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S14.E14: Best Frenemies Forever

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5 hours ago, Higgins said:

She is a social worker not a Clinical Psychologist. I wouldn't get therapy from a LCSW without a counseling license. 

This was my thought the second the chyron read "LCSW."  Have we ever seen a bone fide psychologist or psychiatrist on any of these shows?  I can't recall any.  Hmm.  The best advice I ever heard was to get mental health treatment from a behavior-based board-certified psychologist.  And I don't think they would film their sessions for reality TV, which is not a coincidence.

3 hours ago, Lizzing said:

It is incredibly hard for me to suspend my disbelief that these women are just realizing what Tamra does after 12 years of her doing the same damn thing to stir up shit on this show.  They have to know, and willfully ignore it for their own interests.  And I think they're trolling the audience at this point, what with Gina proclaiming on WWHL that Tams is a "good girl".  Yeah, sure.  Maybe Gina is interested in a bridge I have for sale....

Yes.  Remember, in Bali, the last time they all turned on Tamra, and they told Heather that Tamra said Heather was anorexic?  Heather's eyes immediately filled with tears--you could tell she was hurt--and...nothing.  Bupkus.  Why is everyone so goddamn afraid of Tamra?  Fuck her.

1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

The only one she hasn't crossed yet is Tamra. Kelly is afraid of taking on Tamra (Just like the rest of them are too).

But I'm pretty sure if one of these candy-ass, sissy women were to go after Tamra, they would secure their orange and make the ratings go up. 

I 100% agree with this.  Kelly, for all her bravado, is scared of Tamra.  Kelly's MO is to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb.  (I haaaaate that MO.  The opposite is so much more effective). Kelly gets all riled up, goes for the jugular, screams, hits, turns red, then cries and apologizes.  She's also really not that smart, so if she went after Tamra, Tamra would just be able to distract Kelly with shiny things.

It's going to take a village, y'all.  Can we get, like Erika Girardi, Gizelle Bryant and Leeanne Locken to come for her?  Or will they just fall under her stupid spell too?  Jeana Keough and Lizzie could crucify her if given the opportunity.

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3 hours ago, esco1822 said:

Yup, this. So Shannon confided in Tamra, a person who owns a gym and keeps herself in pretty good shape, that she has put on a little weight. This has always been a hot button issue for her so she was probably really upset and vulnerable in sharing this information with her friend. Her friend went on to use this information for gossip with the other ladies. So yeah, I would have been pretty bothered by it too. Shannon certainly should know by now not to trust Tamra with anything but she's also her closest friend on the show. I sure hope this moment was a wake-up call for her but it's doubtful. She's entirely too emotionally dependent on Tamra who is a complete sociopath and will exploit Shannon (and really everyone else) at every opportunity for her own amusement. 

In total agreement,

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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

That sit down clip between Tamra and Shannon they showed? KFB predicts they will discuss Kelly throwing her mother down a flight of stairs

I'm no long term analyzer of Tamra, and she is hugely bad, but isn't her basic MO: talk bad about whatever howife is not present?

The evil part is how she preplans her hits, and gaslighting the target(s) and making herself look supposedly innocent

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22 minutes ago, watcherwoman said:

People should be afraid of Tamra.  When she goes after them, they disappear from the show.  Gretchen, Alexis, Lizzie and even Jeanna K.   I'm sure there are others, but I can't recall their names.  They all look alike to me now.

I still say Tamra's probably giving Andy Cohen b.j.'s to keep her Orange. Or maybe Eddie is doing that ocassionaly. 

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30 minutes ago, watcherwoman said:

People should be afraid of Tamra.  When she goes after them, they disappear from the show.  Gretchen, Alexis, Lizzie and even Jeanna K.   I'm sure there are others, but I can't recall their names.  They all look alike to me now.

Tamra is mean hearted underneath. Her own daughter doesn’t want to live with her, and I can see why.  I don’t believe she loves Eddy either. 

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Medically speaking, this show appears to be lifeless, with no discernible energy, pulse, or cognitive function. Even the housewives appear to have been letting mortician trainees do their gaudy makeup. Time for Andy to do the world a favor and pull the plug,

Watching the interactions between Shane and Emily at that dinner, it struck me that Emily, with all her purported intelligence and lawyer smarts, seems incapable of seeing her husband as he really is -- a smartass, malicious kid who doesn't really give a damn about her emotional pains and insecurities. In fact, he constantly uses them against her, happily plays the part of the indifferent, even hostile partner, gaslighting and belittling her, gleefully sabotaging her own efforts to lose weight. While obviously frustrated and bothered by this situation, Emily continues to treat him with respect owed only to a husband who respects her, as someone who still deserves her consideration when he shows her absolutely none. Unfortunately, it's all wishful thinking on her part because she can never change (nor will he) his core personality, which is quite  toxic to her. She needs to clearly see him for the jerk he really is and will always be. And she deserves a lot better.

Edited by Should Be Working
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Tamara: Shit stirrer and all around feces thrower. What a horrible, insufferable lowlife piece of trash. 

Shane: Passive aggressive, disrespectful, mean spirited nasty man. Instead of supporting Emily in her new diet he taunts her with high fat carbs and ridicules her. He is just about the worst I've seen on this franchise. He obviously can't stand her and is making her very unhappy. Forget about trying to make the marriage work Emily...it's over. Think about your kids and how they are viewing their father tear their mother down continuously. Get the hell out and move on...he's a piece of crap.

Shannon: Why would you trust Tamara with your innermost thoughts and feelings? She's a snake in the grass...always was and will be. 

Kelly: What a hot mess she is...she has some serious anger issues and needs some in patient therapy. Her daughter makes me sad. It's clear that she is being subjected to bullying and appears to be depressed and a very lonely girl. She should not be living with Kelly until Kelly makes some changes in her life and makes her daughter a top priority. Her dad should get custody. 

Braunwyn: ugh

Gina: Another mess. Banging her ex and dating someone else while her kids are acting out and having behavior issues. Put your ducks in a row and take care of your kids first. 

Edited by kicksave
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51 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Tamra, for the love of God, if you're going to continue to spread rumors about Kelly, can you get the terminology right at least?? No one ever says a woman pulls or pulled a train on a man.  It's "men ran a train on her".  I mean, my preference would be to shut the fuck up about the thing for one damn episode, but I know I'll never get my way there...

I need to tell Gina about herself for a minute:

Gina's ability to bullshit herself and those around her amazes me.  She is taking casual sex and projecting 1,001 things onto it.  Gina, the fact that Matt fucked you is just evidence that he found your vagina at that particular moment in time slightly more appealing than his hand.  Take a bow.  

I said this last season, and I'll say it again:  I object to Gina's entire storyline on this show.  It's really unfair to the viewer to have to listen (and listen and listen) to a woman talk about her relationship with a man whom we have never met.  That's just shitty storytelling.  Juxtapose this Gina with Jeana Keough who was separating from and divorcing her husband while he was a presence in the home and giving TH's and shit.  That's how you tell a story.  I don't give a shit about Matt!  He's as real to me as George Glass!

Gina makes me sick the same way Melissa over on RHNJ does, telling her really young sons that they can have "any girl you want" if you have "clean sneakers and a good haircut."  How'd that work for you, Gina?  She so superficial and shallow.  That's how she got into this mess.  I prefer a man who has scuffed sneakers and a brain and integrity, but my priorities are funny like that.


Back to the central conflict--first of all, I love that Braunwynn runs to Kelly behind Tamra's back, first about the train, and now this.  I hate Braunwynn, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I'm on her side against Tamra, and right now that stealth bitch is providing pretty good intel behind enemy lines.

I can't believe the room-temperature IQs on these women.  At the sit-down between Shannon, Tamra and Kelly, Kelly actually told Tamra that she'd heard Tamra was talking about her, which is 100% correct, but all Tamra had to do was deflect and say that Braunwynn was talking about Kelly too, and Kelly gets sidetracked into talking about Braunwynn.  How smart do you have to be to say, "I am interested in whether Braunwynn was talking about me, but right now the topic is you, Tamra, and I heard you said x,y and z about me."  If we can't even do that, there's no hope in taking this bitch down.

Tamra looked haggard as hell this episode and she stumbled over her words three separate times at that restaurant with Shanon and Kelly, like there was a block in her brain.  Someone pointed out that she put on weight, and I did notice a difference between her tag line look and her look now, but I thought I was hallucinating, but now that it's been verified, maybe...don't throw stones at Shannon if you live in a glass house in Coto...

I can't believe how much and how badly Tamra lies.  She lied through her teeth about talking about Kelly at the tea party, and she lied when she said Emily and Vicki were joining in. She knows this is filmed, right?

Also, why does Shannon get to skate on being the one who brought the Kelly drama to the tea party??  None of this makes sense.  This show needs <small voice> an accountability coach.

In the final scene at the other restaurant, Emily was really good at explaining Braunwynn's side, but Braunwynn, you're not always going to have a mouthpiece.  You're 41.  Learn to have a voice.  It totally diminishes her that she cries and retreats each and every time.  You can tell she's not just quiet or shy, but she's a fraidy cat, and I don't respect that.

Like I said upthread, what I don't respect about Kelly is that she throws punches and asks questions later (sometimes literally).  This episode's target was Braunwynn.  It's such an unproductive way of approaching life.  I am surprised Kelly hasn't done time in prison yet.  I know she's been to jail, but some day she's going to become unhinged on the wrong person and it's not going to be cute.

The flashbacks to the sit-down were so damning too, yet they weren't used at the dinner.  Tamra saying that Shannon drunk-calls Tamra and Kelly at 3 am and that Shannon wanted to go after Kelly, and all that is relayed to Shannon is that Tamra said Shannon gained weight and said negative things about her???  No wonder no one can take the bitch down.  How about, "she said you drunk-call us at 3 am"?  Did they even show Shannon the text of Tamra making light of Shannon getting gonged on the head, or was that just shown to us?  Y'all have so much to go on; use it!  


The final thing I say to say is about the Simpsons:  Shane is totally that asshole that wants Emily to eat bread, but also wants her to be skinny, as if she can get fit in a vacuum, but...come the fuck on, Emily?  You really stood Shane up at therapy and cancelled the last minute a bunch of times and now you don't know why he doesn't want to go back???  Maybe because he doesn't want to sit alone with a family counselor like a jerk-off?  Shane is such low-hanging fruit; why give him more ammunition?  (I believe Shane 100%, because Emily did not refute him when he said this, not even nominally).  Emily, ya done fucked up.  I don't know what happened or why, but you can't expect the man to go right back to therapy after you did that.  I suggest going alone, which is probably better for you in the long run, and find a board certified behavioral based psychologist, not a life coach!  Good luck!  We need you to be strong to fight against the evil blonde nutria.


27 minutes ago, Should Be Working said:

Medically speaking, this show appears to be lifeless, with no discernible energy, pulse, or cognitive function. Even the housewives appear to have been letting mortician trainees do their gaudy makeup. Time for Andy to do the world a favor and pull the plug,

Watching the interactions between Shane and Emily at that dinner, it struck me that Emily, with all her purported intelligence and lawyer smarts, seems incapable of seeing her husband as he really is -- a smartass, malicious kid who doesn't really give a damn about her emotional pains and insecurities. In fact, he constantly uses them against her, happily plays the part of the indifferent, even hostile partner, gaslighting and belittling her, gleefully sabotaging her own efforts to lose weight. While obviously frustrated and bothered by this situation, Emily continues to treat him with respect owed only to a husband who respects her, as someone who still deserves her consideration when he shows her absolutely none. Unfortunately, it's all wishful thinking on her part because she can never change (nor will he) his core personality, which is quite  toxic to her. She needs to clearly see him for the jerk he really is and will always be. And she deserves a lot better.

I think at this point Emily is in love with Shane's family, not him., Why?  I'm not sure.  I think they give her help with the kids and some emotional support.

Edited by SuzWhat
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17 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

It was Tamra who brought it up on camera (not aired) in the car to Shannon that Kelly got in a fight in a bar.

It was Shannon who brought up to the entire group that Tamra just told her about the bar fight which Tamra just told her about in the car.

They are twisting words on Braunwyn. Braunwyn did talk about an argument Brian and Kelly having tension during a lunch where his son was that no one else knew about BUT Braunwyn is not the one who brought discussing Kelly/Brian to the group. It was started by Shannon (Tamra's Renfeild)

When it was Kelly/Shannon/Tamra at the restaurant, did anyone else think Tamra looked to be on something other than just drinking?  I have noticed throughout this season that she looks different.  Her eyes are glassy, she makes weird faces, it can't ALL be plastic surgery.  Is she on pills?  Is she smoking copious amounts of weed before filming?  I need answers!!!  HA!

Tamra's giant shit stirring spoon is more obvious this year.  

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16 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Every week she speaks with a different accent.  She still hasn’t found one she likes.  

We haven't either.  I ff all her scenes.  She is too low rent and messy for this show.  The show that has Tamra on it.  When you are lower rent than Tamra you've got a problem or two.

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5 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

When it was Kelly/Shannon/Tamra at the restaurant, did anyone else think Tamra looked to be on something other than just drinking?  I have noticed throughout this season that she looks different.  Her eyes are glassy, she makes weird faces, it can't ALL be plastic surgery.  Is she on pills?  Is she smoking copious amounts of weed before filming?  I need answers!!!  HA!

Her eyes aren't glassy. She just usually has an evil glint in her eyes, especially when she is about to strike or hears information she can later use against another. 

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20 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

When it was Kelly/Shannon/Tamra at the restaurant, did anyone else think Tamra looked to be on something other than just drinking?  I have noticed throughout this season that she looks different.  Her eyes are glassy, she makes weird faces, it can't ALL be plastic surgery.  Is she on pills?  Is she smoking copious amounts of weed before filming?  I need answers!!!  HA!

Tamra's giant shit stirring spoon is more obvious this year.  

She was stoned silly, high as a kite , no doubt.

Edited by Higgins
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I don't think I've ever despised a person I've never met so much as Twunty Two Faced Shit Stirring Tamra Judge.   She makes my ex, who I have referred to at times as the spawn of Satan, look like a fucking saint.   Actually, I think Tamra may be the spawn of Satan.

Does Shannan genuinely not remember that Tamra brought up Kelly's bar fight or is she protecting her?  In any event, definitely not cool to throw Braunwyn under the bus.

Instead of Shannan speaking to Tamra privately, everyone needs to meet with Tamra so she doesn't have a chance to think about what she's going to say or blame someone who's not there.  Would Tamra tell Kelly to her face that she didn't say these mean things about Shannan?  And even if Shannan has gained weight, she still looks great.   Tamra has one of the ugliest insides of anyone around.  Eventually that will catch up to her.

Also - - Kelly said the Vicki funeral comment was a joke and Tamra very quickly said she told Shannan it was a joke.  I don't recall that at all.  I remember it being relayed as a serious comment.  It should have been mentioned to Kelly that Tamra was very quick to relay that comment to Vicki - - and not as a joke either.

I will watch next week's episode in the hopes that Tamra is ripped a new asshole but if that doesn't happen, I'm out.  I'm sick of her turning everyone against each other, while she pretends to be friends with everyone and getting away with it.  Tamra is a friend to no one.  I'm very curious as to what exactly Eddie sees in her sorry, slimy, snaky and sneaky ass.  

And BTW, I nearly died laughing over Tamra - - TAMRA - - claiming that she was a compassionate person.  Ha!  I'm still laughing.  

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1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I feel bad for Emily, because she doesn't realize that Shane is setting her up to fail no matter what scenario she chooses.

If she worked full-time, she wouldn't be giving him and the kids enough attention. If she devotes herself to the family, she's not cultivating outside interests and therefore smothering him.

If she asks about the bar exam, she's nagging him. If she doesn't then she's not supportive. 

If Emily gains weight and does nothing about it, she's putting her health at risk and not thinking of her kids. If Emily goes on a diet, she's annoying Shane and he makes fun of her and tries to actively sabotage her. He'll tell her she should love herself the way she is!

If/when Emily does lose weight and get healthy, Shane will paint her as vain and narcissistic - he'll say she's looking to cheat or leave the marriage, and cares more about her appearance than her kids.

No matter what she does, she will be wrong, because Shane needs a scapegoat in life and it's her. Shane will gaslight her with circular logic until she literally loses her mind. Then he'll say she's crazy and try to get custody of the kids. She needs to leave NOW. Shane is psychologically damaging her in a way that's highly difficult from which to recover.

Shane is jealous of Emily and, on top of it, actively dislikes her. They have no business being married.

I don't.  I feel like everything that goes on in Emily's world she uses as fodder for a storyline.  She likes the RHOC fame, loves the $ she gets from it.  In my view, she's one of the worst reality TV show actresses there is.  I liked her last year, but I don't believe anything she does or says is genuine at this point.

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2 hours ago, Should Be Working said:

Time for Andy to do the world a favor and pull the plug,

As long as it's making money, that'll never happen.  Not sure the viewership, but most of the Hwives shows are awful and yet they have a following,

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6 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Gina is a slick asshole like Tamra - she's laying the foundation to set Matt up.

I think she's thought this through and with the DUI over her head, the only way she is going to get primary custody of the kids is by getting a restraining order against Matt.

I think she was disgusting when she was "leading" the kids at the barbershop on their "feelings" about Gina/Matt spending time together. Especially - when she was shaking her daughter.



Gina is exhausting, indeed!

All this ‘I am fucking my husband’ is just to get it on TV so, that the girlfriend hears she is still sleeping with him.

Gross!  She has no self respect.  Every freaking episode.....she is going/planning to go on a date! 

Gina should just take her maintenance payments of the reported $10,000 a month and get on with her life!

But, girl loves drama......and, will even mess that up.......with upcoming events!

Gina & Emily have really cute kids....but, screwy parents! 

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6 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

And Kelly was often times making fun of her ex and constantly bringing up how he's older than her, and just old in general. Kelly believes she is the youngest cougar in OC. She's just a cub! Haha...bitch is getting old and she knows it so she deflects from her approaching undesirability by making old age remarks about...everyone. Vicki, Steve, her ex Michael, Shannon.

The only one she hasn't crossed yet is Tamra. Kelly is afraid of taking on Tamra (Just like the rest of them are too).

But I'm pretty sure if one of these candy-ass, sissy women were to go after Tamra, they would secure their orange and make the ratings go up. 

Eh, she isn’t “getting old,” any more than you or me or Andy Cohen or the only appealing thing about Andy, Wacha the pup, or anyone or thing else on this big spinning marble...and I suppose since Kelly is free with the smack talk, it’s unsurprising she draws a contrast between herself and Vicki, who looks like Hannibal Lecter hiding out under someone else’s face atop an elevator. That “previously” with truffle hunter’s birthday had me scared.

To keep it shallow, I also thought Emily looked so much better than the stereotypically “hot” Braunwynn. Emily is quite beautiful. If she likes herself thinner then I love it, but she is lovely now.

Is it possible Shane has a sensibility that isn’t just 100% littledick fuckface, and it’s just that television isn’t his medium? Because the bread bullshit was just too much. I cannot imagine my husband saying any one of the series of statements Shane said.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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Emily has said that she never really knew her father and her mother has some kind of mental illness, so, it’s amazing she’s gotten as far as she has.  She’s also admitted that Shane isn’t the best husband, but, praises him as a father.  I suspect she’s holding on to him because he and his family are the closest to a normal family that she has ever had.  I also suspect that Shane is not the first to verbally abuse her.  Unfortunately, it might just be a way of life for her.

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5 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

Sorry but Emily's body while paddle boarding was better than Braunwyn's. Braun is fit looking- sure. But the skin is wrinkling up. Emily looked tight. And i know Mr. Kdawg would see Braun compared to Emily as un-fu**able. Sorry...that's my shallow note. 

Emily, in my mind, has a great body.  No she's not stick thin.  But this she's obese story line is annoying me.

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39 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Emily, in my mind, has a great body.  No she's not stick thin.  But this she's obese story line is annoying me.

She looked very good in her swimsuit.  Didn't look like she had rolls.  She is curvy and more robust than the littles she works with but I think she has a rocking body.

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19 hours ago, dosodog said:

OHHHHHHH!  WWHL is on in the background. 


I hate her.  For that reason alone.  I hate her.

Oh. My.

I am embarrassed (not really) to say I had to Google him. My brother was the Star Trek geek in the family.

17 hours ago, DivaLasVegas82 said:

I can't believe Tamra fixed her mouth to say she's a compassionate person who gives people the benefit of the doubt. Where was all this compassion for Gretchen and Alexis whom she bullied for years?

I agree. I think Tamra is all about who and what will keep her on the show. She doesn't have loyalty to anyone. She doesn't want to end up on the chopping block like her sometimes friend/sometimes enemy Vicki.

She's nothing but a mercenary snake.

16 hours ago, Hiyo said:

I realize we all have different tastes, but for me, if I were in charge of next season I'd dump Vicki (for good), Tamra, and Gina, demote Brown Wind to Friend of, and keep Shannon, Kelly, and Emily.

Yep, I could deal with that but not likely to happen.....

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1 hour ago, Midnight Cheese said:

Is it possible Shane has a sensibility that isn’t just 100% littledick fuckface, and it’s just that television isn’t his medium? Because the bread bullshit was just too much. I cannot imagine my husband saying any one of the series of statements Shane said.

I think that's possible and for some reason, I don't hate him, but wouldn't want a partner like that either. He looks very uncomfortable on camera and I think he might just have a very dorky sarcastic sense of humour, but the bread bullshit was NOT funny.

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3 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I don't think I've ever despised a person I've never met so much as Twunty Two Faced Shit Stirring Tamra Judge.   She makes my ex, who I have referred to at times as the spawn of Satan, look like a fucking saint.   Actually, I think Tamra may be the spawn of Satan.

Does Shannan genuinely not remember that Tamra brought up Kelly's bar fight or is she protecting her?  In any event, definitely not cool to throw Braunwyn under the bus.

Instead of Shannan speaking to Tamra privately, everyone needs to meet with Tamra so she doesn't have a chance to think about what she's going to say or blame someone who's not there.  Would Tamra tell Kelly to her face that she didn't say these mean things about Shannan?  And even if Shannan has gained weight, she still looks great.   Tamra has one of the ugliest insides of anyone around.  Eventually that will catch up to her.

Also - - Kelly said the Vicki funeral comment was a joke and Tamra very quickly said she told Shannan it was a joke.  I don't recall that at all.  I remember it being relayed as a serious comment.  It should have been mentioned to Kelly that Tamra was very quick to relay that comment to Vicki - - and not as a joke either.

I will watch next week's episode in the hopes that Tamra is ripped a new asshole but if that doesn't happen, I'm out.  I'm sick of her turning everyone against each other, while she pretends to be friends with everyone and getting away with it.  Tamra is a friend to no one.  I'm very curious as to what exactly Eddie sees in her sorry, slimy, snaky and sneaky ass.  

And BTW, I nearly died laughing over Tamra - - TAMRA - - claiming that she was a compassionate person.  Ha!  I'm still laughing.  

You are so right that they should all be there, because Tamra will just twist things around if it is just her and Shannon.  Ugh.   I loathe her.

Edited by Thumper
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4 hours ago, Should Be Working said:

Medically speaking, this show appears to be lifeless, with no discernible energy, pulse, or cognitive function. Even the housewives appear to have been letting mortician trainees do their gaudy makeup. 

That was some excellent snark! 😄 YouShouldBeWorking but you should be posting here too! 

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5 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

Tamra is mean hearted underneath. Her own daughter doesn’t want to live with her, and I can see why.  I don’t believe she loves Eddy either. 

That daughter is wise way beyond her years!

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9 hours ago, Claire Voyant said:

That ignorant, little toad isn't going to pass the bar exam.  He really is entirely too self-absorbed to think about much of anyone or anything other than himself.   He'd have to put himself aside and concentrate on the law rather than himself.  Never gonna happen.  There have been a few people I've seen and met in my lifetime who have made me want to scratch from the get-go and he's one of them.  

As for Emily, I'm sorry for her, but no one can help her but herself.  When she's had enough, or finally see's what the dysfunctional dynamic is doing to her children she may very well kick that smarmy, little rat-bastard to the curb.  I wouldn't bet on it, though.  Shane is never going to willingly let her go unless and until he's damn good and ready. 

Until then, she is like a hamster caught in a wheel and Shane is the driving force.    He truly is a horror of a man and my initial dislike for Emily has turned to pity.   She really puts up with some stupid shit from her husband and Gina.  

As for Gina...one can only hope that she and Tamra get to be bff's.  They deserve each other.   I can only imagine the deep thoughts those two shallow divers will ever discuss. 

I just read an informative article about toxic relationships and narcissists, and one of the behaviors to be aware (red flag) of is "insults disguised at sarcasm." I immediately thought of Shane, because everything he says is "sarcasm" and super mean. Him mocking Emily for wanting to stay on her diet and ordering fries only to hurt her feelings was bizzarly immature. I seriously think he fried his brain somewhere along the line. He acts like a stoner or ex-druggie who still dabbles. Too much coke?

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21 hours ago, Sarah Heart said:

Tamra you hard faced mare, the  chickens are coming home to roost( yay!!!). You have screwed up most seasons , stirred the pot, but remained okay. The others have now found out, so I hope they kick  your bony ass,  off this show, and take that whiny, nasal , childlike bitch,  Gina, with you

I'm so glad Emily set Kelly straight on what Braunwyn did and didn't say  because the bitch Tamra will just make it up. I think it was admiral of Shannon to try and be a good friend  to Tamra, but knowing how Shannon had struggled, with her weight and with her divorce, Tamra was cruel about her as well. 

Emily looked good on the paddle board ,she needs to get out more with Braunwyn, and less with the @sshat ,Shane,    who ordered fries and waved bread under her nose. He's a little creep. 

I enjoy OC, with Vicki demoted  to friend, we need to dump Tamra and Gina ( especially Gina)

Especially Tamara.   I can mute Gina as needed

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1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

I just read an informative article about toxic relationships and narcissists, and one of the behaviors to be aware (red flag) of is "insults disguised at sarcasm." I immediately thought of Shane, because everything he says is "sarcasm" and super mean. Him mocking Emily for wanting to stay on her diet and ordering fries only to hurt her feelings was bizzarly immature. I seriously think he fried his brain somewhere along the line. He acts like a stoner or ex-druggie who still dabbles. Too much coke?

I think most posters here speak fluent sarcasm, but imo, true sarcasm requires some wit and more than a few working brain cells.   

Shane is NOT sarcastic.  He's not funny.  He has never made me laugh, not even one time.  He hasn't got a clue what sarcasm is.  Shane is simply junkyard dog mean.  Bully, Napoleon-complex mean.   I bet the pervy, little dick-lick pulls the wings off of flies.  😠  Nothing about him is amusing.  Not.one.thing.   I hope Emily can get away from that thing sooner than later, because he's malicious as hell.  

Edited by Claire Voyant
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on an aside - can any OC people say whether Kelly's house in consistent with someone who has a 30k monthly expenses bill. It looks really old and run down...can Andy please bribe-blackmail-cajole some genuinely rich and fabulous women to join the cast - preferably semi- interesting and not a drama-confecting producer puppet like Tamra. Someone who isn't going to sell us some $hite product would be a bonus.

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I didn't think what Kelly said was that bad. Especially compared to most things these women say about each other, Vickie has said much worse. Kelly said she'd RATHER go to her funeral than her birthday celebration. Not that she would want to go to her funeral either. They make too much drama over nonsense. 

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I'm starting to tune out this show.  When Tamra said her friend saw Gina and Matt at a restaurant and Gina was drunk, they were making out and Gina calling Matt her husband, I thought she was talking about Gina and Matt Keough; it took me a few seconds to realize it was LI Gina and her soon-to-be-ex, not the Keoughs, that were being discussed.

And yes, Tamra is the rumor monger again.

Edited by la patineuse
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It’s plain to see that Queen Victoria is finished.  Her little part dressed up like a bafoon with that stupid costume and drinking tea looked like the end for her.  She’s too old and has been there, done that.  Tamballs should be next.  Maybe Eddy serving her divorce papers would be a nice ending.

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Emily told us last season why Shane's family, specifically Parri, means so much to her. She said without her, God forbid, she'd be, "driving a Honda and living on 50K a year."  It's not about family.  Emily is no better than the rest of these slime balls. Her bad marriage & Gina's abusive friendship make her seem sympathetic but she's an asshole in her own right. That's actually what I love about the Housewives of whatever place. I get to disdain all sides in just about every argument. 

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31 minutes ago, TakeAPinotGrigio said:

Emily told us last season why Shane's family, specifically Parri, means so much to her. She said without her, God forbid, she'd be, "driving a Honda and living on 50K a year."  It's not about family.  Emily is no better than the rest of these slime balls. Her bad marriage & Gina's abusive friendship make her seem sympathetic but she's an asshole in her own right. That's actually what I love about the Housewives of whatever place. I get to disdain all sides in just about every argument. 

Ha, I totally miss that.  But yes, I think Emily is an asshole.  I liked her last season although I side eye anyone that uses a personal tragedy as a storyline.  I find Emily one of the worst reality TV show actresses of all time.  I don't believe the tears she is constantly shedding.

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23 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

She said it was ok for her to drive until her court case came up. She hadn’t known that. She ended up losing her license for a year. 

Not so. When you get arrested for DUI (in OC California) your license is taken away from you immediately for 6 months or longer. You can get some type of permit to drive to and from work or possibly taking kids to school.

But a DUI is automatic suspension of your license. You can get your license back in 6 months (if you're following the rules such as DUI classes, community service, AA meetings) and it's a fee of $125.00 or more for license renewal.

Maybe Genius got an attorney to allow her to drive BEFORE her court date, but when the cops arrest you they take your license away. Period. She probably got some type of restricted driving license but bottom line...Gina is FOS. 

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21 hours ago, Should Be Working said:

Medically speaking, this show appears to be lifeless, with no discernible energy, pulse, or cognitive function. Even the housewives appear to have been letting mortician trainees do their gaudy makeup. Time for Andy to do the world a favor and pull the plug,

Watching the interactions between Shane and Emily at that dinner, it struck me that Emily, with all her purported intelligence and lawyer smarts, seems incapable of seeing her husband as he really is -- a smartass, malicious kid who doesn't really give a damn about her emotional pains and insecurities. In fact, he constantly uses them against her, happily plays the part of the indifferent, even hostile partner, gaslighting and belittling her, gleefully sabotaging her own efforts to lose weight. While obviously frustrated and bothered by this situation, Emily continues to treat him with respect owed only to a husband who respects her, as someone who still deserves her consideration when he shows her absolutely none. Unfortunately, it's all wishful thinking on her part because she can never change (nor will he) his core personality, which is quite  toxic to her. She needs to clearly see him for the jerk he really is and will always be. And she deserves a lot better.

This is true, and it's actually made me wonder if there is something about Shane that we, the audience, is not getting. Because who would actually marry this guy?!

Is her self esteem and sense of self worth really so low that she thinks/thought this is the best she could do and is willing to put up with it for years? How tragic, if true.

Or, is it editing deceptions and in reality Emily simply loves a cheeky/snarky "comedy roast" style sense of humor, and so she accepts and enjoys it from him and lobs it back when we aren't looking, and they laugh and laugh together, most of the time? But we are never shown that?

Or, are they in on it together, creating a largely false impression for a storyline, and stringing the viewers along?

I can't tell.

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9 hours ago, JKL845 said:

I didn't think what Kelly said was that bad.

I got her joke, no problem  "The only celebration of life I'd go to is her funeral."

Tamra of course conveyed this as something like "she wants you dead.'

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