antfitz March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 (edited) 11 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said: This 100%. He is so used to seeking out, and finding, women who will turn around and apologize to HIM for his behaviors because, well, some women will do that. I, like a lot of people here, would have straight up said: "I am on an international dating website, dummy! And I can talk to whoever the hell I want to! Just like you can talk to whoever you want to as well. I trust the nature is friendship unless I suspect otherwise. And by the way your chest tattoos are horrible and make you look like a douchebag, but ya know what? Your actions are making you Lord Douchebag anyway!" Jeffrey is creepy. And I imagine this is not the 1st time he has shed tears - - fake tears. He usually does it after He has hit them. There isn't any one person on the show that I think is worthwhile. So many of these people reek of desperation. Edited March 30, 2020 by antfitz 8 Link to comment
Frozendiva March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 In this week's go-round: Darcey and Tom: Darcey, why do you need so much luggage? Your suitcase could keep me going for a 4 day trip. And what have you done to yourself in terms of plastic surgery? Your chest and lips are humungous. Has the work not settled yet? You don't need all those fillers. Just too much with the Fifth Avenue look. If you don't want to see Tom, don't. Geoffrey and Varya: the Tchaikovsky music was nice. Reminded me of the Cartier Snow Leopard commercial. But we are not in Cartier land. Geoffrey, you do not own Varya. She can talk to anyone that she pleases. Just because she is interested in you does not mean a possible commitment to you. Except for talking online, you do not have a relationship. She seems to be a smart woman who maybe sees through you and does not like some of your behaviours. You still have not been honest with her about your past. She may decide that people do not change and will want no part of you. Stephanie and Erika: Steph, you seem to want publicity. Your health condition may be serious, but you should have good health insurance for your trip. And you should have met Erika in Hawaii. Yes, Erika needs to see how you really are, but she may wonder if you are looking for additional drama. I am not a fan of lots of body art. Wonder whether both just want some attention. Lisa and Usman: Baby Girl Visa is now showing who she really is and that the online bossiness was just a hint of things to come. Usman, you see how she is. She won't get better and may not be a good match for you. You must really want to come to the US. Her behaviour at the premiere party was awful. Rude, boorish, classless, controlling. No, your fans did not like her. Granted, most fans do not like the significant other of their 'star'. You were dressed as though you were going grocery shopping. I can wear jeans, but they would be flattering, I'd have a nice top, possibly a leather jacket and some good shoes - Stuart Weitzman 4 inch nudist type sandals (or a knockoff), or Rag and Bone or other booties, plus a nice bag. Youthful and current and not deeply fried, sweaty hair. There are enough lower priced knockoffs so no one would know. She was an embarrassment - disrespectful to the fans, your music industry people, and the re-edited video was awful. The fee-male fans sure picked at her as a white woman with possibly money - but she doesn't have any. She had a right to complain about a bed being two boxsprings - she probably expected that you as a successful star could afford a nice hotel for your stay. Not the shower thing and the bucket. Get used to it Lisa. This is what your 'star' lives like. David and Lana: Maybe she exists, maybe not. You are not taking a gamble to see her. You made plans. Four times. And four times she has bailed. You expect to find her in that small Ukrainian town? Anya seems better for you and your rug. Ed and Rose: Ed, she has you where she wants you. Sucker. You only care because you have spent a chunk of change on her - where is the $5000 in gifts that you sent her? You have known her 90 days. You have zero idea of who she really is. She was hurt, hurt, hurt that you asked about a pretty normal STD test and that triggered her into probably wanting to assault you. She is not the ideal womanchild that you think she is. The mayonnaise has gone to your brain. She is desperate to get out of her current life and you are the best on offer at the current time. You care about yourself and your own needs - stop wearing black in the heat, buy some sandals or decent footwear for the tropical climate and Coolmax socks so you don't get blisters and start hobbling around. Feet sweat in heat and cotton socks will do you in. Rose probably purposely let you wait and wait and now the ball is in her court. Fool. 12 Link to comment
antfitz March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 (edited) 16 hours ago, humbleopinion said: Get up....pick a place on the wall and mark an X. That is where you will want to repeatedly hit your head over the sheer stupidity and boorish behaviors of tonight’s cast... Icky people. On 3/26/2020 at 5:35 PM, Leilani said: SOJABOY could do alot better then Lisa especially since he's so accomdating. It's odd he has hitched himself to this sad sack of permed hair and weird husky voice. It's a smoky, whisky voice. I don't understand it either. He can't be that desperate to get to America. She's a bully and cheese disgusting to look at. Tom looks a lot better. He's lost the fat look he had before. I don't believe he loves Darcy. Edited March 30, 2020 by antfitz 6 Link to comment
Honey March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 Most men of David's stupidity would have been reigned in by a lack of funds until they had the chance to be hit by a clue by four. It's unfortunate that David has more money to burn than he has brains. I hope Rose doesn't ever sleep with Ed. It will make me sick to my stomach if she does. He's gross. 2 9 Link to comment
antfitz March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 8 minutes ago, Frozendiva said: In this week's go-round: Darcey and Tom: Darcey, why do you need so much luggage? Your suitcase could keep me going for a 4 day trip. And what have you done to yourself in terms of plastic surgery? Your chest and lips are humungous. Has the work not settled yet? You don't need all those fillers. Just too much with the Fifth Avenue look. If you don't want to see Tom, don't. Geoffrey and Varya: the Tchaikovsky music was nice. Reminded me of the Cartier Snow Leopard commercial. But we are not in Cartier land. Geoffrey, you do not own Varya. She can talk to anyone that she pleases. Just because she is interested in you does not mean a possible commitment to you. Except for talking online, you do not have a relationship. She seems to be a smart woman who maybe sees through you and does not like some of your behaviours. You still have not been honest with her about your past. She may decide that people do not change and will want no part of you. Stephanie and Erika: Steph, you seem to want publicity. Your health condition may be serious, but you should have good health insurance for your trip. And you should have met Erika in Hawaii. Yes, Erika needs to see how you really are, but she may wonder if you are looking for additional drama. I am not a fan of lots of body art. Wonder whether both just want some attention. Lisa and Usman: Baby Girl Visa is now showing who she really is and that the online bossiness was just a hint of things to come. Usman, you see how she is. She won't get better and may not be a good match for you. You must really want to come to the US. Her behaviour at the premiere party was awful. Rude, boorish, classless, controlling. No, your fans did not like her. Granted, most fans do not like the significant other of their 'star'. You were dressed as though you were going grocery shopping. I can wear jeans, but they would be flattering, I'd have a nice top, possibly a leather jacket and some good shoes - Stuart Weitzman 4 inch nudist type sandals (or a knockoff), or Rag and Bone or other booties, plus a nice bag. Youthful and current and not deeply fried, sweaty hair. There are enough lower priced knockoffs so no one would know. She was an embarrassment - disrespectful to the fans, your music industry people, and the re-edited video was awful. The fee-male fans sure picked at her as a white woman with possibly money - but she doesn't have any. She had a right to complain about a bed being two boxsprings - she probably expected that you as a successful star could afford a nice hotel for your stay. Not the shower thing and the bucket. Get used to it Lisa. This is what your 'star' lives like. David and Lana: Maybe she exists, maybe not. You are not taking a gamble to see her. You made plans. Four times. And four times she has bailed. You expect to find her in that small Ukrainian town? Anya seems better for you and your rug. Ed and Rose: Ed, she has you where she wants you. Sucker. You only care because you have spent a chunk of change on her - where is the $5000 in gifts that you sent her? You have known her 90 days. You have zero idea of who she really is. She was hurt, hurt, hurt that you asked about a pretty normal STD test and that triggered her into probably wanting to assault you. She is not the ideal womanchild that you think she is. The mayonnaise has gone to your brain. She is desperate to get out of her current life and you are the best on offer at the current time. You care about yourself and your own needs - stop wearing black in the heat, buy some sandals or decent footwear for the tropical climate and Coolmax socks so you don't get blisters and start hobbling around. Feet sweat in heat and cotton socks will do you in. Rose probably purposely let you wait and wait and now the ball is in her court. Fool. Loved the Mayonnaise is going to your head! On 3/26/2020 at 6:31 PM, Spike said: So Lisa may have been merely the least repulsive choice. I can't believe that . 3 Link to comment
suzywallis March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 On 3/28/2020 at 12:26 AM, Frozendiva said: Darcey, why are you bothering? We don't want to see you cry any more. I have such a hard time taking her seriously with those huge lips and enormous boobs. I didn't watch the last season she was on, but the pictures I saw from it showed her much more attractive there. 2 4 Link to comment
Lily247 March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 1 hour ago, mamadrama said: I see no reason why she shouldn't have been talking to other men. Unlike most of these people she seemed to understand that they couldn't really be "in love" or "in a relationship" until they actually met and got to know one another. Up until that point they're basically just penpals. I agree that in the transactional nature of how these types of relationships come about, Varya can talk to as many men as she pleases. If Geoffrey had indeed met Varya on an intl dating site, he shouldnt be surprised if his online love is merely fishing for the best fish. 5 Link to comment
Kangatush March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 2 hours ago, deirdra said: And she worries about touching kangaroos, but constantly runs her hands through her hair, throws her hat, meds & contents of her bag onto an un-sanitised picnic table that animals and germy people have used. And then throws everything back into her bag to cultivate the germs. Frankly, we should all worry about touching roos. Not because of germs, but because, like 99% of stuff in Australia, they may be cute, but they can put you in a world of pain. 8 Link to comment
magemaud March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 5 hours ago, Granny58 said: Was David ever married? Seems hard to believe he is 60 and falling for this crap. He admits to being engaged twice but never married 2 Link to comment
InternetToughGuy March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 (edited) I really don’t want to watch this, since it's yet another reminder that people have actual human contact that they don’t have to pay for (except for David). It may drive me over the edge. Well, the real reason is that I don’t want to gossip about strangers for 2 hours, but I have nothing else to do, since the number of hairs on my sack isn't any different from the last time I counted. *** Geoffrey’s revised pose in that still image doesn’t look like a good sign for this relationship. I empathize with his tears, assuming he is shedding them because he was finally asked to get a job in his 40s, which is the path I am headed towards. Not like I’ve read any comments yet, but I’m sure Geoffrey is supposedly insane/possessive due to expressing emotions he shouldn't have no matter the circumstance. Varya’s annoying. *** Usman is a master actor, between suppressing the urge to vomit whenever he’s within 5 feet of Lisa and avoiding bursting into laughter at anything she says/does, you really have to wonder what his intentions are. If he wanted to become American, certainly he could’ve wooed a woman who isn’t so old, she hasn’t already gotten dibs from the maggots and earthworms. *** There’s a Sister Wives preview on, which seems to be another part in the decade long continuous argument of 5 hags on a giant couch rolling their eyes at each other’s ideas. Couldn’t that guy just trade all of them in for one 18 year old? *** To better protect Mother Nature and reduce carbon emission levels, I am willing to suck up all of Darcey’s gas into my snout. I don’t know whether it’s due to my affinity for collecting action figures, but Darcey is pretty hot. Tom is 39? I legit thought he was like 50 before, but then again, with the way Brits age, they probably receive a pension for 75% of their life; between that and the subsidized medication for shitty weather inflicted depression, how does the government survive? I need to find out exactly which hotel room Tom stayed at so I can check around the floor to see if he forgot any boxers for me to sniff - what brought on this sudden wave of patheticness? *** There’s about 20 Roses working at the Tim Hortons (shoutout to the 3 other Canadians in here) in my town, all with the same limited range of emotions as her. Not knowing how she behaved before this show, one does wonder if Ed’s smell can crawl so far up your nose that it shuts down your limbic system. It looks like Ed has decently built arms - being on week 6 of lifting weights myself, I am just getting used to the idea that my wrists won’t snap if someone shakes my hand. It’s a powerful feeling. He’s not using a translator app, it’s just Google Translate, which I have convinced myself is another government personal information miner - growing a thick Mexican mustache when I need to translate dialog of telemundo may help throw off the site as to my true identity, also assuming my webcam is streaming a telethon of me in my living room 24/7. Might as well just give the laptop a bath with how paranoid I am. *** This Little People Big World preview is annoying. I’ve been bitching inside myself about their willingness to have kids knowing that they could be ostracized and need plenty of surgeries - but fuck that, cause they'd "love them anyways". Haven’t seen any criticism about that, but it’s perfectly valid. *** If you have an academic rival, feel free to send this clip of Erika and Stephanie to them before SATs. Then again, since the median age of this forum is probably 45, you’re unlikely to be attempting to graduate for the 28th time. Stephanie doesn’t want to move too quickly - she has something in common with Lisa and Ed. Oh she was talking about intimacy, not exercise. Anyways, since she prances around like a whore online for strangers, only an idiot would pretend nabbing her is something special. Relationship champagne for them and relationship sham/pain for Geoffrey - he must have pissed off TLC executives to get the short end of this jab that nobody but me understood. Those 2 together for the rest of their lives? I am interested to see what physicians grade the pain degree above a migraine. *** I’d like to give David a stern talking to about his idiocy, so long as anyone is willing to lend me an extra 6 inches - judging from photos alone, I’d say Williams would be the guy to ask, but I don’t want the inches from down there. Last week I said some remark about him being “in gauge” meaning he gave marriage a “shot” and the day after I realized “and also means the women dodged a bullet” was an obvious addition, but adding it after the fact would’ve been a waste. Seeing as how all of Europe’s weather is pretty bad, naming another country after “U.K. Rain” must mean it is the worst in the union. Did all of those people getting off the train with blurred faces wash them too hard to get rid of potential germs? I wish this virus will come to a quick end as I wait patiently by my mailbox in hopes of a stimulus benefit check I don’t deserve. Damn David, it’s like he knew this relationship was off the rails even without arriving by train. This didn’t get off on the right track *hyuk. How frickin pathetic do you have to be to go overseas 4 times to meet a (picture of) somebody? His face and body is annoying, it’s like it’s the perfect representation of weakness, which says something coming from someone who burst a blood vessel in my brain when squeezing a bottle of mustard. *** It’s impressive Lisa’s hand isn’t passing right through his, since after sex with…..that, you’d figure he’d have departed this world. That thing on top of Usman’s head makes it look like he’s about to throw in the towel. In the most anti-climactic game of Where’s Waldo ever, let’s try and find a girl more attractive than Lisa - it’s not that there is just one, but there are clusters of them together. Not that I’d know anything about being a 50 something year old woman, since I’m a 26 year old guy who is trying to mature my looks into that of a 13 year old boy, but Lisa looks like shit sitting down. How would you even go about fixing that? Obviously it’s unlikely there is a diet/exercise program that would turn a middle aged woman into a big booty ho for Instagram pics, but her situation seems genuinely hopeless. It seems a lot of the audience has enlarged pupils, probably not out of surprise, but they need to make them bigger as to fit all of Lisa’s body into their line of vision. WTF kind of name is Winnifred for a young woman? Bitch wanna fool the government into giving her an early pension. *** I cowered in fear when I saw that clip of Geoffrey running towards the camera, as I worried he discovered the things I’ve said about him. I do think he looks pretty good; if he shaved his facial hair and wore younger clothes, he could still hang with the youth. A woman’s name being “Mary” and Geoffrey won’t even date her shows his commitment to ignore the obvious cues. Why can’t my blurry head appear behind Mary on that video call while I antagonistically question “Who’s this clown?” - obviously I’d only speak in that kind of tone if there were at least 5000 miles between us. I have as much difficulty understanding why he wants to pursue Varya as I do understanding anything she says. *** I don’t really understand the difference between 90 Day Fiance variations, but I’ll watch anyways, since the idea that more dumb oafs can exist is hilarious. *** Did Stephanie and Erika sleep in a pound of makeup? It’s surprising their faces aren’t dished in like fruit bowls with all of those cosmetics on. Who knows the horror that lay beneath. It’s nice to see a lesbian relationship with constant work put in, meaning they stay on the grind, regardless of sex. Somehow I still think of stupid puns for people I hate. It’s nice to see Stephanie have the self awareness to refer to her personality as a disease, assuming her explanation of aplastic anemia was unrelated to the previous statement. I was pretty sure what kept Stephanie alive was attention (most of it unwarranted). “If I caught a cold, it would mean going to the hospital” - this type of paranoid thinking sounds familiar, seeing as how whenever I see someone has replied to this thread, I blast a geyser of sanitizer all over the screen. I’d probably take this virus more seriously if I had work to go to. *** I’m surprised Rose’ sister isn’t named Columns. Not really surprised, since I doubt her parents would trade the 5 seconds of mild reaction to a dumb pun for a lifetime of bullying over a stupid name. Like Ed, my determinedness in steering the conversation to a woman’s past is probably why there’s never a second date, unless I want to count the girl escorting me to the laundromat to dryclean the clothes that got ruined with the drink poured over my head. Rose looks much hotter in this shot - after being surrounded by Ed for so long, I wonder if the idea of me creepily kissing her arms unprovoked wouldn’t be thought of as overly weird. Ed may not want test, but my diminutive body cries out for more hormone. Rose doesn’t have a very attractive ass, despite Ed constantly making her sit in the hot seat. *** With how much money David’s pissed away online, perhaps that text on the screen should state that he’s from Lost Wages. Anya’s so hot, I can’t even make eye contact with the TV - nobody would blame David for sneaking a kiss and running to the airport just so this trip wasn’t a total loss. I wonder if Lana and Williams are the same pudgy teenager scamming him and Yolanda; I really can’t imagine David’s story having any sort of resolution other than him shrugging in defeat. *** It's a shot in the dark, but would Usman interpret being called “Uzi” for short as a compliment? Due to my proclivity for weird fetishes and guilt tripping my loved ones into playing along so my mental state doesn’t self destruct, when Usman said “Mom” I naturally turned my head. What better way to soften the mattress by having all of Lisa’s weight lay on it? Since for years, I have always hoped to live long enough for Africa to be fully modernized in case reincarnation is a thing and I get reborn there, I do find it interesting to wonder if growing up there means you are just used to everything and so it isn’t seen as bad to you. Usman wondering if he’s making the right decision? No, you’re not, since people who make normal marital decisions don’t get them filmed for nationwide ridicule. *** This episode has gotten so many Geoffrey segments - can’t we get a few minutes of Yolanda talking to herself? Also, why the hell did Darcey get like 2 minutes? I’d hardly think Geoffrey yelling at her friends was unacceptable, since the whole table seemed like a buncha bitches. Geoffrey said a woman’s past doesn’t matter? I’m going to have to bow out here. My psychologists also disagree, since without me indoctrinated to launch into self destructive tirades, I can’t line their pockets with weekly sessions. Is it a coincidence that the camera cut right when Geoffrey sniffled? The poor boy is back on the white powder. I am willing to teach Geoffrey how to rap complaints about his partner really fast so she can’t understand anything you say, while you still get the balm of being a sulk. *** Darcey’s titties look so hard you’d get knocked out if you put your face in them too fast. I’d certainly put up with her emotional baggage (since she’s vacuumed, injected, and or cut all of her physical baggage away) if it meant me getting whoopee. Tom thinking it’s a nice day outside - how warped his perceptions must be when coming from the grey skies of the UK. Why does their sitdown look like it’s a part of a different show? At least ending the episode on a shot of Darcey’s cleavage instead of Ed’s makes me keen to tune in next week. *** If Rose won’t even kiss Ed, is her commitment to this relationship pure lip service? Not sure why anyone would be surprised Erika can’t go a few minutes without ripping her clothes off, though if she had a ball gag in her mouth, it would be more of a cure for the headaches of those around her instead of anything erotic (and she doesn’t like balls anyways). Ash’s eyes look like his fight or flight response can’t be turned off, unless he hasn’t lost the joyful childhood innocence of being in total shock of seeing a woman’s boobs up close. Even if Avery is melting for Ash, I’d still want to lick her like an ice cream cone, assuming Ash is knee deep in hippie nonsense to believe non-violent conflict resolution is the answer. Yolanda’s brain functioning in this relationship is the hypothetical answer to “what if Muhammad Ali was a woman?”, it’s just painful to watch. Lisa looks to have aged another decade within a week, giving a whole new meaning to the term speed dating. Edited March 30, 2020 by InternetToughGuy 6 3 Link to comment
MajorNelson March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 I like Usman, and his TH/ITM's are a breath of fresh air. In particular, he lays out his growing doubts. 15 Link to comment
mamadrama March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 Geoffrey: She's hiding things from me; she's not allowed to talk to other men while she's meant to be with ME! Also Geoffrey: *I hope she doesn't find out about my past... but I'll worry about that after I get done flirting with my female friend on the phone* 5 17 Link to comment
Chalby March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 2 minutes ago, mamadrama said: Geoffrey: She's hiding things from me; she's not allowed to talk to other men while she's meant to be with ME! He gives me the creeps! His obsession and inability to trust anything he says is beyond reasonable. If he really thinks he's being played, then call it a day. Apparently, 90 Day Fiance cast members seem to think a "normal, loving" relationship means bullying their mate (Angela), making unreasonable demands (all of them), and making cruel or dismissive observations. Surely none of these people actually think they 'have something' worth wanting besides American citizenship (aside from the Australians)? Why get upset because their young, foreign lover is willing to become intimate with them in exchange for leaving their difficult circumstances? 2 5 Link to comment
Chalby March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 On 3/24/2020 at 9:27 PM, gavinmac said: He only communicates with her through the love scam website, where he had to pay $1-$5 a message and she gets a cut of that. And the fact that she has never given him any other way to contact him should have been a major red flag This reminds me (I apologize for sounding crass) of a call girl and her pimp. The pimp oversees the transactions as well as the communication. But the pimp will never allow his top earner actually be alone with a customer long enough to be spirited away. I wonder if TLC purposely chooses men/women who are in alternate realities? It feels cruel to have him be catfished for our enjoyment. I awould think TLC has to speak to both parties before agreeing to film? 1 2 Link to comment
Chalby March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 I am very annoyed with Stephanie's storyline. At first I was happy because it's about time we represented all the couples looking for love. But I find Steph manages to keep out important details for her 'storyline' far too easily. Her parents haven't a clue their daughter is now bisexual. She has a dangerous health condition, but does not go into details with the Australian girl she believes is her soul mate. Then when she gets to Australia, she explains to the cameraman that becoming intimate may not be possible because of her health and the danger of all the germs and bacteria. Hopefully she will soon tell her soulmate the same news. Why is she wasting our time as well as Ozzie gal's time? 10 Link to comment
mamadrama March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 2 hours ago, Chalby said: He gives me the creeps! His obsession and inability to trust anything he says is beyond reasonable. If he really thinks he's being played, then call it a day. Apparently, 90 Day Fiance cast members seem to think a "normal, loving" relationship means bullying their mate (Angela), making unreasonable demands (all of them), and making cruel or dismissive observations. Surely none of these people actually think they 'have something' worth wanting besides American citizenship (aside from the Australians)? Why get upset because their young, foreign lover is willing to become intimate with them in exchange for leaving their difficult circumstances? He's creepy even without the backstory he's got going on. Isn't it weird how the Americans often get upset with the foreigners for the very things that drew them to the people in the first place? You specifically sought out a Russian chick with the understanding that if things worked out they'd move to the US yet now you're angry that they want to move here? Here's an idea, dipshit, date local... Or they think, "I'll find someone in a third world country because my moneygoes further there and it won't matter that I am barely middle class and look like a toad-the fact that I'm American will have them running to get away from their poverty..." only to later become indignant, "OMG, the only reason this way-too-hot-for-me foreigner wants to be with me is because they're poor and I'm American!" I love the trainwrecks, but at the end of the day I prefer the ones who had a more organic relationship, like David/Annie, Loren/Alexi, even Paola/Russ (though I don't like either one of them as people). The relationships where they actually met in person first, got to know each other while they spent time with them, and then fell in love. I met my foreign husband because we were grad students together and shared a flat in Wales. We lived together, got to know each other and became friends, fell in love, had a child, and then applied for the K1 visa because I wanted to come home. Nothing full of drama. But then, I guess that's why they don't cast people like us-we'd be way too boring. 21 Link to comment
Mu Shu March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 On 3/26/2020 at 7:04 PM, gavinmac said: Depends what you mean by "a lot better than Lisa." Good looking thirty-something year old sane American women aren't trawling Nigerian online dating sites looking for husbands. And good looking 30 something Nigerian women aren’t trawling Club BarCode looking for a forty something, supremely untalented “musician”. I feel for those poor kids if Sofaboy is the hottest act in town. He’s that guy who always stinks up karaoke night being all serious about his singing. Guy is awful. 12 1 Link to comment
Guest March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 11 hours ago, GladysCravits said: Howdy Doody or Alfred E. Newman from Mad Magazine, if anyone remembers either one of them😂 Tom Terrific and Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog. Link to comment
blubld43 March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 10 hours ago, CatracaTV said: Geof still has too much street left in his personality. Another way of putting the frustration he expressed is that he thought he was too smart to get Got, and he feels that He's been Got by this Russian. Bingo! His ridiculous reaction is solely because this doesn't play into his plan, competition?? She doesn't need to kiss his ass for a green card, how is that going to work?? He's looking every minute for stuff to criticize or be upset about. I see you, Geoffrey. 7 Link to comment
Kyanight March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 (edited) 7 hours ago, Frozendiva said: She had a right to complain about a bed being two boxsprings - she probably expected that you as a successful star could afford a nice hotel for your stay. Not the shower thing and the bucket. Get used to it Lisa. This is what your 'star' lives like. I just wanted to add my two cents (and worth about that much!) Have you ever been to Nigeria? In the area Lisa wanted to stay in, that IS a very nice hotel. It isn't always about what you can afford - it might be what is available there. She should have learned about the culture before she went there. It's not like flying to a different state in the U.S. And David is out of luck because Anya married someone else years ago. Edited March 30, 2020 by Kyanight 16 Link to comment
Cini March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 What happened to Darcey? She looks worse every time. She is tragic! Just to remind everybody how she used to look before she went down the rabbit hole of cosmetic enhancements and surgery: 3 Link to comment
mamadrama March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 9 minutes ago, Kyanight said: I just wanted to add my two cents (and worth about that much!) Have you ever been to Nigeria? In the area Lisa wanted to stay in, that IS a very nice hotel. It isn't always about what you can afford - it might be what is available there. She should have learned about the culture before she went there. It's not like flying to a different state in the U.S. And David is out of luck because Anya married someone else years ago. I was thinking the thing about the motel. There aren't a lot of choices, and in some of the smaller places you're most likely not going to get a room with western standards. As a former travel writer I used to go all over the world. Things are best when you try to leave expectations at the door and don't try to compare standards. Sure, even next to a chain Hyatt or an Embassy Suites the room isn't great but I always tried to look at things as they were, not as how I wanted them to be. In some of my travels even two box springs would've been an upgrade from what I was sleeping on. Lisa's room was spacious, had a separate living room area, and appeared to be clean. She was complaining from the moment she started onto the plane. Since Lisa complains about every.little.thing I couldn't take her bitching seriously, even if it was valid. 21 Link to comment
Popular Post blubld43 March 30, 2020 Popular Post Share March 30, 2020 17 minutes ago, Kyanight said: I just wanted to add my two cents (and worth about that much!) Have you ever been to Nigeria? In the area Lisa wanted to stay in, that IS a very nice hotel. It isn't always about what you can afford - it might be what is available there. She should have learned about the culture before she went there. It's not like flying to a different state in the U.S. And David is out of luck because Anya married someone else years ago. I was thinking last night that this might be the case. Dumbass Lisa thinks Usman is a U.S. rapper type "celebrity" , with accompanying luxe accommodations, she is a pure fool. That sad release "party" should have been her first clue. But she doesn't deserve any better, IMO. She clearly went over there thinking her white American-ness was going to give her the upper hand, and as a result has treated Usman and all his associates like offensive children. I hope Usman dumps her hard. 25 Link to comment
Sir RaiderDuck OMS March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 I can see David convincing himself that "something must have happened to Lana" or whatever. He seems 100% incapable of accepting that the "Lana" he thinks he's fallen in love with is a combination of a professional model's photos and somebody else entirely (who may be a woman or a man) behind a keyboard. His "Lana" simply does not exist, but that would require him to face the ugly truth that he's been scammed for probably half a million dollars or more (going by the website charging $100/hour to chat and his admission that he's spent thousands of hours on it). The reason she's suddenly disappeared from the site is because they've wrung all the $$$ they can out of the "Lana" character and have now moved on to their newest addition "Natasha" (or whoever). Usman appears to have very little stage talent. The one song they showed before the Lisa song (and since it's been at least 10 seconds since she mentioned it, let's not forget that the song was written for her) was him scatting over an energetic dance beat: in other words, something that every DJ in every medium-sized US city knows how to do. Usman may be something of a star in his hometown, but he'd have a hard time headlining your average US Karaoke Night. In addition, he'd quickly get a Cease-and-Desist letter from Soulja Boy's lawyers. Those shots of the women in the audience wondering why he'd "sung" his lousy auto-tuned song to some middle-aged American woman were hilarious. Ed, get your awful mayonnaise-infested hair off my TV screen. Thank you. Geoffrey: So it's OK for YOU to talk to any woman you want, but a capital crime if SHE talks to other men? Whatever. 18 Link to comment
RealReality March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 6 hours ago, magemaud said: He admits to being engaged twice but never married LOL, I bet he considers himself "engaged" to lana 2 3 Link to comment
RealReality March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 21 minutes ago, mamadrama said: I was thinking the thing about the motel. There aren't a lot of choices, and in some of the smaller places you're most likely not going to get a room with western standards. As a former travel writer I used to go all over the world. Things are best when you try to leave expectations at the door and don't try to compare standards. Sure, even next to a chain Hyatt or an Embassy Suites the room isn't great but I always tried to look at things as they were, not as how I wanted them to be. In some of my travels even two box springs would've been an upgrade from what I was sleeping on. Lisa's room was spacious, had a separate living room area, and appeared to be clean. She was complaining from the moment she started onto the plane. Since Lisa complains about every.little.thing I couldn't take her bitching seriously, even if it was valid. Agreed, the small country my parents are from is becoming an ecotourism hot spot. But until very recently "the best" hotel you could stay at in the more remote areas were little better than a motel 6. One of the hotels we stayed at. The nicest in the area, literally uses towels that were either "lifted" from other chain hotels or sold as seconds or overstock from other hotels. They literally had Wyndham workout towels as hand towels. With the embroidery and blue stripe and everything. The soaps were....just sad. The bed linens was extremely thin and it wasn't at all a luxury mattress that you'd expect over here. But it's a small and poor country. It's an asshole move to show up with the same expectations. We always had a shower though! Lucky us! 6 Link to comment
Hangin Out March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 9 hours ago, IvySpice said: For $100,000, he could get a lot of it -- legally -- about an hour from Vegas. Yep, and for much less money and no plane fare. What a doofus. 3 Link to comment
Gobi March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 38 minutes ago, Cini said: What happened to Darcey? She looks worse every time. She is tragic! Just to remind everybody how she used to look before she went down the rabbit hole of cosmetic enhancements and surgery: She would look so much better if she had just let herself age naturally. 11 Link to comment
Hangin Out March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 6 minutes ago, Gobi said: She would look so much better if she had just let herself age naturally. Wow .. she looks so much better. Tom would have liked her this way. 4 Link to comment
DEL901 March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 When he was walking Lisa to their accommodations, Usman said he had booked the Chalet Suite. This was probably the finest room at the hotel and one of the best in town. Lisa has to let go of her first world expectations. Then again, she thought that was a happening launch party. Usman May have been the guest of honour, but the turnout was... well, the place wasn’t even full....except for the crickets when the video was over and again when he introduced his “white American” fiancé. 2 8 Link to comment
Laurie4H March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 6 minutes ago, Gobi said: She would look so much better if she had just let herself age naturally. Right and she is 45. I’m 45 and many of my friends who are in their late 30’s to 50’s look much better than her. Some haven’t even changed that much looks wise. I’ll bet if she just aged naturally she would just have a few more wrinkles and look her age (depending on genetics, time spent in the sun, and if she was ever a smoker). But all her Botox makes her look 10 years older than she is. Is David for real? Sometimes I wonder if some of these people are actors. If Stephanie is for real I hope she doesn’t get sick overseas. I can’t imagine anything worse then getting sick so far away from home. Away from your family and friends and your own home and bed. 5 Link to comment
gotta watch March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 Did anyone else think Stephanie and Ericahh's kissing scene looked totally fake/forced? 18 Link to comment
Hangin Out March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 5 hours ago, Chalby said: I am very annoyed with Stephanie's storyline. At first I was happy because it's about time we represented all the couples looking for love. But I find Steph manages to keep out important details for her 'storyline' far too easily. Her parents haven't a clue their daughter is now bisexual. She has a dangerous health condition, but does not go into details with the Australian girl she believes is her soul mate. Then when she gets to Australia, she explains to the cameraman that becoming intimate may not be possible because of her health and the danger of all the germs and bacteria. Hopefully she will soon tell her soulmate the same news. Why is she wasting our time as well as Ozzie gal's time? I have a feeling the Australian girl is having second thoughts after seeing and hearing about her health condition. She didn’t look too thrilled with all the medicines she has to take and do everyday. 12 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 5 minutes ago, gotta watch said: Did anyone else think Stephanie and Ericahh's kissing scene looked totally fake/forced? I yawned and might have missed it. My take away from their segment was there is a place where I can play with kangaroos and I can't believe Stephanie's doctors let her travel that much of a distance if she is so sick but mostly the kangaroos. 2 12 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 18 minutes ago, DEL901 said: when he introduced his “white American” fiancé. Why did he have to introduce Baby Gurl Visa as his "white American finance?" I guess that was to tell everyone that he will be living in the US soon. When they went to the motel and Lisa was surprised that it was not a real chalet, she really is dumb as a box of rocks. She was able to go on line and meet her "slebrity," boyfriend but could not be bothered to Google any information about Nigeria and once again she sees a bucket in the bathroom and is surprised. Sojaboy is Islamic and the menfolk take the lead in the household, etc...he purposely looked for a desperate American woman so him trying to throw around that BS about what his religion is all about is pretty phony stuff. If his religion is that important to him he would have looked for an Islamic woman so that "man is the law" logic is lost on me. 5 Link to comment
Spike March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 Dabbing, dabbing, dabbing, everybody dabbing! Might become a thing in bingo halls. And it might explain the heavy use of autotune on “I Love You (insert name here).” 6 2 Link to comment
Pepper Mostly March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 7 hours ago, magemaud said: He admits to being engaged twice but never married Oh that is precious! I wonder if the women he was supposed to be engaged to even knew it? 22 2 Link to comment
AZChristian March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 David: He admits to being "60." I'm 73, and his skin and my skin look similar regarding the age spots and wrinkles. I have decided NOT to start wearing a dark brown toupee with absolutely no variation in color. Geoffrey: Varya can't interact with another person on the keyboard, but he can have his (ex-girl)friend on speed dial, and can Facetime with her frequently? Oh, and he's angry because Varya has secrets, but he hasn't come clean about his criminal record? Mm-kay. Stephanie: Boxes of what she says are medications, but doesn't live like someone who has a potentially fatal disease. Given what we've seen on 90DF, I suspect she's just in Australia doing marketing for her youtube channel because maybe gofundme didn't work for her. BGLisa: Needs to look up "delusional" in the dictionary to see if her picture is still there. Darcey: I'm not normally rude to strangers, but if I'd been in that restaurant when she walked in, I'd have laughed and stared and surreptitiously taken her picture to post on Facebook. I live a sheltered life and would have assumed she was the first hooker I'd ever seen in real life. 20 4 Link to comment
Squee Bastard March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 Babywhalelisa needs to sit ALL the way down and shut the fuck up. She has diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain. 4 5 Link to comment
humbleopinion March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 (edited) BGL invested 2 years into SJB but didn’t bother to find out anything about his upbringing, his culture, her role as a wife, if his hometown was modern. Kaduna has a population of over 700K while Sokoto is half that size and accommodations are not geared to Western tourists. Instead of trying to immerse herself into the experience she bitches and moans about everything in front of Bobo Gandhi ...when Bobo compliments SJB about BGL’s beauty...he is definitely lying but he is showing good manners and helping his friend SJB save face. BGL’s whiny selfishness, the barking of ordered and demands, total disregard for anyone other than herself is unacceptable and SJB is seeing that she is not wife material...he is embarrassed for her continued uncouthness but the lure of Merica is too tempting.... Tossing his hot dog down her hallway and now is a chore like toting her pre-wheelie luggage she got at the consignment store in York,PA. The couple are staying at the Shukura Coral Hotel and the Deluxe Chalet runs $35USD/night. BGL saying “chalet” like she was expecting a Swiss resort. Much to BGL’s dismay and focus of ire is the hand held shower head and bucket which is standard in many areas of the world. Overhead shower heads in a shower stall are not...the drain in the floor is for her runoff. Am looking close for the name brand of SJB’s super sudsy soap....Need for my 20 second covid hand washing routine. SJB, bless his heart....looks at the sunny side of the street...he opines the box spring on box spring will help their sex”performance” since he obviously finding it difficult to get enough traction in her blobby blubber to get the job done..... Edited April 2, 2020 by humbleopinion 6 8 Link to comment
gotta watch March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 If I were Rose, I'd tell Ed to take the next plane home unless he 1) has an STD test and 2) wash his damn hair. And give him the 3rd degree about why it's so greasy. Why is mayonnaise in your hair? Why are you doing that? I just need to TRUST YOUUUU 1 7 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 4 minutes ago, AZChristian said: David: He admits to being "60." I'm 73, and his skin and my skin look similar regarding the age spots and wrinkles. I have decided NOT to start wearing a dark brown toupee with absolutely no variation in color. Geoffrey: Varya can't interact with another person on the keyboard, but he can have his (ex-girl)friend on speed dial, and can Facetime with her frequently? Oh, and he's angry because Varya has secrets, but he hasn't come clean about his criminal record? Mm-kay. Stephanie: Boxes of what she says are medications, but doesn't live like someone who has a potentially fatal disease. Given what we've seen on 90DF, I suspect she's just in Australia doing marketing for her youtube channel because maybe gofundme didn't work for her. BGLisa: Needs to look up "delusional" in the dictionary to see if her picture is still there. Darcey: I'm not normally rude to strangers, but if I'd been in that restaurant when she walked in, I'd have laughed and stared and surreptitiously taken her picture to post on Facebook. I live a sheltered life and would have assumed she was the first hooker I'd ever seen in real life. I agree 100% with your post. David is not that naive, he can't be, right? He says he wants to drive to whatever town Lana supposedly lives in, what could possibly go wrong? Geoffrey's hypocrisy is alarming! Baby Gurl Visa is alarmingly so unaware of herself that she could watch all the footage and not even recognize it is her being filmed. Darcey's get up was nuts for a lunch, her pants were too long and it looked like she was standing in hole. Also, why pack a bag and book a room if you are only going to tell Tom that he is nothing to you now? We should not feel pity for any of these people, all of their problems with these romances are self inflicted and can make it stop on their own but since they won't, I will watch. 2 7 Link to comment
Spike March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 4 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said: Also, why pack a bag and book a room if you are only going to tell Tom that he is nothing to you now? Yes and why the need for a hotel room when people commute from CT to NYC? She blathered about not wanting to bring negativity back home but I have a feeling it is constantly present with her and Stacey trying to one up each other and bash Tom and Florian for various reasons. 1 8 Link to comment
humbleopinion March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 RM sitting on the edge of the bed in her $4 nighty and BigEd rubbing her feet skeeves me out...her foot will either be in his mouth and/or rubbing his junk as soon as the camera crew click the door shut.....Ack! gag! 1 5 4 Link to comment
AZChristian March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 (edited) 8 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said: I agree 100% with your post. David is not that naive, he can't be, right? He says he wants to drive to whatever town Lana supposedly lives in, what could possibly go wrong? Thanks! One thing I couldn't figure out. Why didn't David take a train back to her town? I would NEVER rent a car to drive through a country whose language I do not speak. ETA: Someone upthread said her "overnight bag" would have held enough for four days for most people. What I think some people do not realize is that the faux Louis Vuitton bag on top of the rolling weekender had her clothes. The rolling weekender was just for her makeup and the pump to re-inflate her boobs and face. Edited March 30, 2020 by AZChristian Added thought. 11 4 Link to comment
blubld43 March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 21 minutes ago, AZChristian said: David: He admits to being "60." I'm 73, and his skin and my skin look similar regarding the age spots and wrinkles. I have decided NOT to start wearing a dark brown toupee with absolutely no variation in color. Geoffrey: Varya can't interact with another person on the keyboard, but he can have his (ex-girl)friend on speed dial, and can Facetime with her frequently? Oh, and he's angry because Varya has secrets, but he hasn't come clean about his criminal record? Mm-kay. Stephanie: Boxes of what she says are medications, but doesn't live like someone who has a potentially fatal disease. Given what we've seen on 90DF, I suspect she's just in Australia doing marketing for her youtube channel because maybe gofundme didn't work for her. Lol! I too will forever avoid such a wig, if I am ever to need one! I loathe Geoffrey so much, he is giving a master class in sociopath. I like Varya's quirky fashion, that flamingo top was cute and fun. I hope she dumps Geoff, hard, with several friends nearby for protection, then maybe have the police escort him to the airport. This will not end well. I am just waiting for Stephanie to "sing" to Erica. And that outfit she wore to see the Roos was much more "on a cruise", than " in the Outback ". She is Darcy, 20 years ago and with an illness to exploit. 7 Link to comment
MajorNelson March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 6 hours ago, Chalby said: Then when she gets to Australia, she explains to the cameraman that becoming intimate may not be possible because of her health and the danger of all the germs and bacteria. I missed that! I must have been asleep. Do you know what scene it was in? On camera, she was talking up her shyness about PDA's and stuff. Rotten storyline if this is the case, Note, they did kiss, which can be a germy interaction. 2 Link to comment
humbleopinion March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 (edited) Pavlohrad is an industrial town of 100K so despite bad roads and a war these obstacles will not stop David from finding...Lana, the Friendly Ghost. David is determined that the camera crew and publicity of an American teevee filming in Pavlohrad will suss his soulmate out into the open so he can get on bended knee to give her the CZ. Anya is a decent person who sticks out from the rest of the usual motley crew that inhabit 90D Land. Edited March 30, 2020 by humbleopinion 1 6 Link to comment
Gobi March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 30 minutes ago, AZChristian said: One thing I couldn't figure out. Why didn't David take a train back to her town? I would NEVER rent a car to drive through a country whose language I do not speak.. You answered your own question. He can't take a train because he doesn't speak Russian or Ukrainian and wouldn't know how to get a ticket. (Let's pretend that the film crew doesn't have a translator.) I don't think that Anya would help him, either, because she wants no guilt over what could happen to him. 5 Link to comment
magemaud March 30, 2020 Share March 30, 2020 1 hour ago, Spike said: Dabbing, dabbing, dabbing, everybody dabbing! Might become a thing in bingo halls. And it might explain the heavy use of autotune on “I Love You (insert name here).” Bingo night at the Senior Center! “I Love You Agnes...Mildred...Bertha...Gertrude...” 5 1 Link to comment
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