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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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They obviously were originally going to go in a Cassadine-controlled weather crisis, before CS and JPS had their respective conflicts and GH had to drop the action. (Remember how hot everyone was that one week in the winter?) But for the love of God, who thought it would be a better idea to relive a major outbreak, or at least the threat of one? 

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23 minutes ago, Artsda said:

People kidnapped including her aunt, but and groom's cousin yeah great time for wedding. 


I’m just picturing everyone putting the investigation on pause for a day to attend this wedding. The hostages can wait even though they include a baby, Willow’s only hope for survival, Joss’ bff, and someone who is related to half the town.   

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10 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

They obviously were originally going to go in a Cassadine-controlled weather crisis, before CS and JPS had their respective conflicts and GH had to drop the action. (Remember how hot everyone was that one week in the winter?) But for the love of God, who thought it would be a better idea to relive a major outbreak, or at least the threat of one? 

What conflicts? Other shows or personality differences?

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6 minutes ago, tessaray said:

JPS had his Disney show and iirc, CS had a surgery to recover from. 

I think Charles had a hip replacement. I wouldn’t be surprised if things like that, plus the pandemic and people getting sick, caused various storylines to be delayed

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57 minutes ago, DanaK said:

I think Charles had a hip replacement. I wouldn’t be surprised if things like that, plus the pandemic and people getting sick, caused various storylines to be delayed

That’s a possibility but they temp recasted other characters when they were out for medical issues and they couldn’t wait. It seems weird to put this one on ice for the same reason 

Edited by ffwbe
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7 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

It seems weird to put this one on ice for the same reason 


but honestly it felt like the west coast threat and everything else was all going to tie in but everything got topsy-turvy


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5 hours ago, Daisy said:
5 hours ago, ljr said:

Is Spencer going to kill obrecht? Is he threatening to hurt her to negotiate?

he's causing a distraction, to hopefully allow Sheffield to call the guards so Trina can use the radio at the... head? of the ship? (i think that's what it's called?)

@Daisy - It's the Bridge, yes?  I believe "Head" is Nautical talk for the Potty.😁

3 hours ago, jsbt said:

I get crying and being emotional throughout the Robin saga in the years when Finola first returned, but Finola has had Anna crying about a little too much about a few too many things since then. She's not the worst of it though - Valentin is. Anna will drown in his mucus before she gets a chance to recover.

I call JPS's crying expression "Diaper Rash Face."

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If Victor is suppose to be Ras al-Ghul in this storyline then I guess that means Spencer is the Batman.

I wonder just how much longer this Dex/Michael thing will keep going.  November sweeps?  Or will they just drop it altogether and have Michael forgive Sonny?

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10 hours ago, lala2 said:

Scenes like the one today with Michael and Sonny just highlight how poorly paced this show is. IMO, the writers really dropped the ball on Michael’s revenge plot. It should have happened by now. With everything going on on Michael’s life, I just can’t believe he’s still this salty about his dad falling in love with someone else. I already thought Michael was petty and pathetic for still pursuing revenge on his dad but today made that even more glaring! 

I also FFed through the Willow/Michael scenes. I don’t know who is still interested in this story, but it needs to conclude already. I’m over everything to do with Willow. 

Was DT always this low key? Curtis’s big line at the end about bringing Trina back himself if he had to was said with no urgency or emotion. It was very flatly delivered. He could have been talking about picking up a ham sandwich! 😂 BK did a good job with her material but it’s funny how much Portia underestimates her daughter! Trina is not whimpering in a corner; she’s doing stuff and figuring a way out. I love it!! I hope Taggart gets to play a role in this too! 

I pretty much FFed through everything else! lol The only interesting stuff right now is the boat stuff. Willow can die for all I care. I’m sick of her face. Her storyline has been awfully paced, and it’s turned into a joke. I was saying on some forum that this Willow crap should have lasted btw 4-6 weeks - from the moment she collapsed to her recovery. Why this crap has dragged out for months is beyond me!!

I have a feeling Trina is going to come out of this a capable, kick-ass hero, and with her man.  She's entering a new era, and Portia is going to be dumbstruck. 

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16 hours ago, Daisy said:

you mean he's still  bit too much sane about it? I get that. 

Something like that, yeah.

4 hours ago, CeChase said:

I have a feeling Trina is going to come out of this a capable, kick-ass hero, and with her man.  She's entering a new era, and Portia is going to be dumbstruck. 

Here's hoping, because I'm really tired of Portia infantilizing her daughter no matter what Trina does. I'm also really tired of Curtis strutting around like he's the Savior of the Robinson Women. Ugh. (Poor DT, though; it's not his fault Curtis has become so unlikable.)

Edited by dubbel zout
corrected name
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19 hours ago, statsgirl said:

All the scenes of Victor being a mastermind villain were so much fun. CS and KG were having so much fun with them. I bet Nichola; and TA were too.

Speaking of Alexis, shouldn't the Invader but following this case since at least 3 people have now been kidnapped?

Scenes where the actors are clearly or likely enjoying themselves are some of my favorites, and combining the vets with solid newcomers has been working very well by my take.

And yes! to Alexis.  For Jasus’ sake, she runs a newspaper AND is a Cassadine!  I saw her in the previews, but fear it’s going to be Gregory-related.  If they can’t take advantage of the newspaper angle (they surely have precedent running that into the ground with Lulu), then just retcon the disbarment and make her an attorney again.

2 hours ago, CeChase said:

I have a feeling Trina is going to come out of this a capable, kick-ass hero, and with her man.  She's entering a new era, and Portia is going to be dumbstruck. 

This is the GH in my head.  I’m not sure the writers have the subtlety to write Portia struggling with finally recognizing her daughter is an adult but that would add a good layer to their relationship. 

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Honestly, Trina can still be kick-assey and all of that, she's still going to be Portia's little girl. I mean, my mother (heck my grandmother when she was still alive) called me precious one, baby girl, sweetness etc. I got "Baby'ied" today lol because I gave my mom a bag of easter chocolate because wasn't expecting it.  And I am a lot older than 19. 

Just because terms of endearment are used or anything like that means that they are being babied or being infantalized. for a lot of people that is their love words, and actions. (and i'd argue some of that is also cultural) 

And to defend Portia here - Trina is a bit scared etc. I feel (personally) she's on a lot of adrenaline, and there is a very real possibility she could killed and I could see all of that when she was waiting for Spencer's diversion. And Portia doesn't know that Trina willingly went on the boat and she's not accounted for Victor so when you're being told three people are being kidnapped on a boat no one can find, my mind would legit go to she's tied up, blindfolded, being held by gunpoint and that is scary. also also. while they (rightly) went straight  "She must be with Victor." there's also probably also more of what if she's not and she's like in danger somewhere else. I'm not a mom  or anything  but i would have to believe if I were in that circumstances that I would think my child is scared and alone, and probably at some base level want her mom. (because if it were reversed - even when i was kicking butt backward and in heels - I'd still want my mom to hold my hand at some point). 

11 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

@Daisy - It's the Bridge, yes?  I believe "Head" is Nautical talk for the Potty.😁

ooopsies LOL

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Portia projects too many of her own insecurities onto Trina. She needs to trust that she raised Trina right as well as realize getting hurt is part of life. You don't learn much otherwise.

Far be it from me to applaud Carly's parenting, but at least she hasn't been harping to Joss about how she shouldn't be with Dex the way Portia has been with Spencer. After a certain point, she needs to zip it. It's Trina's life, not Portia's.

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Portia projects too many of her own insecurities onto Trina. She needs to trust that she raised Trina right as well as realize getting hurt is part of life. You don't learn much otherwise.

yeah and that is a flaw that she does it a lot but again even then, getting hurt is a part of life, it doesn't change the fact that a part of you would do anything to take that pain away or would want to change places or anything like that. i just feel i would be more taken aback if Portia wasn't freaking out and is all "yeah it's okay she's got this." vs. how she reacted. that's all.

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It would help if someone like Ava heard about what's happening and could say to Portia, "Look, you raised a great daughter. Trina is resourceful and brave. She'll do everything she can to get away without getting hurt." But instead we get Curtis, who's more concerned with his bloated ego than what Portia needs right how.

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I might’ve missed something, but has Victor disowned Nik in any way? If not, he’s just satisfied that he left town and didn’t look for him to be part of his Evil Plan?

GF looks good in the B&W with matching earrings, but I wish they didn’t put her in an immense shirt with huge white flowers.

OMG, Maxie! The new hair and makeup look is fabulous! 😍

Edited by Desperado
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Brook and Sasha on GH yesterday to Willow: "We'll take care of arranging your tomorrow wedding."

Brook on GH today: "Maxie, you're planning Willow's tomorrow wedding."


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I guess we're just supposed to accept that no one can locate the Haunted Star? Even though radar should detect it regardless of whether it has a transponder?Okay, Show.

I had to laugh that Jordan was getting shirty with Laura about not knowing about the whole plan. As if Jordan would have done a better job!

58 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Spencer: Imma gonna kill Lisel
Victor: okay have fun

Lisel and Spencer: What?!

the faces killed me.

I loved how Victor sat back in his comfy chair and enjoyed his cup of coffee. And KG's expression—"You'll let this boy kill me?!"—was very funny. This is more of what I want to see.

Maxie's hair color looks great. I think it's closer to KSt's natural shade.

I can't believe we're still hearing about Chase's review board. I think this has lasted longer than Cam's community service. 

"I just pray that this nightmare will be over soon." As do I, Portia, but if the wedding is going to drag on forever, I fear this will, too.

LOL that Ambrose (or whoever that guard was) ostentatiously chomped on a strawberry after Victor threatened to starve Spencer. More of that, please!

And about that threat: Why not just throw Spencer into the ocean at this point? It's pretty clear he's going to be uncooperative. Cut your losses, Victor!  Liesl should be on a short leash as well, but I think she's easier to control because her ego/scientific curiosity could get the better of her and she'll be less stubborn.

I had to laugh at Monday's preview showing Joss telling Michael that Sonny knows about her and Dex. HE DOESN'T CARE! What is Joss's point here?

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Although I think it will take a little bit for me to get used to it, Maxie's darker hair looks better than what it has been for last five years or so. If it was just a little bit lighter, it would look perfect.

I also like Alexis wearing jeans to the office.

It's great that Trina knew Portia's number by heart. In this day and age of cellphones, the only numbers I know are my childhood home phone number and the number at my office.

Why does Jordan need her tech people to figure out the coordinates. Freaking use google. And even after they do that, the PCPD can't do much except sending that information to another government agency that will be able to go after Victor. It's not like Dante and maybe a newly returned to the force Chase will be able to fly down to Venezuela to arrest Victor.

Dumb Trina. You took the walkie-talkie. 


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Maxie's idea of having Chase sing at the Carlys wedding. First, WTF! Second, she should have been struck by lightning for even suggesting it. Who in the hell sings are the wedding of people who cheated on him? All the resentment that Chase feels toward BL, he should channel toward Willow and Michael instead.

KSt's hair will take some getting used to. It was a bit jarring. 

Trina was doing so well until she decided to steal the walkie. Why, show? We know she's not dumb, so thanks for the contrived plot point that will keep Spencer in line.

Spencer is very short-sighted. He became expendable the second Ace was born. Why have a 20 year old pain the ass who questions everything Victor does when there's a baby Vic can raise and mold into whatever he wants? 

That said, the Obrecht/Spencer/Victor were very entertaining.

I think it sucks that they kept NLG out of this Cassadine storyline. Instead she's there propping Gregory and his sikrit illness.

Curtis: My daughter.

Shut the fuck up, Curtis. You and your entitled ass. Trina has a father who is of course conveniently absent, so that you may shimmy into this storyline, take over Portia's storyline and behave like a general prick.  

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I don’t think Trina took the walkie talkie, it appears she left it on top of a piece of equipment (instead of with the other walkie talkies) and then picked up her own phone

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55 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I think it sucks that they kept NLG out of this Cassadine storyline. Instead she's there propping Gregory and his sikrit illness.


They had to -- she was already talking about the Coast Guard and other ways of finding the yacht. They can't let her get near Jordan!

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4 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

So Trina and Olbrecht are still in their Nurses Ball gowns? Maybe they can borrow some of Ace's clothes, he's about a ladies size 6 by now, right? 


No, Dr O changed into something that Victor had provided for her.

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This Victor story is giving me flashbacks to Luke and Laura’s Ice Princess caper in the early 80s. Given the Laura flashback on the Haunted Star that we recently had among other things, it seems the show wants us to feel the nostalgia as well

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3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Maxie's idea of having Chase sing at the Carlys wedding. First, WTF! Second, she should have been struck by lightning for even suggesting it. Who in the hell sings are the wedding of people who cheated on him? All the resentment that Chase feels toward BL, he should channel toward Willow and Michael instead.

This is insanity. It better not fucking happen. 

1 hour ago, DanaK said:

This Victor story is giving me flashbacks to Luke and Laura’s Ice Princess caper in the early 80s. Given the Laura flashback on the Haunted Star that we recently had among other things, it seems the show wants us to feel the nostalgia as well

I wasn’t watching then,  but seeing Trina in her dress makes me think of a scene I’ve seen where Laura was in a gown or something holding a rifle? Wondering if we’ll get a similar scene. Who am I kidding? They’ll give that scene to Joss. 🙄

Edited by DanaMB
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I see Alexis had a flashback this episode that had Gregory telling Alexis he was sick. I don’t recall this scene so it may have been part of a news interruption and I failed to catch up. For those who saw it, did he say what his specific illness was?

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6 minutes ago, DanaK said:

I see Alexis had a flashback this episode that had Gregory telling Alexis he was sick. I don’t recall this scene so it may have been part of a news interruption and I failed to catch up. For those who saw it, did he say what his specific illness was?

No he did not.

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Today showed why Victor didn't bother with Alexis and her daughter's.  Victor stole a boat with Spencer and Ace, yet Alexis & Sam are chatting about Cody and Greg? Alexis at least should be more concerned for Spencer and looking for him, like how Curtis and Portia are worried. 

Curtis tells Trina they'll notice the phone missing, so her great idea is to take something else they'll notice missing?

Jordan seems still pathetic over Curtis, he's worried and desperate to save his daughter/step-daughter and Jordans all "if anything happens to you.."




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"Trina, you're on speaker".  Let's waste time announcing who is here, like a Zoom meeting, only without the video. 

So for punishment for betrayal, Victor sent Spencer to bed without supper?  Ruthless. 

At least Valentin isn't snotting up my screen today.  Send Laura and Curtis and have Vanna sit this one out.

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14 hours ago, DanaK said:

I don’t think Trina took the walkie talkie, it appears she left it on top of a piece of equipment (instead of with the other walkie talkies) and then picked up her own phone

I think that was the satellite phone she left on top of the other equipment and she did take a walkie. But I don’t know why she thinks they wouldn’t notice that. 

The Haunted Star scenes have been so fun! I’m a Sprina fan so seeing them have this kind of adventure romance story after the long build up to their getting together is fantastic and both actors are selling it perfectly. Also love the looks between Obrecht and Spencer when Victor announced his planned genocide. Dr O knows Trina is on board so she knew Spencer’s grabbing her was part of a plan. All good fun, and I don’t need to think too hard about whether or not it makes actual sense. 

I’m mostly ffwding through everything else, but deeply disappointed to see Willow is still not dead. This show keeps threatening me with a good time and then not delivering. 

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39 minutes ago, racked said:

Dr O knows Trina is on board


I have been ff alot so I missed that part and was wondering if Spencer was just going to whisper in her ear, because, for sure, Obrecht could take Spencer down.

I am enjoying this adventure too, super soapy, at least the actors are good and it is advancement of a storyline but we need more giant baby sightings,  I don't want to miss his award preteen phase  😆

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2 hours ago, racked said:

I think that was the satellite phone she left on top of the other equipment and she did take a walkie. But I don’t know why she thinks they wouldn’t notice that. 


13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Curtis tells Trina they'll notice the phone missing, so her great idea is to take something else they'll notice missing?

In Trina's defence, there were 8789 walkies sitting there, so it would have been likelier that they wouldn't notice one missing.  I don't know why all the walkies were in the comms room in the first place.  Don't the minions need them to talk to each other?  Serves no purpose if one guy has one and all the others are sitting on the counter.  


2 hours ago, Blackie said:
2 hours ago, racked said:

Dr O knows Trina is on board


I have been ff alot so I missed that part and was wondering if Spencer was just going to whisper in her ear, because, for sure, Obrecht could take Spencer down.

Liesl saw Trina peeking around the corner before Trina found Spencer in his room on the first day.  Liesl reacted with surprise and shock when Spencer first grabbed her but then almost immediately calmed down, so I want to believe she knew he was creating a diversion and went along with it.  

Edited by perkie1968
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13 hours ago, Artsda said:

Victor stole a boat with Spencer and Ace, yet Alexis & Sam are chatting about Cody and Greg?

Sam and Alexis breifly discussed the Victor stuff first.  Sam mentioned how busy Dante was with the investigation Iin an annoyed tone, how dare he be working so much) and then they turned to Cody which then turned into Gregory since I'm guessing they're going to ramp up the Gregory/Alexis stuff along with the Chase/BLQ stuff that people are waiting with bated breath for (rolls eyes!)

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19 hours ago, Daisy said:

trina was dumbs and took the walkie-talkie and now they know that. 

Yes, what good is a walkie talkie with one person.  She could hear Victor's minions over it, perhaps?  But only if they don't notice one missing, otherwise they won't use it.  Maybe there's more to this plan. 

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2 minutes ago, Kim0820 said:

es, what good is a walkie talkie with one person.  She could hear Victor's minions over it, perhaps?

I guess she can use it to pin point their location so she can stay hidden, but at the same time if she has it turned on to listen to them, then they'll hear it echoing and find her.  

Or she'll use it to listen to their plan, their destination, so that if she gets her hands on the satellite phone again, she can call Portia again.  

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

Don't the minions need them to talk to each other?  Serves no purpose if one guy has one and all the others are sitting on the counter.  

I'm enjoying the Haunted Star scenes a lot, but I think I would enjoy them even more if there was a subplot centering on the one by the book henchman who spends the entire time bitching about how the others are making everyone's job harder by not following protocol.

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19 hours ago, nilyank said:

Maxie's darker hair looks better than what it has been for last five years or so.

The character comes across well in small doses and as a side-kick (e.g., Robin/oldLulu).  She has been doing heavy-duty lifting for the past five years in most of her scenes with the Michael/Willow/Sasha/Chase generation.  The weight gain and her appearance - ymmv - is window-dressing compared to the severe generational problem resulting with an entire generation being sacrificed at the Sonny/Jason/Carly alter.  Everything (writing, acting, directing - etc)in the Michael/Willow dying plot is not functioning.

3 hours ago, racked said:

I’m a Sprina fan so seeing them have this kind of adventure romance story after the long build up to their getting together is fantastic and both actors are selling it perfectly.

They are progressing in the correct direction but there is still some room for growth (e.g., clunkiness/pregnant pauses).  I am glad that there are people who enjoy Spencer and nuTrina but they are sort of like the Robert/Holly to the OG Trina/Cam that I had high hopes/patience for.  It sure is startling to see veteran MB stumble through a couple of lines of dialogue and the next scene see two novices nail a scene. 

I hope that the props/set folks have been nominated for a daytime emmy. 

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I know everyone has moved in but I just have to give my two cents on the nurses ball.  Holy sequins Batman!  Was there a sale on 80’s inspired gowns at David’s Bridal or something?  It was a little much.

Best dressed:  Portia and Trina.  Worst dressed:  Bobbie and Maxie (was she wearing yoga pants?)  I wasn’t a fan of either Liz or Carly’s hair.  Both these women have amazing hair but I wasn’t a fan of the hot roller look.  Lucy’s dress was very drab as well but she was in hiding so she gets a pass.  Her slippers were cute though.  Where did she even get that gown??

This was the year of the men.  Curtis (loved that he accompanied Nina), Sonny, and Drew all looked on point.  DT and CM are both ridiculously misused but damn if they can’t wear the hell out of a suit.

I just roll my eyes at the longing looks between Chase and Brooklyn now.  I can’t believe I was interested in them at one point.  Just move on already.  God.

Despite what I’ve seen written on other forums I’m still seeing no signs whatsoever that Sonny wants Carly back.  Their supposed stolen looks always look one sided.  Carly looks wistful and Sonny’s just like “hey, what’s up”. I hope to god it stays that way for a good long while.

It was weird to see TJ dancing with the nurses but he did a good job so it’s ok.  I know Becky doesn’t enjoy performing and she has enough clout to be able to sit it out, but maybe they could have has another doctor in there to even it out.  I always enjoy seeing the audience bopping their heads awkwardly, ha!

Joss and Trina’s act was ridiculous with the auto tune but I still liked it.  Trina stole the show.  I’m glad they focused a lot on her. She’s so tiny compared to everyone else it would’ve been easy for her to get lost in the shuffle.

Edited by mostlylurking
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All this elaborate planning for Millow's weeding seems kind of gross to me.  Peonies (wasn't on that original list, was it?) two flower girls, embroidered napkins from Portugal ... it's not Grace Kelly marrying Prince Ranier, it's Willow wanted to be legally married to Michael before she dies. A simple ceremony with family makes more sense than this conspicuous consumption wedding Brook Lynn is pushing Maxie to plan.

I like Maxie's new hair, it was smart to put her in a black and white outift because it fits the new hair colour very well. I hate the big flowers on Laura's dress, it's not just matronly and old ladyish, it's like something from the 1980s.

Brook Lynn"But that means he would have to work with me."  Hey Brook Lynn, maybe it's because Chase's ex-wife is marrying the man she cheated on him with. It's not always about you.

It feels very off that Alexis is so uninvolved in the Haunted Star kidnapping. She's doing her job as a publisher but then she's all about Sam and Cody, and Gregory's rejection of her. How about some reacting to the fact that your uncle kidnapped three people, including the great nephew you were so worried about at Christmas? Or that this is your family doing this?

Sam to Alexis:  You see someone who needs your help and you can't help trying to fix it.  Alexis:  "It's a curse."   I get that completely, but it's those people who change the world.

Laura: "Put Trina on speaker phone." .. "Only stay on the phone as long as it's safe."  Why is Laura the only competent person in the group? Why is Portia telling Trina not to put down the phone until Curtis stops her?

Portia:  IT is working on the coordinates Trina gave us."  IT? IT doesn't need to do anything, just send a helicopter and ships to where the ship is projected to be when they get there based on the coordinates they now have.

On 4/14/2023 at 4:37 PM, YaddaYadda said:

Spencer is very short-sighted. He became expendable the second Ace was born. Why have a 20 year old pain the ass who questions everything Victor does when there's a baby Vic can raise and mold into whatever he wants?

It also shows how short-sighted Victor is because babies children are very vulnerable. What if something happens to Ace? Given Victor's own new inability to procreate, the whole Cassidine dynasty will be gone.

On 4/14/2023 at 3:05 PM, Daisy said:

trina was dumbs and took the walkie-talkie and now they know that. 

What good is one walkie-talkie?  Stupid for plot.

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