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S04.E14: Triggered in Thailand

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I don’t understand Leeanne’s need to “protect” Kameron.  That was creepy.  Everyone else went to the red light district — why is she only concerned about Kam’s reputation?

Didn’t Stephanie’s husband tell her about the vagina ping pong?  So I’m assuming everyone knew where they were going.  I would not have wanted to go see it.

Leeanne is so exhausting and Drama Queen.

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Leeann’s finally lost that last loose screw that was rattling around in her head and with Kam no less! Bad move, Leanne. You just alienated the last person in your corner. I’m shocked but happy to see that Kam went to the Vagina Ping Pong show. Maybe there’s hope for her after all. 

The racist comments were low even for Leanne but I’m not surprised. She’s so vile!

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I really want to see how LeeAnne will defend herself at the reunion because on the finale, it seems like she was completely unapologetic about her comments about Kary. I'll have to see how it plays out next week, but she would regain some of my respect if she would apologize to Kary and tell Kary how wrong she was to make multiple comments about her ethnicity.

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3 minutes ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

really want to see how LeeAnne will defend herself at the reunion because on the finale, it seems like she was completely unapologetic about her comments about Kary. I'll have

Probably like she has been doing on Twitter she is just repeating what Kary said, Mexican isn’t a race and that she fucked a lot of Mexican dudes.

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1 minute ago, goofygirl said:

Well MeAnne..... You have really stirred the turd on this trip!  Jeebus. WHAT AN IDIOT!

Kinda feeling sorry for her new husband but obviously he knew how she was BEFORE they got married, right? 

He was defending her comments on SM so pretty sure he doesn’t give a shit. She issued a bullshit “I am sorry if I offended nonsense” on SM tonight.

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28 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Thank god they are gonna talk about the Racist shit she has been saying..

They had to because LeeAnne commented so many times on Kary's ethnicity. When she got on the phone with Rich when filmed stopped each night, she was probably calling Kary racial slurs for Mexican people. I now don't put anything past LeeAnne.

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It's bad enough what LeeAnn said to Kam about 'her' behavior but then when Kam tells the other women about it, she backtracks when LeeAnne is there.

LeeAnn thrives on being a victim and no one has been victimized like she has.  But she lives in a nice house in Dallas with her new husband,  wears nice clothes and supposedly is a part of Dallas society.  Poor LeeAnn.  Being a victim and a martyr has become the only thing she knows how to do.  She's over the top about whether or not her mother will show up at her wedding and when she does, she basically ignores her.

And she is a racist.

I did like those little purses.  I do admire Kary's negotiation skills.  I suck at it.

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Uhhhh...none of these women ever told LeeAnne that her "Mexican" comments were wrong to her face in the moment(s) she was saying it. In fact, Brandi even laughed on one occasion.

So I'm not here for the producers trying to clean all this up in their taped confessionals months later as they are shocked! and appalled! at her comments.

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32 minutes ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I agree. If LeeAnne had commented on Kary being Mexican once, I could have overlooked it. But the fact that she continued to comment on her ethnicity over and over again is unacceptable. And LeeAnne was bold enough to do it on camera. It makes me wonder what she was saying about Kary while the cameras weren't rolling. It also makes me question what she says about other minorities behind closed doors.

Exactly. This is what I have said watching these episodes.

LeAnne had another chance at the table tonight to tell Kary she was over her ....’I am a Mexican’.....obnoxious rants. Because, this is how LeAnne is defending herself.

She has never said anything to Kary.  It is not flying that way.  It is just racist on her part. 

LeAnne has said a lot of things about POC. I know this because, I lived in a city with a heavy carny scene.  Carny people are really racist.  They are a tight knit group. 

A lot of people that go to these carnivals are usually POCs.  They have to swallow their pride because they need their money.

This city had a Six Flags. It was a cleaner and safer place to take your kids on amusement park rides.  But, not everyone can afford the $30+ entrance fee. Instead, they went to the carnivals that LeAnne worked at. 

Yea, this is when LeAnne probably slept with a lot of Mexicans.  I have a feeling that she did survival sex work at a young age...just to get by. A young pretty girl without any parental supervision or support being lured by quick money....with ‘one  night stands.’

LeAnne was very striking.  She did pageants.  She looked like Barbie.  I think this is when she crossed-over into high end prostitution and got into wealthy social circles.

What LeAnne did was not only slept with men for money.....she befriended the women and how she stayed in that world.  Even if on the outskirts.  (This is LeAnne season 1)

It was her friendship with D’Andra that gave her access.

Now, LeAnne has latched on to Kameron.  

LeAnne is Danielle Staub in a different city.

Here is the twist.  I grew thinking that carny was derogatory term.  They face a lot of discrimination within their own people and are shunned. You are not supposed to use the term carny.....or, call them carny. 

LeAnne calling herself a carny is more of her manipulative.....’oh, I am such a victim’.......games.  

I am also tired of LeAnne calling herself a carny.... because, they don’t like that term. 

It is also a racist term. But, carny is not a race....eh? 

LeAnne is demented.  This is more Narcissist Disorder behaviors.

Narcissist has racist in it, too! If the shoe, fits......! 

Such a toxic season! They need to let her go.

Andy said they discussed LeAnne’s ‘racist comments’ at the reunion for 90 minutes.  Let’s see how much they air. 

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How does Leeann fit in with the Dallas society bunch when she is so raunchy about having sex everywhere with everyone, going on and on about her carny past, and now spouting off with her awful racist views? Why hasn't everyone in her high society circle distanced themselves from her?? Maybe they are all racist too? I don't get it. Who would want to associate with her?

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17 minutes ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

she would regain some of my respect if she would apologize to Kary and tell Kary how wrong she was to make multiple comments about her ethnicity.

This is exactly where I am with Leeanne.  A real apology, which usually isn't just an apology, but a series of dialogues to me, would make me change my mind about almost anyone as long as they are sincere.  We have yet to see that though--I'm getting ahead of myself!

Could she be on drugs?  Who loses their shit over a protracted period of time dressed in a towel?

D'andra was quite reasonable this episode.  I hate to say it.  I think she had a point that the sex workers are adults.  This is how I look at it--if a man or woman is having sex for money of their own free will, to feed their children or any other reason, I don't want to be a part of it, but that's their profession, and farbeit for me to say who can and should put money in their pockets.  If it's involuntary--basically slavery--then it needs to be avoided, and it's a moral issue.  If it's a grey area...I don't know.  What I do know is that they all--Leeanne included--patronized it, so live with it.

Leeanne didn't have to go.  She could have stayed at the hotel and let the rest of the women go to the red light district with the camera crew and security, and everything would have been just fine.  No true crime abroad has ever happened in Housewife history.  If Leeanne really thought it was dangerous, she would have been raising cane before they left the hotel, unless seeing the shows triggered something in her, a point which others have raised.  But still--handle your shit.  Don't project about Kameron's reputation.  

Kam is a better person than I am.  i would have told Kary about the Mexican shit.  It's getting out of hand.  It's almost more creepy than it is insulting at this point.  Like, I would kinda be like "Kary, heads up, she's really got your Mexican heritage in her sights.  Do with that what you will."

Travis...really isn't a good looking guy. 

I wasn't feeling Stephanie's and Brandi's fake love fest at the pool.  That is when i like them least--when they're being "kooky."  

Just to change up the discussion a little bit, can we talk about the outfits?  D'andra's string sleeves tied in bows at dinner was unfortunate.  Is it just me, or does she look like she's slimming down a bit?  I noticed it when they went to the monkeys.  Kam's pink dress was pretty much everything.  Kary's jumper was extremely cute.  It looks like something Brandi would wear, but it looks better on Kary, who has better hips and ass.  Someone get the woman a Brazilian blowout ASAP though please!  What will it take?!?  Stephanie looked so pretty in the restaurant lights, like a real classic beauty.

I can't decide if Kameron is being diplomatic or acting like a battered wife.  D'andra, at the dinner, started out diplomatic.  It only became a pile-on when D'andra stopped talking, Brandi started, and then D'andra started up again, but at the same time--and it hurts me to say this--it sorta felt like Leeanne was piling on all the others even though it was four against one! (Stephanie being silent)

Leeanne's breakthrough moment:  I feel like I started the whole thing

Me:  Here?  In this specific instance?  Ya damn skippy

At the table, Stephanie quietly asked Kameron if she was alright.  I don't know if that's "surface," but it seemed very kind and genuine and I hope Kameron realized it.

On the rooftop with Kary, Brandi seemed like she already took her sleeping pill.

Conclusion:  I don't know what to say.  Leeanne seems to have a fairly serious mental problem.  I'm sure being in a foreign country and jet lag exacerbated it.  Kameron really needs to examine for her own self why she is so dependent on Leeanne's acceptance.  I lost some respect for her.  Leeanne has no insight.  She says she doesn't care who is friends with whom and immediately thereafter tells Kameron she thinks Kameron's going to sit with Kary on the airplane?!?!  Please pick a lane, my goodness, this is exhausting!

I get the fact that Kary was needling Leeanne all season and I see what D'andra does, and not everything is on the up and up, but I do think Leeanne and Kameron need to go back home and reevaluate the unhealthy contours of their relationship with each other.  

Things will probably turn out ok.  The season took a weird turn and got weirder.  It would probably be best for the franchise if Kary and her jewelry just rode off into the sunset.  And Leeanne, please just apologize and mean it!!

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1 hour ago, goofygirl said:

Well MeAnne..... You have really stirred the turd on this trip!  Jeebus. WHAT AN IDIOT!

Kinda feeling sorry for her new husband but obviously he knew how she was BEFORE they got married, right? 

I feel more sorry for Rich because when Leanne was talking about wanting to go home, he was a second mention AFTER her dogs!!  I mean, I get loving your pets and missing them, but shouldn't your NEW husband (didn't they only get married like a few weeks before this trip?) be your first priority for wanting to go home?  

Edited by njbchlover
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2 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

LeeAnne has really made me not like her, and I never thought I would feel that way because she was my absolute favorite for the first three seasons. Her behavior has always been problematic, but in the past, she had humor, charisma, and vulnerability to make up for her bad behavior. But between her racist comments about Kary, her constant victimazation stories about her childhood, her manipulation of Kameron and her jealousy over Kary and Kameron's friendship, there were virtually nothing redeemable about her this season.

I have always thought she was awful, crazy and full of shit.  When she and Brandi were friends, and then Stephanie came back in the picture, she was vicious to Stephanie, so that jealousy thing is nothing new.  I do think that editing plays a role in making someone seem humorous or maudlin, vulnerable or a professional victim, etc.  But Leanne's overall personae is a nasty nutjob.  D'Andra last year tried to make a name for herself by fighting with her and Leanne ate her for lunch.  Now this year NewKary is doing a better job of it, but I just can't stand her (and D'andra has jumped on that train with alacrity - she needs to get a "c" necklace from Erika Jayne). That smug look on NewKary's face at dinner as she needled Leanne just made me want to slap her, even if I don't like Leanne anyway.  However - in a reverse from you - I never thought I would like the Tallest Little Girl in the World, but tonight I found myself doing so.

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I can't decide if Kameron is being diplomatic or acting like a battered wife.  

Conclusion:  I don't know what to say.  Leeanne seems to have a fairly serious mental problem.  I'm sure being in a foreign country and jet lag exacerbated it.  Kameron really needs to examine for her own self why she is so dependent on Leeanne's acceptance.  I lost some respect for her.  Leeanne has no insight.  She says she doesn't care who is friends with whom and immediately thereafter tells Kameron she thinks Kameron's going to sit with Kary on the airplane?!?!  Please pick a lane, my goodness, this is exhausting!

I get the fact that Kary was needling Leeanne all season and I see what D'andra does, and not everything is on the up and up, but I do think Leeanne and Kameron need to go back home and reevaluate the unhealthy contours of their relationship with each other.  

IMO Kam is being diplomatic; I do think she understands that she has a great life and that Leanne is what my mother would call a "poor soul" - not because she has less money and a smaller house, but because of what you said - she has a fairly serious mental problem and no insight.  She declares that "this is who she is" whilst wondering "why does this always happen to me"?  Girl, maybe you are answering your own question.  Take a look at yourself and figure it out.  I think Kam is perfectly capable of going home to her husband and kids to happily talk baby talk about pink dog food, and it's no skin off of her nose to be kind to crazy Leanne.  I don't see her as kissing Leanne's butt as much as just trying to be agreeable and low key and not cause a fight.  

As far as "reputations" go - these twats are all on a trashy TV show on purpose, so they're not that concerned.  Even the illustrious "Jimmy" shows up to perform for us.  And no one didn't know what they were going to for the ping pong show so they can all shut their pieholes on that.  Warning about an unpopular opinion coming up:  babytalking about sex shows while illustrating them on a whiteboard is trashy too.  And calling yourself "triggered" to excuse trashy behavior doesn't fly with me either - if you've agreed to play dirty with a gang of other gals and you're that easily "triggered" - get yourself off of the TV and into a therapist's office.  Where you can discuss why "it's always" you.

Edited by princelina
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Nothing new here.  Leanne sucks the fun out of everything.  It would be exhausting to be around her and honestly, I don't blame Brandi for walking away.  They're on their fourth year of this with Leanne.  

I think that Kam was being diplomatic at the last dinner, but I also think she's possibly finally seeing the light about Leanne.  Kam is the one that actually does care about her social standing in Dallas and Leanne throwing the red light district in her face was pretty shitty.  Kam can drive me nuts (her surface friend crap is annoying), but she can also be hilarious.  I thought her "you retreat....I eat" was pretty funny; particularly with her then being shown eating away alone at the table.  

While I do think that people are probably plenty racist in Dallas "society", I think being associated with someone, whom has shown some racist behavior on national t.v.., is going to be majorly frowned upon in Dallas society.  I don't see Kam's family being okay with "Leanne" after the past couple of episodes.  

Kary is a bit of a shit stirrer, but she was spot on in her comments about Leanne and Kam.  On a shallow note, I really love her style.  I always take note of what she is wearing.  Kam's pink dress was gorgeous.  

I think Leanne may just have signed her own execution papers with Bravo.  I'm curious to see how she responds to the backlash in the coming days.  

ETA:  As bad as all of the "Mexican" comments were, I think Leanne really lost all chance of explaining any of this away when she responded to Deandra's comment about Kary not being a "trained monkey".  I actually flinched when she more or less said, that Kary "was" a trained monkey.  How Kary didn't give her a complete verbal beatdown at that point is beyond me.  

Edited by AttackTurtle
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3 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

It's amazing what a little editing can do, two weeks ago I hated Kam. After her hilarious white board bit last week and the way she handled herself this week, I like her. We'll see how long this lasts?

I am still not really a Kam fan because she left all the woman hanging out to dry and covered for LeeAnne when she routinely calls all the others out for much less egregious behavior. Sure in her confessionals she talked a good game but not in person even when it was just the two of them. I mean she told LeeAnne that she didn’t know why the other women brought it up when she went crying to all of them! 

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Did anyone notice the very large scar on Travis' inside arm at the elbow crease?  It was really big.  I wonder how he got that?  It couldn't have been a past suicidal attempt, could it? I know people cut their wrists but the inner fold of the arm has a much bigger vein.  I wonder about him because his dad seems super messed up and Travis mentioned how his dad was cruel and jealous of him when he took over the company. 

And speaking of his dad, what is up with him and hanging out in Vietnam and Thailand not taking his medicine?  Where is Travis' mom?  Are they still married?  Sorry, if this has already been repeated.

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

I saw WWHL, and Andy seemed pretty offended by LeeAnne’s Mexican comments. LeeAnne tweeted a public apology as well. 

I really hope they give her the boot, but I bet they won't. I don't see how she can redeem herself. One racist remark would have been bad enough, but she made multiple racist remarks. It was over and over and over again. She showed her true colors, as far as I am concerned. 

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16 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I agree. If LeeAnne had commented on Kary being Mexican once, I could have overlooked it. But the fact that she continued to comment on her ethnicity over and over again is unacceptable. And LeeAnne was bold enough to do it on camera. It makes me wonder what she was saying about Kary while the cameras weren't rolling. It also makes me question what she says about other minorities behind closed doors.

I don't think we have to wonder, I think we all know the answer.  

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I'm so done with LeeAnne.

Where to start? 

The racism - just disgusting. As someone said, once would have been suspect, but to keep going is just gross. And it is especially bad given everything else that is happening at the border. Just stop, LeeAnne. And you can keep your fake apology. We see you.

Next, the sex workers. I don't understand the need to "protect" anyone. Sometimes, we need to be confronted with the realities of the world. I get how this could be a trigger, but why not show a little appreciation for how good you have it. LeeAnna, I don't know about your life, so I'll give you that you have a hard life, and faced adversity. But look at you now. You are sitting on a cushy job, you have a home, you have loving pets, you now have a husband. You drive around in a Mercedes, wearing designer clothing and bags. You got a free wedding, and were able to borrow millions of dollars worth of jewels. The rock in your ring probably costs more than what many of the people around you make in many years. Some may not even earn that much in a lifetime. 

And yet - instead of feeling sad for these women, or trying to figure out how to help women come out of the sex trade, etc, you just cry "woe is you"

I think it is good for Kam to see this. Maybe you could have talked to her about working with organizations that help to employe women in third world countries. She is a wealthy Dallas socialite, married to a wealthy VC husband. She could help make real change happen for people. Isn't being confronted with this one way to shock someone into action? It is one thing to hear the stories, it is another to see there was a real person there, performing the act, being ogled by throngs of men who see them as just objects, and not as people. 

I'll stop my super long post. 🙂 Thanks for letting me rant. 

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On 12/11/2019 at 8:39 PM, Dance4Life said:

LeAnne is a 50+ year old woman....who has never held a real job.

She just married 2 weeks ago.

Sorry, that screams sex worker in her past. This is why she is freaking out. 

It does make me wonder how she has supported herself her whole life. 

LeeAnne’s doesn’t seem nearly as pretty this season to me. Hard to believe she could’ve declined that much in one season, so it’s probably my own bias based on her atrocious behavior (as if last season wasn’t bad enough). 

Not to mention the horrible extensions!

Edited by Sweet-tea
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I think Leanne has had years of experience honing her “sucking up to the rich” skills. I think she must be great at ingratiating herself. There must be something she provides them for her to basically have wound up being part of the permanent hangers on to Dallas society. Once the relationship with D’Andra snapped, she was extremely quick to glom onto Kam.

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8 hours ago, Pickles said:

I really hope they give her the boot, but I bet they won't. I don't see how she can redeem herself. One racist remark would have been bad enough, but she made multiple racist remarks. It was over and over and over again. She showed her true colors, as far as I am concerned. 

And the producers made sure to show them over and over and over again. All different ones.

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On 12/11/2019 at 10:07 PM, nytonc said:I’m shocked but happy to see that Kam went to the Vagina Ping Pong show. Maybe there’s hope for her after all.

Lordy, I was disappointed any of the ladies went to any of those shows, especially Kam. I think it’s disgusting behavior and I don’t understand why anyone wants to subject themselves to shows like the two the ladies viewed that night, in a sketchy part of town.  No thanks.

 I think Leeanne is too toxic to remain on this show.  I do hope that Kary also gets the boot.

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5 hours ago, nexxie said:

What LeeAnne said about being in a lonely place because Kary had muted Kam’s empathy for her was really telling - the thinking of a narcissist who preys on empathetic people who can be manipulated.

3 hours ago, nexxie said:

It’s pretty irresponsible of Bravo to subject employees/cast members to someone as manipulative and explosive as LeeAnne - she seems dangerous sometimes.

I likewise find LeAnne very terrifying and have since the beginning. I think she is definitely a Cluster B personality disordered person, but I lean more toward her being untreated BPD (who have narcissistic qualities) rather than NPD. As the adult child of parent with BPD, LeeAnne’s behavior rings all too familiar. And it is very common in people who experience trauma as a child. She’s actually pretty damn textbook:

”Borderline personality disorder symptoms vary from person to person and women are more likely to have this disorder than men. Common symptoms of the disorder include the following:

Having an unstable or dysfunctional self-image or a distorted sense of self (how one feels about one’s self)

Feelings of isolation, boredom and emptiness

Difficulty feeling empathy for others

A history of unstable relationships that can change drastically from intense love and idealization to intense hate

A persistent fear of abandonment and rejection, including extreme emotional reactions to real and even perceived abandonment

Intense, highly changeable moods that can last for several days or for just a few hours

Strong feelings of anxiety, worry and depression

Impulsive, risky, self-destructive and dangerous behaviors, including reckless driving, drug or alcohol abuse and having unsafe sex


Unstable career plans, goals and aspirations“


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