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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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Sonny and Carly are both terrible humans, but Sonny is the king of gaslighting. Dude, you were JUST found in bed with Nina, and instead of contrition, his response to Carly: 

I was told you weren't coming!

That wasn't supposed to happen!

I've been doing everything to save our marriage!

I can't wish my feelings for Nina away!

He also including chuckling at Carly when she tried to make a point. 

~~Crosspost with @Cheyanne11!


Edited by TVbitch
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42 minutes ago, tessaray said:

With any other show I'd expect we were in for a murder mystery but since we're never going to be rid of WR, they're probably trolling us.  The few seconds Victor's snipers had their laser sights on Peter made me happy though.

I was like "die in a hail of bullets."

Victor has the resources to find Charlotte and Bailey. But kill the scumbag.

Also, I don't know how I feel about Kevin being okay leaving Charlotte with Esme. At least we know where her freeloading behind decided to stay put with Laura and Kevin while Spencer serves his sentence.

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Esme was out, presumably delivering Spencer to baby jail given Maxie's clothing, but was supposed to be returning to the apartment.

(Why couldn't she cook a meal for Charlotte instead of having her order pizza? To pay back Laura and Kevin for letting her stay there rent-free.)

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Today’s show had all the A listers on and it was awesome less Peter. LOL!!!! There was no Joss, Cam, Trina, Spencer and Esme. They are all perfectly nice but this episode was on fire. Also, there were FLASHBACKS!!!! That said, the I choose me line from Carly was a bit much. I will blame the writers for that. I think someone on the writing staff watched too much 90210 back in the day.

It took me a few minutes to figure out who the little girl was with Kevin was. I knew that the previous Charlotte had been replaced but I had also forgotten it, too. LOL!!! I felt bad for day player pizza boy. That was rough. Hopefully, he can get a line next time. All in all, a great episode. I may be in the minority but I’m okay with that. 

Edited by ByaNose
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24 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Were we to think Esmé was somewhere in the apartment? Because we never saw her.

No. She was out and was due back soon, that's why Kevin ended up leaving Charlotte alone.

Valentin went missing before Spencer went to baby jail, right? If that's the case, I wonder how he got along with Charlotte given the visceral hate he has for her father and how his younger self loathed the sight of her.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

I really wanna know where they found a hat that said Pizza Delivery Guy ( is that the name of the pizza place!?!?)

They spent the rest of this year's wardrobe budget creating it.

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5 hours ago, Blackie said:

Have Nina and Sam ever had a discussion before? And wouldn't Sam be all ANTI Nina because of Carly so why would Nina even approach Sam at the hospital to discuss her "feelings" for Dante.  And why is Nina even at the hospital??

When Nina first woke up from her coma and came to town, she was Sam's rival because Sam was involved with Silas at the time. So they tangled a bit then. 

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I have absolutely no interest in this Jason lite version of Drew and find his Sonny and Carly love nauseating. Out of everything they could have done with this character, this is the route they chose? 

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2 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

I have absolutely no interest in this Jason lite version of Drew and find his Sonny and Carly love nauseating. Out of everything they could have done with this character, this is the route they chose? 

Nothing says Jason replacement more than the way they have been writing Drew. But once Burton comes back, which I have no doubt he will, Jason will take his rightful place with the gruesome twosome and Drew will no longer be required and will be told where to go by them, just like they did the first time. If anything, the words of off his meds Sonny should have just sunk in with Drew, and he should have stayed clear of everyone named Corinthos. 

I'm expecting that he and Carly will fall into bed at some point. And then I will just go ahead and write off the character completely. 

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17 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

BLQ telling Maxie that "our girl" would want her blankie when she came home was so touching.  If this stupid story every ends, and Peter is actually ever gone, Maxie should make Brooklyn Louise's godmother.  She really loves that kid.

I'm really glad the show skipped over a story beat where Maxie tried to claim the baby and Brook insisted Maxie was nuts and that Bailey was hers.  I like the relationship that Maxie and Brook forged in this storyline.

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1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

I have absolutely no interest in this Jason lite version of Drew and find his Sonny and Carly love nauseating. Out of everything they could have done with this character, this is the route they chose? 

It's such a let down.  When Cam first started, he won me over fairly quickly, and I loved Miller in the role.  But now, ugh.  And also, he never should have shaved.  But I could deal with that.  This Jason lite thing and Carly's ride or die/romantic interest?  I will pass.  More FF scenes. 

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Woo! Even for Sonny, pulling out dem rings and giving the fast pitch right after fucking Nina and throwing Jason in Carly's face was wild! Is he lying about being back on his meds??

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Still wondering when we’ll get to see Valentin again. In a confrontation with Peter that he wins, I hope.

Peter is on the loose and Kevin thinks it’s a good idea to leave Charlotte alone, then alone with Esme of all people? He needs to rush to GH to talk to Mac?? So weird.

I also thought it was weird for Dante to take time away from “finding a baby!,” to side eye Sam and Drew and then have a whole conversation with her about “feelings”.

Loved seeing the old clips of Mac and Felicia and glad that he‘s ok.

So wish Nina had been the one to say: “I choose ME!” I very much hope for Carson destruction if it leads to a better mix of stories.

Shallow: KS’s long fake eyelashes are back (sigh).


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35 minutes ago, Desperado said:

Peter is on the loose and Kevin thinks it’s a good idea to leave Charlotte alone, then alone with Esme of all people? He needs to rush to GH to talk to Mac?? So weird.

Perhaps he didn't figure that Peter would think to kidnap her. Peter only did it to have leverage with Victor; otherwise, why would he?

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Sonny and Carly were both wrong and both right. Neither one of them made me feel bad for them, probably because we’ve been down this road so many times before. Sonny ALWAYS cheats on her, usually with a young brunette. This time it was with her ‘arch rival.’ And Carly always takes him back. But color me surprised Sonny dropped so many truth bombs on her about Jason!  

Like others, I was scratching my head trying to figure out why Peter had any interest in Charlotte. I totally forgot she’s (supposedly) Victor’s grandkid.  Couldn’t he just have given the order to have Peter taken out and been done with it? Peter was going to tattle to Robert about Victor’s plans for Drew? Robert would shoot first and not bother asking questions! Why is everyone so ducking stupid when it comes to Peter? 

Agree that the Bailylou reveal was nicely done. No yelling and screaming about BETRAYAL! Just quiet acceptance and determination to find the baby, along with admiration for Maxie doing what she could to ensure the baby’s safety. There’ll be plenty of time later to hash out the ‘why didn’t you tell me’ part of the story.


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1 hour ago, jsbt said:

Is he lying about being back on his meds??

I know nothing about bi-polar meds, but if they're anything like antidepressants, wouldn't they need to build up in the blood, over a period of weeks, not minutes?

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Today's Show

Carly is snappy with Jasonlite who reminds Carly he actually lives on the Q property and sarcastically thanks Jasonlite for his great advice about Sonny and how she caught Nina in bed with Sonny. Jasonlite is like really?! i can't believe that this happened! Carly whines that she was 5 minutes late and Sonny jumped into bed with Nina. She goes for the first time in her life she got played. Jasonlite wants to know who the villain is. Carly hisses both Nina + Sonny.  

Jasonlite was like were they having the affair the entire time? Carly bitches out tat she doesn't know but she doesn't show up on Sonny's timetable he calls his backup. Jasonlite wants to know if Sonny called Nina or did Nina show up. Carly says she doesn't care. Jasonlite goes it doesn't make sense, and maybe because you didn't show up, Sonny thought it was over. Carly goes that's SONNY'S redonk terms because I didn't get over my pain fast enough he jumps in bed with the woman who caused all of this. What does it say about Sonny and our marriage. Carly believed this would be a hurdle they could get over but not anymore.

Jasonlite goes infidelity can be worked on. Carly sobs he threw Jason in my face. Jasonlite goes I know the official story is it was for the bidnazz but that'snot the whole story. Carly goes no we fell in love but it's Nina fault because she didn't do the right thing. (Lying Liar who Lies).  Carly goes she worked so hard on her marriage. (when?)  Carly goes her marriage died when the bridge collapsed. Jasonlite goes "you can't go home again., I feel the same way." (this is so boring). 

Jasonlite talks about being imprisoned and how it sucks. Jasonlite said it messed with his head when he realized Sam was free of Jason. (you know it would be nice if we saw this Jasonlite/Sam Angle on the show vs. verbally, show). 

they blather and i start gagging because they are going to kiss. but Carly stops them. (thank goodness). apparently they are "friends" (ahuh). Carly goes if he was a stranger sure - but being Jason's brother, it's too complicated getting with Jasonlite. (and it was just more of not about them kissing but them hurting Sam + Sonny). 

Nina and Sonny meet in the Hallway of Connivence. Sam shows up and infodumps Sonny and Nina. Anna and Dante come up, and infodumps Sonny and Nina. everyone in the Hallway of Connivence now knows everything. nina cries that all the secrets kept was for nothing. Nina explains why she kept the secret. Sonny goes "you knew this in nixon falls?" Nina goes yah and Sonny walks off.  Nina goes let me help. Anna goes sure have you heard from Val

Anna and Dante and Laura are brainstorming and a bit of recap from yesterday. Laura goes she has a theory! and goes to find Kevin. Anna wants to know how Peter found out about Baileylou. 

Maxie and Austin are talking. they talk about hope Austin says we'll find Louise. Austin called Lisel and Britt.They all hope someone can kill him. (hah).  Maxie tells them about Baileylou. Britt and Lisel are kind of ticked that they didn't know the truth but they understand and their feelings don't matter right now. Austin realizes his screw up because he told Victor. Austin explains about the sonogram and Maxie is like. so you led Victor to my daughter? Austin tries to explain and Maxie is like don't. don't say anything. (okay yah Maxie AUSTIN DIDN'T KNOW so maybe like. cool it). Lisel stops Austin from following Maxie. 

Kevin is sad face. Laura is like what's wrong. Kevin is like "I can't get a hold with Charlotte."

Peter crows about kidnapping Charlotte. Mistah Sheffield calls off the snipers. (nooo! the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few! SHOOT PETER!!!). Peter goes i know you'd double cross me so if something happens to me bye bye Charlotte. Mistah Sheffield grabs a gun and goes "tell me or I'll make you beg to tell me." Peter Bondvillians how she could be in many one of the abandoned buildings and even if you find one, it could be rigged to blow up. (because of course he had time to do all of that before meeting up with Mistah Sheffield). Mr. Sheffield goes if anything ... whatever whatever. we all know Peter is getting away. Mr. Sheffield doesn't even KEEP someone on Peter while they go rescue Charlotte. 

Hey! It's val! apparently he was dumped behind a garbage dump. he asks to call Anna to the person who finds him.. 

Sonny is in the chapel. Nina finds him. Sonny is is like "you were playing Peter." he is kinda proud of nina lol  Nina is like yah don't be proud of me.what i did was selfish. I'm not a Saint. Sonny goes I never thought you were. life isn't black and white. 

Dante and Sam  are having a moment.. Dante goes. whatever you are talking about with Drew seemed to take it out of you. Anna runs up and tells them Val was found. (FYI Sam is choosing Dante. whatever they deploy the ILYs)

Val is now in the hospital chanting "someone should have told me, someone should have told me." Deanna assumes he had a bender. Anna rightly goes "did you do a blood alcohol test?" Deanna says no and Anna like can you actually do your job please. (but more nicely). Val groans out Bailey is in danger. Val isn't drunk (obviously). Laura and Kevin go in and tells Anna and Val about Charlotte. 

Maxie gets a phone call from peter."Missing something?" says Peter. Peter basically tells her to show up, leave your phone and come alone, screw me, and I go into the wind.. Austin and Lisel and Brit go let's talk. Maxie chews out Austin how his petty revenge cost Maxie Baileylou, and she shouldn't have trusted him. (well. sure, Maxie. but he didn't know lol).

Maxie to the pier and Baileylou and Peter and she have a stare down. 



Dante is kinda surprised by the ILY. But he deploys the ILY (this is very fast. whatever).  they kiss

Jasonlite thanks Carly for thinking clearly.  Carly thanks Jasonlite for being Jasonlite. 

Sonny tells Nina he has many regrets tonight. Carly has a point, says Sonny. What happened between Nina and Sonny wasn't just about the past ad its here and now. He can't deny it. Sonny needs to go see Dante. 

Val is like what happened about Charlotte. Val freaks out. Charlotte appears! Mistah Sheffield shows up and everyone is deploying "you bastard" face. 

Austin is sadz that going after BLQ led to this. Britt kinda washes her hands of it because Austin didn't know (but I now remember Maxie did tell Austin to leave BLQ alone so). Lisel is like i have "NO SYMPATHY FOR YOU. We have to clean your mess, and when it's over you will answer to me."lol. 

Peter goes i'm leaving the country. Either come with us and be a family, or say goodbye to Louise here and now.  Maxie looks confused. (dude. why the hell didn't you bring a gun and shoot his brains out)?

Anyway. show is over

sorry if i missed stuff or if it's not clear. i am fighting a massive migraine. 

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Maxie has a lot of nerve blaming Austin for leading Victor to Bailey. Austin had no idea Bailey was Louise. Victor asked him about a sonogram. That's it. The reality is Maxie should have clued in Valentin b/c Valentin's rage about Bailey not being his kid is what led to Victor to the secret!

Also, Maxie better have a gun or a knife w/her b/c this is beyond ridiculous. I only caught the very end of the show, but did Peter have bodyguards around him? I don't think he did. Maxie should have shot him in the back or get close to him and jab him in the throat! This character needs to die already. I'm so sick of him! 

I saw that Drew/Carly sex was stopped. Thank goodness! As a BM/Drew fan, I really hate how they glossed over how horrible CarSon was to Drew after the reveal. They literally dropped him as a "friend" and never spoke to him again! Did they even care when he "died?" No, they didn't! Just b/c CM is a new actor doesn't mean we've forgotten what we saw! I like CM's Drew, but I hate his friendship w/these jerks! They could have worked to show them becoming friendlier not act like we didn't see what we saw when BM was in the role! 

And am I the only one who finds it wildly inappropriate that the first person Carly was going to whine and complain to was her son?! Yes, he's an adult but I just didn't like it. Carly needs a female friend. Call Olivia. Call your mom. Don't unload on your kid in that moment! 

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Carly’s dialogue is a lot to swallow. Has there been another character who has lacked this much self-awareness and refused to take even a sliver of accountability for her problems? Like she’s in her 50s and a grandmother, this isn’t 1996 anymore. I guess we’re supposed to root for her but she’s so completely unlikeable and so much of what she claims contradicts what we actually see. Ugh, I really need her to take a vacation because I’m so over her constant whining. 

Edited by ffwbe
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2 minutes ago, lala2 said:

And am I the only one who finds it wildly inappropriate that the first person Carly was going to whine and complain to was her son?! Yes, he's an adult but I just didn't like it. Carly needs a female friend. Call Olivia. Call your mom. Don't unload on your kid in that moment! 

Lol I’ve been saying that since she started confiding in Michael and Joss but, yeah that takes the cake. Confiding in your children about your relationship problems is so toxic even if they’re adults and it’s even worse when it comes to Michael because she’s clearly doing it so he’ll take her side over his father. This is from the same woman who also yelled at Kristina for calling her and said her issues with Sonny were none of her business 

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4 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Maxie has a lot of nerve blaming Austin for leading Victor to Bailey. Austin had no idea Bailey was Louise. Victor asked him about a sonogram. That's it. The reality is Maxie should have clued in Valentin b/c Valentin's rage about Bailey not being his kid is what led to Victor to the secret!

Eh! I think she just needed to be angry with someone and Austin was an easy target. Plus she told him several times to leave BLQ alone. That said, he couldn't have known who the ultrasound belonged to and a perfect storm was created around the secret when more people started sniffing around. It was inevitable that someone who was up to no good would figure it out.

Victor just tossed his precious son out in the trash? Like you can't even make this stuff up. Thus far, Victor has treated Peter better than his own son. I guess at least he cared enough about Charlotte to go and find her. Is he going to tell anyone where to find Petah now, or is he going to let him escape.

Enough with the Carly/Drew scenes already. Basta! Enough! Good fucking grief. I will welcome Drew being mind-controlled at this point. Anything to get me out of this purgatory. So just bring on whatever Victor needs from Drew story arc that the writers have been "hinting" at for the past 3-4 months now.

I don't hate Sam and Dante, but I just don't care about a relationship that had next to no build up on screen. 

Is someone going to shoot Peter? Probably not. We're not that lucky.

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39 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Well, then, there's his excuse.  "I wasn't myself".  "It's not my fault."

I think he was seconds out of pulling out of Ava in the damn crypt when he gave us ulkis' favorite line: "I love you, son, you know I never meant to do this to you."

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The best thing I liked about Drew was his complete idgaf attitude towards Carson.  Now that is completely over, might as well be a different character for me personally.

Edited by Hater
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Why didn't Victor have a sniper on Peter so that once he got the boat, he could be shot? By that point he would know about Charlotte. The pretzeling that needs to happen so Peter can constantly have the upper hand is ridiculous. 

I think they used SBu's voice for "On the next General Hospital..." Am I hallucinating?

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What I want to see happen:

Peter:  I leave by myself with Louise or you come with us

Maxie:  (pulls out Mac/Frisco/Chase/I don't care who's gun) and shoots him between the eyes.  "Option 2: I leave with Louise."  Picks up the car seat and walks off as Peter dies.  


Peter: I leave by myself with Louise or you come with us

Every law enforcement officer in Port Charles, Nixon Falls, Beechers Corner and the effin' NYPD, walks up behind Maxie, Peter gets squirelly and drops the car seat, they all open fire on him.  Maxie picks up the carseat and walks away.


What will happen:

Maxie:  (all weak because she hasn't learned a friggin' lesson for the past year and has forgotten to put on her big girl, daughter of Frisco Jones, step daughter of Mac Scorpio, neice of Anna Freakin' Devane and Robert Scorpio pants on)  "Ok" and stupidly goes with him. 

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37 minutes ago, lala2 said:

Maxie has a lot of nerve blaming Austin for leading Victor to Bailey. Austin had no idea Bailey was Louise. Victor asked him about a sonogram. That's it. The reality is Maxie should have clued in Valentin b/c Valentin's rage about Bailey not being his kid is what led to Victor to the secret!

Yeah that really pissed me off.  Honestly Valentin should have been in on this from the beginning.  He would have done anything to protect a child from Peter.  Speaking of Heinrich, when he abducted Charlotte his hat said something like Pizza Delivery Guy.  Ha!  Like they ordered a pizza delivery guy costume on Amazon or something.  And I agree with everyone else, old Charlotte would have kicked Peter in the nuts and knocked him out with a vase or something.  She was badass.  Peter’s kind of a weenie with physical stuff.

Dante telling Sam her discussion with Drew must have really taken it out of her was hilarious because Kelly Monaco always looks and sounds exhausted.  I miss Lindsey Hartley.




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One odd thing - when Sonny got the info about Louise/Bailey and that Nina knew about it, he asked her if she knew about it in Nixon Falls. Why would he care about that? In NF, he "knew" none of those people, so it wouldn't have made any difference to him. Or is his point that he sees that Nina has the capacity to deceive someone (which for Sonny might be a selling point!)?

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I dunno what was more ridiculous, Drew having any inclination to want to kiss Carly or Carly being the one to say no to a self-destructive act.  And funny how kissing Jason's brother wasn't a problem when she was boinking Franco back when they were the twins.

So it was Austin Dr. O was reading in the previews.  Kinda here for it.  Whether they keep him with Maxie or pivot to Britt, Dr. O as the matriarch giving him grief would be fun, and it helps keep the memories of Dr. O slobbering all over Franco at bay.

I also loved how, when Britt was musing about someone finally killing LWB/FS, she kinda nudged her mom.  And you could tell Liesl was mentally running through the inventory of weapons she has in her car.

Edited by TeeVee329
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2 hours ago, Daisy said:

hey blather and i start gagging because they are going to kiss. but Carly stops them. (thank goodness).


Ok thank goodness, I missed the end of the show so didn't see how this mess played out,

2 hours ago, Daisy said:

(okay yah Maxie AUSTIN DIDN'T KNOW so maybe like. cool it).


Maxie is an idiot.

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The second Drew sat on the bed with Carly, I feared the worst.  And, then, even though they didn't kiss, SHE'S the one who stopped it?  Are they trying to ruin Drew, because, if so, they're succeeding.  They're writing him as if S/C didn't treat him like garbage after the real Jason came back and he was just "the other one." 

Oof, Maxie blaming Austin--not a good look.  I like that Britt reassured him she'd realize it's not his fault, I'm liking their friendship.

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Maxie needs to take all the blame. She's the one walking around with a copy of sonogram of someone else's baby.  Victor figured it out because of the pictures being the same.  

On top of that Valentine figured it out from the Chase stupidity and Maxie showing up obsessed all the time that Monica and Felicia called out too. 

She claimed to want this to work but did everything opposite.

Edited by Artsda
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8 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Victor figured it out because of the pictures being the same.  

Don't most sonograms look pretty much the same?  Could your average lay person really tell the difference between 2 different ones?

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Oof, Maxie blaming Austin--not a good look.  I like that Britt reassured him she'd realize it's not his fault, I'm liking their friendship.


31 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Maxie needs to take all the blame. She's the one walking around with a copy of sonogram of someone else's baby.  Victor figured it out because of the pictures being the same.  

To be fair, since they've actually referred to HIPAA a couple times on GH, shouldn't the medical professional asked about the identification number on the sonogram taken it and said it would be returned to the owner instead of identifying who it was? And wasn't the person who identified it Roger Todd Franco  Austin? 

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Victor saw Maxie drop her copy of the exact same sonogram photo that Valentine had and picked it up. It was the exact same picture and she told him it was Louise and all she had left. When Valentine just told him it was Bailey.

It was after he put those pieces together that he spoke to Austin. None of this is his fault. Maxie has been stupid from day one of this plan. 

Edited by Artsda
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Thanks for the clarification Artsda. I guess I just dislike Howarth/Austin so much that I wanted him to have spilled the beans. 

But I would swear someone looked up the ID # on the hospital computer. Or was that just wishful thinking, too? 


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