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"The View": Week of 10/14/2019


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16 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

At some point, they should just label it The Music Hall of Fame.  There are so many pop stars and even folk singers.

This is from their Wikipedia page.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, established in 1983 and located in Cleveland, Ohio, United States, is dedicated to recording the history of some of the best-known and most influential musicians, bands, producers, and others that have in some major way influenced the music industry, particularly in the area of rock and roll.[1] Originally, there were four categories of induction: performers, non-performers, early influences, and lifetime achievement. In 2000, "sidemen" was introduced as a category.

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2 hours ago, pachebo said:

Maybe Whoopi's accountant (she probably has a team) should get her to register as a tax- exempt charitable organization since she supports so many deadbeats. (Pic of sad Alex with the caption "won't you help now?"

I'm trying to figure out who, Whoopi has to support....Are there any husbands/fathers for all these kids? Is that who Whoopi is supporting, the kids?

- one daughter, Alex and did she remarried the guy she divorced?

-how many kids does Alex have?

-one of Alex's kids has a kid? Whoopi is a great grandmother.

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1 minute ago, lusinia said:

Whoopie has been saying Joy will be back tomorrow, thankfully.

I thought Whoopi said she was having a great time, Abby asked if she was watching and Whoopi asked did you when you were off? 

Alyssa suffers from anxiety and has described as not being able to breath. I’ve not watched any of her shows but admire her for being an activist. She says “ It is nice to be important but it’s important to always be nice” 

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Whoopi rants about taxes, again, as she is going to commercial and says they will talk some more about it when they come back.  When they return, she says she will be more succinct, and then rants and rambles for most of the next segment.

Meghan rants that Stevie Nicks is not inducted in the Hall of Fame on her own merits and after commercial blurts out that she is sorry, she was inducted, and Stevie deserves everything, coz MeAgain loves her Arizona sister.  She can't just simply apologize for not doing her homework.


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5 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

Holy crap. Whoopi's acting like it's her first day: confused by the teleprompter, awkward reading of scripted segue, can't  keep track of commercial time . . . .

Oh, and church-going, pearl-clutching, abortion-hating Sunny is a "far-left progressive"? *snort* yeah, okay Meghan.

matt mitrione eye roll GIF by Nickelodeon at Super Bowl

McCain actually called Sunny far left? What a buffoon. And reading here, she called herself a redneck the other day in a valley girl accent, too? Clearly she's been extra delusional in Joy's absence. Glad I missed it.

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1 minute ago, TheGreenKnight said:

McCain actually called Sunny far left? What a buffoon. And reading here, she called herself a redneck the other day in a valley girl accent, too? Clearly she's been extra delusional in Joy's absence. Glad I missed it.

I am from Louisiana and you can usually identify the rednecks by the Confederate flags they fly from their trucks. They are also the types to get those testicle ornaments to hang from their trailer hitches. You may also find about three shotguns on the rack in the back window of their muddy ass truck. They are also so white that the sun reddens their necks until it is crawfish red. So interesting that Meghan identifies with these people. I wonder what it could be?

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6 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I am from Louisiana and you can usually identify the rednecks by the Confederate flags they fly from their trucks. They are also the types to get those testicle ornaments to hang from their trailer hitches. You may also find about three shotguns on the rack in the back window of their muddy ass truck. They are also so white that the sun reddens their necks until it is crawfish red. So interesting that Meghan identifies with these people. I wonder what it could be?


I'm from Nebraska and we have those same rednecks here---maybe not confederate flags,  but giant American flags hoisted high on their big ass, gun-totin', gas-guzzling trucks (with the hangey balls--ewww).

My in laws are from Lake Charles, LA, so we've seen more than our share of true rednecks.  Some we're related to, as well. But they re true rednecks cuz they work out in the sun----farming, ranching,  fishing, etc., and they really do eat what they hunt. 

But then there are assholes like Mehgun everywhere .

Don't have to be redneck to be an ignorant moron like her. 

Edited by Tosia
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3 hours ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

Abby calls her husband to ask him how to change the channel? Did I hear that correctly?

Poor little bubble head, alone at home with three babies...AND nannies, and (probably) houskeepers.  Surely her husband is smart enough to include "technology requirements" in interviews with suitable "help."  Abby...get hold of yourself!  Can you imagine what your husband's coworkers think of you?  Call your mother.  Call a friend. Call your super.  Call your cable provider. NOT. YOUR. HUSBAND. AT. WORK ! ! !

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1 minute ago, HaaCHOO said:

Poor little bubble head, alone at home with three babies...AND nannies, and (probably) houskeepers.  Surely her husband is smart enough to include "technology requirements" in interviews with suitable "help."  Abby...get hold of yourself!  Can you imagine what your husband's coworkers think of you?  Call your mother.  Call a friend. Call your super.  Call your cable provider. NOT. YOUR. HUSBAND. AT. WORK ! ! !

And if none of those people pick up, a simple google search on how to use a remote would suffice.

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Speaking of Bubbleheads!  

Dearest Alex,

If you completed your income tax correctly and so early--and it showed you would receive a refund--and you DID NOT RECEIVE A REFUND, call your local IRS office (or your state office if you also expected a state tax refund).  They should be able to explain the delay or error.  Be sure to have copies of your returns available when you make the call.

If you didn't actually file a return, please confess to your mother so she doesn't look like a fool (again and again) on national television.

A Viewer

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As many of us worried, Rachel Campos Duffy's baby was born with the difficulties she hinted at in addition to a heart defect:  “As we suspected, Valentina was also born with an extra chromosome, which means she also has [Down] Syndrome,” Campos-Duffy continued. “That extra chromosome certainly made her EXTRA cute. Life is wonderful!”

I hope her husband can keep his promise to spent A LOT of time helping/raising his large family.

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Alyssa didn't name her assailant but she gave enough details to almost be able to figure it out.  She said it was a movie she made right after Who's the Boss.  It was 25 years ago.  The actor at that time was in his forties.  He is still a visible actor and has a wife and kids.

Looking at her IMDB, it is likely Jack Scalia. They starred together in that Amy Fisher movie.  The age and timing match, and of course there would have been sex scenes.  Although  he has been divorced for some time.  So maybe not.

In not naming her assaulter, it leaves it open to speculation and now people could be thought to be the assailant, but are not.  

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1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I am from Louisiana and you can usually identify the rednecks by the Confederate flags they fly from their trucks. They are also the types to get those testicle ornaments to hang from their trailer hitches. You may also find about three shotguns on the rack in the back window of their muddy ass truck. They are also so white that the sun reddens their necks until it is crawfish red. So interesting that Meghan identifies with these people. I wonder what it could be?

Same in Indiana and definitely no Valley Girl accent. 

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58 minutes ago, bannana said:

Alyssa didn't name her assailant but she gave enough details to almost be able to figure it out.  She said it was a movie she made right after Who's the Boss.  It was 25 years ago.  The actor at that time was in his forties.  He is still a visible actor and has a wife and kids.

Looking at her IMDB, it is likely Jack Scalia. They starred together in that Amy Fisher movie.  The age and timing match, and of course there would have been sex scenes.  Although  he has been divorced for some time.  So maybe not.

In not naming her assaulter, it leaves it open to speculation and now people could be thought to be the assailant, but are not.  

That's an excellent point.  I googled for a couple minutes to figure it out, but nothing jumped out at me.  It seemed obvious it wasn't a producer or director, as she said the set handled the situation for her.  Since she had the starring role in that movie, she would have had more clout than she would have otherwise.

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7 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

It seemed obvious it wasn't a producer or director, as she said the set handled the situation for her.  Since she had the starring role in that movie, she would have had more clout than she would have otherwise.

It was definitely the actor, as they were doing a sex scene when he assaulted her. It's a horrible story and the director made it worse.  She had to continue with the scene for hours after it happened.

Scalia was def a big name at that time, as @GHScorpiosRule.  And even afterwards.  He had a lot of success in TV as well.

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Back to the Red Neck topic, a red neck is a guy who actually has a red neck, he works on an oil rig (I'm aging myself here, I grew up in Texas), or construction, or the fields, in other words, HARD WORK, his neck gets red as do his arms that do not have clothing protection from the sun. They get strange tans. A lot of truckers will just have one arm that is tan or red from hanging out of their rig too. We use to call them "shit kickers" back in Texas and I find that Ga. is just about the same. Anyway, that is where the term comes from. Taa Taa, I'm late for my high tea....kissy kissy, later gals.  

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6 hours ago, bannana said:

It was definitely the actor, as they were doing a sex scene when he assaulted her. It's a horrible story and the director made it worse.  She had to continue with the scene for hours after it happened.

Scalia was def a big name at that time, as @GHScorpiosRule.  And even afterwards.  He had a lot of success in TV as well.

For what it's worth, Jack and Alyssa didn't have a sex scene in their Amy Fisher movie. It was the Buttafuoco side of the story, when he was still insisting that the never had sex. I hate that I know that, I saw all three.

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44 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

For what it's worth, Jack and Alyssa didn't have a sex scene in their Amy Fisher movie. It was the Buttafuoco side of the story, when he was still insisting that the never had sex. I hate that I know that, I saw all three.

I've done some internet sleuthing (thx, Wikipedia) and the closest I can come up with is David Keith. Movie: Deadly Sins, 1995. Seventeen years older than her. I don't know if I'd say a "very visible actor," though, as she is quoted as saying in her podcast.

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20 hours ago, Haleth said:

Oh how funny!  Chelsea talking about kids with names like Clinton or Huntsman being pressured to run for office. No mention of McCain. 

I thought this was a slight towards MM at first, too, but then realized she was talking specifically about running for governor, which both Clinton’s and Huntsman’s dads had been, versus just running for office. 

But the camera did show MM’s face, and I think she took it as a slight, and that’s what really counts.😀

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53 minutes ago, Eileen Dover said:

But the camera did show MM’s face, and I think she took it as a slight, and that’s what really counts.😀

The director (that's who is in charge of the camera shots right?) does this a lot. Shows Meghan for reaction shots.  It's like there is a tug of war at the View. Those who want to protect Meghan and those who want to show her at her worst.

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18 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I thought Whoopi said she was having a great time, Abby asked if she was watching and Whoopi asked did you when you were off? 

Alyssa suffers from anxiety and has described as not being able to breath. I’ve not watched any of her shows but admire her for being an activist. She says “ It is nice to be important but it’s important to always be nice” 

She should try being nice herself. 

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1 hour ago, blondiec0332 said:

The director (that's who is in charge of the camera shots right?) does this a lot. Shows Meghan for reaction shots.  It's like there is a tug of war at the View. Those who want to protect Meghan and those who want to show her at her worst.

It's not  much of a stretch for the director or camera person to show Mehgun at her worst---slumped over posture, hoisting her girth on to the high chair, grimacing at the audience, narrowing her overly-madeup squinty eyes, twitching her upper lip, reddening ears and chest, frowning in faux' constirnation at any comment that smacks of left-leaning ideas or doesn't kiss her ass, (although I believe her angry frowns are actually the physical manifestation of her wee brain trying desperately to remember what hubbie told her to say, as well as mis-using/pronouncing the big words she never heard of until reading them on hubbie-dictated blue cards,---as opposed to any intense concentration on her part to understand another person's point of view), and the arms folded in her best  poseur protest over any talk of sex or motherhood or kids or anything not immediately applicable to MM's fetal politically- infused life of pundintry, and finally the full-on screeching or yelling at cohosts--less than 2 feet away--(bless you a thousand fold, Ana, for speaking up to her Snowflakiness on this point), and the indignant, entitled harrumphing when Arizona 's thorniest cactus is shut down by Miss Worst Moderator Ever and , lest we forget --haha,  EGOT. 

Nope, not a stretch by any means.  

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Yassssss Joy! So glad she's back.

"He [Trump] called her [Nancy Pelosi] Nervous Nancy. She has nothing to be nervous about. He's the one getting impeached, not her!"

I was saddened and shocked to hear about Rep. Elijah Cummings' death. He was a giant in and outside of Congress.

Edited by GoldenGirl90
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3 hours ago, Eileen Dover said:

I thought this was a slight towards MM at first, too, but then realized she was talking specifically about running for governor, which both Clinton’s and Huntsman’s dads had been, versus just running for office. 

But the camera did show MM’s face, and I think she took it as a slight, and that’s what really counts.😀

I think it was a dig at MM - Chelsea is stealth like that.  All three of the daddy's ran for president - only one won. That's gotta sting.  

The more I see Chelsea, the more I love her.  

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Is it really applaudable to be the grandmother of 57 children?  Really?  All it means is you are extremely fertile and chose to forego birth control (or sense).  

ETA:  My grandmother had nine as well, but her children were wise enough to keep the grandkids to 23.

1 hour ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

Who hasn't she been nice to? I hadn't heard anything...

I'm guessing Shannen Doherty?  But then Shannen is known to be quite difficult on set herself.

Edited by RedheadZombie
More words.
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8 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I think it was a dig at MM - Chelsea is stealth like that.  All three of the daddy's ran for president - only one won. That's gotta sting.  

The more I see Chelsea, the more I love her.  

I like and respect Chelsea, too, but I just don't think it's her style to slyly insult someone and embarrass them in front of others.  Seeing her responses to haters on SM, she's always polite, poised, and pure class in how she responds.  It's why I don't think she would do well as a permanent co-host . . . not that I think she would ever even consider the job.   Also, Meghan is always incredibly thin-skinned and sees slights where they don't exist.   Meghan did not react negatively.

Personally, I got the impression that Chelsea and Abby had already had this type of discussion back stage, or at a previous time, and that's why Chelsea only mentioned Abby.

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I think Alyssa Milano is probably a nice person, but she does seem to say and do things for attention to the point that it’s annoying and kind of Kardashianlike. I don’t think there’s anyone out there who’s more in your face about breastfeeding. 

It does show heart that she thought a lot about whether or not to out the man who assaulted her. She thought of not only him, but his family and other people who were on set. I’m curious if she will eventually reveal who it was and if he’s assaulted other actresses. I’m like her in that I don’t want to hurt people but do understand wanting to share what’s happened to you.

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2 hours ago, Higgins said:

She should try being nice herself. 

1 hour ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

Who hasn't she been nice to? I hadn't heard anything...

19 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm guessing Shannen Doherty?  But then Shannen is known to be quite difficult on set herself.

She and Shannen made up shortly after Shannen's breast cancer diagnosis. And Shannen being difficult on set is behavior that is over two decades old.

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