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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Carly can do no wrong or suffer any real consequences for her actions and Esme is back to being a psycho. The show's real writers are back with a vengeance. I miss the scab writers already.

Lois needs to be gone a month ago. Between this version of her and Carly, they embody the traits I most dislike in my sex.

Wasn't Cyrus the one who arranged to have Drew beat up? Why is he nagging Nina to admit to Sonny that she told the SEC? It would make more sense for Cyrus to tell Sonny himself  since he hates Sonny.

Esme's story would be more interesting if she remembered who she was and instead of going back to that person, Esme realizes the changed person she was when people like Laura and Alexis helped her and struggles with who she wants to be.

22 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Oh, Ned. You had a chance to blow Michael out of the water and you didn't take it. And Carly saying Ned was looking out for himself and wanted power. So was she!

Carly's entire history is wanting power. But she's so self-delusional, she doesn't see it.  The show would be much more interesting if she did see it and owned it.

5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Are we sticking Alexis with a man who has had a death sentence pronounced upon him? That seems hardly fair after the murder of Dr. Neil.

She is going to develop a Black Widow reputation.

3 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Lois and Olivia being bffs has never made the slightest bit of sense to me because that would mean she knew about Dante’s existence and never suspected he was Sonny’s. 

So much for Lois saying to Sonny "You deserve to know" in the last episode. Shut up and go away, Lois.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Honestly, I don't really have a problem with Carly/Michael/Drew etc being upset with whoever turned Drew in.  Obviously they're not going to be happy about that.  And since they think it's Ned, for whatever stupid reasons they have, I understand them not liking him.

The problem isn't that someone called the SEC, it's that they think they've done nothing wrong because there was no merger and no one lost any money. As we've repeatedly mentioned, it doesn't matter. It was still insider trading! And why has no one pointed out that if the doofi had done nothing wrong, there wouldn't have been any charges filed?

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I want to know what is up with Cyrus.  The writers need to pick a lane.  He's got good blackmail material, but all he's going to do is spout, "The truth will set you free."?  And he got this info sneaking into a confessional, so how pious is that?

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My take is that the audience knows that Cyrus has had no religious redemption, but in order to maintain the appearance that he has to the folks in Port Charles, he has to have Nina confess to Sonny. That way, Sonny can be hurt, but Cyrus can't be blamed.

Edited by rur
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I wish the writers had the will (and the skill) to write Esme struggling with her 'split' personality. Should she be good or should she go back to being the psycho she was before? There was actual tension in the scene in the cemetery, in front of her father's grave. 

Now, *that* would be a worthwhile story to tell - and it would give Avery Pohl the kind of material that she excels in!

Unfortunately, I have no hope of that ever happening :(


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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

The problem isn't that someone called the SEC, it's that they think they've done nothing wrong because there was no merger and no one lost any money. As we've repeatedly mentioned, it doesn't matter. It was still insider trading! And why has no one pointed out that if the doofi had done nothing wrong, there wouldn't have been any charges filed?

I know.  That was my point.  They're acting like they're all clean and lily white and that Ned (or if they Nina) was the sole reason Drew went to prison.  That' what bugs me.  However, I, of course, wouldn't expect them to be happy about whoever turned them in.

Like, when I was a kid my sister told on me for something and I got in trouble.  I was mad at my sister. No doubt about it.  But, at no point in time did I think getting in trouble wasn't my own stupid fault.

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4 hours ago, Katy M said:

And, I'm sure she'll back out at the last second, or they'll get interrupted, but I really wish Lois does just tell Sonny.  I don't care if it's "none of her business." 

I think the returning writers kept Lois around solely for the Big Reveal. This way, the Beans will be spilled with no real repercussions for the series regulars. Her still being around makes no sense otherwise. Plus, with that " I know who really turned Carly and Drew into the feds" line there's absolutely NO way our Sonny will let anyone stop Lois from finishing the statement...unless Nina herself somehow rushes in and fesses up. Either way, this ludicrous S/L starts to wrap up.

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6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Esme's story would be more interesting if she remembered who she was and instead of going back to that person, Esme realizes the changed person she was when people like Laura and Alexis helped her and struggles with who she wants to be.

I was/am hoping this would be the story for Esme. Much more interesting for her to come to terms with her previously "evil" self while trying to be a better person, and most importantly, wanting to be that better person.

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4 hours ago, ljr said:

Why are Lois and Olivia reminding about going to clubs?Olivia was a teenage mother.

I guess they were girls who "bloomed early" and had fake IDs to go with their "clubbing" makeovers. :-)

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2 hours ago, KittyQ said:

I guess they were girls who "bloomed early" and had fake IDs to go with their "clubbing" makeovers. :-)

Real early because Olivia was 15 when she had Dante.

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18 hours ago, ljr said:

Why are Lois and Olivia reminding about going to clubs?

Olivia and Lois were besties as teens! The show is trying to drum up fake drama about Olivia being worried that Lois is still interested in Ned decades after their divorce.

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I found it bizarre that Sonny yelled at Michael for like 20 minutes about not telling him, and asking how long he knew, etc, before asking who.  Like how was that other information more important than knowing who?   but, at least now we can all get on with our lives. 

I wonder if anybody will fill Drew and Carly in or if they'll just go on blaming Ned for the rest of the ir lives.  Or will it still be Ned's fault because reasons.  So, they can have their cake (blaming Ned) and eat it, too (blaming Nina).

Are they going to make Drew all ragey and abusive, because that conversation made it look like that's where this might be headed.

I wish the call to Carly re Bobbie dying hadn't been mixed up with Drew coming back.  That deserved its own moment.


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Drew complaining about spending months in prison.

First, you have only yourself to blame for that one. Go bark up a different tree, buddy. Second, too bad they didn't throw away the key. You are useless, Drewfus.

Sonny sure is slow to the uptake and doesn't seem to have two brain cells to rub together.

Lois's NYE outfit is an absolute wreck.

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12 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I wish the call to Carly re Bobbie dying hadn't been mixed up with Drew coming back.  That deserved its own moment.

I agree. It was also weird to have the announcement was followed by no preview scenes but fun Holiday music accompanying the year-end credits.

RS was really rocking that weird NYE outfit but her makeup was more House of Horrors. I hope this is not how the visit of a legacy character ends, because that’s quite damning.

They really milked that “Nina did it” thing. Never saw someone take so long to meet up w/ her SO on NYE.

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On 12/30/2023 at 4:53 PM, Katy M said:

I know.  That was my point.  They're acting like they're all clean and lily white and that Ned (or if they Nina) was the sole reason Drew went to prison.  That' what bugs me.  However, I, of course, wouldn't expect them to be happy about whoever turned them in.

Like, when I was a kid my sister told on me for something and I got in trouble.  I was mad at my sister. No doubt about it.  But, at no point in time did I think getting in trouble wasn't my own stupid fault.

To be fair, no one has ever praised Carly, Michael or recast Drew for being smart or educated to the point of acknowledging you know, reality and the law. I think Michael and Carly have a semester of college between them. Sonny's attorney, Diane, has always made sure the Corinthos Family didn't have to deal with legal consequences of their choices. The one time they did, and Michael went to prison, Carly blamed Dante and paid Brooklyn to seduce her then-childhood friend, current stepbrother, away from Lulu in order to punish Dante and Lulu for their "lack of loyalty" to Carly's family.

I look at Olivia and think, a real mother would think Sonny and Carly were trash for all eternity over almost killing Dante and then trying to destroy his relationship. 

Also - is this "old friendship" between Lois and Olivia a re-write of the past? I remember all references to the past were about "Olivia and cousin Connie" and Olivia being a devoted mother at 15. I thought Lois and Olivia knew of each other but were hardly besties.  

My guess, manufactured drama because RS and WK still have fantastic chemistry, much more so than LL and WK.  I always get the impression that Olivia wants to be part of the Q Family for her son's sake, not because she really loves Ned or values being around his family. In my opinion, she proved this every time she was upset with Ned and tried to flirt with/ throw herself at Robert.

It made me laugh because after being in relationships with Anna and Holly, why on God's green earth would he ever want you, "Liv"? 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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First tempMaxie, now tempSam? Unfortunately vacation timing?

"You haven't told me anything yet, Lois!" Heh. But then it takes the rest of the show for someone to finally tell Sonny who did call the SEC.

Olivia, it was your drunken big mouth that caused the reveal, so your outrage is a bit much here. And since when does Olivia think ELQ is the bee's knees? She hates it, except for providing her a lifestyle to which she's become accustomed.

"I'm a grown man." Oh, Drewfus. When you have to say it out loud, it undercuts the point.

56 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I wish the call to Carly re Bobbie dying hadn't been mixed up with Drew coming back.  That deserved its own moment.

Same, but I like that Carly got the rug pulled out from under her. It's long past time something didn't go her way, and this time no one can fix it for her.

37 minutes ago, Desperado said:

fun Holiday music accompanying the year-end credits

That music was an unfortunate juxtaposition with the final scene of Carly learning that Bobbie had died. Friday's ep would have been a better choice for that.

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Drew, Ned isn't the reason you went to prison. Nina isn't either. You and Carly are the reasons. Heaven forbid they do more than lipservice to breaking the law.

I am so tired of this whole SEC storyline and the sword over Nina's head. If you don't know the law on insider trading, you shouldn't be allowed to run a company.

My eyes!  I had to mute the Carly/Drew scenes. Post Pentonville Drew is even worse than Life Coach Drew. They've really ruined BM's Drew.

Sam/Dante was a total snooze. Yes it's okay to make decisions for your child

18 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I found it bizarre that Sonny yelled at Michael for like 20 minutes about not telling him, and asking how long he knew, etc, before asking who

That was so obviously to get a cliffhanger for the end of the show. Bad writing.

37 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

It made me laugh because after being in relationships with Anna and Holly, why on God's green earth would he ever want you, "Liv"? 

Why would he want one with Diane, and yet the show is pushing it. At least Olivia has some kind of moral compass; Diane has none.

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18 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

First tempMaxie, now tempSam? Unfortunately vacation timing?

Covid?  Flu?


I don't hate Kelly Monaco, but I really like Lindsay Hartley and she had decent chemistry with Dom.  Can we dye her hair blonde and bring her back as Lulu?  

It's wierd that they're doing the Nina reveal at the same time as Bobbie's death.  One could have waited a week.  

While I hate Carly being shoved into everyone's stories, she should be front and center in Bobie's death and I think Laura will kill it.  She had me in tears in just that tiny scene we got today, though that might be more the fact that JZ is actually dead and it's not just the character.  I want to see Felicia and Maxie's reaction onscreen condering the BJ connection.  

The argument between Lois and Olivia seemed to escalate rather quickly.  

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Drew "blew up" the Australia deal and now he's come to the realization that he's been "too nice"? He really shouldn't be in business. He's also now decided that it is all Ned's fault that he went to Pentonville. Did he catch Esme's amnesia? :-)

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39 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

That was so obviously to get a cliffhanger for the end of the show. Bad writing.

Yeah, I know it was to draw it out.  But, it was ridiculous. The why didn't you tell me almost always follow the what didn't you tell me.  Considering this is what Sonny considers vital information (I don't, but Sonny does) it made no sense that he was patient to get to that while being mad that he didn't have it.

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

It's wierd that they're doing the Nina reveal at the same time as Bobbie's death.  One could have waited a week.  

ITA.  Why drop two bombs at the same time? 

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I saw a plot summary for later in the week that


Carly spirals out of control after getting her bad news about Bobbie. So maybe the two bombshells will be linked in that EITHER she goes even more apeshit than she normally would when she finds out about Nina, OR everyone keeps it from her because of her bad news and spiraling behavior. If it's the latter, the secret would still have "legs" (in the show's mind -- not for the audience.) 


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10 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Why drop two bombs at the same time? 

So people can feel even more sorry for Carly. First she finds out her mother is dead, and now this? Will Nina never stop persecuting her?

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Maybe they are doing both at the same time so Sonny and Carly can have totally nauseating betrayal/grief sex. Isn't it about that time?

Carly will probably say at the funeral that if her mother could be there with them today ...she would despise Nina, too. 


Edited by TVbitch
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3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Drew complaining about spending months in prison.


Drew: Carly!! I will defend you by going to prison so you don't have to go because Donna needs you because we can't have Nina around Donna at all, regardless of the fact that you know Donna adores Nina. SHE is Evul!! What is that? I have a Daughter? Well it's okay, even though i spent months trying to have Scout remember me it's totally fine that I will in fact be gone for another 2+ years so she can have fond memories in Jail!!

Also Drew: Boohoo I spent months in prison how unfair this is! I had thought the judge would have been impressed with me defending Carly who is so strongandbraveandloveswithherwholeheart!

shut up fool. 

as everyone is saying this stupid SEC thing is taking the cake,and truthfully it's just more of the same gaslighting why i stopped watching. so everyone knows now?

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I'm shocked the show didn't have "Jingle Bell Rock" over the closing credits, given how tone deaf they always are.

Am I supposed to care about Olivia and Lois's friendship being in jeopardy?  Maybe Lois will draw the short card and have to become Carly's new bestie, since I'm sure Carly will be pissed that Lois knew about "the rat" and didn't tell her.

Where is the show going with the Angry!Drew angle?  The right answer is "nowhere good."

Can't wait for the 12 seconds that Willow is angry with Michael for keeping the truth from her.  Then she'll turn back into the nasty asshole who told Nina to drop dead.  happy New Year!

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Lol they’re really going to have Sonny go after Nina for her “betrayal” when nothing happened to Carly and he doesn’t care about Drew yet he’s not going to find out that Michael plotted for a year to put him in prison, Joss found out and was all for it, and while Carly didn’t support it, she also kept it a secret from him and insisted that said plant still work for Sonny. Something tells me that if he heard both sorrows, one would leave him feeling a million times more betrayed but what do I know?

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Now that the geriatric cat is out of the bag, will they ever tell us what Harmony was warning Willow about in her dreams?

Edited by ciarra
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Who did Lois think was Dante's father?  She's so self righteous on the truth to tell secrets that didn't have to do with her.  Olivia needs to tell her to go. 

So Drew the best business man lost it on the board members?

I like new Sam better than old Sam.  I hope she and Portia get a scene together.  

Drew is ranting about Ned still.  Ned didn't commit crimes, Drew also took the rap for Carly.  He is the reason he was there. 

Sonny is acting like he was the one wronged.  

Michael loves him? Tell him the truth about plotting against him for a year. 

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Lois: "I see something, I say something." Okaaaaay? So, what's the problem because that's what Nina did and it sent a criminal to prison for a crime.

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5 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

I think Nina flew to Amsterdam and killed Bobbie.  

Or it was Tracy's fault for leaving Bobbie there alone in Amsterdam to deal with Luke's affairs.

2 hours ago, ciarra said:

Now that the geriatric cat is out of the bag, will they ever tell us what Harmony was warning Willow about in her dreams?

They will probably use it to prove that Nina reporting a real crime is a worse person than Harmony kidnapping Willow and then pimping her out in a cult.😢

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3 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Lol they’re really going to have Sonny go after Nina for her “betrayal” when nothing happened to Carly and he doesn’t care about Drew yet he’s not going to find out that Michael plotted for a year to put him in prison, Joss found out and was all for it, and while Carly didn’t support it, she also kept it a secret from him and insisted that said plant still work for Sonny. Something tells me that if he heard both sorrows, one would leave him feeling a million times more betrayed but what do I know?

"well you know. I did hurt Michael, and Carly with Nina so i can see why they did that. but you Nina. you.... you.... you KNEW and you didn't trust ME... You're dead... TO ME!"

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It took numerous tries to find someone acceptable to play Molly, and the temporary Nikolas left much to be desired, but they're killing it with the temporary recasts lately. I like Temp Joss, Temp Sam, and Temp Maxie all more than the usual actresses who play those characters. I feel a little bad saying that re: Eden, knowing she's on bereavement leave. I have no idea why the other two needed time off. 

That was some classic Maurice Benard "stutter-barking" today, when Sonny was grilling Michael. It was so retro-GH that I was half-expecting him to fire a gun at a hallucination of Tamara Braun in a wedding dress.    

12 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Drew seems to be auditioning for the "hair-trigger, never-to-be-oppossed" Sonny role. I'm waiting for him to start throwing barware.

Insisting on Scout going to the school and being oblivious to her not wanting to do it, blowing up this offscreen Australian deal with an anger outburst, plus the failure of Carly/Drew to catch on with fans and what remains of soap press in the 2020s, despite a strong and prolonged push...if I didn't know better, I'd think this was the beginning of a CamMat exit storyline.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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Why does anyone care what school Sam's daughter goes to? Boring. 

And it's still icky seeing sam and Dante as a couple. They have the same brother and sister 

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12 hours ago, MollyMelrose said:

"My mother's dead."

🎶Fa la la la la la la la la🎶

Who decided cheery holiday music should follow that bombshell?

If we ever needed proof that the showrunners are absolutely, shamelessly tone deaf....

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13 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

So people can feel even more sorry for Carly. First she finds out her mother is dead, and now this? Will Nina never stop persecuting her?

This is exactly the reason.   Carly's World. 

9 hours ago, jacourt said:

Is it possible that when angry  Drew finds out about Nina he loses it and tries to hurt her?

Yes, I think this is possible.  

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I'm sorry, was I supposed to feel something at the end of yesterday's show?

Lucy, Laura, Felicia, Scotty, and Monica have MORE years of friendship/history with Bobbie than her spawn. Hell, Noah does too, but Rick's not coming to remember Bobbie-but he is going to appear on the prime time special?

But this will be allllll about the SheBeast's grief.

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3 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

If we ever needed proof that the showrunners are absolutely, shamelessly tone deaf....

to be fair. (okay no i didn't see the scene) - but that happens in media (even books) itself. you hear horrible news but ... life is going on around you. sometimes it's a bit more haunting/memorable, to hear bad news but hear/see cheerful images around that person.  because you [audience] focus in on the bad news where the person's senses usually hears/sees the joyful setting. 


46 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

But this will be allllll about the SheBeast's grief.

honestly. this would be one time where it would be warranted. It's her mother and they were close. again not holding out hope that they will ultimately do it justice. but in this small (small small) regard. i wouldn't be too mad at Carly making it about her that she lost her mother. To a point. 

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I mean, I hate Carly with the heat of 1000 suns but Bobbie was her MOTHER. Of course Carly will take center stage in the story. And while I would really like some good scenes with the rest of the vets who knew and worked with Bobbie,  I don’t really expect much.  Hopefully Ryan Carnes at least gets more than 30 seconds of screen time.

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Is it too much to hope that Nina tells Sonny (in front of Willow) how Michael has been blackmailing her since he found out she was the tipster? I really wish she knew about Michael’s original plan to take Sonny down. Willow knows but I really want Sonny to find out and then for him and Nina to join forces and take out the whole damn family. Or maybe just sue for custody of Wiley, Amelia and Donna, since Carly also knew and didn’t say anything. And I want a pony. And a house full of puppies.


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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'm sorry, was I supposed to feel something at the end of yesterday's show?

Lucy, Laura, Felicia, Scotty, and Monica have MORE years of friendship/history with Bobbie than her spawn. Hell, Noah does too, but Rick's not coming to remember Bobbie-but he is going to appear on the prime time special?

But this will be allllll about the SheBeast's grief.

I’m not surprised that Carly is going to take center stage and it does make technically sense but the Carly/Bobbie relationship didn’t interest me in the slightest and I associate it with Bobbie’s end as a main character. Also, her only storyline with Carly was with SJB’s version so I can’t imagine any interesting flashbacks. With LW‘s Carly, she basically got brought out a few times a year to either be a talk to or fill out a room at an event.

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