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All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show


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10 hours ago, b2H said:

But to be fair, Terry did state the rules one should use before selecting a plastic surgeon.  I hope Robin was listening, because one of the rules is to be sure the operating doctor has hospital privileges for the surgery being performed and NOT to do surgery as part of a vacation package to Mexico.  Looking at you, Robin.......

But Robin hasn't had plastic surgery. Why would you look in her direction? Just kidding; I know she's lying about it.

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1 hour ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

I'm watching the one on the hypochondriac mom who spends hours doing her own vitals and is convinced she has advanced COPD, among other things. This woman reminds me of the same mindset of hoarders, whom I loathe with an equal disdain. Yet I don't turn the channel......

I'll watch for it to air here.  Dr. Phil is on 3 different times a day, and I have trouble keeping track of the episodes.

My brother's favorite book is the Merck Medical Manual.  He diagnoses himself all the time, and is currently on about 20 prescriptions a day.  He recently had a REAL medical emergency which required hospitalization, and I've been monitoring his follow-up care.  His primary doctor agrees that bro needs to start having ONE doctor in charge of all meds.  Bro has self-diagnosed COPD, spina bifida, and a bunch of other stuff.  And he's right on the edge of being a hoarder, and I think a lot of his breathing issues are because of the dust mites in his house.  I can't even go in there, because my throat starts hurting within 30 minutes.

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I was strangely fascinated with yesterday's story about the lawyer who secretly hypnotized a bunch of women and sexually assaulted them. How in the world do you not know you are being hypnotized? I guess it is true because the guy is in prison, but I don't understand it all. It was pretty scary that the drugged the one woman and she was so out of it she couldn't find her way home. Then the judge who said she was also hypnotized by her old roommate through everyday conversations. How do you get hypnotized by everyday conversations? Didn't any of these women find it odd their lawyer was asking details about their sex life and telling them he was going to put them in a relaxed state of mind? I feel bad for it happening, but if I hire a lawyer and he tells me to lie down and close my eyes, I am out of there. 

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1 minute ago, Madding crowd said:

I was strangely fascinated with yesterday's story about the lawyer who secretly hypnotized a bunch of women and sexually assaulted them. How in the world do you not know you are being hypnotized? I guess it is true because the guy is in prison, but I don't understand it all. It was pretty scary that the drugged the one woman and she was so out of it she couldn't find her way home. Then the judge who said she was also hypnotized by her old roommate through everyday conversations. How do you get hypnotized by everyday conversations? Didn't any of these women find it odd their lawyer was asking details about their sex life and telling them he was going to put them in a relaxed state of mind? I feel bad for it happening, but if I hire a lawyer and he tells me to lie down and close my eyes, I am out of there. 

I've been hypnotized by therapists - even though I was not a believer and figured they were just wasting their time to even try.  After the second time, when we sat down and he told me (as a true professional will do) that he was going to start the hypnosis process, I could almost go into the hypnotic state (I think calling it a "trance" sounds too Las Vegas) on my own.  Some people are just more susceptible to hypnosis, and a jerk like this lawyer can find out real quick if someone is going to be an easy mark.  I absolutely believe these women.

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I didn't say no one could be hypnotized. I'm sure your therapist told you he/she was going to hypnotize you and you were in the right state of mind. I just find it hard to believe that in the midst of a conversation on assets and tax returns, you could suddenly be hypnotized. It's obvious, the lawyer was having the women lay down, talking about putting them in a calm state of mind and doing other things a lawyer doesn't typically do. I also found the judge hard to believe-if she believed she was being hypnotized on a daily basis by her roommate saying things like "pass the salt", she should have immediately moved or called the police or something. I do find it hard to believe that a person was 'secretly' hypnotized two times without their knowledge. 

I can't believe how this show has degenerated. Phil used to have some credibility when he was a weekly guest on Oprah and even when his own show first started. It was interesting and topical, featuring people with stories you wanted to hear. Now? It is nothing but stupid, white trash who hook up with some loser when they're high/drunk and get knocked up because they are too dumb to figure out how birth control works. They come on this show and air all their dysfunctional horror, just to get their fifteen minutes. I guess they figure that the world is interested in who they're sleeping with, where, how often, etc. It's a parade of human misery, with their tales of being catfished for insane amounts of money, how their husband is more of a jailer and won't let them leave the house and tips on how to successfully mooch off your hapless parents who are too stupid to kick them out. 

They look hard, beat up and dead behind the eyes. It's become a disgusting freak show, only broken up by Robin shilling her skin care line and Phil flogging his latest book, which he finds every opportunity to mention. 

He's not Jerry Springer.....yet...but he's headed in the right direction.

  • Love 7

Wild teenager looked like a women. She had that ridden hard put away wet look. She needs to take better care of herself. The years will not be kind to her.

Step dad was holding back the tears when Dr. Phil announced the lie detector results.

Jack Demarco is one of the guests that I like to see.

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I notice Phil never tells the parent what they can do-just that they are doing everything wrong. Not all parents can afford behavior ranches and many them are sketchy with claims of sexual and physical abuse. Hiring people to kidnap your teen is questionable behavior as well. I hate the know it all relatives who offer no suggestions but insist they aren't putting up boundaries. These people had her in a substance abuse program, had the police involved, locked up knives and escorted her to school. Show them what else they can do, don't just accuse them of doing nothing. 

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That whole juvenile transportation or whatever he called it, seemed like so much BS.  If she didn't want to go, there is no way they could force her without physically forcing her.  And is that legal?  And why was a big burly guy the lead escort with a teenage girl who said she was naked.  That was completely bogus.

  • Love 4

This white-trash homeless "father" is horrible. So negligent and he has no clue. About his 2-year-old: "some days he doesn't eat, but that's not because I don't have food, it's because he doesn't feel well. On those days I make sure he has some supplements, like Gatorade and soda, so he has some caffeine and sugar in his system." WHAT. My heart is breaking for this kid. I have a son about that age. I cannot imagine. And the dad bragging "he eats EVERY DAY!" as if that's an accomplishment.

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I also was horrified by today's show. That child needs to be given to his grandmother or grandfather immediately. His dad said he eats everyday-a doughnut, a cookie or some crackers. HUH?!  Also the Gatorade or soda comment. What 2 year old drinks those things? Not one in my family, ever. My grandson is 8 years old and has never had a soda and doesn't even want one. Screw Phil for wanting to formulate "a plan" for reconciling this family. Save this child first! I am so disgusted by today's show, I am ready to throw something at the TV. And that show has been over for 4 hours. Phil needs to exit stage left and take his glass of water with him.

  • Love 6
51 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

This white-trash homeless "father" is horrible. So negligent and he has no clue. About his 2-year-old: "some days he doesn't eat, but that's not because I don't have food, it's because he doesn't feel well. On those days I make sure he has some supplements, like Gatorade and soda, so he has some caffeine and sugar in his system." WHAT. My heart is breaking for this kid. I have a son about that age. I cannot imagine. And the dad bragging "he eats EVERY DAY!" as if that's an accomplishment.

I saw that today and I almost died, "Gatorade and Soda"!! On the other hand, the young dad has some serious problems. He repeatedly gets fired from jobs, he gets kicked out of shelters because of his anger and one of the parents mentioned in passing that he's on medication that he won't take. It's great that Dr Phil is going to send him to get mentally evaluated, but how does that help the little boy get stable shelter and food?

I also thought it was interesting that Dr Phil didn't do his usual sanctimonious act. I presume it's cuz the young man was visibly agitated and Dr was afraid of him losing it?

  • Love 4

What happened to "the kid's" mother? I missed the first 15 minutes of the show. That young man has NO idea how to take care of a child - he can't even take care of himself. It was so odd how he kept calling him "the kid" instead of "my son", so detached.

Edited by peaceknit
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Did they mention the  little boy's mother? I assume she is also unfit in some way. My heart broke for the little boy and unless the grandmother takes him, nothing will change. Even f Phl's magic center works, the dad will need a job, apartment and child care.

Edited by Madding crowd
  • Love 4

I actually had a different take on it. I don't think the child needs to be with the grandparents at all. They already raised this son, so they have a track record of screwing someone up. I have a new adult great nephew that has been through hell and back because of his mother and step father. His mother was so very young when she had him, she just had to have "someone to love her" and a baby is never the answer to that. I knew that my nephew had problems with anger and behavior when he was very young, but I did not know about the abuse that was going on in the home. I cannot fix him, I can only lead by example now, I am trying to show him there are other ways to be and other ways to think. I don't know how it will turn out but I refuse to give up. I hope this young man is ready to turn things around that because he is a dad now and has responsibilities he will find his way with some help.

And I actually found myself agreeing with Robin! Oh the humanity! Because of things that have happened to family because of drug and alcohol abuse, I've lost some nieces and nephews to the foster care system! It sucks, big time! The reason I moved to this state was to take in 2 of my nieces, and it took 2 years of court battles for me to get them. One of the girls had huge behavior problems as a child, she needed a lot more structure and discipline (discipline is not punishment) than I was able to do. I have my own kind of structure, but I'm pretty laid back and easy going and I just was not able to be the person she needed, she ended up in a wonderful therapeutic foster care home. The younger girl stayed with me for another year, she was good with me. I wanted to adopt her, but then the state decided both girls had to go live with their convicted child molester father. He was convicted in a different state, so in Oklahoma it doesn't count. It's all about the money. After the girls lived with their dad in terrible circumstances, they started running away from home and finally he agreed to give my mother guardianship, but I think it was too little too late. The older girl has lost 2 of her children to the state and they have been adopted into a pretty good home, she has 2 boys that she is locked into a battle with their father for custody. Overall, though, I think she's turning out well for all the problems she had with the start of her life. The younger girl, that I wanted to keep, has lost all 3 of her children, one was killed in foster care, I think the older 2 are living with bio family of their father. I was over 60 when this all happened and I was not physically able to take on 3 children under the age of 5. She's in prison right now, she should get out in about a year. I spoke to her last week, she's completed drug programs, and I think she actually "gets" it now. I don't know what her future holds, I'm scared for her. 

So, I won't judge this young man, I hope he will pull it together and accept the help that was offered him.

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2 hours ago, friendperidot said:

And I actually found myself agreeing with Robin! Oh the humanity! Because of things that have happened to family because of drug and alcohol abuse, I've lost some nieces and nephews to the foster care system! It sucks, big time! The reason I moved to this state was to take in 2 of my nieces, and it took 2 years of court battles for me to get them.

I agree with both you and Robin.  My BIL's niece and nephew were put in foster care and they housed them in Juvenile lockup, they were then placed with a husband and wife, both elementary school teachers, who abused and neglected them.  It took BIL quite some time too to get custody.

For once I agree with Dr. Phil.

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On January 10, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Madding crowd said:

I notice Phil never tells the parent what they can do-just that they are doing everything wrong. Not all parents can afford behavior ranches and many them are sketchy with claims of sexual and physical abuse. Hiring people to kidnap your teen is questionable behavior as well. I hate the know it all relatives who offer no suggestions but insist they aren't putting up boundaries. These people had her in a substance abuse program, had the police involved, locked up knives and escorted her to school. Show them what else they can do, don't just accuse them of doing nothing. 

He gave his trademarked "This is not a (insert brat's name) problem. This is a family problem" speech. Not to be confused with such hits as, "I don't care how flat you make it, a pancake's got two sides" and "I'm a mandated reporter." And the smash hit, "How's that workin' fer ya?"

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 4

Something is not sitting right with me regarding the flip flop, short pants, backward baseball cap wearing boy-man. We know the show does guests' hair and makeup and I'm guessing the preferred attire is also spelled out. (I've been in the audience several times and attire was very specific when I received my ticket.) I'm calling it out as positioning him as clueless and out of touch (as they did with his talking heads). 

He did seem mentally ill and certainly unprepared to raise a child. Did we ever hear what the deal was with the baby-momma?

when a child is starting to explore the world around them, reaching for grandma's glasses on her face, running out the front door every time it opens, that's when you start setting boundaries and removing the child from the situation, telling them "no" or in the case of my toddler great niece, she ran out the front door into a 2 foot snow drift before she could be caught and learned about natural consequences. As the child gets older, limits can and should be set to what is necessary for the child's age. But if they are not set and/or the child gets away with pushing all boundaries, when they get to be a teenager, it's difficult to set boundaries and expect the child is going to obey. Then there's the kid who was the sweetest, most obedient child in the world, and they hit puberty and all breaks loose. But in the case of this family, I heard that child say that she hated her step-dad, and that her sisters had a dad and she didn't. I don't know if step-dad was the sisters' dad or what the situation with her bio-dad is and why he is not in the picture, but that said a lot to me, she resents her step-dad because her bio-dad isn't there for her. But whatever all the reasons, by the time the child is a teenager, it is a family problem. Mom and Dad suddenly laying down the law and expect to suddenly be obeyed, isn't going to happen. There are changes in the family dynamic, and balance of power, so the family is going to have to find ways to change to function as a family. I have no idea what it will be, that is why this child and this family need a third party to step in and help them find how they are going to change. I'm facing something like this right now with my brand new adult great nephew. He's 18, I cannot just announce "this is what will be", well, I can, but it isn't going to help the relationships around here. I have to communicate with him on an adult to adult level and listen and give him input. 

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21 minutes ago, amacmom said:

Something is not sitting right with me regarding the flip flop, short pants, backward baseball cap wearing boy-man. We know the show does guests' hair and makeup and I'm guessing the preferred attire is also spelled out. (I've been in the audience several times and attire was very specific when I received my ticket.) I'm calling it out as positioning him as clueless and out of touch (as they did with his talking heads). 

He did seem mentally ill and certainly unprepared to raise a child. Did we ever hear what the deal was with the baby-momma?

I don't think that the show set him up at all. I suspect he was uncooperative. Flip flop dad knew that he was going to be on national tv. I am sure that the producers would have helped him with clothing and shoes if he asked. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Showthyme said:

I don't think that the show set him up at all. I suspect he was uncooperative. Flip flop dad knew that he was going to be on national tv. I am sure that the producers would have helped him with clothing and shoes if he asked. 

I don't think he had the capacity to ask for wardrobe help. But did the producers guide him to more appropriate attire? I'm guessing no. Yes, he was oppositional but also wanted to keep "the kid." If he wore that to court, it's over before it even starts. Was he set up? Probably no. But he would be less of a boy-man-mess if he wore normal clothes and the show would be less of a jaw-dropping spectacle.

Edited by amacmom

I'm guessing that the mother: 

  • Is in jail
  • Is in a mental hospital
  • Is in rehab
  • Just ran off
  • Is a drug addict/alcoholic/prostitute/stripper
  • Died of an overdose

Why she is not mentioned is very weird indeed. The kid has to be taken away from this massive fuck up of a son. He's too young, stupid, irresponsible and mentally unstable to raise a kid. Hell...he can't even take care of himself!!! Why that kid is still with him is a mystery.

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My DVR cut off at the end of today's episode where it said the accusers lie detector test was deceptive. Were there any other statements?

No, but color me surprised with that result!  I know those aren't conclusive and so on, but very shocked that his was not deceptive (per therapist reports) and hers was.  I was hoping for a final sentence that said if that moron woman was still with him.  I came in late on this episode because my husband was watching (I don't watch anymore) and couldn't believe when I heard her talking about having this guy around her kid (ANY guy, let alone a sex offender) after TWO months of being together.  

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No way that after two months, with all the given evidence including the domestic violence allegations (or were they convictions?), that the mother should have allowed her boyfriend access to her daughter, or should be considering moving in together.

But what gets me is those statistics.  Dr Phool has shown those before, in what seems to me an attempt to shame single mothers into celibacy.  What I object to is those statistics just glide on by the potential of abuse by a biological father or his associates.  Like incest just doesn't happen, and being married to the biological father is a lock that no abuse will occur.  Not so.  If you're going to post alarming statistics, go all the way,

Edited by Aquarius
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- Homeless rage dad definitely needs meds. And I also laughed at his wardrobe considering the obvious, "Desperate Housewives"-lite shotgun makeover they often give to straight and obvious trash ripped from the trailer on this show. Usually the side we're supposed to take gets the pearls and sensible heels. Since the opposition is usually a man, this works, but it was way too obvious where we were being pointed here. But he was a mess "the kid" would be lucky to get away from, of course. 

- There may be some single mom shaming in this sex offender relationship show, however this braindead-desperate-to-have-anyone mess of a woman is a staple we see often enough that I think some shaming is warranted. Sometimes it manifests in the "Mom has become a party girl slut" types, or in delusional idiots like this one. Certainly not all single mothers do this, but I also think there are certainly a sufficient number who believe they have to act quickly and think not to nail down anyone good or bad to occupy the other side of their bed, who could use a cold dose of reality. And perhaps, "dont have a kid with fly by night Johnny in your teens so you won't wind up here" is an undercurrent in that? Which i am also fine with. 

Ive posted here before these sex offender bimbos get no sympathy from me, as this exact setup resulted in the Christmas Day murder of a girl in my state, so, it does happen, and none of these rationalizations will help her then. Sara deserves shame, and anyone who engages in her self-serving short-sighted nonsense deserves the same. Knocked up, alone at 20, and lies she takes her kid to the bathroom everytime is not someone whose life experience or perceptions I would trust more than a criminal court judge. Or pretty much anybody. 

And polygraphs are complete bullshit in all circumstance. Especially on a teen sex assault victim from years ago. Especially when administered by $hil and mummified corpse Jack Tremarco.

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I think single moms should be able to date and get as much ass as they want. I just don't think you should bring your new boyfriend around your kids immediately or move him in when you've been dating for a few weeks, like some of these Dr. Phil dingbats. If you wanna get laid, hire a babysitter, get a hotel room, go to his place, or do the ol' park and play. This woman has been dating her boyfriend for two months and she's like "I love him! I believe him!" It's been TWO MONTHS, just cut and run. You are young and cute. You will find someone eventually. Meanwhile, focus on your daughter and your job, and date guys without criminal records.

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These heroin-addict parents are horrifying. What is WITH these awful parents on this show? It's so depressing. I know plenty of people struggling with infertility and waiting to adopt and holy fuck, is parenthood ever wasted on some of these people. ("Wasted" being the operative word with these folks. They are HIGH as HELL.)

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On 1/12/2017 at 6:44 PM, amacmom said:

I don't think he had the capacity to ask for wardrobe help. But did the producers guide him to more appropriate attire? I'm guessing no. Yes, he was oppositional but also wanted to keep "the kid." If he wore that to court, it's over before it even starts. Was he set up? Probably no. But he would be less of a boy-man-mess if he wore normal clothes and the show would be less of a jaw-dropping spectacle.

Because he showed himself to be a man who definitely allows others to guide him into making better decisions....

  • Love 3
On 1/16/2017 at 4:38 PM, ClareWalks said:

These heroin-addict parents are horrifying. What is WITH these awful parents on this show? It's so depressing. I know plenty of people struggling with infertility and waiting to adopt and holy fuck, is parenthood ever wasted on some of these people. ("Wasted" being the operative word with these folks. They are HIGH as HELL.)

I couldn't agree more.  I know a couple who would make the best parents, they've tried for 12 years and still don't have kids.  They've been through every fertility help out there and it hasn't happened for them.  They are the kindest, warmest most giving, loving people I've ever known and any child would be lucky to have them as parents.   Then we have these druggy idiots (and a few of the "women" on the Teen Mom shows) who can have children and don't take care of them.   This is one of the many reasons why I'm a die hard atheist. 

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Today's pedophile story was just crazy. Who would stay married to a man who admits he fantasizes about little girls? Then the man says he doesn't think children are always harmed by sexual contact with adults?  I know he can't help his thoughts but he needs to be prevented from any access with children.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Negritude said:

I don't know who pissed me off more, the pedophile or the wife! At least he's delusional enough to "come out" so people know to stay the hell away from both of them since she likes to point out little girls he might like smh.

I wanted to slap the smirk off her face!

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This  "Pious Church Going Saint of a Pedophile" is disgusting. But the wife?????? Pointing out little girls to him saying "isn't she cute? "  Nudge nudge...wink wink...   I threw up in my mouth! KNOWING he is an admitted pedophile these pillars of the church  activley sought out foster kids?? Did I hear correctly that they have grandchildren and the parents are totally ok leaving their kids with Pops The Pedophile?? Oh, because he draws the line at insest... that makes him a saint. 

Mark your calanders....it is a rare day that I am at a loss for words. 

  • Love 13

Mrs. Righteous Pedophile says she didn't know of his proclivities when they took in the foster kids.  But she is a disgusting human being nonetheless.  I've gotten to where I enjoy airplane flights less and less as I age.  Now I'll feel obligated to watch out for any prepubescent girls on the flights to make sure no one like this slimeball and his wife are looking at them.

That Christian woman is going to have a lot to answer for when she sees St. Peter.  Jesus said about children:  "Of such is the kingdom of Heaven."  Not thinking they're going to want any child abusers and molesters nor their enablers there.

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