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S12.E15: Kenya vs Ken

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Mike’s really not a good-looking guy.  That aside, why can’t he answer Cynthia’s question about whether he’s ready to go on a monogamy journey with her, and he responds that if he messes this up, it’s on him. That was actually a good question.  Not a good answer.  

He thinks “writing” a tell-all book gives him absolution?  

So what does Gregg do now that he’s in remission?  Just hang around the house listening to Nene bitch?  I guess that is a full-time job.  

Porsha, just no with that skin-tight plaid activewear.  Your abdomen is in no shape to see the light of day like that.  In fact, no one who had their abdomen out should have (Malorie and Marlowe).  Everyone who was covered looked better.  Cynthia looked the best, because she was covering her body appropriately and playing to her body’s strengths, like her arms.  

I’m not a fan of Eva in super short hair.  The new TH where it is Billy Idol blonde is unfortunate.  

It seems like Kenya and Marc are formally separated or divorced, based on the way they act.  His referring to Kenya to Brooklyn as “your mom,” and not “mom” sounded off to me.   (I know that’s not dispositive, but it just adds to the list of all the ways that Marc creates distance between himself and Kenya.  It also rubbed me the wrong way when he said Kenya should have her head dunked in the pool instead of the baby.  It didn’t come off at all like joking.  I know she’s just Kenya to us, but this asshole married her!  He’s not supposed to be so indelicate with his wife.)  And the way he shut her down at bowling and called her “Ken”?  Oh no.

Marc thinks Dennis is an example of a “black man killer”?  What the hell are the qualifications?  Slumped over cheater with an enabling mom?

Why does Nene only have two speeds—ignoring bitch and manic episode?  She was doing this last season too, when Kenya showed up at Cynthia’s alcoholic beverage finale party and Eva’s wedding.  It’s so weird.  The only time I came close to liking her in the recent past was when she greeted Cynthia on the pride float in a civil way, and kept it moving.  Why is that so hard for her?  

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Dang Ken, where was the energy when you humiliated Tanya and called her the "c" word? Or the other times you were being foul and shady? BTW Nene is annoying, but I do agree that inviting only Gregg to her event was petty; especially when she extended the invitation to her brunch.

I should feel bad for her because Marc is such a colossal arse, but I agree with  @Pearson80 she is getting a taste of karmic justice. 

Edited by sereion
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49 minutes ago, Momager said:

I’m concerned about Mark’s behavior when the cameras aren’t rolling.  Given how controlling and quick tempered he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s physically abusive. Kenya is problematic for a variety of reasons but no one deserves the treatment that Mark dishes out.

Remember Marc did not want to be a part of the show initially. I get the vibe that Mark is not down with Kenya's awful behavior on the show and his behavior is his way of breaking the fourth wall..

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Eva really doesn’t seem like a full cast member imo lol she adds nothing to the show for me lol it’s almost like she’s a “viewer” like us lol. Porsha really seemed to enjoy Marc’s treatment of Kenya lol. Mike seems like he’s no good....disappointing. Cynthia looked really pretty to me when she was FaceTiming Mike with her braids in the ponytail. 

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7 hours ago, Marley said:

Who even wants to read a book about Mike Hill? Is he someone to care about? He seems so shady too like he really couldn’t answer Cynthia’s questions then seemed to be trying to turn it around on her. The more I see of him the more I’m not a fan of his.

Gaslighting 101 should have been the name of his book.  Not "Open Mike" or whatever the hell. 

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If I am at the start of a relationship or an engagement and there is a need for counselling just to be able to have a conversation then I am out. That should be the easy part of your life together, if it is that bad then walk away, it is not working.  Cynthia seems so desperate to keep a man no matter what.

I almost like Mr. Ken(ya) tonight, what is wrong with me?

Nene can shut it with the treacle she was spilling at the bowling alley, fakety, fake, fake, fake.

Please tell me if I missed Eva bowling, I thought she was supposed to be on bed rest.

Kick ball looked like fun.


And one more thing, Nene cannot get pissed about Kenya only staying 10 minutes at her event, Nene was 2.5 hours late! How has no one brought that little tidbit up?

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At least we know that Cynthia's man picker is still faulty.  Kenya seems like she wants to be a wife more than she wants to be married.  She wants the position even if it's not right for her. How else to explain all the relationship shenanigans she's been through on this show? Your marriage shouldn't depend on a complete personality transplant.

Marc vs Mike: who would be the better option? Mike wouldn't embarrass you in front of your friends, but he'd gaslight you for even questioning his demonstrated shadiness.  Marc seems monogamous, but would spend all his time trying to dominate the relationship.

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7 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

At least we know that Cynthia's man picker is still faulty.  Kenya seems like she wants to be a wife more than she wants to be married.  She wants the position even if it's not right for her. How else to explain all the relationship shenanigans she's been through on this show? Your marriage shouldn't depend on a complete personality transplant.

Marc vs Mike: who would be the better option? Mike wouldn't embarrass you in front of your friends, but he'd gaslight you for even questioning his demonstrated shadiness.  Marc seems monogamous, but would spend all his time trying to dominate the relationship.

Unfortunately, alot of women still buy into that idea it is better to have a man than no man so they will put up with disrespect.  Look at how the ladies used to shade Kenya for not having a man or children. Phaedra making fun of her being childless was always needlessly cruel.  I don't care for Kenya but I always felt that was a bridge too far on the part of Phaedra.  Phaedra turned out to be the worst of them all so it is fitting that she is off the show.

Mike has been a disappointment, I am just stunned on who he is now.  Cynthia is a beautiful woman, I have always felt she was the most beautiful woman in the Housewives franchise. It is just sad that we have seen her get with Peter and now Mike is looking so shady.  I wish her the best nonetheless.

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Mike’s really not a good-looking guy.  That aside, why can’t he answer Cynthia’s question about whether he’s ready to go on a monogamy journey with her, and he responds that if he messes this up, it’s on him. That was actually a good question.  Not a good answer.  

Yes. I found it very telling that Mike deflected Cynthia's question. And, in regards to "If I mess this up, it's on me," is he implying that his infidelity on on his ex-wives? No, Mike, it was ALWAYS on you.

I was always iffy about Mike. I never liked that he would dangle engagement in front of Cynthia as if it were a joke when he knew how she felt. I just hope that he's extra for TV and not in real life. As my grandmother used to say, "handsome face and good luck doesn't go hand in hand." See Halle Berry. 

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I haven’t been watching much this season but I caught this episode. Kenya’s husband really does not like her, huh? He seems cool with the rest of the group and he’s very cute with Brooklyn (who is adorable - they’re a good-looking family) but there’s none of that energy when he’s around Kenya. Which she knows, which is why she’s so deferent. I cracked up when Kandi and Porsha were gossiping about it. I fell out at Porsha announcing that if she doesn’t like someone, Dennis doesn’t either & he didnt need to know why.

You can tell Marc isn’t here for the show stuff and thinks it’s petty - the way he said he wasn’t on IG let me know he thinks all that is silly (and Kenya WAS being petty, as is her wont).

If Mike and Cynthia need counseling this early, are they in a good place? Also is Mike famous enough that people would read a tell-all?

The kickball and bowling both looks like fun, although they all need to go on Title Nine’s website and buy some decent sports bras. That was a lot of bouncing. 

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I just want to take a moment to twerk and shout in happiness over the RHONYC trailer! April 2nd y'all!!


Kenya needs to thank her lucky star for her Team Twirl kickball win because otherwise it was raining "Ls" for her this episode. Lawd, Bravo was sauvage for the Ken with the arrow pointing at Kenya. I died!

It was just all so bad. From Marc seeming to imply that he wanted Kenya to drown at the pool (go in and not come out) to him getting Ken into formation in front of all the HWs.  With all the fuckery between those 2 this episode the most profoundly sad was the scene when they 1st arrived at the bowling ally. They had just sat down to put on their bowling shoes and Kenya was trying to make flirty banter by calling it a date night. Marc reacted like a person humoring an overly chatty unfunny stranger they are stuck sitting next to on a long flight from NY to Hong Kong.  His eyes were darting and looking around wondering if he could catch a flight attendant's eye to ask if he could change seat. Sorry, pal you are stuck!  You would think you were witnessing a blind date going bad, not newlyweds with a 10 month year old. 

The fact that everyone notices, even Kandi, the power dynamic between Ken and Marc is interesting to me. From what I see so far, I don't think it rises to the level of abuse. Kenya is suppressing her true personality in order to keep a man who doesn't even appear to like her. That is not sustainable in the long run. 

The one question I want answered is why did Marc marry Kenya? He is someone who seems to know his own mind and not susceptible to the pressure to propose.  So why?

Porsha's ass is an entity onto itself. Am I supposed to believe that is all her? I know she has put on weight since she joined the  show, but wouldn't it be more evenly distributed? She may have gained 30-40 lbs but it seems like 78% of it went to her hips and ass. It looks more natural than Kenya's and the Kardashians but it is still not the most proportionate.

Nene was doing the most at that bowling alley. Frankly, I think she was just trying to stick it to Kenya because she knows with Marc around she has to be in Ken mode and can't act like she wants to act. 

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I usually delete the shows from my DVR once I've watched but I saved this one---I need to go back to review:

  • I fast forwarded right through Mike & Cynthia.  Yawn.
  • Kandi keeps trying to make Riley happen.  Bless her heart. 
  • Kickball looked like fun.  I guess I never knew the rules?  What is this dodgeball/kickball hybrid?  But ref was kinda cute.

And now for my very favorite moments:

  • Marc and his twin Brooklyn were adorable in the pool. 
  • Ummmmm....did Mark say "Mommy's going in (the pool) and she's not coming out?"  What the entire fuck?  But I cackled.
  • When Kenya was talking about they were on a date night?  AWKWARD.  Homey looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there.

Edited to add this because islandgal140 and I must've been typing at the same time and she put this better than I ever could've:


Marc reacted like a person humoring an overly chatty unfunny stranger they are stuck sitting next to on a long flight from NY to Hong Kong.  His eyes were darting and looking around wondering if he could catch a flight attendant's eye to ask if he could change seat. Sorry, pal you are stuck!  

This right here?  Perfection.  <chef's kiss>

  • When Kenya came over, "What y'all talking about?"  The other ladies, "You."  HEEEEEEEEEEEE!  They couldn't get enough of Ken getting the strong pimp hand.  
  • Porsha & Eva's "Ken" commentary is everything.  Porsha:  "She's the neck, he's the head---but apparently he's the whole muthafucking body."
  • Nene ain't shit--acting all cheerful and fake.  But it got the desired result--more Kenya smackdown.  

Marc is the MVP of the season.


Edited by SuburbanHangSuite
quoting some seriously funny shit
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16 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Wow! Mark has no love for Kenya and he has no problem shading her in front of people.  I would feel bad for her if she was not so vile.. Mark is her Karma, she knows that her own husband cannot stand her..

Ken is so submissive to Marc..lol.. Be careful what you wish for....

Lol !! Yes, it obvious that he does not care for Kenya or her petty behavior. If anyone needed counseling before marriage it would be Kenya & Marc. They are in constant battle with each other all of the time.  What I like about Marc is that shuts down her petty before she can start it.  He doesn't seem to be one for bullshit and games. Kenya was looking for someone to fill the hole in her heart from childhood, but these are issues no one can fill. She needed to work on herself first. I am happy that she has Brooklyn because it appears that she does not have Marc. Nene was so fake coming into the bowling alley I could not stand it, however she and Kenya are so much alike they can't see it. This is why they clash , always have and always will, they both need constant attention all of the dam time. The loudest one in the room is always the most insecure one, they both like to make an entrance . All of this behavior is a result of insecurity and childhood baggage unresolved . This is why Marc called Kenya an attention whore on next week's episode. Nene is the very same.  Marc should have Kenya's back I agree, but it's so hard because he really does not love her like he should .     


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Once again Nene must make her grand entrance. Hours late as usual. 

So Marc likes Dennis and Greg and Todd? Why? What does he have in common with them? I thought he was a big time restauranteur in NYC.  He is as vile as his wife. One is no better than the other. 

Eva is pointless. 

These women and the gorgeous country of Greece don't belong together. How did they ever get BRAVO to pay for that trip? And all the New Jersey ladies get is the Jersey Shore and Easthampton. Ha!

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13 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Once again Nene must make her grand entrance. Hours late as usual. 

So Marc likes Dennis and Greg and Todd? Why? What does he have in common with them? I thought he was a big time restauranteur in NYC.  He is as vile as his wife. One is no better than the other. 

Eva is pointless. 

These women and the gorgeous country of Greece don't belong together. How did they ever get BRAVO to pay for that trip? And all the New Jersey ladies get is the Jersey Shore and Easthampton. Ha!

Well, New Jersey did go to Italy once .

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12 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So Marc likes Dennis and Greg and Todd? Why? What does he have in common with them? I thought he was a big time restauranteur in NYC. 

He's an investment banker turned restaurateur. But why wouldn't he like them? I actually thought his and Dennis's meeting was nice - he was all smiles. He seems to be able to get along with most people ... except for Kenya.

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13 hours ago, Marley said:

Who even wants to read a book about Mike Hill? Is he someone to care about? He seems so shady too like he really couldn’t answer Cynthia’s questions then seemed to be trying to turn it around on her. The more I see of him the more I’m not a fan of his.


6 hours ago, SuzWhat said:

Gaslighting 101 should have been the name of his book.  Not "Open Mike" or whatever the hell. 


5 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Unfortunately, alot of women still buy into that idea it is better to have a man than no man so they will put up with disrespect.  Look at how the ladies used to shade Kenya for not having a man or children. Phaedra making fun of her being childless was always needlessly cruel.  I don't care for Kenya but I always felt that was a bridge too far on the part of Phaedra.  Phaedra turned out to be the worst of them all so it is fitting that she is off the show.

Mike has been a disappointment, I am just stunned on who he is now.  Cynthia is a beautiful woman, I have always felt she was the most beautiful woman in the Housewives franchise. It is just sad that we have seen her get with Peter and now Mike is looking so shady.  I wish her the best nonetheless.


3 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Yes. I found it very telling that Mike deflected Cynthia's question. And, in regards to "If I mess this up, it's on me," is he implying that his infidelity on on his ex-wives? No, Mike, it was ALWAYS on you.

I was always iffy about Mike. I never liked that he would dangle engagement in front of Cynthia as if it were a joke when he knew how she felt. I just hope that he's extra for TV and not in real life. As my grandmother used to say, "handsome face and good luck doesn't go hand in hand." See Halle Berry. 

Cynthia is a beautiful woman who is down right stupid about the relationships. I feel like Mike is just using her for book publicity. I mean who the hell is he? I doubt if his regular fan base without the show is enough to make his book a success.

20 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Once again Nene must make her grand entrance. Hours late as usual. 

So Marc likes Dennis and Greg and Todd? Why? What does he have in common with them? I thought he was a big time restauranteur in NYC.  He is as vile as his wife. One is no better than the other. 

Eva is pointless. 

These women and the gorgeous country of Greece don't belong together. How did they ever get BRAVO to pay for that trip? And all the New Jersey ladies get is the Jersey Shore and Easthampton. Ha!

Who the hell shows up to bowling after all the games are over? She did not even apologize.

For whatever reason the men of this show get along well. I remember the season that Kenya was introduced....the men actually really liked her fake show boyfriend, Walter.

Edited by qtpye
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4 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

But why wouldn't he like them? I actually thought his and Dennis's meeting was nice - he was all smiles

Because Dennis is a lying cheater, Greg is a broke old man with nothing going on except carrying his balls around in Nene's purse and Todd just likes to burn through Kandi's money. Plus Todd was good buddies with Apollo. Just seems to me Marc holds himself in such high regard. At least he acts like he's so superior to Kenya so I would assume he would carry over that persona to the loser Atlanta men.   

Edited by bichonblitz
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2 minutes ago, qtpye said:

For whatever reason the men of this show get along well. I remember the season that Kenya was introduced....the men actually really like her fake show boyfriend, Walter.

The show does not put the men against each other. Whereas the women are and they all try to out do each other and the drama ensues.. Look at how Kenya started going after Porsha out of pure jealousy. Kenya was always trying to take down another woman who posed a threat to her. Nene is the same as well..

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28 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Because Dennis is a lying cheater, Greg is a broke old man with nothing going on except carrying his balls around in Nene's purse and Todd just likes to burn through Kandi's money. Plus Todd was good buddies with Apollo. Just seems to me Marc holds himself in such high regard. At least he acts like he's so superior to Kenya so I would assume he would carry over that persona to the loser Atlanta men.   

I agree about Dennis, but Porsha has apparently forgiven him (like I said, I haven't seen much of this season but they were clearly together at that event and Porsha was all "we" this and "we" that), which means the rest of the group has to at least be cool with him at events like that, which they appeared to be doing. If Marc is following their lead, that makes sense. (Also, real talk: odds are excellent that Marc has come across a LOT of lying cheaters in the NYC banking and restaurant circles.)

Is Todd still a producer? I know he and Kandi have joint businesses like OLG so if those are making money that he's spending, that's THEIR money. Also Todd is a New York dude so maybe Marc likes that about him.

Gregg just beat cancer. He's entitled to not do much, if you ask me.

30 minutes ago, qtpye said:

For whatever reason the men of this show get along well. I remember the season that Kenya was introduced....the men actually really liked her fake show boyfriend, Walter.

I think they liked the young dude too. I forget his name. It reminds me of Married to Medicine - the men on that show get along too. Some of them have long-standing relationships, but they always get along with the new person added to the show/group.

Edited by Empress1
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18 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

The show does not put the men against each other. Whereas the women are and they all try to out do each other and the drama ensues.. Look at how Kenya started going after Porsha out of pure jealousy. Kenya was always trying to take down another woman who posed a threat to her. Nene is the same as well..

Yes, and do you remember how Kenya tried to take Cynthia down when she first arrived on the scene. Kenya was like a bull in a china shop.  She was rude and obnoxious and came on the scene trying to erode everyone , she has clashed with everyone one except Kandi . All of the men on all of the shows never clash with each other, except Peter and Gregg once because Peter called Nene on her rude behavior at an event. However he should have stayed out of it.  That was the beginning of cracks in Nene and Cynthia's relationship.

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23 minutes ago, byrd said:

Yes, and do you remember how Kenya tried to take Cynthia down when she first arrived on the scene. Kenya was like a bull in a china shop.  She was rude and obnoxious and came on the scene trying to erode everyone , she has clashed with everyone one except Kandi . All of the men on all of the shows never clash with each other, except Peter and Gregg once because Peter called Nene on her rude behavior at an event. However he should have stayed out of it.  That was the beginning of cracks in Nene and Cynthia's relationship.

Awwww . . . "Coochie Crack!" Mem'rieeeeesss light the corners of my minnnnnd

Kenya stays being unnecessarily extra (like regifting Eva's present to Brooklyn) so it's really hard to root for her, but I can't get behind Marc's treatment of her. Kenya needs to keep herself in check, not be ignored or reprimanded like a wayward teen on Dr. Phil.

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41 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Marc really told Brooklyn "Next aqua time, Mommy's going in and never coming out. It's you and me. We don't need anyone else."  

What kind of man says that to a child about their mother? What man fantasizes about his wife’s death, even “jokingly?”

My ex once told me that he knew people that would do whatever for $500.  He is my ex for a reason.

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I cut Gregg slack. As a pp mentioned, he just beat cancer. And he's also retirement age, as far as I know. He financially supported Nene for years, even rescuing her from the pole when she had her original face and teeth.  So imo, Gregg doesn't belong in the same ballpark as the rest of the losers.

I wish Porsha would cut her losses with Dennis. There's just nothing there worth saving. 

Hubs and I went to premarital counseling but it wasn't for issues, it was just general what to expect, what's your communication style, etc type advice. It doesn't bode well for the Chills that they wanna go for their existing problems. Does Cynthia still have that "you bug dummy" t-shirt? Cuz...

Edited by ridethemaverick
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6 hours ago, Empress1 said:

If Mike and Cynthia need counseling this early, are they in a good place? Also is Mike famous enough that people would read a tell-all?

Exactly, it is not the first relationship for either of them. In Cynthia’s defense, the wanting counseling sounds like she wants a healthy relationship and the two of them need to get the tools to do that. For many of us, by her age we have gained to tools to do that (quite of few of us with professional help), but maybe neither of them have done this before. However, there are still way too many red flags.

However, Cynthia’s said that she saw what counseling did for Dennis and Porsha!! Yikes, now their are two HUGE RED FLAGS with that: 1) Dennis??? He sucks and  2) the professional was horrible and should find a new career - basically telling Porsha to take back the sloppy, sweatsuit, repeated cheating hotdog back.

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Kandi, in her Speak on it on YouTube, mentioned that Nene and Greg were at some car event that her son was participating in when the others were bowling. Nene was not suppose to come to the bowling event, but the car event was actually in the  parking lot of the bowling alley. So I guess, Nene decided to make appearance at the bowling event anyway hence why she was late. Sigh, I kind of hate that I just defended Nene.

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12 hours ago, renatae said:

Ugh. Not liking Mike at all right now. He sure gave Cynthia a bunch of double talk. He won't directly address her concerns and he thinks he doesn't have to. He wrote a book. Whoopee. He acts like he's the only important person in the relationship and I don't like his disdainful and dismissive attitude.

He and Marc are total losers. They both are so disrespectful of anything their wives have to say. 

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On 2/23/2020 at 10:39 PM, Bronzedog said:

I don't know who's worse, Mike or Mark.  And that's saying a lot when Dennis is on the same show.  The only Housewife with a decent husband is Eva.

Show of hands, who still thinks she was being extra by not bringing her babies to Brooklyn's Barbie party?  Keeps her man away from the fuckery too.   Okay Miss Marcelle, okay.


18 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

The show does not put the men against each other. Whereas the women are and they all try to out do each other and the drama ensues.. Look at how Kenya started going after Porsha out of pure jealousy. Kenya was always trying to take down another woman who posed a threat to her. Nene is the same as well..

Sigh.  I'm torn you making me defend this heffa.   She does fully eviscerate whoever she ain't fond of, but, and it's a big ole donkey but, it's not out of jealousy, it's retaliatory.  She went scorched earth on Porsha after Porsha age-shaded her *accomplishments* and pageant title, they didn't have a problem before that.  She ramped up and kept up her assault once she found out Porsha wasn't on her intellectual level.   Cynthia's the only one she could've left alone but during the Bailey Agency time, Cynthia said something Kenya interpreted as a direct insult and off she went.  Like everybody, she's got insecurities for sure, but she has literally competed against national beauties and won.   I don't say that to gas her, Iownlike the bish lol, my point is the way other women look, dress, what they've got, compared to her is not one of the things she's insecure about.  That's Nene.   Kenya is the only one on the show who doesn't drive a traditionally "prestigious" car, even though that Tesla is in the 6 figures.  

16 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

“Entre broma y broma, la verdad se asoma”  

come on Rosetta Stone!!

Chiiiiile.  In vino veritas, and this fool didn't even have the grace to have the vino.    Shat! 

Michael Hill, Marc Daley, Dennis Hotdog.  


Bravo was doing a marathon of Season 1 over the weekend.   14 zigzag wig-part Kim and original-nose Nene - {{edithvoice}} those. were. the. daaaaaaaaaaays. 

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On 2/24/2020 at 4:47 PM, ridethemaverick said:

I cut Gregg slack. As a pp mentioned, he just beat cancer. And he's also retirement age, as far as I know. He financially supported Nene for years, even rescuing her from the pole when she has her original face and teeth.  So imo, Gregg doesn't belong in the same ballpark as the rest of the losers.


I guess Greg is already in his own personal Hell. Carrying a vile, toxic poser’s purse around. He doesn’t need us piling on.


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On 2/24/2020 at 12:47 PM, islandgal140 said:

The one question I want answered is why did Marc marry Kenya? He is someone who seems to know his own mind and not susceptible to the pressure to propose.  So why?

Porsha's ass is an entity onto itself.

Yes, I want that question answered too—why did he marry her and why did he stay with her?  IIRC, Kenya left the show to be married and to have a baby in privacy.  No one put a gun to Marc’s head and told him he had to sign on to be on this show.  Does he think this is a good look for him at all?  Does he think women want to be with him and men want to be him and people want to eat at his restaurants with the way he is behaving here?  If I accidentally ate at one of his restaurants in NYC and he did a table visit or something, if I even recognized him at all, I would be like, “Nice to meet you; what’s you deal?  Why do you go on TV and literally make a show about how much you detest your wife?”  

I always think if a spouse publicly puts down their spouse, they are putting down themselves, because that is who they married.  Not that this would excuse it, but Marc is not some religious virgin who marries once and made a mistake and doesn’t know how to proceed.  He has kids from at least one previous relationship.  Instead of treating his wife like shit, why didn’t he just...walk away?

 Giving him the full benefit of the doubt, maybe Marc only came to the realization that his wife was a bitch as the ink was drying on his contract with Bravo. Aside from the idea of breaching the contract, which is not as hard as it’s made out (especially for a guy who thunders with bravado, “she can take it all!  I’ll just build it all up over again!”), what is to stop Marc from making the necessary appearances and treating Kenya perfectly pleasantly?  Nothing, except that he is an ASSHOLE.  And he probably thinks he’s giving us what we want.  I want Kenya to get her comeuppance (I don’t believe in karma), but not from her husband.  That’s just disgusting.

IslandGal lol about Porsha’s ass.  I couldn’t not quote that part.  I loved your whole post. The only place I may disagree with you is that I think RHNYC is an overrated franchise.  I don’t get why it’s so popular.  Don’t get me wrong—I’ll still watch with my mouth hanging open and come here and comment the hell out of it, but I think that franchise has significantly suffered in quality, as has this one, as has Potomac.  Maybe it’ll be better now that Nene’s NYC toxic (but I repeat myself) counterpart is gone!

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Marc is going to say the same shit to Brooklyn “Mommy’s at the store. Maybe something will happen to her car so she’ll won’t come back. We don’t need her” or “mommy’s napping. She doesn’t have to ever wake up.”

Thoughts on Kenya aside, only a truly demented man makes “jokes” about that to a woman’s child and on national tv. He talks to her and looks at her with such hatred. 

Mike is also one. Besides not being very good looking and having a dubious career he was rude and answered Cynthia’s questions with back talk and double speech. She asked him plainly and calmly several c if he’d cheat and he replied with if he did it would be on him, she’s not perfect, and some rambling bullshit that they didn’t know what could happen; maybe she would. 😒 none of that shit made sense or answered her question. Perhaps he didn’t want a hard answer to it to be recorded on camera for when he fucks up later. 

She should probably just get back w that younger photographer dude she dated a couple years ago. He was cute and seemed kinda romantic. Maybe she needs to open herself up to guys in their 30s secure in their careers & looking to settle down since the ones in the 50s like Peter and Mike have too much baggage and stubborn ways. She still looks young and is kinda immature honestly so she’d line up w a 30-40 year old dude in compatibility. 

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Look.  I don't like Kenya.  I just don't.  But there are two things I feel badly for her about - her mother's rejection of her, and now her husband's rejection of her.   I don't believe either are karma, and personally, I think that's not the best way of looking at, because it places the blame for Marc's behavior on her.  Marc is fucking awful.  It's not just about him shutting down her petty.  Even if it was that, I would still have a huge problem with how hard he is selling her out in front of people he KNOWS are going to eat it up.  I have a huge problem when one partner is acting horribly to the second, and people say the second "deserves" it, either because of their past behavior, or because they go back to their partner.

I fully admit I take this personally.  I've been in and out of an abusive relationship for nearly 6 years.  And I've been told I deserve the abuse because I have had some very problematic behavior myself (so I guess I'm getting my karma), and because I have returned to him numerous times.  For someone whose self esteem is being eroded by their partner, being told they get what they deserve just completely compounds the problem.  It makes it so much worse knowing there are people who enjoy your pain, and who are rooting against you, and blame you for someone else's bad/abusive behavior.

I don't like Kenya.  I don't mind seeing her get what she "deserves," but to me, that's being outted for wearing a wig and supposedly hurting her business after the nonsense she pulled with Marlo.  That seems like fair play.  What her husband is doing to her isn't fair play.  He's an awful human being who has likely treated many other women like this, maybe even ones who didn't "deserve" it like Kenya supposedly does.  Marc shouldn't be given a pass for truly terrible behavior just because it's directed at someone I don't like.

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On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2020 at 3:08 PM, Petunia13 said:

Marc really told Brooklyn "Next aqua time, Mommy's going in and never coming out. It's you and me. We don't need anyone else."  

What kind of man says that to a child about their mother? What man fantasizes about his wife’s death, even “jokingly?”

Because that is just how much Marc dislikes her. I wish Kenya's mother would be open to paying she and Brooklyn a nice visit ( or vice versa ).  I believe that if she could build a relationship with her it would help Kenya's demeanor. Every child needs a grandparent relationship if they have one, it would be  awesome for Brookie and it's never too late to start. Just get over the drama of being left without her as a child, hash it out with mom if she's willing to listen and accept how Kenya feels and then let's move forward if we can for Brooklyn's sake. 

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On ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2020 at 3:04 PM, Vanderboom said:

Awwww . . . "Coochie Crack!" Mem'rieeeeesss light the corners of my minnnnnd

Kenya stays being unnecessarily extra (like regifting Eva's present to Brooklyn) so it's really hard to root for her, but I can't get behind Marc's treatment of her. Kenya needs to keep herself in check, not be ignored or reprimanded like a wayward teen on Dr. Phil.

Kenya and Marc are the same Alpha personalities only difference is , Marc's not the messy type but he is controlling.

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