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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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2 hours ago, KittyQ said:

Oooh! That would be ironic (and soapy) - the adoptive mother gains custody despite the biological father (who is very sketchy). And it promises many conflicts for the future. 

reverse AJ. Carly insisted that Sonny raise her son to keep him "safe" from thanksgiving pizzas and all things Q. would be nice if Willow played hardball to get her son away from the Corinthii. 

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5 hours ago, statsgirl said:

As much as I enjoyed today's scenes of Scotty being a good lawyer, Michael being a weasel and Sony trying to get out of Carly hearing, I'm reminding myself that on this show, every storyline ends with "Carly/Sonny/Michael/Joss wins. Still, it's fun while it lasts.

KSt is a good actress when they let Maxie be normal rather than an idiot. Her gossipy scene with Lucy was fun.

Drew suggests to Curtis that maybe the reason they can't find any digital presence on Marshall because he was going under a different name and that they look for information on him there. Finally Curtis does PI work with someone with brains. But Drew doesn't want to work at Aurora so maybe they are going to to a Dante/Sam/Drew triangle.

Josh Swickard is mighty good looking but CM for a man in his 50s was awesome. That was a good look on my screen. So was Col Martin in his Santa suit.

Which shows that Spencer still hasn't realized the ramifications of what he did. Baby jail for a month is tough but a criminal conviction is for life.

The conversation overhearing Sonny and Carly was problematic but why couldn't she say what was going on in the conversation that she had with Michael and the DA? Or what she talked to Michael about later?

I know that Michael will never get into trouble but what right did he have to authorize an ELQ donation? He is no longer CEO or ELQ. Valentin should go after him for making that donation and using it for his own personal purposes.

It would be even better if SLS  got lippy with Valentin.  Then it devolved into fisticuffs where Valentin beats Michael unconscious.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Wasn't Kristina working at Perks at some point when they were all 'honouring' Morgan with Avery and kicked Ava out?

I seem to remember Kristina working at Perks alongside a guy her age about five, six years ago. She was dating him for a while and they actually had sex, but she was also in love with her (female) professor. When that story was going on, didn't we see a counter sometimes? My memory is that Kristina's breakup scene with the guy was at the Perks counter. He pretty much told her to fuck off and stop playing her head games with him.

  • Love 3

Speaking of costuming:   Hallmark presented a Christmas movie this year named "A Holiday in Harlem" starring Olivia Washington. She is not a size 2 and she looked fabulous in every scene, nothing over the top- just business casual, relaxed, well fitted, appropriate, complimentary, stylish clothing.I researched on IMDB and found the names of the costumers: Taylor Grey Burke; Bianca Cathey; and Rene Pistella. General Hospital, the Bold and the Beautiful and the Young and the Restless have spent 2021 commuting numerous fashion atrocities and it needs to stop. If they can't hire decent writers at least dress the cast better. Television is a visual medium.Find new available talent and hire them.


  • Love 10

Laura Wright did a nice job showing the shock and heartbreak Carly was feeling at the end there, which really added to my enjoyment of Carly's despair.  I'm sure she'll be smugly back on top before long so I'll enjoy this fleeting moment where she's down while it lasts.

Fun sparring match between Anna and Mister Sheffield.  I really like the slight recalibration they've done with Mister Sheffield, and while I love Anna, him razzing her for the many, many, many opportunities she passed on to rid us all of LWB/FS was quite amusing.

Lucy looked great in that orange color today and was cute and fun reminiscing about her romp with Tad Martin Gray (although I'm not sure why the flashbacks included when she jumped on his lap, given she thought he was Kevin in that moment).  I dunno if we really need this potential for heartbreak via Valentin already.

Do hot yoga classes tend to be segregated by sex?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Katy M said:
2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Do hot yoga classes tend to be segregated by sex?

Not always, but they do have all women sessions of pretty much any exercise thing for the comfort of those who don't want to exercise around men for whatever reason.


ya the smell!! But I definitely wouldn't want to walk into the room right after either, like walking into a hockey change room (Ok maybe not that bad). 


2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Laura Wright did a nice job showing the shock and heartbreak


LW is a great actress at times like this. MB's shifty / stunned look was spot on but I',m not sure if that was a case of good acting or a stopped clock showing the right time.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, nilyank said:

All Willow had to say is "I don't know."

Scottie had no proof to dispute that and that was mostly the truth.

But it will be a lie. She does know. That's why her little breakdown happened. Because while Scotty had no proof, he kept pushing the perjury angle. as in - if she tried to dance around the issue (like she did w/Michael's bribery) and it came out that she did know she'd be charged with perjury. 


2 hours ago, Blackie said:

LW is a great actress at times like this. MB's shifty / stunned look was spot on but I',m not sure if that was a case of good acting or a stopped clock showing the right time.

i'll give MB credit when it's due. I think his facial expressions of looking kinda bored into confusion  into slight realization into quiet panic in realizing where scotty was going with it  into that beautiful. "i am so screwed right now, and I can't even do anything about it face." was very well done. it offset Nina's manic Oh my god everyone is going to know and I can't stop this face. 

what really sucks is I can't re-watch it on YT. lol 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

The courtroom scene was so very dumb, with questions that would never be allowed in a real court. But I don’t care, because it was so very good. 

Soap court is the best court.

Haha! Your comment just made me realize why so many litigants on Judge Judy seemed to have no clue about how to behave in court or what constituted actual evidence - they clearly watched too many GH court scenes when they should have been watching more nighttime legal shows. :-)

  • LOL 2

Oh we start right back with the Drama
Nina, dry your eyes. Scotty is trying to save your butt going to jail. Michael and Carly are now glaring at Sonny. teeheee heee. Sonny is like let's go Carly is like i wanna hear every word. Sonny closes the door and literally sits down and rubs his head.. Carly decides though to glare holes at the back of Nina's head. Willow is spilling all the tea. and Carly's mind is exploding. L.O.V.I.N.G. T.H.I.S. (she's also crying. heh). DA brings up the the question someone brought up here (if they were in love wouldn't that hurt Nina vs help her). Scotty says we need to talk to Sonny again.  Judge agrees and says we need to hear from Sonny again to see if there really is a victim here. Nina makes her "OMG NOO." face. GIRL. DO YOU WANT TO GO TO JAIL?! Carly is killing Nina over and over again w/her death glares. Sonny is trying to evade the question. the Judge flat out goes. did Willow perjure herself. Sonny is like crap... no she didn't. Sonny admits that they fell in love. Carly is legit a pressure keg of pissed off. Judge goes "Sonny do you feel like a victim?" Sonny; "No." Judge goes sit down and Sonny walks and stops in front of Carly who murders him with glares. DA Dumbass goes this is still criminal. (Me: HOW IS THIS CRIMINAL?!) and the state requires justice. 

Michael looks constipated and chases after her. Willow is crying and catching her breath. And so. the man Willow loves, seeing her that she is clearly upset doesn't hug her or whatever, just goes. "explain to me why you didn't tell me." What a swell guy. okay something cut out. but Michael goes. she was wrong! (what about i don't know). Now Michael is pissed off that she loved Sonny and she let this happen. (hello did you not hear Nina tell scotty to stop?) then he's pissed that Willow played into Nina's hand. Michael is deluded.  Michael is shouting that Nina used this to drop this bombshell in court. YOU MORON. DID YOU NOT HEAR WILLOW SAY UNDER OATH THAT SONNY WANTED TO BE THE ONE TO TELL PEOPLE FOR GOD SAKES. Willow can't say this, and tries to placate him. Michael snaps Nina played all of us 

Court is over, and Carly runs out. Nina shouts I DIDN'T WANT THIS. (Nina, girl shut your mouth, she's not your friend, and Sonny doesn't care). Carly runs past Willow and Willow goes "I didn't want you to know like this." Carly is FloJo and just ignores them. Michael snaps at Sonny "The hell dad." Sonny goes "imma take care of it." LOL okay Sonny. 

Olivia and Ned show up and they are going to the hospital. Olivia takes a potshot at BLQ for losing Leo. BLQ mutters its too nice having Chase around. (sigh okay. CLQ is going to be a thing. blegh - they had a great friendship). BLQ is saying she's getting frustrated , and explains why haha and she mixes her superhero genres and Chase goes "you don't know much about superhero genres do you" hhahaa. BLQ is like NOT THE POINT!. she brings up sadly at the end, she's going to have to let go (of BLQ2 eventually). Chase goes BLQ is a hero for what she's doing. lmao. Chase is you seee me at my worst and my best even when i was N-A-K-E-D. Leo goes "I can spell." everyone cracks up. 

Olivia is freaking out that she might not be able to provide what Leo needs. the doctor says Leo has Autism. Olivia is like you are sure?  Doctor is like yah you can get a 2nd opinion but they'll probably agree. Y'all need to process. and we can get through this. Doctor talks about this is just a roadmap of trying to understand Leo better is all. Ned goes. can Leo have a normal life? (I think stuff keeps cutting out). Doctor is like. yeup. he can even stay in school. Olivia is like what do we now. (medical stuff). Doctor insists Leo can have his best life. 

Lisel is treating Britt to presents. LOL she bought her a matchmaker!  Lisel loses points with me by saying Jason was remarkable. but Britt can find love during grief like she did. Lisel spills the tea about Nina loving Sonny. Britt deploys WTF face. Lisel infodumps on Britt. 

Shawn is showing TJ his paper (which isn't really what NFPs buy whatever though). TJ infodumps about Hatman. Hatman shows up and TJ is like hey this is shawn my dad. Hatman is like screw this man he killed my son. hahahah. Okay that's a point in Hatman's favour. Shawn is like you don't have all the facts. Hatman is like fact: you slept with Jordan, Fact you fathered a child, Fact, Tommy confronted you and you shot him. everyone is like but it was self defense, and Hatman is like OH PLEASE. Hatman has "boy was I born last night?" face. haha he has no time for Shawn. (now the question is how does he know all of this? Stella?). But they say Tommy had PTSD and went off on Shawn. Hatman goes sad  and goes :( this is my fault. 

Curtis is asking Stella to spill the tea about Hatman. Stella agrees. then she says why are you asking me, talk to hatman. Stella goes well why don't you ask him, not interrogate him. Curtis goes but he abandoned me! Stella goes yeah. but at the end of the day, Hatman has the right to keep his counsel.  She says to talk to him and take it slow

Curtis goes to visit Hatman. They stare at each other. 

CLQ agree that they will just be around for appearances, and Chase will be out of the picture otherwise. They both look sad about this.

Olivia is sad. she cries to Ned and thanks him for pushing her to get this diagnosis. they say they will do the roadtrip together as a family. 

Lisel and Britt hear nothing from Scotty about Nina being out of jailor not.Britt wryly goes. Nina might think being free is worse.

Nina is berating Scotty for what he did. Scotty says "I got you out of jail." Nina leaves and she's ambushed by Millowtonin. Willow looks pissed and wants to know if Nina used her (Bitch. DID YOU NOT HEAR NINA TELL SCOTTY TO STOP? for god sakes).

Carly finally stops And Sonny goes can you listen to me? Carly is like listen to who? Mike, Sonny or someone else completely?

thus endth the show. 

  • Love 12

Ok . . . . Michael can sit down and shut up! He’s the one who started this mess! I hate Willow but all she did was tell the truth, and she was right to not tell Michael Sonny’s secret. That was Sonny’s mess, and it wasn’t her place to say anything especially since the moron didn’t even eavesdrop on the ENTIRE conversation!! Michael is the one who decided Nina needed to go to jail. He’s the one who bribed the DA. Sonny never claimed he was a victim, and he never sought justice. That should have been a clue for Michael! He should have let his dad handle Nina (or not) and just deal with it. He already banned her from seeing Wiley, so I’m not sure why she needed to be imprisoned too! Oh, I forgot . . . . those who commit crimes against the Corinthos clan must die or go to jail forever! 🙄 That hypocritical, judgmental family sucks so much! I’m happy for any pain coming their way! 

And as a lawyer, can I just say how much I laughed at the changing crime. I’ve never understood the actual charges against Nina, and today didn’t help. I thought it was identity theft (which makes no sense), but today they said fraud. But then Scotty said fraud by not telling someone his identity (which is not a thing), someone (Scotty or the prosecutor) also mentioned something about deliberate deception of a victim, and then the prosecutor said Nina was guilty of civil AND criminal infractions! LOL! What is this trial about again? A civil case would have made more sense (alienation of affection or something) but that wouldn’t have had the same impact as a possible jail sentence. I’ve seen some lame legal cases on this soap, but this truly ranks as one of the worst in recent memory.

The court scenes were still the best part of the episode! Seeing Carly crushed was awesome! Sonny should have just bitten the bullet and told Carly about Nina. I think he didn’t because he still had feelings for her. There’s really no other reason he didn’t say anything. 

Saw the previews - I hate everything about Michael. He is such an ass. I hope the judge dismisses the charges, and he looks like the fool he is. 

Edited by lala2
  • Love 17

@lala2 (since it's so much easier to tag you then quote your awesome post LOL).

RIGHT?! Like. the first thing Sonny said was that he was glad to be home just let it drop. This wasn't good for Michael and he wanted to screw Nina over so badly he didn't respect his father's wishes everything that's happening now is because of Michael's actions

Also the funny thing is DIANNE SAID SHE COULD DO THAT. Charge Nina civilly and get a huge windfall. because that's what this is. It's a CIVIL CRIME. legally Nina didn't do anything wrong but she committed a lot of damage to the family. Like I remember the Brown family did this with OJ. and OJ was found guilty  in civil court (and I was confused because i mean obviously OJ was found free and my mom explained how criminal court and civil court was different). (and honestly. once the affair came out and how Sonny refused to help himself, i doubt anything civil would have happened because truthfully, a good lawyer would easily just spin it  that Sonny didn't have amnesia, he just wanted to be a douche and abandon his family and then he felt guilty).  (But Carly said no beause Sonny didn't want to go after Nina).

the only thing I didn't like about carly today was
A: that she stopped. and 
B: her clap back felt kinda weak. we all know she's more vicious than that. i wanna see her unload. 

  • Love 2

Someone give Carly a tissue! 

Am I the only one who is hoping that she'll tell Sonny how he ruined her fantasy by coming back? Because that'd be hilarious.

Olivia makes Leo's diagnosis sound like it's the end of the world, but then we saw Leo actually paying attention to BL's and Chase's conversation with him telling Chase that he can spell and then spelling the word "back" to BL when she sent him to wash. Yes, Leo is on the spectrum, but he is doing really well. 

Someone needs to smother Michael with his greasy hair. STFU, Michael. This is all Nina. Nina is the devil. Nina set you up. Bitch, Nina had no idea that Willow would be called to the stand. Please, go and drive your car off a cliff you useless putz.

Get that, BL! Girl, you're single, he's single.

  • Love 13
11 hours ago, paisley said:

Speaking of costuming:   Hallmark presented a Christmas movie this year named "A Holiday in Harlem" starring Olivia Washington. She is not a size 2 and she looked fabulous in every scene, nothing over the top- just business casual, relaxed, well fitted, appropriate, complimentary, stylish clothing.

Interesting. I too saw that Hallmark Movie, and oddly enough I thought the costumers did a HORRIBLE job dressing the lead. And this comes from a guy who doesn't usually notice those things. IIRC, none of her tops fit correctly, they all seemed to be riding up her back. So much so that it took me out of a lot of the scenes.

I attributed it to the studios having more experience dressing leads like Candace Cameron Bure and Lacey Chabert, but mileage does indeed vary. FWIW, the GH wardrobe department does a pretty good job with Pip most of the time, though.

  • Love 1
55 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Saw the previews - I hate everything about Michael. He is such an ass. I hope the judge dismisses the charges, and he looks like the fool he is. 

Not good enough.  I want him charged for bribery.  And Willow, too.  (I thought both of their names were on the "donation", not ELQ's, but I'm wrong.)

  • Love 7

@Daisy - Thank you!! 🙂 I agree with your post too! 

Yes, Michael should have stayed in his lane! I work with actual victims (Sonny is no victim but I understand the narrative is painting him as one), and you do not take away a victim’s agency like that. Sonny said he wanted to move on with his life, and Michael should have respected that. It wasn’t that on him to punish Nina for his dad! I could see if Sonny was dead but he is very much alive and perfectly fine! 

I wish they had allowed Willow to speak up more and stand up for herself! She just let Michael shout her down and twist things! As you said, Willow couldn’t have known she would be called! Why was she even there in the first place?! Doesn’t she have a job? Isn’t she in school? I understand why Michael was present. He wanted to make sure his bribe was successful, but why was Willow there? She didn’t need to be. 

@ciarra - I would love that but I’m not holding my breath. Michael’s bribery will likely be brushed under the rug! 

Edited by lala2
  • Love 4

I kind of loved that the judge seemed to be loving the gossip. Like he didn’t give a crap if it was hearsay, he just wanted to lean in and listen to the tea being spilt. And then he called Sonny back to the stand for MORE tea spilling!  The court scenes were so good.  Laura Wright was selling the killer looks, I was kind of worried she was going to stroke out she was that intense.

I found it quite sad that Curtis and Thomas didn’t feel comfortable asking questions about their dad as kids, and then made up all these fantasies about who he was since they had no idea. That’s just really sad, and I’m sure it’s something kids do in real life.

Although Hat deserves all the guarded behavior he’s receiving from Curtis I can understand him being hostile to Shawn. Plus I’m just in favor of anyone calling out Shawn since it so rarely happens.

  • LOL 1
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On 12/27/2021 at 3:56 PM, YaddaYadda said:

They are not plus size actresses. Nowhere near that. They are at best a size six and at worst a size 8. 

It's not like they do any better with their itsy bitsy actresses. I can only think of MW and LLC being the best dressed ones on a regular basis. The rest is not great. 

Makeup and hair aren't any better.

I remember someone calling it "TV fat."  Like you'd be considered normal by everyone and not fat, but by Hollywood standards and on TV, that size would be called "fat."  

  • Love 2

Michael is going to put his back out twisting himself like a pretzel to make this all Nina's fault. He actually had the nerve to say that if Nina loved Sonny/Mike she wouldn't have let the court case go on. WHAT??? You dope, you're the one with the genius idea to have her arrested for some crime no one ever heard of. 

Then he blames Willow for doing what most people should do when they overhear a private conversation, especially without the full context - keep her mouth shut about it and let the people involved manage their own affairs (pun intended).

  • Love 11
4 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Michael is going to put his back out twisting himself like a pretzel to make this all Nina's fault. He actually had the nerve to say that if Nina loved Sonny/Mike she wouldn't have let the court case go on. WHAT??? You dope, you're the one with the genius idea to have her arrested for some crime no one ever heard of. 

like never mind  everyone heard her say "Scott, stop this," how exactly did he expect Nina to stop this? She didn't choose to be arraigned or go to trial. You did this and this is the tea that spilled


5 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Then he blames Willow for doing what most people should do when they overhear a private conversation, especially without the full context

he is clearly his mother's child. 


20 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

kind of loved that the judge seemed to be loving the gossip. Like he didn’t give a crap if it was hearsay, he just wanted to lean in and listen to the tea being spilt. And then he called Sonny back to the stand for MORE tea spilling!  The court scenes were so good.

that was the favourite part. Like "OBJECTION" overruled i wana hear what happened next! LOL

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, KittyQ said:

As an aside, I thought that LW did a great job in those court scenes. 

i will always give credit where it is due. Laura has a great expressive face. and she was kicking all the butt. 

it's just that it's Carly so I care NOTHING about her feelings about this. I do have to laugh how people are all like "Well of course she's mad, because she told Sonny the truth about Jason." and i am like well she got married and he walked in on them. it's pretty hard to hide that. But if they were doing the devil's tango and no one knew about it and then sonny came home and then Carly told him. then sure. but it's not like she told Sonny because  she had a choice it was quite obvious what happened and it woulda been brought up. the only people who knew about Mike and Nina were Phyllis (who wouldn't say anything), Peter and Lenny whose dead. well and Jax, and Jax wasn't gonna spill that tea either. 

but if Carly had to choose between the 2 and Jason actually said "yeah i'll fight for you." we all know how that would go down LOL

  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Michael is going to put his back out twisting himself like a pretzel to make this all Nina's fault. He actually had the nerve to say that if Nina loved Sonny/Mike she wouldn't have let the court case go on. WHAT??? You dope, you're the one with the genius idea to have her arrested for some crime no one ever heard of. 

Michael is coming off as unhinged and sociopathic. How is he any different than Nelle who lied and twisted the truth to fit her agenda? 

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, ciarra said:

Not good enough.  I want him charged for bribery.  And Willow, too.  (I thought both of their names were on the "donation", not ELQ's, but I'm wrong.)

Yes.  I want much more backlash on all the Corinthos family.  It still feels like the weight of the blame lies on Nina.

Just when I thought that there was hope for Willow, she buys Michael's "Nina was just manipulating and using you". There is no redemption unless you realize and acknowledge your mistakes. The only thing that she did wrong was not to confront Sonny, not Nina, about what she had heard.

The idea that Nina committed a crime by not telling Sonny who he was is too ridiculous and I know that it's just another ploy so that Sonny and Carly and Michael will win in the end.

In other parts, I'm glad that Curtis has finally stopped whinging and I wish that Shawn would too. This constant "more sinned against than sinning" is not attractive.

53 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

I found it quite sad that Curtis and Thomas didn’t feel comfortable asking questions about their dad as kids, and then made up all these fantasies about who he was since they had no idea. That’s just really sad, and I’m sure it’s something kids do in real life.

I guess they assumed that their mother was so fragile that they couldn't ask questions of her. I blame Stella and her sister for that, they should have checked in on the boys and seen how they were handling not having their father around.

16 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Michael is coming off as unhinged and sociopathic. How is he any different than Nelle who lied and twisted the truth to fit her agenda? 

He is a Corinthos, and under the rules of this show he must be right. But without that, he's completely delusional and manipulative.

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Olivia makes Leo's diagnosis sound like it's the end of the world, but then we saw Leo actually paying attention to BL's and Chase's conversation with him telling Chase that he can spell and then spelling the word "back" to BL when she sent him to wash. Yes, Leo is on the spectrum, but he is doing really well.

Olivia always makes everything a big dramatic deal but it's not going to be an easy road and as the parent of a child who is not neurotypical, I know that it's one that will require a lot of information, skill and hopes reigned in. Leo can follow conversations around him but it's a long way from that to being able to be the CEO of a company like ELQ or whatever else she's hoping for him. Not to say that he won't be

I think they're handling this story very well for a TV show.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Just when I thought that there was hope for Willow, she buys Michael's "Nina was just manipulating and using you". There is no redemption unless you realize and acknowledge your mistakes. The only thing that she did wrong was not to confront Sonny, not Nina, about what she had heard.

To be fair, Willow went from one cult to the other. She went from Shiloh to everything a healthy relationship should be when she was with Chase to Michael who just sells her whatever he wants and however he wants it and she just folds. Like he is so good at making her doubt herself, doubt what she sees, doubt how she feels and it's all kinds of gross.

At this point, Michael and Willow feel more like an abusive, manipulative relationship than anything else. 

I don't even think I'm exaggerating. Michael/Willow are the anti-Willow/Chase. She has got to save herself from this.

  • Love 16

Did BLQ/Chase give enough info that Leo could repeat their conversation and out them? I'm still not feeling Chase and BLQ together. Especially in this dumb "I want you but for whatev reason will just act bitchy toward you instead" mode. 

Oh joy, now we get to have Hatman/Piph scenes, Hatman/family scenes, and Hatman/stupid intrigue no one cares about scenes. Not to mention all the scenes of everyone discussing Hatman. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Yes, Leo is on the spectrum, but he is doing really well. 

And he'll have access to every therapist/program that exists because of the Q money. Calm down, Liv. At least he's responsive.

2 hours ago, lala2 said:

why was Willow there?

Because when you're a Corinthos, anything happening with them takes precedence over everything else happening in your life.

1 hour ago, KittyQ said:

As an aside, I thought that LW did a great job in those court scenes. 

LW never phones it in.

  • Love 5
54 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

At this point, Michael and Willow feel more like an abusive, manipulative relationship than anything else. 

it would be such a good soap if they did this. as a storyline. Willow is so desperate to loved and in a family. she's not seeing the warning signs how the Corrinthi Operate. I don't know if he did this with  Sasha but i just feel that every time Willow opens her mouth, as you said, Michael shuts her down, debases her feelings, her gut instincts etc like Willow never really had an issue wth nina and now it's all bitch face etc with her because of this drama which doesn't really impact her and quite frankly Wiley is too young to realize that grampa sonny (who is a mobster so chances are a bullet or a car bomb is coming his way anyway) was "dead"  It's like. Michael hates Nina so Willow has to hate Nina too. Yeah Willow heard the secret but like i said why didn't she go after SONNYSONNY is the one who is lying to his family SONNY is the one who isn't mentioning to anyone. SONNY said DON'T SAY ANYTHING, I WILL. And as pointed out - had Nina said a word, Michael would have blown up like this anyway. 

there are so many giant big red flags on this relationship and this is where it's evident that Willow has no friends (who aren't Corinthii butt sniffers) because all of this would have been pointed out. 

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

LW never phones it in.

Agreed. I have never seen LW phone it in. I am actually waiting for Carly going all Hell, Fire & Brimstone. LW will absolutely go all in & I am here for it. 

As an aside though I actually love her version of Carly. Love LW as an actress. I don't agree with some of her views but I am adult enough to separate those things out & appreciate her as an actress. She is also unconventionally beautiful. 

Back to PC world - Jason was able to calm Carly but he is not there so there is no one around to reign her in. Without that calming voice & his presence I think her anger in the end will focus on Sonny. She got a taste of mob boss life & I think this will come back to haunt him. There will be no voice of reason between Sonny & her feelings of anger & betrayal.

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, tnvolgrl said:
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

LW never phones it in.

Agreed. I have never seen LW phone it in. I am actually waiting for Carly going all Hell, Fire & Brimstone. LW will absolutely go all in & I am here for it. 

As an aside though I actually love her version of Carly. Love LW as an actress. I don't agree with some of her views but I am adult enough to separate those things out & appreciate her as an actress. She is also unconventionally beautiful. 

Back to PC world - Jason was able to calm Carly but he is not there so there is no one around to reign her in. 

Third this!  As much as I have grown to despise Carly, Laura Wright does commit and she gives it her all. I think her hair is to die for and she’s aging gracefully and naturally. She does have that one dark tooth and I have a weird thing with teeth (sorry for so shallow). 

Without Jason, Carly is completely adrift with her emotions. I am so hoping she goes scorched earth on Sonny, although sadly most of the venom will probably be directed at resident punching bag Nina. As far as her personal views, I have no idea what they are and I hope to keep it that way.  I’m tired of being disappointed by actors I used to really like. 

Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 1

I suppose Carly is too much of a matriarch now to give her a good ol' fashioned breakdown, but this is the kind of thing that would do her in. She's always had backups to her backups when it comes to men, and now Jason's "dead," Jax is in disgrace and out of the country, and Sonny has sucked face with her most current mortal enemy. This would be a good time for Brick to slide into her DMs. 

Oh, I forgot -- what's The Hat up to with his sketchy phone call about following the protocols? 

Edited by Auntie Velvet
  • Love 5

Michael forgetting that he's the architect of this ridiculous trial and stating that somehow, some way, everything that occurred in court today was part of a plan Nina hatched.  I mean, lil' asshole needs to get a grip.  And Willow wailing "did you set me up?" to Nina, for fuck's sake.  These two are ridiculous.

  • Love 18

I'm watching Monday and Tuesday together because I was out of town until now.

This frickin' cabin trip. Ugh. And LOL that Esmé thinks getting away with three other people means "alone time."

I don't care about anything to do with Hat Man. Zzzzzz.

Setting aside the fact that the legal basis for this trial is preposterous, it's really a lot of fun to watch.

8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm open to any suggestion that will get rid of Michael forever.

Add Wiley to the list and I'm with you.

Anna deserves every dig about Peter that Mistah Sheffield can dish out.

Hey, Liv? If you're going to remind BLQ she "lost" Leo, maybe don't have her babysit, huh? No one forced you not to use the nanny.

If you're okay with Willow hearing a private conversation, Michael, why aren't you okay with her keeping it private? You suck. "Nina played all of us." Yes, how cunning she got herself arrested.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Daisy said:

it would be such a good soap if they did this. as a storyline. Willow is so desperate to loved and in a family. she's not seeing the warning signs how the Corrinthi Operate. I don't know if he did this with  Sasha but i just feel that every time Willow opens her mouth, as you said, Michael shuts her down, debases her feelings, her gut instincts etc like Willow never really had an issue wth nina and now it's all bitch face etc with her because of this drama which doesn't really impact her and quite frankly Wiley is too young to realize that grampa sonny (who is a mobster so chances are a bullet or a car bomb is coming his way anyway) was "dead"  It's like. Michael hates Nina so Willow has to hate Nina too. Yeah Willow heard the secret but like i said why didn't she go after SONNYSONNY is the one who is lying to his family SONNY is the one who isn't mentioning to anyone. SONNY said DON'T SAY ANYTHING, I WILL. And as pointed out - had Nina said a word, Michael would have blown up like this anyway. 

there are so many giant big red flags on this relationship and this is where it's evident that Willow has no friends (who aren't Corinthii butt sniffers) because all of this would have been pointed out. 

Willow is used to being in abusive relationships, that is her comfort zone.  

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, blondiek237 said:

Willow is used to being in abusive relationships, that is her comfort zone.  

but she got out of shiloh's grasp. she realized that wasn't good. but she's all 'hey this is fine." with michael. 


53 minutes ago, mostlylurking said:

Third this!  As much as I have grown to despise Carly, Laura Wright does commit and she gives it her all.

me too. I do think it helps that she is a very avid soap fan, she's admitted it and she says sometimes too i come home from work and watch the shows and i'm doing what fans do to me LOL. So i think that passion for soaps in general and just love of her work makes her bring it every day which is a good thing. 

  • Love 7

Michael is an idiot. Nina planned this how? This whole thing was Michaels idea. I still don't get the crime she committed that is so horrible. Michael killed people, Sonny is a mobster, Carly faked identifies. 

I laughed at Carly running out, booohoo I feel no empathy for her.

After how much Olivia denied Ned and Austin. The hate, the attack. The nothing is wrong with her son. I just can't tolerate her or believe she cares. 

  • Love 7

Ok . . . . Michael can sit down and shut up! He’s the one who started this mess!

Michael is certainly to blame for this stupid trial for a crime that doesn't exist. But in my mind, Sonny is the one who started this mess. And kept the mess going because the character is a coward. The writers try to pretend he is a good guy and somehow a hero but come on. He's a crime boss who has never ever taken responsibility for anything. Sonny is a coward.

He decided to murder Julian. He put himself in that position. He refused to figure out who he really was when he was in NF. He was afraid to because he had a feeling he wasn't a good person or that he didn't want to because his family wasn't looking for him. Apparently death never crossed his mind as in perhaps his family wasn't looking because they believed him to be dead.

He was too much of a chicken shit to find out the truth even after the woman he allegedly loved said nothing could happen between them until he found out about his past!

It's been months since he's been back and has he been man enough to open his yap? Of course not!

So yeah Michael is a moron for bribing someone to arrest Nina for a non-crime. But Sonny is at fault for all of it. Good lawd.

I will say despite having to suspend my belief to the moon and back over this hearing or trial or whatever legal nonsense this was supposed to be, it was fun to watch. It makes no sense and it continues to be beyond stupid, but it was soapy. And I agree with everyone about LW. I am not a Carly fan but she is very good in the role.

  • Love 16

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