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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Willow was just horrible to Nina today but she is okay stealing from the hospital to help a criminal. Willow is happy to forgive everyone on the show for anything they do unless that person happens to be her own mother. 

Cannot help but feel Nina and Drew are just using each other. Nina sees Drew as a way to get Willow and the grandkids back into her life. Drew just wants to get back at Carly. The irony here is you kinda get the vibe from Willow she would be more than happy to have been the one having her clothes taken off by Drew in the office above the Metro Court. Still happy with anything that gets Nina out Sonny’s orbit. 




Edited by db1702
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54 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:

I did not have Drew and Carly having sex on her desk on my bingo card for today.  Although Drew is probably a huge upgrade from Sonny.  Those abs alone.  


Good thing because that did not happen, maybe you had Drew and Nina on your bingo card😅

Seriously though I thought the desk sex  happened a little too fast and I wish it wasn't contingent on Nina's begging to be close to Willow, but oh well it was something different on this show,that's for sure.

I hate that Ava has just turned into a sculker in Sonny's house. Kristina clocked her serving Sonny a drink at least.

I like bangs, wish I could get my bangs back but didn't like Ava's.

Edited by Blackie
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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

1/2 to Carly, 1/4 to both his kids. just keep on showing how much you value your children, Jason

Of course he did. Is anyone surprised. Why leave more for your minor children than a grown woman. He is truly trash.

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43 minutes ago, db1702 said:

Cannot help but feel Nina and Drew are just using each other. Nina sees Drew as a way to get Willow and the grandkids back into her life. Drew just wants to get back at Carly.

Of course they are - and it's pretty entertaining, especially watching Drew get seduced by the dark side.  Not that he's putting up much of a fight. 

Hah. If I liked her, I'd feel a little sorry for Diane being caught between Jason and Sonny, even briefly.  

Edited by tessaray
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15 minutes ago, Blackie said:

Good thing because that did not happen, maybe you had Drew and Nina on your bingo card

I need to stop drinking when I'm watching!!!!!   I'm so used to typing Carly and Drew that's what I did.  My bad.  

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2 hours ago, backhometome said:

Of course he did. Is anyone surprised. Why leave more for your minor children than a grown woman. He is truly trash.

people tried to justify it too like  "Well Jake and Danny are rich because of the ELQ stock, and Sam is rich so it's fine that Jason takes care of his best friend." and I am like I don't care if the inheritance is a freaking dollar bill. your children should not get less than someone who has the entire world ready to bend to her will. 

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Well, that was fast -- Drew and Nina getting down, I mean. (I hope they don't get interrupted.) We knew it was heading that way, but I thought Drew would have to whine and moan for another couple of months.

"What color does this look like to you?" I have the same question to my fellow forum mates, because it looked like blank cardstock to me. 

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"My great-grandmother was on the board for several charities, nonprofit charities." Uh, nonprofit is what a charity is, Michael. 

Michael really wants Willow to be his idea of a wife. It's gross how he oozes his way to persuade her she's the one making the choices.

Of course two thugs get the drop on an FBI agent. No LEO can be competent in Port Charles.

Drew and Nina weren't the worst hate sex; it was better than crypt sex, at least.

I look forward to Sonny and Jason's pissing contest. They're both such oafs.

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22 minutes ago, Daisy said:

people tried to justify it too like  "Well Jake and Danny are rich because of the ELQ stock, and Sam is rich so it's fine that Jason takes care of his best friend." and I am like I don't care if the inheritance is a freaking dollar bill. your children should not get less than someone who has the entire world ready to bend to her will. 

That and Carly has been handed several fortunes from her exes and a business from her mother. The fact that she isn’t extremely wealthy right now kind of is more of a reason to not give her more money. Plus the show will never sell me on Jake and Danny being loaded from whatever tiny percentage of ELQ they got. They can’t even sell the stocks since voting rights are attached to them and Valentin somehow was able to buy 50% of those stocks with whatever funds he stole from the Cassadines before losing control. 

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UGH! In what universe does Jagger and…I can’t even finish typing the abomination. Especially since we all KNOW Jaysus will ALWAYS come first, not to mention Jagger’s a COP! And Cujo is a mafia mob moll, even if she and Mooby are divorced.

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1 minute ago, DanaMB said:

I didn’t think they could ruin Willow further. Until today’s episode. She truly no longer has her own identity.

so what happened with her?

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Willow is locked in as Mrs. Michael Corinthos. She’s ready to stop working because it’s taking away time from the kids. Michael of course was all for it and said she could help with charity work the Qs are involved in if she gets bored. Basically the only way she could have developed relationships outside of Michael and his circle (working at GH) is going away. 

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Michael and Willow have zero spark and are just repugnant. They honestly deserve each other.

We also desperately need a new Michael with some screen presence. 

(I made it a point not to dine at a restaurant a man I once knew owned.) Get takeaway salad and chocolate soufflé or go somewhere else. 

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OMG, Willow and Michael are so boring, and annoying! 

And yes, let's just have a graphic scene of every Carly worshipper in town getting in line to lick her...... The bitch didn't lose anything!!!!!!  

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7 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

Willow is locked in as Mrs. Michael Corinthos. She’s ready to stop working because it’s taking away time from the kids.

did she even start working?

but i will say. I have no problems/issues with people choosing to be stay at home parents. I don't think that's akin to "not having an identity." but was michael pushing this for weeks or something?

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Just now, Daisy said:

did she even start working?

but i will say. I have no problems/issues with people choosing to be stay at home parents. I don't think that's akin to "not having an identity." but was michael pushing this for weeks or something?

He never wanted her to go back after the cancer battle. They had a big fight over it and he used the same argument about how she doesn’t need the money because he has money. 

I don’t think SAHMs or wives on soaps work for a lot of reasons and that’s why they all pretty much have jobs, even if it’s just for fun. When they aren’t working, the show only writes them talking about what their SOs are doing and it’s been like that the entire time I’ve watched the show. However, Willow is a stepford wife whether she has a job or not. Even when she worked, we hardly saw her there. Those 2 episodes she was there recently were likely just so she could steal meds for Jason. She doesn’t have an identity but it’s not because of her job. She defines herself as Michael’s wife and mother of his children. 

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5 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I have no problems/issues with people choosing to be stay at home parents. I don't think that's akin to "not having an identity."

I don’t think that’s what anyone is saying. It’s just that in this instance, Michael was just a bit too joyful at the idea of her staying home. He never actually wanted her to become a nurse, so as soon as she mentioned that she hated missing time with the kids while they’re young, he pounced. Of course he said it was her decision, but he was thrilled. I mean, even if she doesn’t work the kids will still be with the nanny most of the day, so what’s the difference?

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20 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

She defines herself as Michael’s wife and mother of his children. 

that's true, we all heard that when she was dying "Imma wife of Michael!" 

18 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

He never actually wanted her to become a nurse, so as soon as she mentioned that she hated missing time with the kids while they’re young, he pounced. Of course he said it was her decision, but he was thrilled. I mean, even if she doesn’t work the kids will still be with the nanny most of the day, so what’s the difference?

this is so true too. but maybe they can the nanny?

I will say I am sorry that i phrased it the way I said or made assumptions.  that wasn't my intention at all. I should have realized y'all meant Willow's utter lack of personality outside of being Michael's screw toy.

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Whoever wrote today needs to be fired I don't care if it's a new writer they just hired it not. Frank should have been fired too. 

Todays show was horrible and just a Nina punching bag. Getting together with the man who said who wanted to hit her. 

Then Jagger an actual punching bag.

Jagger really was a boxer,  are we supposed to think he forgot how to fight? Where's his gun?  So the writer has no idea of history. 

Nina needs to walk the other way when she sees that horrible child of hers.  She should have died.  Not ask for Drew's help. 

Then Olivia who was angry at Carly at the courthouse a week ago runs over to yell about Nina firing someone who sounds like should have been fired long ago if he keeps getting complaints and painted a room. Let's forget the fact Carly didn't care that Dante was shot, only that he woke up saved Jason. Yet she says Nina is taking advantage of Dante being in the hospital? 

Then you have Diane blaming Nina for swooping into but the hotel? Nina bought the hotel to give back for hotel. 

Kristina should have not stand in the doorway while Ava tells her Sonny is resting. Then she lurks at the bar and doesn't leave the room while Kristina and Sonny talk.  Then of course Nina comes up there too. 

Jason left 25 percent to each son and half to a woman who was already rich and married to Sonny when Jason died? WTH just when I thought Jason couldn't sink lower with his putting Carly over his children. He actually had it writing that Carly is worth more. 

Willow is already out from being a nurse. That was fast. Michael will just put her on a board for charity like a rich wife. 

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I remained on Nina's side through all of the crap about her today. She fired a guy with multiple complaints and repainted the 4th floor bathrooms in a neutral color? Shut up Olivia. And while she tries too hard, way to be graceless assholes Willow and Michael. 

And now Willow wants to stay home with the kids? A perfectly reasonable thing to do obviously. But she just finished nursing school. It feels gross. Hoping all this smug marrieds crap with them is prelude to a major blowup. Because all I want to do now is punch both of them. Their scenes are I think the first I have fast forwarded since the new regime took over.

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14 minutes ago, Daisy said:

I will say I am sorry that i phrased it the way I said or made assumptions.  that wasn't my intention at all. I should have realized y'all meant Willow's utter lack of personality outside of being Michael's screw toy.

It’s cool, I got where you’re coming from. IRL, I don’t disparage SAHMs or ladies of leisure at all and think it’s a valid choice if that’s what they want to do. However, I don’t think it works for a soap character unless said character is maybe over 60 and has adult children and grandchildren to fuss over. Jobs provide ways to insert them in stories and allow them to interact with characters they might not otherwise talk to.

There’s no story in Willow listening to Michael talk about his day and her very young children can only give her so much to do onscreen. Unless a kid gets extremely sick, kidnapped or stuck in the middle of a tense custody battle, they don’t have much in the way of storyline potential for their parents until they reach their teen years. 

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Willow was a real asshole to Nina today.   She can forgive everyone, including murderers, but not her own mother.   I can't feel sorry for her for being manipulated by her idiot husband because she's practically begging to be treated as a trophy wife/doormat.

Speaking of assholes, Jason left CARLY more of his estate than his own kids?  That is what they call a dick move in any language.

And about those assholes in abundance today, nice rewrite of history, Diane.  Nina didn't "swoop in" and essentially steal the MC from Carly.  She actually tried to fucking give it back to her, but Miss Independent (insert laugh track) wouldn't accept. 


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Wow, I’ve been feeling the Nina/Drew chemistry for a while now, but today was LIGHTNING fast. I could have imagined their first time being hate sex, but not this fast. The scenes kind of made no sense right from the beginning. It kind of felt like they had an old Carly/Jason script, scratched out their names, and put Nina and Drew’s name in their place. The way she barged into his office and started sharing her pain and expecting sympathy. They have nowhere near established that sort of a relationship, so it felt off. Then she pivots to her crazy “ put me on the Aurora board” idea. The turn the scene took after the ridiculous way Drew’s shirt came off was also whiplash-inducing.

And, yet, screw it!

That was hot! My God, that body! How does he look more ripped than when he was half that age? I can’t exactly blame Nina for her brain leaving the station and her hormones taking over.

Let people on Twitter froth at the mouth. I don’t think they’re helping their cause by giving the TPTB what they want - a reaction. 

I think Olivia’s walk on whine fest and Diane spilling the beans to Jason about how Carly lost the Metro Court could be setting up Carly getting her half of the Metro Court back.

Maybe I’ve watched too many Lifetime movies, but I felt like it was possible Jagger set up his beating so Carly could witness it and try to help - so she could let her guard down. Those scenes felt as lightning fast as Nina and Drew’s sex scene. Carly being so worried about him and refusing to leave. I just don’t buy it. I don’t how they expect a Jagger/Carly pairing could work. Even if he were willing to play second fiddle to Jason constantly, I can’t buy Carly being okay with dating a cop - an FBI agent. Even if he promised to never go after Jason or Sonny, I just don’t see it.

I really hate the idea of Willow quitting nursing. This on top of Josslyn considering quitting going to med school. I know that a lot of people weren’t happy with that direction for Joss, but I like the idea of more younger generation characters wanting to work at GH. I know we have a lot of doctor characters already, but on a show called GH we should have more characters in the medical field - not less.



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Nina has always been unstable, histrionic and done stupid shit. That's who Nina is, long before Sonny entered her life or even before the recast. She's nuts and I generally have little use for the character. So everything she did and said today, to Drew and everyone else was very on brand IMO. He is right about one thing, she is a spoiled and mercurial heiress. What I don't have time for is the 2 Minutes Hate that she has gotten over the past couple years just because the writers' room clearly resented that Maurice wanted to be paired with her. Nina may be a crazy fool but it's just boring and bizarre to watch the whole canvas go at her for months on end for paltry shit. And frankly CW is a better and more entertaining actor than most of those people. Nor will I lament the loss of Sonny/Nina, a deeply mid pairing where the primary entertainment value was watching the rest of the canvas lose their minds about it while Watros worked to keep Maurice awake.

Nor am I going to blame all of that on Korte because of the stuff people spin up about her that I already covered a page or two ago. The fact is the writing only began to take a turn for Nina in a better direction when Mulcahey and Korte took over the HW duties - the Nina hate could be partly her, it could not be but it's because of this new team we have days like last week's shows or the much more engaging new Drew/Nina interplay of the recent tenure (for me, anyway). Drew no longer glowers at her like Jason Voorhees thinking about how her hot blood would taste in his gullet! It's an upgrade!

Honestly both these actors could be pinkslipped. The only thing that interests me re: keeping either of these characters on the show atm is that they're hotter and more engaging together than almost anything else preexisting on the canvas that I am watching. They're both crazy hot messes with too much money and time on their hands. So I'm here for it. But I do hope instead of concocting more crazy schemes to make the Good People love her, Nina turns around and tells Willow off next. I'm sick of that little prude.

Edited by jsbt
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42 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Let people on Twitter froth at the mouth. I don’t think they’re helping their cause by giving the TPTB what they want - a reaction.

Ding ding ding. Yup. If they're talking they're watching.

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I’m not sure I like what they are doing to do with MW. I’m guessing she’s being blackmailed but her standing serving Sonny alcohol 🥃 should be given to an extra or under five. Now, she’s lurking all around Sonny’s apartment all day doing god knows what. She deserves better. That said, I did think it was funny when Kristina was like, WTH is going on here? 

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10 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Then Diane blaming Nina for ruining Carly's life and "taking" her hotel, whilst praising Carly as being so super strong and resillient (It's pretty easy to be resilliant when others bail you out of every one of your problems and fuck ups your entire adult life).

"Astonishingly resilient" is the new "brave and strong and loves with her whole heart."

(...not just a part of it!) 

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Ugh -- gag me with an Egyptian cotton shirt.  Not a fan of hate sex.  Never understood how people who don't like each other can stand being that close to each other.  I wish they had taken it slower and had them warm up to each other over time (but not too much time). That's hotter to me.

Speaking of gagging, I hope Millow choke on their chocolate mousse. I felt so bad for Nina when she took back the champagne and said she would cancel everything.  They really are setting Willow up to be the new Lila (charity work).  But Lila would never have been so rude.  And Michael, you will NEVER come anywhere near Edward as the patriarch of the Quartermaines. Please don't try.

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I just feel that having an entire episode where everyone is talking about Carly and Nina, and Carly is portrayed as brave and strong and "stunningly resilient", while telling lies.  Absolute lies.  Diane telling Jason that Carly lost the hotel due to one word "Nina", is such a blatant lie.  Nina had nothing to do with Carly losing the hotel.  Carly lost it because she made a bad investment.  Period.  That bad investment ended up being due to insider trading.  Which is also illegal, but at the time it was just a bad investment the writers didn't even seem to know that it was insider trading until later.  So what did Nina have to do with that?  Can anyone tell me?

So we have juxtaposed writing.  Everyone bashing Nina (she painted a bathroom!) while fluffing Carly.  How can anyone say this isn't agenda writing?  This is not character driven writing.  This is agenda writing.  How is this good writing?  

It's not right to blame Korte?  That's fine.  It's Patrick AND Korte.  And it's bad, agenda shipping writing.  

With a strong message; If you don't want to see Carly getting her ass licked every show, then this show isn't for you.

Message received. 

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1 hour ago, CeChase said:

So what did Nina have to do with that?  Can anyone tell me?


if Nina didn't buy the hotel, eventually Olivia would have been able to gift it to Carly instead.  that's all i've got

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I’m glad it wasn’t just me: for the last ~2 weeks, I’ve looked forward to watching and had even stopped multitasking while watching.  About 10 minutes in to yesterday, I was “eh, I’ll start cooking and leave it running.”  

The writers’ avoiding a year of twice-weekly bickering between Nina and Drew before their hate sex is welcome, though it surely does feel like pacing whiplash.  And while the longer scenes generally work, two minutes at a time of Michael/Willow just feels like an eternity.

Are we supposed to know or care who Pierce is?  That whole thing felt like TPTB told the writers “we’re not hating on Nina enough, please add some gratuitous filler.”  

On the bright side, I’m glad they’re apparently setting up some Jason/Sonny conflict and thought that makeup did a good job with John’s beat-down.

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49 minutes ago, mbluecpa said:

And while the longer scenes generally work, two minutes at a time of Michael/Willow just feels like an eternity.

That's what happens when a bland couple has nothing to talk about. They ran out of conversation after Nina took the champagne and left, then decided to throw flowers at each other. You're the best, no you're the bestest. Enough to make the sanest person contemplate doing bad things.

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And of course Wiley picked out the perfect anniversary present. GAG. I sent my parents cards on their anniversaries, especially the big ones, but that's one event in their lives that has absolutely nothing to do with me. Why is that kid still being shoved into things he doesn't need to be anywhere near? We already know he's a genius at every level of life. /deepest sarcasm.

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You know, as much effort as they’ve taken to make Michael the lead of his age group, he and Willow are pretty isolated from their peers. They’ve made Cody/Sasha new bffs with Maxie and Spinelli so we saw them regularly interacting and BL was working with Sasha and Maxie so they were always together. Kristina and Michael were close as teens but they’ve pretty much dropped that relationship while she’s always around her other relatives. Michael and Willow are mainly around their much older relatives or alone save the big group events. 

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LOL. Carly was in nursing school for five minutes. It makes absolutely no sense that she's suddenly so invested in Wagger's recovery. I can see her taking him back to the MetroCourt and giving him some ice and ibuprofen, but after that? No.

Carly whining about the drop in quality of the MetroCourt is pretty funny, considering Olivia is still supposed to be a partner. She can't order new ice machines?

Drew, "Michael's child" is also Nina's grandson, not some rando kid.

I wanted Jason to call Sonny's bluff and tell him, "Okay, take me out," and then Jason gets rid of everyone Sonny sends after him, because Jason is the only halfway competent hit man Sonny has had. Or the guys Sonny sends after him don't want to get rid of Jason because they like him better than Sonny. Heh.

Of course Curtis goes from a wheelchair to walking with no use of a cane. And his going on about how he's doing it all for his family, when he spent so much time whining about his limitations. Ugh.


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13 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Okay, take me out," and then Jason gets rid of everyone Sonny sends after him,

Which would consist of Frank and that's about it.  Dex is gone and Brick isn't an enforcer.  "Uhm Milo, I know you're retired and selling real estate in San Fransisco but I have a job for you.  Or Max"


13 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Of course Curtis goes from a wheelchair to walking with no use of a cane

Hey now, he used a cane for 6 minutes a week from last Tuesday.   

Edited by perkie1968
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15 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Of course Curtis goes from a wheelchair to walking with no use of a cane. And his going on about how he's doing it all for his family, when he spent so much time whining about his limitations. Ugh.


Good Lord. Even Luke put in much more time when he gained the use of his legs after that avalanche. Then again, it was a different era, with better, more common sense writers.

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Ah, so Ava is not messing with Sonny’s meds though it was kind of dumb for her to take a pill to sleep when it wasn’t her prescription. I also have no idea if the drowsiness part kicks in right away when the mood stabilizer part takes a few weeks to do so. The scenes do suggest Ava will be the one to figure out Sonny’s meds have been altered 

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I really hate this triumphant, whiny AF Curtis. I feel like the writers decided to rush through it to be done with it. So thank you for putting me out of my misery, I guess??

I hate that Carly's nose is everywhere. Just leave the guy be, Carly. Take your magic cooch and get.

It seems like Ava has nothing to do with tempering with Sonny's meds. I have no idea what her role is, what the writers have planned for her. She's just there, twisting in the wind.

Blaze and Kristina are boring. It seems like they just keep talking about the same things. I'm assuming her personal life will be splashed across the pages of The Invader soon enough.

Sonny and Jason. Reminded me of this:


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The whole Curtis story is an affront to people actually living full lives in a wheelchair. Today he tells Portia he would still be stuck in the chair feeling sorry for himself if it wasn't for her getting him into the clinical trial. (She probably bumped some other person off the list). And of course, Curtis' "manhood" is back in full effect now that he can walk to the bedroom. It's like the message is that his life had little value while he was in the wheelchair.

I simply can't bear the total absurdity that is Carly Nightingale. 🤢  Like she's not going to go home to Donna and is gonna sleep in a fucking chair all night to look after a fed she doesn't like when Jason is around. She's just selfless that way. 

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13 minutes ago, TVbitch said:


I simply can't bear the total absurdity that is Carly Nightingale. 🤢  Like she's not going to go home to Donna and is gonna sleep in a fucking chair all night to look after a fed she doesn't like when Jason is around. She's just selfless that way. 

Absolutely ludicrous, agenda-pushing writing. 

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The worst part about those Carly/John scenes is that that set-up?  Would actually be a fun way to start a new couple...if it was anyone but Carly.  Having to listen to her brag about nursing school, her abilities, how much better the hotel was when she owned it, was like nails on a chalkboard.

With all the Kristina comments about not trusting her, it feels like Ava is going to figure out about the pills but rather than tell Sonny, use it to her advantage.  Guess that'll give her something to do other than get him a drink...

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The newly coined "Carly Nightingale" is the best thing to come out of GH today. Thanks for that, @TVbitch!

I did enjoy Laura and Kevin.  It's always so refreshing to see a mature, supportive relationship portrayed. 



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