Whimsy September 30, 2019 Share September 30, 2019 Quote One castaway puts their mind to work when given a new opportunity on the Island of the Idols. Tribes must climb their way to the top during a tough Immunity Challenge. Original airdate 10/2/2019 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/
Popular Post Rachel RSL October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 (edited) Another great blindside! I’m really enjoying this season so far. Lots of strategy and game play already and we’re only in episode 2. I swear I only recognized like 5 people from last week though, heh. Maybe because there are so many of them. I’m still baffled by people lying about IOTI. Maybe they’re told not to tell anyone the truth? I mean, they must know their lie will be exposed. And how did she come up with the exact same lie? Jeff’s “That’s how ya DO it!” count for the season: 2 (We should really get an over/under game going.) Edited October 3, 2019 by Rachel RSL 3 28 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647455
LadyChatts October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 I didn’t know if I wanted Jamal to stay or have Jack/Molly get blindsided and him deal with the aftermath of that. He went waaaaay down in my book tonight. After Big Brother I did not need to hear anything about cool kids vs nerd alliances again (and in the spirit of John Hughes movies, go with the nerds). I would hope the 4th grade teacher would send the right message. Tommy went up for me. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647457
Popular Post cooksdelight October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 Great. I get to listen to Noura drive me nutso for another week. Or more. I wanted someone to stick a sock in her mouth. 3 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647459
Popular Post Haleth October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 (edited) Wow! That was great! I’m so glad Lauren and the rest wiped that smug grin off Molly’s face. Lauren is my new favorite. Love that Kelly did what I said to do after Idol Island— empty your bag, empty your pockets. Assure people you have no idol. Ha! Edited October 3, 2019 by Haleth 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647461
Popular Post MBJ October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 (edited) Best show on television. I mean I tape the MLB Wildcard game and I watch THIS live instead. What does that tell you? The sequence with Kelly on the Island of the Idols was amazing. Then the sequence with Lauren orchestrating the Molly vote was amazing. It was all amazing. I loved it. I loved all of it! These people came to play! Play for real! Edited October 3, 2019 by Ms Blue Jay 39 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647462
LadyChatts October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be that bitter after the first vote…ever. Not sure Aaron handled that well, but Missy sure did (“we need to gain that back” when he talked about losing trust). Aaron can go next. And Noura-dang girl, Brandon Hantz didn’t even go off his rocker as fast you did. Not sure if the yoga is working for you. Jamal was kind of a jerk putting Noura on the spot about why they should vote Jason out and whether she was voting for him. Not really an unsuspecting alliance since everyone had them pegged. IOTI made even less sense this week. At least Kellee’s a better liar than Elizabeth. All this talk about the orange girls dominating makes me think they are in for a serious downfall. Chelsea came across a bit cocky this episode (I won’t lie that I giggled a little when she forgot the bag in the water). But hey, maybe I’ll get surprised for once by the editing. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647468
Popular Post dizzyd October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 WTG, Kellee and Chelsea on the idols! Lot of props to Jason for his patience with Noura. Damn, TC was good and 2nd blindside in a row. I mean even BR and S were impressed. 2 episodes in and I’m liking it. BR and S are not overwhelming the game and so far I’m liking the concept. 29 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647469
LanceM October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Yeah I am sure it is just a coincidence that Kellee came up with the exact same lie that Elizabeth made last week. lol Poor Molly and her minions got a little too damn cocky. Once they showed Jamal sleeping during the day I knew Molly was done. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647473
Popular Post vb68 October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 This season is SO much better than last season. Hiding an idol in your hair is a new one. I found Noura annoying and wanted her to go, but oh well. So far this is a fun season. 1 1 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647475
PaperTree October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Awesome blindside! Another Law student bites the dust and the "cool kids" get burned. LOL Aaron is an idiot. After a vote like that, you grab any ally that comes to you. An "Army of One" attitude won't work for him. Vince needs to realize he was the fake out that made the blindside happen and STFU. Kellee gets the random trip to IOI. Harvard Smarty Pants. LOL Sandra eggs her on, but she pulls it off. Wow! Good move hiding the idol, but! The lie will catch up with her as well as Elizabeth, we just don't know the impact yet. Cool Immunity! I like when the power shifts. Oh no! Not the She-shed fire! 7 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647476
Lamb18 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 3 minutes ago, LadyChatts said: I didn’t know if I wanted Jamal to stay or have Jack/Molly get blindsided and him deal with the aftermath of that. He went waaaaay down in my book tonight. After Big Brother I did not need to hear anything about cool kids vs nerd alliances again (and in the spirit of John Hughes movies, go with the nerds). I would hope the 4th grade teacher would send the right message. Tommy went up for me. Speaking of Big Brother, I heard the chess vs. checkers analogy. The spirit of Jackson must be hovering over the camp. I didn't think I'd like Lauren from reading her bio and accomplishments, such as being good at laughing at her own jokes, but I sure liked her tonight! 3 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647480
Lady Calypso October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 So, this is the first season in a long time that I've watched of Survivor. As in, the last time I watched Survivor, it was still in its single digits. But I have some free time this season and thought "hey, why not?" And, coming off of Big Brother, here I am. And I will say, a lot has definitely got me intrigued. I was very invested in another blindside. I don't know most of their names. I only caught a few names here and there. I don't even know if I really like anyone. Kellee's time on IOTI was fairly interesting. But yeah, I'm not sure how accomplished she's going to be, much like Elizabeth last week, with lying until the next person goes to the Island and find Boston Rob and Sandra. That lie's going to come out eventually. I doubt every single person is going to lie, so it's a matter of Kellee being vigilant enough to grab the next person on her tribe who goes to talk to them after they get back. Good on Chelsea for finding the hidden immunity idol. Aaron definitely needs to find an ally fast. Otherwise, I guess I have a lot of reading up to do on what I've missed with Survivor, because it's a whole lot. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647486
PaperTree October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 4 minutes ago, cooksdelight said: Great. I get to listen to Noura drive me nutso for another week. Or more. I wanted someone to stick a sock in her mouth. She's really grating, but! she's a very useful idiot for everybody else. 2 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647488
LadyChatts October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 5 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said: I’m still baffled by people lying about IOTO. Maybe they’re told not to tell anyone the truth? I mean, they must know their lie will be exposed. And how did she come up with the exact same lie? I'm wondering, because I find it interesting we haven't seen Jeff bring it up. That doesn't mean he hasn't and they edited it out...but nothing as simple as 'so you went to IOTI? How was it?' 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647490
Popular Post truthaboutluv October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 (edited) 39 seasons of this show and some players still make the mistake of assuming things are going to go exactly as they decide and they're 100% safe. I mean really? I'm not saying people need to be paranoid and overthink the game because that in itself can hurt you but dude, never got so cocky as to think you're running things and NO ONE knows. It was hilarious hearing Jamal say how the tribe didn't realize he, Jack and Molly had all this power, only for the editing to show that no, EVERYONE knew. So not so subtle there buddy. The blindside made sense and good on 'ol girl Lauren (is that her name) for playing the game from the start. I understand why Kelly and the other guy were cautious about it being too soon but the fact that they got so many of the tribe aligned with the plan is obvious that it's not a decision that will hurt them. Jamal and Jack have no choice but to suck it up and just try to recover because the entire tribe essentially blindsided them. Jamal's ego also probably needed a little bit of a blow. Though I have to say, as egotistical as he comes across, he does seem to be pretty smart, strong in challenges and has a calm and confidence that I think could take him far in the game. Aaron and Vinny on the other tribe both needed to shut it and I was with the one woman about this being Survivor. Vinny's demanding to know why his name was written was incredibly annoying because like dude, you didn't get eliminated did you? And it was like two votes from Aaron who clearly didn't know the plan to get rid of Ronnie and from Ronnie who's now gone. Who cares? And yeah Aaron, I get being bummed about being blindsided and being the only one out of the vote but again this is Survivor and whinging and throwing a tantrum and screaming about not trusting anyone and acting like you're ready to stamp your feet and take your toys and go home, is ridiculous. Suck it up. eta: Forgot to add that as much as the Molly blindside made sense, I would have completely understood their getting rid of Noura, purely on the basis of her being really annoying. Although I did crack up at Jason telling her to stop dancing. Edited October 3, 2019 by truthaboutluv 27 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647492
vb68 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 1 minute ago, LanceM said: Once they showed Jamal sleeping during the day I knew Molly was done. Oh yeah, that's such bad karma. That has to be a rule in Survivor for Dummies: Do NOT take a nap right before a vote while other people are scrambling. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647495
Straycat80 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 (edited) I would have been happy with any of three people on the chopping block to be voted off. So I’m fine with smug ass Molly getting blindsided. So far the best part of TC are the snarky comments from BR and Sandra. Dang...they played her ass. I hate all this cool kids and nerds talk, knock it off, you’re adults not teenyboppers. I wonder how long they will keep the secret about what happens when you go to IOTO. Kellee gets best actress of the week award. Edited October 3, 2019 by Straycat80 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647499
Melina22 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 1 minute ago, vb68 said: Hiding an idol in your hair is a new one. I really enjoyed this episode because I laughed a lot. At the idol in the hair. At the girl on top of the ladder having to jump off as it sank into the sea. Twice. (seriously, I had tears in my eyes from laughing.) Losing the bag in the water. Noura "not dancing". I was blindsided by the blindside too. I love that. I'm liking Jamal and his calm vibe. The polar opposite to Noura who acts like she just chugged a Red Bull ALL THE TIME. People like that can be likeable, but sooooo exhausting. Really enjoying this season so far, more than I have for a couple of seasons. 2 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647501
Lamb18 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 The young cool kids better watch out because there aren't that many young cool kids this season! This is almost like a Millennial/Gen X season with a couple of Baby Boomers thrown in. 1 1 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647503
PaperTree October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said: So, this is the first season in a long time that I've watched of Survivor.... Otherwise, I guess I have a lot of reading up to do on what I've missed with Survivor, because it's a whole lot. Welcome back! Just don't waste any time on S 38 last Spring. One of the worst. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647518
truthaboutluv October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 (edited) 31 minutes ago, Straycat80 said: I hate all this cool kids and herds talk, knock it off, you’re adults not teenyboppers. The thing is, unless I missed it, for as much as Noura was saying the others were ostracizing her, she was the only one going on about the "cool kids" versus the "nerds" thing. I certainly never saw Molly, Jamal and company refer to themselves in that way or even act like they saw themselves that way. I think for Jamal especially it was more, having the power in the game of Survivor because they currently had the numbers and nothing more. Noura's cool kids vs nerds thing was more a symbol of her own insecurity and how she sees herself, imo. And again, arrogant though he may be and especially in his boldly saying that the scrambling game wasn't what he had to play at that point, versus Jason, I did like Jamal also saying that he knows at some point that very well is the game he will have to play. So he was self aware enough to know that yeah, the numbers will not always be on his side in this game. Unfortunately, I'm sure he didn't think that time would come so soon. Of course he's a strong player and the others didn't seem to have a problem with him per se, so he may be fine for awhile, just no longer have his false sense of power in the tribe. Edited October 3, 2019 by truthaboutluv 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647534
Popular Post Melina22 October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 I forgot to mention I thought it was sweet when the young guy with long hair whose name I forget said how good he felt living on the beach. So thrilled not to be behind a desk but to be out doing crazy beach yoga with Noura, and sleeping in the shelter, looking for food. Most people just suffer through it, and go on about how gruelling it is, but he's discovered his element. 29 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647545
Popular Post mojoween October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 Noura’s crazy eyes are just the tip of the crazy iceberg. Debbie called and said “calm down, sister.” 43 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647553
MerBearHou October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 (edited) Great blindside. I think the days of Parvati 2.0 are over. It’s a mistake coming into a game playing those cards. Reading Molly’s bio sheds a lot of light on her “I’m going to use charm to manipulate”. People have seen too much of past Survivors to know that kind of player is a dangerous one — one to be voted out early. Way to go, Lauren — very savvy play. How can Kellee be a Harvard/Wharton student and claim to have a horrible memory?? Not possible! She clearly takes in information and files it away without appearing to be listening like she did when with Rob and Sandra. Idol in her hair — sobbing and mega-acting when she returned — wow. Edited October 3, 2019 by MerBearHou 1 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647558
PaperTree October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 4 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said: I certainly never saw Molly, Jamal and company refer to themselves in that way or even act like they saw themselves that way. They didn't use those terms, but believed themselves to be a solid 3 with 5 allies and told the other 5 that the votes were to be split between annoying Noura and Jason, the evil idol searcher. Easy Peasy, let's take a snooze. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647561
Straycat80 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Whoever said last week is right that when Jeff says Vokai it sounds like he’s saying ‘BowTie’. 2 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647573
truthaboutluv October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 5 minutes ago, PaperTree said: They didn't use those terms, but believed themselves to be a solid 3 with 5 allies and told the other 5 that the votes were to be split between annoying Noura and Jason, the evil idol searcher. Easy Peasy, let's take a snooze. Yes, I know, I saw. But my point was I don't think they were seeing it as us cool kids versus these nerds and more so, we're in the power position because we have numbers and so we're good and let's just go for the easy vote with two people who've struggled to get along with the tribe. Noura is the one who kept using those adjectives repeatedly and in my opinion that speaks more to her insecurity and how she sees herself. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647586
LadyChatts October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Tommy said something about the cool kids and the nerds, too, and who his mother said to pick when he was in school. So I think that's the impression those three gave off, even if they themselves didn't call it that. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647597
Popular Post LanceM October 3, 2019 Popular Post Share October 3, 2019 Am I the only one who thought the title of the episode should have been: "No dancing, just like footloose" 20 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647603
Maggie Mae October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 The second person coming back after a visit to IOTI will realize the first person lied. If he/she calls out the 1st one, a target will be on both of their backs. Better to give the same lie and make an alliance. IMO 2 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647604
Tsunami1981 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 I like this season so far. I'm glad the orange tribe won the IC. I don't think it's good when one tribe dominates early in the game. I'm enjoying the IOTI part so far. I thought Sandra & Boston Rob would just be giving council to players arriving, but the "tests" they're putting them through to gain an advantage is intriguing. Also, the staues, busts, monuments (whatever you want to call them) of Sandra & Boston Rob on the beach are enormous. lol FYI: If you have trouble with names & faces like I do, I started opening my laptop to the cast members' page on survivor.com while I'm watching the show. I'm pretty clear on who's who now. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647646
North of Eden October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Well, what an ego blow it must have been for Rob and Sandra to discover that not everyone gives a damn about their life's stories and someone...god forbid...might actually be tuning it out for lack of interest. Anyway the whole concept of Idol Island will be worth it if just one person shows up and is like "Who are you now?" It was a lose/lose situation for me tonight. Molly and Noura are two of the best female eye candy the season has to offer so I didn't wish to lose either one so early. Would have been quite happy with Jason getting his torch snuffed. Some people were completly invisible tonight and the red haired guy showed up in the last ten minutes and I had no idea he was even on one of the teams until then. Lastly the producers continue to think we are stupid. With no help/coaching whatsoever a player is able to in the near blackness of an endless jungle reach into the crotch of the ONE tree that has an idol in it...supossedly when gathering firewood...what kind of firewood are you going to find in the crotch of a tree anyway? It's not like its one of the limbs. 4 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647651
Bryce Lynch October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 1 hour ago, cooksdelight said: Great. I get to listen to Noura drive me nutso for another week. Or more. I wanted someone to stick a sock in her mouth. I am not sure I can stand to watch another episode with Noura. I also can't believe anyone, other than Jason, who was desperate would want to play with her. Besides being unbearably annoying, she is also erratic and unreliable. Jason told her to stop freaking dancing about 3 times. She easily could have spilled the beans with that. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647674
jay741982 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 1 hour ago, Haleth said: Wow! That was great! I’m so glad Lauren and the rest wiped that smug grin off Molly’s face. Lauren is my new favorite. Love that Kelly did what I said to do after Idol Island— empty your bag, empty your pockets. Assure people you have no idol. Ha! Not me. I fucking cant stand Noura and it just looked to me like the girls were just mad Jack and Jamal werent all buddy with them. The "oh she controls the boys" excuse is so tiring. It did not look like Molly was controlling them. How was she controlling them cause Annoying bossy as Hell Noura said so? Way to do what she wants idiots 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647675
jay741982 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 1 hour ago, LanceM said: Yeah I am sure it is just a coincidence that Kellee came up with the exact same lie that Elizabeth made last week. lol Poor Molly and her minions got a little too damn cocky. Once they showed Jamal sleeping during the day I knew Molly was done. And again we know Molly was in control how exactly? Cause bathshit has a grudge against her Noura said so? 1 hour ago, LadyChatts said: Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be that bitter after the first vote…ever. Not sure Aaron handled that well, but Missy sure did (“we need to gain that back” when he talked about losing trust). Aaron can go next. And Noura-dang girl, Brandon Hantz didn’t even go off his rocker as fast you did. Not sure if the yoga is working for you. Jamal was kind of a jerk putting Noura on the spot about why they should vote Jason out and whether she was voting for him. Not really an unsuspecting alliance since everyone had them pegged. IOTI made even less sense this week. At least Kellee’s a better liar than Elizabeth. All this talk about the orange girls dominating makes me think they are in for a serious downfall. Chelsea came across a bit cocky this episode (I won’t lie that I giggled a little when she forgot the bag in the water). But hey, maybe I’ll get surprised for once by the editing. Something in the preview for next week suggested you could be right but wont discuss here Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647686
PaperTree October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 37 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said: The second person coming back after a visit to IOTI will realize the first person lied. If he/she calls out the 1st one, a target will be on both of their backs. Better to give the same lie and make an alliance. IMO It's going to be interesting when that 2nd IOI winner comes back. 7 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said: I am not sure I can stand to watch another episode with Noura. I also can't believe anyone, other than Jason, who was desperate would want to play with her. Besides being unbearably annoying, she is also erratic and unreliable. Abi Marie made F4 doing exactly that. 1 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647709
jay741982 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 1 hour ago, Sarah Heart said: "Dang they played her ass." Yes, Sandra they sure did. I friggin love a blindside,and Molly was definitely Parvati 2.0 How ya feeling now Jamal? You were maneuvering this game, were you not? Love the twist, I don't care if they tell it don't tell about Rob/ Sandra. How was she Parv 2.0 cause I didn't see it. Molly didn't get hate from me like Parvati did. Couldnt stand that smug arrogant bitch 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647716
Kelda Feegle October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 (edited) AangryAaron needs to chill and think about his position instead of having a dummy spit. Noura needs to let go of her highschool memories. And stfu. Heckle and Jeckle in the hut amuse me. Edited October 3, 2019 by Kelda Feegle 5 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647752
Lantern7 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 (edited) Still not remembering names, save for The Idols. Nice setup with the lesson on listening. And today's contestant hesitated long enough for Rob to sweeten the pot. I'm guessing Probst was behind the camera, silently begging Rob to try and make the new twist more interesting. Like watching Let's Make a Deal or Sale of the Century. Also: What's-Her-Name hiding her idol in her hair while begging others to search her? Gutsy, gutsy move. Yes, (Rob and Sandra) > Cochran. Well, maybe Sandra. Cochran didn't need that much help winning on his second try. There are idols hidden at the camps. Of course there are. I say it every season: hide a damn idol INSIDE the tribal immunity idol. Edited October 3, 2019 by Lantern7 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647794
MBJ October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 20 minutes ago, Lantern7 said: And today's contestant hesitated long enough for Rob to sweeten the pot. This is something I don't get. In the first episode, Rob acted like the Olympian swimmer Elizabeth was the Dumbest Person Alive for not realizing that if she hesitated long enough Rob would sweeten the pot. Why? Why is it valuable to take a long time to answer a question? That really annoyed me. I guess I would understand if he made it explicit that it's good to nOT TRUST information you're given in the show, but he didn't. Also, the information that Jeff gives the contestants is usually straightforward with no "tricks". Yes, the other contestants lie, but not Jeff. So I don't really get why Boston Rob was acting like Elizabeth was the world's biggest moron for not getting that Rob would sweeten the pot. How----- would she have possibly guessed this? 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647832
PaperTree October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said: This is something I don't get. In the first episode, Rob acted like the Olympian swimmer Elizabeth was the Dumbest Person Alive for not realizing that if she hesitated long enough Rob would sweeten the pot. Why? Why is it valuable to take a long time to answer a question? That really annoyed me. I guess I would understand if he made it explicit that it's good to nOT TRUST information you're given in the show, but he didn't. Also, the information that Jeff gives the contestants is usually straightforward with no "tricks". Yes, the other contestants lie, but not Jeff. So I don't really get why Boston Rob was acting like Elizabeth was the world's biggest moron for not getting that Rob would sweeten the pot. How----- would she have possibly guessed this? Because Rob is the King of Smug. Smaartest guy in the room. Always. Whatever you do, he has a better idea. And Peachy so man-crushed, he got 4 tries to finally win. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647847
TVFan1 October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Another good episode. I'm really liking Chelsea and I loved that she found an idol while collecting firewood. I hope the all girl alliance sticks, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. Between both tribes, Lairo is the tribe I'm rooting for. As for Vokai, I don't care for them. I did like how Kellee hid the idol she won in her hair. As far as the vote went, I was wanting Noura gone, but of course, Molly goes. Oh, well, that's the game. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647879
Charlesman October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 3 hours ago, LadyChatts said: Don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be that bitter after the first vote…ever. Not sure Aaron handled that well, but Missy sure did (“we need to gain that back” when he talked about losing trust). Aaron can go next. Aaron's behavior after tribal wasn't great. But Vince... even worse. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647947
princelina October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 3 hours ago, cooksdelight said: Great. I get to listen to Noura drive me nutso for another week. Or more. I wanted someone to stick a sock in her mouth. I said to Mr. P - "How often does the one who bugs the goodness out of us get voted out? She'll be here for a while" 😄 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647951
Kaiju Ballet October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 So impressed with Kellee. That was brilliant, hiding it in her hair, offering to strip and telling everyone to search her. She did describe the two large statues, but I realize it's probably safe to not mention Sandra and BR. It’s plausible to believe that not everyone visiting that island will meet the same past castaways—if any at all. Even Kellee gave me a LOL moment with her “I was expecting Cochran. But this is much better.” She can, however, leverage the info to secure a bond with an ally, since she was told repeatedly that the test/lesson began the minute she got onto the IOI. Why give everyone the headsup and give that advantage to a competitor? She can also tell them that she hesitated and then BR sweetened the pot. It’s interesting that she wasn’t worried about being away from the tribe and made vulnerable for the vote. Did anyone see Elizabeth? Did her swimming skills come into play during the challenge? Missy is one to watch. I liked her trying to rein in Aaron while he was tantrumming. Totally shallow, but I didn’t recognize Tommy without his glasses on. It’s like Clark Kent/Superman, if Superman had a Prince Harry thing going on. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5647977
Wandering Snark October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 (edited) Oddly my dvr failed to record today saying that the episode was 'removed from the guide' which is a new one by me... will have to be careful that next week doesn't do the same!! Ugh. Anyhow I'd have really given credit if she came back 'hiding' her idol in her hair like a hair band, that would have taken guts but I will say hiding it in her hair was chancy as it could have fallen out... I'm not buying the 'freaks and geeks vs cool kids' assessment either, but they were SO not hiding from anyone that they were the three who felt they were running the game. Add 'bring your freakin bag to tribal' to 'don't take a nap while people are scrambling' to our Survivor 101 checklist. Edited October 3, 2019 by Wandering Snark 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5648027
treeofdreams October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Given that both visitors to the Idol island came back with exactly the same lie to tell their tribe, I wonder if they were coached to say that so Rob/Sandra would remain a surprise. 7 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5648045
LadyChatts October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 I have to say Molly handled her exit well. Jamal looked ready to kill someone. I hope we get another bitter betty TC aftermath from him. My guess is Jack will take it more in stride. But Jamal really put put his foot in his mouth tonight. It's like he knew a blindside was coming so he just made sure to look extra cocky about the vote going his way. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5648066
GaT October 3, 2019 Share October 3, 2019 Well, that caught me by surprise, I wasn't expecting Molly to get voted out at all. 39 minutes ago, treeofdreams said: Given that both visitors to the Idol island came back with exactly the same lie to tell their tribe, I wonder if they were coached to say that so Rob/Sandra would remain a surprise. I think you may be right, I can't think of any real reason to lie about what happens on the island, especially since if a new person goes every week, pretty soon it's going to be common knowledge. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/100637-s39e02-yolo-lets-play/#findComment-5648086
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