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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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13 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Carly: "I need to know all the details before I can forgive. [Unspoken: So that I can hold it over you forever.]

lol truer words were never spoken. which is why Sonny isn't telling her everything haha he may be dumb, but he's not stupid. 

i just still find it hilarious the last thing Olivia says to carly is basically - you haven't been honest with him either, and Carly still doesn't feel like she owes Sonny the real truth about her and Jason. so once again - where theoretically Carly has every right to be mad - she loses all ground because she's doing the exact same thing

I'm just trying to figure how all of this prelim stuff ended up in the news. it was a closed hearing. 

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I forgot to mention that it annoys me how often people point out to Finn and Elizabeth how long it took them to get together. So what? The pace of their relationship is no one's concern but their own. I should probably be glad they aren't acting as if they've never loved before, the way soap couples are usually written.

9 minutes ago, Daisy said:

it was a closed hearing. 

It was? Then Michael doubly deserves to be defeated on this. At least have the courage of your convictions and let everyone hear. What a wienie he is!

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2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It was? Then Michael doubly deserves to be defeated on this. At least have the courage of your convictions and let everyone hear. What a wienie he is!

It was probably the DA who requested it to be closed, because he didn't want to look like an idiot in front of his voters. What a quandary.  take all this money to be shady and have to try this ridiculous case that none of my constituent care about, or do my job competently and try to win the election in a way that doesn't require dirty money for me to buy votes somehow.

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To someone who remembers. Did Nina do something to Olivia for her to be so worked up about her? Or is all her outrage at Nina because of Carly? 

Carly hasn't even bothered calling her mother back, I see. It's a good thing no one died. No. Wait! I think I got that wrong. 

Instead in true Carly fashion, Carly hightailed it to Nina's to fight with her. It's always so charming when two grown ass women fight over a worthless peace of doodoo like Sonny who happens to be one of the least interesting characters and men on the show. I like how both women are showing so very little dignity. If Carly and Nina were my friends I would have a few choice things to say to them, complete with a slap to wake them. I like how two accomplished women, strong, independent (written as clingy), still in the prime of the lives are about to go down in the gutter to fight over Sonny. How fucking stupid and reductive.

And Phyllis, STFU and take a seat. Nina did need a reality check and someone to smack the future with Sonny rose-colored glasses she was wearing, but Phyllis encouraged all of this. She didn't encourage Sonny to find his family, but she sure as hell cheered him on and pushed him toward Nina. The guy was wearing a wedding ring when he was found. His wife and his family, his past, none of that mattered when Phyllis was playing matchmaker. So her lecture today was too little too late.

Chase, smart detective and as dense as a man. Dude, can't read between the lines and BL has a thing for you? Also, don't "poor Willow." Move the heck on already. Poor Willow. Willow is a big girl and she made her bed.

Esme really wants to go to that cabin, doesn't she. This vacation has been getting so much build up that I don't think anyone will be shocked when the whole thing fizzles into nothing. I'm assuming it will be one of their February sweeps storylines.

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1 hour ago, Blackie said:

The actor who plays Spencer continues to shine, toe to toe with Ava, it was great.

The actor who plays Cam, also awesome and yes I wouldn't mind something with him and Esme.

Sonny, throwing the barware.....  Nina, Mike was a fantasy , believe it!

The way Nick Chavez turns it on full throttle when he’s around Trina, I was seeing some of that with Esme and Cam today.  The teens are so good (minus Joss). 

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Olivia is furious at Nina but gives Sonny a pass.

Olivia didn't even wait until Connie's body was cold before she slept with Sonny.  To have her be a 'Q' is painful to watch.  

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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:
7 minutes ago, racked said:

The teens are so good (minus Joss). 

I think Eden McCoy is doing a good job making Joss as unbearable as her mother.


yes I agree, she is a good actress as well as LW, it is not their fault that their characters are terrible people.

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1 hour ago, Daisy said:

I'm just trying to figure how all of this prelim stuff ended up in the news. it was a closed hearing. 

Shawn's new non-profit newspaper got the scoop from someone who was there?

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17 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I think Eden McCoy is doing a good job making Joss as unbearable as her mother.

I think Eden is a very natural actor. I just don’t like her character  much. If this show weren’t this show, it wouldn’t be a foregone conclusion that she’ll never really break away from Carly’s orbit and value system. But alas.

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Even given how self-righteous young people tend to be, it is hard to understand how Joss figures that Sonny owes her something because of what he's "done" to her mother. Ask to borrow the cabin, don't ask to borrow the cabin, whatever. Just don't whine if Sonny says no for any reason. 

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3 hours ago, Daisy said:

And Joss goes. "I am so pissed at Sonny for protecting Nina in court so she doesn't have to pay for what she did.. He doesn't even see it as a crime. he's COMPLETELY betrayed the family, especially my mom." Little girl. shut your mouth. Also i laughed hard because still - what she did isn't a crime.

Her, Michael, Carly, and Olivia--who has appropriated their familial pissiness--can all say "it's a crime!" until the cows come home, it still doesn't make it so.  And the 'betrayed the family?"  LOL, ok, Mafia Princess Wannabe.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

It was probably the DA who requested it to be closed, because he didn't want to look like an idiot in front of his voters. What a quandary.  take all this money to be shady and have to try this ridiculous case that none of my constituent care about, or do my job competently and try to win the election in a way that doesn't require dirty money for me to buy votes somehow.

Also, the next PA AG election isn’t until 2024.  Nearly three years from now.  Which makes this plot thread even more inane than it already was.  One would think that a bunch of east coast based writers might have been aware of something like that.

Or…… they’re just too lazy and apathetic to care.



Edited by Suicidy
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Catching up on the past two weeks” of episodes and am watching this week’s

AY YI YI!!! Even the judge said it: “The COMMONWEALTH  of Pennsylvania” which means Sheridan is the State’s Attorney, and unless it’s a high profile case, the SA him or herself doesn’t participate! And even worse, Sheridan admitted what Nina did was also a a civil “infraction”, but the State can’t charge someone with a civil action!!!

That sound you hear is me banging my head on the table.

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I am 100% sure that Luke is still alive out there, making Victor believe that he successfully neutralized him.
And I'll go one further. My prediction is that Luke will have help from somebody that nobody has in the cards yet ... his old nemesis Scotty.
Why? Because Scotty sure did not like to be thrown out from a plane by Victor's henchman, and he sure does not want to share his Schnitzel.
IMO it cannot be an accident that Kin Shriner is on leave of absence right now. If Luke really had died, we would certainly get to see Scotty's dance of joy on Luke's grave.

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2 hours ago, racked said:

I think Eden is a very natural actor. I just don’t like her character  much. If this show weren’t this show, it wouldn’t be a foregone conclusion that she’ll never really break away from Carly’s orbit and value system. But alas.

True.  It’s not like EM is writing the scripts.  In fact, I’ll bet she could do a better job than the current staff.

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I absolutely ADORE Jane Elliott!

And Luke is SO NOT Dead. The Austrian authorities sent Luke’s personal effects. They “said” they identified him-just like Robin’s “body” was identified?

That said, I’m shocked! SHOCKED I tell you, that Laura was allowed to react to the news. That she was allowed to say he was a huge part of her life. They were together for half of her life. Genie is so good. And kudos to Kevin for being allowed to say that Luke was a pivotal part of Laura’s life.

And I could see the wheels turning in Laura’s head as she hugged Bobbie-that maybe Luke was set up to be killed.

Oh Robert! While all those scenes made me emotional-all due to Genie, Jane, Jackie, Tristan, Finola, and Kristen, no tears because Luke isn’t  DEAD.

I’ve got nothing to say about the stupidity of Tracy’s arrest. Dante is nothing but Sam’s lap dog now?

Oh! Loved Tracy zeroing in in who Bailey is-I 🤣🤣 at the expression on her face after she asked Bailey if she should call her Louise.

The “writers” on this show are so FUCKING STOOPID. The way that SLS kept referring to Sheridan as “DA Sheridan” was so pretentious. And giving money to his campaign when he’s running for AG in a different state? Guess he wants someone in their pocket in case Mooby is arrested in PA down the line?🙄🙄🙄

Then there was the omission of flashbacks of Luke over the years. Of course that could just be Frank’s CHEAP ASS so he wouldn’t have to pay.

And shut up, Felicia. Nothing in comparison to Tracy and Luke’s relationship? PLEASE. Luke and Laura TRUMPS any and all.

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6 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And shut up, Felicia. Nothing in comparison to Tracy and Luke’s relationship? PLEASE. Luke and Laura TRUMPS any and all.

Felicia was responding to Tracy saying it was a loss for her (Felicia) as well.  Then she said that what *she* and Luke shared was nothing compared to what Luke and Tracy did.  It didn't have anything to do with Laura and Luke's relationship.

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3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

And Phyllis, STFU and take a seat. Nina did need a reality check and someone to smack the future with Sonny rose-colored glasses she was wearing, but Phyllis encouraged all of this. She didn't encourage Sonny to find his family, but she sure as hell cheered him on and pushed him toward Nina. The guy was wearing a wedding ring when he was found. His wife and his family, his past, none of that mattered when Phyllis was playing matchmaker. So her lecture today was too little too late.

Phyllis is not responsible for Sonny not looking into his past. She didn't force Nina and Sonny into a relationship. She didn't make Nina lie. Sonny having a wedding ring meant there was a high probability he was married, but it wasn't a definite. He could have had a wedding ring because he had been married but was in the process of getting divorced, but still had his ring. He could have been a widower. These were questions Sonny never cared to ask. He just wanted to live in the present and Lenny and Phyllis respected that choice. Now, she knows Sonny for sure is married and that Nina took advantage of him, so I thought he her advice today was spot-on.

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30 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh! Loved Tracy zeroing in in who Bailey is-I 🤣🤣 at the expression on her face after she asked Bailey if she should call her Louise.


No Tracy, you should not call her Louise because it is a stupid name and Bailey is such much better in comparison. The only reason that I want this baby switch to continue is because it will eventually be too confusing to Bailey by calling her that other name.

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Felicia was responding to Tracy saying it was a loss for her (Felicia) as well.  Then she said that what *she* and Luke shared was nothing compared to what Luke and Tracy did.  It didn't have anything to do with Laura and Luke's relationship.

I didn’t see the exchange like that at all.

Potato, potahto.

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9 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Ava's realizing that Trina is a nicer person than she is shows more self-awareness than 90% of the characters on this show. And she's doing a better job of parenting Spencer than everyone other than possibly Laura.

 Ava won't change because Ava is psychopath, in a similar vain as Dr.O's & Jason's psychopathy. She isn't bother by what she did to Morgan and Kate, only the consequences. The nice thing is that Sonny, Carly and her are forced to deal with each other, they all totally deserve it. 

If Nik was at all a good parent he would have waited to be in a relationship with Ava.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Oh, boohoo, Esmé is an orphan. That's no excuse for being a terrible person.

I’m skeptical about anything Esme says, including when she supposedly gets emotional. I think she’s gaslighting everyone, though whatever her supposed storyline is is taking forever to be revealed

Edited by DanaK
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If Elizabeth put her ring in the kitchen drawer (which is still a weird place to put a wedding ring, but whatever), how did it fall out of her locker at GH?

And am I the only one who thinks Esme killed her adoptive parents because they were splitting up?

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2 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

If Elizabeth put her ring in the kitchen drawer (which is still a weird place to put a wedding ring, but whatever), how did it fall out of her locker at GH?


She most likely took it out after Finn left her place because she is not as ready as she claimed.

Nice job Sonny throwing that barware. That's one way to get rid of the Mike in you.

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2 hours ago, nilyank said:

No Tracy, you should not call her Louise because it is a stupid name and Bailey is such much better in comparison. The only reason that I want this baby switch to continue is because it will eventually be too confusing to Bailey by calling her that other name.

Louise isn't a stupid name - i mean goodness forbid anyone here is named Louise or have significant others named that. It's old fashioned and how Maxie picked Lou(ise) to name her after Lulu is strange since there are other Lou-ish sounding names. but the name Louise isn't stupid.  It's not like Maxie named her daughter, Apple. 


2 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Sonny having a wedding ring meant there was a high probability he was married, but it wasn't a definite. He could have had a wedding ring because he had been married but was in the process of getting divorced, but still had his ring. He could have been a widower. These were questions Sonny never cared to ask.

in all honesty. Phyllis was wrong. Yeah Sonny didn't want to know these questions - but how do you matchmake/cheer on a relationship with all those questions not known. Yah Sonny didn't know, and didn't want to know but there was still a ring. and since you don't know what that ring meant, I wouldn't really be all "oh look at so and so, she's pretttyyy.." until you were 100 percent damned sure there wasn't someone else. 

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1 hour ago, Pingaponga said:

If Elizabeth put her ring in the kitchen drawer (which is still a weird place to put a wedding ring, but whatever), how did it fall out of her locker at GH?

Yes! I noticed that but then got distracted by other action. If you put your wedding ring in the kitchen drawer because you are ready to move on, if you move it later, wouldn't it be to the jewelry box? Take it to work? Does she normally remove rings when at work? It is possible, I suppose, since she's a nurse, but then why make such a deal of taking the ring off in the first place?

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I don't think TG is interested in returning at all and I'm wondering if maybe he isn't even up for the plane ride anymore. No he isn't that old but I think his back surgery took a lot out of them. I think it is dumb as heck to not use this to recast Lucky alfuckingready but I get the decision to kill him off and give some vets some Emmy bait. They probably should have just done it in 2015 but oh well. He can pop up again too if he decides he wants to visit but I seriously doubt it. So right now yeah I think Luke is dead as pretty much can be unless they show some stand in or something. 

And even if they did get TG somehow I wonder if it would be better not to. He looks fine but frail and skinny. It might be too disconcerting on screen.

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8 hours ago, Daisy said:

Louise isn't a stupid name - i mean goodness forbid anyone here is named Louise or have significant others named that. It's old fashioned and how Maxie picked Lou(ise) to name her after Lulu is strange since there are other Lou-ish sounding names. but the name Louise isn't stupid.  It's not like Maxie named her daughter, Apple. 

Louise was a very popular name for baby girls at one time. It's quite a long time past that (although it's actually on a slight uptick lately), but there's nothing wrong with the name. "Bailey" is just trendier. Now we have a glut of little Baileys, just like once we were inundated with Tiffanys and Heathers (both of which have plummeted now). I don't doubt people will be saying "Bailey" is stupid and passé in a few decades. It's all just cycles and trends.

It was weird that they bothered revealing a while ago that Spinelli and his wife have split up. Possibly when the Bailey/Louise/Peter story runs its course, they'll have Maxie reunite with Spin and the whole brood and leave town for "storyline reasons" to "rest the character"? Yes, that's probably just my wishful thinking. More likely if they reunited those two, they'd bring him back full time. 

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9 hours ago, Daisy said:

Louise isn't a stupid name - i mean goodness forbid anyone here is named Louise or have significant others named that. It's old fashioned and how Maxie picked Lou(ise) to name her after Lulu is strange since there are other Lou-ish sounding names. but the name Louise isn't stupid.  It's not like Maxie named her daughter, Apple. 

Louise isn't stupid. Lou is.

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11 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I didn’t see the exchange like that at all.

Potato, potahto.

I rewatched it and that's what was said, though.  It was Tracy acknowledging Felicia's relationship with Luke and Felicia noting Tracy's.  I'm not sure how that's equated to Laura at all.  

Also, Tracy is the widow.  It would be beyond weird if out of the blue Felicia said "yes, Luke was special to me, and he was your husband, but I'm really worried about Laura." 

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Esme.  has been going on about the cabin for months. She went on for months about joss and cam having sex. What's she going to do at that cabin?

Now she has some medicine. Is it for her?

Edited by ljr
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Phyllis irked me yesterday the way she said Nina violated Sonny. Nina was the one who wouldn't sleep with Mike until he faced up to his past. The moron didn't want to know. And Phyllis enabled him. 

Sonny's residual feelings for Nina have fallen flat for me because they only hurt Carly for a minute. Now she's weaponizing them because she wishes she would have chosen Jason. And she can't run back to him guilt free because he's dead. (Okay, that part is awesome.)

It's so weird to see those two in a traditional soapy story with no connection to the mob.

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I thought the scenes with Tracy, Alexis, and Sam were great.  I know that Nancy and Jane are extremely close IRL, and I could tell they were loving it.   I don't get all up in arms when a character is mad because "what about".   If it's a good scene, it's a good scene.   And Tracy is a current fugitive so of course Dante would arrest her.  I'm sure Tracy is gonna get out, and it's all gonna be a lot of fun.  I don't really fume over soap characters, except for Carly.  She just grates on me.  It's her constant shrieking that does it. 

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2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Tracy is the widow.

Is she? I thought b they weren’t married but just together.

But whatever. I just didn’t like that line.

And try as he might, I can’t buy Shane/Mistah Sheffield Charles as a Villain! There’s something just so…suave about him. And that Anna hasn’t drop kicked him already is a mystery since Victor blackmailed and threatened the lives of her parents when Kimberly left again.

Oh, wait. I keep forgetting who’s running this FAKAKTA show.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I had to laugh when Carly was berating Sonny for telling her to forget about Nina: "Look where that got us!" Well, Carly, it's actually your stupid little shit of a son that got you there, since his insanely idiotic and pointless lawsuit was what brought out that Nina and Mike were falling in love. So blame Michael for that particular bombshell being exploded.

And again, why has no one pointed out to Nina that while Mike might have been a gentle flannel-shirt-wearing bartender, Sonny is an immaculately suited yet unabashed mobster? (Whatever faults Sonny has, bad tailoring isn't one of them.) Sonny may have softened a bit since his return from Nixon Falls, but he's hasn't renounced the mob, and Nina certainly won't be the one to make him do that.

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58 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I had to laugh when Carly was berating Sonny for telling her to forget about Nina: "Look where that got us!" Well, Carly, it's actually your stupid little shit of a son that got you there, since his insanely idiotic and pointless lawsuit was what brought out that Nina and Mike were falling in love. So blame Michael for that particular bombshell being exploded.

Well, the lunatic seems to think Nina orchestrated what happened in court with her "after what she pulled" comment.  I honestly hope Nina has her backbone present on Monday and doesn't let Carly steamroll her.

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5 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Well, the lunatic seems to think Nina orchestrated what happened in court

I know! It's so galactically stupid, though that's the Corinthii for you. Something blows up in their faces and it's someone else's fault. It's as amusing as it is aggravating. They NEVER get the blame.

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2 hours ago, tessaray said:

Phyllis irked me yesterday the way she said Nina violated Sonny.

Why is Nina so attached to this woman?  Lack of a decent mother figure growing up?  But she keeps allowing Phyllis into her life instead of showing her the door.

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What does Carly hope to achieve by confronting Nina? If it becomes physical, then Nina will have the chance to have Carly arrested for assault. However, since PC PD now only has one member active, Dante won't be able to do it, tied up as he is arresting Tracy. 

If Carly is just going to scream at Nina, well, she's already done that, and it has not gotten the results she wants.

Either way, it is bound to be a good scene for us viewers. :-)

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38 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

What does Carly hope to achieve by confronting Nina?

Carly likes yelling at other people and acting superior. It energizes her, the rage. It also keeps her from having to look at her own failings. And those of her family.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

And again, why has no one pointed out to Nina that while Mike might have been a gentle flannel-shirt-wearing bartender, Sonny is an immaculately suited yet unabashed mobster? (Whatever faults Sonny has, bad tailoring isn't one of them.) Sonny may have softened a bit since his return from Nixon Falls, but he's hasn't renounced the mob, and Nina certainly won't be the one to make him do that.

Exactly! Nina needs to understand that she's never going to get "Mike" again, and "Sonny" is not really someone she would fall in love with normally. She should let go of her NF idyll and concentrate on moving forward.

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11 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Exactly! Nina needs to understand that she's never going to get "Mike" again, and "Sonny" is not really someone she would fall in love with normally. She should let go of her NF idyll and concentrate on moving forward.

This is what should happen. But I think that the reality is that Sonny and Nina are going to get together. The only reason it didn't happen in NF is because of Sonny's noggin problem. 

I think that we are headed toward the pairing. Sonny didn't even tell Carly that Nina drove him to the penthouse when he saw her, before she left him in the kitchen to go screech at Nina.

Carly is going to dump Sonny and Sonny will make beeline to Nina.

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