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"The View": Week of 12/09/2019

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Other thoughts:

  • I thought Tom Steyer handled MeAgain very well.  I also learned more about him and his vision.  Except for the MeAgain outright childish behaviour, it was a good interview.
  • I liked Sunny's dress, but I just cannot with her hair.  
  • I wish Joy wouldn't talk about Joe Biden's dead and remaining children if she cannot get it right.
  • It was hilarious when Abby's dress flew up and she rightly invoked that great image of Marilyn Monroe.
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39 minutes ago, bannana said:

Ana says she followed the British election closely and talks about it; MeAgain snarls that she also followed it closely because her husband forces her to watch Brexit podcasts every morning!

Yeah, I like that the Tough Chick is FORCED by her toady husband.  She'll probably have to find a way to correct that little comment.

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31 minutes ago, bannana said:

I thought Tom Steyer handled MeAgain very well.  I also learned more about him and his vision.  Except for the MeAgain outright childish behaviour, it was a good interview.

Dear Friends, Relatives, Spouse, Supporters, Fans of Ms. Meghan McCain Domenech ... and Executives at Disney and ABC...and Sponsors:

Why is this churlish woman allowed to be SO RUDE to guests appearing on "The View?  Are they given fair warning?   Is there hazard pay following their appearances?  She's not fun.  She's not funny.  She's not informative...she's simply a MEAN and RUDE harridan!  In the case of Tom Steyer, is she envious because he's a self-made billionaire and she's a mere millionaire through no effort of her own?

P.S.  She's also rude to coworkers for no reasons at all.

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So MeAgain must be quite pleased with how she rudely she "grilled" Steyer today because she actually retweeted an article about it that has a picture of her in full snarl mode.  But even her fans are letting her have it for being so rude,  in the comments of her retweet.

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Folks. The ladies on the View are allowed to be snippy with each other, but we do not allow folks to get snippy here. People are allowed to criticize OR praise any of the hosts and guests, as much as they want. Be polite when disagreeing, and don't mock each other. Further snarkiness or criticism directed AT each other will result in warnings. 

Also, I appreciate educating each other on Ignore Feature, but those posts are off-topic. To learn how to Ignore other users, see our FAQ here: https://forums.primetimer.com/faq/ 

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5 hours ago, mongoose said:

She could never be on a debate team of any kind. On second thought, maybe it would help her to take a debate course and learn how to disagree in a civil, even if it's heated, manner. 

Sunny mentioned once that she and Meghun have been in debate team when they were in school. I could not believe it ... Meghun part of a debate team.

nick kroll what GIF

I know the other hosts on occasion are rudish/dismissive to guest but Meghun constantly being rude to guest is so....Nepotism/favoritism is a hell of a drug.

I really like Ana's interaction with Tom Steyer. We should all go to christmas dinner payed for by Tom Steyer.

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59 minutes ago, falltime said:

Sunny mentioned once that she and Meghun have been in debate team when they were in school. I could not believe it ... Meghun part of a debate team.

nick kroll what GIF

I know the other hosts on occasion are rudish/dismissive to guest but Meghun constantly being rude to guest is so....Nepotism/favoritism is a hell of a drug.

I really like Ana's interaction with Tom Steyer. We should all go to christmas dinner payed for by Tom Steyer.

I just got to that part....she went above and beyond on rudeness this time...and with a nice intelligent guest too.  I’m amazed she can still amaze me with her nastiness...and keep her job.  Being rude to guests isn’t part of the job description.

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blAbby saying bowling for bullying brings a smile to my face. She says bully right but adding -ing messes her up. Not gonna lie, I sometimes question myself if I said bullying right. It's not the bull- part that I mispronounce its -ying that I feel gives me trouble sometimes.

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1 hour ago, Rainyhawk said:

Would it really kill MM to smile when she comes out, like the rest of the hosts?  Is that too much to ask?

Apparently, yes. 

You know how she often says she's not a journalist as an excuse for when she gets something wrong (who made accuracy exclusive to journalism?).  I think she walks out with the demeanor she does, and then sits down and immediately starts perusing her notes as if she's doing some last minute cramming for a test, because she doesn't want to appear "soft". 

I can't remember the exact phrasing she uses, but she's mentioned a few times that in the past she's been asked to "soften" her image, and she proudly states that she refused to do so, and thinks that it was a very sexist thing to ask. 

I think this is just like when Meghan says people don't like her because of her political beliefs, or says that she's criticized for arguing the way she does because she's a woman; that a man wouldn't be.  I bet the people, whoever they are, who suggested she soften her image were talking about stuff like this - be professional, be kind, be engaging.  Not "turn into a demure, delicate flower who defers to everyone.  ".  It's just another example of her not accepting personal responsibility for her behavior; it's always someone else's personal bias against "conservatives" or "women".

"So hell, no!  I'm gonna stay just the way I am, thank you.  I'm not gonna give in to those misogynists who just wanna take away my power.  How dare they suggest I be softer!  Manners?  Who needs 'em!   Professionalism?  What's that?   I'm Meghan McCain and I can do whatever I want, however I want, whenever I want".

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They are a guest in your proverbial home, and unless, like someone mentioned above, they are an extreme, hateful bigot, there is no excuse to treat someone with that kind of vitriol

Disclaimer: The above quote is used as an example, and not necessarily as a reply to the poster.

I agree that ANY guest on the View should be treated with respect in the same way as you would if you invited them in your home. And if you think Megan is rude, hateful and loudly expressing herself by cutting off guests, then you really need to be reminded of how Whoopie and the gang treated Judge Jeanine Pierro. Not only were they hateful towards JJ, they threw her off the set!! Now that's disgusting and more than rude. I'd rather see Megan cross her arms all day long than all treat a guest the way JJ was treated.

Edited by MsTree
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Meghan rudeness towards Tom Steyer wasn't because she cut him off (although she did), and she didn't cross her arms during the interview (she doesn't really do this when there are guests at the table, and it's usually mentioned as an example of her petulance.)

First, Meghan said dismissively to Steyer, "It's good you have $100 million to buy Facebook ads to get you on the debate stage.  I'm completely unconvinced, but let's move on."  Here she's criticizing him and then wants to drop the subject and not have him respond.

A few minutes later, when Joy asked Steyer if he would contribute money to vulnerable Democratic candidates like Bloomberg has done, and he says "absolutely" and then says he started the biggest grass roots organization in the country, Meghan, without even deigning to look at him, interjects with, "That doesn't make you a good politician, with all due respect, and Mayor Bloomberg was mayor for three terms, and [with a toss of her head] if you're going to go the billionaire route, he's a lot more compelling than you are".

It would have been different if Tom Steyer had gone into the interview looking for a fight, or had lied about something, or been extremely rude.  In that case, any pushback he received would have been justified.   

Edited by lusinia
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Meghan was rude to Tom Steyer, but I can’t be too mad about it because that’s what they do. Sunny had too many slick things to say to Don Jr when he was on the show; it’s what they do.

To be honest, that’s one of the more annoying parts when they have a political person on either side of the aisle on the show. They spend most days talking about Trump, and more specifically talking about something mean/rude/unpresidential he said. So it’s not like any of them are tough. They know a lot of people aren’t going to push back because they want to be invited back, or they don’t want to be blackballed from any other ABC programming. 

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About the MM crossing her arms all the time.  As a person of a certain size (lol) and of ample bosom, there are some chairs where thats the only way i can comfortably sit.  I will usually tell the host though, please dont take my body language and arms negatively, its just the only way i can sit.  Their chairs also do not have arms.  She has no place to rest her arms.

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12 hours ago, DebbieM4 said:

Joy wasn't stirring the pot.  She was stating a fact that's pretty hard to dispute.  Melania's whole "Be Best" thing clearly doesn't apply to her husband, who apparently is free to say anything he wants about children (or anyone else.)  Even his supporters acknowledge that he throws nasty insults around like confetti.

How is it working?  Steyer didn't seem the least bit ruffled by anything she said.  I'm not really a fan of his, but I think he stood the heat quite well.  He was probably actually amused by her childishness.  Her disrespect toward him was so overt and over-the-top that there's no way he could take it seriously.  The pouting was laughable.  I haven't seen her attempts to get a rise out of people working on anyone at all.  

I tell you what, if i had been there in ANY capacity,  worker, crew, audience member, whatever, i would have been ashamed to be at any place this bitch was at.  Barbara please!  I beg of you!  Doesnt she have any kind of say, as creator?  Get this bitch gone!  We dont like her ways, she is NOT a good fit for daytime at all.  Put her on Nightline lol.  Then she can co host with Andy with WLwAC or whatever the hell its called.  She can downsize to one cohost, thus increasing her talking time.  Do you hear me PTB?  These are great ideas.  

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1 hour ago, Tammee said:

About the MM crossing her arms all the time.  As a person of a certain size (lol) and of ample bosom, there are some chairs where thats the only way i can comfortably sit.  I will usually tell the host though, please dont take my body language and arms negatively, its just the only way i can sit.  Their chairs also do not have arms.  She has no place to rest her arms.

There's a "certain" facial expression that comes with Princess Meghan every time she crosses her arms.   I understand the plight (I'm of a certain size and "ampleness), but in these cases, she wants EVERYONE to know how we have disgusted her.  We are all bad, bad humans.

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17 hours ago, falltime said:

Sunny mentioned once that she and Meghun have been in debate team when they were in school. I could not believe it ... Meghun part of a debate team.

  • Meghan's Catholic high school school has an excellent reputation.
  • It's possible Meghan signed up for a debate "class."  
  • It's possible she tried to debate.
  • I can't see that she was successful--unless she made her opponents cry by ridiculing them and screeching.
  • We'll never know.
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18 minutes ago, HaaCHOO said:

There's a "certain" facial expression that comes with Princess Meghan every time she crosses her arms.  

Oh yeah.  I know the face.  It's like Grumpy Cat's.  But bitchier. 


This one doesn't really quite capture her peak bitch face.  Too smirky, but close. 


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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Oh yeah.  I know the face.  It's like Grumpy Cat's.  But bitchier. 


This one doesn't really quite capture her peak bitch face.  Too smirky, but close. 


She just needs to bob her head a couple times and make us all disappear lol.  RiP Grumpy Cat. 

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4 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

There's a "certain" facial expression that comes with Princess Meghan every time she crosses her arms.   I understand the plight (I'm of a certain size and "ampleness), but in these cases, she wants EVERYONE to know how we have disgusted her.  We are all bad, bad humans.

Hahahahah you just made me laugh so hard with 'disgusted her'. That just cracked me up. More like disgusted by her heeeeee.  I sense a whole new drinking game being created.  Bad bad humans  😎  now Im seeing zombie humans 'we're coming for you Barbara'.....dot dot dot.....

P.S.  i do agree with you, i have seen that face on her.  Its kind of a ( drinking vinegar thinking it was water)(i did when i was 3 lol), or doing a shot of pickle juice, or smeeeeelling like onions or urine or garlic.  Or a mash of all those together. 

Edited by Tammee
To add...dot dot dot
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37 minutes ago, Sarah Heart said:

I think Joy is mean, bitchy  and mean, then she says, or calls it humor. A few people are fooled by her mean digs

My dil has miscarried,  she noticed Joy's remark, I admit to tuning her out sometimes 

definitely see joy differently than you

I don't see anything mean about her humor

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6 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:
  • Meghan's Catholic high school school has an excellent reputation.
  • It's possible Meghan signed up for a debate "class."  
  • It's possible she tried to debate.
  • I can't see that she was successful--unless she made her opponents cry by ridiculing them and screeching.
  • We'll never know.

I was on the debate team in high school, for 4 years.  (Catholic girls school) There were plenty of students who signed up, participated in practice rounds, but never actually competed in tournaments against othe schools.  There was one topic, for the whole school year,  almost always political. The rules and time constraints were very strict.  You had to be prepared to argue either side of the issue, you didn't get to choose. Preparation involved a ton of research. 

Anyway, you could be on the debate team by signing up. Nobody got turned away. Only the best ones (not to brag) competed.

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I like this photo and pose, CementHead.  I'm going to pretend that she has access to a switch just under her right hand.  It controls a tiny vibrator in her bra ... for those days she needs extra comforting.


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Let's face it...these women are downright nasty to ANY guest that they don't agree with. It's so much part of their nature that they do it to each other!  IMO, they are ALL a bunch of mean girls, pure & simple.

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6 hours ago, MsTree said:

Let's face it...these women are downright nasty to ANY guest that they don't agree with. It's so much part of their nature that they do it to each other!  IMO, they are ALL a bunch of mean girls, pure & simple.

I'm not sure I'd agree with that.  Sure, there are anecdotal cases where tempers have flared or questions got hostile, but most of the time when there is a Republican or Conservative guest the conversation is civil.  It really depends on the demeanor of the guest.  If he or she comes out with a contemptuous disposition things will go south fast.

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3 hours ago, lusinia said:

With Meghan, rudeness is a feature; with the other hosts, it's a bug.

Yes being rude and mad is Meghan's default setting.   The other co hosts are polite and usually good natured.  Bill O'Reilly and Jeannie Pirro are the only two guests I recall who caused Whoopi to lose her cool.

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17 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Yes being rude and mad is Meghan's default setting.   The other co hosts are polite and usually good natured.  Bill O'Reilly and Jeannie Pirro are the only two guests I recall who caused Whoopi to lose her cool.

and I do not recall Whoopi starting the interviews with rude comments and a condescending tone of voice, like MM usually does, but losing her cool when BO'R & JP kept spouting BS.

Edited by deirdra
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12 hours ago, MsTree said:

Let's face it...these women are downright nasty to ANY guest that they don't agree with. It's so much part of their nature that they do it to each other!  IMO, they are ALL a bunch of mean girls, pure & simple.

Whoopi, Meghan, and Joy are definitely mean girls.

Sunny is only sometimes passive-aggressively mean.

I don't think Abby is mean.

29 minutes ago, blondiec0332 said:

Yes being rude and mad is Meghan's default setting.   The other co hosts are polite and usually good natured.  Bill O'Reilly and Jeannie Pirro are the only two guests I recall who caused Whoopi to lose her cool.

Yeah, but Whoopi is mean on a daily basis. To guests, co-hosts, and to the audience.

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On 12/14/2019 at 2:51 AM, lusinia said:

Meghan rudeness towards Tom Steyer wasn't because she cut him off (although she did), and she didn't cross her arms during the interview (she doesn't really do this when there are guests at the table, and it's usually mentioned as an example of her petulance.)

First, Meghan said dismissively to Steyer, "It's good you have $100 million to buy Facebook ads to get you on the debate stage.  I'm completely unconvinced, but let's move on."  Here she's criticizing him and then wants to drop the subject and not have him respond.

A few minutes later, when Joy asked Steyer if he would contribute money to vulnerable Democratic candidates like Bloomberg has done, and he says "absolutely" and then says he started the biggest grass roots organization in the country, Meghan, without even deigning to look at him, interjects with, "That doesn't make you a good politician, with all due respect, and Mayor Bloomberg was mayor for three terms, and [with a toss of her head] if you're going to go the billionaire route, he's a lot more compelling than you are".

It would have been different if Tom Steyer had gone into the interview looking for a fight, or had lied about something, or been extremely rude.  In that case, any pushback he received would have been justified.   

Exactly.  He wasn't the slightest bit antagonistic.  He was pleasant, and barely had time to speak before she cut into him.   She was completely out-of-line.  So rude, and like an exaggerated parody of her usual rude self.  Hard to believe she could be worse than usual, but she was.

I work in television, and I have never seen a host on any show ever be as rude, critical, and insulting to a guest who was calmly sitting there as she was to him.  How dare she be so dismissive and insulting!  I bet he wanted to smack her across the face.  I know I would have been itching to do that.  She came across as a smug, entitled, obnoxious bitch, not as someone who should be co-hosting a show, or for that matter even having a conversation with anyone privately.

13 hours ago, MsTree said:

Let's face it...these women are downright nasty to ANY guest that they don't agree with. It's so much part of their nature that they do it to each other!  IMO, they are ALL a bunch of mean girls, pure & simple.

I disagree.  The others push back, depending on the guest and what the guest is saying, but Meghan is outright rude right from the start very often.  Her opinion is all that matters, in her own mind, and if she's not interested in a guest or if she disagrees with them, she dismisses them as irrelevant.  (Just as she does with topics she doesn't like.)

Not allowing a guest to speak and being overtly rude right off the bat is classic Meghan.  Her "questions" are more about how much she dislikes/disagrees with them than actual questions and allowing them to speak.  As though her opinion actually carries a great deal of weight and is relevant!  

Most of the time the others are respectful toward guests.  There have been spirited conversations, but IMO  that doesn't come anywhere close to Meghan when it comes to being consistently downright nasty, condescending, and rude.  There's at least one instance of her doing that every single day.

(I completely disagree that they are all mean girls.  I know Joy, and she absolutely is not.  I don't love all of the others, but I don't think any of them are, either.)

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11 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

I don't think I woulf call Whoopi mean, but she's so poorly suited to being ringleader/moderator. And there are certain topics that she'll go off on tangent about and it's very cringey.

I don't think she's mean either.  She is very well-liked in the industry.  She also does a lot of charity work (hands-on, face-to-face, not just donating money.)  She doesn't come across to me as mean at all.   But she does tend to get preachy and rambly, and I agree it can be cringe-worthy.  I still like her, though, and I would take her over Meghan 100 times over.

Edited by DebbieM4
no need to repeat that I work in television, so edited out
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2 hours ago, cinsays said:

I think you must mean Meghan

No, I meant Whoopi. She is overtly mean to Sunny. And, to a lesser extent, to the other co-hosts. I agree that she is nice to her Hollywood friends that kiss her ass.

To your point, I think Whoopi and Meghan are cut from the same cloth.

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Just now, deirdra said:

and I do not recall Whoopi starting the interviews with rude comments and a condescending tone of voice, like MM usually does, but losing her cool when BO'R & JP kept spouting BS.

Yes, Jeanine Pirro came into the interview trying to insult someone. From reports, she was angry from the word go because Joy wasn't there that day. Whoopi was hateful to her after Pirro called Whoopi deranged when Whoopi hadn't even spoken to her thus far in the interview. You get what you give. To be fair, Whoopi was very hateful (undeservingly) towards Rosie O'Donnell, Paula Faris, Rosie Perez, Padma, and still is to Sunny. I've rarely seen her be that way to guests.

Missy is one-of-a-kind in her rudeness towards others though. She's hateful to nearly everyone, even others of her own party like Abby and Ana. She hates Democrats, she hates actors, she hates the British royals, she hates media outlets who report her bad behavior, she hates little girls who are more famous than her, she hates people more intelligent than she is, she hates anyone with children, etc. etc. Who doesn't McCain hate would be a better question?

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

No, I meant Whoopi. She is overtly mean to Sunny. And, to a lesser extent, to the other co-hosts. I agree that she is nice to her Hollywood friends that kiss her ass.

To your point, I think Whoopi and Meghan are cut from the same cloth.

She is very well-liked and well-respected in the industry, by crew and non-celebrities too, and that says a lot.  It has nothing to do with kissing her ass.   She is most definitely not a diva, and believe me, I've seen my share of those.  I've also seen her in action many times with the public, and she is kind and compassionate.  I'm not 100% Team Whoopi.  I don't always agree with what she says and what she believes, and I think she gets way in over her head a lot of the time.  But saying that she's only nice to Hollywood friends who kiss her ass is unfair.

I also really disagree that she and Meghan are cut from the same cloth.   I don't see that in any way at all.

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