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S11.E03: Lonely in Flagstaff

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I've been wondering what happened to Christine's mom, too.  When they went back to Vegas to move Meri back to Flagstaff, there were three women standing out of camera range. Then Kody made a move that caused the camera person to pan in the ladies' direction.  One of them was Meri's mom.  I believe there are relatives that are with them, but do not want to be on camera.  Perhaps, Miss Annie doesn't want to be on camera anymore.  

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6 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I wonder if Christines angels sound like her when they singk?  😫

I imagine the background noise of prairie dogs digging and skittering around would spoil the sound of the angels singingk.

3 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I couldn't help but laugh because Meri's basement is sooooo tiny. 😁

There is not enough room for all her Christmas ornaments, let alone her BUSINESS!

Edited by deirdra
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18 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Ok, they are not even trying to hide their hate for each other anymore. They're just putting it all out there. 

The disgusted look on Meri's face when Janelle was talking about how "hot" she thought Kody was. I followed Meri's face all the way through that cringe worthy explanation of the hotness of Kody and if looks could kill....

Meri making a point of telling them all at lunch and on camera that Robyn knew she was back in town in a hotel close by to her house and Robyn never reached out to her. Then the little back and forth between them with Robyn saying that just wasn't true. 

Kody saying he enjoys the drive between homes because it gives him a chance to decompress from all the baggage of each wife. Nice to know how you rilly feel about your wives, Kodester. 

The women flat out telling Meri they are not going to help her move up the stairs and Meri getting all butt hurt over it. 

Then there's good old Sobbyn saying how very busy and very exhausted her man Kody is so he can't possibly be expected to help move anything. 

That was all GOLD, and I'm here for it! I believe that Robyn DID know that FabFitFun Meri was in town and in a hotel down the block and purposely did not reach out to her. Who flipping WOULD reach out to that energy vampire?? Then Meri calling Robyn out on it in front of the other 2 hausfraus was so awesome :). Yeah, Meri, what does that tell you about yourself?? Robyn doesn't want you (even though she pretends to for the cameras) because you are a miserable load! That fake fork fight was soooo full of underlying hostility from both of those phonies and I loved every short second of it. They all still hate each other, and Robyn is beginning to get sick of pretending. So much bitch to go around!

Edited by VedaPierce
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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

I imagine the background noise of prairie dogs digging and skittering around would spoil the sound of the angels singingk.

I noticed that the way Kody has the house situated on the property Robyn and Meri get the mountain view while Christine and Janelle's suites are on the back corners of the house looking at WHAT??... prairie poop pond maybe? 🤨

Poor Christine and her breathless baby voice about that view and that's what she wants to look at for the rest of her life... blah, blah.... lol NOPE not if Kody has anything to do with it.

Robyn has to have the largest area (so take space from Meri)  with the best view (so take it from Christine) 

Gotta love those table scraps that Robyns getting.  🙄


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"Oh, well - sure, when you bring in the boiling farnum, it all makes perfect sense. " 😂😂

Is that anything like the boiling bunny?  'Cause that's where I see Meri going soon!

Edited by JDAlexander
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10 hours ago, Sandy W said:

Has anyone figured out if the elevator goes down to the garage level?  It seemed to me that it only began at the entry, if that is the case, it is totally impractical.  I saw a view of the 30+ stairs up to the front door, with no handrail, making bringing groceries home a nightmare, never mind moving in and out.

I wonder if UPS would deliver her LLR shipments to the front door or just toss them in the driveway.  Also, I hope that driveway is heated, I don't care what Meri is driving, navigating that steep, curved hill after an ice storm would be very difficult.

Now we know why Meri appears to be losing weight in her recent pictures on instagram 😀

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14 hours ago, Rainyhawk said:

I remember way back when she wanted to try for another kid and they were talking to doctors (and Robyn even said she’d be a surrogate if needed).  I think meri really wanted to try and they went out in the wilds somewhere to talk and suddenly Cody just shit it all down.  She pretended to be ok with it but I think she really wanted to try.  Thought it was selfish of Cody and I wonder if that doesn’t affect some of her actions still.  

I always that thought was for TV and to give Meri a story line.  Whatever they were considering, surrogacy or IVF, she was around 44-45 years of age.  If she was interested, why weren't they having this discussion in her 30s?  

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15 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

If Kody really is over Meri, and is not making any progress in trying to rekindle, he needs to let her go because he is not fulfilling his husbandly duties (as his “religion” seemingly sees things). If they’re worried about the story line, they should consider that lots of people watch, cheering, if Meri kicked this ungodly mess to the curb. 

I'm not really seeing Kody as holding on to her. I think SHE needs to let HIM go. But she can't. She's hooked on the high she gets off of being the perpetual victim. Meri is not a strong, tough woman who would kick anything to the curb. She thrives on passive-aggression and trying to make people feel guilty for plethoras of tiny imagined transgressions. She will only leave if a white knight (preferably rich) comes and rescues her. Then she could go on to make HIS life a living hell because she will bring all her fucked up baggage with her.

Edited by VedaPierce
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1 minute ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm not really seeing Kody as holding on to her. I think SHE needs to let HIM go. But she can't. She's hooked on the high she gets off of being the perpetual victim. Meri is not a strong, though woman who would kick anything to the curb. She thrives on passive-aggression and trying to make people feel guilty for plethoras of tiny imagined transgressions. She will only leave if a white knight (preferably rich) comes and rescues her. Then she could go on to make HIS life a living hell because she will bring all her fucked up baggage with her.

Agree. Meri is not “strong” like she claims to be. A strong woman would have hired movers to move her stuff and be done with it versus trying to rope the family into it. Meri doesn’t look anything dead in the eye like the quote on her page claims, she’s too busy crying about everything. 

She’s a phony in that regard and everyone knows it. 

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15 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I think you only need three wives (seriously).

I am reading "Under the Banner of Heaven" and this is true.  Not that I think these people follow any tenets except the Church of TLC Ratings and the Almighty Dollar, mind you, but if Kody were actually concerned about getting his own planet, Meri could be cast aside with no problem.


14 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

JMO but I think Meri would be gone in a flash if she had someone else to go to.

But the irony is that if she did leave, I think this show would be over.  The Brown Clowns HAVE to know that, even if they don't want to admit it to each other.  Without Meri's catfishing (drink!) scandal and the subsequent fallout, this show is canceled, the money stops rolling in, and suddenly Kody has to get a job flipping burgers to pay his 18 mortgages.  It's a sick way to live, but that's what you get when you sign up for a reality tv show and have to air all your dirty laundry to collect a paycheck.

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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm not really seeing Kody as holding on to her. I think SHE needs to let HIM go. But she can't. She's hooked on the high she gets off of being the perpetual victim. Meri is not a strong, tough woman who would kick anything to the curb. She thrives on passive-aggression and trying to make people feel guilty for plethoras of tiny imagined transgressions. She will only leave if a white knight (preferably rich) comes and rescues her. Then she could go on to make HIS life a living hell because she will bring all her fucked up baggage with her.

They DID discuss it in the first season and Meri said she wasn't interested. I think she had resigned herself to the fact at that point that she wasn't going to have anymore kids and seemed to be okay with it.

4 hours ago, crimson23 said:

I always that thought was for TV and to give Meri a story line.  Whatever they were considering, surrogacy or IVF, she was around 44-45 years of age.  If she was interested, why weren't they having this discussion in her 30s?  

Oops - meant to quote this post!

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10 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

That was all GOLD, and I'm here for it! I believe that Robyn DID know that FabFitFun Meri was in town and in a hotel down the block and purposely did not reach out to her. Who flipping WOULD reach out to that energy vampire?? Then Meri calling Robyn out on it in front of the other 2 hausfraus was so awesome :). Yeah, Meri, what does that tell you about yourself?? Robyn doesn't want you (even though she pretends to for the cameras) because you are a miserable load! That fake fork fight was soooo full of underlying hostility from both of those phonies and I loved every short second of it. They all still hate each other, and Robyn is beginning to get sick of pretending. So much bitch to go around!

Energy vampire!  Perfect.  Thank you!!!

Edited by Jeanne222
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I have a feeling that Production is renting these huge homes for the purpose of filming. They have to find places where this is allowed and it might not be easy to tie up streets months on end when they film.  I lived on Wilmington Island GA and way back before Paula Deen  got into trouble  and her show was very popular they filmed it at her beautiful waterfront home. Problem was they brought in huge trucks and blocked the dirt road and the neighbors were pissed off and made a stink. So she bought even more property further down the island and built an ever bigger and better compound complete with guest houses and filmed her show there. There is a large private drive up to the house and no problem getting the filming trucks in and out without bothering the neighbors. Most areas have either HOA covenants that do not allow businesses to be run out of a home or at the least the municipalities have zonning restrictions against this. 

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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm not really seeing Kody as holding on to her. I think SHE needs to let HIM go. But she can't. She's hooked on the high she gets off of being the perpetual victim. Meri is not a strong, tough woman who would kick anything to the curb. She thrives on passive-aggression and trying to make people feel guilty for plethoras of tiny imagined transgressions. She will only leave if a white knight (preferably rich) comes and rescues her. Then she could go on to make HIS life a living hell because she will bring all her fucked up baggage with her.

Sigh.  Looks like we'll be stuck with her forever!  No white knight.  Nobody wants that energy vampire!

Meri is never in a million years going to take that small apartment Kody has designated for her.  That should bring about some kind of a showdown!

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1 hour ago, DakotaJustice said:

They DID discuss it in the first season and Meri said she wasn't interested. I think she had resigned herself to the fact at that point that she wasn't going to have anymore kids and seemed to be okay with it.

Oops - meant to quote this post!

I'll bet she took another look at her first contribution, Mariah, and said no thanks.  I'll pass on any more of that!

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Guys- I tried. I rilly, rilly TRIED to stay awake while watching this episode.

It has been several years since I watched SW, as it was just more fun to read about it and quite frankly, I have better things to do with my time. But, I attempted to watch what I recorded purely for some comic relief.

Didn't work. I just kept falling asleep. Rewind.Sleep.Rewind.Sleep.Rewind. Sleep. So I got as far as the fiasco that is Kody and Meri backing up the truck in her driveway. I did get to see the outside of the house, which, to me, appears a bit large for one homely woman. I mean, do they rilly know that it does cost to run a house? One that large in electric, gas, propane etc would be quite costly. A big dill to me. I suppose though when you have to outdo one another in any way you can to prove your placement in the Plyg community, it's worth it?  

I believe there was a part I saw where Christine was saying that she doesn't tell people she is Plyg (in relation to Meri's landlord tossing her sorry ass, I think). Hello. Christine. YOU ARE ON A REALITY TV SHOW.

So, I decided, this show rilly is a big dill for humor and I will do my best to watch it and not fall asleep. Or, I have just discovered the cure for insomnia ! 

Edited by Fig Newton
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32 minutes ago, Fig Newton said:

So, I decided, this show rilly is a big dill for humor and I will do my best to watch it and not fall asleep. Or, I have just discovered the cure for insomnia ! 

I always DVR it and watch it the next morning.  No way can I stay awake for this show if it's going to air at 10:02 pm.  TLC is so weird.

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Meri was ready to DISAPPEAR with her young vegan millionaire. I will never forget the scene in Alaska when Robyn was sipping soup and Meri says “don’t be surprised if I just disappear”. Of course that’s was when she thought her Prince Charming would show up any minute on his private plane and take her away from this circus. 

Meri isn’t leaving until she has a better offer, so I think we are stuck with Meri until the other wives force Kody to call it quits. He’s done everything possible to show there isn’t an OUNCE of intimacy between them and nor does he want any. 

It’s fascinating to think about all the things that have contributed to Meri staying in this. I have a hard time finding anything redeeming about her and routinely question how I am so bothered by some Z list “celebrity”. Then I watch one episode and I’m shockingly even more disgusted by her behavior.

it feels like the wives are having a hard time hiding their real feelings this season. The fact that Janelle is actually saying we may have to go deep into Meri’s comments is truly alarming. I just pray we get to see it! Not in an overly edited TLC moment but a nice viral video of them out to dinner and Janelle just erupts and tells Meri what she thinks!!

Edited by FreemefromTV
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5 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I'm not really seeing Kody as holding on to her. I think SHE needs to let HIM go. But she can't. She's hooked on the high she gets off of being the perpetual victim. Meri is not a strong, tough woman who would kick anything to the curb. She thrives on passive-aggression and trying to make people feel guilty for plethoras of tiny imagined transgressions. She will only leave if a white knight (preferably rich) comes and rescues her. Then she could go on to make HIS life a living hell because she will bring all her fucked up baggage with her.

Right on, I saw someone earlier posted a script/dialogue of what Kody and Meri were saying. She was calling him babe and referencing his butt and it sounded like he was having none of that.

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13 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I noticed that the way Kody has the house situated on the property Robyn and Meri get the mountain view while Christine and Janelle's suites are on the back corners of the house looking at WHAT??... prairie poop pond maybe? 🤨

Poor Christine and her breathless baby voice about that view and that's what she wants to look at for the rest of her life... blah, blah.... lol NOPE not if Kody has anything to do with it.


christine would be pissssssssed if her suite didn't have the view!

now I am actually with Kody on his vision. at first i was like no way jose. that would never work. BUT then I watched this other show on TLC about these siblings and their spouses and kids that live with their parents in one house. And currently it's a normal sized house but they are building a giant mansion to house everyone.  So if they can do it I don't see why this crew can't.  

And I know they can't because they don't want to.  But I actually liked 'kody's kitchen'. And maybe because it just looked really nice and new... so i guess in like 2 months it would all be trashed. 

Edited by Dmarie019
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On 1/12/2020 at 9:40 PM, LotusFlower said:

Because she *intended* to have more kids.  ‘Member?  

She needs to have a big house so she doesn’t feel punished for not having more kids.  

And a wet bar.

And french doors.


I wonder if the wet bar is going to flagstaff with her? 😁

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22 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

These people have no sense of style for themselves or their homes.

Meri saw a great big mansion on a hill bigger than the other wives homes with elevator, waterfall, 2 master suites etc... So she had to have it!

Nevermind that the damn driveway is a nightmare and the whole place is dated and ugly as hell.... It's bigger than the other wives and that's all that matters!!!

All her ass kissers defend her by saying she has to have all that space for her business... I call BS on her needing anything more than an extra bedroom and a large garage for her lulaRAGS plus Meri didn't have a business when they moved to LV but she still insisted on a huge house with all kinds of extras!.... She's extremely childish and immature.

Husband watched with me and all he could ask was (after the asking about the guys wonky eyes) why does she need such a big house?  Cause she is Meri.  But why?  She is going to live there alone.  It's a fuck you to the others.  On and on.

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5 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

now I am actually with Kody on his vision. at first i was like no way jose. that would never work. BUT then I watched this other show on TLC about these siblings and their spouses and kids that live with their parents in one house. And currently it's a normal sized house but they are building a giant mansion to house everyone.  So if they can do it I don't see why this crew can't.  

They should have built this house in LV instead of the 4 houses on the cul-de-sac, because that is when they had 11million children living at home.  By the time this house could be built, they will be down to the 5 adults, Truly, and the last two that belong to Robin.  

I do wonder if they have been taking script writing and acting lessons online over the hiatus between this season and the last.   Kody is so over the top with his dream house; it needs a small bedroom/office in the "peen" section for him so he can isolate himself if he has flu.  And TLC must be punking Meri by giving her so many talking heads to whinge about how apart she feels.

Janelle is suddenly all agog about loving the life style again.  At least she was honest about how lazy she is.

Christine, you really need to want that giant house because building it would get at least 2-3 more seasons of the show.  

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56 minutes ago, Twopper said:

Janelle is suddenly all agog about loving the life style again.  At least she was honest about how lazy she is.

I think Janelle took one look at those floor plans and saw what a teeny tiny little suite Kody has planned for Meri and she LOVED it!  lolol

Janelle seems pretty fiesty this season.... I bet she'd love to see Meri squashed into a tiny little 2 bedroom mother-in-law suite.  😁

During the preview Janelle is all "hey now lets listen no interruptions" and Meri sat there scowling and turning beet red.

ON the couch when Janelle started talking about Kodys ass and he was all happy and grinning from ear to ear..... Meri looked like she wanted to fly across that couch and kill Janelle.....meanwhile Meri spent hours with Kody and every time she mentioned his butt or tried to flirt he ignored her and changed the subject.

I think Janelle is pushing Meri's buttons on purpose and I think Kody might be encouraging her to do so..... he wants nothing to do with Meri and maybe he thinks the only way to get rid of her is if he turns everyone against her.

Kody being angry with her hasn't done the trick so maybe they're all freezing her out.


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12 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I think Janelle took one look at those floor plans and saw what a teeny tiny little suite Kody has planned for Meri and she LOVED it!  lolol

Janelle seems pretty fiesty this season.... I bet she'd love to see Meri squashed into a tiny little 2 bedroom mother-in-law suite.  😁

During the preview Janelle is all "hey now lets listen no interruptions" and Meri sat there scowling and turning beet red.

ON the couch when Janelle started talking about Kodys ass and he was all happy and grinning from ear to ear..... Meri looked like she wanted to fly across that couch and kill Janelle.....meanwhile Meri spent hours with Kody and every time she mentioned his butt or tried to flirt he ignored her and changed the subject.

I think Janelle is pushing Meri's buttons on purpose and I think Kody might be encouraging her to do so..... he wants nothing to do with Meri and maybe he thinks the only way to get rid of her is if he turns everyone against her.

Kody being angry with her hasn't done the trick so maybe they're all freezing her out.


Haha I saw Meri’s look as well when Janelle talked about Kody’s butt. For his part, Kody indeed looks like he wants nothing to do with Meri. He looks repulsed even. 

Meri just doesn’t see this. She keeps trying. She can’t think to herself, why would Kody want to be with a perpetually angry, complaining, selfish, crying, orange scowly-faced pile of bad energy? 

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Meri is that pesky fly at the fambily BBQ. They keep swatting for her to go away. I bet Janelle, Christine and Robyn have all added her on their do-not call list. What more validation does she need that she really is non-existent to them. Yet she blames the others but she herself has alienated herself from them for years. If she is so guarded, and her walls are up, why bother anymore ? I would be out so fast there would be rug burns where my feet where. I think she thinks King Sol is her child with Kody, the one she couldn't have but Robyn offered to carry. I almost think she is clinging on just to annoy them and a home base to land.

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Since they, themselves, won't commit to stay in Flagstaff permanently (except for Robyn), according to last season, I just wonder what they would do with the new mansion, if they did move again.  I suppose the place could accommodate a retirement home, assisted living, another plural family or a B&B, but, if it's not conveniently located......hmmm...

As far as moving other people.  Helping was fine years ago, but, after a certain age, I started to be cautious about others helping with that.  If they hurt their back, break a leg, etc. while moving me.....not good.  I don't want that on me.  I prefer professionals who have their own insurance. It does cost, but, is worth it, imo, especially, for the heavy stuff. 

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3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Since they, themselves, won't commit to stay in Flagstaff permanently (except for Robyn), according to last season, I just wonder what they would do with the new mansion, if they did move again.  I suppose the place could accommodate a retirement home, assisted living, another plural family or a B&B, but, if it's not conveniently located......hmmm...

As far as moving other people.  Helping was fine years ago, but, after a certain age, I started to be cautious about others helping with that.  If they hurt their back, break a leg, etc. while moving me.....not good.  I don't want that on me.  I prefer professionals who have their own insurance. It does cost, but, is worth it, imo, especially, for the heavy stuff. 

It seems designed as a basic four-plex with a large common area.  I see it as an apartment building or b&b.   And, of course, having been shown on tv and lived in by celebs like the Browns it will have a great increase in value.  NOT.

The Little Couple were also unsuccessful at unloading their McMansion at the price they thought it should bring.  It stayed on the market longer than they expected and sold at a lower price.  

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On ‎1‎/‎13‎/‎2020 at 9:35 PM, Joan of Argh said:

I wonder if Christines angels sound like her when they singk?  😫

I liked the episode when Christine was singink at Mykelti's wedding. It was a big dill! It was a really big dill!

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5 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Haha I saw Meri’s look as well when Janelle talked about Kody’s butt. For his part, Kody indeed looks like he wants nothing to do with Meri. He looks repulsed even. 

Meri just doesn’t see this. She keeps trying. 

She probably thought he would play along with the cameras rolling, but should have stopped the pathetic "flirting" when it was clear he was not going to.

Didn't these guys have a hard time finding a buyer for the Lehi 3-plex and end up losing the value of the downpayment (Janelle's inheritance)?

Edited by deirdra
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15 minutes ago, Twopper said:

It seems designed as a basic four-plex with a large common area.  I see it as an apartment building or b&b.   And, of course, having been shown on tv and lived in by celebs like the Browns it will have a great increase in value.  NOT.

The Little Couple were also unsuccessful at unloading their McMansion at the price they thought it should bring.  It stayed on the market longer than they expected and sold at a lower price.  

Yeah, I just can't see them getting much of a return on it, unless just the right buyer came along.  Seems a big gamble, because, if they move again, they'd once again be struck with that mansion mortgage PLUS those in their new homes.  I hate to sound like a broken record, but, mobile homes on the same road, make more sense.(Faster set up, lower costs, etc.)  Later, resale would be easier, if they are in good condition. They could divide the lots for resale. With the mansion, just one big thing.  I don't get it, but, I suppose that making sense is not their strong suit. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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On 1/13/2020 at 12:21 PM, Just Wondering said:

Wondering why Meri thought it okay to discuss her grievances at what was slated to be a light, fun ladies’ luncheon.  If this is typical, it’s no wonder they all looked tense beforehand.  Unless of course, TLC told them upfront.  Either way, rude!

Meri doesn't do light and fun.

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23 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:

Meri doesn't do light and fun.

The other ladies were probably hoping Meri would do a repeat of that Alaskan lunch where she said "don't be surprised if I just disappear".

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