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From the article:

The duo have only worked on one season  of the show together but have been widely praised for their on-screen partnership.


Widely praised?  I must not be reading widely enough!

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I'm so unhappy about this. I like JLC, but Moffat has made Clara the worst and most insufferable character I've encountered in the show's universe. I cannot stand the character or the way she has supplanted the Doctor himself on the show -- and now will continue to do so through Season 9? AGHGHGHG.


The worst part is, not only has a Companion completely taken over the show, but we're forced to watch that Companion do utterly inane stuff and then treat the Doctor and his travels with exasperation and loathing.

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I'm so unhappy about this. I like JLC, but Moffat has made Clara the worst and most insufferable character I've encountered in the show's universe. I cannot stand the character or the way she has supplanted the Doctor himself on the show -- and now will continue to do so through Season 9? AGHGHGHG.


The worst part is, not only has a Companion completely taken over the show, but we're forced to watch that Companion do utterly inane stuff and then treat the Doctor and his travels with exasperation and loathing.


(sigh). I know. I was really, really hoping for No More Clara,  but, nope. whatever. If we're honest it's not like the next companion wouldn't be exactly the same anyway.  Moffat only knows how to write women one way. 

A neat casting announcement via the BBC and the Doctor Who twitter accounts.

Article on Deadline here.

Thanks for that. Interesting.


Got to admit, though, that I'm beyond tired of all the hyperbole. Like this: Although her role is being kept under wraps, lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat did offer that “she is going to challenge the Doctor in very unexpected ways. This time he might just be out of his depth, and we know Maisie is going to give him exactly the right sort of hell.” We keep being told that this or that is going to be completely new, different, unexpected, a challenge the Doctor has never faced before, the worst ever this or the worst ever that - phrases that no longer have any meaning, because we've heard it all before. I suppose I just wish the show would stop trying to top itself all the time, because it becomes absurd and reductive - and self-defeating, as every new high or low will immediately be undermined.

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The hyperbole Moffat spouts is ignorable but really, is it any worse than the hyperbole any other showrunner spouts about their show? People need to stop taking the hype so seriously or personally in some cases to be honest.


Maisie is amazing casting and I love that both Mathieson and Tregenna are penning episodes for the new series.

Edited by darkestboy
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I just find it tiresome that Moffat feels the need to have yet another female character come along and give the Doctor his comeuppance, I mean we get it. I swear the Capaldi run so far has been nothing but trashing the Doctor and making the character seem less and less significant or capable. It's almost like after Moffat was absurdly called a "misogynist" this is his overreaction. 


Well, either that or Doctor Who's fanbase is now girls and young women and he's just playing to the base, which is entirely possible and understandable I suppose.

Davros returning for Series 9. Take with a pinch of salt this one.



Taking with a big pinch of salt. The article itself is contradictory. First it talks about going back and encountering the young Davros and having to decide whether or not to kill him before he creates the Daleks (itself basically just the concept of Genesis of the Daleks ripped off and re-written) and then it talks about Davros taking the Doctor hostage to save the Daleks from dying out. If Davros is young and the Daleks haven't been invented, how can he want to stop them dying out?


Genesis of the Daleks is a particular fave of mine - partly because it's one of my favourite TARDIS teams. But I also - and I may be in a minority here - enjoy the measured pace of it, six episodes of total immersion in this grim, last ditch battle between the Thals and the Daleks. The story is told 1970s style, and with Terry Nation stylings, but there's a weight and gravitas to it that I simply can't picture in a 45-minute Moffat story. I hope I'm wrong, but if it comes off I'll probably be back in here all angry in a few months time. *sigh*

I just find it tiresome that Moffat feels the need to have yet another female character come along and give the Doctor his comeuppance, I mean we get it. I swear the Capaldi run so far has been nothing but trashing the Doctor and making the character seem less and less significant or capable. It's almost like after Moffat was absurdly called a "misogynist" this is his overreaction. 


Well, either that or Doctor Who's fanbase is now girls and young women and he's just playing to the base, which is entirely possible and understandable I suppose.

Well I'm a female viewer and I can't stand seeing the lead character of this show, a character with 50 years of show history behind him, repeatedly torn down so that a fly-by-night current character can be made to look good in comparison. That isn't playing to the 'fanbase'. It's making the same mistakes that were made back in the 1970s but in reverse. Back then, the weaker writers would make the companions do something stupid so that the Doctor would look better by comparison - now the Doctor is made to look stupid so that the companion will look better by comparison. Both approaches are completely missing the point that a truly strong character doesn't need anyoneone else to be torn down in order to prop them up, because they already stand on their own merit - two strong characters don't cancel each other out, they complement one another. As a female viewer, I do not want to see male characters trashed so that the female characters can shine in comparison. I want to see all characters treated with the respect they deserve.

Edited by Llywela
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Back in February the Twitterverse and other social media went nuts when word got out that the BBC would be removing most of its shows from Netflix. Within a few days, they changed their minds, and the shows remained. Thank goodness! I read that the BBC wants to start its own streaming service. Does this mean there will be no new Doctor Who episodes on Netflix/Hulu?

Edited by eXiled

Back in February the Twitterverse and other social media went nuts when word got out that the BBC would be removing most of its shows from Netflix. Within a few days, they changed their minds, and the shows remained. Thank goodness! I read that the BBC wants to start its own streaming service. Does this mean there will be no new Doctor Who episodes on Netflix/Hulu?

The Beeb have been talking about their own streaming service for a few years now. It hasn't happened yet. If it comes off, I don't know what their plans would be for new material, but my understanding is that they see it as a possible means of providing access to their archive, much of which has never been released on DVD. It would be an enormous project to make it all available, though.


There has been talk that any future missing Doctor Who episodes that turn up might be released on this streaming service rather than on DVD - talk fuelled by the fact that the orphan episode of Underwater Menace that surfaced in 2011 has never been officially released in any format - it is now the only extant episode of Doctor Who that has never been released.

Edited by Llywela

My mind is absolutely blown by the concept that Doctor Who will now be airing in the US on DISNEY XD channel.


I mean... that's for KIDS SHOWS!  Heh.


I was so glad to see this here on the forum.  And thank you, Kromm for including the video link!  I seem to learn about new Dr. Who news while on vacation.  This is just the latest example.  The hotel TV got Disney XD, (we don't at home) in addition to seeing the last "Phineas and Ferb" episode, I saw this promo.  And while my family was able to see the P&F episode again at another hotel on Disney XD, the Doctor Who promo never seemed to re-air.  It is frustrating to try to explain that I saw "Rose and Ten"  and the TARDIS without being able to show them the clip.  At least they know me well enough to know I wasn't seeing things.  :0)

My mind is absolutely blown by the concept that Doctor Who will now be airing in the US on DISNEY XD channel.

I mean... that's for KIDS SHOWS! Heh.


I thought the original show was targeted towards kids, no? DisneyXD is for tweens/teens. I have no problem with a new generation being exposed to Doctor Who. Let it live on as long as it can. In fact, I can catch old shows when BBCA isn't showing it.


The 2015 San Diego Comic Con is happening right now.  On July 9th there will be a Doctor Who panel in Hall H (the largest hall).  Fans are lining up overnight to get good seats at tomorrow's panel.  Peter Capaldi stopped by the line to greet the fans camping out:



Edited by LeighAnne
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The fantastic Flicks and the City people recorded the entire Doctor Who panel at the 2015 San Diego International Comic Con:




Edited to add:  Jenna Coleman also took part Entertainment Weekly magazine's "Women Who Kick Ass" panel:



Edited by LeighAnne

Eh, who knows. I think Moffat should step back from one of them IMHO, since I think he long since joined RTD in "levels of over stetchedness" and that guy had been thinking about peacing out for ages before we had any confirmation (per The Writer's Tale). I've personally thought every season after S5 was a lucky dip of interesting ideas randomly combined with plot and WTF?. They might not be trying to edge him out exactly but I wouldn't be entirely surprised if they were thinking of "resting" Who for a year again due to budget and burnout. The ratings are good enough that it will almost certainly return but anticipation seems fairly low this year. I love Capaldi generally and really hope he gets there for me this season. 

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Since BBC-A has been running commercial for these episodes as "The Doctor's Finest", I thought I would take a chance a post my question here.  I seem to have come into the middle of the Ten/Martha "finest" episodes.  Does anyone know if there were any Nine/Rose episodes at all?  "Dalek"  and the two part "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances" should be on that list.

Here's the whole list of the "finest." Draw your own conclusions. Personally, I'm a little underwhelmed. 


Saturday, August 15


 The Waters of Mars


Saturday, August 22

8/7c – The End of Time 



Saturday, August 29

Vincent and the Doctor

The Doctor’s Wife


Saturday, September 5

The Day of the Doctor


Saturday, September 12

The Time of the Doctor


Friday, September 18

Deep Breath

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