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S07.E03: Big Fat Moves

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Whitney finally packs up and moves to Charlotte, forcing Buddy to find a new place to live. Chase asks Whitney to be his girlfriend, which may warn Buddy off. Meanwhile, Whitney teams up with Jessica for a fitness competition from hell.

Airs January 21, 2020.

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I wonder who comes up with these episode titles? 

STRANGER: You look familiar. I know you from somewhere.

MBFFL stars: You might of seen me in the Peabody awarding winning episodes: Big Girl, Little Bus, Single Fat and Crazy or my personal favorite, Knocked up.

STRANGER: Never heard of them.  I thought maybe we shopped at the same Starbucks or something.



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"Chase asks Whitney to be his girlfriend"! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣  Yeah right, totally believable!   


Maybe my memory is a tad faulty, but wasn't Buddy a higher functioning and much healthier life form early in this series?  I think being involved in Whitney and her show has been detrimental to his well being because OMG he's a mess.  

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17 minutes ago, PupCal said:

Okay, Chase and Whitney haven't been dating long and he's already getting like super possessive? I'd tell Whitney to run but we all know she can't. Waddle away, Whitney!

Hahaha @PupCal

In all fairness Chase is just doing what the script tells him! 😉 lol


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Ugh more with the blow! And feigned jealousy over a dumb painting. This is for sure NOT A STAGED WALK DOWN MEMORY LANE!!!! It is not! 

And say wha? Big Whit doesn’t feel food after ten seconds of watching work? And the boys don’t get along? I’ve got the vapors, so shocked.

Edited by Uuuugghh
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14 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

Simply unwatchable.  Unfortunately seems that no one else is watching either, and I can't even get a decent report of the non-action here!  Damn it.....

My BA is in history. No way would I choose to watch MBFFL over the senate impeachment trial.


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Sorry,but I don't look at Whit's participating in this competition as empowering. I see this as recklessly dangerous. She has had nowhere near the training she would need for this kind of competition. If she blows out a knee or her back - then what? I thought that marathon in Hawaii was ridiculous, until tonight.




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32 minutes ago, Snarkastikate said:

Simply unwatchable.  Unfortunately seems that no one else is watching either, and I can't even get a decent report of the non-action here!  Damn it.....

Sorry. Not watching  because  hockey. 

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Wow.  Just wow.

Whitney confesses to Jessica...”I like, like him.”

Whoever is scripting this drivel must be fine with her freestyling some adolescent ValleyGirlSpeak. Ugh.

Ryan and Chase are so hired...and scripted.  I mean, her old barnacles were also hired and scripted, but at least they had some history.

This show has officially moved to the Soap Opera category for me.



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2 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

That's  an insult to  11th graders.  7th grade, maybe. 

I would have used 7th grade as a reference if it wasn't for Twit's vague sex comments and stupid jokes "wink, wink". She has the mental maturity of a middle schooler for sure.

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1 hour ago, absolutelyido said:

Given that Whitney is carrying 200 extra pounds on her frame, is weightlifting really a good idea for her? It can't be good for her back, hips, knees, etc. that are already under extra strain.

I'm no professional but I always thought it was  a stupid and dangerous idea.  Am I the only one that notices every single time she lifts the bar it gets caught under her stomach?  Do Will and Jessica not see that? 

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Aren' Whit's "trainers" still in Greensboro?  She spends as much time with them as she does with Ryan.  Until this show cuts down to an hour I am FFing all Whitney Work-out sessions. 

LOL at the resurrection of the Lennie paint-by-number job!  Double LOL when Chase asked if the little swirl representing her knee was supposed to be a hair! 😂  Almost lost an eyeball rolling them so hard when Chase was "jealous" of Lennie and the painting 🤣

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Chase is completely unlikeable. He totally had a dick-measuring contest with Glenn about grilling - and Glenn wasn't even there! I know the jealousy of Buddy is scripted, but he and Ryan were mean-girling about Buddy to the point where they look like middle school bitches. 

Also, he lives three hours from Greensboro AND three hours from Charlotte. I'm seeing this as Ryan setting Chase up with Whitney so that they (Ryan & Chase) could be together in Charlotte. 😂

Why is Buddy not protesting that he and Sweatney had sex six years ago? He's been adamant since this goddamned show started that THEY NEVER CROSSED THE FLESHHOLD. Has Buddy finally been paid off enough that he's just going with it? Did someone show him the sex tape? Has he resigned himself that he was so black-out fucked up when it "happened" that he will never remember it? Have they all just finally worn him down by repeating the lie that he actually believes it now, too? Ashley didn't seem to bat an eye when Sweatney practically yelled "BUDDY AND I FUCKED SIX YEARS AGO!!!" Jesus wept.

Chase needs to slow down on worrying that Sweatney didn't tell Buddy that they were "exclusive," but why wouldn't she tell him that they were? She's told everyone else, their cousin, the cousin's dogwalker, the dogwalker's hairdresser, and the hairdresser's nanny. Oh, and she told the Dish guy, Steve (who was adorable, btw). I think Glenn was diggin' him a l'il, too.

Please remind me never to wear mesh leggings where the mesh is on the inside of the leg. Ever.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Sweatney's first two lifts looked great during the competition warm-up. I know it was lower weight, but she was really clean and I'm shocked. I am also shocked that Sweatney didn't train but yet she didn't collapse and need an ambulance.

What's the over/under on Barnacle Heather swapping spit with Ryan in the previews just to make Buddy jealous? I'm thinking it's probably the same over/under on Ryan swapping spit with her to make Chase jealous.

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1 hour ago, absolutelyido said:

Given that Whitney is carrying 200 extra pounds on her frame, is weightlifting really a good idea for her? It can't be good for her back, hips, knees, etc. that are already under extra strain.

Probably not good for her joints but I can see why she is drawn to it as larger people often do have more strength due to their mass and can do decently well at lifting heavy things. Compare the CrossFit event to the run a season or two ago, even though Jessica did a lot, Whit participated without crying or breaking down.

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I actually think that Ryan & Chase are lovers and Ryan thought he could include him on the “MBFFL” gravy train by having  Chase play her boyfriend.  TV time andTLC money for them both. I do think that Buddy was right - she’s acting like she’s with the cool kids now &is leaving her nerdy friends behind.  She had sex with him on their first date and then she tells Ryan about it and insists that she MUST tell Chase about every boyfriend she’s ever had.  It’s. Much more likely that Chase is the one with a back history of many relationships but she’s so full of herself she once again must make it all about her & not even ask a question.

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1 hour ago, lightninggirl said:

Chase is completely unlikeable. He totally had a dick-measuring contest with Glenn about grilling - and Glenn wasn't even there! I know the jealousy of Buddy is scripted, but he and Ryan were mean-girling about Buddy to the point where they look like middle school bitches. 

I agree, and also that Chase is controlling.
Why does she keep on with Buddy, if she's moving him out and moving on.  I really hate that Chase brought all that liquor in, because I think it was to tempt Buddy.
I'll maybe say more when I've mastered this laptop or am on PC.

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omg I only caught about 5 minutes of this mess earlier (gonna watch it later) but what I saw was Whitney in some black leggings bent over and digging around in a garage....I could see her huge ass and everything through the leggings because they were stretched soooooo thin... I thought they might EXPLODE!! 

UGH!!! Eye Bleach!!!! 😫

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Does Buddy not have anyone else in his life? His parents or brother, someone needs to tell him to leave Whitney. Whitney tells him he has to move out and then is laying on him a few days later saying she is going to be so lonely in the her new 3 bedroom so far away. Then Buddy visits because you would think the only Improv class is in Charlotte? I did a google search seems to be Improv classes all over NC and some in Greensboro so why does he need to take them in Charlotte ? Then Buddy is at the new house with Whitney hanging all over him and Chase comes in and she jumps off of Buddy and tells Buddy she and Chase are official. I am not Buddy fan but it is not fair to a guy in recovery to be used when Whitney is lonely and tossed aside when Chase comes back around.  Would jealous Chase approve of Whitney all over Buddy?


Does Chase have a job and what is it?  He was not able to be at Whitney's big competition because of work? It was surprising that none of the Original gang was there either. 

I just can't believe Chase and her are really in a serious relationship. It seems so acted? Maybe it is recreated because filming missed it? It just seems like Whitney only films supposedly a few days a month. We happen to catch the first meeting, the hammock, the first date and kiss, the minute he asks to go steady. It seems like a script not reality. My daughter came in and asked what happened to Ari and I could not even remember how that got resolved and then she asked about Lenny after the painting and I could not remember except Whitney driving by his house and he was not answering how that ended. I hope this is not another long drawn out story with no ending, maybe even 2 seasons for this one given some spoilers. 

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Scripted?  Yes.  The script is as follows--

"Like, bleep-bleep, bro, like, bleep.  Bleep, like, bro, bleep, like."  

You can tell when the line is Whit's by the question mark at the end of each sentence and the occasional squeal.  And to think she once went to Korea to teach English to the people.  I shudder to think how she perverted the English language while in another country.

I like Ashley, but dang, girlfriend is almost the same size as Whitney!  

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11 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

I'm just waiting for This is Us at 8 p.m. This show gets worse every season. I'm about out forever. 

I’m out—just can’t watch any more. I come back for the updates and comments.

Having seen the previews, however, I can say Chase looks skeezy to me. 

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Gods, this was like reading some bad MBFFL fanfic. Not even the good kind that you'd get on Archive of Our Own or Fanfiction.net. More like the crappy, unbetaed variety that you'd find on some kid's LiveJournal page (with a total of eight followers). 

All of the "acting" here was so poor that even if the Razzies had a tv equivalent, this show wouldn't qualify because it's not aspiring to be anything more than a shitty way to kill an hour that you'll wish you had back while laying on your deathbed. Watching this just makes me feel icky now. Silkwood shower levels of icky.

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