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S08.E05: Gina's Story

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26 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

I hope not to get slammed, but I'm wondering if Gina is actually a lesbian. She smacks of someone who would say yes to Beth asking her out and then--WHOMP-they're married, because, as noted, she needs a caregiver and a loyal one at that.

Gina seemed extra fake during the painting date, "We're on a date!" It just didn't seem genuine at all. I think she's putting up a front.

I’m not going to slam you. She could have figured out that her chances for a low-self esteem woman were greater than for a low-self esteem man. She may be pan-horrible, having nothing to do with her sexuality. 

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1 hour ago, DropTheSoap said:

While I don’t totally disagree, it’s also kind of a lesbian thing, perhaps. There’s a reason for the joke of what does a lesbian bring on a second date? (A: a u-haul.)

Beth could use some self-esteem. Also, it seemed that by the episode end, she’d lost some weight. (Insert obligatory: and Gina found it.)

That is fair, my good friend  and her wife got engaged after a few months of dating. Their engagement lasted about a year though.

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5 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

That scene in the beginning where Beth, who had worked all day, was ordered to pick up food for the human mountain range (and apparently also the boyfriend that showed up conveniently at dinner time) and wanted to just come home and cook really pissed me off.  Snotted at by Gina when she asked if the lazy mound of fat could call ahead.  NO YOU CALL!  Because apparently dialing the number would take too much out of that sow.

And then her mother saying "you shouldn't be treated that way."  What the ever loving FUCK??  I turned it off at that point.  I knew it was going to be one of those "I'm doing everything (chomp) I (chomp) can! (chomp).  

I hope Beth finds someone who appreciates her and divorces that worthless sack of shit.  Anyone have a Twitter address for her?  

Human mountain range... *spit take*

Gina is a prime example of what abuse and trauma, combined with guilt-ridden and enabling family members can cause. She's an attention whore to the extreme because of her sister's agoraphobia, and the abuse she suffered. She is making up for not being cared for as a child. The mom probably feels so guilty for leaving her kids with their dad, and likely was abused, herself that she coddles and enables Gina.

Beth clearly has no self-esteem, self-worth, or self-respect, that she allows herself to be ruled by her wife. 

It's a perfect storm for dysfunction.

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10 minutes ago, ShortyMac said:

Human mountain range... *spit take*

Gina is a prime example of what abuse and trauma, combined with guilt-ridden and enabling family members can cause. She's an attention whore to the extreme because of her sister's agoraphobia, and the abuse she suffered. She is making up for not being cared for as a child. The mom probably feels so guilty for leaving her kids with their dad, and likely was abused, herself that she coddles and enables Gina.

Beth clearly has no self-esteem, self-worth, or self-respect, that she allows herself to be ruled by her wife. 

It's a perfect storm for dysfunction.

Gina is also an example of how some people process childhood abuse in that some become perpetual victims while others go on to become like their abuser. In Gina's case she chose the latter, not the brutal physical abuse at the hands of her father, but definitely the psychological abuse he inflicted upon her. To be so hateful to someone like Beth who does literally EVERYTHING for her is despicable and inexcusable. Again I ask, what the Hell did she see in Gina in the first place?

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4 minutes ago, Motor City said:


From what we were shown, she didn't wash below the equator.”


I was thinking the same thing.  I also wonder how much the meal at the diner set Beth back.  It could not have been cheap.

I would have ordered 4 side salads, no dressing....and I'll have the biggest, best burger you've got! 😡

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34 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Gina is also an example of how some people process childhood abuse in that some become perpetual victims while others go on to become like their abuser. In Gina's case she chose the latter, not the brutal physical abuse at the hands of her father, but definitely the psychological abuse he inflicted upon her. To be so hateful to someone like Beth who does literally EVERYTHING for her is despicable and inexcusable. Again I ask, what the Hell did she see in Gina in the first place?

Yes, that, too. With this example, Gina is both, playing the victim and an abuser.

Edited by ShortyMac
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7 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

I think I zeroed in on the thing that pissed me off the most. When Gina took on the insurmountable burden of doing some grocery shopping and found that to be too much for her. That riding around on a cart and putting a few things in the basket was just such an ordeal that she couldn't finish that one task so that her wife didn't have to do it. Her voice over was really irritating, going on about how hard this was and that she had to pace herself so that she wouldn't burn out straight away. How fucking hard is it to ride on a cart? 

It's rather telling that the show ended without any word if Gina managed to finally get her surgery. I'm guessing that the answer is a big fat NO. 

And when she knocked over the eyeglass stand she showed no remorse or concern of the mess she made or if any glasses were damaged. Just give a curt “sorry” and let someone else clean up the mess. 

I knew Gina was a fake at her first appointment with Dr. Now. As he was telling her about the program and what she had to do, she barely looked him in the eye. Rather, she looked around the room as if she was bored and just wanted him to finish talking so she could leave. She had zero questions for him. That showed her lack of interest too. 

I loved when the nutritionist found their “cheese stash.” 

Also, nearly every person featured on 600 pound life has a dog(s). The dogs always seem to be a healthy weight. Most don’t beg food when their obese master gorges themselves with food and the ones who look on, never are given any food. You know those dogs aren’t going for any walks unless another family member takes them out for exercise. 

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As despicable as the family was, and in spite of all of the horrible things already mentioned in this forum about Gina and her disgusting ways, I couldn't tolerate all those sentences she began with "Me and Beth..."  We hear an awful lot of bad grammar on this and other reality shows, but for some reason, I found this excruciating.


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4 hours ago, Burning Rubber said:

A 5 lb weight loss is the equivalent of a bowel movement for Gina!

Speaking of bowel movements.....

Do these people ever have them? I say this because, when they take 2,3,4,5 day trips to Houston from their home, eat at several fast food places and eat and drink  and stay in different hotels along the way, don’t they ever have to stop to pee or poop? Do they worry about fitting in the stall of a convenient store or gas station bathroom? They could break or crack a toilet! How can they wipe? Sorry for the gross questions but does anyone else wonder about these things? 

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19 hours ago, fonfereksglen said:

Is this some type of fat porn?

I’m beginning to think this whole show is fetish driven.

It isn’t just the blatant fact that she weighs 600 pounds, though.  It is the attitude of entitlement, the mindset of being catered to, the innocent victim of past abuses, the struggle...all the while shoving copious amounts of calories into her pie-hole.  Who, in their non-fetish driven mind, would sign up for that as a partner?

Beth certainly isn’t an innocent bystander. She hasn’t been intimate with her wife in 3 years, since before their wedding?  No wonder Lola told them to get a bed!!!  

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7 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I find it suspicious that Gina and Beth married so quickly. Gina was on the hunt for a caregiver with low self esteem and found one. I suspect she only revealed her true nature once they were married.

Full disclosure -- haven't seen the episode ... yet.  But this is so true of so many of the relationships we see on this show.  We get the "savior" partners, the "scared man/woman will leave me if he/she loses weight", the "I deserve to be in servitude" and on and on.

It's a different dynamic if it's your mom as we've seen over the years (doesn't make it right)  And as we've also seen over the years how manipulative the fatties are.   It's so complicated and so above Lola's counselling skills.  But we've also seen the partners be equally or more manipulative.  Anyway, both partners wanting sympathy.  


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2 hours ago, kicotan said:

I’m beginning to think this whole show is fetish driven.

It isn’t just the blatant fact that she weighs 600 pounds, though.  It is the attitude of entitlement, the mindset of being catered to, the innocent victim of past abuses, the struggle...all the while shoving copious amounts of calories into her pie-hole.  Who, in their non-fetish driven mind, would sign up for that as a partner?

Beth certainly isn’t an innocent bystander. She hasn’t been intimate with her wife in 3 years, since before their wedding?  No wonder Lola told them to get a bed!!!  

We have seen many men who were initially attracted to the participant because they were fat.  Quite of few of these men pouted or left after weight loss.  Adding in the couples who met on the internet and were so mismatched or abused to cause question to their sanity.  And then there is Gilbert!

My mention of fat dancing porn was in reference to the food porn that many of the earlier episodes referenced and many of the patients admitted to.  A young woman on SSD, even with a wife that works, does not bring in enough monthly income to feed herself and all the rest of her morbidly obese family.  What is the source of the money to stuff yourself endlessly? 

At least with the Juggalos we knew the answer.

Edit.... exactly what job does Beth hold?   Very strange episode with lots of holes. 






Edited by fonfereksglen
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3 hours ago, doglover3489 said:

Speaking of bowel movements.....

Do these people ever have them? I say this because, when they take 2,3,4,5 day trips to Houston from their home, eat at several fast food places and eat and drink  and stay in different hotels along the way, don’t they ever have to stop to pee or poop? Do they worry about fitting in the stall of a convenient store or gas station bathroom? They could break or crack a toilet! How can they wipe? Sorry for the gross questions but does anyone else wonder about these things? 

I remember one episode where the caregiver helped the participant crap in the back of the van.

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12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

So she's nothing but a liar, and I bet her entire backstory about the bathing, and everything else was a lie, just like her immobility was.     I'm wondering if she thinks she'll be the next Twitney, the big girl star?    We've been had.    

She never intended to lose weight, and if the producers continue with her, then I'll be very upset.  

 I think everything we were told by her family, and Gina and Beth was a lie that they made up.   I'm also questioning her entire back story too.          

After thinking about it this morning, then my suspicion is that was a two hour long audition, and she thought she would get her own follow up series.    I bet the dancing videos would have been the "I'm doing so well, and I'm a star" when she claimed to be doing better.       

I feel very used.      I bet the entire family was in on it, and I am not believing anything that I saw, or was shown.   The Dr. Now parts were legit, but nothing by Beth or Gina is believable to me now.  

To me, looking back on this episode, which flew by lightning fast after my hiatus, it seemed flat, fake and unsatisfying.

I got no sense that Gina wanted to really lose weight, had any sense of her disorder or despair at weighing 600lbs.. any self-awareness at all.

Plus, she previously had WLS which failed.

Everybody on camera--wife Beth, family, friends, everybody looked like they were inflated by helium.  It was surreal That sad, almost sordid wedding of the bloated, sorry I just don't have words.  I am so sad for these folks.

(Sorry peeps,  I've been away awhile.)  Where is the passion, the despair, the fight against a pernicious addiction to food, the fight to self-awareness and the strength to lose weight, get healthy, and use your past as timber for your bridge to a better tomorrow?

Instead we get infantile whiners like Gina, with her stashes of cheese (for "salads") and her bitching and abuse.  Can't even stand sitting on a chair at wedding rehersal.

"I don't think that I can make it, 'cause it took so long to bake it....."

I don't know why M600lb life even wasted time with her.

At least Dr. Now canceled surgery; but the bar is slipping. As much as I want to hate her, she's not evil like Anjie J.  she's just clueless.




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13 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Sometimes I think they have an absolute number in their head for what constitutes a problem weight and forget that a normal weight for an adult is not the same as what you're supposed to weigh as a child. So 200 for an adult woman of average height/build is not great, but not super-obese, either. So in retrospect, if they were "only" 200 at age 11 that's not "a problem"...never mind that the a normal-weight 11-year-old girl is still under 100 (at least according to my quickie google; don't quote me...no idea what I weighed at that age but it was definitely less than 100; I was small for my age growing up and 11-12 is about when I really started to catch up to my peers).

This is true. But I think for most fat people who grew up as fat kids and grew into fat adults, we DO stop gaining after we hit our adult height and putter out. I’m sure I was over 200lbs at 11/12 years old (I remember when I was 11 I was finally tall enough to fit into plus size women’s clothes and my Mom could stop having my clothes altered- I was a 16W), and as I went through puberty my shape changed (fat went up and down) and at 34, I am 5’7, a size 16/18 and a bit over 200 (I like to stay around 200, I’m around 220 something now). I’ve never been close to 300lbs. I hit my adult height at 14. 

I say all this to say, being a fat kid doesn’t turn someone into a 600lb person. Something gets messed up in their brain where they JUST KEEP EATING and gaining well past reaching their adult height when most “normal” fat people plateau. But unlike Gina most of us have lives and jobs we have to get to and things we enjoy BESIDES eating even I we are not 100% satisfied with our weight at any given point. Also things are relative. I hear some ppl who’ve always been thin gain 10lbs and say “it hurts”, 10lbs for me is a few holiday parties- I don’t hurt and I can’t tell the difference in my joints, but I’ve never been thin so I don’t know! So if you’re currently 600 plus pounds, yeah being 200 isn’t out of control yet. 

Gina was so baby-fied . (I know that’s not a word)

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The visit by the nutritionist was such a non-event. She told Gina and Beth to get fat-free mayonnaise, which is full of chemicals to make it taste like mayonnaise (and it doesn't.) Why didn't she stick around long enough to teach them how to cook nutritious meals instead of departing with a garbage bag full of their groceries? 

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40 minutes ago, Carboncat said:

I actually LIKE New Jersey!  We've probably got more in common than we really know, or want to admit...

They are even bringing Dunkin' Donuts out here.  Naw, it's not that good. OK, but not great.

New Jersey is lovely in plenty of spots. People always either think of the shore (and Jersey Shore, now, unfortunately, thanks to MTV...most of them weren't even from NJ, from what I understand), or they think of the northern part, NYC suburbs which are much more urban and industrial (and maybe Philly 'burbs which are similar). There's plenty of other stuff in between. Even the "garden" bits that the state is nicknamed for. (We even have wineries and at least one alpaca farm!)

LOL...I have at least six Dunkin Donuts that I can easily stop at on my way to work. I take a couple different routes and the way I went this morning there are three that are directly on my way (plus a fourth that's on the wrong side of the highway); my other route has one on the way and two others that require just a slight detour). Tuesday's This Is Us, which I watched last night, enticed me to go get a couple glazed this morning.


18 minutes ago, Carboncat said:

I guess I stand corrected.  I thought they said she had prior WLS, but maybe not.

I can't imagine any doctor would have approved her, and Dr. Now didn't investigate any complications

The way she phrased it at first did sound like she had done it before but then she clarified that she had been turned down.

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11 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

She seemed downright proud of being declared disabled at 18 and becoming a breadwinner (bread eater).

Yes, as if she'd been hired for her dream job.
I'm still watching it, but "Free Beth!"
Why doesn't she have awful skin infections.  It doesn't seem fair.
And for heaven sakes, buy a big galvanized tub for her to bathe in.  My grandparents in Kansas had one in the kitchen, and as the youngest, I got the first bath when we visited.  It was a weekly or as needed thing.


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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

Ha, I'm so used to jughandles and having to be in the right lane to make any turn. 


I can still see the look of disbelief on my husband's face when I tried to explain a jughandle to him! We were headed to the Jersey shore to see family (I was raised in Philly but we spent summers at the shore), and he thought I was kidding until we passed a couple jughandle turns. Hubby refuses to drive in Philly or Jersey - says we’re all crazy drivers, which is funny to me since he comes from northern California. He gets a kick out of counting all the Dunkin Donuts shops we pass.  

Back to the show... I’m always floored at how the poundticipants so rarely seem to do anything. There's shot after shot of them just sitting in a chair staring into space. The shot of Gina and her clan all sitting there waiting for Beth to come home with the diner order was like that - four people just sitting and staring, not doing anything, not even talking. It’s like they go inert without food to eat. 

Edited by LeesburgLee
Somehow managed to put my reply into a quote... Oops.
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4 minutes ago, auntjess said:

OK, maybe I missed it, but did she FINALLY get a shower, when they moved to Houston?  I'd expected a big whoopee moment when she did, but maybe I blinked, or was fighting with my pc.

Hey there auntjess, great question and I'd like to know the answer as well. TLC production/Gina made it crystal clear that she only bathed, or shall I say bucket washed, herself once a month, at gunpoint apparently, because the bathroom was upstairs and impossible for her to reach.That excuse was no longer valid once they moved. Hope someone here has an answer.

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8 hours ago, mmecorday said:

The visit by the nutritionist was such a non-event. She told Gina and Beth to get fat-free mayonnaise, which is full of chemicals to make it taste like mayonnaise (and it doesn't.) Why didn't she stick around long enough to teach them how to cook nutritious meals instead of departing with a garbage bag full of their groceries? 


6 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

OMG, I really disliked that alleged nutritionist. There was absolutely nothing professional about her visit. Any of us here could stroll into someone's kitchen and give the generalized advice she gave . . .

Also, her head is obviously still stuck in the nineties with her "It's always better to opt for fat free products like fat free mayo or fat free sour cream" which is, as you said, synthetic bullshit and IMHO just makes you crave the real thing. That junk science diet advice of hers has long since been debunked. Notice that she did not recommend making a simple vinaigrette using real olive oil which is incredibly easy to do and so much better for you.

Also, tossing out the cheese was ridiculous; she could have taken just a few seconds to really educate them that just one ounce of that cheese could add a lot of flavor to a salad or steamed vegetables without a lot of calories and not the half of a bag Gina was probably eating. Don't get me started on fat free cheese!😠

So nice to see that I'm not the only one snarling BULLSHIT! at that so-called nutritionist. I could. not. believe. she was pushing the synthetic "fat-free" aka chemical shitstorm so-called food!

And, as with the cheese - what about portion size? We sure didn't see her talking about that but it's got to be a new concept for these supermorbidly obese folks, that they need to get their heads around. Didn't Gina try to sell some bullshit line to Dr. Now about how she ate the meals on his diet plan BUT if she didn't finish a meal she would eat the meal again later? To the extent you could make sense of her lying lies about that, it sounds like, as Dr. Now said, she was eating six meals instead of three. 

Gina was such a liar. She was like Bethany, thinking there was this magical thing called "weight loss surgery" that would painlessly solve her weight problems. Without her having to change anything about her eating habits. 

Well, Bethany got her (second) magical weight loss surgery. And - drumroll please - "the surgery didn't work!" Well, no, honey. The surgery went just fine, it was YOUR behavior afterward that "didn't work" to cause weight loss. I suspect if Gina ever gets WLS, it "won't work" for her either. She's a lying manipulating con artist like Bethany, although Bethany's farther along in her career, having been convicted of felony fraud in federal court and being on probation with a ten year suspended prison sentence. 

Edited by Jeeves
clarity. it's a thing.
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I always fast forward through the therapy parts, because I have a cold, cold heart, and I don't care why they eat. But at Dr. Now's office visit after therapy, did Gina really say the therapy was helping because she was "learning to put herself first"?  Did that happen?  Was that really Lola's advice?  Gina has never put anyone but herself first -- and god forbid anyone else even think about it. 

This whole family was in the top 10 of the strangest packs of people ever shown on this show. I'm not bestowing sainthood on Beth -- there's some pretty serious mental illness there to choose and  stay in that situation.  And she looks like a boy I knew in high school named Hunter, so I'm going to have to call her Hunter from now on. 

I didn't really want to see Gina dancing, but I'm a little disappointed that the videos appear to have been taken down.  Fake, fake, fake. Waste of 2 hours. 

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1 hour ago, dahling said:

I always fast forward through the therapy parts, because I have a cold, cold heart, and I don't care why they eat. But at Dr. Now's office visit after therapy, did Gina really say the therapy was helping because she was "learning to put herself first"?  Did that happen?  Was that really Lola's advice?  Gina has never put anyone but herself first -- and god forbid anyone else even think about it. 

Yes!!!!  She sure did!!!  I may have snarled at the TV at that point.  Girl has ALWAYS put herself first.  She really has mental issues and it’s making me stabby.  

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Since Gina stopped at about 11 different hotels during her round trip fast food fest from NJ to Texas, I would presume they were in handicap accessible rooms. This means, the shower would be easier for her to accommodate her considerable heft in A SHOWER ! (No bucket required). She could have even taken a snack in there with her since we all know how stressful soap and water would be and.....anxiety.

If I were 600+ pounds, and there was a shower that would not be impossible to use, I would sure opt to throw my self in there and wash real good. I mean, if she wanted nookie from Beth, I am thinking washing her folds and her lady parts might go a long way to getting some.......

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9 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

OMG, I really disliked that alleged nutritionist. There was absolutely nothing professional about her visit. Any of us here could stroll into someone's kitchen and give the generalized advice she gave like it's always good to read food labels. Everybody on planet Earth, except apparently Beth and Gina with their fake gasps and eye popping, knows that.

Also, her head is obviously still stuck in the nineties with her "It's always better to opt for fat free products like fat free mayo or fat free sour cream" which is, as you said, synthetic bullshit and IMHO just makes you crave the real thing. That junk science diet advice of hers has long since been debunked. Notice that she did not recommend making a simple vinaigrette using real olive oil which is incredibly easy to do and so much better for you.

Also, tossing out the cheese was ridiculous; she could have taken just a few seconds to really educate them that just one ounce of that cheese could add a lot of flavor to a salad or steamed vegetables without a lot of calories and not the half of a bag Gina was probably eating. Don't get me started on fat free cheese!😠

there is this casserole recipe I make every so often, I would always use fat free Greek yogurt and the lighter cream of chicken soup. I made it this week with the regular cream of chicken soup and light sour cream. It came out so much better! Its not super rich, it has a ton of veggies and we don't eat it that often. Using always fat free is not the solution, portion control is. Your body will be more satisfied with a bit of regular cheese than a heaping of fat free.

She should have been telling her moderation and explaining portion size. And yes, maybe she can't have certain foods no matter how little she eats of them. 

Edited by libgirl2
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That nasty redness Gina had under her belly flap is from poor hygiene. 

Her unwillingness to bathe was baffling. Most of the people profiled on this show have enough sense to know what they must keep themselves clean or risk dealing with infections between their skin folds. Her lack of interest in hygiene could be caused by her depression and anxiety issues, but I suspect a lot of it is just plain laziness on her part.

That whole family needed therapy.

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