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S02.E02: A Kiss Is Just a Kiss

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22 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I hope not! I turned 44 today, it's 11pm and I feel like I should have gone to bed two hours ago. (Though to be fair I did get up at 5 this morning.)

Happy Birthday, ams1001!  Many happy returns, and many more!

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I thought this episode was better and funnier than the season premiere last week.  Jackie had the best lines.  Although I didn't really like Ben last season because I thought he was too controlling and rushing everything, I feel sorry for him being cheated on by Darlene.  If he stays this sweeter version, he will hate to see him go.  David does nothing for me, although I thought it was nice that he wore a suit and stuck with Darlene's code of parenting.  I hate seeing Becky stressing over the baby.

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On 10/1/2019 at 5:29 PM, BeachDays said:

True.  I do like the fact that he is working now at Trader Joe’s as a chalkboard artist.  Not the most glamorous job but seems to be a good fit for him.  

I would love to know how Lanford got a Trader Joe's. And how David got a job there -- my understanding is it's really rather competitive. 

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1 minute ago, Jillybean said:

I would love to know how Lanford got a Trader Joe's. And how David got a job there -- my understanding is it's really rather competitive. 

Aren’t Trader Joe’s everywhere now?  I’m guessing he got the job bc he is a really good artist.   

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David fascinates me because I've spent the last 10 years watching Johnny Galecki play Leonard on The Big Bang Theory, which on paper doesn't seem like a fundamentally different kind of character. Yet the nuances are so palpable it's like night and day. The way he was able to slip right back into David's persona is incredible. There's not one thing about David that reminds me of Leonard. Everything about him from the voice to the posture to the hair is uniquely David, from the original series. And I don't think I would have realized that if he hadn't returned to this character. 

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Sorry back to Darlene’s hair that was mentioned earlier looking like a rats nest lol, Sara Gilbert was literally running around the lot and the studio right before filming getting her workout in and looks like they didn’t fix it.   I guess that’s the beauty of the show, looking like a hot mess is a thing.  I’ve seen Emma walk into the studio looking stylish and beautiful and then they take off her makeup and cute clothes so she looks more like a Conner.   

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I found the episode not very funny and not very interesting.  Some humorous lines, mostly from John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf.  Beverly's absence definitely noted since she tends to always bring the funny or at least triggers funny responses.  Darlene struggling with which of her two secret lovers to keep and which one to dump is not funny.  Becky struggling with her guilt about being inadequate as a mother is not funny.  Both of the characters were written much funnier when they were kids.

Mark's storyline about being out and PDA at school is not funny, however, I am very glad that the show and the network are telling this story in the fashion - his entire family being completely accepting and supportive of their gay child, his orientation being completely normalized (not by not-Kathy Bowman, obviously but by the Connors and the general tone of the script/episode); in essence, Mark being gay was not the point, PDA in school was the issue which is a fair thing for a school to have a policy about, and the gender of the individuals was really a secondary issue.  For so many young LGBTQ people in 2019, still none of these things are the case and sharing who you are with those closest to you can be such a tragically traumatic experience, so for such a highly-rated show to portray this stuff in this matter-of-fact way is a very positive thing.

Hmm.  Is the transformation of Roseanne (uproarious sitcom) into the Connors (light-hearted family drama) twenty years later, the 21st century equivalent of The Brady Bunch (zany sitcom) transforming into The Bradys (light-hearted family drama) twenty years later?  God, I hope not.

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10 minutes ago, sd dude said:

I found the episode not very funny and not very interesting.  Some humorous lines, mostly from John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf.  Beverly's absence definitely noted since she tends to always bring the funny or at least triggers funny responses.  Darlene struggling with which of her two secret lovers to keep and which one to dump is not funny.  Becky struggling with her guilt about being inadequate as a mother is not funny.  Both of the characters were written much funnier when they were kids.

Mark's storyline about being out and PDA at school is not funny, however, I am very glad that the show and the network are telling this story in the fashion - his entire family being completely accepting and supportive of their gay child, his orientation being completely normalized (not by not-Kathy Bowman, obviously but by the Connors and the general tone of the script/episode); in essence, Mark being gay was not the point, PDA in school was the issue which is a fair thing for a school to have a policy about, and the gender of the individuals was really a secondary issue.  For so many young LGBTQ people in 2019, still none of these things are the case and sharing who you are with those closest to you can be such a tragically traumatic experience, so for such a highly-rated show to portray this stuff in this matter-of-fact way is a very positive thing.

Hmm.  Is the transformation of Roseanne (uproarious sitcom) into the Connors (light-hearted family drama) twenty years later, the 21st century equivalent of The Brady Bunch (zany sitcom) transforming into The Bradys (light-hearted family drama) twenty years later?  God, I hope not.

So you might not like this answer, but yes it’s shifting.   It’s NOT going to be straight comedy.  This article explains the direction they are taking.     


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Thanks, BeachDays, for the link.  I did not know the shift was intentional.  However, the fact that the inspiration for including more dramatic elements was based on "A Very Special Episode" of a classic sitcom is significant.  If you make every episode of your sitcom "very special" there is no longer anything special about it.

But to clarify, my closing comment was really more about noting how horrible The Bradys was, as an attempt to dramatize the The Brady Bunch.  I suspect The Connors can do a much better job of integrating the comedy with the dramatic themes, especially since the format is still basically sitcom, while the Bradys moved to a one-hour family drama format, with the comedy being almost completely marginalized.

That being said, I do get more pleasure out of watching old episodes of the first 9 seasons of Roseanne compared to any of the rebooted material.  But this new season remains one of my season recordings for now.

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6 hours ago, BeachDays said:

Sorry back to Darlene’s hair that was mentioned earlier looking like a rats nest lol, Sara Gilbert was literally running around the lot and the studio right before filming getting her workout in and looks like they didn’t fix it.   I guess that’s the beauty of the show, looking like a hot mess is a thing.  I’ve seen Emma walk into the studio looking stylish and beautiful and then they take off her makeup and cute clothes so she looks more like a Conner.   

I actually like Darlene's (Sara's) hairstyle and color.  It's supposed to be wavy, not blowed-out sleek straight.  I think she looks cute.

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10 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

So I did have a few giggles.  But it's only because the WASTELAND that is network comedy.  I'll suffer/giggle The Connors.  It's not bad, just a meh.

I feel exactly the same way, which I admit is not the way I ideally like to feel about watching a show, as in when it's better than most of the crap out there but still meh.  They went and cancelled or let die most of the shows that were anywhere near funny.  And I don't love the additional drama in these last two episodes.  Stick with what works.

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On 10/3/2019 at 1:52 AM, methodwriter85 said:

Oh, that was funny. And as a 30-something who's had teenaged managers, way too relatable.

I like to think it was a call back to Roseanne having a teenager for a manager when she worked at that chicken place decades ago. 

I enjoyed the episode, even if I find the love triangle storyline eye rolling.  I don't really believe Darlene would consider getting back together with David after what had been years of bad behavior on his part, even if I am amused at Jackie mooning over Ben.      

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2 hours ago, ccphilly said:

Just here to say how GREAT Laurie Metcalf is, was, and forever will be!

Right?  Even though I have seen all of the BBTs about ten times, if I see Laurie is on, I'll hit the Go DVR button.  She is just comedy greatness.

Her daughter is bringing it over on Young Sheldon, too.

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On ‎10‎/‎03‎/‎2019 at 2:01 PM, iMonrey said:

David fascinates me because I've spent the last 10 years watching Johnny Galecki play Leonard on The Big Bang Theory, which on paper doesn't seem like a fundamentally different kind of character. Yet the nuances are so palpable it's like night and day. The way he was able to slip right back into David's persona is incredible. There's not one thing about David that reminds me of Leonard. Everything about him from the voice to the posture to the hair is uniquely David, from the original series. And I don't think I would have realized that if he hadn't returned to this character. 

Completely agree. I've said this for awhile now, but seeing him back as David has really reinforced it. There really wasn't a trace of David in Leonard, and vice versa, tho they are, as you say, not such fundamentally different characters. I'm very impressed by the nuances to the characterization.

I like Darlene, and Sarah Gilbert, but the cheating thing makes her insufferable, and it's particularly baffling because she doesn't have chemistry with Ben, and her chemistry with David is just more...habit and familiarity (tho we haven't seen enough of them together to really feel much affection, let alone sexual heat). It's a little hard to see what either guy is so attracted to, tho it shouldn't be, cuz Darlene was always smart and funny. She's just so bitter and scowling all the time, tho. And I used to think Darlene had the most gorgeous hair, as a teen, but the shorter length isn't flattering, imo. I don't know. At any rate, she's treating both guys like shit, and it's making me not much like her.

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I actually like Darlene's (Sara's) hairstyle and color.  It's supposed to be wavy, not blowed-out sleek straight.  I think she looks cute.

I'm not crazy about the purposely-messy style, but I find it completely in character for Darlene. For one thing she was always something of a tomboy, especially in the early years. And if you will recall, the very first time she ever met David (then named Kevin, LOL) he complimented her hair for being so "out of control."

As for the love triangle, I can't help but think it's due largely to Johnny Galecki's availability this season more than anything else. Although, on the flip side, the decision to make them separated/divorced initially in the reboot was probably largely based on his unavailability full-time. That being the case, though, they maybe should have let well enough alone rather than go down this road. It just makes Darlene look bad.

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On 10/3/2019 at 1:39 PM, BeachDays said:

Aren’t Trader Joe’s everywhere now?  I’m guessing he got the job bc he is a really good artist.   

Most Trader Joe's are in more affluent areas. I don't think Lanford qualifies. It appears even more run down than in the original show.

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I looked up Trader Joe's in Illinois, and there are nearly 20 of them -- but, at a quick glance, they're all much closer to Chicago (or Evanston, where Northwestern University is located) than Lanford has generally been described as being.  Lanford is smaller, farther removed from a major city, and more economically depressed than the locations in which you typically find a TJ's.  The Buy 'n' Bag makes a lot more sense.

Was David said to be working at one in Lanford?  Maybe he's commuting, because he couldn't find work in Lanford?  If there was a TJ's in Lanford, half the family should be trying to get jobs there; it's a good place to work.

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7 hours ago, Bastet said:

I looked up Trader Joe's in Illinois, and there are nearly 20 of them -- but, at a quick glance, they're all much closer to Chicago (or Evanston, where Northwestern University is located) than Lanford has generally been described as being.  Lanford is smaller, farther removed from a major city, and more economically depressed than the locations in which you typically find a TJ's.  The Buy 'n' Bag makes a lot more sense.

According to this article, TJ's is pretty fussy about where it opens, and usually tries to pick areas where the average income is over $100,000 a year and there's a certain density of college graduates.  I always got the impression that Lanford is more of a blue collar type of town so it probably wouldn't meet those requirements.

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I think the choice of having David abandon his family for a decade was also quite startling-  of course we know it happened when Mark died.   I wonder if they will address that but still... that’s a LONG time to be doing your own thing while your ex is raising your two kids.   I mean I guess possibly he thought they were better off without him but there doesn’t seem be any indication of that now, it’s more like oops I done goofed, oh well here is the sweet David you guys all remember.  

As far as Darlene is concerned, I can see why both guys love her.  She’s pretty awesome... minus the whole cheating business.  But they don’t know about that yet.  Also I just love her voice-  It still makes me laugh that she spoke with such a low tone as a teenager and now it’s so high lol.  But there is a certain tone to it that reminds me of Jackie’s when either of them get emotional.  

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On 10/2/2019 at 1:01 PM, SpiritSong said:

I just needed to say that I HATE Darlene/Sara's hair. Buy a comb! Use a hairbrush! Nobody (well, certainly not me) wants to look at that rat's nest.

Coming from someone with her hair type, it's not her fault her hair looks like that. No amount of combing or brushing is gonna fix it. Truth be told, brushing it when dry only makes it worse. It looks cute to me actually. 

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I felt so, so bad for Mark and awful for Austin. I hope they continue this story line without a sitcom happy ending. I don't want to see Austin commit suicide but I would like to see the effects his grandmothers beliefs have on him. Maybe she comes around, maybe she doesn't. I'd like to see Dan and Kathy interact but I'd be shocked, if this is Kathy Bowman, that these views are new to the Conners. 

It's awesome that Dan is so engaged and I could picture him taking a similar path as my dad to get to where he is today. It's an unpopular and uncomfortable thing to say but not everyone woke up "woke" (as the "kids" like to say). It took some people longer than others to get with the culture shift to openness and equality. Austin's grandmother is obviously lagging behind and having that side of the situation on TV in direct contrast to the Conners full acceptance and support of Mark may open some eyes in the audience.

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This triangle is ruining my enjoyment of this show.  I liked it just fine without the triangle.  I guess it doesn't help that I always disliked David and do so now more than ever.  But now I am disliking Darlene for knowingly lying to two people she supposedly cares about, and continuing to do hurtful things to them.  And, fyi, Darlene, you'd better find another job now because that won't last once the truth comes out.

Mark and Austin rings true.  Lanford is not a likely place for acceptance of LGBTQ - quite the opposite.  The Conners are an anomaly in that way.  If anything, I'm surprised Mark hasn't been treated a lot worse already, even at his age.  Bullying is a real thing.

Poor Becky - I felt so bad for her when she dropped that bottle she had expressed.  I'm glad Dan was able to help her through.  They had a lovely scene together.

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3 hours ago, izabella said:

Mark and Austin rings true. 

What really rang true to me is Austin's grandmother saying that she couldn't handle Austin being gay, she' has enough difficulty in raising him as it is with his mother gone. She isn't a homophobe, it's just that she's already dealing with more than she can.  I don't know how grandmothers do it, raise young children

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

What really rang true to me is Austin's grandmother saying that she couldn't handle Austin being gay, she' has enough difficulty in raising him as it is with his mother gone. She isn't a homophobe, it's just that she's already dealing with more than she can.  I don't know how grandmothers do it, raise young children

Oh she is very clearly homophobic.  She just doesn’t *want* to see herself that way, like a lot of homophobic, racist, or sexist individuals.  

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4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

What really rang true to me is Austin's grandmother saying that she couldn't handle Austin being gay, she' has enough difficulty in raising him as it is with his mother gone. She isn't a homophobe, it's just that she's already dealing with more than she can.  I don't know how grandmothers do it, raise young children

As a foster to adopt parent, I completely understand your comment.  I am surrounded with kids that are foisted upon their older grandparents and great grandparents because no one else is capable of raising them.  I wish there was more compassions for the guardians and parents that take their kinship into their home.  

Sorry, Darlene, maybe it’s just not all that easy for the other kids guardian.  Take a deep breath and step back and open your arms.  No kids at that age need to be kissing anyway. 

Sorry, I had a rough day myself with my kiddo at his football game and instead of telling everyone to fuck off, like a Conner would, I tried to deal with it as an adult.   Alone. Because I don’t need 52 other random family members to “have my back.”  I’m kinda a big girl at 42 years old....

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I thought what happened with Mark, Austin, Darlene, the Grandmother, the school, etc., was very realistic.  Years of saying it's not okay to discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc., has not resulted in everyone going, "Sorry, my bad, you're right."  Not only, are there still a lot of bullies, sexists, and bigots out there, there are also people who simply don't want to hear about it because they have other priorities.

I wonder if the grandmother's comments about all she will have to deal with in raising her grandchild will make Becky and Darlene think about the position they have put Dan in.  Grandparents and great grandparents have been raising their grandchildren for decades.  It's not fair to the grandchildren or the grandparents.

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This triangle is ruining my enjoyment of this show.  I liked it just fine without the triangle.  I guess it doesn't help that I always disliked David and do so now more than ever.  But now I am disliking Darlene for knowingly lying to two people she supposedly cares about, and continuing to do hurtful things to them.  And, fyi, Darlene, you'd better find another job now because that won't last once the truth comes out.

It occurs to me that this is not the first time Darlene has led David down the primrose path. Remember Jimmy? She was meeting him in hotel rooms all summer while David thought they were exclusive.

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14 hours ago, geauxaway said:

 No kids at that age need to be kissing anyway. 

A would have been totally appropriate response that the Conners/Healeys ignored entirely. Mark is 11 now, maybe?    Guess Darlene will be collecting child number two from their boyfriends’  bedroom in a couple years  like she did Harris last season. 

The Connie’s have issues.  And that’s on purpose.  They are the kind of parents that the school hates to see on their property because their child is always right, even when they aren’t.  I say this as a super fan of the show. 

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44 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

It occurs to me that this is not the first time Darlene has led David down the primrose path. Remember Jimmy? She was meeting him in hotel rooms all summer while David thought they were exclusive.

You're right!  She hasn't learned a thing, has she?

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50 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

It occurs to me that this is not the first time Darlene has led David down the primrose path. Remember Jimmy? She was meeting him in hotel rooms all summer while David thought they were exclusive.

No, she didn't.  David and Jimmy knew about each other.  Roseanne forced the issue and made Darlene choose.  Even after Darlene chose Jimmy, David kept insisting Darlene should choose him.

I'm still baffled as to why Darlene is considering getting back together with David.  I guess they will be one of those on-again off-again couples that I really hate.

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2 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

No, she didn't.  David and Jimmy knew about each other.  Roseanne forced the issue and made Darlene choose.  Even after Darlene chose Jimmy, David kept insisting Darlene should choose him.

I'm still baffled as to why Darlene is considering getting back together with David.  I guess they will be one of those on-again off-again couples that I really hate.

David didn't know about Jimmy until Jackie ratted her out about seeing her car outside the No Tell Motel.

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14 hours ago, geauxaway said:

No kids at that age need to be kissing anyway. 

Yet a lot of them engage in such activity, and the difference between how an opposite-sex pairing's kiss is treated and how that between a same-sex pair is regarded under the same No PDA at School policy is worth exploring.

It continues to warm my heart how far Dan - who lost his damn mind at any and all stereotypical "feminine" characteristics or interests of D.J. (all while loving Darlene embracing stereotypical "masculine" interests) during the original series - has come to where he is now, and maybe we'll get a scene where he stands up not just for his own individual loved one but for someone he just observes in the same position because his eyes have been opened.  Either way, it's a delight to see his interaction with Mark. 

And with Becky.  And Darlene.  And Jackie.  Basically, Dan Conner is aces, and probably the most-realistically written character in this spin-off/continuation universe.

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6 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

No, she didn't.  David and Jimmy knew about each other.  Roseanne forced the issue and made Darlene choose.  Even after Darlene chose Jimmy, David kept insisting Darlene should choose him.

I'm still baffled as to why Darlene is considering getting back together with David.  I guess they will be one of those on-again off-again couples that I really hate.

Seems like Johnny Galeki is doomed to play the insistant/repellent amour.

I really dislike the whole story line.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

I'm still baffled as to why Darlene is considering getting back together with David.  I guess they will be one of those on-again off-again couples that I really hate.

I’m curious if we are going to actually see a therapy session or not.   I hope so.   They will really have to go back to David’s abusive upbringing to give a reason for his behavior beyond just being a stinker.   I also thought Darlene treated him badly as a teenager so who knows how she was treating him when Mark died.   Again this doesn’t give him an excuse for being absent but I just want to know how they are going to tackle the issues, or if it will be glossed over.  

As for why Darlene wants to get back with him, I think she just loves him.  I noted last year that it was interesting, both her interest in Justin Long’s character and Ben were prompted by David himself.   JL’s character was similar to David, and once that was pointed out to her, she went with the opposite personality with Ben.  One of the reasons I thought it was clear that the story with David wasn’t over.  Not to mention she didn’t seem to actually want to split with him, more that she was doing it for his benefit.  

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

I'm still baffled as to why Darlene is considering getting back together with David.  I guess they will be one of those on-again off-again couples that I really hate.

Same.  Sara Gilbert harbors an affection for this relationship that seems blind to the truth of it, so I think we're not only stuck with it but that it will continue to be written in a way that ignores major aspects of the reality of it.

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Re: Darlene's hair,  I have always loved it and especially like this shorter cut on her.  One of the cardinal rules for curly hair care is NEVER brush or comb when dry. 

I like Jay Ferguson, but I'm Team David fron way back. I can't explain it, I see all the issues, I just like them together. 

As the mother of two premature babies, I think this show is really nailing it in Becky's portrayal. She looks exhausted, heartbroken, and depressed. All of those feelings - the guilt, the feeling of being betrayed by your body, feeling of failure, the pumping frustration  (I actually cried when she spilled her colostrum), the sadness and fear and worry - I've never seen it done better. Mine were eleven weeks and five weeks early and the former spent eight weeks in the NICU. A cute newborn he was not. 

Edited by librarianbeck
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25 minutes ago, librarianbeck said:

Re: Darlene's hair,  I have always loved it and especially like this shorter cut on her.  One of the cardinal rules for curly hair care is NEVER brush or comb when dry. 

I like Jay Ferguson, but I'm Team David fron way back. I can't explain it, I see all the issues, I just like them together. 

As the mother of two premature babies, I think this show is really nailing it in Becky's portrayal. She looks exhausted, heartbroken, and depressed. All of those feelings - the guilt, the feeling of being betrayed by your body, feeling of failure, the pumping frustration  (I actually cried when she spilled her colostrum), the sadness and fear and worry - I've never seen it done better. Mine were eleven weeks and five weeks early and the former spent eight weeks in the NICU. A cute newborn he was not. 

I agree with all of this.  I do wish we could see a bit more varying length for Darlene but I understand not wanting to deal with the length when you are a busy mom-  my hair is also chopped shoulder length for the same reason.

I’m honestly surprised at how many people dislike David.   I’m a few years younger than them and growing up and watching Roseanne, they were one of my favorite tv couples ever.   I CAN understand being mad that he ditched the family for 10 years.   But he and Darlene have this odd sort of bond that is almost too much and not enough at the same time.  I hope they can figure it out.

Oh my god the struggles of a new mom-   I just want to give Becky a big hug and tell her it’s ok, however she feeds the baby, whoever has to help out, as long as the baby is loved, it will be ok.   l didn’t have preemies but I remember being a hot mess with struggling to nurse and PPD.  I just wish Emilio could come back, he is a doll.  

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Hello all!

Everything with Mark was surprisingly matter of fact, and Ames McNamara is still great (and amazingly self-assured about it, which makes sense given Darlene and David's liberal background in Chicago before the family moved home). I don't know if I'd be so chill if my 12 yo came home talking about having a boyfriend, and I'm gay! I loved Dan teasing him and giving him relationship advice. And his reaction to his little friend spurning him was honestly had to watch since, as Harris says, he's a constant uncharacteristic-to-the-Conners ray of sunshine. Which I guess lends itself to his self-assurance which briefly gets crushed.

Meagan Fay (who I assume was Kathy) still has that great dry wit re: her grandson's deadbeat mom. Galecki was great finally being shown as an awkward parent and then actually parenting well with Darlene for Mark. And Michael Fishman is still distractingly hot, especially in a well-fitting long-sleeved top.

The Dan/Becky scene at the end was sweet. And Jackie's lust for Ben and getting lost in her thoughts of his beard and constant trolling of Darlene was a hoot - with the tag at the end I do wonder if they're actually going to try Jackie and Ben eventually.

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On 10/1/2019 at 10:36 PM, RocknRollZombie said:

“My sister kissed a teacher she didn’t get detention, she got an A.”

Im going to see that line as Darlene being sarcastic.

This bothered me as well. Becky was a straight arrow who wanted a big future, but got stuck in the crack between not having a college fund and not qualifying for aid. So she married Mark and changed her path completely. The character now is hilarious and a major asset to the show, but we don't need to forget who she was before and how the booze and losing her husband changed her. 

But Lecy is knocking the comic timing out of the park. She is like a mini Jackie. 

Now can we stop assassinating Darlene's character, please? A love triangle, really? So pathetic. 

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