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S11.E15: Two Moms, Their Daughter, and a Baby

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Christine who is polygamy royalty, never lived a minute with any monogamists and doesn't know anything about it but she feels free to roll her eyes, look down her nose and proclaim that monogamist women have no one to help them during labor, birth etc and that's another reason why polygamy is so awesome!! .. She's a complete moron and doesn't have a clue but hey its OK for them to sit there and talk like they're experts on monogamy...... I wanted to smack her face and tell her to "STFU AND STAY IN YOUR LANE!"  

But Christine won't share a house with these women she claims to be so bonded to. She doesn't want to watch her husband kiss another woman. Christine is basically living a monogamist lifestyle with a part-time husband and a few other women she sees at holidays and lunch and apparently when the kids birth out a grand-kid. Robyn hired a relative to watch her kids a few seasons back instead of asking Christine. Really, Christine is full of shit. And she's still the most like-able one of this bunch. 






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16 hours ago, JoannKBC said:

Christine thinks that checking with your spouse before making a major decision is a "monogamist thing?" Um, no. It's a I-respect-and-love-my-partner thing.


It also suggests your partner might actually care about what you’re doing, and would notice if you suddenly flew to North Carolina. 

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8 hours ago, suomi said:

Women have been saying some version of this forever:

"At a certain age a woman must choose between her butt and her face."

With variations, Mae West said it in the 1930s (fanny), Catherine Deneuve said it in the 1970s (bottom) and Jane Fonda said it about 15 years ago (ass).

Off topic: Who remembers Catherine in this 1970s Chanel commercial which was quite racy for its time? (My ex and I used to say it before ordering in restaurants, using our really lousy French accents).

"Ehyouuu don't 'ave to ask for eet, 'ee knows whaat you waant."


I remember that commercial and also the Candice Bergen parody of it from SNL 😂

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10 hours ago, suomi said:

Women have been saying some version of this forever:

"At a certain age a woman must choose between her butt and her face."

With variations, Mae West said it in the 1930s (fanny), Catherine Deneuve said it in the 1970s (bottom) and Jane Fonda said it about 15 years ago (ass).

Off topic: Who remembers Catherine in this 1970s Chanel commercial which was quite racy for its time? (My ex and I used to say it before ordering in restaurants, using our really lousy French accents).

"Ehyouuu don't 'ave to ask for eet, 'ee knows whaat you waant."


OT:  My mother actually met Catherine Deneuve at a department store in the Seattle area years ago.  I wish I spoke French, but since many words sound different than they are spelled, I'd mangle the pronunciation, for sure.

Yes, @Joan of Argh, I wanted to slap that bitch Robyn at that panel discussion.  It was bad enough when Christine was hiding in the loo, so she wouldn't cross paths with her aunt, but Robyn with that "do not make me a victim, sweetie" was so damn condescending.  

I can see why Maddie asked her other mom Christine to be there, but her saying that we lowly monogamists have no support people when we give birth was just ridiculous.  Kootie almost didn't arrive at Truely's birth due to his getting his rocks off with Robyn.  Sell it elsewhere, Christine, I ain't buying your bullshit!


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Anyone remember a few seasons back when Kody and Christine went a little vacation which included going for counselling?  That was when Christine and Kody weren't getting along very well - one of the recommended tasks was building something together on a beach (if I remember correctly).  Kody wasn't being nice to Christine and was essentially saying that until Christine was totally accepting of all the wives, then he was going to have a problem with her.  And yet he doesn't say anything to Robyn when she says that she is only married to him and not the other wives?  Isn't that missing the whole point of polygamy?  And would Robyn have said that if she wasn't the one legally married to Kody - like she got the prize and the other women didn't?  Meri (although I can't stand her) must regret her legal divorce every minute of every day.

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For quite a few seasons, if not all of them, this show has relied on the plot devices of the writers, not the “real” lives of the show’s cast in order to generate interest, social media postings, love/hate fans, revenue and ratings.  I doubt very seriously that in their real lives, ANY of them take issue with ANY of the dramatic plot devices the show presents.

(A plot device or plot mechanism is any technique in a narrative used to move the plot forward. A clichéd plot device may annoy the audience, while a contrived or arbitrary device may confuse the audience, causing a loss of the suspension of disbelief.)

Examples of some oft used plot devices:

The MacGuffin:

A MacGuffin is a term, popularized by film director Alfred Hitchcock, referring to a plot device wherein a character pursues an object, though the object's actual nature is not important to the story. 

*The Official Legal Marriage Certificate

*Legalization of Polygamy so they ALL have a framed copy to hang on the wall

*The Cul-De-Sac of Dreams~instead of rental homes in various locations/Las Vegas Edition

*The Cul-De-Sac of Dreams Sequel @ Coyote Pass instead of rental homes/mortgages in various locations/Flagstaff Edition

Deus Ex Machina

The term deus ex machina is used to refer to a narrative ending in which an improbable event is used to resolve all problematic situations and bring the story to a (generally happy) conclusion.

*Legalization of Polygamy

*Leaving Lehi for Las Vegas

*Leaving Las Vegas for Flagstaff

*Kody’s One Big Happy Mansion @ Coyote Pass

*The Cul-De-Sac of Dreams Sequel @Coyote Pass

*Every Single Visit with Therapist Nancy

Love Triangle

A frequently used plot mechanism in romances and dramas is a "love triangle, where two men try to get the same woman."

*The entire premise of the show-one man, four wives, endless geometric shapes of romantic drama

*The cat fishing of Meri


Edited by kicotan
Thought of more examples...
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And would Robyn have said that if she wasn't the one legally married to Kody - like she got the prize and the other women didn't?  Meri (although I can't stand her) must regret her legal divorce every minute of every day.

In my wildest dreams, I can't imagine who wouldn't be thrilled at the chance to get the hell away from Kody. At the time, I thought it was a calculated step by Meri to begin her escape plan from the whole situation. Now, I think she was just looking for more opportunity to be a martyr.







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39 minutes ago, kicotan said:

Love Triangle

A frequently used plot mechanism in romances and dramas is a "love triangle, where two men try to get the same woman."

*The entire premise of the show-one man, four wives, endless geometric shapes of romantic drama.

So wouldn't that be a "Love Pentagram"?  How witchy!!!!

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On 4/13/2020 at 12:18 PM, Juliegirlj said:

What is wrong with Robyn ? She always looks like she just threw up. This show is really running on fumes. 

It's running on Robyn's vomit fumes.  

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22 hours ago, JoannKBC said:

Christine thinks that checking with your spouse before making a major decision is a "monogamist thing?" Um, no. It's a I-respect-and-love-my-partner thing.


 Janelle asks Christine if monogamy works by spouses' checking in with each other, as if she had never been in a monogamous marriage to Meri's brother.  

Then, to contradict that dumb exchange, the next segment includes Gabe's asking Kody how Maddie was.  Kody replied, "Good.  I talked to Mom today," and continues about how he's already packed.  (Nevermind about Maddie.)  I guess Janelle checked in for once.   

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23 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

 They don't give a crap about those kids, otherwise why would Maddie be posting such horrible things about Axel?  What is that kid going to think when he's old enough to realize how much his mother resented him and said what a terrible kid he is.

I have seen something similar posted before. I am not on Instagram or Twitter, so have no idea what Maddie is posting. Could you elaborate? One would think that if she did it once she might be joking, but it sounds like something she has done regularly? I can't even imagine.....

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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On 4/13/2020 at 10:03 AM, smarty2020 said:

How exactly do you do a whole year of high school in one summer?  My daughter was watching and commented that she wished she could do that.  I have NEVER heard of anyone in our school district being allowed to do that.  Is it a Flagstaff thing?

His transferred credits from LV might have been counted differently in  Flag or else he took extra classes instead of study hall each year.  I took US history in summer school so I could take both Latin and French.  I was took the first semester of US history at the same time as the Second semester; the classes followed each other.  It was weird.  I think you can probably cram more classes in over the summer online than in a regular school setting.  The assignments would be the same but you don't waste all the class time of sitting in a room for 50 minutes with 30 other kids.   Most of my neighbors home school, but I was talking to a mom who was surprised that her daughter could do in one morning all the work it too her from 8-3 at school. I think they will home school next year.

The only thing I liked in this episode was the view of Duke Chapel.

Maddie gets points from Kodi for  using his name, but she would have done better to have named Axel for Kodi instead since the child will be called Evie.   "Evie Kodi" sounds silly.


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I'm trying to decide which scene in this episode was the most charming.

So many contenders:

The endless prattling about the state of Maddie's reproductive organs, culminating with a puddle of amniotic fluid in a parking lot and a play-by-play of her birthing position.

Kody's astonishment at discovering that he has a son named Gabriel, who's busy growing up and doing teenagey things.

Maddie's insistence that she "really values her privacy," which is hard to fathom after Axel's tub birth aired on TV.


OMG. I was so busy being annoyed at this stupid episode that I just realized...we didn't see Meri's sour face for 58 minutes!

At least we have that.

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I have seen something similar posted before. I am not on Instagram or Twitter, so have no idea what Maddie is posting. Could you elaborate? One would think that if she did it once she might be joking, but it sounds like something she has done regularly? I can't even imagine.....

IIRC it went on for quite a while.. and here's what I saw..

Almost every single day Maddie would post pics and videos of Axelbrush throwing tantrums, destroying anything in his path, he climbed up and tried to shove the TV off its cabinet, he tore the diaper bag apart, screaming, crying, hitting, kicking etc and Maddie would go into great detail telling her fans how rotten he was acting, how he never smiles for pictures, how hard it is to have a toddler and how difficult it is to be a mother..blah, blah...

Then Evie came along and that upset Axel's apple cart and his tantrums increased meanwhile Maddie added Evie to the unflattering pic club and posts pics and videos of Evie's little deformed hands reaching for her mother's face and Maddie making ANNOYED faces and comments like "Jeeez she won't quit doing this!"..... lots of complaints...it was a continuous Maddie Pity Party 

Then she must have clued in that a lot of people weren't reacting like her fans, lots of people thought she was heartless and a terrible mom who is terrorizing her children with the camera and sharing things that could harm her kids and lead to teasing or bullying when they're older.

After that she started posting more flattering pics, happy faces and the odd unflattering here and there but not every day.

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I have seen something similar posted before. I am not on Instagram or Twitter, so have no idea what Maddie is posting. Could you elaborate?

Just page through the Maddie thread.  Those with access to her IG pages have posted lots of things.  She loves posting pictures of him throwing tantrums or crying and makes remarks about it.

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On 4/13/2020 at 4:13 PM, kicotan said:


But if she doesn’t stop dying it strawberry blonde she’s going to end up looking like Meri...burnt ends.

Good thing she can trim the ends. People color hair all the time. She just needs to take care of it. 

Evie is gorgeous! What a happy, alert, beauty. 


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22 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

I always see Christine's dry face and think "THE WOMAN NEEDS TO MOISTURIZE!"  I would be SLATHERING on the moisturizer.  Actually, that's exactly what i do, morning and night. 

Even better would be to add a humidifier at night while she is sleeping to the vigorous moisturizing program she desperately needs,  I am amazed how much that is helping my skin.

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I cannot believe this was the finale.  Man it SUCKED!  I am not into watching birth or operation scenes.  Giving this birth 1/2 or more of the freaking show made it a really quick watch.  FF through the whole thing. 

There are a bajillion OTHER kids they could focus on.  Is Savannah still stuck in her room?  How is Dayun surviving in college?  How are the other marrieds doing?  Or WTF is their OWN family doing?  Very few family scenes this entire season.  Let's see life in Flagstaff.  You'd think Meri, as the 1st wife, should at least deserve a scene of the show she helped create and sustain.  

There is no point in this show unless it is about Wife #4 converting Kody to monogamy and the fall out from THAT.

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On 4/14/2020 at 2:18 AM, Juliegirlj said:

What is wrong with Robyn ? She always looks like she just threw up. This show is really running on fumes. 

Remember when she was always gushing and smiling up at Kody adoringly... now she always looks like she just drunk a cup of sick... she has turned into such a miserable cow!

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26 minutes ago, Pooky said:

Remember when she was always gushing and smiling up at Kody adoringly... now she always looks like she just drunk a cup of sick... she has turned into such a miserable cow!

Kody worked his magic once again!

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15 hours ago, Kellyee said:

But Christine won't share a house with these women she claims to be so bonded to. She doesn't want to watch her husband kiss another woman. Christine is basically living a monogamist lifestyle with a part-time husband and a few other women she sees at holidays and lunch and apparently when the kids birth out a grand-kid. Robyn hired a relative to watch her kids a few seasons back instead of asking Christine. Really, Christine is full of shit. And she's still the most like-able one of this bunch. 

It's not just that they don't want to all live in the same home, they won't even STAY with the other families TEMPORARILY.  When moving to Flagstaff and waiting for her house to close escrow, Christine went to a hotel rather than staying for a short time with Meri  or Robyn in their mansions.  

I do believe Christine bit off her nose in spite of her face, though, because if they were all in the same home (humongous separate apartments within said home), she and her children would get to see their beloved Kody much more often.  I get the filling he rarely gets to leave Robyn's compound.  

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On 4/13/2020 at 10:03 AM, smarty2020 said:

How exactly do you do a whole year of high school in one summer?  My daughter was watching and commented that she wished she could do that.  I have NEVER heard of anyone in our school district being allowed to do that.  Is it a Flagstaff thing?

Smarty2020, message me if you really are interested?  And I am not selling anything.  I am a high school teacher.

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12 minutes ago, TeacherWoman said:

Smarty2020, message me if you really are interested?  And I am not selling anything.  I am a high school teacher.

Teacherwoman, perhaps you should tell the whole class!  (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

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1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

It's not just that they don't want to all live in the same home, they won't even STAY with the other families TEMPORARILY.  When moving to Flagstaff and waiting for her house to close escrow, Christine went to a hotel rather than staying for a short time with Meri  or Robyn in their mansions.  

I do believe Christine bit off her nose in spite of her face, though, because if they were all in the same home (humongous separate apartments within said home), she and her children would get to see their beloved Kody much more often.  I get the filling he rarely gets to leave Robyn's compound.  

Kind of hypocritical wouldn't ya say. Such an ardent plyg cheerleader . . . but vehemently will not physically exist with another beloved sister wife. Ok Christine, practice what ya preach much?

This show is a great example of why this plyg thing is stupid. The only thing better would be if they start showing how these spiritual people feed off the welfare system.

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On 4/13/2020 at 4:07 PM, bichonblitz said:

She has dry, thin, uncared for skin that is wrinkling. 

Regarding Christine's wrinkles, they are not from dryness or sun damage.  They are the marks left from years upon years of worry, frustration and unhappiness.

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2 minutes ago, Just Carol said:

Regarding Christine's wrinkles, they are not from dryness or sun damage.  They are the marks left from years upon years of worry, frustration and unhappiness.

So THAT'S what happened to my face!!!!!!

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On 4/13/2020 at 2:50 PM, skipnjump said:

I'm not a regular watcher of the show, but I wonder if Axel was traumatized by watching and hearing his mother sob and scream.  Who thought it was a good idea to have a young child be there for that?  Bring him in once the baby is born.

So much this.  Axel had to listen to Maddie cry and yell "arrrrrrrrrgh," not be allowed to go to her, and get passed back and forth like a sack of potatoes between Janelle and Christine for who know how many hours.  What a miserable experience for him.  If there were two moms there, seems like Christine could've taken Axel home and let him not have to sit through his mother's labor....despite whether Maddie wanted her there or not.


On 4/13/2020 at 3:56 PM, KateHearts said:

I am impressed with most of the Brown sons- especially Janelle's boys. Say what you want about her being a slug; at least she has had legitimate jobs along the way and I think she has instilled a work ethic in them that overall is not a Brown attribute. 

And I wonder how much of that work ethic came from the boys having Logan as an older brother.  He was forced into his position as substitute dad at a pretty young age, and I can think of many situations where the younger kids went to Logan instead of Kody (one of Christine's girls, I think, asked Logan to accompany her to a father/daughter dance at school).  Although it was a crap position to be in, he rose to the challenge.  I have to think that the older boys, if they need to talk or sort things out, call on Logan over Kody.

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23 hours ago, kicotan said:

For quite a few seasons, if not all of them, this show has relied on the plot devices of the writers, not the “real” lives of the show’s cast in order to generate interest, social media postings, love/hate fans, revenue and ratings.  I doubt very seriously that in their real lives, ANY of them take issue with ANY of the dramatic plot devices the show presents.

(A plot device or plot mechanism is any technique in a narrative used to move the plot forward. A clichéd plot device may annoy the audience, while a contrived or arbitrary device may confuse the audience, causing a loss of the suspension of disbelief.)

Examples of some oft used plot devices:

The MacGuffin:

A MacGuffin is a term, popularized by film director Alfred Hitchcock, referring to a plot device wherein a character pursues an object, though the object's actual nature is not important to the story. 

*The Official Legal Marriage Certificate

*Legalization of Polygamy so they ALL have a framed copy to hang on the wall

*The Cul-De-Sac of Dreams~instead of rental homes in various locations/Las Vegas Edition

*The Cul-De-Sac of Dreams Sequel @ Coyote Pass instead of rental homes/mortgages in various locations/Flagstaff Edition

Deus Ex Machina

The term deus ex machina is used to refer to a narrative ending in which an improbable event is used to resolve all problematic situations and bring the story to a (generally happy) conclusion.

*Legalization of Polygamy

*Leaving Lehi for Las Vegas

*Leaving Las Vegas for Flagstaff

*Kody’s One Big Happy Mansion @ Coyote Pass

*The Cul-De-Sac of Dreams Sequel @Coyote Pass

*Every Single Visit with Therapist Nancy

Love Triangle

A frequently used plot mechanism in romances and dramas is a "love triangle, where two men try to get the same woman."

*The entire premise of the show-one man, four wives, endless geometric shapes of romantic drama

*The cat fishing of Meri


This is an interesting theory and I sort of agree with it, except that I don't think that some of the cast members are talented enough to portray much of what they convey on camera without it being pretty spot on with their actual condition, especially, Robyn's ignorance/selfishness, Meri's spoilness/narcissism. Kody's confusion/exasperation.  The storyline is that they are really a messed up group, and as such, it gives the producers a lot to work with. lol  

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

 I have to think that the older boys, if they need to talk or sort things out, call on Logan over Kody.

Not just Logan either, last year on the tell all, Gabe opened up and said how Hunter was a good shoulder to lean on during the stress of the move.  Obviously Gabe couldn't go to his father for any kind of support and Hunter stepped up for him.  I think the AF Academy has really shaped Hunter into a solid young man.

Also just to note that quite a few of the Brown boys have gone to the military and have improved from the hot headed "solve everything with a punch in the face" to mature and self disciplined young men. I think it speaks loudly that is something they didn't receive under Kody's chaos rules.

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10 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

Also just to note that quite a few of the Brown boys have gone to the military and have improved from the hot headed "solve everything with a punch in the face" to mature and self disciplined young men. I think it speaks loudly that is something they didn't receive under Kody's chaos rules.

Exactly, and the fact that Kody had to tell us, dumbfoundedly, that his kids were turning out to be way smarter than he ever was tells me that his sons grew up watching how neglect and jealousy ate away at their mothers and sisters and it seems that they've collectively decided not to live their father's lifestyle.  For which I say - BRAVO.

I hope in the future, the female Brown children can rely on their brothers, because unless said child came from the loins of Robyn, Kody won't even be able to remember their names.

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3 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I hope in the future, the female Brown children can rely on their brothers, because unless said child came from the loins of Robyn, Kody won't even be able to remember their names.

Right?  Kody may be able to recite all of his kids like saying the alphabet, but can he put each name to a face?  lol

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7 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This is an interesting theory and I sort of agree with it, except that I don't think that some of the cast members are talented enough to portray much of what they convey on camera without it being pretty spot on with their actual condition, especially, Robyn's ignorance/selfishness, Meri's spoilness/narcissism. Kody's confusion/exasperation.  The storyline is that they are really a messed up group, and as such, it gives the producers a lot to work with. lol  

Sometimes, I think that the producers purposely expose the Browns' dysfunction, hypocrisy and lies, because they dislike the cast as much as the audience does.  The Browns really don't offer anything else.

Also, they'd have no drama otherwise - we already knew the outcomes of every plotline this season, since they happened a year ago - and there is absolutely nothing special or interesting about any of them.  

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I think they do have some good qualities, though, don't ask me about Robyn and Meri's right now.  lol  

I also think that Jannelle gets a bad rap about being lazy.   She liked having a career, probably got more satisfaction from that than anything Kody did to support her, financially or emotionally.  And she also raised good sons who did not have a father figure worth 5cents.   Christine did most of the child care for sure, but Jannelle earned her keep with a paying job and a degree in accounting to back it up.  And it was obvious that J. loved her kids and probably happier being out of the house (when the kids were in school), rather than dealing with Kody whacky ideas.  She seems more independent than the other women.    She also helped a lot with figuring out  the family finances, and did not have a lot of intellect from Kody and the others.     As I recall, years ago, Meri made a big deal about getting more education, but I do not honestly remember if she completed anything.  The less said about Robyn, the better

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I have long felt that if Janelle hadn't started all of that Strive nonsense, she wouldn't reap all of the criticism.  She should have just stuck to her lane as the only one to, at one time at least, have held down a paying job with benefits.  It's when she branched out into something so ludicrous that she began to look more and more foolish.

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18 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

I have long felt that if Janelle hadn't started all of that Strive nonsense, she wouldn't reap all of the criticism.  She should have just stuck to her lane as the only one to, at one time at least, have held down a paying job with benefits.  It's when she branched out into something so ludicrous that she began to look more and more foolish.


  I think when Janelle got into Strive, she had good intentions and thought she would lose weight and gain muscle and eat healthy foods and be an inspiration to others.  The thing is, Janelle likes food too much and exercise too little to be able to stick with something like this unless she has a reason/motivation.  Well she doesn't want romance.  She's married to someone who only has eyes for his dark queen so no reason to look good for HIM.  She has a fan base who already look up to her regardless of whether she loses weight or becomes fit... so she stays with her Strive shtick.  I don't think Janelle USED to be lazy, but I think she has become that way after being on TLC for all these years and having had easy money flowing through their coffers.  Other than writing her little Strive posts - what does she DO all day?  

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29 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

I have long felt that if Janelle hadn't started all of that Strive nonsense, she wouldn't reap all of the criticism.  She should have just stuck to her lane as the only one to, at one time at least, have held down a paying job with benefits.  It's when she branched out into something so ludicrous that she began to look more and more foolish.

Strive was definitely not the route for Janelle to go. I think if back when they were considering the gym and Janelle was really excited about it, that was the route for her and she may well have really been successful in getting healthy. Was it Kootie that killed that? Maybe he just doesn't want any of them to be successful in anything not related directly to him?? He is such an a$$.

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27 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Other than writing her little Strive posts - what does she DO all day?  

We can be pretty sure she's not cleaning bathrooms or shampooing carpets or upholstery. Or doing a workout or walking. Or convincing her hambone kids to simma down. 

Wait, the hambones belong to Christine. Going by all the damage, what do either of those two do all day?

Edited by suomi
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6 minutes ago, suomi said:
32 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Other than writing her little Strive posts - what does she DO all day?  

We can be pretty sure she's not cleaning bathrooms or shampooing carpets or upholstery. Or doing a workout or walking. Or convincing her hambone kids to simma down. 

Wait, the hambones belong to Christine. Going by all the damage, what do either of those two do all day?

Well regardless of how little those two do all day - they do TWICE as much each day as Robyn does.

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The thing about Strive that cant quite understand is... What is she trying to accomplish?...is there a goal?... Is she trying to lose weight or is she like Whitney Way Thore and just trying to push for everyone to accept fat people and cheer on their fatness as long as it makes them happy?.... The whole thing just seems like a con game and they're both as big as ever.

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6 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

The thing about Strive that cant quite understand is... What is she trying to accomplish?...is there a goal?... Is she trying to lose weight or is she like Whitney Way Thore and just trying to push for everyone to accept fat people and cheer on their fatness as long as it makes them happy?.... The whole thing just seems like a con game and they're both as big as ever.


The description, dated 2018:




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We can be pretty sure she's not cleaning bathrooms or shampooing carpets or upholstery. Or doing a workout or walking. Or convincing her hambone kids to simma down. 

Wait, the hambones belong to Christine. Going by all the damage, what do either of those two do all day?

Before the show started, Janelle was working full time, wasn't she? And Christine was home raising 12+ kids. So neither of them has been lazy their whole lives. It might be laziness brought on by the easy money provided by TLC. Or, they might be busy and we just don't see it. Overweight people are not always lazy. Neither are people with messy houses.





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10 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Strive was definitely not the route for Janelle to go. I think if back when they were considering the gym and Janelle was really excited about it, that was the route for her and she may well have really been successful in getting healthy. Was it Kootie that killed that? Maybe he just doesn't want any of them to be successful in anything not related directly to him?? He is such an a$$.

I agree. As much as I snark on her,  I don't think she is a mean or vindictive person ( this solely based on what I see on teevee ) like Meri or Robyn. I think she should have chosen a different route. It seems like she cooks - so maybe go take some local culinary classes and focus on her enjoyment of food, rather than this blabber she puts out there. I think she uses Strive as her diary or friend to express her feelings because she doesn't have someone in her life near her age where she can talk to about the little things in life. A lot of her posts she just pulls from other websites which takes no thought.


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