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S03.E08: A Jewish Girl Walks Into the Apollo...

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So, was that their way of putting the nail in the coffin of midge’s and Benjamin, our a way to give us hope?  At least we finally got an answer to what happened.

 Well, that ending sucked.  Hope Suzi doesn’t get charged with arson!  AndI hope they had insurance.  With her family, you never know.   Also hope midge’s and Joel don’t get back together.  Showrunner, are you seeing this?  We don’t want them back married.  Friend is good, anything else, bad.  Also, the whole Lenny Bruce thing?  Please don’t devastate her when 1966 comes along.  Though there really is nothing B else she could be.

Edited by Riplet68
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Welp.  After Midge offered to buy the Apt from Moishe I thought the season would end with Suzie confessing about the lost money and Midge firing her.  But once the Apollo set happened I knew she would lose the tour.

Really enjoyed the season (hence the two day binge) but clearly Midge still needs to learn what is on and off the table when it comes to her act.   And yeah I'm pretty sure that's a series wrap on Benjamin.

Still a lot of questions: Did Imogen take Archie back?  Is Midge still going to be able to move back to her apartment?  How did Abe get a critic gig with one article?

Great guest spots particularly Jason Alexander and Cary Elwes.  I only wish we got more Liza Weil.  It felt like we were going to get more with her and it never quite came together.

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Too bad Midge didn’t do a shtick about Shy’s imaginary girlfriends.

But Midge was Mrs. Maisel who always airs the dirty laundry.
She did it with Joel, she did it with Sophie Lennon, and so she did it with Shy Baldwin.
So we should not be surprised.
At least not entirely.

There was fallout with Midge's using Joel in her show, and arguably more professional fallout with Midge using Sophie in her set. Should Midge have foreseen the results of making fun of Shy's effeminate lifestyle? Maybe not before she said it, but not after (and before she went to meet the plane)? 

Would it have mattered if she had gone to Shy to apologize the next morning?

I guess we were supposed to think that Midge thought everyone at the Apollo *knew* about Shy. But right before she went on there was the whole thing about how all the home town people brought all the food they thought he liked that he didn’t (which Midge didn’t give away).

Are we supposed to think that if Susie was there that she would have told Midge “not to talk about the ‘food’” ten times until Midge said “Oh. The ‘food,’” meaning not his sexual identity either? But did Susie know about Shy's preference for men? (I don't recall if Midge shared that even with Susie.)

But I guess it really boils down to Reggie telling Midge that he didn’t know that she “knew” [that Shy was gay]
--although all of his focus on Shy's secret food preferences was probably Reggie trying to tell Midge not to reveal any secrets, even though Reggie emphasized joking about the Shy she had gotten to know backstage on the road.

But Moms Mabley's manager threw her off her game, and, again, Susie wasn’t there. 
And we saw Susie gambling throughout the episodes, so we knew the other shoe was going to drop, even though we (or at least I) couldn't figure out the other shoe would be an euphemism in the form of a ruby red slipper. 

At least Lenny Bruce didn’t die. Yet. I hope next season isn’t 8 more episodes of doom with hints of his demise. But I’d rather that than no Lenny. 

oh well. I loved the hat when she went to talk to her father-in-law about the apartment. 



Edited by shapeshifter
verb agreement, spacing, clarity
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31 minutes ago, CinAZ said:

Well, how depressing of a season ending was that.

Hot Doctor Ben was right, she didn’t give him a chance to decide if being the husband of a Stand up comic was for him. 

she does have a knack for shitting all over the good things in her life.

well. Another year of waiting.

I was pissed that she never gave him a chance. She really was not into Dr. Hotness and he honestly deserves better.

Edited by qtpye
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3 hours ago, CinAZ said:

Well, how depressing of a season ending was that.

Hot Doctor Ben was right, she didn’t give him a chance to decide if being the husband of a Stand up comic was for him. 

she does have a knack for shitting all over the good things in her life.

well. Another year of waiting.

Nice, concise post^, @CinAZ.

Maybe you can do something similar with my rambling post about the Shy ending above? 

I really hope we get at least cameo or two next season with Shy and Mr Jewish Doctor Ben, but my old heart is set on Luke Kirby's Lenny Bruce. 😛

  • Love 7

Being outed back then could actually get somebody killed.  Agreed, Midge has a lot more to learn, but doesn't seem to be making much progress.  Didn't she get anything out of that drunken wedding "toast" she gave last season?  

And did Susie actually commit arson, and the writers treat it as a whimsical lark?  I really wonder about these people creating these scenarios.  The humor is still good, just the implausible situations and ludicrous results.  And sorry, the "Midge-wakes-up-in-a-pool-chair" with synchronized swimmers right there came of as stupid to me. 

I did love Susie's line to Sophie "You may be a star right now, but she's going to be a legend!"  

Edited by leighdear
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3 hours ago, leighdear said:

did love Susie's line to Sophie "You may be a star right now, but she's going to be a legend!"  

Yes, so many good lines. 

2 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I also think she truly believes she can just "cute" her way out of any negative reaction

—which is kind how Sherman-Palladino could get away with stuff too. No particular stuff comes to mind that S-P “gets away with” —IIRC her personal life is pretty bland— but S-P’s writing is often as “cute” as Midge and her patter. Is Midge supposed to be a prettier, more daring,  more physically recognizable version of S-P? Does Amy S-P wish she had been Midge?

I wish I had been with Lenny Bruce as we see him in this series. Maybe S-P does too. 

Edited by shapeshifter
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Totally saw the ending coming once Midge went up there and basically blew Shy's cover. I was disappointed that we weren't getting 10 episodes like last season. Here are my hopes for next season: More Jackie, Astrid, and Lenny. Less Joel, Archie, and Sophie. I'd like to see Benjamin back but I think they closed the door on that, though now that's she not going on tour, who knows. I appreciate the diversity that season 3 brought with Shy and his band and Mai and her family but there was way too much focus on Shy, a character who was seen only once last season.  I'd like to keep the Mai character around but that just means more Joel, ugh.

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9 hours ago, Jessica Yes said:

Totally saw the ending coming once Midge went up there and basically blew Shy's cover. I was disappointed that we weren't getting 10 episodes like last season. Here are my hopes for next season: More Jackie, Astrid, and Lenny. Less Joel, Archie, and Sophie. I'd like to see Benjamin back but I think they closed the door on that, though now that's she not going on tour, who knows. I appreciate the diversity that season 3 brought with Shy and his band and Mai and her family but there was way too much focus on Shy, a character who was seen only once last season.  I'd like to keep the Mai character around but that just means more Joel, ugh.

Well we cannot see more Jackie since the actor who played him, sadly has died.

13 hours ago, Razzberry said:

Reading past the headline to the final paragraph quote:


Sherman-Palladino added, “The fact that she was there for him last year when he was feeling low and in the season finale, and she shows up for him… [A] lot of time it translates into, ‘Well, eventually they're going to have sex.’ But it's not necessarily the way it's going to go.”

"Not necessarily" means that Lenny and Midge could still knock boots, or at least make out.
I may be old, but my will-they-won't-they odometer still works.

Edited by shapeshifter
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On 12/8/2019 at 3:23 AM, shapeshifter said:

At least Lenny Bruce didn’t die. Yet. I hope next season isn’t 8 more episodes of doom with hints of his demise. But I’d rather that than no Lenny. 

He seems to be a hit with the fans and I think the actor won an Emmy for this role, so I bet he will be back. I think they'd have to do 5 or 6 years of time-jumping to get to the tragedy of his death in 1966. Midge is going to have to do some rebuilding after being dropped by Shy, so she will need his shoulder.

On 12/9/2019 at 11:54 AM, leighdear said:

And did Susie actually commit arson, and the writers treat it as a whimsical lark?  I really wonder about these people creating these scenarios.  The humor is still good, just the implausible situations and ludicrous results.  And sorry, the "Midge-wakes-up-in-a-pool-chair" with synchronized swimmers right there came of as stupid to me. 

Yeah, she did thank her sister for doing a felony with her. Not super funny.

I did like the scene where Midge and Rose get real with their problems with each other.  Now that Rose is heading into a matchmaking career and Abe has an apparently good, prestigious job, there can be some forward movement with those two, minus the Maisel/Queens lifestyle.

What I really do not understand is the Midge-Joel dynamic, and Midge wanting to step back into her old apartment life. Susie said everybody knows he loves her, can't get any more plain than that, but what is up with Midge? She throws over Benjamin, resists Lenny, but ends up in bed with Joel and then Las Vegas marriage. Is it just that he dumped her and she can't let it go? I don't know what to make of that.

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6 hours ago, CatWarmer said:

Just finished the last two episodes and was disappointed in the season finale - kept checking to see how much more time was left.  I am not interested in Sophie or Imogene, and barely in Joel.  Both sets of parents were in full overkill mode, although I did enjoy the college students busily copying Abe's correction of the equation, which he did without even thinking.

But in defense of Midge's Apollo routine - yes, she had a history of going too far but that was early in her career.  She's played some major venues, was a polished performer, and I think did not cross the line.  She probably wasn't even consciously thinking of his sexual orientation.  She was just riffing on the things she was comfortable with - clothes, makeup, travel, etc.   Plus at that time it was very common for male comedians to play gay and cross dress and swish and such - it was always taken as a joke.  Shy had a reputation as a ladies man and no one questioned that.  If the Apollo theater audience had though Midge was actually revealing Shy as homosexual, they would have been aghast, not rolling with laughter.

The problem was that Shy was extremely sensitive and felt betrayed so reacted without thinking.  And Reggie let Shy think Midge did it all on her own. and therefore threw her under the bus.  He admitted that to her face; "Did you think I was going to tell him it was me?".  He knew he was screwing her over but he was not going to risk his own relationship for truth or honor.

Agree with this. She said she was “two houses away.”  And the audience laughed. But Judy Garland shoes. Oof. Also Midge wouldn’t have been able to save her. The last scene reveals that Midge hadn’t known. 

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On 12/10/2019 at 8:28 PM, ShadowFacts said:

Yeah, she did thank her sister for doing a felony with her. Not super funny.

We could fan-wank that the house was a death trap and needed to be torched as a favor to the economy of the universe because a renovation and even a controlled implosion would cost more than torching it. But, yeah, probably not what Susie was thinking of.

I wonder if a year-long renovation and selling of the house would be significantly more money than the insurance money. As a person on of little means, I think of things like that. But Susie needed "cash now" as they currently shill in the TV scam ads, and Susie does not think long term beyond hitting the jackpot.

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22 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

So this episode makes me wonder...have we just had a whole story leading up to us realizing that Midge is kind of a selfish jerk? It was always kind of there, in a background "oh yeah that seemed kind of mean but Midge is so cute!" kind of way, like her tossing a beach-ball at the swimmers after her night hanging with Lenny, or her ragging on her kids or ignoring them, but they seemed to be really going hard on her lacking in empathy or just foresight lately. 

Yes, she is a selfish, self centered jerk.  

I realized that in episode 1, when she didn't know the words to White Christmas, it wasn't because she was Jewish, or from NYC, or anything like that, it's because that's how Midge is.  If something isn't about her, she doesn't care.  When she confronted her mother, it was because her mother embarrassed HER.   She dumped Benjamin because SHE was a coward, she never even considered his feelings, again all about HER.

On 12/11/2019 at 2:48 AM, CatWarmer said:

The problem was that Shy was extremely sensitive and felt betrayed so reacted without thinking.  And Reggie let Shy think Midge did it all on her own. and therefore threw her under the bus.  He admitted that to her face; "Did you think I was going to tell him it was me?".  He knew he was screwing her over but he was not going to risk his own relationship for truth or honor.

I don't like it when people are considered "extremely sensitive."  It's like saying their feelings don't count because....well Midge is cute and it's all good.  

There was a scene in an earlier episode this season when Susie told her that she was representing Sophie.  Midge jumps into the conga line and shoves a woman out of the way (I think she was a black woman).  That's how Midge is, "Get out of my way, it's all about me."  

If Amazon decided NOT to renew the series, now THAT would be interesting.  

Edited by Neurochick
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3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

We could fan-wank that the house was a death trap and needed to be torched as a favor to the economy of the universe because a renovation and even a controlled implosion would cost more than torching it. But, yeah, probably not what Susie was thinking of.

I wonder if a year-long renovation and selling of the house would be significantly more money than the insurance money. As a person on of little means, I think of things like that. But Susie needed "cash now" as they currently shill in the TV scam ads, and Susie does not think long term beyond hitting the jackpot.

Susie is not a sophisticated arsonist so it should come to light, and delay a payout while it's being investigated. We know a main character is not going to disappear to prison, so somebody will know somebody at the insurance company yada yada (like how Joel got the liquor license) and she'll get away with it, but her gambling problem is still probably not going to disappear. Mafia goons reappear. Laughs ensue.

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1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

Yes, she is a selfish, self centered jerk.  

The first lines of the show were Midge at her wedding boasting that she's the type of person to toast herself.

23 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

So this episode makes me wonder...have we just had a whole story leading up to us realizing that Midge is kind of a selfish jerk?

I think the key to this show is the casting of Rachel Brosnahan. She brings a charisma, charm and wit to the role that makes it understandable how the other characters (and viewers) would give her a break for her actions.

But many of the characters turned on her this episode. Joel was right to criticize her insistence that  Ethan attend a school on the Upper West Side. They do need to watch their budget and she just assumed that other people would transport them from Queens while she was in Stockholm.

Benjamin was right in that she ghosted him without even discussing how her career as a comedian might be an issue. She walked away because she wanted to tour with Shy.

Rose was right that they both had the same motivation for involving each other in things that might typically be spoken about in private. Their desire for independence after a spouse has wronged them. Not sure if Midge understands that her reason for indignation works both ways.

And then there is Shy/Reggie. Shy trusted her enough to confide her in the one secret even Reggie didn't know. His real name. And that was pretty much the only personal secret she didn't at least imply about in her set.

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1 hour ago, Razzberry said:

I kind of disagree that Midge outed Shy.  Based on the audience reaction, she didn't confirm anything they didn't already know or suspect.  They weren't disbelieving, or shocked.   Comics are taken with a grain of salt anyway, though apparently Shy sees it differently.

Midge may not have outed Shy to that audience, but Shy made clear to her that his sexual proclivities were not for public discussion, and she had told Shy she would honor that. OTOH, I don't think she thought she was outing him in that environment, especially since Reggie had prepped her the way he did (while assuming she didn't know Shy's "secret"):


[REGGIE] Shy is like family to these people. They want to hear stories about him. Stories about the road, late-night craziness, gossip, tantrums they love that sort of shit.

[MIDGE] You want me to talk about Shy on the road?

[REGGIE] - Yep.

[MIDGE] - Shy.

[REGGIE] Yes. It's not something you should do anywhere else, but here, in Harlem, his hometown, they'll eat it up.

Back in the 1960s when I was in high school, a girl remarked that another girl across the cafeteria was "wearing an interesting dress." And it was. It was a formal dress. I looked at it and immediately blurted out what I thought was obvious: "It's probably because she's pregnant." A day or 2 later, the pregnant girl cornered me in a stairwell and angrily accused me of spreading rumors about her. No one ate lunch with me after that. A month later and just a couple of weeks after she graduated, she gave birth to a little girl. Back in the 60s it's possible she might have been expelled and not received her diploma if it was "known" she was pregnant. I was clueless about such matters, even though I had a pregnancy scare myself. It's possible Midge didn't know all the possible consequences for Shy if he was publicly outed. Likely she was as clueless as I was at 16 about pregnancy.

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12 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

Since it's Shy's life and Shy's secret, his feelings are the only ones that matter in this instance.

Speaking from a purely legal standpoint, the U.S. courts have made it abundantly clear that parody and satire are strongly protected by the First Amendment and are not defamatory. They don't care about hurt feelings or whether it's funny, and have said “It is the nature of satire that not everyone gets it”.

When Jerry Falwell sued Hustler magazine for publishing something about screwing his own mother in an outhouse, the US Supreme Court in a unanimous decision said he had no case, that is was clearly satire and people need to suck it up and not take it so seriously (not a direct quote, but the upshot).

I thought firing Midge was an overreaction under the circumstances, but Shy's the headliner so I guess he has that right.

These issues interest me, and I hope Lenny Bruce isn't there only to romance Midge, but I'm beginning to wonder.

Edited by Razzberry
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5 hours ago, Gulftastic said:

Why was Lisa Weil's character suddenly right handed in this ep? We lefties spot these things!

I'm not a lefty and I spotted it. My son is, and plays guitar almost exclusively like a right-hander would, but can do both. I don't know why they would have Carol switch it up, maybe no reason at all, but I noticed.

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14 hours ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

Since it's Shy's life and Shy's secret, his feelings are the only ones that matter in this instance.

Thank you.  Shy's feelings were the only thing that mattered in this case.  Migde is starting to face the consequences of her actions.

12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Back in the 1960s when I was in high school, a girl remarked that another girl across the cafeteria was "wearing an interesting dress." And it was. It was a formal dress. I looked at it and immediately blurted out what I thought was obvious: "It's probably because she's pregnant." A day or 2 later, the pregnant girl cornered me in a stairwell and angrily accused me of spreading rumors about her. No one ate lunch with me after that. A month later and just a couple of weeks after she graduated, she gave birth to a little girl. Back in the 60s it's possible she might have been expelled and not received her diploma if it was "known" she was pregnant. I was clueless about such matters, even though I had a pregnancy scare myself. It's possible Midge didn't know all the possible consequences for Shy if he was publicly outed. Likely she was as clueless as I was at 16 about pregnancy.

But you were 16 and Midge was a grown woman.  I'm not going to give such a pass to an adult.

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On 12/10/2019 at 6:28 PM, ShadowFacts said:

He seems to be a hit with the fans and I think the actor won an Emmy for this role, so I bet he will be back. I think they'd have to do 5 or 6 years of time-jumping to get to the tragedy of his death in 1966. Midge is going to have to do some rebuilding after being dropped by Shy, so she will need his shoulder.

Yeah, she did thank her sister for doing a felony with her. Not super funny.

I did like the scene where Midge and Rose get real with their problems with each other.  Now that Rose is heading into a matchmaking career and Abe has an apparently good, prestigious job, there can be some forward movement with those two, minus the Maisel/Queens lifestyle.

What I really do not understand is the Midge-Joel dynamic, and Midge wanting to step back into her old apartment life. Susie said everybody knows he loves her, can't get any more plain than that, but what is up with Midge? She throws over Benjamin, resists Lenny, but ends up in bed with Joel and then Las Vegas marriage. Is it just that he dumped her and she can't let it go? I don't know what to make of that.

I took Midge wanting to buy the apartment not just as a link to her old life but as a solution to take care of her family.  Her parents are miserable in Queens and her kids don't really have a steady home.  She was buying the apartment with the intent that her parents and kids (and Zelda) would live there, give both a sense of security and familiarity.  After two years of living off her parents, I thought it was one of her more selfless acts.  She predicted a steady income (before her firing) and figured that it was best for all parties involved.  Even Moishe seemed impressed with her business sense in the deal.

We don't know how much of Midge's money Suzi lost.  A substantial amount but not all, I imagine it will come up in S4 especially if she doesn't get the insurance money.

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Wanda Sykes was indeed great.

I'm not saying what Midge did was right, but Reggie told her to drop her normal routine, to make it about Shy and the audience would love it.  She had to improvise at the last minute, they did love it, and she went with it.  I even saw some nodding in the audience, so Shy's career is undamaged.  He'll go on, singing love songs to swooning women with baked goods.  Meanwhile, Midge once again sees her life blow up as a result of the whims of a man, as her mom said.


Reggie was right, they really aren't friends,  so I think her biggest mistake was in not signing the contract in a timely manner.   Obviously not a popular opinion, but I'm sticking to it.  😜

Edited by Razzberry
  • Love 20
7 hours ago, Razzberry said:

I'm not saying what Midge did was right, but Reggie told her to drop her normal routine, to make it about Shy and the audience would love it.  She had to improvise at the last minute, they did love it, and she went with it.  I even saw some nodding in the audience, so Shy's career is undamaged.  He'll go on, singing love songs to swooning women with baked goods.

Yes, and I wouldn't be shocked if they had Shy and Midge patch things up next season --but I doubt that will happen because the cast is already so bloated. 

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On 12/13/2019 at 7:47 PM, kittykat said:

We don't know how much of Midge's money Suzi lost.  A substantial amount but not all, I imagine it will come up in S4 especially if she doesn't get the insurance money.

I had assumed that she lost Midge's down payment for the apartment. Either way, bad move on Susie's part - I had liked seeing her character growth this season as she learns how to be a better talent manager but once they showed her growing interest at the casino in Vegas, I knew it was a recipe for disaster. They wasted way too much time on her managing Sophie Lennon and her reputation got damaged in the process. Always read the fine print Susie!

On 12/11/2019 at 2:48 AM, CatWarmer said:

But in defense of Midge's Apollo routine - yes, she had a history of going too far but that was early in her career.  She's played some major venues, was a polished performer, and I think did not cross the line.  She probably wasn't even consciously thinking of his sexual orientation.  She was just riffing on the things she was comfortable with - clothes, makeup, travel, etc.   Plus at that time it was very common for male comedians to play gay and cross dress and swish and such - it was always taken as a joke.  Shy had a reputation as a ladies man and no one questioned that.  If the Apollo theater audience had though Midge was actually revealing Shy as homosexual, they would have been aghast, not rolling with laughter.

I agree - I was surprised that people were laughing at the thinly veiled comments, I thought there would've been outrage and they would've booed her off the stage...then Shy came on and women were practically clawing at him during his performance so I chalked it up to the audience just seeing Midge as a ridiculous white girl who didn't know what she was talking about and therefore shouldn't have been taken seriously.

I do however, see the other side of the coin on how that would be potentially damaging to Shy's reputation even if it wasn't spoken outright - it bordered on the line.  The ending left me a little confused because I couldn't tell whether Shy decided to void Midge's contract because he saw her act as a betrayal OR whether it was actually Reggie doing the firing because:  a) he wanted to protect Shy and his reputation as damage control or b) he was jealous that Shy confided so much in Midge and he was willing to make her collateral damage and Shy went along with it to appease Reggie. It was implied that Shy and Reggie were more than just companions after the stool act and after Shy's breakdown, I could see him doing whatever Reggie would want to make up for it.

Edited by Eri
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