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S04.E12: King Of Wishful Thinking

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1 minute ago, BallisticNikki said:

I know Erika is being portrayed by the show as the sympathetic hero. But I like her only slightly more than Steph.

  • I think she clearly gave the Steph the impression she was willing to move to the US and is now back tracking.

All of your reasons were valid, except I think I can understand why Erika would NOT be willing to move to the U.S. to be with Stephanie.  She's exhausting.  She reminds you that she is sick constantly.  She is "uncomfortable" with EVERYTHING.  It's a full time job just to keep her happy and have a relationship with her.  After the first couple of times they were together in person, it was pretty clear to just about everyone that it wasn't going to work with these two.

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Ed is one of the legion of "nice guys" who roam the earth these days. The ones who whine that women don't like "nice guys" like them. The ones who instantly turn mean and insulting when a woman turns them down for a date or takes exception to a dick pic. Ed's pathetic fishing for validation, "Oh, I'm a bad person, OK" made me laugh and laugh. He was shocked that Rose didn't immediately take that bait "no no, you're not a bad person!". Then he would have launched into his counter argument. "Tell me what I did wrong! I can change!" but he would have eventually (probably pretty quickly) turned the tables and started in on her. Telling her it was a two way street. That she wasn't so perfect. That he came all this way! Halfway around the world! Brought her lovely presents! (ugh). I hate it when people, when you point out something that they could do better or something they do wrong, get all butthurt and flounce off. "OK, fine, so I'm an asshole! Nothing I do is right!" Trying to make someone else feel guilty is not a good look.

That would have been the highlight. That Ed thinks he's such a prize, and that Rose should be weeping with gratitude for his attention, boggles the mind. What a tool.

Both of you took the words right out of my mouth. Ed is the perpetual “nice guy”, he’s built a brand around being an “aww, shucks, just making the best out of what god gave me, gee whiz” all the while being a true asshole to women. I think we found out all we needed to know about Ed when he said he cheated on his ex wife. There you have it. I also find it really telling that he felt that he could give Rose the dregs and she’d be satisfied. I found it UNBELIEVABLY refreshing that she shut him down hard, in a language that’s not her own at that. 

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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

All of your reasons were valid, except I think I can understand why Erika would NOT be willing to move to the U.S. to be with Stephanie.  She's exhausting.  She reminds you that she is sick constantly.  She is "uncomfortable" with EVERYTHING.  It's a full time job just to keep her happy and have a relationship with her.  After the first couple of times they were together in person, it was pretty clear to just about everyone that it wasn't going to work with these two.

And I can't blame her for that...now. But she basically announced that she was unwilling to during their first day together, before she'd had a chance to even experience Steph's bullshit.

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25 minutes ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Both of you took the words right out of my mouth. Ed is the perpetual “nice guy”, he’s built a brand around being an “aww, shucks, just making the best out of what god gave me, gee whiz” all the while being a true asshole to women. I think we found out all we needed to know about Ed when he said he cheated on his ex wife. There you have it. I also find it really telling that he felt that he could give Rose the dregs and she’d be satisfied. I found it UNBELIEVABLY refreshing that she shut him down hard, in a language that’s not her own at that. 

Ed is so damn manipulative! I hate that trait in ppl! Do you notice how he is always twisting words around?

When Ed told Rose he didn't want anymore kids, Rose asked him, "why did you wait until you got here to tell me this??" (Very direct question?)

And Ed said, "I'm 54 years old and my child is grown. Why would I want more kids?"


She wanted to know why you waited until now, after all these months of listening to her tell you she wanted two kids, and after you had sex with her, to tell her you didn't.

He does this all the time!

Then when he told her she has bad breath and should use "a good toothpaste," she said, "you don't think I brush my teeth??"

And he said, "i'm concerned bc it could damage your heart."

😅 I mean, that's true but that's not what she asked.

And then there was some more word twisting with his mother. Then saying how the STD test was a dealbreaker. But when she got mad at him, then it wasn't. Then justifying lying about his height bc it didn't matter if they could see eye to eye. Then he is the "bad person" when she calls him on his BS. 

I believe that is called obfuscation and it is considered emotional abuse.

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7 hours ago, sasha206 said:

The only difference it makes to me is that Erika's "coming out" story to her parents was faked.  I didn't believe it last episode.   First, I don't believe that someone is going to "come out" to their parents in a reality TV show.  Imagine if her parents hadn't been so lovely.  Some parents might not be homophobic but mourn their kids having a traditional hetero relationship.   I mean, if Steph feels like her mom might be "destroyed" over her daughter coming out, maybe she was right not to come out on a reality show.  

I also find Erika to be way too rational to get upset that Steph didn't come out to her mom if she had only come out to her parents a few days before.  I think she'd be more understanding that hey, it took me this long to come out to MY parents.

So to me, that coming out episode last week was fake.

On Stephanie being a cold fish, yes she is.  I still am going with her falling for Erika in a "this girl is just soooooo cool and I think I'm in love with her..." then went down there and realized she isn't into her at all.  I mean, she really seems to dislike her even.  Like disgusted by her.  

It is funny too b/c her youtube channel is so sexual.

I'm with other poster on this thread  -- she'll end up with a husband.  This will be her last bisexual relationship.  



I have an acquaintance who "comes out" every year on national coming out day as poly, which is...not a sexual orientation, and also technically unnecessary after the first time. Maybe it's that sort of deal. (Kidding.) Or, you come out with each new partner? I know if I suddenly started dating men again, people would start calling me straight, just like now they call me lesbian (both incorrect), so I'd probably have to come out over and over?

Anyway, I'm obviously joking. Coming out to Erika's parents was clearly set up by production. But it was cute, at least.

And I could see her having a "relationship" on and off with a girl for 10 years. Don't you remember having "boyfriends" and "girlfriends" as a young teenager? I met my first serious boyfriend when I was 14, we started dating when I was 15, and stayed together for four years after that. Just because we weren't sexually active right away didn't mean it was any less of a relationship. I do think she was probably exaggerating the length of time though. She probably met the girl in middle school, had crushes/whatever, they were "girlfriends" in the way of young teens, they went back and forth throughout the years. It's a small town, clearly her friend group is a bit incestuous, and it's not uncommon for those early relationships to be off-and-on for a long time.

Realistically, in all likelihood, she'd been out for awhile, the ten-year "relationship" was an ongoing friendship-relationship thing for many years but maybe not ten, maybe eight, whatever, and she exaggerated for effect. It was a ridiculous run-up to a ridiculous argument, and certainly at least partially production-driven.

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:30 AM, toodles said:

David never fails to crack me up.  Walking around in his groovy "Shaft.  John Shaft" coat looking for some random chick who will iron his shirts is some funny shit.  


But, he's no bad mutha..(shut your mouth!)

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3 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

Why do you think Steph wants out of the relationship? Bc she's not bi? Or some other reason?

I know Erika is being portrayed by the show as the sympathetic hero. But I like her only slightly more than Steph.

  • I think she clearly gave the Steph the impression she was willing to move to the US and is now back tracking.
  • I thought it was childish and mean for Erika to immediately run to her friends and bash Erika after their argument about fooling around w/ the guy friend. (All that's going to do is poison the friends against her and make Steph feel ganged up on. Plus, some things just need to be worked out privately as a couple.)
  • I felt Erika got quite defensive about deleting the dating app (which may or may not have been a dating app).
  • And I still don't like that Erika didn't offer Steph a ride to the airport or even offer to arrange a ride if she needed.

Why?? Are they still involved?

I agree with you. I don't think Erika is really that nice. I think it was really lousy of her to bring Stephanie to that party knowing that she would freak out being in a house surrounded by people Erika had slept with or dated and then talk about her. Erika had to know this was going to be an issue. Things were already bad and it made it worse and why so much pressure on meeting friends?  I know this is a show and a lot of this is scripted and forced, but,  for me, as an adult dating, I have lost the desire to introduce a boyfriend to my friends.  I don't especially care if they get along or not. We're not in middle school.  We won't be hanging out together all of the time. 

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8 hours ago, blubld43 said:

He's so smug and arrogant, just unlikable.  I half expected him to get up from that table with the PI and start throwing punches


I wish he had! That PI would have laid him out flat. It would have been awesome.

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:30 AM, toodles said:

 Walking around in his groovy "Shaft.  John Shaft" coat looking for some random chick who will iron his shirts is some funny shit. 

In David's case I think it's "Shafted," although he doesn't seem to know it yet.

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I liked Rose from the beginning. She seems like a really sweet person and gave Ed a chance after their first face to face meeting and his first lie of being as tall as her. Then he has the nerve to tell her to shave her legs and brush her teeth because her breath was stinky. Um. Helllooo? Do you really think that mop on your head looks good, Ed? Because it doesn’t. At all. He’s a chauvinistic pig. 
As far as Steph and Erica go, Steph is acting like a spoiled kid who wants things her way or not at all. I hope Erica runs away as fast as she can because Steph will not change. I also don’t think she’s in to Erica sexually. I’m thinking it seemed cool and edgy when they were online, but once she actually got there and Erica was ready for romance, Steph realized this is not her thing. Maybe I’m wrong, but it sure seems like this is what’s happening. How many times has Steph stormed off? She IS pretty, I’ll give her that, but that’s all. 
I really didn’t think David could act any creepier, but now that there really is a Lana, I think he might break the creep scale completely off. 😂

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Erika is an outgoing person with lots of friends who drink & have fun. Steph was quite a drip, wearing stacked heels to the animal park etc. and not enthused about anything.  So Erika may have thought they could have fun with her friends like she always did and experience some Australian "culture".  They weren't expecting the party to turn into the Spanish Inquisition.

When someone asked Erika's mother if she knew, Mom said something like when you have a rainbow-haired, -bejeweled & -clothed child, it is not a surprise.  Her father's expression suggested that what surprised him was that she'd choose this uptight judgemental shrew for a girlfriend.

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3 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

When Ed told Rose he didn't want anymore kids, Rose asked him, "why did you wait until you got here to tell me this??" (Very direct question?)

And Ed said, "I'm 54 years old and my child is grown. Why would I want more kids?"


I agree he got caught being a bad person and had no way to respond except to go on the offense.  I agree it's emotionally abusive and so proud of Rose for not falling for it and not letting him off the hook.  He saw how she reacted when he asked her for an STD test.  He was lucky to get another chance with her after that.  He didn't even realize he was walking on thin ice and so clueless to be blown away that she was also evaluating whether she wanted him in her life.


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7 hours ago, kendi said:

Wish she would have left that big bottle of mouthwash and teddy in the room's trash bin.

I wish she had poured that mouthwash and squirted the toothpaste all over Ed's clothes. 

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6 hours ago, Bubbles1967 said:

Also is it an a clue that they weren’t included on the Tell All?

I was suspicious when Geoffrey and Varya were the only couple this season who were NEVER part of Pillow Talk. I would have loved the reactions of the participants when she said not yet (in other words NYET) to his proposal. 

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5 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Stephanie.  She's exhausting.  She reminds you that she is sick constantly. 

Stephanie strikes me as the type who is selectively sick and brings up her medical condition whenever she wants to get out of doing something, wants sympathy, wants attention, etc. 

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6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I was suspicious when Geoffrey and Varya were the only couple this season who were NEVER part of Pillow Talk. I would have loved the reactions of the participants when she said not yet (in other words NYET) to his proposal. 

oh, good point! I never realized that they weren't a part of the pillow talk clips. Sharp must be trying to slowly phase them out given Geoffrey's awful, disgusting background.

Should have yanked his story in the first place.

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12 hours ago, mamadrama said:


I'm real life friends with David's sister and was Facebook friends with both before the show filmed (I had no idea he was on it), but last night I unfriended him. 

Whoa whoa whoa stop the clock! A sister ? We need more! Big family? Whats the backstory? 

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On 5/11/2020 at 8:57 AM, Kareem said:

THIS. Highlight of the season to me because he’s so disgusting. He still has no clue how each thing out of his mouth was more vile than the last and yet he believes she needs to calm down. If she were any more calm during her explanation, they would’ve had to check her for a pulse. He’s sickening and repulsive. And now all of 90 Day World knows he’s a loser. Can’t score in the US and can’t impress a poor girl abroad. Love that she suggested he change his behavior for the next girl. Beady eyed freak.  

 And you know it smells of mayonnaise. Haze to cut that hair and get a decent haircut and lose weight.

54 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Stephanie strikes me as the type who is selectively sick and brings up her medical condition whenever she wants to get out of doing something, wants sympathy, wants attention, etc. 

 IDK she may be really sick. She looks like she doesn't feel well most of the time.

Edited by antfitz
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1 hour ago, Little said:

I liked Rose from the beginning. She seems like a really sweet person and gave Ed a chance after their first face to face meeting and his first lie of being as tall as her. Then he has the nerve to tell her to shave her legs and brush her teeth because her breath was stinky. Um. Helllooo? Do you really think that mop on your head looks good, Ed? Because it doesn’t. At all. He’s a chauvinistic pig. 
As far as Steph and Erica go, Steph is acting like a spoiled kid who wants things her way or not at all. I hope Erica runs away as fast as she can because Steph will not change. I also don’t think she’s in to Erica sexually. I’m thinking it seemed cool and edgy when they were online, but once she actually got there and Erica was ready for romance, Steph realized this is not her thing. Maybe I’m wrong, but it sure seems like this is what’s happening. How many times has Steph stormed off? She IS pretty, I’ll give her that, but that’s all. 
I really didn’t think David could act any creepier, but now that there really is a Lana, I think he might break the creep scale completely off. 😂

 See I didn't think there was really anything wrong with that asking her to shave her legs and he agreed to shave his beard. Or even maybe use mouthwash but it's the way he did it and I did it on camera. He could have been Nicer about it and done it off camera. But then I'm asking a lot of ed because he has no social graces whatsoever.   I really like rose to. And I felt sorry for her that she was willing to go with him in order to get out of the life she had for her child. He is just so creepy.  She is nice enough and attractive a knock that show find a nicer guy... a better guy. I think the worst part was that he didn't tell her the information until after he had sex with her. That is  Despicable! Use her body and then give her the information. I was glad she told him off.

Good David and Yolanda be any denser? Even when the information is laid out in front of them that it's a scam, They still make excuses.   If any of it is true,  they are pathetic.

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4 hours ago, monagatuna said:

I have an acquaintance who "comes out" every year on national coming out day as poly, which is...not a sexual orientation, and also technically unnecessary after the first time. Maybe it's that sort of deal. (Kidding.) Or, you come out with each new partner? I know if I suddenly started dating men again, people would start calling me straight, just like now they call me lesbian (both incorrect), so I'd probably have to come out over and over?

Anyway, I'm obviously joking. Coming out to Erika's parents was clearly set up by production. But it was cute, at least.

And I could see her having a "relationship" on and off with a girl for 10 years. Don't you remember having "boyfriends" and "girlfriends" as a young teenager? I met my first serious boyfriend when I was 14, we started dating when I was 15, and stayed together for four years after that. Just because we weren't sexually active right away didn't mean it was any less of a relationship. I do think she was probably exaggerating the length of time though. She probably met the girl in middle school, had crushes/whatever, they were "girlfriends" in the way of young teens, they went back and forth throughout the years. It's a small town, clearly her friend group is a bit incestuous, and it's not uncommon for those early relationships to be off-and-on for a long time.

Realistically, in all likelihood, she'd been out for awhile, the ten-year "relationship" was an ongoing friendship-relationship thing for many years but maybe not ten, maybe eight, whatever, and she exaggerated for effect. It was a ridiculous run-up to a ridiculous argument, and certainly at least partially production-driven.

 I would think if you wanna do come out come you would come out only to new people that you met.  Friends would know that you are straight or bi or whatever.

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5 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Both of you took the words right out of my mouth. Ed is the perpetual “nice guy”, he’s built a brand around being an “aww, shucks, just making the best out of what god gave me, gee whiz” all the while being a true asshole to women. I think we found out all we needed to know about Ed when he said he cheated on his ex wife. There you have it. I also find it really telling that he felt that he could give Rose the dregs and she’d be satisfied. I found it UNBELIEVABLY refreshing that she shut him down hard, in a language that’s not her own at that. 

 Poor rose must have shuddered when she had sex with him.

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3 hours ago, IllLitShips said:

I agree with you. I don't think Erika is really that nice. I think it was really lousy of her to bring Stephanie to that party knowing that she would freak out being in a house surrounded by people Erika had slept with or dated and then talk about her. Erika had to know this was going to be an issue. Things were already bad and it made it worse and why so much pressure on meeting friends?  I know this is a show and a lot of this is scripted and forced, but,  for me, as an adult dating, I have lost the desire to introduce a boyfriend to my friends.  I don't especially care if they get along or not. We're not in middle school.  We won't be hanging out together all of the time. 

Right. If you meet someone great, you say to your friends, "this is my partner." And you expect they will treat him/her politely. It shouldn't be handled like an audition. But even still, they all knew it could get awkward. And it did. Just move on. LOL 

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On 5/11/2020 at 7:08 PM, BallisticNikki said:

IDK if it was cheap or not. But I think it was dyed. If you like that dramatic, jet black Married to the Mob look (and I used to), it's going to be pretty one dimensional and fake. Even if it's done at an upscale salon. (The benefit to having it done professionally by someone who knows what they're doing is that once you get sick of it, you can remove it far more easily and with less damage than you could w/ cheap bottle color.

Based on Varya's single teenage pic shown, she is dark haired. But I highly doubt jet black. 

The jet black would look better on her is she wore it in a style and not just hanging like a wet mop.

I loved Varya’s mom, no nonsense, no yelling, no phony acceptance of his past. She straight up told Varya, think long and hard, and then think some more about how “his past, will affect your future” Best of all, no fake hugs and kisses when Geoff left. 

I do think however that Geoff rebuffing her in the airport was a mind fuck on her and I would not be shocked if she hasn’t dumped him. He’s a master manipulator, more  than Jessie, more than Ash. They’re amateurs, he’s a pro. And DANGEROUS. 

Edited by iwasish
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45 minutes ago, antfitz said:

 See I didn't think there was really anything wrong with that asking her to shave her legs and he agreed to shave his beard. Or even maybe use mouthwash but it's the way he did it and I did it on camera. He could have been Nicer about it and done it off camera. But then I'm asking a lot of ed because he has no social graces whatsoever.   I really like rose to. And I felt sorry for her that she was willing to go with him in order to get out of the life she had for her child. He is just so creepy.  She is nice enough and attractive a knock that show find a nicer guy... a better guy. I think the worst part was that he didn't tell her the information until after he had sex with her. That is  Despicable! Use her body and then give her the information. I was glad she told him off.

Good David and Yolanda be any denser? Even when the information is laid out in front of them that it's a scam, They still make excuses.   If any of it is true,  they are pathetic.

I’d care more about Rose being “embarrassed” and “hurt” by Ed if she and her sister hadn’t gotten their little dig at him, “he’s fat but that’s ok cause he’s rich”’ and when he was so clearly put off by sleeping in a rat infested, “open air”bedroom during a rainstorm, with exposed electrical wiring. She kept looking at the camera and smirking, as if to say “I’ll fuck this slob and get what I can from him”  She only dragged Prince into the picture when she was cutting Ed up. If she was so concerned about Ed being a father to him, she would have refused her little vacation unless he came along. His disinterest in Prince was a huge red flag. Prince seems more attached to his aunt than to  Rose anyway. 


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47 minutes ago, iwasish said:

and when he was so clearly put off by sleeping in a rat infested, “open air”bedroom during a rainstorm, with exposed electrical wiring.

WE get it because we don't live this way.  But if you had a millionaire staying in your home you might be a little bewildered if he was upset about things that are perfectly ordinary every day things in your life and you might smirk, too.   I don't think ANY of us on this board would want to sleep there, but I would bet that 95% of us would be MUCH more gracious and considerate of our hosts feelings than he was. 

They can't help how they live.  It is what they can afford.

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2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Whoa whoa whoa stop the clock! A sister ? We need more! Big family? Whats the backstory? 

One sister and she's in the entertainment industry (music, mostly). My initial theory was that either he or she had a contact in the show (ie, producer friend) and he appeared as a favor for them. I thought most of his story was contrived or greatly embellished. Not anymore. I think his part is totally what we see. Lana's, on the other hand...

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56 minutes ago, iwasish said:

I’d care more about Rose being “embarrassed” and “hurt” by Ed if she and her sister hadn’t gotten their little dig at him, “he’s fat but that’s ok cause he’s rich”’ and when he was so clearly put off by sleeping in a rat infested, “open air”bedroom during a rainstorm, with exposed electrical wiring. She kept looking at the camera and smirking, as if to say “I’ll fuck this slob and get what I can from him”  She only dragged Prince into the picture when she was cutting Ed up. If she was so concerned about Ed being a father to him, she would have refused her little vacation unless he came along. His disinterest in Prince was a huge red flag. Prince seems more attached to his aunt than to  Rose anyway. 


Maybe Rose asked for Prince to stay behind so that he didn't appear much on camera. Perhaps she was trying to protect his privacy.

In every other season parents have been criticized for having their kids on camera and around complete strangers. This time the parent did NOT do that and she was still criticized.

That little vacation was not last minute. 

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5 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

WE get it because we don't live this way.  But if you had a millionaire staying in your home you might be a little bewildered if he was upset about things that are perfectly ordinary every day things in your life and you might smirk, too.   I don't think ANY of us on this board would want to sleep there, but I would bet that 95% of us would be MUCH more gracious and considerate of our hosts feelings than he was. 

They can't help how they live.  It is what they can afford.

I've stayed in places like Rose's house as well as in worse. And I bitched and complained too-in private, to my friends. To my hosts I gritted my teeth, smiled, thanked them for their hospitality, and did my best to show gratitude. It wasn't just that Ed was uncomfortable, it was that he showed that to his hosts and was publicly critical when they were going out of their way to make him feel welcome with what little they had. 

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47 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

One sister and she's in the entertainment industry (music, mostly). My initial theory was that either he or she had a contact in the show (ie, producer friend) and he appeared as a favor for them. I thought most of his story was contrived or greatly embellished. Not anymore. I think his part is totally what we see. Lana's, on the other hand...

Weren’t you the poster who was also friends with Michael and/or Juliana?

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9 hours ago, Kyanight said:

All of your reasons were valid, except I think I can understand why Erika would NOT be willing to move to the U.S. to be with Stephanie.  She's exhausting.  She reminds you that she is sick constantly.  She is "uncomfortable" with EVERYTHING.  It's a full time job just to keep her happy and have a relationship with her.  After the first couple of times they were together in person, it was pretty clear to just about everyone that it wasn't going to work with these two.

I agree with this. I think the most important element to consider in a relationship is "how does this person make me feel when I'm around him/her?" Just watching Stephanie is exhausting... Can you imagine what it would be like to live with her?

Stephanie is a person who is best experienced in small doses. There's no way a sane person, young enough to find another life partner, would move to a new country for her. 

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9 hours ago, iwasish said:

I do think however that Geoff rebuffing her in the airport was a mind fuck on her and I would not be shocked if she hasn’t dumped him. He’s a master manipulator, more  than Jessie, more than Ash. They’re amateurs, he’s a pro. And DANGEROUS. 

It explains how he managed four marriages at his age and with his background.  

9 hours ago, iwasish said:

I’d care more about Rose being “embarrassed” and “hurt” by Ed if she and her sister hadn’t gotten their little dig at him, “he’s fat but that’s ok cause he’s rich”’ and when he was so clearly put off by sleeping in a rat infested, “open air”bedroom during a rainstorm, with exposed electrical wiring. She kept looking at the camera and smirking, as if to say “I’ll fuck this slob and get what I can from him”  She only dragged Prince into the picture when she was cutting Ed up. If she was so concerned about Ed being a father to him, she would have refused her little vacation unless he came along. His disinterest in Prince was a huge red flag. Prince seems more attached to his aunt than to  Rose anyway. 


I actually think Rose didn’t insist that Prince come on the trip because Ed didn’t want him and she didn’t want to jeopardize their shaky relationship.   She was with Ed for her son’s benefit and it was not the right time to irritate Ed who might call of the wedding which would mean that all of her sacrifices (including sex with Ed) to give her son a better life were in vain.  Little did she know....

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9 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

Right. If you meet someone great, you say to your friends, "this is my partner." And you expect they will treat him/her politely. It shouldn't be handled like an audition. But even still, they all knew it could get awkward. And it did. Just move on. LOL 

But this is 90 Day Fiance. Every "meet the friends" scene practically takes place in an empty room with a bare bulb and a rubber hose. The family and friends are almost always rude, confrontational, suspicious, challenging, and unpleasant. Foreign partners are lit into before even being offered a seat or a glass of water. So Erika's friends were just following the script. They were nicer than most. 

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35 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

It explains how he managed four marriages at his age and with his background.  

I actually think Rose didn’t insist that Prince come on the trip because Ed didn’t want him and she didn’t want to jeopardize their shaky relationship.   She was with Ed for her son’s benefit and it was not the right time to irritate Ed who might call of the wedding which would mean that all of her sacrifices (including sex with Ed) to give her son a better life were in vain.  Little did she know....

Yes, I agree that's probably what happened. I was just trying to present an alternative theory. It wasn't a terrible idea leaving him behind. She really didn't know Ed that well, and I could understand wanting to spend more time with him before bringing my kid around. I think the alternative plan should've been to book an extra room and bring either Sister or Father Rose along. Prince is there, but they still have privacy. Either way, you KNOW Ed didn't want him to go. 

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I still haven’t finished this episode- but I wanted to say that Sian (Ash’s ex) seemed very nice and reasonable. Perhaps they didn’t file for divorce right away because she was supporting him financially and/or his Australian residence would’ve been in jeopardy. I do think this- Ash just wanted a fling with an American, Avery actually wanted to build a relationship. Sian was clear that she didn’t want her son moving away at such a young age (who could blame her!), but she didn’t have any hostilities towards Avery. I know plenty of couples that live in separate countries or on opposite sides of the USA but Australia is an entire other ball game. Avery cut your losses, you had a nice vacation and find someone locally. 

Geoff is a controlling asshole. His pouty 5year old response “why would I want to come back here?” Run Varya run. 

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8 hours ago, corgster said:

Weren’t you the poster who was also friends with Michael and/or Juliana?

Yes, and also Matt/Alla and David/Annie. But not all for the same reasons. I don't actually know Creepy David, never met him or interacted with him. Just his sister. 

It's not like I have a bunch of random reality TV friends. Until this show the only "star" I knew was one of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC MAKING THE TEAM). She was my daughter's dance/gymnastics coach until she, well, "made the team." 


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9 hours ago, mamadrama said:

In every other season parents have been criticized for having their kids on camera and around complete strangers. This time the parent did NOT do that and she was still criticized.

No way on this green earth would I let my small child (If I had children, I am childfree), spend time on a vacation with a man I just met. I wouldn’t have them call the man “Daddy” via FaceTime either- but Rose didn’t know Ed. She was going to an unfamiliar place alone with him. Worst case Ed was some crazy serial killer or kidnapper, spending some time with him alone was far more reasonable than bringing her child along. Also practically how is she going to get to know Ed if she has to focus on Prince- assuming Ed was a decent person she was interested in marrying. I think the time to bring Prince along would be after Rose determined Ed was of sound character and the marriage was going ahead. 

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Just now, Scarlett45 said:

No way on this green earth would I let my small child (If I had children, I am childfree), spend time on a vacation with a man I just met. I wouldn’t have them call the man “Daddy” via FaceTime either- but Rose didn’t know Ed. She was going to an unfamiliar place alone with him. Worst case Ed was some crazy serial killer or kidnapper, spending some time with him alone was far more reasonable than bringing her child along. Also practically how is she going to get to know Ed if she has to focus on Prince- assuming Ed was a decent person she was interested in marrying. I think the time to bring Prince along would be after Rose determined Ed was of sound character and the marriage was going ahead. 

I agree. Introducing him at her home, in a group setting and in controlled timing, is one thing. Vacation another. All ahe knew about Ed was from correspondence. I'd have been wary.  

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It looks to me that David's trench coat is at least two sizes too big, probably leftover from his previous obese days.  It looked wrinkled on the bottom, probably stored folded up in Las Vegas. Also, I'm pretty sure John Candy wore one just like it in Uncle Buck. 

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

No way on this green earth would I let my small child (If I had children, I am childfree), spend time on a vacation with a man I just met. I wouldn’t have them call the man “Daddy” via FaceTime either- but Rose didn’t know Ed. She was going to an unfamiliar place alone with him. Worst case Ed was some crazy serial killer or kidnapper, spending some time with him alone was far more reasonable than bringing her child along. Also practically how is she going to get to know Ed if she has to focus on Prince- assuming Ed was a decent person she was interested in marrying. I think the time to bring Prince along would be after Rose determined Ed was of sound character and the marriage was going ahead. 

I agree. Introducing him at her home, in a group setting and in controlled timing, is one thing. Vacation another. All ahe knew about Ed was from correspondence. I'd have been wary.  

Very true - although there was a camera crew along to make sure that Ed didn't strangle Rose to death and dump her body somewhere in the monkey forest.   I think it was fine that Rose left her son with her sister, because it was crystal clear to everyone that Ed was really NOT interested in the baggage Rose was bringing to the relationship.  (I.E. her young son.)  If Ed is not interested in being a father in any way/shape/form because he had a daughter and raised her - why would anyone believe that he actually DOES want to raise Prince?  You either DON'T want more kids or you do - but Prince IS another kid to raise.  I actually wondered if Ed would have worked it out so that Prince stayed in Manila with the sister and only Rose went to the U.S.

This also reinforces the belief of many here that Ed only wanted to be on TV and this was just a sex-cation for him.  He knew without a doubt that he didn't want kids - but he wanted to take on the responsibility of raising a four year old little boy.   Mkay..........

Edited by Kyanight
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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

If Ed is not interested in being a father in any way/shape/form because he had a daughter and raised her

And until they sort of made up just before he left on the trip, Ed and his daughter weren’t on good terms. Who knows how long they had been estranged, but I don’t think he was ever “Father of the Year” material 

Edited by magemaud
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16 minutes ago, magemaud said:

And until they sort of made up just before he left on the trip, Ed and his daughter weren’t on good terms. Who knows how long they had been estranged, but I don’t think he was ever “Father of the Year” material 

Didn’t he get divorced when his daughter was quite young?  I wonder just how much of a hands on dad he was (or could be depending on if he had shared physical custody)?

I agree with the poster up thread.  If things had worked out, he would likely have tried to have Prince stay behind “at first”.    

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20 hours ago, BallisticNikki said:

Then when he told her she has bad breath and should use "a good toothpaste," she said, "you don't think I brush my teeth??"

And he said, "i'm concerned bc it could damage your heart."

BUT that was after Ed became offended and said something like "we've been talking all these months and YOU DIDN"T TELL ME you had an ulcer?!"

It's all. about. Ed.

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47 minutes ago, magemaud said:

And until they sort of made up just before he left on the trip, Ed and his daughter weren’t on good terms. Who knows how long they had been estranged, but I don’t think he was ever “Father of the Year” material 

I thought he and his daughter weren’t on good terms because she had opinions about the fact he was pursuing a woman younger than herself. Ed may have been a “good dad” by our minimum standards- meaning he publicly acknowledged the child’s existence, provided consistent financial support for the child, and spent some sort of consistent recreational time with her. 


2 hours ago, Kyanight said:

This also reinforces the belief of many here that Ed only wanted to be on TV and this was just a sex-cation for him.  He knew without a doubt that he didn't want kids - but he wanted to take on the responsibility of raising a four year old little boy.   Mkay..........

I believe he had no interest in raising Prince- but I could see him agreeing to marry a woman in Rose’s situation with a small child so long as she did all the caregiving and performed the domestic duties he wanted performed. Being willing to take on a step child is far different than agreeing to have your own child- legally, financially and morally. If things with the woman didn’t work out Ed wouldn’t be bound financially or morally parent with her for another two decades. 

Ed was likely looking to purchase a wife- a regular sex-vacation wouldn’t take all this planning and effort, but then he couldn’t convince himself he was a “nice guy” looking for love. 

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:40 PM, Adeejay said:

The sight of David striding through the plaza wearing a Columbine style trench coat gave me nightmares.  I have a feeling TLC had to pay  a princely sum to “Lana” or her employers to have her make an appearance. 

I was calling it a Columbine style coat and my sister did not know the reference.  I am so glad you said that!  He looked like a complete psychopath.  

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I thought he and his daughter weren’t on good terms because she had opinions about the fact he was pursuing a woman younger than herself. Ed may have been a “good dad” by our minimum standards- meaning he publicly acknowledged the child’s existence, provided consistent financial support for the child, and spent some sort of consistent recreational time with her. 


I believe he had no interest in raising Prince- but I could see him agreeing to marry a woman in Rose’s situation with a small child so long as she did all the caregiving and performed the domestic duties he wanted performed. Being willing to take on a step child is far different than agreeing to have your own child- legally, financially and morally. If things with the woman didn’t work out Ed wouldn’t be bound financially or morally parent with her for another two decades. 

Ed was likely looking to purchase a wife- a regular sex-vacation wouldn’t take all this planning and effort, but then he couldn’t convince himself he was a “nice guy” looking for love. 

Agreed. I'm not sure why so many think he was just there for sex only, not with the hopes Rose would marry him.  If he wanted cheap sex, he could take a quick, cheap flight to Vegas and have at it at the bunny ranches.  

What he wanted was a girly woman from an impoverished country that was so desperate to leave, she'd agree to everything and anything and worship him.  Rose isn't that girl.

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