself a "full-figured woman."  That doesn't look like a size 6 behind, but she surely isn't full-figured.


Dorinda is probably a size 6 in designer clothes. Literally designer size 6 is what used to be a size 12 or even 14 when my mother was young. One only has to compare the measurements of the pattern sizes. And the camera does add 10 pounds so I totally believe she is a size 6 but a size 12 in vintage clothing :-).

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Dorinda can get super messy drunk, and she can get mean.  However, I can’t not like her.  She is my favorite. She needs to back the hell off of Tinsley though.  It makes Dorinda look worse in her bad moments.  It’s also a very stupid argument.  Why is Dorinda tilting at windmills?  The whole Tins not being “real or open enough” with Dorinda is all some random, imagined slight.  Some people are more open books, sometimes to their detriment.  Some people only share intimate details with one person.  Others never share anything deeply personal.  So what?? If I enjoy tennis or shopping or a particular charity, and an acquaintance shares those interests, I am happy to bond, and be friends over that small nugget.  I don’t need to know who my acquaintance is dating, what clubs she belonged to in high school, where she spent summers as a kid, etc in order to enjoy hanging out with that person.  I’m just looking for a companion to go to lunch and share gossip and cosmos. I’m not marrying that person FFS!

As for Tinsley...sigh.  The little girl bows and sparkles and clothing that looks like giant foil cupcake wrappers have got to go.  She is a very beautiful woman, but she dresses way too young and silly.  IMO, her styling actually ages her. I am not saying she should “act her age”, or be relegated to wearing caftans with turquoise statement necklaces.  She can dress herself in whatever, and she will always turn heads. But dial back the sequins and ultra mini dresses.  And she should never wear her hair with her “signature curls”.  Her days as the ingenue are over.  Even Mary Pickford and Shirley Temple knew when to put the curling iron down and walk away.  

Sonja’s “fashion guru” guy in NJ gIves me scammer vibes.  Although, the cheese and cracker spread he put out looked Hella better than what Sonja had at her runway venue. 



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So Sonja's new business venture consists of buying fugly cheap clothing from a wholesaler and slapping a label on it? She isn't even pretending to have any kind of design input or process the way Kyle is on the BH franchise.

I saw a preview of a show called America's Worst Cooks (or something like it) and Sonja is a contestant. So I guess the toaster oven and toaster oven cookbook is permanently on hold. I remember her reminiscing about cooking for the cream of society on her yacht on her toaster oven back in the early seasons.

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4 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

Sonja’s “fashion guru” guy in NJ gIves me scammer vibes.

I'm assuming that was his office at his house.  I noticed there wasn't much on the bookshelves as far as books, photos (just a few), but for the most part, the shelves were bare.  That's odd to me.  Was this just a staged home/office they went to?  "Scammer" was one of the first things I thought of too.   

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Dorinda showing her old townhouse made me wonder what she got when Richard died, I believe he has children, because I get that she has the place he bought her in the Berkshires but there is something odd about her moving into that small apartment she owned pre-Richard. 

Dorinda did quite well financially for a second "trophy" wife who was married only five years from 2006 to 2011. She got the Berkshire house outright - it was probably a present to her during the marriage.

Based on how rich people handle their estates and second wives who are relatively short lived and who you didn't have children with, I would imagine she got enough to support herself nicely but not enough to purchase and maintain a $10 million New York City residence. She might even have only income from a trust with the corpus going to his children on her death. 

Luanne was the mother of the Count's children and had been in a relatively long term albeit open marriage and she walked away with the house in the Hamptons and enough to live nicely but not lavishly. 

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, amarante said:

Luanne was the mother of the Count's children and had been in a relatively long term albeit open marriage and she walked away with the house in the Hamptons and enough to live nicely but not lavishly. 

Living in NYC and maintaining that lifestyle has got to be costly!  There's a lot of other places any of them could live that would make their money go a lot further, but I'm sure they don't want to give up the big city and the life they've established there. 

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I think Dorinda us just super pissed her coworker Tins isn't doing her share at "the office". There is just no way for her to break the fourth wall outright.  Clearly she thinks Tins is hiding her relationship with Scott from the camera (and she is, right?) while Dorinda has to spill all about John. 

I don't know...if I worked somewhere where one coworker just completely shirked her duties while the rest of us rolled up our sleeves and did what we were contracted to do, I'd be pissed too.

And then Bravo adds alcohol and stirs- lol.

Bravo made the decision it was better tv to record Dorinda's rage rather than get Tins in line.

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4 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Living in NYC and maintaining that lifestyle has got to be costly!  There's a lot of other places any of them could live that would make their money go a lot further, but I'm sure they don't want to give up the big city and the life they've established there. 

Living in Manhattan is expensive - a starter apartment can be $1 million and Dorinda does not live in a starter apartment. 

Sonja actually had a very good settlement as I recall. She got the townhouse free and clear plus about $10 million. She squandered it so she is essentially living on what she earns from the Housewives gig which includes revenue streams from social media which is also very lucrative.

I think Luanne - except for whatever insanity went on with attempting to buy the $5 million house - is pretty smart financially. She made striking costume jewelry her signature versus expensive jewelry and - matters of taste - aside, she wear obviously designer clothing. Of course none of the NY women are gauche fashion plates like Erika and Dorit from BH but Dorinda wears much more obviously designer clothing than Luanne does - who knows if it is filched from Joh's dry cleaner. But Dorinda's clothes are much more expensive than the stuff Luanne typically wears.

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14 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

Leah didn’t say Tinsley was intimidated by Dorinda, she said Dorinda can be intimidating. Obviously Dorinda’s alcohol soaked brain couldn’t process that distinction.  Dorinda hears what she want’s to hear. How ironic that she has said Sonja is living in the past when she’s just as bad, if not worse.  I’m so over her. I can’t believe I used to be a fan.  Plus she needs to run a brush through the back of her hair after her afternoon nap and the fact she thinks people will believe she’s a size 6 Is adorable.  She’s not fat by any means but I’m sorry that ass is not a size 6  


Agree!  Dorinda bulldozes her way through all the conversations with that sloppy fog horn voice (and a little something on her lip) getting HER point across and not giving the other person a chance to get their point across.  So infuriating to listen to!  I can't imagine if it was directed at me.  Such a total bully.  I'd love it if they'd all hold her down and CLIP that drunk ass mouth together and force her to listen to someone elses opinion.  Sorta do a Clockwork Orange on her.  She's all ''No No NO No NO No No No that's not how it is, here's how it is blah blah blah slur slur slur! Now I'm walking away because YOU don't know what you're talking about but I DO."  I can't believe I used to like her,either.  Now she seems to be the main one and I'm not going to be able to take it for a whole season. 

  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, ezzy4 said:

Clearly she thinks Tins is hiding her relationship with Scott from the camera (and she is, right?) while Dorinda has to spill all about John. 

I don't know...if I worked somewhere where one coworker just completely shirked her duties while the rest of us rolled up our sleeves and did what we were contracted to do, I'd be pissed too.

I don't think Scott wants to be talked about on camera and Tinsley is trying to honor that.

I think Tinsley does plenty for the show.  She got naked and drunk already, so she's done her part to be shocking!  She walked in a fashion show.  So it's not like she's hiding behind the curtains.  She's put herself out there.  Dorinda has such a need for people to bare their soul to her and I find that ridiculous.  Let. It. Go, Dorinda!!  Why can't she just appreciate her being one of the girls.  Dorinda, quit pushing her and getting in her face.   She's never going to open up to you, you dumbass if you treat her that way!

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