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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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1 hour ago, tvgoddess said:

Looking forward to Ava/Nik wedding and the ramifications. 

Me, too.  And yesterday was the first time I really enjoyed the Nik recast.  See what having him out in the open does, show?  Also, hell yes to Laura's reaction yesterday.  Everything she said to her eldest was *chef's kiss.*

Other great line read was from Trina, who just shrugged and said "it'll fade" when Joss was going on about being so humiliated that Dev rejected her.  Trina is definitely written as wise beyond her years and I'm here for it.  

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5 hours ago, Captanne said:

As for how annoying Lulu is?  She certainly is and so is the actress.  But yesterday's dialogue for Lulu in the Nicholas/Laura scene was so ridiculous it almost served as comic relief so I can only assume the writers are doing that intentionally. 

I don't know.  I've tried to warm up to Rylan in the role, but i just can't.   Julie Marie Berman had a warmth and charisma to her which made me like her even when she was being a bit of an a-hole.  Rylan's Lulu just seems like a shouty, whiny brat.  What JMB portrayed as willful adventurousness, ER plays as stubborn irrationality.  JMB played Lulu as a young woman trying to live up to the ideal of Luke&Laura! while also nurturing the hurt of spending much of her childhood without them.  ER plays her as a willful and thoughtless jerk.

Even when I can see that Lulu has the right of the point, I still don't much care for her. I will defend her position, but I don't like her or enjoy her performance.  And if she's wrong, which she is at least as often as she's right, hearing her voice makes me rage stroke if I don't FF fast enough.

Yesterday was a perfect example.  I didn't care for the delivery of Lulu's accusations at Valentin but I will defend Lulu's right to accuse him of anything within the physical limits of our universe because he has more than given her grounds.  However, when she interrupted Laura, as brief as it was, I wanted to throw my remote at her.  

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1 minute ago, RachelKM said:

However, when she interrupted Laura, as brief as it was, I wanted to throw my remote at her.  

I know! But what was worse was her interjections of questions after each sentence that Nik spoke. Gurrrrl, just SHUT UP and let him finish, then ask your stupid questions!

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I can’t even with the JaSam bs.  Of course they can’t believe the po is just doing her job.  They’ve never worked an honest day in their life so they couldn’t possibly fathom.  Oh, except for the time that horrid Drew forced Sam at gunpoint to work behind a desk and wear skirts and shit.  Eye-roll.

Loved the cliffhanger.  So soapy.  Nikolas kicked that door HARD.  I actually jumped, as did everyone in the room.  I’m glad Laura slapped him.  What was up with Jordan just standing there instead of at least questioning Valentin or calling for backup since obviously something went down.  Even Curtis was like, umm, are you going to do something or.....?

Oh, Jax.  Just always knowing the right things to say.  Swoon....

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1 hour ago, RachelKM said:

I don't know.  I've tried to warm up to Rylan in the role, but i just can't.   Julie Marie Berman had a warmth and charisma to her which made me like her even when she was being a bit of an a-hole.  Rylan's Lulu just seems like a shouty, whiny brat.  What JMB portrayed as willful adventurousness, ER plays as stubborn irrationality.  JMB played Lulu as a young woman trying to live up to the ideal of Luke&Laura! while also nurturing the hurt of spending much of her childhood without them.  ER plays her as a willful and thoughtless jerk.

I disagree. I thought JMB was a good actress but her Lulu was more insufferable than I've ever seen ER's Lulu be. She was just as much of a "shouty, whiny brat" and "thoughtless jerk." And, I'm not questioning your love for her, but whenever this topic comes up I always kind of have to marvel a little about the nostalgia for her Lulu because I remember JMB's Lulu being reviled for a period of time more than even the Unholy Trinity. Usually, every character has at least one defender (again even Sonny and Jason have those) but especially during the TWoP days, there was not a single person who liked Lulu. It wasn't until the pairing with Dante that a lot of people seemed to warm up to her.

ER's Lulu can definitely be annoying at times, but I don't think she's this horrible actress people make her out to be and I've liked her Lulu a lot more than I ever liked JMB's. The chemistry wasn't as great between ER and DZ but I liked her relationship with Dante. Other than the last few years with the constant back and forth, I enjoy her friendship with Maxie. And I like her chemistry with GF and the relationship with Laura. As for JMB playing a young woman desperate to live up to Luke and Laura's legacy, I'm glad ER doesn't play it that way. Lulu is not a young girl anymore, she's an adult with children. I think there's a part of her that will always crave adventure and idolize the adventures her parents had, but she's mostly moved on from trying to live up to the legacy which she should.


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5 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

I always kind of have to marvel a little about the nostalgia for her Lulu because I remember JMB's Lulu being reviled for a period of time more than even the Unholy Trinity.

I even liked her during what many referred to as the Shewlu days.  I thought the title was unearned and more about people being pissed about her and Dillon and anyone messing with Georgie.  I will admit that I got tired of her talking about her abortion, but meh.   JMB was playing a teenaged Luly who, while occasionally annoying, had real pathos and interest.   I thought her adult Lulu was much more charming.  During her relationship with Dante, she was a favorite of mine.  (I also liked her with Logan, but it's hard for me to even discuss it the way they trashed him when they decided to go with Johnny Z instead). 

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Holy overacting, ER. Good use of FH though, given Anna's history with Valentin.

Another day of GF being an all-star. Laura's words clearly upset Ava since MW plays Ava as having respect for Laura.

I can't decide whether Peter or Maxie wins in a test of who is more stupid. Jordan is a close second behind them; she just got lucky today.

Nina's tears at the end over Valentin are why I can't feel sorry for her. In addition to being a remorseless pathetic loser he's not actually a good father anymore than Sonny is a good father. Waking his daughter late at night when her life isn't in danger and trying to leave town with her because he's in trouble is bad parenting. The holding onto Charlotte like she's an insurance policy and demanding to know if Nikolas is in custody just made him look worse if that's possible. Nina reminded me of when Carly has cried over her kids and kept on "loving Sonny," while knowing exactly who and what he is. Nina doesn't need a bottle of booze, she needs a really good therapist.

I HATE that Alexis finds out about Nikolas being alive from Carly. (Don't care about Sam.)

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8 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

n addition to being a remorseless pathetic loser he's not actually a good father anymore than Sonny is a good father. Waking his daughter late at night when her life isn't in danger and trying to leave town with her because he's in trouble is bad parenting. The holding onto Charlotte like she's an insurance policy and demanding to know if Nikolas is in custody just made him look worse if that's possible.

Just tell me that he didn't get away with absconding with Charlotte.

Just got through watching a bunch of classic Laura clips from 1998 and then GH: Scorpio Espionage; or what there is of it out there, since YT and other sites seem to have something against making any scenes/reunions with Robin and Robert IMPOSSIBLE to find. Couldn't even find the one where he apologizes to her for not trying to look for her sooner.

So I'm looking forward to more Genie/Laura Awesomeness tonight when I get home.

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7 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I can't decide whether Peter or Maxie wins in a test of who is more stupid. Jordan is a close second behind them; she just got lucky today.

For reals. WTF Maxie?  Why would you leave Valentin with Charlotte after you just watched him try to wake her in the middle of the night after people who hate him, one of whom people believe he murdered and whose home he dispossessed him of, busted into his wedding?  Did Maxie think Val woke Charlotte and tried to get her out of bed to have cup of cocoa and talk about the second disastrous Nina and Val wedding in 2 months?

"Peter wants to talk to you."  WTF?  Maxie, when did you lose all of your brain cells?

I still think Jordan wins the dumbass award, though.  Yes.  Let's let the criminal "genius" (the show's theory, not mine) with a history of fleeing jurisdictions, a ton of money, and a child with contested custody run off into his mansion with secret tunnels and escape routes.  


I'm super glad, though, that it ended quickly.  I was dreading a week plus of Lulu fretting while Val was on the run with Charlotte. 

Edited by RachelKM
So many typos
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2 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Just tell me that he didn't get away with absconding with Charlotte.

He didn't; Anna quietly persuaded him to use his strengths and tell Charlotte to go to her mother (Charlotte did NOT want to.) 

The only thing I didn't like about GF's scene(s) was Laura's horrified line that she never thought she'd say Nikolas was acting like a Cassadine. I'm thinking Laura, dear, he already had an affair with your other son's fiance almost a decade ago and lied about it easily. He also tried to have Hayden killed a few years ago. You just weren't around then to see and have to acknowledge the ugliness of his behavior.  

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2 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

He didn't; Anna quietly persuaded him to use his strengths and tell Charlotte to go to her mother (Charlotte did NOT want to.) 

  1. Yay for Anna!
  2. Of course she didn't. I read up thread how Charlotte also loves Lulu very much; but frankly, in the short time since I returned from the barge, I haven't seen any evidence of such love.


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5 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

He also tried to have Hayden killed a few years ago. You just weren't around then to see and have to acknowledge the ugliness of his behavior.  

Except that she was around for the Hayden stuff.  She kept quiet about that and the Jakeson stuff.  So this is not her first rodeo with Nik's Machiavellian side.  


5 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Of course she didn't. I read up thread how Charlotte also loves Lulu very much; but frankly, in the short time since I returned from the barge, I haven't seen any evidence of such love.

Charlotte has been shown to love Lulu.  However, she has always favored and been closer to Valentin. Much of that is that he raised her and he has fostered her idolization of him.

Edited by RachelKM
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51 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

because I remember JMB's Lulu being reviled for a period of time more than even the Unholy Trinity. 

That was 2007-08, during the terrible let's make her and Carly besties era.

I think they're about the same in "warmth" and I think they both had more or less the same amount of chemistry with DZ. (I might even give the edge to ER there - but I thought JMB and DZ worked well together in that they had more of a natural acting style.)

I think JMB had much better chemistry with GF though. Sucks they never had that many scenes together. I think ER and KSt get too squealy with one another. I feel like I'm watching them and not Maxie and Lulu.

But ER is definitely at a disadvantage as well because she's never been written for much and has only had the post-Valentini one take way of filming. Someone made a list of 100 top episode counts for the actors from 2010-19 and JMB was only 200 episodes less than ER even though she was on 2 and a half years for that.

Edited by ulkis
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3 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I think they're about the same in "warmth" a

We might mean different things by "warmth."  I saw JMB has having more fun and lightness to her Lulu.  ER, partly due to her storylines, but also just her style, always seems slightly anxious. 

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Sonny really can't leave well enough alone. Nothing about the Nik situation involves him. You'd think he'd be relieved it's over. But of course it's always all about him.

Anna's coat was fantastic. I wonder if it's FH's IRL.

Wow, Mac and Felicia were sprung for the seniors' closet! They both look great, though I preferred Mac's black glasses over the new ones.

I loved Laura continually reminding Nik that he chose to stay away for three years.

4 minutes ago, RachelKM said:


*sob* RIP, you atomically hot asshole.

3 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Laura's words clearly upset Ava since MW plays Ava as having respect for Laura.

I liked the sincerity with which Ava thanked Laura for trying to help her. They have a nice simpatico vibe.

The open fireplace should have gotten Lulu's immediate attention. They write her as so dumb.

"How is Spencer?" "You've missed a lot." Yeah, like his vote tampering.

Man, Gladys didn't even get her midnight snack.

I loved Ava's wedding dress/robe. It shouldn't be white, and sequins on black with feathers is PERFECT for the whole vibe of the ceremony.

Valentin, let your lawyer yap about violating the 14th Amendment. Good grief.


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43 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

(I also liked her with Logan, but it's hard for me to even discuss it the way they trashed him when they decided to go with Johnny Z instead).

And since they were going to do that anyway, they should have made him the TMK killer instead of resurrecting a dead character for that. No, I won't get over it.

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Today belonged to GF. How long has it been since she had such good material to work with, and she really brought it. Laura glad to have Nikolas back but horrified that he has become a true Cassadine.  Angry that Ava is marrying Nik but also wanting to save her from pain.

MW was runner-up, determined but also vulnerable. Thank you Kevin, for asking the question that I wondered about, which is why Ava is marrying the guy who made her think she's gone crazy.

Is there a tunnel that runs from Wyndermere under water to mainland Port Charles?  How did Valentin and Charlotte get to the skating rink?

Poor Anna, stuck in one of the most boring stories on the show.

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19 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Is there a tunnel that runs from Wyndermere under water to mainland Port Charles?  How did Valentin and Charlotte get to the skating rink?

LOL. I handwaved it as Valentin's launch pilot knew how to evade the PC harbor patrol. It's a branch of the PCPD, I presume, so there's your answer.

But how did Lulu et al get to the skating rink in time when there's only one launch at a time and there wasn't enough time for a return trip?

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And in the middle of Valentine's flight from justice, Carly still wins the title of 'the worst' on today's show for basically telling Mike's cousin, " the holidays are over, get out." At midnight. On New Year's Eve! 

Also, why is half the town at the skating rink at midnight on NYE? Not to mention not a funny hat or noise maker in sight. Set dressers, wardrobe and props really dropped the ball, there. 

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As much as I don't like Valentin, he did make some good legal points today. Jordan, or course, stood there like a wax dummy.

If Maxie is with Peter, and Felicia and Mac are doing a midnight walk, who is taking care of James?

2 hours ago, ciarra said:

Why didn't Nina have a necklace with her wedding gown?  And brushing her hair would have helped. 

That kind of twisted messy hair is the style these days.

1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I HATE that Alexis finds out about Nikolas being alive from Carly. (Don't care about Sam.)

Ugh.  At least Laura spared a thought for Alexis when listing those whom Nik has hurt by concealing that he is alive.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Sonny really can't leave well enough alone. Nothing about the Nik situation involves him. You'd think he'd be relieved it's over. But of course it's always all about him

Today showed Carly and Sonny in some of their uglier colours, bullying Gladys and making the Nik situation about themselves rather than the people really involved.

Sonny's over-the-top demand for complete loyalty while never returning it should qualify him for some sort of personality disorder.

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After seeing today's episode, the only thing giving me pause about the Ava/Nik union is her repeatedly stressing the connection the two of them share. That's more than just a selling point of the marriage for the benefit of Laura and Lulu; these are genuine feelings Ava's been carrying around for years. In contrast, we have very little insight into how Nik felt/feels about Ava, other than he was betrayed by her cutting a deal with Valentin. I just don't want this to turn into another Griffin situation where Ava puts her heart on the line and gets burned by a man who is unable to return her affections. Ava and Nikolas should be equals in this partnership, in whatever form it takes.

It's amazing to me that this is Ava's first wedding! And to a Cassadine, to boot, while also rocking another gorgeous dress. Never let it be said that Ava Jerome does anything with less than 100% panache.

And I have to say, I fear for whoever's standing next to Ryan when he finds out about this marriage, as his reaction surely won't be pretty. (Unless that person is Nelle, in which case he can go to town.)

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

As much as I don't like Valentin, he did make some good legal points today. Jordan, or course, stood there like a wax dummy.

Not really.  The decision not to arrest one person with a warrant in no way exonerates another person.  Valentin essentially admitted, or confirmed through his comments, that he participated in fraud and tampered with a corpse. Honestly, the warrants for Nikolas may have been rescinded when he was believed dead for real.  But he could still be arrested or not with no impact to validity of Valentin's arrest. 


1 hour ago, Linny said:

After seeing today's episode, the only thing giving me pause about the Ava/Nik union is her repeatedly stressing the connection the two of them share. That's more than just a selling point of the marriage for the benefit of Laura and Lulu; these are genuine feelings Ava's been carrying around for years. In contrast, we have very little insight into how Nik felt/feels about Ava, other than he was betrayed by her cutting a deal with Valentin. I just don't want this to turn into another Griffin situation where Ava puts her heart on the line and gets burned by a man who is unable to return her affections. Ava and Nikolas should be equals in this partnership, in whatever form it takes.

I completely agree with all of this.  I enjoy Ava (with no illusions about what a messed up, morally defective nutter she can be).  I want her to have a real partnership relationship.  As long as Ava has been on the show, I don't think she's ever had that.  There was an uneven power dynamic, either or power in the literal sense or in terms of how much one party was into the other.  I would love to see a genuine relationship, even a fucked up twisty one, between Ava and Nik.  

Plus, I actually saw some genuine chemistry between them during the wedding.  It was the only thing that drew my attention away from that glorious feathered and rhinestone robe. 

Edited by RachelKM
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5 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

I’m glad Laura slapped him

That slap was lame, though, and obviously fake. Would have been much better (and more understandable, actually ) if it would have been a punch instead.


And I know he's done vile stuff, but I like Valentine. Or at least, I like to watch JPS play him. JPS has that same "yes I know he's done rotten stuff but I still feel for him" thing down pat that most of my favorite actors have.

I can feel sorry for a character like that and enjoy watching them and even root for them to grow and still hiss at them when they do wrong. Those kind are the ones that make me feel like I just didn't waste an hour of my life when I bother watching.

I don't like the Nik actor, but I've never cared for Nik, so eh. 

I don't care what Valentine did to Ava. If she's breathing, Val failed me. And I'm still "meh" over CW as Nina. She's a bland actress IMO. Or maybe Nina's just a bland character. Apples, oranges.

I do think Val will still end up a Cassadine. Mikkos had several relatives Helena could have had a ONS with.

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19 hours ago, bannana said:

And Dr. Obrecht.  Not that she would run to her rescue.

Oh right, my girl Liesl!  Although, yes, her doctoring skills are more attune to evildoing than, you, providing comfort and care.

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Poor Anna, stuck in one of the most boring stories on the show.

I think that is why she gravitated towards Valentin knowing that would be a more interesting story that pretending her romance with Finn is any way interesting


1 hour ago, RachelKM said:

Not really.  The decision not to arrest one person with a warrant in no way exonerates another person.  Valentin essentially admitted, or confirmed through his comments, that he participated in fraud and tampered with a corpse. Honestly, the warrants for Nikolas may have been rescinded when he was believed dead for real.  But he could still be arrested or not with no impact to validity of Valentin's arrest. 


I think Valentin pointed out that if he was being arrested for his current set of felonies that Nikolas should be held to same standard and arrested as well. He's right.

Tomorrow, I see Sam's bitchface regarding Nikolas being back. I wonder if she remembers that she hated those crimes that he committed against Drew when he was Jason.

So I guess the Teen Quad from yesterday were skating on the other side of the rink.

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My response to this week GH is the same I had as a little girl watching GH with my now deceased Grams and Mum..  Laura and Genie Francis are amazing and I think it's been this long since she has been allowed to have a point of view and express her anger at one of her male loved ones

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Valentin should have stayed at Wydnemere. Possession is 9/10th of the law and just because Nikolas said he saw the codicil doesn't make it legally binding. Doesn't it have to be presented to courts before he could claim back possession of the Cassadine forturne.

Also, I think Spencer deserves more than a phone call letting him that his father is not dead. He deserves a face to face reveal.

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I think they're probably going to go with a "sexy" spy vs. spy vibe with Ava and Nicolas, similar to what he had with Hayden. That's a bit of a shame, because I remember her recent therapy appt. when she was telling Neil that she remembered Nic as being in the sweet spot between Griffin idealizing her good side, and Ryan worshipping her dark side. That sounds more complex than what they probably have planned.  

My problem with ER's Lulu is that she's so...basic. Her line readings are like a Pinterest wine mom, which is so weird because that wasn't ER's vibe on Y & R or GL at all, if I'm remembering correctly. 

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

I think Valentin pointed out that if he was being arrested for his current set of felonies that Nikolas should be held to same standard and arrested as well. He's right.

He has a point.  But it's a political one, not a legal one.  He isn't making a defense for himself.  He's attempting to point out hypocrisy.  However, in that, Valentin himself is a gross hypocrite.  He has no problem seeking claims against others feigning innocence and righteousness while obscuring the crimes and misdeeds he commits himself. 

the mildest version is his bullshit attacks about Lulu's parenting when Charlotte was kidnapped, yes while in the custody of Lulu, but by his own enemy. 

Edited by RachelKM
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I got a vibe from Ava that she truly wants her happy ending at last and she's will to risk it all on Nikolas.  All I got from him was that he's doing this to get the Cassadine estate back. Like Laura, I fear she's going to get played big time.

1 hour ago, RachelKM said:

Not really.  The decision not to arrest one person with a warrant in no way exonerates another person.  Valentin essentially admitted, or confirmed through his comments, that he participated in fraud and tampered with a corpse. Honestly, the warrants for Nikolas may have been rescinded when he was believed dead for real.  But he could still be arrested or not with no impact to validity of Valentin's arrest.

It's all about Jordan's hypocrisy to arrest Valentin and ignore Nikolas. There is no warrant out for Valentin. Everything Jordan does is on her own initiative.

The legal definition of tampering with or desecrating a corpse is


For purposes of this section, “desecration of a human corpse” means any act committed after the death of a human being including, but not limited to, dismemberment, disfigurement, mutilation, burning, or any act committed to cause the dead body to be devoured, scattered or dissipated; except, those procedures performed by a state agency or licensed authority in due course of its duties and responsibilities ...

Valentin cut a few strands of Madeleine's hair. That's nowhere near mutilating or disfigurement, and since he did not benefit materially from the deception, I doubt that it's a criminal case. It would be up to Nina to do a civil action against him.  He is the legal owner of Wyndermere, and while he left with Charlotte, he's still in Port Charles and it's his week so technically not breaking the law.  Ava has accused him of tossing her over the wall and that may be worth arresting him for but as Col. Tad has pointed out, Ava has been drinking.

In contrast, Nikolas is standing there admitting to the crime of faking his his death and then hiding out for three years, and Jordan does nothing.

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2 hours ago, Linny said:

I just don't want this to turn into another Griffin situation where Ava puts her heart on the line and gets burned by a man who is unable to return her affections.

That's been a pattern with Ava: having deeper feelings for a man than he has for her. I've always felt her feelings for Nik were something she built up in her mind as more than they really were because he "died" and maybe that was a way to remember him. They certainly weren't together long enough for her to have idea of what sort of man he was, then or now.

TBH, I think all marriages have a degree of transactionality.

46 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Also, I think Spencer deserves more than a phone call letting him that his father is not dead. He deserves a face to face reveal.

That's why there's FaceTime and Skype, hee. Anyway, Nik is a selfish tool and will finish things in PC before flying to France to see Spencer, assuming Spencer hasn't already booked a flight to PC himself. 

10 minutes ago, RachelKM said:

He has no problem seeking claims against others feigning innocents and righteousness while obscuring the crimes and misdeeds he commits himself. 

If Valentin really were the evulest Cassadine who ever evilly Cassadined, he'd have the PCPD too terrified to arrest him, not matter what. And failing that, a kickass lawyer who'd have him out in 30 minutes. Col. Tad Parker is not that kickass lawyer, by a very long shot. No wonder Helena kept it a secret she was his mother. All that exposure to Cassadines and this is how he ended up? A crybaby? 

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On 1/7/2020 at 6:28 PM, statsgirl said:

Ava has accused him of tossing her over the wall and that may be worth arresting him for but as Col. Tad has pointed out, Ava has been drinking.

Drinking doesn't mean much unless it can be shown that she was so impaired that her memory is unreliable.  If the claim was that she slipped, WTAF?  Valentin had to lift her above his waist to toss her over.  That would be a very unlikely way for a person to fall without help.  

Also, accent aside, Col. Tad is no Matlock.  The first issue is that he is a material witness.  Lisle and others saw Ava leave the room with Martin Grey.  He in fact delivered her to Val.  Even if he didn't know that Val intended to toss her ass over, if he knew Valentin intended to intimidate and threaten her, then he's not just a witness but an accomplice. Attorney client privilege does not apply to joint participation in a crime. 

He can place Val alone on the parapet with Ava and Charlotte and Lulu can place him there immediately after and with him saying nothing to aid Ava. (Still holding out hope that Charlotte saw or heard something and just didn't understand what it was.


As a side note: The legal definition you linked is an Oklahoma statute.  If any real law were to apply, it would be NY law.  Also, to the extent that Sasha could be accused of fraud, Valentin can too if he was a participant, not to mention the identified mastermind, of the fraud. 

Edited by RachelKM
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I have to congratulate the writers because this is the first time in years that I've been anxious to see what happens next on GH. There were so many layers of conflict not only between characters but within characters with Laura leading the charge ('my son is back and I love him but he is so completely f°°ked up'). 

If only there were a manic button to edit out all Corinthii related junk.

I'd like to say more but writing on Kindle is a real struggle.


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7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Man, Gladys didn't even get her midnight snack.

I really wanted her to flounce over to the refrigerator, grab something, take a big honking bite out of it while staring at Carly and Sonny, burp, and THEN go upstairs. 

Honestly, do the writers think they're writing those two as in the right?  Because they are so rude to Gladys--and considering she could blow their Dev lie to hell and back, you'd think they'd be a little less bitchy. 

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I’m not a big fan of Lulu but loved her wardrobe yesterday - that fabulous rose-gold dress, later topped off with that cute blush pink coat.  Girl reporters must get paid very well in Port Chuck.

I’m riveted by every Laura/Ava scene.  Their dynamic is so interesting - more so now that they’re family - and the actors have more chemistry than most of the so-called romances on this show.

Jax and Kevin made me swoon-y.  Both of them just so kind, and looking great in their formal wear.

And speaking of clothes, that sparkly black feathered robe on Ava!  👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

There is no warrant out for Valentin.

Actually there is.  Jordan told Curtis she was waiting for a warrant and then when Lulu announced that Valentin had Charlotte, JOrdan said the warrant was ready for fraud so she was going after him.  

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8 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Honestly, do the writers think they're writing those two as in the right?  Because they are so rude to Gladys--and considering she could blow their Dev lie to hell and back, you'd think they'd be a little less bitchy. 

Especially because they handed her the ammunition she has against them, nobody forced Sonny to enlist her in an illegal scheme.

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I think "manic" button might have been a typo on the Kindle for "panic" button?  Because if it is, I'm stealing it forever.  I love it.  LOL

These past few episodes have been amazing vehicles for GF and Laura -- she owns the role and is the heart and soul of the show for me.  Lulu's actress just doesn't work at all for me and the comic interruptions (in delivery and in word) fell completely flat.  Her running around trying to find Charlotte and then getting her back in the park was all unconvincing -- and, weirdly, I found myself rooting for Valentin because I like little Charlotte so much that I want her to get what she wants; which is, clearly, to stay with Valentin.  

I don't have the baggage with Valentin everyone here does so I don't have a built-in hate on for him and -- gotta admit -- he looks for all the world like David Tenant and I'm a Whovian from way back (Tom Baker's 4).

No worries, if we see more of him, I'm sure I will learn to hate him.  LOL  But for now, I wanted Charlotte to stay with him.  Bring on the judgment.


ETA:  I think NuNicholas is fabulous -- looks, acting, and chemistry.


Edited by Captanne
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13 hours ago, Linny said:

After seeing today's episode, the only thing giving me pause about the Ava/Nik union is her repeatedly stressing the connection the two of them share. That's more than just a selling point of the marriage for the benefit of Laura and Lulu; these are genuine feelings Ava's been carrying around for years. In contrast, we have very little insight into how Nik felt/feels about Ava, other than he was betrayed by her cutting a deal with Valentin. I just don't want this to turn into another Griffin situation where Ava puts her heart on the line and gets burned by a man who is unable to return her affections. Ava and Nikolas should be equals in this partnership, in whatever form it takes.


I didn't see that at all. What I saw was Ava, in that false modesty/sarcastic tone, telling Laura and Lulu what a "LOVE" match this marriage was. Yeah, since when? And of course Nik isn't in agreement--he's marrying her to get his hands on the codicil. Chemistry between actors doesn't equal that the characters' feelings must also be true---meaning, just because these two have chemistry, doesn't mean that Ava actually loves Nik. I don't believe it.

Warrant, schmwarrant. Up to now, the PCPD arrests anyone and everyone based on accusations. Valentin should have been arrested on the basis of TWO people saying he'd thrown Ava over the parapet. Or at least taken in for questioning. He can whine all he wants about Nik faking his death--really? Him not showing up unharmed doesn't negate that it was Valentin's smarmy ass that shot him/tried to kill him.

But Genie was great again yesterday. And aside from her line about how Nik was acting like a Cassadine, which had me laughing, everything else was great.

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About Gladys, Sonny and Carly. 

Carly is insufferable, but we already knew that. The way she spoke to Gladys was uncalled for. And her Ava quip about how she always lands on her feet and the eye roll. Someone needs to beat the self-righteous out of her. You also always land on your feet Carly, no matter the situation you find yourself in, somehow, you always manage to come back to annoy me another 20 years.

Am I the only one hoping that Glady is some big crime boss come to take Sonny down, or some undercover agent there to collect dirt on him? Either way she loses, sadly, but the way she was standing there and the way Carly was eyeing her so suspiciously, and if Carly is suspicious, then there MUST be something wrong with the woman. 

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Oh, and can Show just STOP with trying to make Nina some naive, innocent victim in all this? With this recast, they've pretty much erased all her conniving, scheming, crazy, narcissistic characteristics. And she keeps giving Jax those wide-eyed stares and not so subtle hints she wants to stay at his place. The fact that she acted like the cops had all guns drawn on Valentin, when that wasn't even the case and making those sad and pouty faces at him, should tell Jax she still wants Valentin. Her ass should have just married him then!

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:
11 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Honestly, do the writers think they're writing those two as in the right?  Because they are so rude to Gladys--and considering she could blow their Dev lie to hell and back, you'd think they'd be a little less bitchy. 

Especially because they handed her the ammunition she has against them, nobody forced Sonny to enlist her in an illegal scheme.

Seriously. She could easily ask for immunity to spill the beans, and then who's gonna be laughing? Not Sonny. He and Carly are so annoying.

21 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

With this recast, they've pretty much erased all her conniving, scheming, crazy, narcissistic characteristics.

I think Nina definitely doesn't need so much of any of the above qualities, but she needs some of them, and CW isn't delivering. She can do all of these! Maybe with her softer looks—MS was all angles, so a spikier personality worked with (ignoring her acting tics)—they decided the character needed softening, too. But she's been too defanged. I'd have had Nina go ahead with the marriage and then take down Valentin from within it. That would be more interesting that watching both of them stare at each other melancholically with tears in their eyes. WTF? 

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24 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The fact that she acted like the cops had all guns drawn on Valentin, when that wasn't even the case and making those sad and pouty faces at him, should tell Jax she still wants Valentin. 

I think he already knows that, but unfortunately Jax has white knight syndrome. This reminds me of him "saving" Brenda when she was devastated over Sonny. Nina is the latest damsel. Jax should never want to be with someone who has such low self-respect/standards that she has repeatedly gotten back together with a loser like Valentin ... but then I've said the same thing about Carly re: Sonny. Neither Carly nor Nina is anywhere close to being a "catch" no matter how hard the Show tries to enforce that b.s.

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I know CW can do crazy but the writers have decided to un-crazy Nina since she CW took over the role. I know people couldn't take MS and her mugging but I do miss some of the Nina crazy because that's who she was or how MS was directed to play her. Now, in the CW version Nina is more a damsel in distress which CW is playing well with but it's kind of boring. I thought Nina would go crazy with the Sasha reveal but the writers totally changed all that. I can't really blame CW. They way it's written and directed is worlds apart from the MS version.  

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2 hours ago, Captanne said:

ETA:  I think NuNicholas is fabulous -- looks, acting, and chemistry.

I'm not sure I'm ready to put him in the fabulous category, BUT...he is ridiculously good-looking.  And I'm liking, so far, the vibe with Ava.  

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6 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I'm not sure I'm ready to put him in the fabulous category, BUT...he is ridiculously good-looking.  And I'm liking, so far, the vibe with Ava.  

How can you tell this when he hasn't taken his shirt of yet? LOL!!! I haven't seen a pec or an ab. Isn't that Soap 101 for a newbie? Show the goods.

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Since I'm new to the mixed cast scenario (when they blended the casts is when I lost all interest and have only just returned to watching in the last year or so) -- I have no baggage with the other show's characters (the Ninas and the Evas and the floppy haired twin guy with the smoochy faces he makes all the time trying to look dramatic....)  

I only saw a little of the old Nina -- but, I have to say I like this one and I like the way she is playing the Valentin wedding debacle.  For me, new to these folks, she is making the story grey rather than black and white.  Nina is torn -- she is giving me the impression she really does have deep feelings for David Tenant, er, Valentin, but that she can only take so much betrayal.  In this case, imo, the character giving me black/white is Jax who has reverted to his old "knight in shining armor" role.  He's the supportive friend who understands her personal conflict and how hard this is for her to go through with (the wedding destruction and subsequent horrible scene with Valentin giving up Charlotte).  He'll be a shoulder to cry on and the guy who makes up the sofa if she needs a place to stay for a while.

Remember -- my eyes are looking at this purely in the moment with immediate history knowledge.  No knowledge of Valentin from last year, two years ago, or any distance at all, really.

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