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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Wasn't that just the wall behind? I don't think the codicil is on a piece of paper behind the painting, because Ava should have found it. The whole thing about that was that the painter put clues in his paintings. I think the clues will lead to where the codicil actually is. Probably in plain sight and everything thought it was a table runner, heh.

No. I was looking at the "painting" and it looks like a fricking PICTURE that was blown up to look like a painting. Maybe it was the lighting, but it looked like a white spot. I dunno. Cheap production values, ya know.

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I wasn’t watching closely enough when Charlotte went into the water— was she at least as graceful as Kiki? 

They didn't show her, just the splash. And I'd say that Kiki was less than graceful, that was what made it so hilarious.

4 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I have been one of Chris Van Etten's boosters here. I think he's smart and sensitive and someone who has a genuine love of this poor life-supported genre. His pairing with Shelly was oil and water. There were some good things in the "post-Jean" time period, but it was a show with a split personality. I've been encouraged by more recent developments too, since Dan O'Connor became the co-head writer.  

I'm not a huge fan of Chris Van Etten. I think he's done okay with some things, but horrible in others. Shelly was just...not good. And I recently learned that Jean actually wrote my favorite soap pairing of all time on AMC, which just stunned me. How could she go from the literal magic of that to what she did on this show? Granted it was years ago, but still. 

1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Looked more like frosted champagne/gold to me. But I agree, it was horrid.

As for colors, yes. I wouldn't use horrid, but it sure was not my favorite. And I love anything on her usually. Regular pink would actually flatter her blonde hair/blue eye combination.

I still think Lulu and Dustin are cute. I kind of liked that she was so sexually attracted to him that she just went for it in the beginning. And maybe their make out sessions aren't exactly in the best locations, but I still like them together. It's probably due to past holdover feelings from Brody.

Adoring Jax right now for bringing up Hayden. Glad someone hasn't forgotten about her.

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Ava's lipstick reminded me of Cat Hickland's Lindsay and her awful frosted pink on OLTL. No one should wear those colors! I'd have liked a nice neutral shade on Ava. But overall I'm just glad they've given her a softer look. That sparkly black eyeshadow was the pits!

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Ava's lipstick was awful. That sort-of-frosted pink doesn't do anyone any favors.

Her whole outfit was bad.  The skirt and top didn't fit, and had all these stretch wrinkles.  gold lamé is so 80's.

That lipstick look used to be popular in the 60's?, I think.  An attempt at retro.

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Another thing that had me 😒😒 was how Heinrik could just hang around and be told what was going on with Franco and the killer he hired--as if he was some cop or someone where HIPPA doesn't apply. My eyes couldn't roll hard enough with Andre's constantly thanking him for "saving [his] life" ENOUGH already. And naturally we won't get to see his reaction when he learns that his "savior" is the one who hired TWO people to try and kill him.

I loved Jax throwing in Boris's face how he blackmailed/threatened Hayden away as his "do whatever I have to do" nonsense. I just wish Jax would cut him loose. Jax doesn't NEED the money.

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Look how tacky the fireplace flames are, and the fact that Hel's eyes are two different sizes.  The reflection in the teapot looks like someone took it with a cellphone and got themselves in the shot.  It looks like bad photoshop.

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I absolutely HATE that Lulu is tied to that POS, Valentin. I hate it. I wish she didn't care about Charlotte, or I wish we'd learn that she wasn't really Charlotte's mother. That way, Valentin could keep Charlotte shoved up his @$$ and get out of Lulu's face w/all his nonsense! 

If Valentin doesn't fall soon (and I need more than Nina not marrying him to qualify as a fall), then I just don't know. I'm so sick of him. I hate his face. I hate his voice. I hate his French. I hate everything about him. He is an awful character. I was hoping to see Nikolas take him down, but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen either. 

I'm very happy Franco is back. The latter part of Drew wasn't too bad, and I wish we had seen more of that guy than the Kim-obsessed version we got for the most part, but I did miss Franco and Friz. I know many don't care for him or them, but I like their little family unit. I'm happy they've reunited. 

I sincerely hope Anna is on to Peter. His lurking around the hospital was so odd and obvious. I cannot stand him either. LOL. 

Edited by lala2
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Every minute spent listening to Lulu and Valentin bicker at each other over Charlotte is a minute too many. I'm so tired of Nina always at the ready to tell us that "Valentin looooves Charlotte," as if that justifies his terrible disdain for Lulu. He's so Sonny 2.0 wherein HIS love and HIS claim to the child trumps the other parent. I'll criticize Lulu all day long for pretty much everything EXCEPT for her parenting skills. Overall she has been exceedingly accommodating of Valentin and Nina, and really, really shouldn't have to take any of Valentin's shit.

After the infuriating mess that was FrankenDrew, I'm relieved that Franco's reemergence was on the quieter side. I do wonder if we'll get to see much reaction from him learning about Kim, but for now I'm fine with him being lovingly weird with Liz. It's definitely better than the alternative. 

Looks like I'm now ride or die for Ava AND Trina. Trina impressed me by not even hesitating to confront Nikolas and by holding her own against Curtis (whose questions were a touch too patronizing in a rare misstep for him). She's awesome and miles more interesting than mopey Joss. As for Ava, I can't wait to see how she handles Nik now that they're finally on equal footing. Get him, girl.

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I'm with you on Valentin. I'm over him, his stupid face, his stupid French, his stupid daughter, and everything about him. I dislike that because, for the most part, I like the actor. However, that character is just too much. Oh, and he can't do angry. Like, at all. Years back, there was this shot of football coach Will Mushchamp looking like a complete idiot while angry at a player. That is who Valentin reminds me of whatever he tries to do that menacing angry look.

For those of you who are not college football fans or who are unfamiliar with what I'm talking about, I found a video:

Edited by BlancheDevoreaux
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wow Lulu'a kid has hypothermia and she doesn't even take her giant big parka off to wrap up the kid. 

I kinda hope it is really Drew pretending to be Franco because Drew knew he had no life and at least Franco had a family that loved him. 

Ava looked like a robot.

Trina is the bomb, but they will probably make her smoopy over Cam.

ETA:  I can't believe Laura wouldn't bring it up sooner about Charlotte's mystery body guard, more likely she has a stalker then a imaginary friend #Grandmafail

Edited by Blackie
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1 hour ago, Linny said:

Every minute spent listening to Lulu and Valentin bicker at each other over Charlotte is a minute too many.

Ugh, this is what I have to look forward to? So dumb, so boring, so done to death.

1 hour ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

he can't do angry

Valentin always looks like he's pouting when he's supposed to be angry. 

1 hour ago, Blackie said:

ETA:  I can't believe Laura wouldn't bring it up sooner about Charlotte's mystery body guard, more likely she has a stalker then a imaginary friend #Grandmafail

She brought it up the same day she learned about it. The show clearly wanted us to see her tell Valentin, and doing when Charlotte wasn't around was the way to do it. (Even if he was an asshole about it. An imaginary friend isn't some sort of intellectual failing, you jackass.)

Edited by dubbel zout
added missing word
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31 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

She brought it up the same day she learned about it.

She brought it up to Valentin but then didn't press it, she just said, oh maybe she has an imaginary friend.  Valentin had know idea what Charlotte was going around telling people, so I really think it was up to Laura to tell Valentine AND Lulu that Charlotte said that, considering she had just been kidnapped. And considering it is suspicious, Charlotte is kind of old to have an imaginary friend.

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If Charlotte hadn't been recently kidnapped, I'd agree she was too old for an imaginary friend, but to deal with a trauma like that, it's not so odd she might have regressed a bit.

Edited by dubbel zout
removing part that's wrong because I misread. D'oh!
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1 hour ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

I'm with you on Valentin. I'm over him, his stupid face, his stupid French, his stupid daughter, and everything about him. I dislike that because, for the most part, I like the actor. However, that character is just too much. Oh, and he can't do angry. Like, at all. Years back, there was this shot of football coach Will Mushchamp looking like a complete idiot while angry at a player. That is who Valentin reminds me of whatever he tries to do that menacing angry look.

Hopefully this was when my UGA Dawgs got the better of them and this is what he was angry about. I never would compare Valentin to Muschamp though.

If someone could trip Valentin just so he could fall on his smug little face, that would be great.

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I did love the cheese of the painting bursting into flames, especially with Nik screaming "No!" Serves him right.

LOL at Lulu clutching Rocco on the pier as if gravity or some other force were going to pull him into the water.

I don't know why Lulu was so indignant that Valentin was going to enforce his week of custody. Charlotte was on her way to Windemere when she jumped into the water. Why would that change?

Why is Jax continuing to work with Nik? Nik has proven time and time again he's impetuous and stupid.

I liked how Trina dealt with Curtis.

I hope someone calls Scott soon and tells him Franco is back.

I would have LOVED it if Helena had walked into the gallery instead of Nik.

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Trina needs a more interesting friend than Josslyn. I kinda like Trina with Ava and Trina with Curtis. She's spunky and energetic.

I'm glad Franco's back. I can't stand Peter. Can we wrap up his storyline on this show as a Christmas present to me?

And, I may not be a doctor, but an infection disease specialist doesn't deal with infections. If Charlotte had cut herself when she jumped into the lake and developed an infection, I'm about 100% sure she wouldn't see an infectious disease specialist. (Also, the infection wouldn't be apparent an hour after she was in the water. Just sayin'.)

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54 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I did love the cheese of the painting bursting into flames, especially with Nik screaming "No!" Serves him right.

I laughed so hard at the look of "wuhhhh???" on everyone's face and the figuretive mustache twirling that Ava and Nina were doing.  I'm hoping that Nava got the codicil out of the painting before they set it on fire.  

56 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

LOL at Lulu clutching Rocco on the pier as if gravity or some other force were going to pull him into the water.

In Lulu's defence, that pier is really weirdly designed in that it just ends and the water is right there, almost at the same height.  I've never seen a pier like that in real life.  

I got all excited when Charlotte showed Laura the photo of Nik and said that was her secret bodyguard, but then Laura got that look on her face, the same one she had when Ava told her she saw Nik.  Which means Laura won't belive that Nikolas is alive, even though everyone and their mailman has seen the idiot.  

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56 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

And, I may not be a doctor, but an infection disease specialist doesn't deal with infections. If Charlotte had cut herself when she jumped into the lake and developed an infection, I'm about 100% sure she wouldn't see an infectious disease specialist. (Also, the infection wouldn't be apparent an hour after she was in the water. Just sayin'.)

I'm with you and I get it... but on the other hand, it was so delightful having someone speak to Valentin like he is a complete imbecile.

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

 I got all excited when Charlotte showed Laura the photo of Nik and said that was her secret bodyguard, but then Laura got that look on her face, the same one she had when Ava told her she saw Nik.  Which means Laura won't belive that Nikolas is alive, even though everyone and their mailman has seen the idiot.  

Yeah, me too.  Like, Laura twice, Nik, Lucky, Jake, Anna, Robert.... even Liz faked her death once.... maybe stop being such a Doubting Thomas, grandma!!

Also, Lulu does not lock her phone?  Really?  I don't, but that's because my husband gets what he deserves if he finds something he don't like in my phone.  I don't have kids who have obviously been in the thing enough to easily find the exact picture they were looking for.

And I guess Charlotte and Aiden are 10 now.  Does that make Rocco 11, or 12?

And finally giphy.gif

I know a lot of people don't agree, but damn am I happy to have Franco back.  And FRIZ!!!

Edited by ouinason
image problem
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How... how does that work?  I mean, I'd buy nearly the same age, but Brit was pregnant before Lulu was kidnapped. 

Also, I liked Quiz too.  I have liked every pairing Liz has ever been in.... at least for a while.  Liason and LL2 are dead to me at this point.

Edited by ouinason
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14 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Wasn't that just the wall behind? I don't think the codicil is on a piece of paper behind the painting, because Ava should have found it. The whole thing about that was that the painter put clues in his paintings. I think the clues will lead to where the codicil actually is. Probably in plain sight and everything thought it was a table runner, heh.

Yeah, it was just the wall after all. And I’m glad, because clues and a mystery is much more interesting than an envelope tucked behind a canvas.  Right now, I’m putting my money on Ava burning a fake while retaining the original painting— which should mean more mystery to come. Yay! (To be clear, I don’t give the tiniest damn about the codicil or the Cassadine estate, I just like a good puzzle.)

13 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

They didn't show her, just the splash. And I'd say that Kiki was less than graceful, that was what made it so hilarious.

I agree. I was just being snarky.

5 hours ago, sunnyface said:

Speaking of spontaneous  combustion - that big bowl of moss would be a wonderful place to try it out again (especially if Carly, Sonny, and Jason are present).

Noooo! Not the moss!!

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I am no means a fan of Valentin but he was me when he asked " Why did they call an infectious disease specialist for Charlotte falling into the water?"  Even if she is going to develop an infection, it needs days to incubate.

Does Charlotte really not know how to swim? Boo on all of her parents. Also, what child imagines a bodyguard for an imaginary friend? If she is that traumatized by Cassandra's kidnapping, she needs therapy.

I loved Trina not willing to put up with any of Curtis' illegal and overbearing nonsense like Sasha did. You go, girl.

4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I would have LOVED it if Helena had walked into the gallery instead of Nik.

That would have been perfection.

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Finally, let us never speak of this FrancoDrew mess again.  And stay away from the Quartermaines, Franco!

Previews...who is that woman Lucy is parading Sasha in front of?

Edited by TeeVee329
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2 hours ago, ouinason said:

How... how does that work?  I mean, I'd buy nearly the same age, but Brit was pregnant before Lulu was kidnapped. 

Same as any other SORAS. Nikolas was born before Luke and Laura got married. Morgan was born before Carly came to town.

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8 hours ago, ouinason said:

How... how does that work?  I mean, I'd buy nearly the same age, but Brit was pregnant before Lulu was kidnapped. 

It's why I hate SORASing. It never makes any sense.  

Maxie was old enough to name Georgie, but then they were only 2 years apart.  Jocelyn is now older than Spenser, or at the very least the same age when her parents only came together because of him.  

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It's why I hate SORASing. It never makes any sense.  

Liz had Cam before Ric and Alexis ever got together-- so he's older than Molly. 

Herbst was great today-- I didn't even mind Franco-- but she really sells them. I'm guessing (sadly)  that this isnt over. He's gonna start having Drew flashbacks so Peter can go around lurking and looking guilty. There's no way this thing just ends.

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10 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I loved Trina not willing to put up with any of Curtis' illegal and overbearing nonsense like Sasha did. You go, girl.

She's become one of my favorites.  I love that she's interning for Ava.  I wonder if Joss knows that.  I'd love for Carly Jr. to mouth off about how awful Ava is and how Trina shouldn't be working for her and for Trina to just give her a shrug and say "none of that has to do with me."

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1 hour ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I'd love for Carly Jr. to mouth off about how awful Ava is and how Trina shouldn't be working for her and for Trina to just give her a shrug and say "none of that has to do with me."

"And don't drag me into that nightmare."

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10 hours ago, ulkis said:

Same as any other SORAS. Nikolas was born before Luke and Laura got married. Morgan was born before Carly came to town.

No. He was born after they got married--and when Laura was kidnapped and kept hostage in Greece. Lucky was born three years later. Offscreen, but in '84. But he was SORAS'd a year or two? when Jonathan Jackson was cast to play him. 

But Nik was a year older than he should have been timeline wise, when he showed up in...'96?

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On 12/12/2019 at 10:08 AM, sunnyface said:

Jax (without Carly) 

I also enjoy watching Jax, but i see two serious missteps right now: he has not had a single scene with, or mention of (that I'm aware of) his guy bestie Ned, and did not visit Alexis in the hospital when she was seriously ill from poisoning or right after Kiefer's sister tried to commit vehicular murder. Since Carly was seen speaking to Jason about Alexis, I don't believe Jax wouldn't have heard about what happened to Alexis from either Carly or one of the kids since Kristina is Michael's sister and Josslyn's stepsister. There should be at least one scene of him checking in on Alexis and feeling guilty about keeping Nikolas a secret.

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11 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Is Trina going to be Curtis' daughter that he never knew about?

I hope not; that's nearly as bad as a pregnancy, IMO. Let her be some random cousin—someone else's daughter they never knew about. Tommy, for instance. He's dead.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

No. He was born after they got married--and when Laura was kidnapped and kept hostage in Greece. Lucky was born three years later. Offscreen, but in '84. But he was SORAS'd a year or two? when Jonathan Jackson was cast to play him. 

But Nik was a year older than he should have been timeline wise, when he showed up in...'96?

Yeah, that's what I meant. That when Nik appeared, he was already an age that was older than Luke and Laura's marriage 

Edited by ulkis
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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:
12 hours ago, ulkis said:

Same as any other SORAS. Nikolas was born before Luke and Laura got married. Morgan was born before Carly came to town.

No. He was born after they got married--and when Laura was kidnapped and kept hostage in Greece.

I think the original poster meant because of SORAS Nikolas's birthday is now pre-L&L wedding.

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Maybe I missed it, but can someone explain to me why Liesl gave Nina a bag of Madeline's hair to do another DNA Test?  Was it just so that it would come out with the exact same wording as the Nina/Sasha on, somehow proving what Valentin did???

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I also enjoy watching Jax, but i see two serious missteps right now: he has not had a single scene with, or mention of (that I'm aware of) his guy bestie Ned, and did not visit Alexis in the hospital when she was seriously ill from poisoning or right after Kiefer's sister tried to commit vehicular murder.

The serious misstep was not getting rid of the Nina character.  While nuNina is an improvement over Michelle Stafford, show needs to sacrifice Jax to make Nina scenes both watchable and relevant.


I'm glad Franco's back.

Franco is an improvement over Franco/Drew but like Nina, another needless character (that is even more insufferable than Nina) that requires a solid actor to make Franco scenes both watchable and relevant.

What a waste of two talented actors that could be put to better use than with these two failed 'new' characters amidst a bloated cast.   YMMV.


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On 12/17/2019 at 2:22 PM, Auntie Velvet said:

I dug Ava's lipstick.

Loved it.  She looked like a shimmery gold statue.  It was over the top and weird but in the most perfect way.

On 12/17/2019 at 10:05 PM, ouinason said:

I know a lot of people don't agree, but damn am I happy to have Franco back.  And FRIZ!!!

Me too.  I know it's unpopular but I like them.  I'm a huge Becky and RoHo fan and I just block all the pre-Roger Franco stuff.  I like their chemistry together and I like their little family unit.

On 12/17/2019 at 3:32 PM, lala2 said:

I hate his French.

LMAO!!  I can't say I disagree.  However I did like his whole "cheers!" and stupid grin when the painting went up in flames.

On 12/17/2019 at 3:37 PM, Linny said:

Trina impressed me by not even hesitating to confront Nikolas and by holding her own against Curtis (whose questions were a touch too patronizing in a rare misstep for him).

Agree.  I really dig Curtis but he was talking to her as if she was a four year old.  At first I thought I would like to see a Cam and Trina love story but now I am really enjoying her working with Ava at the gallery.

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I'm so disappointed that Ghost!AJ didn't appear, or a bolt of lightning didn't strike Sonny, as he was venting to Jason that "Jax is into something he shouldn't be and Carly is covering for him."  Same when Carly told Jason that she's worried Sonny will find out about Jax's illegal activity and have him deported. S&C need to be struck down by something supernatural for their hypocrisy. I almost laughed at Sonny's call that "Carly is in trouble" - yes, she is, ever since she got involved with you and Jason 20 + years ago. Geez soooo much manufactured drama. 

I was close to giving Dr. O credit for showing a shred of decency, but then she blamed Lulu for Nina being devastated. She's really kept a bag of her dead sister's hair all this time?

I liked Kevin's insights because they totally make sense in the real world, but the scenes made Laura look stupid. She doesn't think it's strange that first Ava, and now Charlotte, both claim to have seen Nikolas (even if she doesn't know that's the man in the photo on her mom's phone). Also, Ava is so great in her scene(s) with nuNik. The Valentin takedown will hopefully be interesting to watch.

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