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S03.E08: Malfunction

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This is horrible. Poor Hen. Aisha Hinds is such a talented actor. It was heartbreaking when Hen saw that Evelyn died and collapsed. I am so glad that Athena was there for Hen. How they showed Evelyn up to the moment she was got into the accident... This show is so freaking good at bringing the drama.

I am glad that Bobby knows about Eddie's ex-curricular fighting. Now he can get him some help.

The guy peeing on the machine was funny until it took him out. And that ice skating accident was brutal. I could barely look. 

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Talk about a rollercoaster....

It started off so lighthearted.  I loved Bobby saying 'What's the story Chim' and Chim, smartassedly starting to tell the story of Hansel & Gretel.

And then the Pièce de résistance, Bobby -- with the David Bowie Ziggy Stadust hair -- as a young figure skater! 

Self aware, revenge seeking robots.  All the guy wanted to do was pee.

Eddie's drama... yeah, so glad he talked to Bobby about it.  Maybe we don't have to sit through fight club anymore.

But then that ending.  Holy man.  That was terrible.  I have to give it to the show, the entire set piece with the cello music in the background made it even more sad.  Poor Hen.

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1 minute ago, Ohwell said:

Yeah I was confused.  Was it Hen's fault?

I don't think it was.  The overhead shot just before the collison clearly sounded like Hen had the sirens on and the girl didn't slow down. 

Since the title of the ep was 'Malfunction' I wonder if they both had a green?

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Well damn!  Hell of an episode.  We went from wacky icecapades hijinks to an automatic car crashing through the front of a hospital to a robot taking revenge on a guy who peed on it to HEN ACCIDENTALLY KILLING A GIRL!

If Angela Bassett brought her A-Game last episode, Aisha Hinds brought hers this episode.  Oh, God, don't let them arrest Hen.  It was an accident.  She didn't mean to kill Little Miss Perfect Cellist.

Also, let this be a lesson for those like Eddie - never try to be friends with Ronda "KO'd in 4 seconds" Rousey.

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Oh not for nothing, but I've heard/read about those broken nose things before & I think they are crazy dangerous. Like most patients die due to the bone being shoved into the brain & causing spinal fluid leakage as Eddie said. Urg.

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Oh God that ending was an absolute gut punch! I couldn't tell if she hit the right button or not, but with the theme of the episode, I think that maybe there was a traffic malfunction or something and they both got green lights. Poor Hen, and the poor cellist, and her poor family. Thank God she hung up (I think she did anyway) so that her mom didnt have to hear her die over the phone. Poor, poor Hen.  You know that, even if she gets totally cleared of responsibility, Hen will carry this for the rest of her life. That music was just...ouch.

The episode started off so light hearted too, with flashbacks to Bobby the tween figure skating star (complete with Ziggy Stardust hair!) and I loved how Bobby wasnt at all embarrassed to tell everyone about figure skating past. No shame in his game! 

The robots want revenge! Of course after everything that jerk supervisor put his employees through, hopefully he is next on their hit list!

So Eddie realizes that his secret underground fight club where he beats the shit out of people for money from shady people might be...kind of sketchy! At least he finally spoke to Bobby about it, and maybe we can start moving on from this. This whole squad needs to take a shit ton of personal days to deal with all of this personal stuff! 

Honestly, the most I've been interested in Bosko was when I thought she had a cat, and that was a dirty rotten cat lie! Dont you dare get me excited for cute animals and not follow through show! Especially now that I am all emotional about Hen!

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The light definitely turned red when Hen hit the switch because from the aerial view, it was clear that the car next to Evelyn stopped. She was distracted talking to her mother on the phone and drove through the red light.

I really hope that Karen realizes that she has to snap out of it to support Hen.

Bobby's figure skating past was hilarious. I didn't see that one coming. Too bad the humor was lost in the tragic ending.

Edited by SimoneS
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18 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

What's this about?  Did I miss something?

The ending.  Hen accidentally hit the car with the girl who was playing the cello and was going to be in a concert and was picking up her dry cleaning and told how much she loved her mom and dad.

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I did like that Athena was there to tell Hen to stop babbling because she was so torn up and emotional, and focus on telling the investigators the facts as she remembered them.  Even if Hen is cleared, which I'm guessing she will be, I don't see her coming back from this any time soon--or ever. 

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13 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

even if she gets totally cleared of responsibility, Hen will carry this for the rest of her life.

This whole squad needs to take a shit ton of personal days to deal with all of this personal stuff! 

Agreed. It occurred to me that there are too many outside distractions among squad members to trust them to be totally focused in life or death situations.

Can Hen shake this off enough to be effective going forward? What about the next time she gets behind the wheel in an emergency transport situation?

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36 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

The thing that confused me was Hen saying "I thought I had the green light" or something like that.  Since when does an ambulance running lights and sirens have to wait for a green light?  Slow and check traffic, yes, but ...

I think they probably can run a red light but they're probably more careful when the light is red than when it's green.  Hen thought the sirens triggered the green light  so she likely didn't slow down to look at the intersection. 

That was a well crafted episode that probably best explored how outside forces affect a person's performance.

I was surprised to see Captain Cooper back on the beat.  I know Buck on blood thinners being on active duty was controversial but Coop lost his arm and is already back.  Surely that's kind of dangerous too?

I'm disappointed Michael didn't join Bobby and his kids to learn ice skating.  I would have loved more of the two of them bonding.

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Excellent episode. Just when I thought I wasn't invested anymore, they draw me back in. I really loved the ice show at the beginning, as I'm a huge figure skating fan. And I loved the soap opera backstage drama of them. Like I want to know more about this couple. The Hansel and Gretel reference from Chim was hilarious, and since I'm re-reading a very dark retelling of the fairy tale, also very timely. But the best part was Bobby's hidden figure skating past, complete with David Bowie hair.

The acting in this from Hen before we even got to the accident was good. Her conversation with Athena was incredibly well done.

The only thing I didn't like was the Eddie stuff, but maybe we can move on hopefully.

I might go back and watch this again, I really enjoyed it. Both the emergencies and the drama.

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Poor Hen; I feel so bad for her. But honestly, I don't think it was her fault. I think it was simply a case where an unfortunate incident happened. I think the girl, Evelyn, just didn't hear the sirens until it was too late (I'm glad they made it clear from Evelyn's POV that there were sirens). And maybe Hen didn't slow down enough to make sure the lights were green. You can also never trust that people won't be paying attention so I can definitely see Hen taking the heat for this, even if it isn't fully her fault. 

It'll be tough for Hen, either way. This will haunt her for the rest of her life. I don't know if this will cause Hen to quit her job, but she'll be in rough shape for a while. Apparently, this season isn't going easy on our characters. With Buck's health issues, Eddie's Fight Club stuff, Athena's dead fiance being brought back up, Maddie's PTSD from her abuse, and now Hen accidentally killing someone? Who's next? Bobby? Is his 150 kills going to come back up? I mean, if anyone can help Hen out with an accidental death (or 150) under their belt, it's Bobby!

So, hopefully this is the end of Eddie's Fight Club stuff. And I hope it's the end of Lena. My god, her scenes are terrible.

LOL at Bobby being a kid figure skater. I kind of love that twist.

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

LOL at Bobby being a kid figure skater. I kind of love that twist.

I did too.  I did roll my eyes when someone said they thought he played hockey after he said he did figure skating.

Have they not ever heard of The Cutting Edge?  Sheesh.

Oh smaller moment I forgot to mention, I adored how Buck kept slipping.

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Just now, Irlandesa said:

I did too.  I did roll my eyes when someone said they thought he played hockey after he said he did figure skating.

Have they not ever heard of The Cutting Edge?  Sheesh.

Oh smaller moment I forgot to mention, I adored how Buck kept slipping.

"I've...been doing a little figure skating."

"Finger painting??"🤣

One of my favorite movies.

I love how this show adds these little tiny things that you wouldn't expect. This was one of them.

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Technically it's almost always the ambulance drivers fault even if the driver has their lights going, siren on, and even the green light because they aren't supposed to go through an intersection unless it is clear to do so.

Had Hen slowed to see if the intersection was clear, she would have noticed that the cellist had not stopped or slowed through the intersection.

Edited by HunterHunted
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1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

But then that ending.  Holy man.  That was terrible.  I have to give it to the show, the entire set piece with the cello music in the background made it even more sad.  Poor Hen.

I thought the music at the end sounded familiar, so I looked it up.  It's 'On the nature of daylight' by Max Richter.  It was used (very effectively) in parts of the sci-fi movie 'Arrival'.  It's a very good piece of music.

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13 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Technically it's almost always the ambulance drivers fault even if the driver has their lights going, siren on, and even the green light because they aren't supposed to go through an intersection unless it is clear to do so.

Had Hen slowed to see if the intersection was clear, she would have noticed that the cellist had not stopped or slowed through the intersection.

I can see that, makes sense.

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33 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It'll be tough for Hen, either way. This will haunt her for the rest of her life. I don't know if this will cause Hen to quit her job, but she'll be in rough shape for a while. Apparently, this season isn't going easy on our characters. With Buck's health issues, Eddie's Fight Club stuff, Athena's dead fiance being brought back up, Maddie's PTSD from her abuse, and now Hen accidentally killing someone? Who's next? Bobby? Is his 150 kills going to come back up? I mean, if anyone can help Hen out with an accidental death (or 150) under their belt, it's Bobby!

It's getting to be too much personal angst.  Someone is always in peril, or in anguish.  It's unrelenting.  I like this show, but I'm of the opinion the anguish should be on the patients, and if the team is in anguish, spread it out so they aren't all so deeply damaged at the same time.

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35 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Have they not ever heard of The Cutting Edge?  Sheesh.

We even got a “toe pick” reference. That really made me smile.  The Cutting Edge is one of my favorite movies to watch over and over, that and the OG Stormship Troopers.  My husband calls it my “bug movie” 

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Yeah, the lights did appear to turn when Hen pressed the button, but she did it pretty close to the intersection, so I can why someone who was ending a call and a bit distracted but still looking at the road, would have missed the sudden change and caused the crash. Like someone said, Hen should have slowed to check the intersection before going through it regardless.

That said, regardless of it she did everything right and it was completely the girl's fault, the guilt of that is going to be crushing for Hen or most people with a heart. Aisha was amazing in that scene.

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2 hours ago, Ohwell said:

I did like that Athena was there to tell Hen to stop babbling because she was so torn up and emotional

I expect that Hen's babbling is going to show up in the cell phone videos that people were taking. Athena could see that going on, behind Hen. 

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In addition to "The Cutting Edge," the ice skating scene was also a touch of "Showgirls" for me.  When the sequin flew off the costume and there was a close-up of it falling onto the ice, my mind totally flashed back to that part of the "Goddess" rehearsal where that one girl purposefully throws some beads onto the stage floor to sabotage the other girl she doesn't like.  Obviously, on 911, there was no sabotage, but I guess "Showgirls" made such an impression on me I can't help but think of it.  Though I'm pretty sure all of the 911 characters know how to pronounce Versace ...

I couldn't put my finger on where I recognized Evelyn's grandmother from, since it wasn't from One Life to Live or any other roles mentioned above, but when I looked her up on imdb, I was like a-ha!  She also played Harvey Specter's mother in "Suits."

At this rate, I'm hoping that Hen or Karen have family in the area that can take care of Denny for a while without disrupting his life too much.  Will Karen snap out of her depression due to necessity and desire to support her wife/family?  Will Hen be functional enough to take care of Denny, even if she's got the downtime because she's placed on administrative leave?  I know it's apples and oranges, but when Karen was talking about needing more time to grieve the six embryos that were a part of her and now Hen is going to need indefinite time to grieve this poor girl's death - I hope this brings them together and makes their relationship stronger vs. pulling them farther apart.

And actually, if the embryos had been viable and they were able to move forward with another child, I can see how that storyline would have been hell on Hen, too - feeling tremendously guilty about celebrating this new forthcoming life after feeling like she took one, to the point where she didn't feel she deserved it and led to ripples of havoc in her family.

Bobby really has to dress as Ziggy Stardust in next year's Halloween episode.

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5 hours ago, bluemm said:

Agreed. It occurred to me that there are too many outside distractions among squad members to trust them to be totally focused in life or death situations.

Can Hen shake this off enough to be effective going forward? What about the next time she gets behind the wheel in an emergency transport situation?

Hen was distracted through out the shift. She was staring out into space, answering personal calls and not responding when the others were talking to her. An investigation should have at the least suspended or more correctly fired her. She needed to have her union rep there to cover it up if she is going to survive this. 

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So basically everyone is going to get suspended this season.  I was surprised Eddie didn’t get mite then just a talking to.

Still I am back to not looking forward to next week.    But then the show handled Buck loosing Christopher without too much trauma.   Still with Hen’s life already on the edge of falling apart and I still think worse is still to come on that front...

I am not looking forward to next week.

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The other thing that I liked was how apologetically news and gossip about their problems and their spouses/significant others spreads through the firehouse. That is so realistic. Everyone confiding in everyone about each other's problems. They all care about each other too much which I love about the show.

It occurs to me that the fire department is going to be sued for millions by Evelyn's family. No doubt the dept. will back up her and so will her union which I hope that we see in this story, but Hen's job is going to be in serious jeopardy. This will make Buck and Bobby's dramas look like peanuts.

I don't know how Hen will go on from this incident. I hope we see her getting therapy and slowly finding her way back.

Edited by SimoneS
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Who is watching Christopher when Eddie is at Fight Club?

The whole thing with Bobby's figure skating past was gold. I also liked Athena cooking for the team and her looking like "You gon' salt MY food?" when Buck reached for the salt.

10 hours ago, rhys said:

Oh not for nothing, but I've heard/read about those broken nose things before & I think they are crazy dangerous. Like most patients die due to the bone being shoved into the brain & causing spinal fluid leakage as Eddie said. Urg.

I've heard that regarding self-defense- if someone is attacking you and you hit their nose with the heel of the hand and thrust upward, you can shove the nose up into their brain.

11 hours ago, anna0852 said:

I've been feeling guiltier and guiltier about using Amazon these days, given how they treat their workers. This episode really amped that up.

I read a really harrowing thread on social media a while ago by Amazon warehouse workers; the no bathroom breaks thing was mentioned (like, the person was like "some people wear diapers because they don't let us leave the floor to go to the bathroom"), as was people having heart attacks from stress. Amazon treats its workers like trash. I've started making it a point to either buy the thing I need in person (privilege for me, as a city dweller) or if I can't, to order it elsewhere.

I knew the cellist was dead when it was 8:50 and we were seeing a bit of her life. That was horrible. The thing that really gutted me was when Bobby showed up and Hen was insisting that she help her, and then she acquiesced and told Bobby "Her name is Evelyn," and she had this little glimmer of hope on her face. Aisha Hinds is such a fantastic actress.

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50 minutes ago, SamBeckett said:

As even more evidence that I have been living in a cave: When did fire trucks get that switch that changes the lights?

It has been at least a decade. If you have seen that little box that looks like a camera mounted on signal light poles that is the receiver 

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11 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

Little Miss Perfect Cellist.

It was a little much. She's pretty! She's young! She's talented! She's a loving granddaughter who plays the cello for her adoring grandma! She has adorable phone calls with her parents! And oh yes, she's white (which I normally wouldn't care about, but in an instance where they're laying on the shattered innocence shtick so thick, I definitely noticed), which seems like a questionable choice if they're setting her up as this angel.

...I guess they figured having Hen hit a young bride on her way to the wedding or a charming old married couple on the way to the hospital to meet their new grandchild would have been too much.

I did laugh at the piece Evelyn was playing was Bach's Cello Suite No. 1 (Prelude), since that's apparently the only cello piece in existence according to fictional TV/film.

10 hours ago, BooksRule said:

I thought the music at the end sounded familiar, so I looked it up.  It's 'On the nature of daylight' by Max Richter.  It was used (very effectively) in parts of the sci-fi movie 'Arrival'.  It's a very good piece of music.

It is a very good piece of music, but it's basically the musical equivalent of Instant Sad. You could play On the Nature of Daylight over a montage of silly cat videos and it would seem like the most tragic, heartrending shit of all time. And therefore, to use it over what was already a very sad moment, as if the writers weren't sure that the audience would think Evelyn's death was sad (and of course they would, they're not monsters), was cheap and lazy.

Using very sad music as a crutch to create a mood shows a lack of faith on the writers' part in their material. Like, you didn't think a young woman dying in a car crash was enough to generate an emotional response in your audience, you had to paper it over with fucking On the Nature of Daylight, a beautiful piece which deserves far better? Why not just use a terrible Hallelujah cover like every other show and be done with it?

Edited by Eyes High
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11 hours ago, bluemm said:

Agreed. It occurred to me that there are too many outside distractions among squad members to trust them to be totally focused in life or death situations.

This is true with everyone - all people have lives, and sometimes really crappy stuff is happening, but they have to put away distractions to do their jobs. Some are more successful than others.

10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, hopefully this is the end of Eddie's Fight Club stuff. And I hope it's the end of Lena. My god, her scenes are terrible.

I actually thought Rhonda improved a great deal in this episode. She wasn't terrific, but she sounded more natural than she's ever done. I

8 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

Do we know why Eddie is enjoying  fight club, it's so terribly  out of character.

I don't really think it is - people who keep stuff contained are often full of rage inside - and an outlet for that rage is not a bad thing - though a batting cage would be a lot better. (I'm speaking as a person who keeps stuff contained)

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11 minutes ago, Clanstarling said:

I don't really think it is - people who keep stuff contained are often full of rage inside - and an outlet for that rage is not a bad thing - though a batting cage would be a lot better. (I'm speaking as a person who keeps stuff contained)

Or even training at a boxing gym. (Every time I see a boxing training montage I joke that I want to do the workouts but I don't want to fight anybody.) I think there's a bag in the firehouse. It's the seedy, dangerous underground element of this that makes it so gross, IMO.

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11 hours ago, izabella said:

It's getting to be too much personal angst.  Someone is always in peril, or in anguish.  It's unrelenting.  I like this show, but I'm of the opinion the anguish should be on the patients, and if the team is in anguish, spread it out so they aren't all so deeply damaged at the same time.

Not only that, but it's all so over the top, especially for a relatively young show. Usually it takes several seasons for these shows to start throwing psychotic exes, tsunamis and limb amputations at their characters, as a result of continually upping the stakes. It took ER nine seasons to chop off Dr. Romano's arm in a horrible accident, for which the show got plenty of criticism for mindless grand guignol silliness, and this show threw in an amputation for one of their recurring characters in Season 3! They can't sustain this kind of pace. At this rate, Season 5 is going to feature a post-nuclear LA wasteland with the gang battling roving plague zombies.

Edited by Eyes High
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13 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

Do we know why Eddie is enjoying  fight club, it's so terribly  out of character. 

I don't think that we know Eddie well enough to know if the fighting is out of character. He is the one character whose background we haven't delved into, we haven't got a "begins" episode for him. He is a veteran so who knows what he experienced when he served. It might explain his struggle to deal with his anger over losing Shannon. Bobby's reaction to Eddie telling him about the divorce suggests that he might not have told many people, if anyone. I wonder if even Buck knows.

4 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I actually thought Rhonda improved a great deal in this episode. She wasn't terrific, but she sounded more natural than she's ever done. 

Surprisingly, I agree. I thought this was her best performance, maybe she was less nervous. She really needs to take acting lessons if she is going to pursue an acting career.

Edited by SimoneS
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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

It was a little much. She's pretty! She's young! She's talented! She's a loving granddaughter who plays the cello for her adoring grandma! She has adorable phone calls with her parents! And oh yes, she's white (which I normally wouldn't care about, but in an instance where they're laying on the shattered innocence shtick so thick, I definitely noticed), which seems like a questionable choice if they're setting her up as this angel.

...I guess they figured having Hen hit a young bride on her way to the wedding or a charming old married couple on the way to the hospital to meet their new grandchild would have been too much.

I did laugh at the piece Evelyn was playing was Bach's Cello Suite No. 1 (Prelude), since that's apparently the only cello piece in existence according to fictional TV/film.

It is a very good piece of music, but it's basically the musical equivalent of Instant Sad. You could play On the Nature of Daylight over a montage of silly cat videos and it would seem like the most tragic, heartrending shit of all time. And therefore, to use it over what was already a very sad moment, as if the writers weren't sure that the audience would think Evelyn's death was sad (and of course they would, they're not monsters), was cheap and lazy.

Using very sad music as a crutch to create a mood shows a lack of faith on the writers' part in their material. Like, you didn't think a young woman dying in a car crash was enough to generate an emotional response in your audience, you had to paper it over with fucking On the Nature of Daylight, a beautiful piece which deserves far better? Why not just use a terrible Hallelujah cover like every other show and be done with it?

Yes to all of this, especially the part about Evelyn - Little Miss Perfect INDEED.  I just rolled my eyes to the ceiling watching her scenes before the crash. It was too much, but they are going to use that character set up - especially the part about her being the youngest soloist at the Philharmonic - to drag Hen and her family through the mud. 

And that Bach piece is used for EVERYTHING. You’d think that’s the only solo musical work for the cello. 

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26 minutes ago, MusingTree said:

It was too much, but they are going to use that character set up - especially the part about her being the youngest soloist at the Philharmonic - to drag Hen and her family through the mud. 

The only possible saving grace for this is that... it is 9-1-1.  They burn through these trauma stories pretty quickly.  Bobby's suspension lasted, what two episodes?  Buck was back in the fold within two eps.  Maddie's husband showed up to fake friend Chimney in the Christmas ep and was dead three episodes later.  Even the last Hen drama with her convict ex who was threatening to have her kid taken away was resolved within two episodes.  So we'll get an angsty ep and then unless Aisha Hinds is planning to leave, she'll be fine within another ep or two.

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2 hours ago, Raja said:

It has been at least a decade. If you have seen that little box that looks like a camera mounted on signal light poles that is the receiver 

Is this just in California? I'm amazed there haven't been tragedies and lawsuits around this before now.

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