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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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20 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but, if Carly truly steps into the role of a proper villain and embraces the mob and goes power mad.. I might actually be into it. 

They could do something interesting here if they really commit to the long term. A power-mad Carly refusing to cede control when Sonny eventually returns. (I see that @perkie1968 and I are on the same wavelength on that part.) Sonny only gradually remembering Carly and Jason and still not having any feeling for them...while connecting immediately with his kids. Sonny, Nina, and Ava as Avery's parents, shutting out Carly. A crime rivalry between Sonny and Carly, with the other characters taking sides.

I've thrown in the towel on it ever not being Mob Hospital. At least it can be a more dynamic and less stale version.

  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

There was no gun residue on his hands and the video shows the shot coming from behind him.  Besides they've already have him starting his apology tour with the almighty Josslyn, they aren't going to walk that back.  

The bigger question, who was behind Cam, how did he not see, hear or feel the bullet whiz by him and how did that person escape from the garage without Jordan seeing them as she was coming into the garage at almost the exact same moment.  

Me too, but that's a big if.  If they're going there than they need to commit 100%.  So much so that she refuses to give it back when Sonny comes home.  

Is this a typo or on purpose because it's hella funny!!


lol it was a typo. but the sentiment is still there ;)

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6 hours ago, KayVeeTeeVee said:

Oooh, that's a good one!  Sonny basically 'stole' not only baby Michael from AJ (Monica's son) but borg Jason (also Monica's offspring) as well.  Will Jason allow Mayberry Mike who Dances with Brooms to be who he wants to be, or will his loyalty to Carly win out.  Now THIS is finally an interesting turn of events.

That would be a reversal. Sonny didn't accept Jason Morgan as a different person the first time he lost his memory (during the days of Lorenzo Alcazar). And when Jason 2.0 (who was later rectonned into Drew) was revealed, Sonny expected him to become Jason Morgan again (and did lead to the unintentional hilarity of Sonny telling Jason 2.0 that it was okay for him to speak badly to Carly because he's treated her far worse).

For all the crap the Quartermaines got, Sonny was never any better. Admittedly he was much, much worse - repeatedly. Would Jason be any better now that the roles are reversed?

Although this does remind me how the show is pretty much recycling plots at this point with the mobster with amnesia plot and Carly attending a meeting with the Five Families as the representative of the Corinthos mob. I wish the show would delve into new territory rather than retelling old stories.

Edited by Lobsel Vith
  • Love 5

SheBeast is just all talk. She doesn’t know the inner workings or how this show’s version of the mafia works (Which is a JOKE). Her arrogant ass got Mooby almost killed and arrested the first time she tried to “help”; was the one who betraaaayed him to the feds to saaaaaave him. All she did was bluff and lie this week at the meeting.

Unless of course, Frank, Don and the hacks retcon it so she has always worked side by side with him during all their multiple marriages. Which I wouldn’t put past them. She’s just drunk on all the power.

STFU, Olivia! I swear I don’t remember her infantilizing Dante when he was offscreen and before he was cast. And she RAISED him to be a man who obeyed the LAW.  And proud that he was a cop.

But of course, mob/mafia-that’s the real loyalty. And now she’s spouting she raised him to look the other way? Whatever.

Cam should have just thrown in MiniSheBeast’s face that if his apology was too late, then she was never a real friend to begin with and left. But I can’t have nice things, and now we’ll have Cam wearing the hair shirt. Because Jason not killing Franco doesn’t mean he hasn’t and won’t continue to kill other people.

  • Love 11

I have so many thoughts on today’s episode and none of them are good. 2 stick out for me though. Sonny tried to murder Jax and that’s all well and good in Joss’ eyes but Cameron shooting, not necessarily killing, Jason would have been unforgivable? That’s interesting to say the least. Second was everything Olivia today. Dante is just trying to do his job. Why should he care about Sam potentially violating her parole if she doesn’t? “I raised you better that”, really? Sam should be thinking about her kids and who would be there for them if something happened to her, not Dante. 

  • Love 18

What's with the huge Covid sign in the hospital. They never acknowledged it before or social distance/masks. Now when was Covid supposed to be? They were better in a land pretending it didn't exist than trying to pretend now it happen in Port Charles?

Cam really needs a better friend than Joss. She's just as horrid as her mother with her Jason worship. 

Everyone running around like Sam, Joss saying how Jason is innocent. He's innocent of this crime, but he committed how many others.


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1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

Second was everything Olivia today. Dante is just trying to do his job. Why should he care about Sam potentially violating her parole if she doesn’t? “I raised you better that”, really? Sam should be thinking about her kids and who would be there for them if something happened to her, not Dante. 

This has been an ongoing problem with the writing for years: that the police are wrong/harassing the Corinthii/Corinthii Adjacent and that it's their (the cops) fault for everything that happens. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

The bigger question, who was behind Cam, how did he not see, hear or feel the bullet whiz by him and how did that person escape from the garage without Jordan seeing them as she was coming into the garage at almost the exact same moment.  

I buy Cam not being aware—he's new to guns and shooting, and he was in sort of a daze the whole time—but Jordan should have seen something. Wait, what am I saying? Of course she completely missed it. The crack PCPD does it again.

  • LOL 5
4 hours ago, Daisy said:

and in any other scenario, anyone that Joss treated the way she's treating Cam - that person would unload a mighty F-you and the horse you road on Joss. and split. Cam being her friend after this will be so annoying. The girl showed her colours. She will NEVER be there for you, Cam. 

A guy in high school who. Looks like Cam, is athletic, and sings/plays guitar is normally a chick magnet.  Yet we only ever see him with SheBeast Jr. and Trina.  And other than Dev, he appears to have no male friends.

On 5/6/2021 at 5:13 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

I don’t know if this is the show’s revisionist bullshit or the SHEBEAST’s delusion-but Cyrus is not the reason why Mooby is “dead”. It was Mooby’s insistence on chasing Julian on that bridge that caused his “death”.🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Yep.  It’s complete bullshit that a Don would get his hands dirty like that.  Or even an underboss.  That shit is parceled out to soldiers.


can Moody not delegate other than Jaysus?

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Why do I fear that Peter August (Wes Ramsey) isn’t going anywhere anytime soon?! Maxie hasn’t even had the baby & now he’s going to mess with the nanny.  I think FV has stuck in his heels and will let this drag out forever. I think he’s heard all of the negative feedback about the hiring & the long dragged out storyline added with the Tristin Rogers comments and is not giving up. He also doesn’t want to offend Laura Wright either. Unless, Peter dies during May sweeps he ain’t going anywhere. IMO!!!

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I can't possibly understand how any child of Jax's would grow up becoming fanatically loyal to mobsters, especially Sonny and Jason in particular.  Back in the day, he used to at least try to get Sonny out of their lives, to the point of actually hitting him at one point.  

There's no way he doesn't sit down and explain the things they've done, the hypocrisy, and what type of people they are.  I mean I guess Carly would have tried to brainwash her anyway, but it just doesn't seem possible that Jax's daughter of all people would turn out this way.

Like, precious Sonny and Jason have tried to kill your father.  Is that forgivable, self righteous idiot?  

  • Love 14
On 5/6/2021 at 7:48 PM, Bringonthedrama said:

What? Michael and Morgan lived with Carly and Jax when they were kids (except for the times Sonny had them sent to "the island" for their safety).  There was talk of legal adoption; tween Morgan even said that it would only be a formality because Jax already did all the dad stuff with/for him. Tween Michael got shot in the head because he was in Sonny's warehouse and went comatose, at which point Morgan was sent off to school under a different last name for his protection. The next time anyone saw Morgan, he was about 18/19 and complained that his parents rarely to never came to visit him. 

Sonny himself told Michael that when Kristina was a child, he never really made an effort to work/negotiate with Alexis about spending time with Kristina. 

Josslyn was off-screen "in Australia with Jax" for what seemed like years until the Show cast EM for the role. It's been well established that she is close to her dad/talks to him often when she's not actually with him.

So it seems like Sonny has only been an active, day-to-day parent in the last six years or so, since Avery was born.

Don't forget, this is the same show that tries to claim that toddler Josslyn survived because of a black market kidney from(much older) Nelle, and not from the body of toddler Jake who was switched out for another kid and never actually hurt in the hit-and-run,  despite the fact that doctors Robin Scorpio-Drake and Patrick Drake, who both knew Jake very well, worked on the boy and told Elizabeth to her face that he was brain dead. 

Yeah, that was just lazy writing.  It’s like they’ve just given up.  Seriously, I can think of several animated shows with tighter writing than GH over the last several years.

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9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

If Sam is so worried about Jason's lifestyle, WTF is she doing getting involved in trying to find him? It's not as if the kids will miss him. They don't even know who he is!

They do if Chase thinks he and Willow are getting back together. It's gross they keep giving him hope that way.

Everything she said about cops—taking orders, being part of a bigger thing that hurt innocent people—completely applies to the mob. Shut the fuck up, Sam.

She's unbearable, and I hate saying that because I love LiLoC. I really don't want Olivia and Robert to be a couple. And blaming Dante for Sam being stupid enough to risk her parole by trying to find Jason? Sam is responsible for not going back to Pentonville and abandoning her kids, not Dante. Olivia, YOU SUCK.

As expected, Joss was so ungracious when Cam apologized: "Finally!" Then all the haranguing! Ugh, she is so her mother's daughter. And her concern about Cam yelling at Jason is ridiculous. Jason can take it. He knows why Cam was doing it. 

Too bad Maxie won't get a gun and shoot Peter between the eyes. She'd be doing the world a favor.

I’m continually amazed that any number of people haven’t had enough of Peter and Cyrus’ shit by now and offed both of them.  Maybe set it p to look like they turned in each other.  Totally win-win.

Really, who wouldn’t want to see that?

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but, if Carly truly steps into the role of a proper villain and embraces the mob and goes power mad.. I might actually be into it. 

Sign me up (along with @perkie1968 and @Asp Burger). Wishful thinking probably, but in the final scene where Carly was reflecting on the meeting, I swear I felt like LW played it as “I really enjoyed running the show.”

They’re really stretching to meet KeMo’s minimums, aren’t they?

And I guess Jordan is planning to just let the whole “pointing a loaded gun at the police commissioner” thing go?

Edited by mbluecpa
  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Asp Burger said:
7 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I can't believe I'm saying this, but, if Carly truly steps into the role of a proper villain and embraces the mob and goes power mad.. I might actually be into it. 

They could do something interesting here if they really commit to the long term. A power-mad Carly refusing to cede control when Sonny eventually returns. (I see that @perkie1968 and I are on the same wavelength on that part.)

There is definite potential there. What if when Sonny returns Carly actually holds him responsible for his months of complete disinterest in finding out who he really was and is furious at him? “You effectively abandoned your life and your family; you don’t get to just waltz back in and take over like nothing happened. I picked up the pieces when you died, I’ve been running the business and protecting Port Charles (eyeroll, I know). I don’t need you, the business doesn’t need you, and this town doesn’t need you.” Of course, Sonny won’t take that well at all, and that starts the power struggle, with Jason, of course, torn between Sonny and Carly.

Aaand I just drafted a storyline starring the mob and my most hated characters. Oy.

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10 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

but Jordan should have seen something. Wait, what am I saying? Of course she completely missed it.

LOL.  You know Jordan politely held the door open for whoever to escape!!


7 hours ago, mbluecpa said:

And I guess Jordan is planning to just let the whole “pointing a loaded gun at the police commissioner” thing go?

I don't know that I would say Cam was holding the gun on her.  It felt like he was shell shocked and happened to have the gun in his hand while facing JOrdan.  It was almost a fugue state, which is why I thought it would turn out to be that he had shot Jason and not been aware of it.  You have to give Jordan some credit for finally doing her job in having him checked for gun powder residue and checking the security cameras.  

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

You have to give Jordan some credit for finally doing her job in having him checked for gun powder residue and checking the security cameras.  

The GPR test should have been done immediately, but points to Jordan for thinking of it. 

6 hours ago, Chanandler said:

What if when Sonny returns Carly actually holds him responsible for his months of complete disinterest in finding out who he really was and is furious at him? “You effectively abandoned your life and your family; you don’t get to just waltz back in and take over like nothing happened. I picked up the pieces when you died, I’ve been running the business and protecting Port Charles (eyeroll, I know). I don’t need you, the business doesn’t need you, and this town doesn’t need you.” Of course, Sonny won’t take that well at all, and that starts the power struggle, with Jason, of course, torn between Sonny and Carly.

I love the idea of Sonny and Carly battling it out for control of the bidness. Michael and Joss will also have torn loyalties. No matter what, Carly still better rail at Sonny for doing nothing to find out who he is for months. I'm still a bit surprised Jason hasn't had someone regularly checking the news, but I guess once they decided to have the funeral it was pointless.

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21 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

So Willow has become pretty hateful, 

Seriously. I really used to like her and now she's awful...way to go, Show. The only thing I liked about her on Friday's episode was "poor Monica!!" since clearly nobody else (as usual) is thinking of Jason's mother. 

21 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

If Sam is so worried about Jason's lifestyle, WTF is she doing getting involved in trying to find him? It's not as if the kids will miss him.

Everything she said about cops—taking orders, being part of a bigger thing that hurt innocent people—completely applies to the mob. Shut the fuck up, Sam.

 I really don't want Olivia and Robert to be a couple. And blaming Dante for Sam being stupid enough to risk her parole by trying to find Jason? Sam is responsible for not going back to Pentonville and abandoning her kids, not Dante. Olivia, YOU SUCK.

Yes to all of this! Sam seemed like she was using her status as Jason's second son's mother as an excuse to get back involved with Jason's current crisis/lifestyle.  She said she was frantic and wanting to know where Jason is - after acknowledging that Danny doesn't even know about this yet/isn't asking questions (probably because he's asleep since it's supposed to be late at night). Anyone, not just Danny, could find out about this by seeing news on TV or reading on the Internet. She heard he'd been shot and was outraged that Spinelli would trust Britt with Jason's life. Hey Sam, when did you go to nursing/med school, to know how to properly handle a gun shot wound? She should be grateful he had a doctor with him. But nooo, she's not jealous.

Right now Olivia is making Carly look like a stand-off ish mother, wow.  Her request to "talk to Mac" about Dante made it sound like Mac's a high school teacher and Dante's a student who got a bad grade because he was upset while taking a test.  And the way she spoke to Dante about Sam ... no words. Olivia talking about enjoying 'playing spy' with Robert shows she's no match for him. His world/job has never been a game.

21 hours ago, lala2 said:

It still bugs me that Cameron had to believe Jason didn't do it in order for Jake to accept his apology! Jake was, and still is, being an obnoxious brat, IMO. His "dad" is a hitman

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I thought Jake was hurt and insulted thinking Cam accusing Jason of murdering Franco meant that Jason didn't love Jake enough to refrain from doing anything that would cause Jake pain, i.e. taking Franco away. He seemed to take Cam's words as "You're too naive to get that your Dad is a killer who hated Franco way more than he loves you." So Cam apologizing for being mean to Jake, but not for believing in what he said, upsets Jake.

21 hours ago, lala2 said:

But it makes sense - in my mind at least - that Cameron would have more negative thoughts on Jason once Jason did something that impacted his life. 

Yes. Cam was also furious at Jason for testifying that the public was better off having "Drew" than "Franco" about Franco's mental fitness after the memory mapping thing with Shiloh.

17 hours ago, ffwbe said:

 Sonny tried to murder Jax and that’s all well and good in Joss’ eyes but Cameron shooting, not necessarily killing, Jason would have been unforgivable? That’s interesting to say the least. Second was everything Olivia today. Dante is just trying to do his job. Why should he care about Sam potentially violating her parole if she doesn’t? “I raised you better that”, really? Sam should be thinking about her kids and who would be there for them if something happened to her, not Dante. 

When Sonny tried to murder Jax via airplane tampering, Joss was a young child. That hasn't been mentioned (to my knowledge) in the time since EM was cast as tween Joss, so I wonder if the current writers don't know about it. I would bet Carly has done her best for that incident to never be brought up in front of Joss. The only 'bad Sonny' moment speaks of is when Jax got deported, which makes me think she has no clue about the plane crash.

I had the same "Really?!" reaction to Olivia.

The Joss-Cam scenes show that Cam is better off in life without a "friend" like her. He should focus on his relationship with his brother, Jake.  He has been a fantastic friend to Joss and doesn't owe her a damn thing.

On what planet is Michael "the best" of both Carly and Sonny"?! Carly's fantasy conversation with Sonny shows she's drunk on power, as @GHScorpiosRule said, and is deluding herself into thinking she knows what she's doing. Her ultimate fantasy always seemed to be runnin' the biz with Jason and being respected by Mob people.


Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 4
17 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Second was everything Olivia today. Dante is just trying to do his job. Why should he care about Sam potentially violating her parole if she doesn’t? “I raised you better that”, really? Sam should be thinking about her kids and who would be there for them if something happened to her, not Dante. 

That soap trope about how women should get away with lawbreaking, because it would be a hardship for their kids if they paid any price for it.  Olivia lecturing him about that was obnoxious.  

16 hours ago, Artsda said:

What's with the huge Covid sign in the hospital. They never acknowledged it before or social distance/masks. Now when was Covid supposed to be? They were better in a land pretending it didn't exist than trying to pretend now it happen in Port Charles?

Agree, I thought it was a nice escape to have a land where there was no Covid, which was how GH was playing up to that.  

It is annoying to have it be so horrible for Cam to think Jason killed Franco.  Just to have been wrong about that is not THAT bad - it's like you are supposed to just know when the holy hitman is really guilty or not, and if you can't tell, you're a bad person?  Dumb.  Yet everyone including Cam seemed to accept that idea.  

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I’m going to be the outlier and disagree that SheBeast will be able to run da bidnez without fucking it up. She has no control-like Jason has said-to her face-she's impulsive and refuses to listen. When Mooby comes back? No question-Jason will side with him, not Cujo, whose great plaaaaan was to have Jason stabbed, and then put in motion another plaaaaan that got him shot. Instead of “using up all favors” owed to Mooby to have Shawn stab Jason, IF she were smart, she would have used said favors to provide protection for Jason after seeing his “‘BOO-BOOS’” on his knuckles.

Then again, Mooby’s “mafia” consists of Jaysus and Brick. And “security” who have never seen Cam before (how when supposedly he and MiniSheBeast have known each other their whole lives), and minions.

NOT a single show running regime had/has a clue, despite the number of movies and shows out there (not to mention real life mafia) of how they’re the mob is set up.

When Mooby would go off, Jaysus was the smart voice of reason and he would listen most times. I doubt SheBeast would listen to anything Jason would say-as she’s proven FOREVER and in each instance after Mooby’s “death”.

  • Love 4
53 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

When Sonny tried to murder Jax via airplane tampering, Joss was a young child. That hasn't been mentioned (to my knowledge) in the time since EM was cast as tween Joss, so I wonder if the current writers don't know about it. I would bet Carly has done her best for that incident to never be brought up in front of Joss. The only 'bad Sonny' moment speaks of is when Jax got deported, which makes me think she has no clue about the plane crash.

At this point, even if she did know I have my doubts she'd turn on Sonny. 

Joss: (heavy sigh, looks into the middle distance) "If Sonny felt so threatened by my Dad, I feel bad, but, really, it all turned out OK and they accept each other now, so who am I to say what's right and what's wrong?"


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3 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Seriously. I really used to like her and now she's awful...way to go, Show. The only thing I liked about her on Friday's episode was "poor Monica!!" since clearly nobody else (as usual) is thinking of Jason's mother.

To be fair, Willow is living in Monica's gatehouse rent free.  Money may not matter to the Quartermaines or the Corinthii but Willow is close enough to being poor that she may remember.

3 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I thought Jake was hurt and insulted thinking Cam accusing Jason of murdering Franco meant that Jason didn't love Jake enough to refrain from doing anything that would cause Jake pain, i.e. taking Franco away. He seemed to take Cam's words as "You're too naive to get that your Dad is a killer who hated Franco way more than he loves you." So Cam apologizing for being mean to Jake, but not for believing in what he said, upsets Jake.

Yes, it is very upsetting to Jake but the truth is that Jake is naive about Jason, as Joss is. I don't think that Jake's feelings would matter to Jason if he felt that he "needed" to kill someone. Jason certainly said nothing about Jake when Franco asked Jason to kill him. In the real mafia, there is no hesitancy about killing members of one's family if they stray.

It is up to Liz to fix that, not Cameron. She needs to get Jake to accept that his father is not a hero but a mob enforcer and that is his priority. If it weren't, he would have walked away as Drew did.

It sucks for Jake but that's who his father is. Cameron shouldn't have to pretend otherwise.

2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

NOT a single show running regime had/has a clue, despite the number of movies and shows out there (not to mention real life mafia) of how they’re the mob is set up.

They may know how the mafia runs but they can't write it because Sonny and Jason must be heroes. That's not possible if it's written realistically.

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I thought Jake was hurt and insulted thinking Cam accusing Jason of murdering Franco meant that Jason didn't love Jake enough to refrain from doing anything that would cause Jake pain, i.e. taking Franco away. He seemed to take Cam's words as "You're too naive to get that your Dad is a killer who hated Franco way more than he loves you." So Cam apologizing for being mean to Jake, but not for believing in what he said, upsets Jake.

That's how I think Jake sees it (the sad thing is , the very fact of the matter is that Elizabeth had to bring this up to Jason when taking him to ask about making that stupid agreement in the first place). And quite frankly, I don't believe that Jason would have hesitated to put Franco down if Jason decided Franco was a threat. If the writers choose (so it probably won't) it will be a great storyline bubbling to the surface. One of these kids  (more of these kids) need see how selfish, dangerous and not right this world their fathers actively chose (and I get they just can't actively leave the business, they'll come after them yadayadyayaaa) but I mean hell if I were Danny or Jake i would be 1000000 percent pissed off I didn't come first in my father's life. They are what? 12-13? They know.  I mean sure you don't want to dial up the teen angst but there should be way too many barbs. 

Jason loves to throw out the "I'd die for my kids." That's a given. Even crackwhores and pimp daddies would die for their kids if given a choice. Only severely messed up people (usually because of severe depression, post partum depression or other serious mental issues). You don't get a gold star for wanting to protect your kids from death. And it just pisses me off they are now having Joss (who actually has a decent enough father who would give her the world if she asked), basically going "Jason is an amazing human, he can do no wrong." 

Joss of all people should be be able to see the difference between her father, and the scums of the earth she's so busy defending. 

Jake defending Jason doesn't bother me (because he's still at that age where you wanna believe the world of your parents), but this is what bugs me about this apology tour of Cam's. Even if Cam wanted to believe in "Mobster Heart of Gold". the fact that everything cracked open and you acknowledge that he is a murderer and that his only defense is that he murderers people better than how he supposedly murdered Franco,  that should be it. There's no coming back from that once a normal personal makes that reason. 

And there is no one. I wouldn't even be so irritated about 1/2 the stuff this show did if they just showed a balance. I can understand why  Carly and Sonny etc looveeeeeee Jason. (or why Jason loovveeessss Carly and Sonny sometimes, because most times he treats everyone as if he's above everyone else). but Jason bends over and asks can I have some more for those two, and he puts their kids above his own. 

Sam and Elizabeth should want zero poops to do with this guy. Danny, Jake and the invisible one should really start to question their father's loyalties. I mean Hell, Erica Kane was the star of AMC, but she didn't win all the time (hell the show ended and she basically lost everything she wanted). Why they want to cowtow to the Corrinthi and not have another family to at least mirror off of is beyond me. (well it's not. they murdered most of the Quartermaines and the ones who are left kiss their ass, the Spencers are decimated (and same thing), the Wards are dead. the Joneses are decimated or kiss their asses too...).... and everyone else they create they deliberately weaken so Sonny, Carly Jason can rule, and make their kids all "aren't they so awesome?!"

  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

They could, though, if the writers wanted it to happen. But the writers don't. It's too bad, because there could be a lot of drama in it. 

MB doesn't want Sonny to leave, which is likely the biggest reason why we will never see that. The show has had Sonny and Jason leave the mob in the past - albeit temporarily. Jason left to explore the world (when SB tried his hand at becoming an actor outside of soaps, and I know someone a few years back what Robert Redford had to say about SB's acting). Sonny was forced out by Jason when he started dating Emily. But MB has made it clear that he likes Sonny in the mob, and there are times that the character has admitted that he remains in power because he enjoys the power.

The writers do enable MB, to the detriment of the show, and it's why characters like Lorenzo Alcazar and Johnny Zacchara (who are written to not be that invested in their life of crime and leave their criminal lifestyle to go legit) end up being brought back, since Sonny needs an antagonist. But since Sonny must always win, it's not entertaining, especially for fans of those characters who have to see them trashed in the name of Sonny and Jason (and I can't imagine why anyone who likes Sonny would enjoy watching the same exact storyline unfold over and over again).

While Carly may oppose Sonny over power, it'll likely be no different than when Jason was the one who opposed Sonny - there will be a conflict, Sonny might be on the losing end but things will result in the two coming to terms (and Cyrus would be the easiest solution to lead to that conclusion). I highly doubt that MB would settle for Carly being in power over Sonny for the long-term.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, statsgirl said:

It is up to Liz to fix that, not Cameron. She needs to get Jake to accept that his father is not a hero but a mob enforcer and that is his priority. If it weren't, he would have walked away as Drew did.

I miss Drew. Drew was such a decent character who had his priorities straight. 

I'll never forget Carly's face when he told her that Sam and the children came first.

  • Love 13

I think they’re writing Josslyn (and Michael too for that matter) in a way that it’s impossible to root for her unless you’re also a big Sonny/Carly fan. While she’s supposedly a good/honest person, she co-signs everything Carly believes right down to her opinions about other characters. She’s just an extension of her mother which is sad considering she’s 18 and has been on the show for years. They already have this issue with Michael where he hardly functions as an independent character anymore and his mother is overly involved in his SLs. 

I think they needed to pick a lane with her. Either have her be more messy or morally ambiguous like adult Morgan or pre-CD Michael or make her a good character who clashes with the adults in her life. This mini-Karen version isn’t working for me. 

  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

While she’s supposedly a good/honest person, she co-signs everything Carly believes right down to her opinions about other characters. She’s just an extension of her mother which is sad considering she’s 18 and has been on the show for years. They already have this issue with Michael where he hardly functions as an independent character anymore and his mother is overly involved in his SLs. 

Yeah, it's definitely a problem.  Dante and Kristina (who?) are written slightly better, where they don't *always* tow the Corinthii company line.  But the notion that everyone has to always bow down to the mighty mini-mobster (and his extensions Carly and Jason) was old twenty years ago. 

  • Love 10
46 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

But the notion that everyone has to always bow down to the mighty mini-mobster (and his extensions Carly and Jason) was old twenty years ago. 

And if they don't bow down to them, as Cameron didn't, they have to be harshly punished.

Joss could have told Cameron she understood how upset he was at Franco being killed but noooo, it's all about that he didn't trust Jason.

  • Love 10
40 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

And if they don't bow down to them, as Cameron didn't, they have to be harshly punished.

Joss could have told Cameron she understood how upset he was at Franco being killed but noooo, it's all about that he didn't trust Jason.


which a normal friend would do. 
Honestly. i'm more upset that Joss wasn't even there for Cam as a friend and letting him grieve vs. making it all about her, her feelings and how Cam was betraying her. 

  • Love 10
On 5/8/2021 at 5:41 AM, perkie1968 said:

I don't know that I would say Cam was holding the gun on her.  It felt like he was shell shocked and happened to have the gun in his hand while facing JOrdan.  It was almost a fugue state, which is why I thought it would turn out to be that he had shot Jason and not been aware of it.  You have to give Jordan some credit for finally doing her job in having him checked for gun powder residue and checking the security cameras.  

I can definitely see that; I think the writing/camera work got me roped in to the “will he pull the trigger!?!?” drama. And yes, that was some of the quickest and generally most competent police work we’ve seen in ages. We’ll see where the mystery shooter case goes....

5 hours ago, ffwbe said:

I think they’re writing Josslyn (and Michael too for that matter) in a way that it’s impossible to root for her unless you’re also a big Sonny/Carly fan. 

The writers have really seemed to have doubled down on this recently with the Joss/Cam conflict. I’m hopeful they go somewhere with the college thing, like Joss having an epiphany that she won’t always get what she wants, or maybe even battling depression (cheery, I know). No matter how well-acted, I just don’t find snotty and sanctimonious teenage characters entertaining. 

  • Love 7
On 5/7/2021 at 5:23 PM, Chanandler said:

Things I actually enjoyed about today: Robert pronouncing it “Dan-te” and Brook Lynn mussing Maxie’s hair to give her bedhead.

Things I hated: Just about everything else.

Same! The varied name pronunciations always amuse me a little. I get that the actors are memorizing names off a script, not learning them through personal interaction (like in real life), but there have been so many instances of different characters pronouncing the same name 3 different ways, sometimes in the same episode. Or sometimes the same actor pronouncing it differently on different days. Like, isn’t there a guide somewhere? Today, for example, I heard Sonny say “Ren-ald” instead of “Ren-oh”. I know he’s done it right before.

I also heard two instances of “din’nt” that weren’t even spoken by Elizabeth, but that’s a different thing. Just a pet peeve of mine.

On 5/7/2021 at 5:43 PM, perkie1968 said:

Anyone else notice that for the first time during the pandemic, the show is acknoledging it with a sign, in the hospital lobby, behind Valentin that read "Protect Against Covid 19"

I did not notice this. So if they’re going to acknowledge Covid, WHERE ARE THE MASKS? That’s a bad look for a hospital. 

The Carly/ GhostSonny chat, as dull and pointless as it was, accomplished one thing: it made me appreciate Nixon Falls. Keep him there, Show! Because this powerhouse duo, as currently written, is soooo played out.



  • Love 5
8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

The Carly/ GhostSonny chat, as dull and pointless as it was, accomplished one thing: it made me appreciate Nixon Falls. Keep him there, Show! Because this powerhouse duo, as currently written, is soooo played out.

It occurred to me the other day that this is MB's big chance to play a dual role. He probably can't manage the character nuances that, say, David Canary brought to his roles as Adam and Stuart Chandler, so instead he gets to be Sonny and Sonny lite (but with his hands in his pockets) and never the twain shall meet. 

  • LOL 2
  • Love 5
On 5/8/2021 at 4:46 PM, statsgirl said:

They may know how the mafia runs but they can't write it because Sonny and Jason must be heroes. That's not possible if it's written realistically.

That's not what I meant--I was talking about the structure of a mob/mafia "family". Hell, 1972's Godfather portrayed Vito Corleone's mob as the "good guys" and the feds were the evuhl ones. Even Vito's rise in Godfather II portrayed him as a good guy.

In this show? Mooby's mob is run by just one guy-okay two: Mooby and Jaysus.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Don’t forget Brick! He does... something?

Security, and computer stuff that Spinelli doesn't do, for whatever reason.

Mike was super annoying today telling Nina she could't see Elijah. Why Nina did pop off and tell him Mike wasn't the boss of her was beyond me. I still can't understand how this version of Sonny is attractive enough for her to be charmed by him. He's still a controlling asshole.

I had to laugh at Joss's big realization that she's selfish. No shit, Sherlock. 

I also enjoyed Cyrus telling Peter his days were numbered. If only! And yikes at Peter offing the nurse and putting his minion in her place. Do we think Maxie will confide in the nurse about her plan?

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3

I have to give the show props for making me anxious that Britt won't  be back in time to save Maxie from the evil machinations of Peter. It makes a nice change since I know that nothing is going to happen to Jason unless SBu wants leave.

Peter killing the nurse and putting his minion in her place and saying he's okay with Britt getting killed shows he's at least more energetic than Cyrus.

A hard pass on Carly/Carly Jr and Mike/Nina/Elijah.

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
23 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Why Nina did pop off and tell him Mike wasn't the boss of her was beyond me.

See, I know you probably started to have rage black out when you were typing this, because I think you meant "didn't pop off", yes?

Yes. Sometimes my fingers don't keep up with my thoughts.

11 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Peter killing the nurse and putting his minion in her place and saying he's okay with Britt getting killed shows he's at least more energetic than Cyrus.

Cyrus did gut that hospital minion like a fish last week. But maybe he was on a sugar high at that point. 

  • Love 2

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