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S11.E10: A Breaking Point

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Sometimes it pays to look back and remember that seeing yourself as a victim is a tenet of their faith. It's one of wily Joseph Smith's earliest and most fervent teachings. 

The Netflix documentary called Mormons (watched by a lot of posters here) does a great job of outlining Smith's crimes in chronological order, making it easy to see how and why reasonable, law abiding neighbors and citizens, for many years in many states, reacted with indignation to his crimes and his motives for committing them.

He was a cunning crook who painted being held accountable as persecution and falsely likened the depth of his persecution to the depth of his righteousness. 

Missionaries are taught that the more doors slammed in their faces, the more proof that their beliefs are true.

There is very little difference between mainstream LDS and fundie LDS. None of the Browns are adult converts, all were raised in all of the basic LDS tenets. Looking at it that way helps us to see why they are constantly claiming to be victims. 

Their instinct and their  constant "need" to justify being evicted (or whatever else) springs from a very deep well. It's nearly in their DNA. Joseph Smith was a convicted charlatan and Utah leads the nation in fraud,  bankruptcy, and MLMs. Hmmm. 

It's like the gorgeous bitch on wheels who says "They hate me because I'm beautiful." Sad, and delusional.

Edited by suomi
realize/remember not the same
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The only reasonable thing said the whole episode came from Brianna (I think, may have been Aurora).  "You're the parents, you made the choice."  Or something to that effect.  The kids reacted badly because their parents keep making promises and then breaking them.  Horrible, horrible parents.  The older kids seem to be doing OK, but I think a lot of that is because they were mostly raised prior to the show.  Now everything that happens is to keep the TLC gravy train moving along.

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I believe Robyn is ruining Aurora in the same manner that Meri and Kootie ruined Mariah.  After years of "total emerson" living via Meri and Kootie, narcissists' extraordinaire, Mariah is a full-fledged narcissist, herself.  Robyn is grooming Aurora to follow in her footsteps of an entitled, manipulative, passive aggressive, underhanded operative. Let's hope that Aurora has the strength to avoid both this and the sociopathic method that Robyn seems to have embraced completely.

Robyn should be chastised strongly for doing this to her kids, especially on national t.v.  As for Kootie, I expect nothing less from him than this azzhat move.  99% of this whole conversation should have been kept between the queen of darkness and her mincing minion.  At the very least, Sol and Arialla should have been dropped off at a bonus mom's house. So sad what they're putting these kids through.

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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

They had a huddle prayer in either this episode or the one before it.

To be honest, I haven't watched a full episode in a couple of years.  If you folks here didn't mention praying, I assumed (maybe incorrectly) that they weren't doing it.  The last time I actually saw them pray was during the episode when Robyn gave the "cookie sermon."

1 hour ago, texasbluebonnets said:

As far as I can remember the last time was right before they left Lehi.  I never saw them pray the entire time they were in Vegas, and especially not since they moved to Flagstaff.  Their faith is not important to them anymore, especially since Kody and Robyn want a mongomes relationship, their lifestyle has nothing to do with their faith they left behind the minute they signed TLC's paperwork

I have to agree completely.  Their "faith" was just an attention-grabbing device for Kody, and it evolved from there for a basis for his screams of "persecution." 

I don't think he'd ever envisioned himself in a "marriage" with four women who all had different opinions - especially since some of them don't seem to see their "husband" all that often and don't seem to give two figs for what he thinks.

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I just watched and need to get this out before reading all of this. Sorry!


"There's no way that God would 'sit there' and have us buy a home. That just doesn't make sense in any way to me."

"My concern and my worry is if Kody gets his way and we buy, that it's going to delay us. And the impact it will make on our family and our family culture..." [dramatic 12-second pause, looking down, strangely pressing finger against nose, trying not to...dry cry again?] "...will be [da da da daaaaa] IRREPARABLE."

What a freakin' drama queen. Yeah, I'm sure God is really working overtime to make sure that you get your rental. And your whole family is going to be destroyed forever if Kody buys a house. ROBYN, just shut the fuck up. This stupid argument is so manufactured and ridiculous. There are people in this world with REAL problems, like, oh, not having a home at all, and here's this stupid bitch insisting that they don't have to be prepared, because God is going to gift them with a rental at the 11th hour. How adult does that sound? And this "angry" act that she's been doing all season is so fake and old. Like she thinks it's cool that she's a bitch to Kody about everything and she thinks she's smarter than him. Like Kody or hate him, but there's one thing that is unmistakable, and that's that Robyn is not smarter than him. That doesn't mean he's a genius, it just means that she is a bigger dummy than he is.

And the panic attack - they've GOT to get her out of the room, to the point of carrying her, in order to get her away from the cameras. But they're careful to leave her door cracked open 4 inches and don't take their mic packs off. And how many times did Dayton question it, to the point that I think he wasn't buying the drama for a second. And if it was genuine and she is so fragile that she can lose it to the point of not being able to walk, why are they even discussing it with the kids and basically arguing in front of them? Figure it out and then tell them when it's a done deal.

I also just realized that Robyn and Kody are color-coordinated on the couch. They're both wearing shirts that are purple, black, white, and tan, but hers is floral and his is plaid. Now I have to pay attention to see if he color-coordinates with any of the other wives!

Edited by Teri313
  • Love 24
19 hours ago, Teri313 said:

I just watched and need to get this out before reading all of this. Sorry!


"There's no way that God would 'sit there' and have us buy a home. That just doesn't make sense in any way to me."

"My concern and my worry is if Kody gets his way and we buy, that it's going to delay us. And the impact it will make on our family and our family culture..." [dramatic 12-second pause, looking down, strangely pressing finger against nose, trying not to...dry cry again?] "...will be [da da da daaaaa] IRREPARABLE."

What a freakin' drama queen. Yeah, I'm sure God is really working overtime to make sure that you get your rental. And your whole family is going to be destroyed forever if Kody buys a house. ROBYN, just shut the fuck up. This stupid argument is so manufactured and ridiculous. There are people in this world with REAL problems, like, oh, not having a home at all, and here's this stupid bitch insisting that they don't have to be prepared, because God is going to gift them with a rental at the 11th hour. How adult does that sound? And this "angry" act that she's been doing all season is so fake and old. Like she thinks it's cool that she's a bitch to Kody about everything and she thinks she's smarter than him. Like Kody or hate him, but there's one thing that is unmistakable, and that's that Robyn is not smarter than him. That doesn't mean he's a genius, it just means that she is a bigger dummy than he is.

And the panic attack - they've GOT to get her out of the room, to the point of carrying her, in order to get her away from the cameras. But they're careful to leave her door cracked open 4 inches and don't take their mic packs off. And how many times did Dayton question it, to the point that I think he wasn't buying the drama for a second. And if it was genuine and she is so fragile that she can lose it to the point of not being able to walk, why are they even discussing it with the kids and basically arguing in front of them? Figure it out and then tell them when it's a done deal.

I also just realized that Robyn and Kody are color-coordinated on the couch. They're both wearing shirts that are purple, black, white, and tan, but hers is floral and his is plaid. Now I have to pay attention to see if he color-coordinates with any of the other wives!

This last ep was disgusting to me.  The whole thing with Sobbins kids seemed so staged.  Sure, let's fight in front of the child who apparently suffers panic attacks.  Looked to me they were purposely trying to rile at least Aurora up.  I would hate to think they are so stupid they wouldn't realize what they are doing 🙂

I was trying to avoid politics/virus news so I was going to watch it again but that little display made me stop.  I found it gross.  I have anxiety issues and I hate saying this and have nothing to base it on BUT I am not sure I believe Aurora's issue was organic. Seemed rather convenient.  But I am jaded about anything Brown. So either she faked it or her parents worked hard to make sure she had one on screen to prove how hard their life is.  

It seems to me Dayon and Brianna are a bit tired of Aurora's theatrics.  She has been that way since day 1.  I sensed some rolling eyeballs.  By the way, Brianna is quite pretty.  

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On 3/11/2020 at 1:12 PM, texasbluebonnets said:

I think the main reason why they have moved so many times throughout the years is because Kody was trying to find answers, like you said.  Instead of running away, or to a new greener pasture, they all need to go back to their roots as a family, and put faith back into each of their lives.  Thank you for your entire post.  It was right on.

I think, if I were a child in the Brown family, I'd feel pretty resentful of my parents, my dad specifically, for not having their s?it together and for the crappy family dynamics my parent's religion had us living with, and us kids having to pay the price for their reckless decision making.  Heck, I'm definitely not part of their family and I feel outraged and protective of the kids because of the crappy parenting they're getting.  Just the moving around and the fear they put into the kids about leaving Lehi is enough to make me want to scream at the adults. I can't imagine having a father as uninvolved and aloof and narcissistic as Kody is with his kids.  Sure makes me appreciate my parents all the more. And yes Kody is always trying to find something better or easier or more profitable... while putting in no work to accomplish it. But  expecting everyone to notice how much angst he's experiencing because of the pressure he's under guiding his family.

Edited by rayndon
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On 3/11/2020 at 1:48 PM, Sandy W said:

The God they pray to must have picked up Janelle's unused realtor license and ran with it.

I call it the Santa Claus God. I think that the true God, however you perceive it, is the One who walks with you through good times and bad.

The Santa Claus God is the one who connects when you pray for a pony or a rental.  This God pretends to hear you.  In one ear and out the other.

It's the Santa Claus God the Brownies were praying to and good luck with that.

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On 3/11/2020 at 11:56 AM, Kyanight said:

They used to dress modestly and that totally changed.  They used to be a family - now they are four separate families living apart that don't even like each other.  I'm not even convinced Kody likes any of his wives ... except for maybe Robyn.  That will fade in time.   Did reality TV "fame" go to their heads, or what?  Why do some of the wives HAVE to have mcmansions?  So many questions... so few answers.

It's funny when they show you the old scenes from the first season.  They all wore those long-sleeved shirts with the spaghetti straps.  They don't dress immodestly at all but it's not as "Evangelical-looking" as they used to.

There is so much strife in that family that they really don't seem to happy--except maybe Janelle.  You never see him being loving to her and Christine.  And except when they were looking at that property, definitely not Meri.  I will be surprised if they last one more season.  There really isn't much of a story to tell any more. 

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

In the words of our priest:  "God is not a slot machine."

Robyn, Kody, and crew need to memorize that one.

It killed me when Robyn was trying to have faith that He would provide the condo without them having to buy a house, and Kody just KNEW what God was telling him that they had to get a house.  They both thought they knew the right thing.  ARGH.

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Such drama. We have to tell the kid we are moving again!! boo hoo.  It annoys me that they are making such a big deal out of a move.  I think these kids are spoiled as hell.  Whether it be the rental in Vegas, the Vegas homes, and subsequent rentals...they are all better   places than anywhere Robyn and the  kids lived before. For all the talk about wanting to be together and be with family. You'd think they would be grateful they are together and have a decent roof over their heads.  Who cares what the house is like?  its mind boggling how much emphasis they put on size and bedrooms. 

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It is the parents’ responsibility to make the kids feel safe and secure. They can frame the conversation either positively or negatively.  They can definitely act as though the move is no big deal. “Hey it’s just temporary, and you’ll be in the same school.”

As far as the panic attacks, I get them every now and then, and I can feel it coming on. I know what I need to do to bring myself down.  Aurora seems to be aware and should have taken care immediately. Instead she soaked up the attention by allowing it to blow. She could have excused herself immediately for some air, but it could’ve been avoided had Kody and Robyn just approached the conversation right to begin  with. “No big deal, we’re just moving, no one’s dying...”

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14 hours ago, DeusExMaraschino said:

I adore this show.  I am ashamed of it, yes, but holy shit it makes me feel like a smart, productive, non-piece of shit contributor to society.  The idiocy of these people and the rage they inspire in me makes me feel alive!!!!

Saaaaaame!!  I am also ashamed, would never admit to friends I watch it or they’d question my sanity, but that’s why I like it here 😆  

I hate watch each season just endlessly incredulous, that these tedious and dysfunctional morons end up being so captivating somehow? It makes literally no sense! They are not attractive people. They are boring, financially illiterate and they only talk in psychobabble and passive aggression. They just get more and more punchable every season, yet I’m just sittin’ here (thanks Robyn) tuning in to every episode til the train finally wrecks.

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7 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

I love y'all and our friendly snarkfest, but I'm about done with these idiots.

I'm only here for the snark, I haven't been able to stomach watching for years. 

8 minutes ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

The level of hypocrisy, greed, hatred, and passive aggressive behavior they display is depressing.

Absolutely.  They deserve a major smackdown but that won't happen as long as there are viewers bolstering the ratings. Glad I'm not contributing to the numbers.

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Absolutely.  They deserve a major smackdown but that won't happen as long as there are viewers bolstering the ratings. Glad I'm not contributing to the numbers.

Meh, I watch the show. Despite Janelle's claims, I really think 75% of it is staged or edited to increase the drama. I'm not even sure that panic attack was all that real. They're stupid, but they're not evil. It's entertainment, just like any other show. Watching these people is nothing compared to the people who continue to watch Kevin Spacey movies. The Browns are small fish in a small pond, and we're preventing them from having to commit welfare fraud to survive by watching their mostly fake drama.




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My only exposure to the show these days is when a commercial for it comes on when I'm watching some other TLC garbage "reality" show.

It feels like they are filming all of these important family meetings to air.  Then, when the camera crew leaves, they all stay together and try to brainstorm ideas for new drama to keep the series running.  (Using the term "brain"storm is even a stretch when discussing this group.)

"Aurora, have you been rehearsing those panic attacks?  How about if I pick you up and run out of the room with you to another room with an open door so they can film us helping you?  Come over here and let me see if I can still pick you up."

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11 hours ago, suzywallis said:

It killed me when Robyn was trying to have faith that He would provide the condo without them having to buy a house, and Kody just KNEW what God was telling him that they had to get a house.  They both thought they knew the right thing.  ARGH.

The Brown's God and my God are two different spirits.

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22 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

It seems to me Dayon and Brianna are a bit tired of Aurora's theatrics.  She has been that way since day 1.  I sensed some rolling eyeballs.  By the way, Brianna is quite pretty.  

So pretty!  I began noticing that last year.  I thought Ysabel was going to get into modeling there for awhile, but it seems like her parents neglected her too much for that to happen.  Hopefully they won’t ruin this one too.  I like Brianna’s spirit though.  She’s feisty.  A few seasons ago, when Meri took her to St. George to visit Mariah, when Mariah was really mad at Meri, Mariah was making passive-aggressive digs about Meri right and left, and when she finally said something about not liking Meri’s eyebrows, Briana was like, “you know, it’s really rude to say that.”  I was like, go girl!

I want to say that the only other sibling who is a looker seems to be Aspyn, but now that it came out that Kody didn’t adopt the kids, which I think is so appalling and gross to fake for national TV, I don’t know what to call them.  I guess they’re step-siblings.  

I still can’t get over how wrong it is to fake an adoption on TV.  It’s so horrible for the kids and their father.  When someone is adopted, the family they join is their real family.  Those are their parents.  My husband was adopted as a baby, and his parents also have a biological child, and they were raised together as brother and sister.  I thought that’s what was going on here.  Just a bunch of brothers and sisters.  But if Day’unAuroraBriana’s dad didn’t even give them up?  That is just so sad and confusing.  Kody is not their dad; he is their step-dad and, potentially their guardian.  They have a dad, yet they have to go on TV and lie and say this other “dude” (just using the word for Kody that he prefers) is their dad.  

For all of this bullshit talk about the secrecy and shame that surrounds polygamy, and how the families suffer as a result, how about three kids whose parents are divorced who have a mother and a father who love them, who are just not together for adult reasons, but that is shrouded in shame and secrecy, because Kody has to possess everything he comes into contact with?  Why can’t they just have a mom, a dad, and a step-dad the way that millions of other children do?  Why does Kody have to step in and get his grimy fingerprints on everything and piss on everyone’s territory?   Why do the women push for it/enable it?  It’s gross.  Yes, Robyn, contrary to some very disturbing artwork, you have two baby daddies.  Live with it and stop putting so much emotional baggage on your kids so that they stop having break-downs and their step-father has to carry them upstairs, wedding style, so they can calm down in the privacy of their bedroom (with a camera crew filming the open door and audio on the entire damn thing, naturally).  

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3 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I want to say that the only other sibling who is a looker seems to be Aspyn, but now that it came out that Kody didn’t adopt the kids, which I think is so appalling and gross to fake for national TV, I don’t know what to call them.  I guess they’re step-siblings.  

Aspyn is Kody's daughter. You might be thinking of Aurora who came into the circus with Sobyn and has a different father.

As for the adoption, the fake part was the whole dramatic courtroom scene.  Courts do not allow that kind of filming especially for a sleazy TV show.  I believe that records show that there was an adoption.

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Oh, I wasn’t being particularly clear in my post.  I think Aspyn is the only other highly attractive Brown child.  I was saying I didn’t know what to call her in relation to Briana.  I would have said they were (half) sisters if Kody had adopted Briana, (half?) step-sisters if Kody hadn’t adopted Brianna.  I am not trying to be mean, but I would never really comment on Aurora’s beauty.  

I was only reacting to what a specific poster said a few pages back that this was not a real adoption.  I’m not going to go back and quote, because it was a really long post, but it started out by saying, “This is probably a waste of keystrokes...” and then the poster went on with a very detailed description as to what happened with Robyn’s kids, and made points that it was NOT an adoption.  

I think it depends on the jurisdiction and the judge’s rules as to whether an adoption would be allowed to be televised, sort of like any other court proceeding.  On another reality show, Don’t Be Tardy, a bone fide adoption of two minors in the judge’s chambers made it to air.  

ETA:  what the hell, it’s a slow day at work.  The post I am talking about was written by @Christina on page four of this thread, and some of what convinced me was:

“Kody did NOT adopt Robyn's kids. David, their dad, did NOT sign his rights away. The State of Nevada did NOT change the laws to allow the Browns to adopt the kidS...It appears that David signed a Medical Power of Attorney for Kody...He may have also signed a Limited Power of Attorney...If Robyn were to pass away, David would receive full custody of his kids, because he never lost his rights...Dayton explained he understood why Kody would need to sign for medical treatment. I think Robyn explained they were only calling it adoption for the cameras... Robyn had a lien put on her house for a medical bill for one of the kids, and that lien also had David's name on it, because he is the father and responsible, too, not Kody. 

The Browns all consider David's kids as Browns and none of the adults treat them differently than they treat the others, but there was no legal adoption, itwas just another fake story.”

I snipped it for space, but this is very convincing to me that there was no real adoption, not that there was a real adoption, but that the courtroom scene was staged.  That would have been small potatoes for the Browns.  Now...if I’m wrong and they didn’t fake three adoptions for reality TV, I would be very happy to be wrong, for the kids’ sakes at the least.  

Edited by LibertarianSlut
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Which means the scene where Meri divorces Kody was staged, as well.  (Which we knew to be the case.) Which MEANS  - Kody and Robyn probably insisted they reenact this situation for the cameras so that the viewers would believe the "divorce necessary for the adoption" story.... at which time Meri was MISERABLE and Robyn looked like Sylvester finally ate Tweety and Kody just looked like it had been an hour since he boinked Robyn and he needed to get her in private.   Nice to put someone in pain for the ratings.

Edited by Kyanight
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1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

Which means the scene where Meri divorces Kody was staged, as well.  (Which we knew to be the case.) Which MEANS  - Kody and Robyn probably insisted they reenact this situation for the cameras so that the viewers would believe the "divorce necessary for the adoption" story.... at which time Meri was MISERABLE and Robyn looked like Sylvester finally ate Tweety and Kody just looked like it had been an hour since he boinked Robyn and he needed to get her in private.   Nice to put someone in pain for the ratings.

And even grosser!  Robyn was happy fight for (and get Meri on her side too for) yet another TLC paid-for wedding extravaganza for the legal marriage on the basis of ‘I see the value having another wedding for the kids sake’, when it apparently nothing to do with kids anyway (which we all guessed) and when the other wives only got living room shindig’s for their one-time nuptials.

 She really is a materialistic and manipulative piece of work. I’m guessing Kodouch only shut that plan down to come across as the valiant hero sparing his other wives ‘fillings’. I bet it was part of the agreed storyline, which is why Meri and Robyn both expected another wedding to happen, then he went rouge and shut it down to courthouse only, after realising he and Robyn were going to be absolutely slaughtered for it by fans.

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On 3/7/2020 at 8:10 PM, Galloway Cave said:

A Breaking Point describes where we are all at with this show.

I continue to check in on this forum (and show) because I cannot, for the life of me, understand why these women put up with this fool? Over the decade we have come to learn that Kody is not the sharpest tool in the shed, as well as learned these women are not as financially reliant on him as I first thought. In fact, he is more dependent upon these wives (especially first 3) due to their hard work ethic. Are the women so brainwashed by their beliefs that they allow this lone male to call the important shots for the entire family? Decisions that tie up their heard-earned money because of his latest God-spoke-to-me whim. Why would Robyn furiously refuse to purchase a home for fear of Coyote Pass never being realized, only to back down? If the Browns have moved 19 times, why does Robyn even believe living at Coyote P. will happen, and will be the last move? It's too bad these women couldn't just get Coyote Pass serviced and then buy some mobile homes? They all state they want to be there asap, and with Kody so fixated on 'needing his own space'; heck, let him go wherever he wants. This way the kids can visit him when they want to, or visits the moms. It's not like all the kids see Kody every day like a proper father. Gosh, he annoys the heck out of me!   

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On 3/8/2020 at 12:43 PM, xwordfanatik said:

To me, Aurora is Robyn lite.  Drama Queens extraordinaire.

I have it set to record and will watch in the a.m.

On another note, does anyone else hate switching clocks 2X a year?  

I want to express myself without criticizing those who suffer with anxiety so please be aware that is never my intent. My 4 darlings are bright and started out easily influenced, and they were highly suggestible. I had a son who I could not give an inkling of attention to if he complained of an ache or 'injury'. If he thought it would get me all to himself, he would have hurt himself. My daughter truly believed that she had any illness, sickness of the day, that floated around the neighbourhood and school. I found she could make herself sick on demand. My other son would hide when he was ill so I always had to sneak around and almost 'spy' on him to ensure he wasn't carrying on while physically ill. I won't even get into my 4th because his issues were tied to emotion/anxiety/ stress he put on himself. (Please be aware they have all grown into lovely adults - youngest is 25 and fine) I say all of this because if I responded even a teeny bit the way Robyn and Kody did, my children wouldn't be able to leave the house as they would recreate their anxiety over and over. I know how vicious those attacks can be, and I also know it's easy to trigger an attack. I felt that child didn't stand a chance as her stumbling over words gave the go ahead to feed that anxiety. She also allowed the family a focus/crisis  so they no longer had to deal with any issues. Dangerous territory - it needs to be alleviated, not encouraged and accepted as the norm.

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On 3/10/2020 at 5:49 AM, Kyanight said:

Because she was always entitled, selfish and demanding.  She wanted to be the legal wife.   

When Kody said Meri was like a new girlfriend, I thought, yep. It's in his best interest to keep Meri and Janelle in the fold because they are now the outside money makers. They both work very hard, and I have always assumed the divorce was convenient for Robyn's kids medical/school as well as Kody's taxes. Can't have your wife making too much $$, she's better off filing as a single. I also think that as long as Meri contributes to the family's financial pot, she can have any size home she wants. Imagine if Kody had to 'work' for a living? That's the true lure of polygamy - finances.

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On 3/11/2020 at 12:33 PM, AZChristian said:

I have to agree completely.  Their "faith" was just an attention-grabbing device for Kody, and it evolved from there for a basis for his screams of "persecution." 

Polygamy is just a different flag they wave while they collected 4 gov't subsidy/welfare checks. Important to keep the kids coming and the women stuck so the financial pot can grow. TLC was merely icing on the cake. I don't, for a minute, believe their lifestyle is faith based.

Edited by Chalby
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On 3/10/2020 at 3:25 PM, smarty2020 said:

It's interesting how they cut to her anxiety attack and didn't show the lead up.  As Aurora started stuttering she accused Dayton of being "high and mighty" - so there was some sort of back and forth going on with her and Dayton immediately before she started twitching.  Then when Robyn goes over to Aurora Dayton says something about Robyn going to her "favorite child".  The whole thing was so abruptly edited we have no clue what ACTUALLY was going on when she started her panic attack.  

Dayton even made a comment to the other sister that he wasn't even aware that she was really experiencing any problems. Clearly Dayton is unaware that she has full-fledged attacks 2-3 times a week, or he'd have recognized it when it happened. Sad - these kids are so used to someone performing, they aren't able to know what's real (which makes me wonder...) I think she DID have an attack, but idiot parents didn't realize it was genuine until mid way.

On 3/11/2020 at 8:16 AM, DakotaJustice said:

If I was in my late teens/early 20s, I'd want to date Gabe. To me he is the best looking of the Brown boys, I think its because he has a smiling face and a natural surfer vibe that Kody tries to emulate. He'd fit right in, in Santa Cruz or La Jolla. Both of which have great colleges including UC's.

Have you ever noticed how jealous, even threatened, kody feels around Gabe (and some others)? It's like Kody knows he doesn't measure up. I have found Kody to dismiss his daughters as not being important enough, and yet views his sons as competition for his authority. Why can't he just see his kids as unique individuals instead of only extensions of him who had better be successful?

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Chalby said:

Please explain. Anyone in jail for polygamy is no longer being criminally charged, but they're still not allowed to live with/ practise polygamy? I am not following what you've written.

Decriminalization means taking an act that is illegal and removing criminal penalties; for example, you don't get a criminal record for polygamy, although you still have to pay the fine. 

People that are currently in jail are not there strictly for polygamy.  They are there because of other things like welfare fraud and sex with minors.

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5 hours ago, Chalby said:

Imagine if Kody had to 'work' for a living? That's the true lure of polygamy - finances.

No, I don't think that's true at all - except maybe in Kody's case. (Kody definitely found his gravy train in TLC!)  My husband was an engineer and he made enough money to support the family.  None of the wives worked.   I know that this isn't the norm in many polygamist families, but I don't think finances was the draw for any polygamist.   The husband's need for something new (sanctioned straying) was reinforced by religious beliefs perhaps (but not in all cases as we've seen with Seeking Sister Wives).  Any man would be much better off financially with one wife and the children produced from just one wife.  None of the women who agree to polygamy are highly educated and capable of obtaining well paying jobs that will financially take care of husband as well as other wives and a herd of kids.  There are ALWAYS exceptions - I know.  Which is true of most things in life. 

Edited by Kyanight
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Have you ever noticed how jealous, even threatened, kody feels around Gabe (and some others)? It's like Kody knows he doesn't measure up. I have found Kody to dismiss his daughters as not being important enough, and yet views his sons as competition for his authority. Why can't he just see his kids as unique individuals instead of only extensions of him who had better be successful?

We get isolated episodes here and there where Kody spends time teaching his sons to wrestle or taking his daughters on an outing, but overall, we don't see much evidence that Kody has a close relationship with any of his kids. Christine has made references in the past to her kids seeing Kody once a week. For all Kody's big show of carrying Brianna out of the room, we have seen little evidence that he actually spends any time with her. Janelle and Christine go visit Maddy, but when do they ever show Kody going to visit his daughter, or any of his kids who live out of state? 

I maintain my original theory: These are 4 completely separate households that share finances and a part-time husband. The older kids are close because they used to all live together, but the adults can't really stand each other and never could. Except for Janelle and Christine, who seem to honestly get along well. 




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17 hours ago, Chalby said:

I predict a bestseller in Logan's future. Not next year, but say during the next decade. I look forward to reading the real story.

Yeah, no I don't see Logan doing that. Yes, he has distanced himself from the circus that is his family, but I think he does love and respect his siblings and maybe even the moms. Kody...not so sure. But IMO he wouldn't do anything to cause the others pain or to be embarrassed. 

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16 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

Yeah, no I don't see Logan doing that. Yes, he has distanced himself from the circus that is his family, but I think he does love and respect his siblings and maybe even the moms. Kody...not so sure. But IMO he wouldn't do anything to cause the others pain or to be embarrassed. 

Pretty sure the one to blow the lid off all this will be Gabe.

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